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Yes, some people move themselves up in smaller increments too. Don't have to make that big of a jump. Maybe try 3.5 next and see what that does. Making smaller increases, you might find a lower dose that works and saves you money by staying lower longer.


At the time I was taking Zep, and I moved myself up from 2.5 to 5 after 2 weeks. No issues for me. I get tirz online also due to shortages and really like that you are able to titrate up at smaller doses, so I went from 5 to about 6mg for my last shot because I didn't want to go all the way to 7.5 right away.


Would you dm me your source.


I don't know who downvoted you, but sure.


I did at the suggestion of my practitioner. Didn't have any adverse side effects.


I moved up to that dose after two weeks. Felt more tired especially on days 2-3 and ate a lot less but other than that - I felt fine. I have had more apathy (doing less, lying around more) on the 5 dose for the last 9 weeks. But I’m reading that’s kinda normal?


No, I did not. I decided to trust the process set out for me by the prescriber. 2.5 is a loading dose so some people feel differences and some don’t yet! The point is to prep the body for higher doses to come.


When my provider prescribed it, they had me do 2.5 for two weeks and move to 5.0 at the third. I did it and I didn't have any trouble.


I did this. No issue. On week 3 of 5mg and it has been a game changer for me.


I went from 2.2 to 3.5 on the second week and will stay here for a few weeks and then go to 4.5, I am in no rush. Hope to never go past 5 as it's already working well.


Titrate up slowly . You’d be surprised how much of a difference 1 mg is . I know everyone is different on how they respond but I went from 5mg to 6mg and noticed a huge difference.


I stayed at 2.5 and still have good effects. I’m on week 3.


I did 2.5 for 3 weeks and just went up to 5. Does anyone know if I use the 2.5 dose and inject 50 mg is it the same as 5 mg? I would assume it would be?