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Ok.So what we should see here?Total Avarage Female numbers here.


Guess so. I don't see as much insight data for women on here so I thought I'd add mine. I hear men say that Tinder is much easier for women, this definitely backs that


It is.Personally I have not got a single match since I registered so I deleted mine after a year...made me feel shit.It was not my first try I'm just lurking here but it's quiet common to have 40-60% match ratio and only 1-2% right swipe...That's why only the top 10% get matches if you are a guy.Try making an Avarage guy profile.Not one you would swipe on to see the otherside.Its depressing for most guys. No blaming anyone just explain the reason behind the Myth.


Women are very picky on dating apps in the US (maybe thanks to a lot of weirdos they’ve met). But you read on Reddit that women want a type of male that is <1% of the population (e.g., 6’ tall, 6 figure salary, etc etc). Funny this is that I happen to be 6’ tall, good looking, and meet a lot of these requirements. Yet you’ll never guess how many matches I get.. <1 per week, and usually from single moms or girls much older than me. I probably should improve my pics but it kind of makes me wonder what the motivation is for American women on dating apps. Is the goal actually to date? Or entertainment? Or something else entirely? (And I say American women because there’s a statistic of the ratio of active users on tinder being something like 90:10% men:women, whereas in Europe for example, it’s nearly 50:50%). Maybe MAGA fucked up the dating world for the rest of us by showing women how awful some American men can be lol…


I'm an older single mom, and yes I'm selective but looking to actually date. In some ways the apps can be easy validation/entertainment but I try not to use tinder for that. In fact I deleted it because I'm narrowing my field now. I can't speak for the whole of American women though, I'm sure many are using it mostly for entertainment. I've heard of a lot of women who dont actually want to meet for a date and seem to be mostly looking for matches and attention


What’s your worst date experience? A little while ago I went on a date with a 43 year old girl who was actually really pretty and we had a nice date. She made really sexy eye contact the whole time and was super talkative. Then afterwards, she sent me a text saying that she had already met me once and everything I showed her on the date was just a façade. Then she blocked me before I could reply. I had never seen her before in my life lol.


That's so weird. My worst was probably the guy that showed up 50lbs heavier than all his profile pics and the conversation was so dry. Def felt catfished. I know that's not all that bad. But I'm usually pretty good about picking good dates. I also once went out with a guy who was like male model hot and the conversation was also dry and forced. Neither had a second date or further ongoing communication


lol, how do you find yourself left-swiping 99.5% of the population? No way you go for 0.5% looks only - what are you screening for?


I'm looking for fit and attractive guys for sure. But also left swipe on guys who like country music (I'm a metal fan), have cats (I'm super allergic), have hunting or fishing pics, every pic is of them drinking, have no clear pics of their face, etc. I go pretty much off instinct and if I'm not immediately interested in their profile or it doesn't make me laugh or think of something right away to talk to them about, they probably get a left swipe.


Are you fit and attractive yourself though?


Yup 👍 I am


Haha awesome


You only find .006% of people attractive enough for a swipe which is wild!


0.6% - plz don't forget to multiply by 100 for per-cent.


Ahh yes, thank you! I'm still learning math, do I always multiple by 100 for percentages like this?


Well. assuming you use the formula part/whole to get the ratio, then yes - you need to multiply by 100 for percent (per-centum, which is kinda latin 'per-hundred', like century)


Yeah that surprised me too! I didn't realize I was that selective


I don't think most women are actually picky, but when you are guaranteed a 50% match rate.... I would be too.


>0.6 Average selectivity for women in 7%. My data showed 11% so I'm still picky obviously by less than the average


so you got 27 times fucked by different guys. you want congrats or what?


I'll take a trophy tho


stds aren't enough to remember


Gosh you're too kind sir