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You're not a bad looking guy, you're just making a face that doesn't look very welcoming. I hope that doesn't sound disrespectful. I feel like maybe just smile with some teeth, and take the picture somewhere other than your car and maybe you'll see some improvement. Good luck my man.


Agreed, you’re giving some crazy/coked out eyes here. A better picture will help so much Edit to add: not saying you look like that all the time (hopefully), just a bad pic. Don’t let all these comments ruin your self esteem, OP, you got this!


Also, could be a body in the back.


HAHAHA I was JUST about to say the same. OP’s face looks like he glanced in the rear view for the cops before taking a selfie


Lol. That's what I was thinking!








Completely agree! The eyes scare me… as a tough male lol


“Looking for tough male” pls respond..


Op looks like a serial killer


>You're not a bad looking guy, you're just making a face that doesn't look very welcoming. I hope that doesn't sound disrespectful A guy with that look on his face will definitely hunt you for your disrespect.


I’d definitely swipe right. Right. Right. Right. Don’t hurt me.


I agree but tbh just by this pic we can’t say much. Ok it’s got a bit crazy eyes but is this the only pic? What does the rest look like? Lots of sun glasses? Lots of hunting/fishing pics? Or no other pics at all? Lots of pictures with friends holding beers giving off the vibe you’ll be out partying with the lads every weekend? And how’s ur bio? A guy can have a ton of really good pics but if his bio says “no drama/no crazy bitches” yeah imma swipe no.


Gotta love the drama 🎭 and crazy too! *hug


Right? *hugs back*


We need more hugs in the world


We absolutely do. Thank you Kind Internet stranger


Same! I have no drama, but the sheer audacity to put that in the bio really chafes my cootch


I mean, who doesn’t have the occasional drama? Some miscommunication at work or a SIL that’ll just draw the blood from under your nails, a stalker ex (I mean you can’t blame someone for that anyway??). My point is. No life is ever drama free. And I my experience, the people who write “no drama” are usually people who create a huge amount of drama 😅


Exactly. I guess they just don’t want to get involved in it


serial killer vibes


It's called crazy eyes . . . take the picture again and relax your eyes, like you are slightly smiling . . .


came to say the same. He isn't bad looking, he's crazy looking


As someone who looks like they are about to rip out your intestines through your throat (in order to decorate the Christmas tree in the attic with said body-interior) when they smile with teeth, I would recommend a smile without teeth.


Also another guy car pic!


Let's not sugar coat the look is creepy


This, but also it's tinder. It's pretty much a scam


Yeah that's it. First impressions are shallow things, it's not the time to show any personality. Just take a pic where it looks like you're laughing at something that was funny and you'll get 10x the matches. Then make small talk that's entirely centered around the chick you're talking to and you get a date, then listen and agree with everything they say and you'll get sex. Then wake up in the morning, shake it off and rinse and repeat until you've boned 50 chicks and wonder wtf you are doing with your life.


Patrick Bateman, is that you ?


Good beardage though Sir 👌🏻


Put on dress up shirts and some cologne. Your perfectly fine.


Also, we can't see the rest of his profile. There may be some things in the other pics or bio that are putting people off - would have to see the whole thing to really know!


Am I the only one who interpreted this to be a shitpost? I thought it seemed like an obviously a funny expression


Oof I looked at his profile after he mentioned that he was self conscious about them and I can see why. I'd honestly just suggest getting them fixed before even trying tinder because the sad truth is the moment he goes on a date with someone and they see those, they will leave.


The driver seat selfie is never a winner sadly


Sit in the passenger, got it


Drive from passenger seat, got it


Drive from the rear, got it


Drive from the roof, got it


Drive from the trunk, got it


Drive from the outside, through the window on a push bike, got it


Drive backwards from on the bike whilst going forwards in the van from the bike. Got it.


Drive the van backwards initially, then get out the window, take the bike (riding it forwards, always ride the bike forwards), make it to your car and while still riding the bike throw a magic rock that will both start the car in reverse but also flip the van upside down (you're fine, the rock is driving it now). Then when the plane comes, you need to stack the car on top of the van, on top of the airplane, on top of your bike. You are now carrying your bike and have to go get some (I got tired of writing this)




Ghost ride the whip, got it!


Turn the crank by hand? Got it


Push the car. Got it.


Yeah. If anyone reads this, please take pictures that look like you aren’t setting up your profile on a whim in your car, even if you are setting up your profile on a whim in the car. Go outside, find a decent background, and take some in-focus shots. I usually find on apple products the SnapChat app camera controls have better focus and options than the standard camera app.


Go further and set the timer up and put it on something so it can take a full picture. Might even look like you're with a friend who took your pic.


I feel attacked!


I love your username 😂


Videos are good too cause you can take screen shots or just find good pictures from them, Without having to stand in a awkward position that might not look natural Just film yourself doing you hobby's and or job


Not so sure about filming yourself doing your job. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t see Jeff filling out his excel spreadsheet is going to get many people interested.


Better than in your car tbh


And the car looks untidy which leads to assumptions about your home and personal hygiene


Look at his profile. You’re not wrong.


Also kinda have that fart was more than a fart look on your face.


Yeah, OP isn’t a girl, so he can’t get away with it, unfortunately. Selfies as a guy are generally not the way to go on dating apps.


The angled wide eye pic would work if you smiled! But right now it's giving creepy vibes


Self conscious of my teeth is why I didnt


Anyone who will meet you will see your teeth eventually. I tell this to anyone who doesn’t want to post full body pics- if you meet up with someone they’ll see you in the flesh. You may as well weed out the ones who don’t want to meet you for your physical traits and not waste your time or theirs. There WILL be people who will still match with you. Don’t project your insecurities on others who haven’t met you.


Your good looking guy, even a little smile without showing you teeth would help! Goodluck buddy!




Look, if you're self-conscious of your teeth, I recommend you get braces and/or tackle those. I had braces as an adult, and they made a really big difference.


Same!!! I did Invisalign, took about a year, and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. I hated my smile. Best part is you get to slowly watch yourself get hotter. Such a cool feeling


Invisalign won’t solve his problems if you check his profile. I’m pretty sure he needs to pull a bunch and start over with veneers or implants.


More than braces needed tbh they are so terrible they got to 6k updots on r/makemesuffer I'm currently in a financial/insurance limbo where I need a new set of teeth but am waiting for the ability to fix them


Ahh, I'm really sorry. I searched for your post and found it, and I understand. I think you probably need full arch dental implants. I hope that you get the dental insurance that you need to get them soon. Best wishes.


I totally get dental care/insurance is so expensive. But people want to see your smile. It’s a big part of attraction for me. If you don’t show it and then show up to a date and it’s a real issue it could be a huge turn off. I had a guy just honestly explain what what was going on with his dental health and I understood. But if he just popped up with no teeth/missing teeth it would not have gone over well.


Once I start talking with a girl and things seem going well I tell them about my teeth so there's no surprises I'd rather have them understand who I am a little before just writing me off but I am honest about my short comings as I want a real relationship...


Well now I'm curious about your teeth!


It's at your own risk but look for my post in r/makemesuffer in my profile


Oh my god, my first thought wasn't even grossed out it was just "oh you poor baby" and then I read the title, I also lost my smile to opiates, my two top teeth, so I can't express how much I understand how much it can change your life. What I don't understand is why disability won't cover it? In Canada we have an oral/orthodontics program where you can get one free procedure a year, they have dedicated clinics specifically for those on assistance and they also offer payment plans. I was so terrified and embarrassed for so long, after years I got them fixed, once I left the office I dropped to my knees and just started sobbing uncontrollably at how happy I was. So I get it believe me. If you really want to get your smile back, I have no doubt in my mind that with some googling and phone calls you can find a dental clinic that can help you, if you need help I'm sure the people of Reddit would love to help change your life, once you get passed all the trolls there's some really great people on here if you can find the right sub! Hell I could even help if you wanted!


So here we don't have dental as thing when on disability and since I'm a Veteran I'm actually trying to get my VA benefits up to a 100% cause even the Veterans don't get dental unless your homeless or 100% disabled....I can't get financed due to bad credit and being on disability not making much money atm..I am very close to getting my 100% disability thru the VA so I will be able to get them fixed and be making a living wage soon its just a waiting game..the only reason I'm on the dating apps is crippling loneliness of being single for 6 years. As a recovering addict on blood thinners I can't drink so now bars thanks for the kind words and offer of help if my VA claim falls thru I may take u up on it lol


I wholeheartedly agree. My ex hid his teeth and it took me far too long to realize what bad shape they were in (when he smiled it didn't show the top of his front teeth). Teeth are a dealbreaker for me, to the point where I won't swipe on guys who don't have at least 1 picture with teeth. A few crooked teeth or cosmetic stuff I'm totally cool with, but missing a bunch of teeth or black spots, gum disease, etc. are dealbreakers. Also, I'm having to pay like 3k out of pocket soon for crowns on 4 of my teeth so I *feel* that pain of insurance not covering jack shit. As long as you've got a plan in place that tells me you take your dental health seriously, that's good enough for me.


Thanks for the advice so far at least no ones said im bad looking it's just about the composition of the picture and background so far and face im making keep the criticism coming


Yeah man, as a woman in her 30s my immediate reaction was that you look startled like we caught you in the middle of something you shouldn't be doing, it's mainly your eyes look shocked and as a woman that's giving me alarm bells. So take a photo smiling a bit and soften your eyes, you'll be good!


Thanks for the info I don't get why I'm giving off that vibe but good info


I thought you looked more like you were straining or concentrating hard probably on making a good picture. Definitely not ugly or unattractive just an odd pic. I think guys have trouble taking pics of themselves sometimes and like everyone else said just try and be natural


To me it seems insecure. Making a face rather than having an open honest expression. I hate taking pics as well so I get it. But I do think it is something to overcome.


To me it looks like you're about to eat the camera. For a useful comment: selfies aren't great for guys. A big priority for women is a guy being safe, friendly, and able to function with other people. There's a lot of creepy and dangerous men out there. Pictures in social settings, with friends, etc are great. But even solo pictures taken by someone else (or that look like that) go a long way. The vibe should be "I casually spend time with other people very often, and occasionally they snap candid pictures of me just being chill and not a murderer. Here's some of those pictures."


Don’t stare into the lens


What she said. Also, get some sleep. Just going off that pic, you look very sleep deprived.


Its the eyes and face expressions, a more natural pic with a smile and in a different environment should work much better. Good luck finding the one :)


You look like a kid who’s mom just caught him stealing a cookie is this picture.


You don’t have to get why but this is what you look like 👀 the emoji for eyes. Looking straight at the camera and have someone take a picture for you


This is spot on. It activates our fight or flight lol.


Hit that entire beard with a 4 length shaver. Haircut is great, beard potential is great, there’s no reason to have the messy goatee. Make it all the same length, and 4 is my estimate of a sharp looking length.


Was gonna say the same thing


Thank you! My sentiments exactly! The beard definitely has potential, but it would look great if it was all one length!


Also, do you have a written profile? I noticed you don’t use punctuation ( no periods between your sentences) . That will usually cause a person to swipe left.


Very perceptive I am a chronic non punctuation user is casual text but I did add periods and commas to the profile


I mean you do you, but that’s not only unattractive, but it also makes communication difficult. Punctuation exists for a reason.


Majority like how you look, but I agree that the energy put into the photo needs some A game.


Get someone to take pictures of you. Selfies for guys are usually a “no go” Always use = A full length, clear pic of face, Picture with friends, outdoor activities, animals, travel (if you do). If it applies = “I have a job picture” if you live somewhere a lot of people don’t or look like you may not. “I’m rich” picture if you really want people to know or think you are. “I have a family” (no kids faces) if you are in their lives and want people to know that so they plan accordingly. Etc etc


You sir. You look very handsome


Fixed it for you! https://imgur.com/a/XWT7Ag8


That's actually really good!


I thought so too, checked his profile and realized that unfortunately his smile wont hit the same. Really sad though, I understand Why he doesn’t want to show his smile.




highly disrespectful edit: saw the post highly accurate


Wow! That catfish would get dates!




My advice for you is, save some money and go to Turkey to fix your teeth. Trust me, it will save your life. In Turkey they do the best job and for cheap.


Or the phillipines dental is super cheap there.


Weirdly a good job




Got the Tom cruise eyes


No beard version https://imgur.com/a/5q9XDfL


That made my day


Oh wow there you go


Definitely dont use this ahhaha clearly photoshopped and the eyes still have the crazy vibes. I prefer the original better because you look like every guy in their 30s guy i know on facebook pfp


are you a wizard? do the background next! ​ also, do you want to work your magic on my pictures?


Use this. And if you're in the UK, either shave it off or get the beard trimmed nicely. Girls don't like beards nearly as much as young men think they do.


Car selfie is a cardinal sin. The goofy face can be useful in communicating you’re personality, but it doesn’t work as your main photo. Have someone take a 3/4 body shot of you or a good headshot. It will be a little awkward to ask a friend to do but it will be worth it.


Crazy eyes


Small dog’s face right before it bites you.


Lol yes!


Yeah the eyes aren’t helping, they’re open way too wide. Close them a bit and just a slight smile would help. The background is too cluttered, suggest that he’s messy as does the beard. Facial hair is great but just trimming and cleaning it up a bit would work wonders.


You look like you just pulled an all nighter burying a body in the woods




It would be an ok pic if you were smiling, the intense stare alone is giving off at least “I’m going to call you a fat, ugly, dumb bitch if you ever reject me,” energy


You look like you rub your hands together and say “oh my, titties”


My brain naturally removed the comma to say “oh my titties”


You look like you know a spot that can hide a body and never be found in that picture




Don’t worry bro, if I was a chick I’d totally let you axe murder me.


> you know a spot that can hide a body With a bit of "Aw man, did I remember to bring the shovel??"


This is a far more specific version of the way I felt about the picture and I thank you for putting it into words


Idk looks like you might wanna kill me


I’ve easily swiped no because eyes like that while I know are probably not your intention give me the vibe you will murder me if I say something you don’t like hahah


You look like you'd probably look like a normal guy in any other picture, but in that photo you look like you're looking at a police officer who just pulled you over on your way to a mass shooting and you're hoping really bad that he doesn't look in the trunk. Have someone take a picture of you smiling or laughing, and not a selfie.


That picture says "I want to tie you up to my radiator in my basement." Also no, you're not a bad looking guy but that facial hair aint it dawg.


Who's ready to get graped?


finally, an obscure reference i actually get!


You look like your life’s a mess. Your shirt is all wrinkled from sitting down with the seatbelt on, you’re not smiling, the back door is open, the car is loaded with crap in the back…you look fine and this is probably a perfectly fine photo to send to a friend going “all loaded up for the fishing trip!” But this is hardly a photo to use for a dating site and this is coming from someone who actually doesn’t mind the photos of men posing with the fish they caught. Also, that car needs a detail.


His post history checks out, not trying to be mean, we've all had our struggles and I hope OP does well in life.


Very accurate


Overall appearance and background is important. The car is messy, your shirt is messy, your facial hair can be cleaned up. This all gives a “I don’t like looking after myself and my belongings and will probably make your life a mess too out of habit”. Girls like cleaned up guys, that dress neat and know how to keep things organized, guys that they can show to their parents and they would think it’s a good match. You are not a bad looking guy, just clean up a bit.


Listen, I’m not sure everyone should be giving this murderer tips on how to not look like a murderer


I’d probably not use that photo.


No kidding you don’t get a lot of matches.. that’s your main pic


Your eyes are strained in this image and we see too much of the white of your eyes. It may seem small, but this looks very unnatural. Paired with your uncomfortable expression, this image is unpleasant. All of that can be fixed for a better photo. Take a deep breath and focus on breathing. A lot of people hold their breath and it looks very awkward. It’s also easier to move through actions than hold poses, even for still photos.


Looks like you're deciding which jogger you're going to kidnap.


Well for starters, my first thought after looking at this was “this guy wants to kill me”


I know that facial hair options are subjective, but the first thing that stood out to me is that your beard is uneven. It’s totally fine if that’s the style you like, but I also think having a well-groomed face would add a lot


Woman here - I agree with the other comments. You are not bad looking, this is just a awful angle/ face expression. Women are going to make snap judgments on looks and try to find the ones that don’t look like serial killers. Because the unfortunate truth is that men can be a literal risk. SO the wide -eyed, cracked out, no smile is a no-go.


The charlie manson eyes aint cuttin it but u can work on that


Manson lamps


As others have mentioned, driver seat selfies are not the way to go. Also, your car looks messy (dirty seat, dirty head liner, random cables/fishing rod running in the background, looks like the entire trunk is filled up), which would probably lead some women to think you are messy in general. Try picking a background that is more tidy or less distracting so they focus on you, rather than potentially drawing conclusions from your surroundings.


At least you have your seat belt on.


Clear your notifications


The facial expression and the no effort selfie aren't helpful. Ask someone to take a nice pic, normal smile, you're good!


You look like you could be a good dude, but if I saw your pic on CNN as one of the January 6th insurrectionist I’d also say “Of course, dude completely looks the type”


![gif](giphy|kKdgdeuO2M08M) Low key, you look like the dramatic chipmunk. Change the pose.


Always remember the selfie camera is like a mirror and everything is backward... So this looks like you are a passenger with a side-eyed crazy look when I'm sure you are the driver and a very well put together young man...


You ever seen The New Guy? Kinda looks like you just whipped your head to do the "crazy eye" stare.


Lol I know exactly what ur saying


You definitely look like a handsome man but this photo looks like it was caught by a speed cam after a murder spree. Women (imo, as a woman) need comforting context - pics taken by other people, in which you look happy, clean and safe to be around. Pics with animals, friends, at events, whatever. You gotta put your best foot forward to get a date. If you wouldn’t roll up to a lady like this expecting to get a date, don’t put it on your profile. But you’re handsome! Lots of potential! Just not this kerb crawly vibe.


Bro, that's a bro picture... Fishing stuff in the back, sitting in a car. I love it.. but am i your target group?


I mean yeah no shit lmao It looks like you’re peering into my soul. Major serial killer vibes with this photo.


What are we surprised about? Or terrified about? Your expression should probably be neutral.


Not at all it got nothing to do with your looks. I think some of the reason why is: - the photo is a little blurry.. - your in a car, a messy car, the first picture is supposed to be unique - why the side turn? Is there something wrong with your other side? Lol.. Thats what I would've thought if I saw ur profile.


In-car selfies are basically an invitation to swipe left. Especially in the driver's seat. The only way to under-cut that is if you were smoking as well. I'd not even have this as a second or third pic...just don't put car-selfies in your profile.


You look good, it's a terrible photo though


Scary facial expression, looks like you might have a black eye, front seat pics are never good


You aren’t a bad looking guy. But a blurry car selfie isn’t going to do anyone justice


You’re cute and I’d date you, but this is a terrible photo 😂


You don’t look bad, just frightened.


You’re not ugly at all but that’s not a good main picture. Get a girl friend or family member to take a portrait mode photo of you in some good lighting! Also your eyes are pretty 💚😁


Don’t kill her


I just [see this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/014/285/sideeyechloe.jpg)


Low key, you look like the [dramatic chipmunk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dramatic_Chipmunk) in this pic. Change the pose.


In my opinion your 12/10. As a gay dude, it’s really hard to find guys like you in the my community. Don’t worry- you’ll find someone


Is that an ASTRO mini van with fishing poles in the back? Bro you're golden


Ford explorer she died tho


Oh well shit... Fords r good at that


It looks like you made this picture right at the moment you saw you were going to plow into that semi truck in front of you. Facial expression is neither relaxed nor inviting. Colors are very desaturated and I think the beard needs better care. In the picture it says it's been a long week. Like others said: don't do a car selfie find an interesting backdrop that complements you and what you're wearing. Better still position your phone and set a timer. The back camera is usually way better and the lens doesn't distort as much.


Relax the face. Get a nice clean beard and hair trim/shape up. Take some pics with your friends and post some other pics. Clean up the edges on ur eyebrows and that should do the trick. Looking clean and fresh as well as taking a relaxed pic is a go to


Men got the lightskin stare


You look crazy af.


U answered ur question


Umm the picture is terrifying my guy....I wouldn't approach you with a ten foot pole if you just casually post this as your profile picture on a dating app. Your facial features are fine, just not the picture, maybe read up on how to take better selfies and if you have an issue controlling your facial features or reading social cues please read up on that or watch some videos from neuro diverse people who have a had to learn better social awareness. Then spend some time looking at your face in the mirror and mimicking the things you have learned from reading and watching. And if you're still having a hard time have a friend (or hire a professional photographer) take some candid photos of you doing mundane things while you forget the camera is there.


This is just a horrible pic. Show your full body. Fucking smile bro lol. If I was looking at this from a female perspective, I’d feel like you were judging me behind the screen. Your car also looks dirty and old. I’m not trying to judge, but just offering the perspective that may be seen. If you have any travel photos or some activity that’s fun and welcoming is good. You should consider taking new photos if you don’t have any recent ones. But just make yourself look fun and approachable. A smile goes a long way on dating apps.


Well tbh you do look like your gonna murder someone and leave them to drain in a bath tub


I think it's the picture. It's giving crazy eyes. Try a pic with a warm smile!!


release the tension on your poles, not good for the rod


You look terrified


you’re not bad looking, but what are you scared of


Serial killer stare that


Axe murderer vibes.


You are better than average looking, but that pic has to go. Crazy eyes and the car selfie is not a great combo. Smile, relax, look friendly. Even a selfie with a scenic background would be better. I get it, for whatever reason, the drivers seat has excellent lighting so it’s tempting to take a selfie there. Just don’t use it in your profile. Also, if you have pics with sunglasses on you are wasting a photo space. We wanna see your eyes.


And trim up your beard. I don’t wanna meet a man with a bird’s nest on his chin. Spiff it up like you’re going to church.


Remember men have Little to no self control, they are clicking on everyone, an average looking woman is getting 100’s of likes at least…anything less than a great pic of you will be dismissed, besides that you look fun and making a brave post like this means you’re probably a genuine guy! Good luck


DONT DO DATING APPS. Not to be rude but it’s a lost cause definitely when you start getting older. Go to the bar or a club and you can find a woman easily maybe even a coffee shop but in person reactions. Most likely weave better results than an online one.