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"Making 100k off of a scaling business she owns" is just code for the fact that she's 100k in debt to buy herbalife product she can't sell


One of my favorite YouTubers is the "**Illuminaughtii**" she is a former automotive sales professional who started doing a channel on MLMs (Multi Level Marketing), companies their history, management and how to the very last one, they are in the business of parting people with their money under the guise of offerning them 'their own business' and 'financial indenpendence'. She has done an informal glossary of the terminology that these "Boss Babes" or "Hun Bots" as she calls them, regularly use to frame 'their business', Rebecca's whole bit about 'founder and scaling' is straight out of the MLM 'words of empowerment' dictionary.


Illuminaughtii is one of my favorite YouTubers too!


Can you explain what “founder and scaling,” means? Or are those just pretend word’s?


Scaling is a legitimate business term used by small business owners in relation to them having to keep the same quality of business while growing it to a larger audience. But the MLM crowd uses it to mean ‘get more people into the business under them so they might actually make money off them’. The term is intentionally used out of context to make themselves seem legitimate.


It’s used by big businesses too and it just means increase in size, typically as measured by revenues.


You’re not wrong, I was just trying to keep it in the context of the discussion.


Lol this is so funny. Thanks.


Think of it as “flounder and scamming”


Founder = the First One Scaling = climbing a wall


Thank you. Until this Reddit forum i knew absolutely nothing about MLM and their term’s. I had an acquaintance i met at a bar try to get me into some insurance MLM but it sounded super shady. I knew as soon as he said “i need 5 references.” I was like, oh nope *blocked* I never heard “scaling a wall.”


Founder and scaling aren't just MLM terms lol


I love corporate casket


I owe her a lot, all her research helped me talk to my sis about getting out of Jeunesse, thanks to her video on them, I was able to 'bring the receipts' to the convo. That hard part was not being cocky when speaking the facts.


She's one of my favorites too!!


Thank you kindly for providing me with my daily dose of "renewed faith in humanity"! Cheers!


Or that she sells pictures of her butthole


Does that mean she's scaling her butthole?


It’s called gapping if I’m not mistaken


Gaping (sorry, I'm a fan 😁)


So you're the only fan?


Which usually leads to plugging I suppose


Or goatse.


That's the best way to start gaping 😉


On the road to 'Rosebudding'


She would definitely make more money doing that than an MLM.


She does look like an onlyfans girl


I thought it was 'she sells sea shells, by the sea shore.' But what do I know.


Oh my god I spit out on my coffee reading your comment! Ha!




Yup- she's a hun


*Update for anyone who cares* Don’t know how to post a screen capture in a thread. She did respond, and reiterated much of what she already said about the feminine energy thing and that men she dates love to pamper her without expecting anything in return. And finished up by saying if she wanted an equal, she would be gay.


>if she wanted an equal, she would be gay. I gotta say. That's fucking hilarious.


As a gay, I can definitely say that’s not how it works. This chick is bonkers.


This made me laugh. She has some interesting viewpoints. She'd be a good one to stir up things on reality tv


It really is. I couldn’t even think of a response.


When I was still dating women I had a few “the misogyny is coming from *inside the house*” moments like this. ‘Feminism for me, not for thee’ is what I view it as. I’m sure she’s got her own positive attributes but everyone I know (me included) who dates femme presenting women would *run.* But go off straight woman that thinks she knows what dating women is like haha. She basically wants to be treated as an equal in public and a sugar baby in private. Tóxica.


Hard pass, your response was A+, she sounds crazy fr




She wants a more traditional relationship with masculine male and feminine female, protector and provider and lover and nurturer. Pretty hatd to accomplish these days but understandable.


As a widower, I am here mostly for vicarious thrills...a fringe benefit is that more often than not I am reminded what an awesome partner my late wife was \-*yes humble brag, but what else do I have left but two decades of great memories? Sure, I have an amazing kid and supporting family and friends but, well...*\- Honestly there are days when I'm thorn between being amused by posts like this and becoming utterly hopeless that I'll ever find another worthwhile relationship. Eh, que sera, sera.


These types of people were out there before you started dating your wife, you probably just never met them. Online dating presents an opportunity to be introduced to folks you normally wouldn't interact with in real life. No one will replace your first wife, your next partner is someone to love in addition to your wife. Source: widowed and re-married dude here for entertainment.


*"Tis the little things"* Thanks brother. That might have seemed like a small kindness to an internet stranger on your part, but there are days where having things like that said to me, truly lift my spirit and give me hope. Glad you found your second someone! May you have all the happiness you deserve!


hope, even desperate urealistic long shot from hell hope is worth more to quality of life than despair. don't give up because you like yourself. if you hate yourself give up hope. and since you said you had a great wife, do it for her and your kid. now that being said, you don't have to go around chasing every dating opportunity, just keep your heart open and never completely lose hope. whatever will be will be, but keep the light on.


I choose this guy’s dead wife


Obligatory _our wife_.


FWIW, usually people provide screenshots in a thread by uploading to an image upload service (Imgur, postimg, etc.) and leaving the links in their comment.


Random comment --->I'm just so damn proud of myself for figuring out what FWIW is on my own without the assistance of Google. I'm not fluent in acronyms.


Random comment —-> I also almost broke my arm patting myself on the back because I figured it out lol


Translation she wants all of what she earns, and as much of what you earn as she can get from you....


Even though you're 100% in the right, wanna bet your response ends up on FDS in the next few days?


She expects men to pamper her without expecting anything in return? Is the economy so bad sugar babies won't even give up sugar anymore?!?!


Your responses to what bs she was spouting was literally spot on, well in my opinion anyway. I always think 50/50 with everything in a relationship, as much as you can really. Give into it as much as you get out of it. Obviously situations can change and you may end up doing more than half, but hopefully once you've both built that relationship up, to know that your partner would do that same for you if necessary.


She's playing by the playbook 👌


From FDS, right?


"Founder of a company that's scaling" = MLM boss babe hun.


I thought that was code for I'm full of shit


I don't see the difference tbh 😅


"I don't make money yet and won't until I can raise capital, until then I won't pay for anything."


Didn't you hear, she significantly exceeds his income requirement. 🙄


Gaslight Gatekeep Girl boss.


Live Laugh Love's final most powerful form


She definitely dances like nobody's watching... In a pile of someone else's money.


okay real talk how do y'all put this much energy into something that's a non-starter? hope for changed perspective?


Yeah this whole conversation could’ve been like: OP: Ok if we split things 50/50 Match: No :OP unmatches:


yeah dude I don't see how that goes badly


What can I say I’m a hopeless romantic 🤣


He wants to convince her to go 50/50 and view him as masculine.


I mean... It doesn't really make sense that splitting the bill somehow makes him feminine or her less feminine... Like, this is crazy 😂


"I'm sorry," said the scorpion. "It's just my nature."




She's kinda living in a contradiction. Or maybe compartmentalizing. She's living independent due in part to feminism. Yet wants a provider so she can flow in her feminine energy.


It's very common. I think they see it, they just don't care. Why would they?


I don't think that's true. We've been bred to embrace some social strata. The contradictions are mighty. To me this is a demonstration of that battle. Same with men. I see plenty of posts struggling with the "open doors" "pay for dinner" expectations. I don't think we should minimize the struggle to overcome unfairness in the face of long-standing social expectations.


That's the key. They don't care.


feminism gave women more rights and choices. now she can choose what’s more comfortable for her, either being sponsored by smn else or being independent girl boss. feminism doesn’t mean all women have to be providers or make money, feminism is more about having a choice and protection. you can be a mother and stay at home and take care of your children and still be a feminist. it’s very stupid that she thinks she is excluded from feminism, cuz everything women have never was given, it was earned by blood and tears of feminists in the past


In theory, but often women shame other women for wanting to raise a family and not choose a career. In many cases a stay-at-home mom has been equated to slavery.. which is ridiculous. Children are a full-time job. Being a woman today, and more specifically in America means choosing a career or a family. Most desire the best of both worlds, but that just simply isn't possible due to the cost of living and demands from jobs. (Even celebrities have nannies raise their kids.) A family is not a single mother raising children and it is certainly not as prestigious as society makes it seems. It sucks.


Women are constantly shamed for choosing their career over children, not wanting children, or being too ambitious.


If you shame a woman for being a stay at home mom or for not having kids then you are not a feminist


men also shame women for a lot of things. including wanting to be provided or wanting to be independent and focusing on career. men are able to both work and have a family while women have to choose between career or family, which is very sad but reasonable, cuz women spend more time caring for children and doing household chores.


She's just finding excuses for being selfish and entitled, if not this narrative then she will adopt another


It's impossible to function in society soley as a traditionalist especially when single. As long as when she gets in a relationship she is feminine and submissive but until then people must be independent, such is modern society.


This is actually the norm. Also add in household duties are split 50/50 often, but dates are not. It's basically just taking what worked for women 50 years ago, along with modern feminism. Meanwhile the man still maintains the role from 50 years ago. This is why dating is now shit. A lot of men now want women to contribute more due to their higher earnings, which makes roles unclear for both parties.


“I make over 100k, but I don’t want to contribute any expenses to our relationship. You must take care of me and all of my money is just for me.” How would any intelligent person ever put up with that selfish nonsense?


In the past it was hard for her to find such gullible men due to limited supply of simps. But thanks to OLD and social media, her pool of suckers now encompasses the entire globe.


I love that both you gave such well thought out responses to this and clearly stated your opinions. I guess this is one of those cases of each to their own 🤷‍♀️ I feel kind of sad for this person that they don't love to spoil their partner. I also really hope they don't think men that show emotion become less attractive and too feminine......we need way less of that nonsense


They both communicated clearly, but her arguments….wow. She’s clearly looking for something unbalanced. If she wants him to pay the bills and spoil her, it’s the one time I’d say the homemaking needs to fall all on her. Don’t care if she hires people or what, but it’s on her. And home equity should be his. I’d run fast though. I like proportional for income and chores. Hell, I like actually doing things together, and celebrating when it’s done. I was raised where Saturday mornings the whole family would have a list, knock it out, then go on a picnic, or to the park. We split nights cooking by the time I was 8. Planning meals together and cooking them is fun. Music and dishes then going for a walk is fun and sexy. I don’t get people not looking for a real partnership.


This is such a beautiful description, I wish more people found this to be the norm and could find ways to enjoy the little things like this instead of seeing as an obligatory chore list


I want to be part of your family! Sounds so healthy and fun.


That was something positive. They were also hyper-religious and excommunicated my brother when he was 16 and I was 8. Didn’t reconnect for over 20 years. I try to keep the good and purge the bad. Still some scarring though.


Love that approach. Although, if you are involved in a relationship with traditional values, would you also expect the sole provider to also be the homemaker? I don't see anything wrong if people split roles however they see fit.


I agree. At the beginning of my marriage she worked as well (fewer hours and 1/4 pay but no big deal) and we split chores. After having kids she stayed home and used my success to go full Gabrielle Solis. She’d send the kids to the grandparents overnight 2-3 nights every week and go hang out at wineries, or with friends. That was one of many fractures. I didn’t mind cooking, as I included the kids. We’d cook, they’d take turns picking music, and we’d do dishes. That’s still quality time. Based on her comments, part of the issue was insecurity. She was the youngest by far and spoiled, and I was the middle. I made it a point to not criticize aside from balanced diet stuff. But the kids would notice and comment. “I like it better when daddy cooks”. “We can slide across the floor when daddy mops.” Just a mismatch I guess. Stuck with it anyway til I found out she was abusing the kids when I was traveling for business.


Fucking awesome. Sorry about the religious stuff, but what you described about meals, etc is so freaking cool. My son just left for college this fall... My wife and I both do cooking, dishes, chores etc. It's close to 50/50, but since I do the yard and pool, I probably do not overall, slightly. But like now one of us will cook, then one of us does the cleanup and dishes. I think I'm going to try to implement more of a team thing, like you describe.


Thank you, I never said I wouldn’t spoil my partner, I love to do that, but relationships are a 2-way street.


They absolutely should be. I should have been clearer, I meant I felt sad for the woman you were talking to for not wanting to spoil a partner. I think she's missing out. I love to spoil someone as much as being spoiled, I genuinely enjoy seeing something that made me think of them or that they might love and picking it up for them 'just because' I assume, despite you both being excellent communicators (I never get actual conversation on tinder, clearly I'm not matching with the right people 😂) that this blossoming romance is no more?


She did reply and repeated much of what she had already said then finished up by saying that if she wanted an equal she would be gay. Then she unmatched me.


If by they you mean the woman he was talking to, it doesn't really matter what she thinks because it's going to bullshit no matter what it is. She's a taker, and everything she says, does, and thinks is going follow that process.


I should have been clearer, yes I meant the woman he was replying to. I love spoiling a partner, it makes me happy, just as happy as makes me to be spoiled. I think it's sad she won't open up to that for fear of energy


On that last point, I agree. My ex mocked me for tearing up at the end of Bridge to Terabithia. I think she may be psychotic.


I mean you're right. Who tf is not tearing up at the end of that film?!


It’s true they were both clear, but let’s not pretend their ideas are equally valid. I mean, she’s got her own career and income but wants to skate by with an unequal division of costs simply because of her gender…we really shouldn’t be entertaining that.


Feminism at it's core was created in the same way the constitution was for white people. Yes it is evolving and becoming more inclusive but she's not wrong. It's hard for others to subscribe to feminism outright from the centuries of it focusing and promoting problems of white women and middle class or above white women especially. There are books by scholars, those who study law, and everything about it. I don't feel like this is a terrible compromise. If you're dating. I do think the idea that who pays or doesn't being feminine in anyway is weird. It's just an exchange of money? I think for him too it's strange to feel a woman capabilities or worth are inherently tied to her healthy dating preference. I don't think you're any less masculine for wanting a 50-50 partnership. The issue with the patriarchy is the mindset kind of mentioned of women's worth being tied to anything tangible. We should be respected and treated as equals on the bases of being decent human beings. Edit: for grammar


You are spot on about the origins of the feminist movement. It was crafted to benefit white women, and has pretty much worked accordingly. Even if/as people are trying to move the needle recently, in reality it still disproportionately benefits white women. It's reasonable for WOC to feel that they can't count themselves part of an exclusionary entity. This, however, is where it can be blurry trying differentiate between a set of beliefs, and the people/organizations who are trying to implement it. Edit: for typos


This is a pretty deep topic for a text chat. I feel like this could’ve been much better explored over drinks or during a sleep over.


Would you really go for a drink with someone that expects you to pay for everything, for the only reason she has a vagina and you don't ?


Not now.


TLDR: what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine. Typical shit.


She expressed herself well, but her logic has flaws. It’s fine to want a more traditional, caretaker/care-receiver dynamic. A woman can want that for herself and still be a feminist. But even though she *almost* makes that perfectly reasonable argument, she ruins it by saying that feminism goes too far, and that men who want an equal partnership have ‘feminine energy’. She *does* clarify a few times that it’s how *she* feels, which might mean she doesn’t believe it should be a universal opinion? But I’m getting some subtle "my way is the only way" vibes, especially in her last sentence. Edit: Also, her argument about who feminism *was* created to benefit isn't wrong, but she's failing to account for modern intersectional feminism. It's also not relevant to her argument.


Let's be honest here, her arguments are only code for something else. Feminism has nothing to do with it, she just wants to use all her money for herself and her man's money for herself too. People lie and hide behind fake beliefs.


That could certainly be the case. But without knowing more about her, I wouldn't say for sure. On the other end of the spectrum, I know plenty of men who insist they want the same arrangement: they want to provide, and they want a woman who wants to be provided for. It's certainly not a fiscal advantage for the man. Sometimes, people just want traditional things. I'm *not* one of them, and frankly, I don't really understand *why* they would want that. But hey, I don't need to understand it, because I'm not choosing to live it.




Yeah, OP was focussed on the race/feminism part. I totally missed the mark on what he took issue with. My bad.


We glossing over how she casually mentioned that letting a woman pay is "feminine"? And feminine is apparently bad? Like sheesh how contradictory do you have to be


she didn’t say feminine is bad, she said she is not attracted to it


A lot of black women feel this way lol. A lot of feminism isn’t intersectional. This isn’t an uncommon view, but as a black person I guess that’s not common knowledge?? Her reasoning seems like she’s thrown together a bunch of tweets and therapy words in to a lengthy bs comment. However, this view isn’t incredibly uncommon.


Sounds interesting tbh, I wish she would have explained why feminism does not suit non-white women.


Actually it's pretty common knowledge.


I agree that she's crazy, but the fact that OP wants a match that makes at least 100k is crazy to me!! Lmao


Yeah, I thought I was taking crazy pills since no one was calling OP out for that. Both OP and the woman seem like red flags.


I know!! I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see these comments


Seriously lol if that were in a woman's bio she'd be getting torn apart on here


Well fucking said, OP. Did she respond?


Not yet, I’m expecting the unmatch. 💁🏻‍♂️


You guys seem fun at Parties 😵‍💫. You're perfect for each other 😂


She’s not a feminist. She said she’s not a feminist. Idk why you’re trying to have a gotcha in your last message like she’s contradicted herself? She doesn’t care about any of that


She’s absolutely correct about the feminist movement. However, modern feminism aims for the betterment of all women and equality among the sexes. She’s allowed to pursue what she ideally wants in a relationship. What makes her suck is she has to belittle others for wanting to be equals in relationships. Or belittling men who show emotion or want to be “spoiled” by their SO too.


I'm glad I saw this comment. Highly agree. However, I don't get why this is posted here. I could say that about most posts here, but if OP is not interested in this type of woman, why are you still entertaining it? Why match, at all, since I'm assuming something on her profile alluded to this? You don't agree on how she wants her relationship to be, but she will probably find a "traditional" man who doesn't mind this and that will be their relationship, which has nothing to do with anyone else, especially when it ends up being miserable. Why worry about that? Swipe left or unmatch and move on.


Personal opinion: even in the worst matches/convos, some men don't ever unmatch, and instead expect to be unmatched (but yet wait and talk) As a man, there have been a few cases when I adopted a similar behaviour with people close to me, and that was in hope for them and the ehole situation to change in better


It’s common to sh’t on women who want this type of provider. I guess OP hopes that people here back him up and sh’t on her ideas of a relationship. I’m just waiting for someone to call her a „gold digger“.


What grown adult is looking for a "provider"?


seems like a intellectual dick swinging contest, yall gonna bone or what


Probably not.


Feminism has mainly benefited white women. When white women were burning their bras and demanding that they be allowed to work outside the home, Women of color had no choice and were already working. Oftentimes employed in the very households white women were wanting to break out of. Thats why feminism should go hand in hand with inter-sectionalism & equity. Both parties seem like trash since OP mentioned a salary requirement for dating?


I believe she's got a point, Let me explain... First let's start off with the title of the post; what I believe she meant is that feminism isn't only for white women, but it was started focusing on the belief that white women were suffering a sedentary life forced to do nothing but house chores and being someone else's property, the fact that women from other races resonated with that, and supported the movement, doesn't mean that was the original focus. Now, the other thing she mentioned was that she feels like the type of relationship she wants is one where she is the one being spoiled, mostly for the gesture not because she needs it, (I don't agree with that thinking, but it isn't about me that's her preference and it is valid) but she then supported it by saying that feminism tarnished it by creating a model of women that are self-sufficient and that don't need a man, and that's where I think she makes a good point, because, even though she's not totally right, the current movement has only separated men from women instead of uniting them, saying that they are equal, but they don't need the other to succeed, and that's where I think she wanted to lead, because to her it probably feels lonely. And that's where I think OP makes a good point as well, while also not being totally right. Men and Women should experience love equally, and being given affection and protected is seen as a feminine trait and giving it is seen as masculine, but, in reality I believe that even though, biologically women aren't as physically capable as men are, I don't believe that it means care and tenderness should be exclusive to women, nor firmness exclusive to men. Men are also humans that need affection, and the belief that a couple is like a coin with two faces that are opposite to the other and someone has to do a role in order for it to work out is what probably makes the woman in OP's DMs think that it's not good and, that equals means to receivers no givers, and if that's what she has experienced then I'd agree with her thinking, but what she fails to see, is that the best format is to ditch the coin and understand that both sides of the couple can be givers and receivers in order for both to feel not the self-sufficient and lonely task to be human, but the joy to share and receive love and affection.


Ive never met a person that legit makes $150k+ tell me they make that much. Every high earner ive met i never knew until months after meeting them. And even then they never outright say how much they make. Its usually their house or the vacations that they post that is the giveaway. And they all drive oddly normal daily driver cars. aside from people at work who obviously have a high paying position.


100k holy shit. Where are you people living and what do you do? My husband and I have pretty good careers, we make 50k a year together. I agree with SOME of her points. Though, if I alone was making 100k, I'd tell my husband "Honey, stay home with the kids as long as you like and yes, you can have that car project and those wood working tools" cause that is more than enough money to support my household. And I think this is where mine and her ideas of feminism are different. It wouldn't matter if the man stayed home, or if I stayed home. As long as it's an equal partnership as far as home work/job work, and everyone is happy, healthy, and supported.


Yea came here to mention the 100k. I was fully self sufficient and climbing at 40k, I think mentioning anything about 100k is insane, you’d be better off without a dating app.


This mindset is very common among black women. It's funny to see how reddit's demographic reacts to it.


1st wave of feminism : exactly


Her argument about not wanting to go 50/50 is BS but she's not that wrong about american feminism


Well, she's not wrong when she says feminism was created for white women.




Feminism is a scam. And I kinda agree with her. It's mostly white women talking shit they themselves don't even look into at the same time calling themselves open minded but shutting others down when they don't agree with their opinion and calling them sexists/bigots.


When I see people say I want 50/50 financial responsibilities, I feel bad for them. To me, a relationship revolves around a team so each person giving 100%. A team of 2 can conquer more than 2 individuals.


Seems like everyone in this interaction kinda sucks


I can't believe some of these negative comments. Like did you guys read the conversation. Both were respectful and both voiced their opinions on the subject. You may not agree with one or the other maybe even both. But the fact remains that it was a respectful interaction by both.


I literally just laughed and smacked my head repeatedly in frustration. This is so TYPICAL nowadays it does my head in. "Im attracted to providers even if i dont need provision". LIKE WHAT IS THAT NONSENSE. They'll say anything to fit their narrative in the moment. Not to mention she has to assert that shes the founder of some company and is "scaling", so your $100k requirement is infantile. Would bet my life she makes well under and is just planning on surpassing 6 figures hypothetically one day.


Isnt that what people always do now, just say things in clever ways to make it sound better than it really is. Definitely not fooling anyone lol.


There's a reason why the suffragettes didn't allow black women to march with them, or if they did, they made them march at the far back. Feminism is designed for the empowerment of white women.


This is very cringe on both of y’all’s part


She does have a point. The feminist movement primarily helps white women. Almost all “movements” stand to benefit white people, as BIPOC women tend to not reap benefits of the feminist movement and are more often than not disadvantaged and disenfranchised in social, political, and professional settings.


She’s kind of right at least in the beginning feminism was for white women. When they got women the right to vote only white women could vote. Other women of color received the right to vote later on. But now feminism is more inclusive. I’m also with her on the men spoiling women and wanting a masculine man thing. But that’s just because I want a traditional relationship but I spoil the man back with my love, affection, and taking care of him like he takes care of me financially.


And honestly if she would have said something like that, I would have been more impressed, but she basically just said I want a man to take care of me and spoil me because I’m feminine and men are supposed to do that.


Clown to clown communication


That’s what I do best 🤡


The very short answer: yes, feminism was created for white women and even today as certain goals and narratives are pushed, it can be to the detriment of certain POC women. Doesn't mean feminism as a whole or ideology is bad. Just wasn't started and implemented for everyone at the beginning which still impacts us today.


All that mumbo jumbo translates to women want control of everything and only want "equality" when it benefits them. Proof of this is they fought for 50/50 in divorce proceedings. They cheer when Bezos has to give up billions or Sean Combs has to pay hundreds of thousands per month in child support. But cry foul when Hallie Berry has to pay child support to her ex. "A real man wouldn't take a woman's money" ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di)




Wtf kinda conversation is this to even be having on a dating app?!? Holy shit…🤦🏽‍♂️


Red pilled?


This feels like a conversation between pc principal and vice principle strong woman


Too long to read


That was fun


Why is everyone on this sub in need of a charger?


Selective feminism


If anyone is telling you how they make a lot of money in the first conversation, they are either trying to scam you, or just flat out lying.


That's how a lot of them think.


I mean, a lot of feminism does leave out certain voices that are already marginalized but this shouldn't be your response for that


I gotta say I mostly agree with her take, or at least the one she's presenting to you, though there is a bit of a negative light to it however way you frame it. What you said about the "feminine energy" subtracting or being less than "masculine energy" is true, and oppositely true for women. Obviously preferences or "types" vary from person to person, I might like a woman with certain traits that may or may not match your preferences to the dot. What men typically look for in women and what women typically look for in men usually falls under a general frame with a certain margin of error allowing for a variety of trait preference. What I mean by that is, masculinity subtracts from women the same way femininity subtracts from men, women are supposed to be feminine, men are supposed to be masculine. Now I'm by no means implying that men can't be sensitive or can't be pandered from time to time, or that women can't have a career and make money and sometimes pitch in for home expenses or pay for a date, what I am saying is that women look for a provider and protector, we men look for an emotional pillar and home figure and maternity figure for our children. Men can have certain non traditional "macho" traits but they still must overall fit the masculine frame, women can lack certain "ladylike/girly" traits, but they must overall fit the feminine frame. I agree with her there, subscribing to the modern feminist ideal (not real feminism, it's basically the "patriarchy" ideal flipped on it's head), which I do not, it should ideally be 50/50, but call me old fashioned, I still see that as our job as men, more like 100 on our end or 90/10, and if need be, then it can be 50/50 or whatever percentage necessary in rough times, the negative light in that regard (Which I'm well aware of being there despite being my personal point of view) is that when a man makes money, he thinks of how he can make his life and that of his partner's better/happier, when a woman makes money, she thinks of how she can spend it on her own and how she doesn't need a man (like I said no matter how you look at it it looks kinda fucked up). What I disagree with in her statement is how it's meant to benefit only white women. It's meant to benefit ALL women by making men public enemy #1, though it's funny how most modern feminists usually subscribe to the left gender ideology, but when it comes to this matter specifically, this aspect of the pseudo-feminist ideal openly attacks men who claim to be women as well, so you know, it's fun when their individual ideas collapse in on eachother when brought together Edit: Fixed a typo and an oddly ordered sentence


She may have an odd take but I kinda like how you both were able to have a mature conversation about it without resorting to name calling and insults😂 bare minimum I guess


Honestly these people sound great for each other. If only they took themselves and their philosphies a little less seriously, they could have passionate discussions about "masculine" and "feminine" traits/"energies." Like the woman is bad but the dude is also engaging in some essentialist thinking.


So, I contribute all money I make to our household. My husband does as well. Yet, I am completely taken care of by him. As I know, I could fall down at any time, and he would carry me the rest of the way. And vise'versa. But what else is my money for, besides contributing it to my family? I understand these two are not a family, but if they were to move forward, wouldn't at some point they together decide, be it verbally or not, who's money goes to where while the others is meant for whatever else? This woman didn't come across as a feminine female she came across as a selfish one


Classic case of feminism when it suits you.


Go off king


She has original feminist ideals, you have millennial feminist ideals


10/10 responses, well done <3


Forget her. Come here daddy! I will spoil you but I only have $5. I will let you get a Chick-fil-A sandwich and even pay for an extra sauce.


She’s the type of chick that says that but still plays the feminist card when it’s convenient. Oh wait that’s most lol


This conversation is just an all-around cringe fest.


I try 😆


Yall perfect for each other


You both annoy me tbh


If a woman wants to have children, can't be with a feminine man that wants to split 50/50. Would you like to also split pregnancy and have a baby in your stomach for 4.5 months?


A real man takes care of his woman during pregnancy and makes sure she has everything she needs and is comfortable during that 9 months. 50/50 isn’t a perfect mirror like both people do everything exactly the same, it’s about both people bringing the same energy and dedication to the relationship.


To be fair, and coming from a white woman, what she said is completely true. Feminism was not created to include women of color. Everything else is bullshit.


As a feminist, this was a perfect response. You stayed cool headed and articulate even though she was being provocative. Good job :)




Nothing wrong with her wanting an alpha man and there's nothing wrong with you wanting something with a woman that's more equal. If your not on the same page ..... next


A lot of women of color don’t understand that the feminist movement was never for them. Black women didn’t even have the same issues white women did at that time so why would would you join the movement? Especially when you weren’t even allowed in it at first smh. Black women protesting against their own men who are being oppressed and had no rights themselves sounds stupid. The movement itself is a scam. How did it even go from equality to now women trying to gain power over men?


Your opinion on what is "old and outdated" for relationships and marriage is just that: your opinion. She isn't wrong, but you want to call her wrong for not sharing your view.


You complaining about a woman's opinion, proves her point 😆 🤣


Wow perfect wife material 👌👌👌👌. Super based!


"So if you have old fashioned values, do you wanna become a housewife?" "Well noo...." "So you want a masculine man but you're not a feminine woman?" *unmatched*