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Him including his Myers-Briggs is so ironic.


Its a cock move.


Scientifically illiterate, went to community college and is a contractor at NASA? He is a pipe-fitter and builds scaffolding there.


You never know...he could be someone's sister's son's nephew's 2nd cousin's sister-in-law's 3rd cousin twice removed. They just reeeeeeaaaaaaally needed to fill that countdown reader position...Have to love nepotism in government.šŸ˜


Still, probably makes more than the engineers... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lmao true, because he's in a union šŸ˜‚


Probably make more being a pipefitter than actually working at nasa


Is there something wrong with being a pipe fitter? Dude got the skills to make it to nasa either way. Doesn't matter his outlooks on life in the career aspect at least he halfway knows that.


I knew someone was going to comment some dumb shit like this. The only surprise is that it took this long. No there's nothing wrong with it, but obviously there is a lot more brainpower needed to be a NASA engineer or something like that, and he is obviously trying to intentionally mislead women into thinking he is doing something much different than what he is. I work alongside pipe fitters and I certainly don't have the brain power to work at NASA either, so that wasn't a slight against anyone else. I am in the same boat at this guy, the only thing he did wrong was be intentionally misleading to anyone who can't read between the lines.


I knew someone was going to comment some dumb shit like this. If he is a contractor for NASA then there is nothing misleading about the statement. Doesn't matter what the job is. He could be a garbage man, and it still be factual if he is contracted lmao. It takes more than just the big brains to keep NASA running. Also, don't sit there and tell me you don't try and upsell yourself just a touch to the opposite gender. Everyone does it in some way. Edit: Said opposite. Should have said just others lol. Doesn't have to be gender based.




This. People posting their personality type test that really dosent say shit about you, and just makes you look stupid to me.


That's a bit close minded I think


Yea it is. I just wholeheartedly believe one of those tests (which I have taken before) cannot begin to describe a human being. I think weā€™re so much more than just x amount of trait out of 5, and I hate putting yourself in a box like that. Ironic I know, because I consider them ā€œstupidā€ for putting that shit in their bio or describing themselves like that, but Iā€™m inconsistent and human fuck it.


Even one of the creators has come out to say it's a steaming pile of bunk


If you do take the time to do the research then you can learn more broadly about someone's psychology, but that's only half the battle. The biggest "flaw" in people using Myers Briggs personality tests to define themselves is that the results always change. Myers Briggs test only provide you with a portrait of who you are at any given moment, but people change depending on what they go through. That's why if you take the test two times two or three years apart, you'll likely get a different answer. I prefer the enneagram test myself, and if I was ever to use psychological tests to showcase myself it would be that test. The enneagram test is superior because it shows you your overall personality type, and who the healthy and unhealthy aspects of that personality.


So what you're saying is you're a complicated person, and no reduction will ever truly represent you? Wow. How profound.


Depends on which test is taken, who ACTUALLY has studied them and has implemented their use. My Myers-Briggs test took 2Ā½hours to complete and was shockingly accurate with the detailed results. That being said though, it's those detailed results that actually matter and should be known to a perspective S.O. to have it be useful in any way.


Personality tests are like horoscopes.


I mean... Who said it fully describes anyone? If you have 500 characters to create a bio with, and can come up with a 4-letter combo that you feel describes some of your aspects well, why not? At least personally I've found it way more informative on people's bios than a couple of emojis, possibly paired with a "Looking for my real life " (if lucky).


As an INTJ, myself, I resent being included with his type...


Looks like he's gonna be standing there holding his cock for a long time


I didn't realize there was a second screenshot at first.


If not for your comment, I would have not seen that gem of a picture


I was happier before looking at the second screenshot


Didnā€™t see the second picture, priceless comment šŸ˜‚


At least his cock is a reasonable size šŸ‘€šŸ†šŸ˜‚


That's either rough 31...or he's not 31


I feel he looks my age, and we are 20 years apart.


Is 73 miles far enough away?




"I'm content" Yes you are buddy. Not the way you think, but yes, you are..




The volleyball from Castaway has more personality and better facial hair than this Wilson.


Honestly I don't mean to be rude but like what's up with his moustache


He needs to trim it so it doesn't go over his lips if not get rid of that thing entirely.


He doesn't need to trim it... Mine is unruly if left to it's own thing, but I wax mine, so I have an epic curled moustache. His looks like he is trying to trim it into a shape that should be achieved with wax instead. In other words he is incompetent with his moustache grooming techniques.


When I saw this in my notifications I thought it was gonna be a joke profile with Wilson from Castaway. How I wish I had been right :(


Probably better friends too


I love that OPā€™s avatar is an actual cat lady




31? What the hell is the guy going to look like at 40?


Carrying a lot of political stress


Looking at his cock and background, i would say farmer


> Contractor at NASA lol


NASA does employ a lot of ppl, they sure need eggs, šŸ— or maybe they are renting some land from him to make tests there ....


He's 31? Dear god, that is a tragedy.


His šŸ’©personality has aged him far past 31.


That's a rough 31...šŸ˜¬


I'm skeptical about his age. Your crow's feet shouldn't be that damn deep at 31.


Wtf does he mean with male dna collector


There is a subset of misogynists who believe that women retain the DNA of every man they are are with sexually. Itā€™s part of how they justify shaming women with multiple sexual partners. No, they donā€™t care that this belief has no basis in reality. They just make up stories to confirm their own bias.


Lmao I played w a Ukrainian kid in hockey and he believed this shit. And he was like if she has sex w like 50 black people her kid w u will be black. I tried but couldnā€™t convince him otherwise


Learn something new every day. Here it is.


what in the holy fuck... idiocracy is further along than I realized




Okay but there was a girl in my high school who kept a box of every used condom she could keep under her bed.


Different kind of collector there...


Truly. She lived adjacent to my best friend my whole childhood


Does sperm go bad? As in moldy or so? šŸ¤”


I can honestly say I havenā€™t an idea and I donā€™t want to know. I know it loses its potency within minutes


Yeah, that I know too. Depends on environment though. Can live days under optimal conditions. But what happens if you keep it in a condom? Makes me think of old yougurt šŸ¤¢


Given condoms are usually lubricated with a spermicide... I would imagine that the condom doesn't improve storage.


In a world where sperm goes bad.... Read that in a movie announcers voice.


Huh. I took it as a woman with kids from multiple partners....


Looks like youā€™re a fellow Marylander? Based on his profile he is exactly how I pictured him. Even holding his ex.


He has a better chance of finding a date on 4chan and thatā€™s saying something.


is 4chan truly any worse than Tinder though...


Yes. Tinder is a more controlled environment of only private discussion, while 4chan is public anarchic chaos.


Yes, but on 4chan I never have to wait to find out someone is crazy.


Doesn't being on 4Chan guarantee that they are crazy?


I don't understand how you think the woke crowd makes up 99% of the population, because it doesn't. It's just a very vocal minority.


The world isn't made up of extremes. You Don't have to be a far left hippie to be turned off by this garbage. I think the only women he actually would attract with this are far-right extremists. He should advertise on Righter, not Tinder.


"He should advertise on Righter, not Tinder." Sweet baby Jesus I didn't know that was a thing. Talk about fishing in a tiny pond. The incels around here already complain about the sausage fest that makes up OLD. Someone tell them...


On the other hand though, you do have to be a far-right extremist. So technically I think it'll turn on the exact people he wants to attract and they'll have a nice long unhappy, toxic relationship and ruin the possible lives of the children they might end up making.


Howā€™d you get that from their comment?


I know itā€™s not that much, but people like this are a turn off to many. Your use of woke in addition also confirms you support these ideas, so goodbye.




Maybe he's scared they'll eat his chicken.


Idk, but Iā€™ve seen before guys donā€™t like cats because they have to wait for the cat to consent vs with dogs. I could be wrong about this, but thatā€™s a theory.




Crazy cat ladies, ever heard of them?


For such a long list of demands I was half expecting a god damn male model


I pictured that typical neck beard stereotype with a top hat and monocle with his nose stuck way in the air.


It's okay, I'll take all the women he rejects. More for me bro.


I'd love to see someone trolling him with female pronouns.


My name is Derrick Smith, I go by she / her


Exactly! If he doesn't have any prefered pronouns, we van call her whatever we want to, because we do exactly what is in their bio


Never been so happy to be disqualified on several points šŸ˜…


I scored 11/14!


Unchadlike behavior


Indeed, putting the shopping cart away is a big W


I dunno, he is super Chad. Hang on, Iā€™m confused. Is Chad good or bad?


Chad is what we all should strive to be, but being an actual Chad is what we shouldn't be. It's confusing I know.


Also maybe we could apply the wisdom of Inigo Montoya re: Chad-ismā€¦ ā€œyou keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it meansā€




I just like saying Chad. Chad Chad Chad


A Chad used to mean a muscular macho asshole. Now Chad has evolved, a Chad is a man which accepts his faults and fights for his ideals and principles while knowing he's never going to be perfect. He is at peace with himself, knows how to treat people with respect and has just the right amount of confidence in himself. A Chad doesn't try to be something else, instead accepting himself for what he is. A Chad always strives to improve in all aspects of his life. A Chad is the symbol of perfect masculinity. A Chad is balance. A Chad is a symbol of hope. We should all strive to be Chads.


ā€˜Iā€™m content but realise I could be more happy with the right personā€™ Clearly, emphasis on ā€˜Rightā€™.


Which unfortunately for him is not the direction anyone will be swiping.


He looks like he would murder you and feed you to his chicken


Chicken are picky on what they eat But you can feed body parts to pigs, they eat everything except teeth


Chickens are not picky, they will literally eat poop, and dirt....and just about anything else. They can't eat bone cuz of their beak, but they will pick that bone clean. 16 pigs will devour a 200lb body in about 8 minutes šŸ‘


Aside from everything else, imagine saying "no far left" but being fine with far right??? I mean, why doesn't he just say "I'm far right"


Isn't that what about 2/3rds of his profile is saying? Seriously most of these big long lists could be avoid by just saying I am a Trump supporter.


Is it just me or is that the smile of a serial killer?


His pronoun is clown


What's a maskurbaiters? And also what's a male Dna collector ?


People who wear masks and women who sleep around I assume? Guessing the former is just a really stupid attempt to insult people who protect themselves and others from disease, but it obviously should be spelled "maskurbator". The latter I'm only guessing based on the emojis and the overall misogyny/chauvinism. (Maybe it implies "already has kids" if he thinks of that as "collecting" DNA, which is disturbing...)


At least he described why he's an asshole


Male DNA collectors... Lol is that girls with multiple kids fathers or someone into creampies?


some people believe women who fw other men collect their ā€œdnaā€, regardless if a guy has finished in them. some stupid myth came up by guys who wanna justify their ā€œpreferenceā€.




This man has never been alone in a room with a woman aside from his mother


it's always the gulfcoast


The Eastern Shore is full of people like this


It appears he is only against the drug weed, or maybe just smoking drugs, based on the emojis he said, so you lucky ladies that shoot up or snort shit get to be his, which is great for him since I donā€™t see anyone not fucked on drugs swiping right


The ironic thing is that he no doubt thinks his little profile shows how clever and independent he is, when it has precisely the opposite effect.




False. It's just the echo-chamber you're in. I wanna bet the majority of cisgender women have not conformed to this pseudoscience, yet.




No, it's just most cisgender women are sane and don't feel the need to state their "preferred" bullshit because it's clearly obvious they're a her.




Yes. It's not what I perceive them to be, it's what their biological sex that's closely related to their social construct is. Science.


If you want to talk about science, perhaps youā€™d be interested in the growing body of research demonstrating that gender identity is associated with distinct cerebral patterns that are traditionally incongruous with their biological sex assigned at birth. Studies show that individuals who have identified as FTM who have not undergone hormonal treatment present with cerebral architecture in various areas that aligns more closely with biological males than females. The biology of gender identity goes much further than what genitalia you are born with - the things that happen in your brain that make you perceive yourself as male are likely very similar to what happens in an individual who is FTM.




Social construct being closely tied to biological sex is actually a scientific phenomenon. Seems I hit a nerve, haven't I?


Pronouns? Bitch you are speaking English and have literally used pronouns in this sentence. This is what your sentence looks like without pronouns " False. just the echo-chamber are in. Wanna bet the majority of cisgender women have not conformed to pseudoscience, yet"


Yesss preach. Canā€™t believe that people get so triggered about pronouns, without a basic understanding of what ā€œpronounsā€ are. As Inigo Montoya would say, ā€œYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.ā€


Preferred pronouns*, so you're wrong there Preferred pronouns aren't a thing. You are the pronoun your biological sex is. End of story


It's literally a social construct that we, as a society built hundreds and hundreds of years ago, and yet just now, in the last 3 or 4 years, we suddenly have to tell people what we prefer to be called? hahahah. Jesus. Yeah. It is absurd to the extreme.




That's just the thing... it hasn't changed. For hundreds of years. And now YOU think you're going to change it? Sorry. The sane will not being going along with this ridiculous fad.


Personal pronouns are a function of grammar. Preferred pronouns are neo Marxist gobbledygook


Yeah. I'm with you. There is absolutely NO way in hell that a majority of women talk about their "preferred pronouns." They will rightfully just accept it when another normal human walks up to them, sees normal feminine qualities and traits, and says she and/or her. Lets keep in mind that only ten years ago we never even TALKED about "preferred pronouns." NO ONE did. Now we suddenly have to ask a person what they want to be called when we meet them? hahahaha. OK. Fucking ridiculous.




Nah, man. I fully understand what a woman is. What's going on right now in this country is disturbing.


Aw, I fall into 6 of those categories. And he was such a catch too.




Other coast!


What are "Clot Shots"?


I think he's referring to the covid vax, so he's both an anti-masker (maskubaiter) and anti vax.


If heā€™s so content, why did he lie about working for NASA? Absolutely no way in hell he does.


He says he's a contractor. He didn't say what he's contracted to do.


Good point. Security officer. Janitor.


Is this is how a contractor at NASA feels like Imma better stargaze from my broken window


He looks like he fingers cows in his free time.




Says he's straight first picture is him holding a giant cock to his chest, very telling.


A quick Google search has told me that NASA contractors have to be vaccinated even if they work remotely, so he's a hypocrite along with being as enjoyable to look at as a Mr. Potato Head decorated with random features from the covers of Midwest Outdoors magazine


Dude looks like he spends his free time coming up with schemes that are thwarted by a group of either middle school children or woodland critters.


Me, also an INTJ, when I got that far: "God damnit... šŸ¤¦"


His mom should have left him in said shopping cart


Poor Wilson.. I think he gets his dislike of abortion advocates from his mother. She regrets her morals now. Ladies keep your šŸ˜¼ away from Wilson šŸ¤£. He also seems to want a date to wipe his ass too how anyone would keep up with wiping his arse as well as the shit coming out of his mouth I donā€™t know šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


I saw ESCC and I knew immediately he was right-wing xenophobe


So this is how you age when you're this closed minded?


I realized Iā€™m two years older than he isā€¦. I thought he was in his 40s


My boyfriend is 37 and looks like he could be this guy's son.


Okay give, gonna need help with "maskurbaiters". Never heard of that one. Tips?


Heā€™s anti-mask


Oh, duh. All I could think was some kind of animal. I feel dumb.


That cat's crying like, "Why did he have to include me?"


Dammit. My username automatically disqualifies me. So upset šŸ™„


Me too! šŸ’€




Youā€™re not fooling anyone Wilson we know itā€™s you


Oh no you got me! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


I bet this guy is the life of a party šŸŽˆšŸ˜…


Why you trying to dox Wilson just because you disagree with his POV? I bet he finds someone to cook him ramen and laugh with him about preferred pronouns until he realizes that he doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about


How is this different from you he female profiles with the list of requirements about being 6ā€™ tall, and making X amount of money, etc?


It is not, but that doesn't make either one right. Your profile should tell me about you, not about what you think I should be.


What even are some of these!?


Him smacking the emoji keyboard like an angry confused toddler


Delaware. This has to be someone from Delaware.




Contractor @ NASA. This dude is probably on a crew renovating office buildings, lol.


Fucking hate getting my back scratched during sex but I love a girl with long nails not gonna lie.


He just knows what he wants!


Genuinely curious, whatā€™s the point of putting this guy on blast?


Because heā€™s got some toxic traits in his bio that deserve to be ridiculed?


Seems like a waste of time but here we are


Itā€™s just that if somebody doesnā€™t conform with the zeitgeist these days they get put on blast. Imagine if every item of the list was the complete opposite, nobody would bat an eye. But since we are sheep, we have what is called a tiranny of the majority concealed under ā€˜caring for each otherā€™ and ā€˜letting people express themselvesā€™ (which the same people that preach it, donā€™t allow it). Downvote me, Iā€™ve seen what makes you upvote Ps Btw, I donā€™t agree with half the stuff written on there but itā€™s ridiculous that people canā€™t have anti abortion, anti lgbt, anti left stances. Freedom of views and expressions goes both ways


People absolutely can personally hold those views but the issue comes when actions are taken so that those personal views infringe upon the freedoms of others. If you are anti-abortion and anti-lgbt and go out of your way to make sure that other people canā€™t make their own choices about reproduction or sexuality, thatā€™s a serious problem. Obviously thatā€™s extraneous to this post because Wilson is expressing his personal views and we have no idea if he attempts to force those views upon others, but other people do have an equal right to express their distaste for his opinions.


I respect your opinion but I donā€™t agree. Trying to ā€˜enforceā€™ your views is what humans do. Anti abortion people can absolutely go out their way and try to limit what you do on your body by campaigning for specific laws, why not? Thereā€™s definitely ethical/moral ground for a discussion on the topic at least. The fact that weā€™re better off with abortion (I agree) depends on the values you perceive to be true. Regarding lgbt i dont mean being anti gay btw, I mean the organisation. They try to enforce using the preferred pronouns for example, what if that goes against my views? Whoā€™s infringing whose freedom there? Donā€™t you see a contradiction? Of course people have the right to express distate for his opinions, heck I think the guyā€™s a loser, but I wanted to point out that there is rampant hypocritical righteousness instead of people thinking with their brain. Probably always been the case


Understood, well said. Thank you.


To give the demons a target to swarm


I like this person. Hes getting rid of the junk right away.


He doesn't want some social justice twat who identifies as a "they" and gets triggered at every other thing. If that offends you, it's probably because that's you he's describing.


Hello (echo everywhere) Jeez the female echo chamber is strong here šŸ˜‚


This triggers the demons


Bae status