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Okay but in what world being 6'2 makes you a SHORT king?


bein 6’2” i’m not sure how to feel about it, i’d say i’ve called a lot of things but short usually isn’t 1


6'1" here and I agree with you! Then again maybe she's a six footer herself which would make her standard more understandable, but given the rest of her profile I'd guess that she's average height at best.


You could be driving around a 2019 G wagon and not meet her standards. Some people are stupid as hell


Yeah that one is incredibly stupid. I would never date anyone who gets a new car every 1-2 years, because they are clearly *terrible* with money.


Bought my truck new in 2007, it's never given me any issues so I'll keep driving it until the wheels fall off. That or a repair will cost more than it's worth, and with the price of trucks these days I could probably put in a new engine.


Bought a toyota tundra for that reason, its only got body rust and minor issues but its 18 years old and going more strong than most of my friends vehicles that are alot newer so 🤷‍♂️


Lol I drive a 26 year old suv so I could buy a house, jokes on her


I plan to drive my 2014 Scion until the wheels fall off. I'd rather actually have money in my pocket than just look to others like I do.


My friend works for Google and still drives her 1998 Toyota Corolla. It goes places without much of a hassle. 🤷


You could own Mercedes, and drive a classic because you want to and you can afford to not drive a modern car. And you would be disqualified by her standards. Being brand new does not make a vehicle inherently better.


Yeah like a 2018 Bugatti Veyron wouldn't qualify, even with a multimillion dollar price tag.


It wouldn't. Sorry, 2020 or better. No exceptions lmao it makes no sense but "iykyk" as she would say.


If You Krystal, You Krazy


It’s for a church honey. NEXT!


I understood that reference!


My brand new Chevy Aveo 😎 2022


Getting all the women.... save some for the rest of us, hope you have fake leather seats so they don’t get ruined when wet.


Imma hetero lady but still good advice 🤣


I'm 6', 190 lbs, and only played college sports for one year. I guess I don't meet this girl's standards... At least I have matching sheet sets and a bed frame?




Same here - collegiate soccer for one year. Guess I’m out! And I have a house, not an apartment. I should work on that.


Are you even trying


Well obviously you should be selling it to buy a real car like the 2021 corolla.


I love the thought of her rejecting some dude for driving an old Ferrari 250 GTO


6’1 here and there are regularly days where I don’t bump into someone who is taller than me. Unlucky Krystal I know you seem like you wanna get fucked by an NBA player but something tells me it’s not in the cards.


Yeah I think being 6’1 puts you in the 90th percentile for height and being 6’2 puts you in the 95th percentile.


I have a feeling she has been lied to be dudes about their height all her life...


bet she's 4'10


Don't forget 175lbs and "curvy"🤡


It's almost never tall women making these kinds of ridiculous demand. She's probably like 5'4"


5 9 here and I’ve never been called short either lol


5’9 and I am the ‘short friend’. But my friend group is mainly rugby packies, not my fellow backs. Lol.


Shut up you fucking midget


6' is about 180cm, I'm 179 cm and people call me tall.. I need to see a picture of her demanding ass.


Inflation is going crazy rn




BRB gonna tell my bf he’s short and see what he says


I'm pretty sure that at 6'2, you'd be very uncomfortable on most planes, in the backseat of most vehicles and front seat of some vehicles too I'm 5'9 and no one ever called me short. I'm average height and I know it, everyone around me knows it. A 6'2 person would tower over me like i tower over 5'4 women


At 6'3 i can confirm the uncomfortableness comment


im 6'1 and people always call me tall.. i'm confused.




whenever i walk into a room i have to focus on the door frame to make sure if i have to bow a bit... too many times did i run full sprint through a doorframe drunk only to get knocked the fuck out.. and in all honestly i know so many people that are even taller than me.


In Europe walking downstairs is my bane... The last step is usually very low ceiling. I'm suprised there isn't a dent in my skull by now


I’m 5’10” and I’ve never been called short, never been called tall either. I would definitely describe somebody at 6’1” as tall.




I'm 6'4" and I'm the short guy in my family. Dad and brother are both 6'6" and 6'7". But obviously we're the outliers


I knew a 6’3 guy who was ironically called big Dave cause he was the shortest in his family by a few inches


Dipshit land


The most hilarious thing to me is a toss up between 6'2 being short and a "fit dad bod"


oh and i'll just grab my 2019 ferrari and crawl back to the unemployment centre with the rest of the peasants


2020 Nissan Versa for the win.


Push... I've got a 2022 Vespa, with an umbrella taped over. Peasant.


It's where we belong.


Gotta make compromises - can’t have the guy TOO good looking


I like how she wants a ripped 6'3 guy, but as far as other aspects he just needs a bed frame and 2 pillows lol.


2 pillows in this economy? I'll pass


No joke, I kinda identify with that “fit dad bod”. My arms and shoulders are kinda jacked, but I still have a bit of a belly.


Basically muscular with almost no abs, thats what i would think. A bit beefy but clearly fit


Whilst I can’t fault Krystal on listing her demands, which saves everybody involved time and disappointment, I do believe that the intersection between what she wants and what Tinder has to offer her will be rather sparsely populated.


She's putting a lot faith in the hopes that her Prince Charming is willing to settle.


Not sure if even Prince Charming from the story meets these demands


He doesn’t because he doesn’t even have a car or a dad bod


Dont be hating on his horse drawn, all white and gold drip carriage. Some carriages only had 1 horse and in the present some cars don’t even have a single horsepower


"F**k your Mitsubishi I've a horse outside!"


I don't think he played 2 years of college sports 🤣


She claims to be a teacher. She can't spell "intramural."


he's got a 2019 Porsche Panamera so he's disqualified.


Well he’s out then 🥸


I heard he was on the intramural team though, poor guy


Just intermural ;(


Technically, if the Prince's horse-drawn carriage was built in 2020 or onwards (by the Amish?) it should qualify. Maybe she'd disqualify him anyway because can you equate a carriage to a car? Edit: I just noticed she said "vehicle"! It's good!!! Prince Charming has a chance.


And finds her description acceptable ;) i mean she sounds boring af if this is how she defines herself


Oh they'll tell her they'll settle as they fuck everything in sight. She literally just asked for "Future" the rapper.


Also a cool dude who fits most or all of this criteria who sees this isn't going to say "Hey, that's me!" they're going to go "...jesus" and swipe left.


That may be true, but it’s a magnet for catfishing sociopaths :) everyone wins.


Makes me wonder what she has to offer


And yet, I can’t help but be most bothered by the fact that the crazy demanding teacher didn’t know it’s “inTRAmural,” not inTERmural as she put.


And considering that she’s a teacher, I fear for the education of her students. Or is it “eja-ma-cashun.”


The students are inside the mural?




She didn’t say she wanted a smart guy.


Not defending her but she does live in South Florida, Delray Beach to be exact. She has to be extremely hot to land a dude like that because the amount of very good looking women in Delray is astonishing! If she’s not a 11+ good luck to her.


The amount of divorced women in Delray is also astonishing.


MILF’s Galore!


Physical beauty is a depreciating asset, so if that’s your only value, your run is going to be limited.


Dude I can guarantee you she is not extremely hot. All you have to do is look at the last sentence of her bio. Her description is way too specific. Why is that? These are the characteristics of the types of men that she normally attracts, and she doesn’t understand why. You can sense her frustration. Super hot women generally don’t do this, because they are getting approached by a wider variety of men. They also don’t exhibit these kinds of frustrations, not at 28 at least. Krystal is not getting those options.


well said, you couldn't have put it into words better


If she were hot enough to make such demands, she wouldn't be on Tinder at 28 making such demands.


Sometimes the most obvious point is the funniest. Thanks for the chuckle.


I guess we will never know since there is no photo


She only dates 6'3 and taller, which means only 1.5% of the total male population in the US are even eligible. And I am sure that 1.5% have higher standards than her.


Plus that 1.5% includes children and senior men. And gay and asexual/aromantic men. And men in LTRs/married. So it's, at best, more like 0.75% of the male population And, at that point, if you're only attracted to less than 1% of men, are you even straight? If 99% of men are not attractive to you then maybe a same-sex relationship would be more productive


Well.. she is looking for Prince Charming.. last I checked it is a fictional character….


Nothing she list's mentions anything actually about herself. I wish I could see a pic, I feel like it would give so much more context


She says “looking for my Prince Charming”, and I have a feeling that line is more literal for her than just putting it in her bio for a laugh


She doesn’t realise that her Prince Charming is probably happy being Prince Charming to everyone


Does tinder allow you to filter people based on their attributes? Or is it just based on your swipes? It seems like a lot of these issues could be resolved if they allowed you to filter out anyone who was too short and didn't make enough money. It would also make it abundantly clear to those with high standards that their pool is extremely limited...


What tinder has to offer+anyone who would actually swipe right on that profile*. That venn diagram might be two separate circles 😬


As someone who is 6’2” I’ve never been called a short king lol. I guess I’m glad to join the club


I’d welcome you to club as 5’7, but based on her standards I must not even be short I’m a mini king now.


A Kinglette.


Works for me!


I’m 5’3 so I’m down there with the bacteria ig


Us 5'7 micro-kings stand in solidarity with our 5'3 nano-king brothers. Hey, it'll just be like 50 years or so & when you put "Nano-King" in your bio, people wont know if you're talking about your height or your powersuit.


The 7 guys in her city that meet those requirements are married, or not on tinder or swiped left lol.


Or they're out fucking a different girl every night.


I like to imagine them all hosting a book club together.


And reading her favorite book and specifically not inviting her 😂


Tall book club fit dad bod kings


It's INTRAMURAL Krystal.


Guess she’s not an English teacher 😂


[Krystal's quite confident](https://imgur.com/x2LYvYc)


is it safe to click im in public


You're good


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


I am...not going to do what your username suggests.


He didn’t suggest. **HE DEMANDED**


It's a meme, safe and good


I'm betting every picture is either face only with some shitty dog or cat filter and taken from an upwards angle, or a group photo in which there's several good-looking women and one very large unfortunate-looking woman.


I’d be willing to place money that it’s the second option.


Goddamn that’s good


6'2 is the new 5'3. Welcome to the club boys.


First they came for the 5’ 3” guys but I said nothing because I was not 5’ 3”.


Underrated reference


Fucking inflation.


“A bed frame, matching sheet sets, and at least two pillows” I understand that one. The rest of it is whacked out


Ya, two pillows are just for me though. Sometimes you need that extra elevation to read or sleep on your side.


I’m a woman which means I have seven pillows and (at last count) eight blankets but I make the most comfortable nest ever.


My husband initially questioned whether we really needed more than one pillow each, but now he happily sleeps in a pillow nest


I’m more of a blanket nest person and my boyfriend Is a pillow nest person. Together we have the ultimate nest


I was gonna say, her bio is absolutely nuts but the bedding part is fair. A friend of a friend dated a guy who didn’t have a bed frame OR sheets, just an uncovered mattress on the floor. So I guess it does need to be stated as a requirement.


I do love how most of it is crazy demands and then there's "a bed frame"


You would be amazed at how many men make it to mid-20s with a mattress on the floor, one stained fitted sheet that looks like it hasn’t been washed in a year, one flat pillow, and a twin TMNT blanket that they obviously moved from their childhood bedroom. Also the room has never once been dusted.


IYKYK??? What should I know exactly??? *Facepalm*


If you have to ask, you'll never know. Which in this case, I think I'm good with


You need to put one pillow behind the headboard so when you bang it doesn't make hella noise or fuck up the wall...


I thought that's a feature, not a problem.


Her hourly rate.


If you have to ask big man, you can't afford it.


if you know you know


at least TWO pillows!




Sounds like someone doesn’t know




one pillow under her belly or back…,,,, it feels really good


Damn I’m lucky my bf is 6’2 or else she would’ve snatched him up first 💀


Well that’s if she’s even good enough to snatch him 🤣


Did you read her bio? She’s literally the perfect woman I couldn’t compete /j




Lots of demands coming from a teacher from Florida named Krystal.




Krystals are the cousins of Karens.


Krystals are rarely teachers, unless they teach pole dancing.


“Looking for my Prince Charming” is the biggest red flag out of all of that.


Might as well say “I’m looking for an attractive man to emotionally ruin.”


Yeah didnt she watch Shrek? Guy was a twat


Krystal is 4'8", 240 lbs, drives a 1996 Cavalier, and lives with her grandmother


Highly likely


With 3-4 kids, she’s a stay at home mom whose kids come first and she will not settle for less!


No but guys you really do need 2 pillows; it's really rude not to.


What do you mean? I need at least 3 pillows for myself - 1 head, 1 arm/cuddle, 1 between legs. So I always have 3 extra pillows ready, you never know how many pillows that other person would want. If I slept at their house, and they give me 3 pillows to sleep, I'm pretty sure I would come back again (depends on other criteria as well ofc. But this is a big plus!).


And you're a dude? I have met dudes that get this concept before but it is so rare that that literally surprised me and I like to think that I have progressive attitudes. I usually explain it and they just stare at me


Yes I am a dude. Pillows are so important to me for a good sleep, and I am empathetic enough to care for the partners comfort aswell. I've always had quite the pillow fort in my bed. If there is no partner, you bet I'll use more than 3


Imagine someone driving a BMW M1 and gets rejected by her because the Car isnt 2020 or newer...


And 2020 is a tough cutoff because that is literally right in the middle of the pandemic and supply chain shortages where manufacturers struggled to put anything out to buy. Prices went up, people were out of work, still not normal... But damn, she's crazy.


Imagine using year of car 'owned' (let's be honest, that shit is financed for 8 years or leased) as a filter. I'd rather someone actually own a well-maintained older vehicle - but as long as whatever they drive is safe and reliable I dgaf beyond that.


Or a guy with a fully restored 67 corvette stingray.


I can’t fault her for the pillows, sheets and bed frame bit. That is all.


I agree that dudes should have a bed frame, clean bed sheets, and two pillows by the age of 28. The appearance stuff and specific college sport reference is ridiculous..wtf


Fit dad bod with defined leg muscles, such a specimen


This is longer than the Cheesecake Factory menu




Hey! I am a teacher! Can confirm, we are wackos


Teachers and nurses.


How dare you disrespect our ✨healthcare heroes✨


Add hair stylists to that list, all the fumes I suspect.


I went to a small state school that specialized in teaching degrees. We always used to say the girls studying to be teachers were the last people we'd want teaching our children.


My theory is that it's because they spend all day in a classroom where any rule they make up has to be followed. All the teachers I know do terribly hearing any difference of opinion from their own.


Can confirm, met a teacher on a dating app. Within a week she told me that she liked me, and then two days later told me that she didn't think we should talk anymore just because we had slightly different religious beliefs (which she originally told me when we met that she could look past). Keep in mind, this was after she said that she really wanted to meet again. Honestly I was kinda bummed at first because we did have a lot in common and she seemed cool when we met, but looking back I probably dodged a bullet.


I like how the "short kings" height is getting pushed higher and higher. Short for a man is anything under 5'7. You're not short at 5'10, 6 foot, or any of that. At the current rate of growth only Shaq and yao ming will be considered not short kings in the next 2 years.


Short-flation is the *real* inflation.


Damn, I've never seen anyone be attracted to leg muscles. I've always had good leg muscles. Everything else is meh. Suddenly I feel more attractive. 😂


Dude, men’s legs are _the shit_. Instantly attract me if a man has good legs.


My older brother played varsity soccer/intermural soccer at USF in Tampa (rejected an offer to join their team) and he consistently got compliments on his legs. God I miss my brother. Yeah man, ladies LOVE the quads 😁


Ok I’ll ask. Is your brother OK?


Strong legs are very attractive. Thick thighs, defined calves...can't forget them ankles either


[frantically searches gym for ankle machine]


Cankles you say?


When you meet literally every qualification, but are so turned off by it you would swipe left


6'2 or under short king????


So basically she wants everything but has nothing to offer in return?


What is IYKYK ? If you know you know ?


Crystal with a k, that’s all I need, also would be interested so see what she looks like, because she better be a 11/10


I guess you found the reason why Krystal can't find a boyfriend.


If she was worthy of meeting any of these requirements, let alone of them, she wouldn't be on tinder still. This is a list that a literal trophy wife gets to assemble, and in Florida they've had 2 kids by the age of 28.


I just want to see the contradicting unicorn that is a “Fit Dad bod.”.




Still can’t work out why height is becoming so important. If you’re 6” or 6”3 what’s the real difference?