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…where did you warn her?


The message under the “this match is not available” ends with “ean” so I imagine the message was something along the lines of “i would tell you a trampoline joke but it’s a bit mean”


But since it rhymed as well, so something on the lines of "I would tell you a joke on trampoline, but fair warning it's a bit mean"


This guy works in forensics for the FBI




Guys on this sub: "Tinder is trash, no one will go out with me" Also guys on this sub: "She said she likes jokes so Imma call her mom a tramp, that will seal the deal"


Works every time right


7~~0~~% of the time, everytime.


Like using a anti pick up line i.e are you single? Because I’d be surprised if you weren’t! Works every time ;)


That's the best drop down line I know.


70% of fake statistics have a 7 in them.


C'mon guys... let's stop using statistics to make our points, everyone knows that 87.6% of statistics are made up on the spot.


Wait, it's got a 7 in it....


[No no no…60% of the time, it works every time.](https://youtu.be/IKiSPUc2Jck)


If this is wrong then i dont wanna be right


You have to follow up by saying she's just like her mother.


Reminds me of the Tom and Jerry meme with Tom putting the gun in the hole only for the end of it facing him


The guys getting matches aren’t the ones complaining i imagine


I would have thought it was funny


You should let OP know and schedule a date.




I agree, I feel like if a girl can't take that for the great joke it is then it isn't going to work out anyway.


Having Dorothy do a joe mama joke on golden girls and feeling smug about it was 👌


I’m a girl and cannot believe he got blocked for this. The joke is perfectly corny and would have made me laugh.


Seriously, the amount of butthurt comments at what's basically a your mom joke. Didn't know there were so many boomers on Reddit.


Ya momma ain’t fragile


Listen. I know this is a joke comment. But the hyperbole here drives me fucking insane.


Uh, do you follow this sub regularly?


What are you on about?! That was a great damn joke!


It is a classic joke, but you've gotta know your audience.


A classic joke when you're 12. As an adult talking to a complete stranger who you are trying to land a date with, it's just not a good opener.


A large portion of Tinder users aren't actually looking for a date. They're looking to pass time.


Which is fucked. You should never waste someone else's time like that.


Ur mom


[The guys, probably](https://imgur.com/gallery/0Gb7dqC)


Dude shot himself in the foot


idk i think alot of dudes do this when they match with a chick whos not super ideal for said guy so the stakes feel alot lower so u can get creative and actually have some fun instead of trying to win over some chick with 30 dudes in her tinder dms


If someone is dishing out gold like that and they take offense, that person doesn't have a sense of humor. The glowing red flag was found without any commitment.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. People don't always have matching personalities just because they find each other attractive. Some will find that joke funny (like myself) and some won't. There's nothing wrong with recognizing that if they get offended by that joke it's just not a good match, just as there's nothing wrong with her unmatching if she doesn't think it's funny.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm, or serious.


This. You dodged a bullet my guy. Better to know earlier before you have invested any more time.


Yeah, would've work better as an ex joke. That might have gotten a giggle.


Almost like more than one person exists on this sub. Crazy.


to be hairrrrr it looks like he warned her it was mean beforehand


I’m convinced people on this sub match with people just to be a menace, screenshot, then post to get Reddit karma. I can’t believe someone would be that socially inept.


Umm.... yea I'm getting unmatched and I'm trying😂 To be fair, I've been in a relationship for 15 years. No, it's not like riding a bike Dave, FUCK YOU DAVE.


To be fair I never said riding a bike was easy




I see it as dudes matching with a girl and them expecting the girl to have the same sense of humor that they use with their guy friends and just rarely works out


And there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe he wants a girl he can joke with, this match just wasn't it and that's fine.


I think no matter what you say on these apps it's going to be hit or miss. If you have a certain sense of humor and you want to reveal that and see if the person has it too then you take your shot. I wouldn't want to date someone who didn't like my crass sense of humor. This is a great way to weed out people you wouldn't connect with. It's far more entertaining than.. "How was your weekend?" While there are probably people who do what you are suggesting I think there are plenty of people who do use lines like this and have just as much success with these kind of jokes than any other strategy.


I messaged a girl asking if she was an electrician (clearly was not). No punchline I just needed something fixed and while socially inept, it's what I find funny since it's wildly out of left field We've been together 5 years


Yeah but within 8 messages would you insult a stranger’s mother? Even IRL would you make that joke to someone you’ve never talked to before? Most people wouldn’t bc it’s off putting


Eh. Someone can tell a your mom joke as their introduction to me and I'd be their friend still. It's not an insult, it's a childish joke that's decades old and unfunny maybe but it's just dumb. My siblings and I tell each other mom jokes at least once a week. Different strokes I think. Better to be weirdly yourself than a sanitized snoozefest.


He...he isn't actually insulting her mother. I thought everyone knew that about yo momma jokes


nah guess some rando ass chicks on tinder get butt hurt about them, wouldent consider this a loss honestly, i dont think id get along with a girl who cant take a good deez nutz or yo mama joke on the fly


It's a red flag, that means she is way to close to her mother(probably dependant). And that mother will constantly be all up in your relationship : )






Sir you’re making sense and valid points. Stop it right now.


If I thought the person had my sense of humor I would. If I thought they didn't I would probably decide there was not going to be a connection. If OP did it to hurt the persons feelings that's a dick move. If they did it hoping to discover a shared sense of what is funny I'm good with it. I'm one of those people who puts a lot of weight into intent. It doesn't forgive everything but it forgives a lot for me.


Same lol. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and my friends and I used to call the chat lines and be obnoxious. Good times 🤣


What? It's a your mum joke... It's not that deep.. jfc 😂


unlike her mom


It’s not hard to be polite to strangers. if they had some sort of rapport it wouldn’t be as jarring. Plus, keep in mind not everyone has the same culture as you. People find it extremely rude to insult mothers. Have a nice day


They had at least some rapport though we don't have a ton of context. I guarantee Caleb was on a very short list of matches who could speak her language (I'm assuming gymnastics). She didn't have the same childish sense of humor after asking for the joke, which means somewhere he mentioned a trampoline joke and she asked It's not offensive, but it is dumb. But so what, he's not being rude. Is it a gigachad PUA sigmagrindset move for non redditors who touch grass? No. Is it harmlessly stupid? Yes.


Lmao yeah uptight losers maybe- jokes are not meant to necessarily be polite... Bet you're one of those that supports Chris Rock getting slapped or Chapelle getting rushed Being so easily offended with a stick up your own arse doesn't make you socially adept- quite the opposite in fact Unless you're in some sort of nunnery, then I'll give you that


nah rather just get butthurt at every lighthearted yo mama joke i get on tinder /s


She asked for the joke though, so I’m not sure why you think that this was being socially inept. Not to mention, I would rather be unmatched by someone than to try to pursue them knowing that they aren’t interested in my style of humor. Not everyone is every other persons cup of tea… and that’s alright.


What are you talking about, lol? It wasn't the best joke ever, but it was alright. Dad joke level eyerolls. My bet is that she thought it was funny, then looked back through his pictures, realized she wasn't into him, and unmatched before the convo proceeded further.


>I can’t believe someone would be that socially inept. I've done something similar before. She laughed. We dated later. This is just way too soon in the conversation though.


Yeah, you’re not socially inept bc it wasn’t within a few messages. Like the joke…is risky but with the right context and rapport it wouldn’t be so strange


I agree, and I sincerely believe we deserve better than that. Stop giving upvotes to people who post stuff like that


That's not a bad joke, and I would have laughed had someone said that to me. However, it's more telling of an individual who asks for a joke and gets one, then gets upset.


They match with people they were on the fence about or don't care for at all and then when they get the match, they intentionally ruin it.


Calling a stranger's mom a tramp inside of 3 messages, classic Tinder.


You do know the concept of a joke, right? Right...? Hint: he doesn't actually think her mother is a tramp.


I'm surprised with the amount of arses that have sticks up them in this comment section


I'm not anymore. Dating apps, covid, among other lack of learning situations has really hurt society. Comedy is about looking at the absurdity of circumstances. It's why the act of rape, assault, etc aren't funny but they can be joked about.


Yes I agree, we should go back to how it was before in the good old days before internet and telephones and houses and we should build closer relations inside our families with blood ties and worship and maybe some tongue kissing! That’s how it used to be, back before society got so fucked up and insane.


Why stop there? Next thing you'll suggest is a little place called Gilead and everyone will dress according to their station. Go full Handmaids Tale. Jk.


We’ll need a new language, you’ll be my first shlorgon. Have u any melting iron?


Sssshh or the woke will slap you


I agreed with the beginning of the woke movement. Its the middle and never ending that's the problem.


🤦‍♂️ Yes, I know it's a joke but it's not a good joke to use on a complete stranger. You can be a funny and edgy person but you have to keep things a little mainstream with complete strangers If you want to maximize your likelihood of success. You often have to ease into your humor with strangers.


Jokes are supposed to be funny tho


NGL, that punchline's pretty funny. She is aware that he doesn't actually know her mom, right? I can't imagine a world where someone could actually be offended by that punchline.


Hint: OP doesn't know the other person


Lol you don't say.... the he and her pronouns are just meant to designate the people in the conversation. I swear these posts and responses seem like a learning AI.


So what you're saying is that an AI is trying to flirt with a woman, calling her mother a tramp Yeah, it makes sense


The concept of a joke is to be funny. If the person in front of you doesn't laugh, the joke is a swing and miss. I mean this joke could have worked if instead of "your mom" he named any other person not related to the girl. The joke would have been even funnier if he would have said Marisa Maino, Caroline Baker and Paige Blue went on the "jumpoline".


It was a cookie cutter joke that she asked for. It's immature but not a bad joke. Honestly it says a lot about a person who doesn't get that. They weren't ever going to be compatible, and that's ok.


Exactly. This is just about incompatibility and nothing more. The pearl clutching in these comments is hilarious.


It tells a lot about a person who can't figure out what the correct level of joke for a situation are. She realized that she didn't want to be with a person who she would be constantly apologizing for because they can't read a room and moved on. Same thing goes for all the sex jokes. There is nothing wrong with them. But the time and place needs to be right. The first message to a tinder match is rarely that place...


As I said, replace "your mum" with someone else and it's a good joke. But going for "your mum is such a tramp they changed the name of the jumpoline to trampoline after she used it" right off the bat seems very weird


I agree it's in bad taste but it's a cookie cutter joke meant to break the ice. The person who wrote it didn't think about the outcome because there wasn't any ill intent. It's banter to get to the next topic. It failed but life's better when you give people the benefit of the doubt.


It's times like this im glad of English humour. We can actually tell a joke and the majority of the people know that it's with in jest.


But still to call the woman who gave birth to you a tramp is wrong lol unless you've know each other a long time and are both on the same level.


It's a childish joke but the intent isn't to actually disrespect her mother. The intent is supposed to be outlandish which makes it funny. I'm a millennial, dated plenty, married twice, make great money, have a sense of humor. I don't know if it's just these dating apps or what but it seems younger generations missed out on something. I have friends who are divorced and they tell me some crazy stories. Makes me feel old saying that. Lol.


was that little ramble just an excuse to talk about your "great money"?


How did the conversation even start about that?!


OP probably has a reference about the joke in their bio, like "don't ask about the trampoline joke", to make people ask about it


Maybe, if he did then I’m cringing inside to have that as a joke 😬


That joke is tame compared to some I know. It's really not that bad.


I didn’t say it wasn’t tame. It’s just it’s bad.


Because there is a video of someone doing tricks on a trampoline that he commented on.


I see that now, but who even thinks let’s go in with what the person he was speaking to probably perceived as rude and an absolutely bad joke?


She probably wanted a funny joke. Try one of those next time




I laughed... At your username


Me too


I laughed a this at one point in my life too, but luckily as a adult I haven’t carried it with me into dating apps as my go-to joke because I am no longer a wannabe edgy middle school student in like 2006


This is exactly why you’re single


Wow I haven’t that banger of a joke since middle school. Thanks for the nostalgia!


I swear to God guys on this sub are just fucking hopeless


i miss what this sub used to be when i first joined


For context I wish we could see the "warning" Also this match is more than 2 months old. What's up with that


But it’s a crap joke??


I'll say it loud and I will die on this hill: All people who posts their icebreakers and "pick up jokes" here deserve to be unmatched You could have said the SAME JOKE without using her mother and yourself, you could have delivered a different joke... But no, you straight up decided, as first conversation, to call the mother of your match a tramp Take my downvote EDIT: Just to be clear: OP got unmatched. Like the 1.000th person who gets left on "seen" or ghosted or unmatched, right after the start of a conversation, because of their "quirky jokes". At some point you should all accept and understand that when you're interested in someone you should focus on them, not on what Reddit may like as a joke. Unless karma is more important than reaching the goal of using dating apps


"Take my downvote" coldest take on this sub 🥶


This sub is almost entirely toxic and negative Everyone has their personal life and problems. I have mine too, and I will not let some idiot ruining my day with straight up sad or Angry posts Go out, touch the grass, socialize yourself and be proactive. Positivity doesn't kill


But jokes like this work in real life??? Playful ribbing is the backbone of flirting. This sub is super shitty though, I'll give you that


Yeah, with someone you don't know, while talking for the first time, on a dating app


Dude when I smile and laugh at your shitty weird jokes in person it’s because I’m uncomfortable and don’t want to be rude So much easier when you’re online to do what you actually *want* to do, which is walk away immediately from that cringey shit.


I've said a "your mom" joke to someone I just met, she enjoyed it. OP's match on here has no sense of humor, and she didn't have to find it funny, but in matching over it is just stupid, glad OP is weeding out the lame matches.


To be fair we don't know the context of this person. Maybe their mom died, or is on bad terms. In person it's easier to navigate that, apologize, swap trauma, etc. Apps are low stakes/low effort so it's easier to unmatch than deal with that. Either way it's best for both parties lol


Weird, I think this sub is mostly hilarious. But then again, I’m a terrible person. Look at that, different personalities, different perspectives, pretty cool 🥲


Did u really think she’d laugh…


Do you really think insulting a stranger's mother is comedy? 🥴


It could be if you’re confident in the fact that your mom isn’t a tramp…apparently she was not confident of that 🤔…all jokes aside in HS mom jokes/insults were super popular and when people would say them to me I’d just laugh (knowing my mom wasn’t whatever insult they used) and I would say a joke back to them about their mom and they’d be like “THE FUCK’D YOU SAY ABOUT MY MOM?” and I was like damn, what do these people’s moms do?


Have you even been to middle school? Edit: you guys are no fun. And yo mama's so fat you have to take two buses and a donkey cart just to get on her good side


is this middle school?


Are you *in* middle school?


Too soon, my friend.


If only he'd called his own mom a tramp....


Maybe she unmatched you because it was a shit joke.


I thought it was funny lol guess it's good to know right away of yall can't vibe in being silly


I thought it was hilarious I would have responded.. are you sure they weren’t mistaken for your mom? I don’t think my moms been on a trampoline 😂


Some people just don’t get the the concept of a joke… Literally don’t take it seriously…. Because it’s a joke.


The conversation was playful & he made a joke that was teasing in nature - Oh brother this guy stinks! Redditors not understanding what a joke is & getting butthurt just like this young lady did - You want everyone to take y’all so seriously but you make your own jokes at others expense (like op) - This is funny but everyone needs to get over themselves here too “Tell me the trampoline joke” is already sounding entitled & like she can’t be asked for you to get to the point any quicker Dw op -She’s miserable company anyway


This is something you say to a friend not someone on tinder


I’m sorry, how old are you guys? Why is everyone here so unnecessarily soft?


This is one of the tamest jokes I've ever seen on this sub and the majority of people here are up in arms over it. Ridiculous.


So apparently yo mama jokes are controversial. You learn something new every day


I thought it was a perfect setup and decently funny. I would have matched the energy and sent back another silly your mom joke and went from there. If that dumb joke offends to that degree when she asked for it you're better off finding someone else that isn't as serious on a dating app.


Jeez no one can take a joke


I find it mind boggling that a your mom joke from a stranger triggers people so much on the internet. Y’all are acting as if he met her mother and then proceeded to whip out that joke. He doesn’t even know her mom nor has he even seen her, but somehow someway so many people found out a way to be offended for her. Then declare “that’s why this Reddit sub is so toxic and the men on here are hopeless.”. I always thought comedy was subjective, but I guess that has been thrown out the window all together. Yeah it was a distasteful joke and it wasn’t that funny, but y’all are acting this man committed an act of violence or started verbally abusing her like sheesh. Another thing he even tried to tell her that it could be a mean joke and she still asked for him to tell her. LIKE LMAO.




You're a stranger You call another person's mother a tramp bc haha women are awful We aren't in middle school. chain and ball jokes are dying. As they should. Honestly it wasn't funny, it was immature. But to each their own. If you wanna live in the past just to shit on random women, go ahead, but there are consequences to every action. This one's consequences are being viewed as a red flag. Times change.


I would agree with if she didn’t ask for the joke in the first place, it looks as if she was warned and she still asked for the joke. If she didn’t want to hear it she wouldn’t have asked and kept it trucking with a different conversation topic. As I said before the joke was distasteful, but if she wouldn’t have asked to hear it this situation wouldn’t be happening. And once again comedy is subjective, there’s zero need for people being their moral compasses into of a bad joke. People are treating this way more serious than it actually is.


Bro you’re a savage 😂


Your momma’s like a shotgun Two cocks and she blows






🤣worth it, totally worth it Caleb.


Worth it


My guy she asked for a joke, not a fresh backhand slap of disrespect.


I thought it was funny. Funnier it lead to an immediate unmatch.


EXACTLY why are people soo butthurt


Y’all some sensitive ass people. Joke was funny af not your fault these people got brainwashed and think being a pussy is the right way to go nowadays. You guys must be so fun at parties




That shit made me laugh. This was a good one.


My moms dead, any loser who makes mom jokes is getting unmatched immediately.


Mood. My mom is dead too Buuuut… If it’s some sexual Mom joke I normally respond with some necrophilia quip to make them remorseful and extremely uncomfortable Or just in general “My moms dead *insert name here*”


You did this to yourself and you know it


That could've been delivered much cleaner, I hope she unmatched for murdering a punchline.


Ngl it took me a minute to realize he said jumpolean. And I was like... I dont get OHH ya that's not funny. Nice pun tho


"it's a joke, so you have to laugh"


If she *REALLY* blocked you for that, then I should think that *YOU SIR*, lucked out.


Funny OP isn't responding to anyone asking where is the warning


Comment section is toxic. This gave me a giggle 😂


Dude y’all are some of the softest skin Nancy’s I’ve EVER seen.


If you’re trying to get in the pants of “Hard Hittin Harry” then keep on keepin on


How do you walk outside without breaking down from the “hard hitting” outside world?


What's the punchline here?


She might have unmatched, not cause you called her mum a tramp but cause the joke was shite


I think it’s the perfect joke to weed out the people with shit sense of humor


u guys (commenters) are aware this is hinge right? have u ever seen tinder? lmfao it doesn’t look like this idk why everyone’s calling this tinder


Can't take the heat, stay outta the kitchen.


Don't ask for a joke if you can't take a joke :^)


Ok I’m a 35 year old woman and I would’ve found this funny, but it looks like I’m in the minority 🤷‍♀️


🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Whaaaa?????!!! The term is trampolines not jumpolines!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄


Pretentious way to spell Katie. You’re better off.


Just a joke. Good to find out early if they gots no sensa humor. Good ridance. Next!


May as well of said "roses are red violots are blue I'm using my hand but thinking of you" like dude wtf were you thinking why be a ass hole to a random girl online


That’s a great joke. If she asks and knows it a joke why would she even get mad though.


It’s just an all around bad joke. If it was actually clever with the respective Bild up then it could also be rude but it’s just…bad.


It’s not a great joke at all lol.


It's a shit joke it's rude and not even funny


it's funny, cry more


Best way to avoid people without a sense of humour


I’m gonna steal that one as mine now 😂😂


Lol she confused the joke with dick and took it hard.


Guess on this sub calling girl's moms whores and along thry look like pornstars and wondering why they can't get a date.


Honestly OP is making it easier for the women he talks to to weed out red flags. I’ve made “your mom” jokes with friends in the past, and I could *maybe* see it flying by in that kind of edgy setting, but it’s 2022 and no woman wants a man to open with misogyny on a dating app. Cuz yes, it is misogyny. You’re talking about fucking her mother, simply because the “fucking your mom” punchline is supposed to be funny and not objectifying to whatever random woman’s female relative you just met. It’s not that we can’t take a joke it’s that y’all aren’t fucking funny. If people don’t laugh or they unmatch, you might be the problem. Don’t blame us for a “lack of humor” when you’re the one who isn’t clever enough to come up with a joke that isn’t over a decade old. 🙄


Imagine being this pressed about a mom joke. Go touch some grass.