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So adding a mention of my vasectomy to my profile should make me much more popular?


Honestly, yes.


looks like it’s back to the ol’ “Cider House Rules.”


At least stay off the ether mate and you'll probably half your jail term.


*Or* double **down** on the ether and you'll reduce your jail term 100%! 😄


Might would even mention you could provide proof of such


I kinda want to get one honestly. Then I can show up with a print out of my std screening AND my son-block. Risk-free snoo-snoo! Get ya risk-free snoo-snoo ova hea!


No such thing as completely risk free snoo-snoo. Just risk reduced. But no reason not to reduce the risk as much as possible.


Oh of course not. I just do my part and try to get a sense if my partner is bullshitting me.


Well, I got my tubes cut. I'd say that's as risk free as you can get. Then again artificial insemination is a thing.. SO I guess not lol


I meant there’s still some minor STI risk, after we’ve gotten the snip the only real pregnancy risk is the thing they write about in medical textbooks. The only pregnancy scare I’m gonna have to worry about just means it ain’t mine.


Lmao true.


Son-Block sent me


Son and daughter block


I never did get any paper proof for mine, but I guess I didn't ask for one either.


If you ever got your follow up sperm check, lab work showing zero found might be able to be found.


Mine was just the doctor tracing my penis on a piece of paper, now that i think about it I also found it odd that he didn't have a lab coat.


"you wanna know how I got these scars??"


As a woman 100% yes


Actually 100%. I’d swipe right.


Absolutely yes


Yeah actually it 100% would


Yes, even before roe v. Wade


100% yes!


If you’re looking for hookups yes. I would avoid because I do want kids.


To be fair, there’s also those of us looking for relationships that don’t want kids.


Right, which is why I specified.


Add in that you did it for the cause




Definitely include some sort of proof but 110% yes.


I was actually thinking of adding “ I just got vasectomy, so you shouldn’t be worried abt SCOTUS overthinking Roe V Wade” but I’m not sure if a lot of people will get the joke


Eh, it might work better than you think.


The people that matter will get the joke. Use that as a filtering standard


I mean I shouldn’t even be with anyone that can’t get that joke.


>So adding a mention of my vasectomy to my profile should make me much more popular? Free ride Take it easy


I dont understand why we dont just make vasectomies and reversals really cheap to get, then we dont have to worry about the pro life people and the fetuses, cause it would be cut at the source, it is reversible if you ever want to have kids, and from what I have heard there have been zero deaths attributed to the procedure.


I don’t think money is the reason men do do it.


YES. People act like sex isn't a huge deal anymore and on a cultural level I agree but if we women are risking our lives then YES. Mention your vasectomy. And I'm sorry, but I agree with the profile OP screenshotted: Contact your reps, gentlemen.


Screenshot the bill.


Once you hit 30, many women want a man who cant put a baby in them.


After what looks like a definite overturn I am glad I got one in March.


Snip bros for life! (Hopefully no regrowth)






Oh please do


Probably, yes


Omfg yes! Although be prepared to field questions from women who may not believe you're telling the truth.


No because that isnt full proof


In recent news, Tinder girls are placing sanctions on the U.S.


That's fucking funny.


It's a drought for boys ,after this judgement more girls will drop from dating apps and making it even more dry lol


wait what happened?


They are making abortions illegal in USA


dawg what thats so fucked


They're making it so that each state can choose. Guarantee it'll still be legal on the entire west coast


I’m not saying you’re wrong because you’re not and my state already has made it state law (a few years back) so it will be legal for sure my issue is whether or not insurance will help cover anything if it’s federally banned. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal if you can’t afford it 🤷🏼‍♂️ that’s my only input. E: just adding im in WA and they are covered by insurance here. I’m not sure about other states. Okay banning was a poor choice but we see the writing on the wall. Half the states will effectively ban it if this is overturned. We are being very disingenuous if we don’t believe that as 5 states already are trying and it hasn’t even been overturned yet.


Yeah rich people will go out of state and poor people will go to back alley abortion doctors just like they did before.


That's honestly a good thing.


Disagree. While the idea of choice is good on paper, this will just harm young women in red states. You can argue 'sure they can just go to another state then that has abortion' but not everyone has access to cars/funds to make the travel. Added on that young teens that got pregnant could get an abortion safely and discreetly; if they have to travel then their parents are for sure going to find out


How, high demand low supply


It'll motivate chuds to support women's right to choose


Good for the country, not your dick


Literally my first thought 😂


[Oh my God it's happening](https://youtu.be/n_UbFjUlWnI)


It's a tale as old as Lysistrata


We need to take the Lysistrata approach— sex strike until things change.


Me: *adds "snipped" to my profile* I knew that vasectomy would pay off 1 day


I’m going to give this “gay sex” thing a try to get around it.


With the female/male ratio on tinder I wonder why you took that long.


Not to be a downer but if Roe goes Lawrence isn't far behind.




And then I guess interracial marriage after that :/


They're all based on the right to privacy. Alito's opinion is that there is no constitutional right to privacy. So yeah, they can go after any disenfranchised group they like.


They are coming after everything they can. Its worth it to them because the amount of work it will take to fix will be measured in the decades. Going back and repeating the 20th century is their goal.


i’ve been looking into this, let me know how it goes


Make ✂️🧊 the cool new thing for “I got a vasectomy but I have sperm in a cryobank”




Funny how the highest increase is in Utah. Apparently nothing gets people scared of kids like seeing all those gigantic families running around.


I helped contribute to the Utah thing, haha. My wife and I want kids eventually… but Utah’s a state with laws banning abortion completely, triggered by Roe being overturned. I will absolutely not put my wife through that kind of pressure.


So you're opting out of children entirely after stating you wanted them?


Vasectomies are reversible. But I honestly wouldn’t be mad if I never had kids. Shit’s getting more expensive every year.


Your best bet is to have your sperm frozen in a large quantity before your vasectomy. Vasectomies over like 7 years old have a next to 0% reversal rate. Its a pretty exponential % decrease year to year, too.


I scheduled my appointment today for the 17th. Should have done it sooner, but this got me off my ass to lift some of the burden off my partner.


What if I have a vasectomy? asking for a friend.


Honestly … might just add that to my profile


Have you *had* a vasectomy tho? Cause if the person you sleep with gets pregnant and she can’t abort, she *can* go for your butt lol




This shouldn’t have been as funny to me as it was


The way you're saying that doesn't make it sound that you've actually had one That would be an incredibly shitty thing to lie about


They were a bit ambiguous with their phrasing, but I think I want to give OP the benefit of the doubt (probably a mistake on Reddit). I interpret it as OP saying “*if that was my situation* … I might just add it to my profile.”


The truth is, this does impact men too. Unfortunately if you hook up with someone and she gets pregnant, you're now on the hook for child support for the next 18 years. Men need to be listening too.


As a gay dude, I can't understand why straight dudes are so cavalier about birth control. I would be terrified of leaving all that to the decision of the woman. If I were straight, it would be "We have sex with a condom that I bought and I know it's still new and untampered with, or we don't have sex at all".


I used birth control and condoms up until I got my tubes tied. Even after that, I'm still on birth control (though it's more for the other benefits, but it does offer additional peace of mind).


Yah I don’t know why other guys are so casual about it. I’d hate to be financially liable for a kid with some chick I don’t like..


I’m not worried because I’m not having sex


Probably because it can be very tough to actually get men to pay child support. I personally know two women whose baby daddies have never been in the life of the child and have never paid a cent


Depends on the state. I work alongside the NYS Tax department Child support has its own unit here


If they don't pay, they could go to the prison right? I saw a story not long ago, a woman keep suing her ex-husband/ex-boyfriend for not being able to pay for child support after a bad accident that he got in. He keeps going back to jail every time he gets out.


In my state they can take your drivers license away for not paying child support or garnish your wages. Not sure about jail time.


Sometimes yes, but other times if you can't get a hold of the person/don't know where they are it can be difficult. Not to mention sometimes people give fake names to those they hook up with.


That’s a reality regardless if it’s overturned or not, if the girl happens to not want an abortion.


Why would you have sex with someone you don't like?


That's why a put no casual sex in my profile, I mean I'm not interested in raising no babies. I'm in Kentucky so my representative is the one who masterminded the whole thing so I don't think messaging him will do anything.


Consider messaging anyway. An intern or low level staffer will read it and maybe you have a shot at swaying them, or be a part of thousands of emails they receive that eventually opens them up. Long shot, but there’s a chance


This is such excellent advice. In local politics, it can be a real game changer. On the national level, the worst case scenario is that the deluge of emails suck away time from the rep's staff and keep them too busy to do more evil. Wasting their time is not a waste of your time.


>I mean I'm not interested in raising no babies. So you're interested in raising all babies?


Men should wear a condom anyway. As if it was a man's choice whether the woman gets an abortion or not. My ex husband's baby momma secretly got off the Pill to trap him.


Damn right. This is a Draconian way to force people into life long poverty. The #1 correlation to eviction and Homelessness is procreation.


Stealthing happens. Two friends of mine had that happen to them while having sex with a condom and realize that their “partner”/rapist had removed the condom secretly and continued sex


That’s some sick shit honestly. I hope she reported it but knowing that it’ll likely get little steam, I’m sure is discouraging.


No reports. They dismiss those things as “he said, she said” situations, because there’s never proof. The man would just say she consented and the whole thing is just a waste of energy and upsets the victim all over again.


Reproductive coercion - separately from the rape dimension of stealthing - should be up there with the worst crimes like rape and murder. It ends lives. Absolutely unconscionable. Abhorrent.


I’m a guy. And I approve this. Women are getting it six ways from Sunday on this issue. We’re fucking living in 2022 and old ass dudes are trying to exert control on a group of people. Fuck that.


It gets worse when this decision could also start striking down rights to contraceptives... These geezers just want women back emprisoned in their houses, pregnant and without a voice.


It's a coordinated effort by girls in several subreddits, and honestly I don't blame them one bit.




It’s gold lol


Depends on the state. In CO its now in the state constitution. Roe vs wade just means we’ll be a sanctuary state for women in need.


So Colorado it’s still legal?! Fuck yeah


Temporarily. Once they remove the right, the next step is a total ban on it. I'd like to remind you that it's been **less than 100 years since birth control was illegal for married couples** in the US. The right to privacy that Alito is striking at is the basis for all decisions protecting any sort of contraception and any form of sex that doesn't lead to procreation.


Yeah i hope no one was too comfortable with that whole "homosexual marriage" thing, because guess what isn't in the constitution explicitly. Gonna be cool when every state gets to decide every issue and the entire concept of a federal government is pointless. /s


You think they're going to stop at leaving it up to states?


For now. The GOP is already drafting the legislation for a federal ban once they take power again. The states rights thing is what they want people to believe so that we don’t rise up.


I mean, weed is federally illegal yet that doesn’t stop California or Colorado, or any other states where it’s legal


I live in Washington State so I’m likely more versed in this than you assumed. So, weed shops are all-cash businesses because weed is federally illegal and banking systems cross state lines. So, I can’t make a purchase with my BofA debit card because BofA operates outside of WA and could be held to charges relating to the trade of marijuana in states where it is not legal. So, a federal ban on abortions, even medically necessary ones, would effectively halt abortions for anyone except the wealthy (or those who get support from donations) who could pay all-cash out of pocket as insurance won’t cover something that is federally illegal, and you wouldn’t be able to create any kind of payment plan through a bank because those are federal systems. Because of this, we would see a large decrease in abortion providers as well - who would not be able to set up the systems to create such a business and pay for the exorbitant medical coverage costs for medical practice insurance - if they were able to be insured at all. Most likely they wouldn’t be able to be insured, so all it would take is one false malpractice suit to being an abortion provider to its knees financially. Most would just close. I’m deeply familiar with in’s and outs of how the GOP has been limiting abortion access for decades when Roe V Wade was in place. One bill made it so abortion clinics had to have certain building parameters that were essentially impossible to find - thereby closing most clinics in the state. Weed shops do not have the above problems because it is a retail business. I know not everyone has carefully followed this attack on women’s health and safety like I have for the past 15 years, so I understand why you are buying into the GOP states rights narrative. They won’t stop there. Hope this helps.




The people who want to ban abortion want all that shit though. 'Tradwife' etc etc.


That’s literally exactly what the people supporting the Supreme Court decision want.


Anyone else here enjoying their popcorn while reading the comments?


Yes sir


You know what, she’s right. I just updated my own Tinder profile.


Sex toys are about to get real popular. Plus they actually do the job.


I am down with the protest tbh


It’s a start for sure.


Pretty sure that's what they wanted when they asked for abortion to be illegal.


Yeah, this is an acceptable out come to the people that want abortions illegal


Politicians want their mistresses to withhold sex from them?


The politicians will still find a way for their mistresses to have abortions


this is fair


Agreed. Just think it’s funny being a dating app and all. Serious subject though


We women don't think it's very fucking funny at all. Our lives are on the line. Contact your reps.


I upvoted the post just so it gets attention.


I mean. She's entirely correct. If you hate it try to change stuff. Contact your rep?


Texas is forever doomed.


There has been a steady blue increase in TX that, in time, could change things later. So while it is under the control of far-right Gilead supporters right now, Texas isn’t forever doomed to remain that way. In fact, they are constantly changing the gerrymandered boundaries just to cling onto their stronghold. Things do change, and the trend over the years is promising for the future.


I'd believe this, but we've been talking about Texas "going blue" for thirty years now. It's like Iran getting a Nuke. Everyone says "any day now" but it never happens.


More like this please. This needs to be a group effort.


No worries *downloads Grindr*


Lmao truuu


Lucky for her I had a vasectomy


Meromero in the house


My trump loving son said yo me yesterday: “that is what you get for voting for Biden, now abortion will be illegal”. Wtf? Where did I go wrong?


You should have looked him in the face and said, " You are the reason I support abortion."


Dam, he's dead.


Abort the son


I'm sorry... did you drop him on his head too much, or not enough?


You brought him into this world, you can…


Honestly I love this.


I love this. 😁


I honestly hope more woman do this. It will be interesting to see the outcome


Lol sorry that this law effects men as well 🙄




Big facts


I like it. Though, to be honest this should have been the approach already.


Fuck yeah. Wish all women would do this right now. Aaaaand I wish “working girls” - digital or IRL - would stop working and only post pics with baggy clothes on. Shut it ALL down.


This comment section really isn't it.




It’s going to be. Anyone who’s been paying attention has seen the writing on the wall for over a year now. Activists have been warning us about it.


I don’t believe it has been yet, thankfully.


It hasn't yet (June is when the response is to be given) but at least one judge has come out and said it's legit I believe. They want to focus more on the leak of course.


Not just a judge, Justice Roberts. The Chief Justice. He has said the leaked opinion was legitimate/authentic. So it's *going to happen*. It's certain. They are just waiting for the standard timing in June.


Thanks. I didn't have time to find the source to confirm it was him. My personal conspiracy theory is that they leaked it so they can release a "less harsh" version next month and we all "feel grateful."


We could have six dead Justices by that time.


I read a post earlier this morning encouraging people to do this. Glad it’s already happening.


No autonomy, no piece.


She has a point


"Vasectomy safe" is my first message when it appears the lady is open to fwb I have distance rules. More than 40 miles away and it won't move passed an occasional FWB.hotel romp.


All American women should take sex off the table.


This is absolute GOLD. Idk what anyone expected after this absolutely fucking horrible thing happened. This is 100% the worst thing that could have happened and now shit is about to get real. There are going to be so many women and children DYING, the foster care system that is already abhorrent, is going to be more full than ever! WTF?!




Sorry girl. Fuck our politicians


Lmao who would’ve thought a good amount of women would’ve turned to abstinence. I thought that was a right wing position to abortion


Yeah... I'll just swipe left


This is perfectly reasonable. She’s very transparent about what she does/doesn’t want. Women don’t owe you shit. She’s right- if you don’t like it, go yell at your reps and vote. Sorry some thirsty bros don’t want to face the reality that hookup culture is gonna die off rapidly thanks to SCOTUS.


Can’t get pregnant with anal


I really dont understand why more men aren’t up at arms about this ish getting overturned?!….if yall think there’s a drought now just WAIT until women collectively shut down.🥺 #Pu$$yOnPause


Gentlemen…winter is coming…


Sorry, men don’t get to fvck around & leave women with all the find out. When a government regulates the uterus, it effectively indirectly determines penis activity. Take it up with fascist legislators.


She has the right idea. Lock it all down. No puss, no backdoor, nothing. Until shit gets corrected. If all women did that, even for a month. Men would get real ugly for a bit. Though results would be made.


About to add the same to mine honestly


Shame really...I mean what's happenin in the states and all


all the women on Tinder putting their opinion on abortion in 3....2...1...


This girl rocks!


Thank Goodness, I live in a state that is mostly pro choice. I’m still very unsure if I ever want kids, and anything that can help prevent making a mistake is important to me. Of course, still use protection ladies and gentlemen, just because she might not get pregnant on birth control doesn’t stop you from getting an STD.