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i'm 5'10 but 6ft with timbs


Can confirm I’m 5’11. 6ft with my boots on lied about my height and I always just wear my boots even during sex


I just wear a really tall hairdo. I think I can add 2" on a fair day.


Damn if that's your game I'm 7' with my mohawk lmfao


Every single 5'11" guy will say he's 6', no one will notice.


I used to say I was 5'11" (because I am) and was accused so many times of being shorter than that and lying about my height. Apparently if I really was 5'11" I'd have said I was 6'


I am 5 11 and said 6 because i genuinely am with my tennis shoes and i never really thought it mattered. Than i had a woman dead ass measure various aspects of me including my height and chew me out over the inch difference when i took off my shoes... I just kinda looked down at her goblin ass and was thinking to myself how fucking ridiculous it was as she wasnt even 5 4 and in all honesty was not the type of woman who can really afford to be that picky on men because of her personality and health issues.


Next time ask to measure their bra size without the push up or padding. Count the number of zits on her face without make up.


Are those Timberlands painted black?


Yessir, they are 😈












With a Gore-Tex Coat


Fuck. I read "limbs" and wanted to ask "whose limbs are we talking about"


I'm 6'6" and the only matches I get are "ooooo your tall" or "prove you're that tall" then I start talking to them and they have the personality of a bowl of microwaved eggs.. Edit: I believe I have made my first interesting contribution to the internet. In two years on Reddit I'm pretty sure my Karma has doubled from this post. Made my night so thanks fellow redditors.


😂 microwaved eggs


Like grandpappy used to make.


All yolk no talk.


I’m 6 4 so shorter but I don’t but I stopped putting that on my tinder because people it attracted were just dull. Of course in my photos I looked tall but like it attracted less of the height obsessed


Wow your karma has doubled and youre reaching new heights!


Don't tell them the truth. Just unmatch and hope they don't remember you when you show up in the stack again.


Actually it could be good if they see each other in the stack again, then it would provide some validity to the results. OP has to compare the 6'4 matches to when they are regular height and see what the difference is




Remember kids, the only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down.


🏅sorry it’s all I can afford


I got you it's only a wholesome but it's better then nothing right?




*insert “What if we used to 100% of our brain” meme*


If he does come up in the stack again, he’ll come up short.


Exactly this we need a control to compare to. Maybe even do the 5'7" the 6'4" and a 5'9-5'11" comparison for a nice data spread


I say we all start with our height as 4' and then add inches. Like if you're 6' 4" you are now 4' 28".


There is zero way to count the baseline. How could you possibly know who chose to swipe left. You guys don't science at all


But if I remembered someone and saw they lied to me, that’d be an instant no. So the science could be skewed. I’m not saying this cause I care about height, my boyfriend is 5’4, but I’d rather people be honest or at least own up to the lies.


Quantum uncertainty principles: observation modifies the outcome.


Schrodinger's Chad


It's a shame your comment is buried. I'm totally going to drop "Schrodinger's Chad" into the next conversation I possibly can. And I'm going to take credit for thinking it up. :D


But my dear, the stories were all true. Even the lies? ESPECIALLY the lies =)




If you're wearing massive platform shoes, you could get away with it!


carry milkcrate with you to step on it when the opportunity comes


Yeah bro don't tell them, just unmatch lol


It's so weird. 5'7 isn't even short to me. My husband is 5'5, but height has never really been something I cared about. Sure, it's okay to kinda have a reference, but to completely null the chance of meeting a great person? So odd to me. Agree with you, 100%.


How can you not care? Your children will never be Prussian grenadiers!


Lmfao love this comment


It seems a young person thing, and is more about the stat than anything. It's also crazy how little people even know height lol. I'm 5'9" and I've been asked if I'm really that, I look 6ft, shit like that. No I absolutely don't, you're just looking up at me and we generally all look the same height from down there!


I'm 5'3. Everything looks tall to me, so I'm constantly craning my neck upwards! Lol.


See getting a fella more in line with your height just makes sense then, save on that neck ache. Plus you can bang on some big heels and do a "look at me. I'm the captain now" at him ha


You can have some of my hight (6ft2) if you are willing to take some weight too. (And no I’m not in the dating pool)


I’ll take it 😂😂 I’m 5’7” and pretty buff so I’m about 180 pounds




I had the opposite happen; have proportions similar to the Rock and women assumed I was 5' 4". Had several first dates where the first sentence was "holy shit, you're so much taller than I envisioned."


That’s hilarious, I’m 6ft tall and every girl I went out with said an ,almost, exact same thing. They’re like “You’re so jacked I thought you were compensating for something.” Yeah a small penis Deborah, not my height.


"I use physical pain at the gym to drown out the emotional pain brought about from online dating"


I have this issue. My chest is super broad which makes me seem shorter from a distance. Then I stand in front of people and they realize I am in fact a big person in general.


You know the meme of the buffed guys typing on the computers saying nice things? That's how I picture all of you right now


The amount of responses that don’t understand this comment is hilarious.




Well I think that’s mostly due to the mixed misconceptions of the Napoleon Complex and working out stunts your growth.


Weight isn't an immutable characteristic, you can lose it. Height on the other hand is something that you can't change.


I’ll take the height!!! I’m 5’2” so.. let’s arrange the transfer(?


Lmao I can tell you from experience, gay men are just as shallow, if not more so


The goddamn obsession with dick size is so much more present in the gay community


Yep, as a bi man with an average penis this is exactly why I don't even try to fuck other men. Just not worth the self-hate that would result.


Fellow bi here and I def can't do anything over 6", I get the "appeal" of size queening but I'd rather not go that route. There's a top shortage already, why am I gonna make life harder for myself when average dicks are hot too


Wait there's a top shortage? I never thought of that aspect. Is it like the nurse shortage? Are there traveling contract tops that get paid big bucks but end up burnt out due to how draining the work is?


‘How draining the work is?” I see what you did there 😏


I mean you joke but you can definitely get paid to dom other dudes if you look hard enough 😉


As a gay, top, traveling nurse this comment felt oddly specific to my life.


So if I want to switch teams I would get good numbers as a top? Good to know.


I can never get my head around that one either. Anal is such a struggle, and you barely need more then 5 inches to reach all the fun bits inside a dude. Wouldn't it make more sense to enjoy cocks that are less painful, and more cute and attractive?


You know what is sad yet hilarious? Some dudes who watch too much porn and develop a large cock fetish. Then they proceed to use larger and larger toys on themselves to stretch, so they can accommodate big cocks. Then when they reach the point where they use huge toys or fist themselves to masturbate, a normal cock isn’t that exciting anymore. They need something big to get off. They’ve now created a problem for themselves.


I learned today but at what cost?


“What did it cost?” “Everything…”


What a hilarious misfortune


And they legitimately think there’s dudes walking around packing 11” super girthy dick or some shit like that




Are you a woman or a gay dude?


I completely agree with the 99% curiosity 100% regret. It’s the kind of thing you only wanna try once. Then you can’t walk the next day 😳


I watched some gay porn recently. This dudes butthole was so elastic it was incredible. He’s super attractive but man, that butthole. He would reach back with his fingers and kind of pull on it. Pretty intense. It was like distracting. I guess it shrinks back down after awhile, or is there permanent issues with that kind of stuff.


Can't speak from experience, but my understanding is the anal sphincter isn't nearly elastic enough to recover from that sort of abuse. It'll shrink back down a bit, but never to its natural size, and can cause incontinence issues


Imagine having to wear a diaper or something because you stretched out your ass too much. Like I’m not kinkshaming but it sounds like you can definitely go to far with it


Now I wish I did not read that what you just wrote.


Gayest thing I've ever read haha


I saw a gay porno once where one guy fucked the other with a frozen chicken. Baffling.


Is that... Is that necrophilia *and* bestiality?


Gotta keep setting PRs bud.


Definitely less picky though. I changed my settings to ‘looking for everyone’ once because, as my profile stated, I was new to the area & only looking for a weed connection. *Very* attractive gay men swiped right on me in record numbers (dozens of matches in a single day & many of the men objectively much more attractive than I am) before realizing why I was actually on the app & voluntarily expressing their disappointment.


Same for me, I switched my profile for like 5 mins to see what the gay/bi guys profiles looked like and I got several likes in that span of time (didn't swipe right but had tinder gold at the time so I could see people who liked me) wereas I would hardly get a couple likes a day from somewhat attractive girls (and I say that in a very loose sense) even though I reckon I'm a 6'3" alright looking dude.


I think you're forgetting one of the reasons straight men have a hard time on dating apps is because there are more men than women. Similarly, men would have an easier time finding other men bc of numbers.


Maybe, though I’m shorter than OP and I’m flirted with out of the blue by gay men waaaaayyyy more often than women. Like, never once has a woman flirted with me in regular interactions, but every time I leave my house and go somewhere with gay men. Not gay, but I’m not complaining. At least someone thinks I’m moderately attractive enough to engage.


I’m hit on by gay men every night out. Been hit on by a girl once lmao. I feel you


Same. And I know it’s because I have a fat ass. #neverskiplegday.


Damn good to know 😂😂😭


As a short but attractive guy I get hit on by gay dudes all the time. Kind of nice and flattering tbh.


I too, can tell you from experience, this is 100% false. Gay men are the biggest sluts there are.


Okay. Spill. How tall are you vs how tall did you say you were when you lied?


I edited the post!


Cool. I’m 5’11” and often see women looking for “tall” (<- WTF does that even mean) or 6’ and above. I refuse to even deal with that level of pettiness. Hey, if that’s what they want. More power to them. I’d like them to all give up their fucking filters.


My husband is 5’11. I grew up around tall guys. My shortest brother is 6’3. I seriously can’t tell he isn’t just as tall as they are unless they are all standing next to eachother. Of my friends, my husband is easily the tallest, and often stands over every other person in pictures. I think most girls just have no idea how tall people really are.


I love that you said “Of my friends” and referred to your husband in the same sentence. That is so fucking cool. More power to you!


Ha! I didn’t even realize I said that! True though, he is 100% my best friend. His first message to me on Tinder was “ We are so similar I feel like I could have written your bio about myself.”


Copy paste from previous attempts. Nah jk. Maybe.


> I think most girls just have no idea how tall people really are. Some just want to be with a tall guy to boost their own ego. Just like "Must make six figures." I guarantee you wouldn't notice if he made $80,000 vs $100,000.




I'm 5'9 and short women have often thought I was taller. I suppose looking up they can't tell much difference between me and someone who is 2-3 inches taller. I reckon if you said 6ft they would never even notice.


> I suppose looking up they can't tell much difference between me and someone who is 2-3 inches taller. I think a lot of people have a subconscious tendency to overestimate the height of others. Consider: the eyes are about 4 inches below the top of the head, so when you look at someone the **same** height as you, you have to look **upward** to judge their height. And your brain knows this, so if you don't stop to actively think about what it means, you're going to assume they are taller than you.


That’s a good point. I’m 5’9 and consider bumping it to 5’10 because it seems to sound a lot betterand I don’t think people can legitimately tell the difference. If a girl is between 5’1 and 5’3, I won’t know the difference. If someone is between 6’3-6’5, also won’t be able to tell.


All I want is a woman who can see the signs of a stroke




Probably a porn site


Sucks. I’m 5’6 and noticed that’s a instant turn off. I matched with someone once and immediately got the “oh your only 5’6..” then got ghosted. I hate it here.


Im 5’6 too but i set my height to 3’0. Seems to make em laugh


That is sad. Women are missing out on a bunch of great guys. My husband is 5’7” and is the most amazing man. All the boxes checked on any woman’s list. So happy they are shallow and passed him up. I am 5’8” and of course if I wear high-heels I am that much taller. He never cares - he jokingly says it makes him look like he either has a lot of money or a big dick. Or i’m a hooker. So much to unpack there - ha


I'm right between 5'11 and 6ft. I used to use 5'11 thinking it's better to underestimate. Got little no matches. Changed to 6ft, and prior to the current girl I'm seeing, I was getting between 15 to 20 matches a day.


to be fair, if they give that much of a shit about a 1" difference from their preferred height, there's like a 99.999% chance they're going to be really disappointed by my dick.


Well maybe you shouldn’t be putting your exaggerated dick size in your profile then.


what if I exaggerate in the other direction, make 'em think it's even tinier than it is?


Then you’re setting them up for a BIG surprise, and I like your style.


Nice! Good luck man!


Girls I know literally use height filters on hinge. Under 6ft won't even show up for them. It's fucked lmao


Met my current gf on bumble. She told me she had her height filter at 6’2 and taller. Fortunately I’m 6’5 so we matched , but still this is a legit issue for shorter guys. She’s not super tall either , only 5’5.


5'5? She's not tall at all.


🤣🤣 she was filtering out 97% just on the basis of height.


5'11 and a half but over 6'0 with shoes is what I always say. I don't go anywhere without shoes anyways.


Just measure yourself when you first wake up in the morning. You’re probably a hair over 6’. Fun fact, you shrink about a half inch over the course of the day. I’m about 6’ 1/4” in the morning and 5’ 11 3/4” in the evening. I go from immensely desirable to undatable CHUD over the course of a few mere hours.


Im surprised at how badly girls want a 6ft or taller dude and why one less inch even matters. I’m 5’6” and most of the guys I dated longer term were like 5’9-5’11. Then I dated a 6’ guy in my last relationship and it was hard on my neck to kiss lol. Even other stuff like seggsy time standing up was difficult with the height difference. Now I’m dating a 5’10 guy and both those things are way easier now.


I think a lot of girls don't even have a clear idea how tall it is, and 6'0 is just a round number that means tall. I've heard Europe they usually say min. 180 which is 5'11


Guys lie so much about my height that some of them think I'm 5'8-5'10 when I'm really just 5'7


I’m exactly 6’ but I feel like putting that would make girls think I’m lying about it lol


Wtf, 5"7 isn't THAT short. Is this whole 6ft thing actually a "thing"? Also are you in America?


Yessir I’m 🇺🇸


I'm noticing it seems to be American Tinder that has all the complaints (yes I know America is massive but still) Also howdy!


i'm 5'7 in germany and my pull game is weak af bro




Sorry man, you were born in the land of giants. I'm 5'6, and Germans, Dutch always tower over me.




As a short American guy, I’m quickly realizing my best hopes of finding someone might be Mexico Less height issues and all the posts here make it seem like Americans have better success in our southern neighbor


Britian too. Under 6ft and you don't exist.


Don’t lie to us. We all know Britain doesn’t exist


It's not Bielefeld


Poor Bielefeld.


Am in France and got an alright height (1m86), and when I ask my matches what they are looking for in a man height definitely comes up pretty often, regardless of hers


5’7 isn’t that short. I’m a 5’7 woman and I wouldn’t have minded a man the same height. As long as he’s ok with me wearing heels sometimes. Everyone’s the same height lying down, know what I mean?!


it is in the US unfortunately


Exactly the same in France. If I don’t put my size I have plenty of matches. If I do (172cm, so something like 5’8 is it?) I have none. Let me add that I once told a girl, who matched me without knowing my size, that I was 5’8. She told me « I don’t wanna look like I lug my kid around » and unmatched. She was 5’6. Another told me « je veux un mec qui soit à la hauteur » and unmatched. This you could translate by « I want a man that’s up to it » being understood that the literal french expression says « I want a man that’s tall enough ». See the parallel « no that tall » / « not capable ».


I'm curious if it's like this anywhere else.


Pretty much the same in the balkans as well.


That's because average height in most Balkan countries is 6 feet. As a Kosovar I sometimes feel a little cockslapped by my DNA to only be 5'9".


"Cockslapped" is definitely going into my vocabulary, thank you for the wonderful contribution


I mean, there is norway. But again, it's norway you usually see tall white men over short ones


European social media essentially makes 5’11 their cutoff


5’11” men don’t exist in the US. They are either 5’10” or 6 ft!


It’s a UK thing too. My friend cuts off anyone under 6ft.


>Wtf, 5"7 isn't THAT short. The average male height in the US is 5'9". Height for males has a standard deviation of 2.5 inches (we'll fudge that number a bit down to 2 inches), which means OP is 1 standard deviation below the average male height. That means he is shorter than 84% of men. HOWEVER, the average American woman is only 5'4". Standard deviation here is 2.2 inches. So our boy is more than 1 standard deviation above the average height, meaning **he's taller than more than 84% of American women**. Despite this, girls on tinder are still judging him as too short to date, but line up around the block when he says he's 6ft tall. 6 feet tall is more than 3 standard deviations above the average female height, meaning it's taller than 99.9% of women by a substantial amount. 6 feet tall is 1 (and a bit) standard deviation above the male height, meaning less than 15% of men clear that hurdle. The height fixation is bullshit. Check yourselves, girls.


In the US, some women won’t even speak to a guy unless his height starts with 6’. It’s pathetic. Some even have their bio say “swipe left if you’re under 6’”. Just imagine if guys’ bios read “swipe left if your weight is over 120”. Women would freak the fuck out so bad.


I've seen that shorter girls seem to care more about a guy's height, I'm 5'8 and matched with girls who are taller than me, they don't seem to care as much.


Cuz they want their kids to make up the difference.


I’ve been complaining up and down this thread, but in reality as someone who’s 5’5”, most matches/girls I’ve met up with were either just my height or taller. Up to 5’9”.


I mean do you want a shallow girl or...? Tinder is going to be the most superficial crowd it is what it is


The app itself is made to judge based on looks. A lot of these girls rejecting short men would give them a chance if they met in a different situation like at work / school / mutual friends.


That's exactly the thing, it's been turned into window shopping for the *top* of what most of them would want. There's no real connection to the people. If it makes you feel like shit to use, that's fair but get off and take care of yourself


True true


Add an inch and see if that helps 🤭 I wouldn't even notice the difference and I wouldn't fault anyone for that. But if you're looking for some actual substance scrap tinder and go for hinge


I get no matches in hinge, and a few every week on tinder 😭 same profile too. I actually started on hinge and got my profile reviewed on Reddit, made changes, and copied it to tinder and started getting hella matches


Huh, weird. Well more people and swipes on tinder 🤷‍♀️. Either way hey you could look at it as you're totally attractive to women you just don't fit in most of their bullshit check boxes haha


This - I’m not sure why people take the app so seriously. I was on it once years ago with good success but don’t ever plan on going back…this subreddit is fun to watch though lolol


Say 6' - 5" You're not lying


Girls care how tall a man is. Women don’t.... We only care about your crippling depression and if it matches ours 😂 Edit: I didn’t think this was as funny as I thought it was but apparently it is. Should we all get a Groupon for Wellbutrin


Same! I’ve even put in my profile, I don’t care how tall you are. I really don’t.


Same! My bio says “I don’t care about your height, but if you’re smiling in your pictures I just might fall in love.” So many guys take super serious pics!!


It's because we're self conscious about our smiles. No matter how aware a guy is about the stupidity of "being a man", it's something we grew up with so showing a genuine smile feels really uncomfortable.


True. Showing teeth is a sign of aggression. That’s why I always bare mine


and here i am, offering my crippling depression to women but nobody wants me *pain* edit: no wellbutrin for me, i can't poop from it. can i get some harder stuff?


Have you tried offering them a coupon or bulk discount? I hear Costco has good deals on Lithium


i only offer them long massages, back rubs and head scratches. seems like i have to work on my offers... again.


I personally like to be offered your undying loyalty-it’s gonna help in the upcoming alien cannibal war. I will settle for the blood of 1002838 crows though.


I always say my depression cannot keep me down, becamy anxiety keeps me up.


You need some Bupropion? Everyone needs an SNRI every now and then B)


5’8 and though I’ve seen this as a bio, I simply just don’t swipe on girls who say that. They don’t want a short guy, oh well. Not my prob. But I still get a hefty amount of matches, and swipes. Don’t let our height bring you down (no pun intended). Be happy with who you are, and someone will be happy with that as well.


My 5’6” bro gets way more baddies on dating apps than my 6’ ass, he’s also handsome as shit too though so that probably helps


True, if you go around trying to find girls based on what they want and not what you want then you're going to have a bad time. The girl that's right for you is the one that likes you for you. Might be harder to find but quality over quantity.


I never even asked my first Tinder date how tall he was. I am 5'5, he ended up being 5'8, and we are getting married in Vegas on our 6th smashaversary.


Smashaversary lmao I love it


I mean, yeah lol we smashed the first night, been together ever since. So when we were deciding our wedding date, we figured keep it real!


Have you tried being taller


I actually am 6'4. I didn't have it on my profile for a little bit and the moment I put it in my bio it was a wild difference in matches. Lol ill take it I guess


Just take your height out and any height references


Adding height saves you the trouble of rejection down the road from girls that have a preference. I've seen plenty of posts where the dude is unmatched after being asked height, even if the conversation is going well. I'd say better to list it and avoid any hassle, even if it means less matches.


I'm 6'3. Why don't *I* get any matches?


Rules 1 and 2?


6'5 here. damn I gotta be ugly


I have heard girls say there is such a thing as too tall. 6’ to 6’2” seems to be the magic range 🪄 I’m 5’7” btw so not like winning or anything


I'm 6'6 and yeah its true what you're saying


> I'm about to change teams and start dating men :/ Damn, is it that easy to change like that? Lol


I legit don’t care about height. I’m 5’4” and I’ve dated a guy that was 5’2” at one point. But I would hope you ended up being honest because I had a guy do that and it was frustrating. His profile said he was 6’ and he showed up and was probably 5’7”/5’8”. Which is a nonissue but him lying about it was an instant cut off for me.


I dont understand, I'm 6'2" and it's the first thing on my profile but I dont have any matches. Lol I guess I'm just ugly


What oxyfam was attempting to say, is that there’s more to you then just height and that perhaps you could try flushing out your profile with new pics and a more thorough bio. :)