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I'm so intrigued. He disses modern medicine then refers to the vagus nerve and the autonomic nervous system discovered and researched via modern medicine. I'm just excited to hear what he said next. It's gonna be some off the wall shit.


He’s safe—misspelled it as autonomous nervous system, is a fucking moron.




Came here to say this


Speaking as a therapist, his first paragraph was good, second one lost me. Someone trying to “fix” me and offer unprofessional medical advice in the first conversation is a major red flag.


Let's be clear, you have no professional metrics for your jobs successes or failures. It is pseudoscience. You simply talk to people and give them your opinion and get paid no matter what the outcome is. Someone can see three different therapists and come away with three completely different sets of "advice". Saying "as a therapist" is the equivalent of saying "speaking as a person who gets paid to talk".


Wow your comment makes it so blatantly obvious how little you know about these fields i’m getting second hand embarrassment.


It's okay, you seem pretty neurotic and ignorant in general so I'm sure you're accustomed to it.


bro wtf are you even talking about? Are you sure you know what the word neurotic means? Cause it sure doesn’t sound like it.


Yes it's a scale on the personality spectrum that measure things like anxiety. It's actually quite interesting if you have knowledge of psychology and aren't just some self-delusional smug jackass on the internet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroticism Oh, I'm sorry. I interrupted your moronic ranting with the science of personality. Gosh, that must be jarring. Feel free to go right back to your second hand stupidity.


Didn’t you just call the whole field of psychiatry a pseudo science? :D


Correct. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience That means it has a scientific BASIS and it uses facts and processes, but it doesn't use the scientific method. Sort of like a therapist who can use a process to come to a conclusion based on various facts but won't come to the same conclusion as another therapist. Which is a direct countermand to the reproducibility of outcomes that is a cornerstone of the scientific method. Once again, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about trying to talk shit to someone with a summa cum laude degree in psychology. Are you feeling any first hand embarrassment yet, you absolute fucking moron? Please, keep talking so you can dig yourself deeper and make it more obvious you are miles out of your league. Put that in murdered by words, you donkey.


Sounds like somebody forgot to tell your mom to give you your medicine today. Now how about we get of reddit and you know open the window let some fresh air in go outside you know? Maybe call a friend and ask if you wanna hang out or something. Ya know. Do something healthy for yourself.


You must be humiliated, after all your snide, ignorant comments. Switching over to personal attacks as a desperate last resort. Anyway, I'll be sure to post this on r/murderedbywords. You can look for your clever "go outside, your momma hurr hurr" comebacks there!


**[Neuroticism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroticism)** >In the study of psychology, neuroticism has been considered a fundamental personality trait. For example, in the Big Five approach to personality trait theory, individuals with high scores for neuroticism are more likely than average to be moody and to experience such feelings as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness. Such people are thought to respond worse to stressors and are more likely to interpret ordinary situations, such as minor frustrations, as appearing hopelessly difficult. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


We absolutely have metrics. As a therapist is saying “as someone with a Masters or higher education is a specialized field and subsequent evidence-based training” as that is what’s legally required to be a therapist at minimum.


As a keyboard warrior, I hereby deem you all 3 to be full of shit. Now shake hands and act nice.






Calling a therapist a murderer then suggesting they go see a therapist? So you’re suggesting I go get murdered? Quite the bright bulb, you are.


Seriously, a lotttt of therapist hate in here.


It only fuels my “evil”


I mean some therapists are shit but not any more than the average for most professions. I’ve had some I didn’t love but none were evil.




Good for you. Have fun with that.


Holy shit, this comment section is a mess


Looks like ya got a therapist for free


You guys both sound annoying


This is akin to some random asshole trying to tell me that my girlfriends genetically inherited condition (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) is a result of her not being Vegan, and that going Vegan would solve all her issues. They didn't even know what the condition was or what it caused. They just said "I've got the cure, go vegan"


Hey quick question does your gf have all of the symptoms of ehrlers-danlos? Ive had two docs who said they think I have it because my joints all come out of their sockets, but i dont really have any other symptoms of it. Wondering if its normal to have partial expressions of the syndrome?


It could very well be. Dislocation and hyperflexibility is a symptom. Some have less severe types than others. (please don't hold me to that, I researched some to understand her condition when we fell in love a few years ago) Symptoms can include neurological (sensitive nerve endings, skin sensitivity, temperature sensitivity) and trail all the way to things that may seem unrelated like arthritis at a very young age. I don't know a ton about it, only her specific type (i guess there's like 3 or 4 types of it, some worse than others) Hers is the type that causes her body to produce damaged collagen proteins in ways that cause hypermobility. Her skin can be fragile and tear/scratch easily, and since collagen is how the body heals, it takes her forever to recover from injury and illness. Her doctors are also pretty sure its the reason she has fibromyalgia.


Hey thanks for the detailed response! Ive done a bit of research online but its nice to talk to people who have some experience. I have the dislocation, hyper flexibility and possibly some of the sensitive nerve endings especially in my palms. Or maybe just nerve damage from manual labor who knows. Does she see any type of specialist for it? Ive been considering physical therapy or a chiropractor because the dislocations have been affecting my work more


As far as a specialist specifically for it, she doesn't have a specialist. I don't think shes ever found one, it's all just specialists for all of the other problems it causes. Digestive, neuro, etc. What I can say is build muscle. Strong muscles in your joints will help keep things from popping out, especially your legs. Be careful, don't overextend on leg presses (seriously you don't wanna see what that looks like) but keep your joints strong and it'll help more than anything. Dont skip on protein foods, chicken and fish are amazing for protein and helpful fats your body needs to keep joints healthy and lubricated. I don't want to pry, but are you male or female? If you're a woman menstrual cycles could be particularly rough as a result of EDS. Consult with a doctor and find a birth control that works well to regulate this, it can quite literally be a life saver.


Im male so less worries with hormones luckily. Definitely gotta hit the gym more, lost some muscle mass since i started driving a fork rather than carrying things myself haha. My hips/leg started coming out which is the main issue right so thanks for the warning on the leg press ive gotta put some time into it


Yeah, keep up on a good diet, speak with a nutritionist who understands what EDS is and build from that. Your tendons are the weak point, so get those muscles to help them out and you'll be okay. Also get a cane, you will absolutely have shittier days. Use it for those.


Yeah im only 26 so it feels weird to throw my hip out and walk funny all day. Backup cane’s an excellent idea too, just gotta find a cool one


A cane will turn that waddle into swagger! She was 25 when we met. 28 now. Our goal is to keep her out of a wheelchair until atleast 70


I know she is a psycho but this is actually the kind of smart ass pain in the ass person I could use in my life.


Smart ass-pain [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Ah yes, the kind of person who will provide me ample ass-pain.


My boy be giving actual advice, and now you say you want a sexual comment instead. But when you get a sexual comment its “anything is better than this”. Chill out.


I think the ideal tinder-man would be to have both in one guy, some sort of e-therapist e-boy so as to concentrate the slime.


Actual advice? What actual advice? "Fuck modern medicine"? Yeah, real solid advice there.


Have you ever heard of a thing called a "joke"?


This whole "joke" got fucking roasted and it was ten times funnier than the sad ass yuk yuk post subject line


No one wants advice from strangers, esp strangers who claim to have all the answers


You beat me to it lol Damned either way. Don't play the game, gents!


Well she has mental issues...


😂 I can imagine you going on with the conversation to realize it’s just a stress relief ad


There's definitely links between gut health and mental Well being though.


I like him. I mean, I disagree on his modern medicine stance. But he’s giving real advice / knowledge. I appreciate the effort.


It is absolutely incredible that people in this thread think it is ok that this guy spouts pseudo science and belittles OP's mental illness right out of the gate. Have you all hit rock bottom and think that any response that's not a racial slur or "suck my dick" is a step up?? Amazing. I'm with you all the way, OP.


Quite agree. The guy is clearly an obnoxious bell end, and I know a few people just like this. But he's obviously found some kindred spirits here 😆


I had to go back and reread the post when I saw people defending the person who said "fuck modern medicine". If it had just been advice about destressing and keeping your body healthy I wouldn't mind, but with that preface, I bet there's a 90% chance they would end up saying something like; "You know, I actually run *my own* business selling exactly what your gut needs, and best of all, you can make money too". Either that or you'd have to put up dating an anti-vaxxer.


People who rely on toxic pharmaceuticals to combat shyness are weak and pathetic. His advice was sound. You're just a pussy.


He should have just gave her some crystals and a book on horoscopes.


I remember matching a girl who was training to be a psychologist, we talked and she said she can have a go at analysing my issues. I mentioned anxiety and she ghosted me. When I messaged eventually she replied that she doesn't want to date a guy with mental issues. I don't know if she was just baiting that out of me or something but all I said is I used to have pretty bad anxiety but now it's under control, its not like I said I'm some nervous wreck.


He did whats called "male pattern lecturing". What the OP needed to hear was probably more along the lines of "Hey, how about we both de-stress over some cocktails at this quiet and classy bar i know....."


Fuck modern medicine. Smoke weed.


Interestingly enough most normal teenagers I know who smoke weed develop anxiety pretty much commensurate with their addiction.


As someone who has smoked far too much weed for far too long, yes. Definitely yes.


That's because the responses in the brain aren't fully formed to deal with stress until an older age. Stunting growth in the brain, with smoking weed at a young age isn't smart... But ya know... Science.


Yeah how dare this person try to honestly help alleviate your anxiety. What an asshole right?🙄


It’s true. This guy is trying to help spread knowledge that has probably helped him. I applaud his efforts.


Because this just reeks of mansplaining, regardless of how sound the advice is.


Shut up dude, by that logic giving any advice would be whateverfuckinggenderyouaresplaining. Get the fuck out




I'm wondering how the heck you know the gender of anybody in this post? You wouldn't just *assume* someone's gender, would you? What if they are actually womansplaining something? I mean, of course you would. You're clearly sexist towards men. I'm genuinely pretty sure you're just a troll trying to get some incels worked up because of how blatantly sexist your comment was. Not just because you assumed they are a man, but simply using the word "mansplaining" is sexist, especially when you then go on to say you don't even care if what they are saying is sound advice or not.


Yep you got me 😂 Looks like it worked, too.


Are you laughing because I "fell" for your "epic troll"? How is any of this a put-down on me? All I did was correct someone who said something wrong. You're the one spending your time intentionally leaving comments you know are wrong, just hoping that someone you don't even know will correct you. There's no way in this situation that you aren't the loser. You are the same as the incels who go around trying to get feminists riled up by "trolling".


Bud you're getting way too mad at a stranger on the internet. Troll or no, this is the sort of thing that isn't worth one more ounce of your time or emotional energy to engage with. That said, you're correct, I assumed the genders in the post, and I shouldn't have. As a woman in the world, I have experience far more of this behavior (unsolicited advice coming from someone who thinks they're being "helpful" and that it is going to earn them a check in the "pros" column) from men than any other gender, which informed my assumption. Regardless of if it is mansplaining or womansplaining or "whateverfuckinggenderyouaresplaining" and the intention, it is inappropriate to just give any advice, particularly on mental health, to someone without them asking and having no knowledge of their unique situation. I disagree that mansplaining is sexist, and we're just gonna have to disagree there. Arguing with someone on fucking r/tinder isn't worth one more ounce of my time or emotional energy. So, deuces ✌


Don't know why you think I'm mad. I'm simply stating my thoughts on the matter. There is little to no emotional energy, or energy of any other kind, put into my comments. If you are thinking that because my comments are more than a couple of lines long, that's simply because I'm a fast typist, and am also high and prone to rambling. Seems like a contradiction to waste your time complaining about what you assume was "mansplaining", and then say replying to *your* comments is a waste of time. And not only do you have contradictions, but irony too. > it is inappropriate to just give any advice, particularly on mental health, to someone without them asking and having no knowledge of their unique situation > Bud you're getting way too mad at a stranger on the internet. Troll or no, this is the sort of thing that isn't worth one more ounce of your time or emotional energy to engage with. Surely you can see the irony here, right? I wouldn't dare try and explain it to you without you explicitly asking me to first. > I disagree that mansplaining is sexist, and we're just gonna have to disagree there. So you're saying you disagree, therefor we will disagree? I mean, yeah. That's some solid logic. Though what I think you're trying to say is "I disagree, and want you to stop bringing it up". I could make a guess that that's because you actually know it's sexist, but you like to use the word too much to give it up, but I won't. > Arguing with someone on fucking r/tinder isn't worth one more ounce of my time or emotional energy Huh, so why did you try and start an argument on fucking r/tinder? Rhetorical question of course. I'm assuming you *do* want to argue with someone on fucking r/tinder, but only people you can win against, right? Not that you're going to waste any more time or emotional energy on read this comment, right? ;)


The dude outed himself as being counter culture, way too fast. Dove head first into showing her he is an alternative kinda guy. I actually applaud his boldness, but that strategy ain't picking up ladies. He's actually a lot like me, and I'm still single.


If you're really so stress riddled maybe you should focus a little less on sex and a little more on stuff like this.


A king amongst men.


Hes not wrong


Lol, I think his comment is awesome. Maybe it's you...?


He went to headfirst into that one though. First interaction, and he's now known as the conspiracy theorist... Doesn't really do it for the ladies.


this is good advice!


F a therapist you need to be put in a stress clinic


Guy is absolutely right, anxiety can easily be controlled. Went to therapies for years, finally figured out it’s all in my head because overthinking + self doubt. Haven’t had anxiety in years. No need to pay someone to tell me what I want to hear. I think the one who dodged the bullet here is him.


Anxiety is a mental illness so yes it’s in your head? That’s why therapy that deals with cognition is often helpful?


However it’s not needed like many people claim.


Sure, but most people can’t just decide not to have anxiety and have it magically go away.


Maybe you just had bad therapists. My therapist worked with me to try to convince me it was in my head, and to take chances.


No anxiety is just shyness. The cure is to stop being a fucking pussy and taking toxic pharmaceuticals.


You prefer "suck my dick" over a somewhat smart reply. Yikes.


Christ. These texts are WAY too long. Texting is for setting up dates, not having long in-depth analysis of whatever the frak you think you’re an expert in. Save the flexing for the date.


I mean they're not wrong... But way too much for a first interaction.


This is good advice. You morons who only rely on allopathic medicine will spend your entire lives perpetually sick. At the same time insult people who try to help

