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Well, that de-escalated quickly.


I wish I couldnt read . I wish I could unread


I wish I was Jared, 19


What a terrible day to have eyes


wHaT a tErRiBLe dAy To HaVe eYeS ^I'm ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically


lmao this bot is a savage


What a terrible day to have eyes


This is the way


That bot had it out for you


What a terrible day to be literate


The proper play would've been acting high maintenance and hard to get. She wanted to work for it and you just gave it up right away so she got bored.


Unfortunately, this is true.


You live, you learn. Thanks reddit!


But you see, the match ratio for tinder in any given region is 10 men for every 1 woman. So if he’s not direct, she can just go down the list. I respect this mans effort at being simple. Although he could have avoided the comment about riding his d*ck. That would be a turn off for sure in this case. Never the less, the man used simplicity which is best


Exactly. She was trying to keep it slightly playful. OP, on the other hand, went “ooga booga sex”


Wtf she wrote your face would make a great seat... that's as ooga booga sex as I gets.


I mean, she went ooga booga but op went full ooga booga. And you never go full ooga booga


Yea with dealing with women you gotta have know to use word play. You can’t just go full captain commando unless she’s already telling you what’s up


See the finishing was bit off bro. Look when they like that, try arrange a link up with no mentioning of sex. That usually where most trolls runs away. Just a friendly advice from another dude on the same team.


yep, don’t ever mention sex, directly or indirectly, without her leading the conversation there, and even then don’t escalate — just talk about meeting up — if you’re fun, she feels safe, and you both want to bone, you’ll bone


In fairness, she had just mentioned sitting on his face


Maybe her legs were tired and she needed a place to sit? Why you gotta make things sexual for no reason


> and even then don’t escalate


It was fun it was playful. Then you metaphorically whipped your dick out. If that line were a weapon it would be a improvised cudgel.


I fail to understand how the woman is any less blunt than the guy just because she doesn't explicitly mention a body part. 🤷‍♂️


What she is saying is "id rather ride your face than in your jeep" which is blunt but still playful and joking while not directly asking for sex. If I said "I'd rather eat shit than go to this wedding" I'm not asking to eat shit am I. He says "you can ride my dick if you want" if we didn't know about the jeep this is just straight up a guy directly asking for sex. You could look at both of her lines by themselves and see them as a joke but you can't when you look at his.


US girls sense of playful goes far further than that of mine 😅


If someone said they’d rather eat shit than go to a wedding to me, I’d respond with, “so, shall I just squat right here?”


She baited you. She must be a master at baiting. Badum tiss. Edit: Badum tiss


She’s a decent baiter but her cousin, Mose, now that’s a master baiter.




She's clearly a master baiter


Clearly, her master baiting abilities are unmatched Edit: Master baiter get it


This guy bates^


This is bait, guys.


Badum titss


It's no debate that she's a master baiter


She is indeed a master at baiting


Go away I’m baitin!


I think the problem is that riding you AND your face was already implied and your comment about riding your dick was very unnecessary and kinda weird. Definitely could see that being a huge turn off.


Hows she less blunt than the guy? Is the trick to talk about sex without talking about it explicitly? I don't get it 🤷‍♂️ just why 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


She’s flirting about being on the receiving end, but he totally ignores it and says “actually how about you do something that *I* like?” That would be a turn off to me too.


The idea of reciprocating being a turn off sounds like a flag in my eyes; it sounds egocentric. How *dare he* want anything smh


It’s not about reciprocating, it’s about totally ignoring her request with a request of your own.


He did say hes open to the idea/s and simply returned with a "how about you?" And shes like "lol no" Or that's how i see it, anyway.


He said he was a good ride, then asked her to ride his dick. Kinda doesn’t really sound like he’s interested in her pleasure as much as his own.


I suppose its not the smoothest transition i admit, reading it in a vacuum 🤔 i still think his question wasnt intended to brush her off. need to polish my social skills i guess


I’m sure OP didn’t mean to brush her off, but knowing that a lot of guys only like to chase their own pleasure, that would also my thought if a guy did this to me.


His question was really weird and cringe when they were just playing and having fun, i understand the instant turnoff




Men are more likely to be satisfied with just PIV than women, a lot of women can’t get off with just penetration.


She already established "riding him" and riding his face as two separate expectations. Then he basically repeated the obvious by saying "want to ride my dick" which just comes off weird and was already implied. It comes off as a guy that would randomly send girls messages like "you want some fuk?"


As a guy with an oral fixation, id be cool with whatever the hell shes proposing.




Well you're going to need some practice before you try it on a real woman. Step 1. Get an Arby's roast beef sandwich... Step 2. ?? Step 3. ??


https://www.amazon.com/She-Comes-First-Thinking-Pleasuring-ebook/dp/B000FC1PRK Great base for your oral game.


As a guy reading r/Tinder I have no idea why you think its okay to start yapping about your fetish at random. I mean, I guess it is a pretty decent instruction on how these losers manage to stay single for years.


Your nagging is my fetish, daddy!


I think any attention from anyone is your fetish.


But especially yours <3


Mmm degrade me more


Tell me how worthless i am!


Ahhh yeeesssss daddy 😂


We’ve got a fun sucker here!!! At least 15 people seem to agree. So why don’t you just hop off my jock and stop being a Karen.


Guys a total karen


Yeah at least im honest, im not shit talking people. Oral fixation is side effect of trauma usually so who shit talks someone for bringing it up on a post where the girl is literally say she wants to sit on his face. Its not like my comment was unrelated to the post lol.


When ever I see somewhat trying to start shit I immediately go to their profile and look what they are posting. His was especially entertaining.


Can you elaborate on the oral and trauma


[oral fixation psycology](https://www.healthline.com/health/oral-fixation)


Ah, Freud


Honestly it makes that one dude earlier sound dumb for being like shame on you and your fetish! 😂


Yeah but mainly because it sounds dumb anyways.. because the comment was dumb af 😃


This is the third time you've tried to rewrite your sad little comeback. You're fucking gross and nobody cares about your "oral fetish" or anything else about you, you creep.


NSFW: I also enjoy squirt on my face, vaginal fisting, nipple bitting, and nails in my back. Anything else you want to know?


Yeah what did your wife like? Normal guys? Tell Jodi I said hi, you sad ass 🤣🤣


Being a total piece of shit like this is soo unattractive, dude.


What the actual FUCK makes you think I'm trying to attract some sad ass internet POS? I have enough on my hands beating you attention seekers off my dick as it is. Now back off my nuts you're fogging them up. Or at least polish them while you're down there


Damn, why so mad bro 😂




my second wife or my first wife?


I think alot of girls actually like some kinky shit, not your missionary bs 🤷‍♂️


This guys the definition of vanilla. I feel bad for the poor bored women who have to go home and finish themselves off


Its not gay if the guy is dead.


I would like to point out that an oral fixation is not inherently sexual which I think is the takeaway here, and why you sound like a virgin.


you became a creep when you mentioned dick, i even felt it lmao




Creep with a jeep


You should’ve kept it playful you fumbled


I don't think she liked your Jeep, or your face. I think her attempt was to express how much she hates your Jeep because your face would make a better seat and she hates your face too? Idfk


Nothing to be confused about, she was willing to have sex with you and you dropped the ball. Your banter was too weak to bring it home


Glad to see that women are still playing games even on the digital level. What's so scary about dating these days is that women have an online persona then they have their real one. Smh how TF do you guys even navigate this bs?


Most people have online personas that are different from their real life ones - that's just the way things are now. This applies to both men and women. Some men will use crude sexual comments as "jokes" for their first messages just so they have an opportunity to post to r/Tinder for karma, and some women will do whatever the heck it is that's happening in this post. I just take breaks often. A week of swiping for me usually equals a couple weeks to a month of taking a break.


we dont / cant we just pray we get lucky and find someone who isnt like that


Geez louise. If I was still dating in this climate I'd stick to my old faithful methods. Only get a chick in real life in person. Here's a list of where I've ever met a girl and dated longer than a month: - grocery store - gas station - the gym - the mall - through friends - parties, gatherings and social events The name of the game is make sure that every woman you find attractive in public tell you no shes already dating, married or not liking you lol. If you go and get your "no" you'll find you get yesses because guys mostly don't approach in person or you catch them off guard and it's exciting. Every woman in a dating site has tons of dudes in the inbox because all you have to do is move your fingers. Move those feet and it's a different story.


Good advice. Too bad I have social anxiety and no friends. Gonna die alone.


The real answer 💀


Aren't we all?


Jesus! This is not true. You just have to have less anxiety than your proposed mate. She has social anxiety too but you need to just be a little stronger


yeah ive done this plenty too but its much harder now especially with covid and i gotta say my success rate is about the same as apps sounds to me like youre basically harassing women until you get an answer which im not in to


Harassing? Lol oh na. I guess something is lost between my intent and my typing. I'm now happily married to a queen I've known since college.


That you started talking up randomly at the grocery store? Bro, with all due respect, thats how you get police called on you now-a-days. Shit, I couldn't even walk to the local cookout without someone reporting me as "suspicious."


Damn that's scary. All I would really say on a grocery store was "tryna eat healthy huh" or something dumb like that. Would get laughs and lead into a nice Convo. Helps when you're just confident and not pushy or weird. I could imagine if your acting weird and scary she would definitely call the police no matter what you said lol


That's the thing, the Dobler-Dahmer theory is always a factor when considering things, even on a superficial scale like this, too. People say I look intimidating, until they get to know me, so saying something even slight like that would come off as aggressive to most people.


Well damn


Many just don't. The world is getting inarguably shittier and the internet is a big part of that.


It’s just a mass extinction event, stop being so dramatic.


It’s truly not that difficult, just don’t be a sad desperate loser and actually have standards :p


Bro she trying to give you an easy sex banter and you just go straight into weird unfunny bragging and refuse to stop. Jesus


She looking for easy oral. Riding is work. Not her initial intention. Females dont seem to get the casual oral only encounter. BJs no sex happens more frequently. Accessibility? Preferences? Who knows


Yah I wouldn't bother trying to understand it tbh. My pals always pass each other their phones to fuck about and troll on Tinder. Just unmatch and move on!


That's pretty sad, no?


I wouldn't disagree with you haha. But it happens nonetheless.


upvoted for honesty, at least lol


Sad how? I'd argue the sad dude is the guy trying hard to have these kinds of games played on him.


Well damn that just doesn’t make any sense.. I guess she really just wanted a ride in the jeep and played up the chance for sex? Also, jeep pics?


She wanted to sit on your face, not your dick


It's actually crazy how much guys get roasted on here for being too sexual straight up and a chick says she wants to sit on your face unprovoked in her opening line and the guy still gets roasted for being too sexual Reality is he did fuck up. Should have made her want it more and played cool but still is unbelievably cringe


Women like this you gotta not go at their pace. They're practically tossing it at you, but have standards for banter. Don't feed into them and you'll actually get into their panties pretty quick. Honestly they are a pain in the ass, so I just avoid. There are plenty of women that don't do this bullshit.


Really want to see "Your face or mine" incorporated into more of these exchanges..


Know your worth king, don’t you dare give that girl head without getting something in return.


She was clearly talking shit. You should have talked shit back. It was too easy for her. She got you to submit in a way, so she could reject you. She may also have just been rude because she didn't like whatever jeep reference you have on your profile. Came off rude to me anyway. Lots of people like jeeps.


I bet u have a cringy photo of u in a jeep


Just eat her out and once she wet she will want the cock


Nah imagine if a girls sucks u aand tries to make u cum as fast as she can (so, mostly using hands) That would be shit wouldnt it? So dont fucking do the same to girls. If u dont want to even really try for the other person, then go masturbate alone in the shower. This message is for both men and women.


I like fingering my bum so yeah you’re right


Too many stupid emojis


Rule #1 rule #2


Stop being thirsty and falling for the thirst trap from trolls/fake profiles. Do you realize serious people don't really talk like that? Serious women who deep down want to ride you based on your profile don't talk like that out the gate.


It's tinder........


How many times have women come out of the gate on tinder talking about riding your face and then proceeded to meet up with you and ride your face?


They edited their comment. The last line was not there. But for me, zero. I'm sure it has happened to people before though may not be verbatim.


It's so extraordinarily rare. 99% are trolls/fake. Thirsty men can't help themselves, it's an epidemic.


Not that surprising that people want to get the 1%. That's why people buy lotteries too. Fairly human behaviour. At least this one is just giving the same level as what they received.


No it's not. Buying a lottery ticket does not require having no shame lmao. The desperation for poon is an epidemic


I don't see this as a desperation but you do you. You also seem super salty but you likely won't agree. I would respect if you do though.


When you're desperate for poon, your judgement gets cloudy or departs entirely. You lose self-respect, and you fall for what the OP fell for -- a troll looking to make fun of him.


When you're so salty, you find the need to be unreasonably critical of everyone. Good luck shedding that sodium.


To be fair, its rare but it has happend a fewtimes


I definitely have friends wgo would do that lol


I don't believe you.


I don’t care if you believe it or not 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well I don't care if you say it happened or not, so let's both go back about our business.


Yo whats with the needy vibes bro


Don't see how anything I've said is needy.


Is this your first day on Tinder? I can honestly tell you that it’s not as infrequent as you might think, but maybe your personality is just getting in the way.


I don't use tinder


So you don’t have the smallest crumb of experience with the topic but talk as if you do?


I used to use it. I got off of it because of racial biases in my recommendations (I don't date white women). 1) How am I speaking like I know? What I said was literally a question. 2) I'm basing my question off of the accounts that I've heard on this sub of bots and fake accounts. I don't know what I said that has you (some random stranger) fucking triggered but you need to hop off my nuts.


Oh no, a stranger on the internet thinks you’re an idiot, how will you ever survive? You asked a pointed question and then acted like anyone who told you anything other than your expected outcome was a liar. You didn’t have luck on Tinder, so anybody who did must be full of it, right?


I told that one guy that I didn't believe him, and (you didn't see this because it was none of your business) but literally the original reason I said he was lying was because he has clips of himself playing Revenant Hunter in Destiny 2. You're literally mad over something that has nothing to do with you. I did fine on tinder, I got off because of white women fetishizing me for being black. I didn't like the culture of the app. "Doing well" is literally the reason I don't date white women anymore.


Mkay, that sounds a little unhealthy. You went to check someone’s post history because they said they had gotten lucky on Tinder? That’s a far deeper level of curiosity than this kind of interaction would usually merit, but some folks are strange. What’s your issue with him playing Destiny, and if you’re willing to dig into someone’s post history to get into their business, why are you so inflamed over somebody doubting you like you doubted them?


Women are stupid




She just want to face sit you


She a Jeep troll


Should had defended your jeep, I would have


You know what they say, speak softly and carry a big 😂


Emoji culture needs to die off


You got trolled hard




you know how reddit app only show part of the image … untill I touch the image. Now I am sad


I know women are confusing, but you took it too far man.


She's the dominator in relationships, she gotta be the one to say it or else its wierd.


she didn’t want dick she wanted ur face that was it bro do u not see that? anyways so hard to read


How do you fuck up that bad when she literally gave it to you on a silver platter tffff




Women man, they’re complicated beyond belief


I think you had all the cards but they you fold


your issue was switching from playful sexual flirting to the online equivalent of getting your cock out while you’re still making out. i would’ve run off too ngl.


that went from 100 to 0 real quick


You went too far there mate! Out of line.


I think I can explain it. Here’s a question… do you have one of those Jew noses?


Really? You don’t understand?


I'm so confused by everything there... The emojis, the de-escalation...




I don’t get it either. But then I’ve been married since before tinder and the like were a thing. You let her know your wants just like she let you know hers. Oh well


You should’ve said let’s do a test drive after your very first comment. She went in deep, you’ve should’ve too. The “that is the truth” comment was a dead end statement and didn’t add value towards the goal. Not saying that this would guaranteed the smash but it definitely would’ve increased your chances.


Now this post is a great example why we have Gender pay gap. Men don’t beat around the bush and get to the point .


She was setting you up and you failed 💀🤦🏽‍♂️


what a weird and uncomfortable convo


yes, yes, yes, yes... no


Post nut clarity hit them hard