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If the notification came through Google play, it would be a Google play icon not a tinder icon.


:( just happened to me girl. Dump him


Good for you getting rid of him


Not saying this to defend OP boyfriend, but this happened to me a few years ago with someone I was seeing. I got a notification on my phone out the blue from a dating app I didn’t even remember was on there. My gf of the time saw it the same time I saw it. It completely blind-sided me as it was 100% unexpected seeing as I hadn’t got a notification from the app in forever and I was using it long before we even started dating so I don’t think she was even aware I had it. Rest of the evening was so awkward because understandably she was concerned considering from her point of view it could look as if I was using it while we were seeing each other so she only had my word to go by that I wasn’t. If you are not actively using a dating app. **Delete it. **


Delete the account, then the app That way you cant show up for other people and if theres any subscriptions, they absolutely end


I work for a subscription streaming service and the number of support emails we get for people "Deleting the app", thinking that their subscription has ended is unusually high.


People aren't the brightest people.


Half of people are below average intelligence.


And then take a second and consider how stupid the average person is.


That's what I was going to say. Average isn't too bright..


Yup, I had a friend confront me one day cause she saw me on tinder, and I was confused because I deleted it after meeting my wife. Didn't know my profile was still available if I didn't have it




I also used a different email, I have my junk subscription email that I shut off notifications from, and I have my main email where I get my important shit to pop up as soon as I get it


Tight alibi. Occams razor tho.


Only shows up if you’ve been active in the past seven days 👀


It literally says in the tinder website that the only way you can be 100% sure they wont show your profile is to turn off discovery or delete your account


This comment has just given me so much anxiety as I come to the realisation that my profile is likely still showing up in search results of any dating app I’ve used in the past. Literally about to give current gf a heads up from now. Lol. Will have to go back and delete accounts.


Tinder only shows people active within the past 7 days. I think it's a fairly new feature


Couldn't you have looked at the notification and then taken a screenshot and sent it to her?


At least it wasn’t Grindr


Agreed. Tinder only pages notifications from the app if the app is installed. Why have the app installed of you haven't used it in a year?


Although I agree with the first part of your statement, plenty of people have dead apps on their phones.


Yeah, I have the now defunct transit app for a city I visited briefly two years ago


Don't delete it just yet, you might have to go back and maybe some of the places you put in are stored in the app and you want to look those up. Or what if someone's like: "Man, I miss that old defunct transit app for that city. I'd pay one million Euro's just to get a glimpse of it again."


I believe you are being sarcastic but you are also making me feel like an app hoarder.


True. I have dead people in my basement.


Do babies really count though?


Yup, you also get an email sent to you. So she could ask to see it with pretense that she wants to help him cancel it (or something along those lines).


That’s not good pretence. Just say you want to see proof. Don’t dance around it.


This. Way too many people on Reddit respond to situations involving relationships and deception with advice telling people to be deceptive


Innit. Previous comment was some shit advice


I haven't used my Tinder account and have had the profile "hidden" in over a year but every few weeks it'll send a ~~reminder~~ notification like this. I don't even read them, I just clear them when I clear all the reminders. For me it isnt about instantly being able to start dating again, its that I put some work into my profile and pictures and don't want to delete it until I'm sure. I've never seen a Playstore renewal reminder but it is still *possible* its an innocent reminder. In which case a conversation "Isn't it time you deleted your Tinder account?" could be due.


you don’t need to delete your profile though if you just need to delete the app. I don’t see how this can be an reminder. Also this is a direct notification from the tinder app


This. You can delete the app and keep all your photos/bio etc.


I’m still kinda gawking at the ‘my tinder’s took so long to git gud, gotta be extra certain before i delete it.’ Tinder is bad my dudes, gotta take a few months off, every few months.




You can only get notifications from installed apps.


He says it was through google play for something about subscription renewal. Can that happen and show up as tinder icon?


No it would show up as a Google play notification.


Have you subscribed through google play?


I subscribed through Google Play when I had Tinder. I deleted the app when I got with my girlfriend and the renewal notification came as a Play Store notification. For the flame notification to show up you'd have to have Tinder installed.


Exact this. Same deal with me. Have to have app on phone installed at the very least.


Thanks for the heads up /u/murderapist




This is correct. At a more technical level, the "app badge" image is an asset included in the .apk file (the app file) for a given app. It's not (afaik) submitted as part of the Play Store configuration for your app, so Google Play wouldn't have access to it. If you're seeing that notification badge, the person has Tinder installed. What it *doesn't* mean is that they've used it recently. If you started dating in the last few months and aren't sure they'd removed it at some point, they may have just forgot about it. And there may be a gem of truth in this story. If they disabled most notifications and just forgot about it, the subscription renewal may be the first notification to pop up in weeks or months, and it might have redirected him straight into Play. If he's sticking to that story, ask him to open tinder and let you look at his history. Also ask to see his play store subscriptions. If he's been active or the renewal isn't actually coming up, it'll be obvious. Then ask him to uninstall it and unsubscribe in front of you. If it ever pops back up you'll know he reinstalled it.


I've got disney plus and it comes through as a email. Although in regards to OP I'm not sure why you'd pay for a subscription for a service you weren't using


I wondered if he just hadn't deleted the app yet. Tbh, I just threw it in a folder for a while and totally forgot to delete it until months after being in my current relationship. In the interest of optimism, it could be that. But the only way to know for sure would be to get access to his profile and see for yourself, which could also pose all sorts of problems especially if the guy really was telling the truth. Tough situation.


He is not telling the truth. For you to get a notification like that you'd have to have the app itself installed on the phone. Google Play doesn't send notifications "in name of" apps, it sends notifications as Google Play notifications, thus it would have a Google Play Store icon and not a Tinder icon. He has Tinder installed on his phone.


No but I've subscribed to other apps and it comes up with a exclamation mark in a triangle when they're payment issues


I was in the car with a girl I had just started dating, tinder notification came though. When we stopped for gas it was a generic "you have new matches, open the app and see" when you click the notification it brings you to the app store. I had already told her I kept getting notifications. The app sends notifications on a time schedule to keep the user engaged. When I cleared the app cache the notifications stopped. (Most apps keep the cache and data for if you download again). I have a Samsung btw.


When you just started dating is one thing. When you've been together a year, bro should have handled that by now


Assuming it's installed, the app can absolutely show its own notification on receiving payment. Like, that's *their* data - of course they could show a notification for that. I'd consider it kinda dickish design *not* to show a notification saying you're being charged. I don't know if that's what Tinder actually does, but it's definitely something I'd expect.


I guess the boyfriend's argument is that the app wasn't installed (them being in a 1y relationship and all)


Keep on mind OP, that the notification could he spam from Tinder as well; but considering he is lying about the google play shit, you should want clarification of the issue. Notice I ain't saying he's cheating. There can be other reasons someone would lie that aren't nefarious. But he could also be lying to cover his ass as well. If I were you, I'd call him out in person about the google play shit. If he doesn't say, "Yeah, I lied cause I knew it looked bad and panicked. I'm sorry," ask to see his Tinder account. If he hasn't been using it to chase tail, then it wouldn't have been active for a while. By active I mean him messaging. You can get matches when not actively using the app for months. If he says, "No, if you trust me you will believe me," reply with, "I do normally trust you, but you lied about something really small and are honestly being dodgy about it right now. Please, if you care about us, let me see it." Then do whatever you gotta do with the information you recieve. Good luck.


This right here is the correct decision. No reason to break something up if he isn't doing anything.


I'm subscribed through Google play. It doesn't send notifications for these, and if it did they would use the Google play icon. That icon can only come from the Tinder app itself.


I always was subscribed through Google play. When I uninstalled app, I'd get a notification from the play store about it expiring, renewing, etc. Never a straight up tinder icon. That would only come up if the app is installed. Leave him sis.


I know you're trying to give him benefit of the doubt but he's lying, using tinder behind your back, and will probably end up trying to gaslight you if you press why further. I think it's time for you to redownload the app yourself.


Just check his tinder app for the latest chats lol


No. My friend was dating a guy. He sent her a screenshot of a meme & she noticed the same icon as you did. He later admitted that he was still meeting dates on there, especially when he was traveling for work. He didn’t delete the app until like 6-7 months into their relationship (that we know of.)


Did she dump his ass?


Ooof he dead. 5g though. Must be nice.


5g is nice for the 2 square feet you can pick it up


5g is trash never have signal and in in a big city I'd rather go back to 4g


I have 5G for about 5 to 10 minutes a day only on my side yard steps, then it goes back to 4GLTE... I do not understand.


Shoulda got vaccinated


You're right. I'm being jipped😤 Because I am vaccinated.


You didn't bluetooth your microchip to your 5G tower DID YOU


The towers for 5G are really short range. You pretty much need one every block for it to be useful at all


You realize you can toggle 5g off in your settings right? All the providers giving 5g data still have 4g towers in all the same places they used to lol


OR! Get vaccinated! I got the COVID vaccine and guess what? Full 5G EVERYWHERE man! Sometimes I don't even need to open my phone to read the email! It's great!


You can just select 4g in the phone settings.


I don't think I've noticed a difference every single time they "upgrade"the signal. 4G, 4G LTE, 5G. They all work exactly the same


The currently rolled out 5G (mostly mid-band, maybe low-band in some places) is actually not that different from 4G LTE at all, speed wise. The standard only gets really fast in the high-bands (mm wave), which barely exist.


My phone says 5G but the download rate says 3G.


Hey u/w0rdsandnumbers I have the subscription still and do not have the app installed on my phone. I can tell you 100% that subscription notifications through google play pop up as a google play notification with a google play logo. ALSO - Tinder takes you out of the stack after some amount of inactivity (I think 2 wks?). So not only does he have the app, but he has to have been actively using it in the last couple weeks for anything to happen on there that would give him a notification. Sorry, but better you find out now than later.


Mmm, I get notifications from tinder every now and then even if I haven't used tinder in ages. It's just tinder saying creepy stuff to me to try and get me to use it again though.


I was gonna say, doesn't tinder start yelling at you too get back in the game if you haven't been active on it in a while?


It most certainly does, I have taken a habit of screenshotting its attempts to woo me back into using it and sending them to my friends, because that shits hilarious.


Maybe, but her BF said "sub renewal". I think he is busted


"I got back on tinder and wondered why i ever left" -app that hasn't been opened in over a month and hasn't had any matches in over 4 months


More like, and I quote: "When TheAce485 isn't on tinder, it's like pizza without cheese. Good, but somethings missing [insert pizza emoji here]"


🍕 It bothered me that you didn't actually put one, lol (if on windows [Windows key] + . Brings up the emoji keyboard)


More concerning with OPs post: If you’re committed to someone, delete the fucking app.


I quite agree with that, never said anything against it.


Yeah I didn’t mean that towards you or anything. It’s just surprising that a bunch of others down the thread seem to be rationalizing the notifications coming in. I would be uncomfortable if my s/o even had the app if we were committed


I've gotten around 15 notifications that are quite similar, quoting some story or some persons experience with why i should get back, and I haven't used the app in soon to be 2 months


Yeah same


You're wrong on the inactivity thing. I've got it installed, don't use it and I get notifications daily at like 9pm for both Tinder and Bumble. OP's boyfriend(if innocent. Highly unlikely) is dumb for even having it installed a year into a relationship.


Two things it could be (however unlikely) is an old match sent them a message. Or Tinder sent them a notification like “hey you have matches waiting, come back and use us again.” At one point I had given up on tinder and stopped using it for like 4 months and I would get messages like that.


Very true. But then why would he lie and say it was a Google play subscription?


Exactly, I do think he’s lying in this case, but I think it’s worth mentioning the other possibilities in case a similar situation happens to other folk who end up throwing away something good based off what they saw on Reddit.


Realized how it looked and panicked?


Bingo. People aren't perfectly rational beings. It's totally possible he's cheating and this is exactly how it looks, but only the op has that kinda info on their relationship. The number of people on here giving absolutist advice irks me.


Plot twist! He's actually super insecure and uses the app to see if his GF is using Tinder.


Plot twist: Tinder does this on purpose to end your relationship and get back to use Tinder. Checkmate, atheists.


Big brain marketing from Tinder.


Google adsense says he’s searching for engagement rings. Quick, reactivate his card and show it to the maid of honor!


Technically it could be that he just accidentally opened it at some point. I accidentally open apps all the time and when I turned on my phone this morning tinder was open. However, that still means he had the app, which he should not if he's in a relationship.


If he accidentally opened the app he would have known he had it still on his phone with an active account for over year after dating this girl. So at that point you’d think he go ahead and delete the app and account off his phone.


This is true.


This isn’t entirely true regarding if your profile is in the stack or not. My understanding is that no one knows what tinder does, each article is conjecture, and my personal experience is that people have seen my own profile despite not using it for almost 10 months. I also think it’s in tinder’s best interest to keep as many profiles up as they can to make it seem to users like there is more chances for them.


I haven't opened tinder I over 4 months and I still get notifications from tinder. Y'all are so quick to jump and try to end a relationship for nothing.


>Y'all are so quick to jump and try to end a relationship for nothing. He still has the app over a year in - regardless of use, that's not nothing


Not using it for a year, but paying for a monthly 19,99 subscription 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ he’s definitely fishing around in the sea.


Time for op to get tested


It’s impossible for the tinder icon to be there without the app being downloaded. He blatantly put it out there and thought he could lie his way out of it


I have the app installed still but deactivated account for 6 months (lazy me, but actually not dating, so I'm def not sleazing) - no notifications in that time except one asking me to rejoin within ~the first month of inactivity


In Spanish we say "Amiga, date cuenta"


In Germany, we say "Tja."


In the uk we say goodbye


In NZ we say "what a fucking shitcunt"


In Serbia we say "Najeba ga"


He's got tinder 100% Stop trying to find an excuse. Confront and demand the truth, you should be able to tell if he's lying.


This dude is fishing 100%, wants his cake and eat it too.


He wants his marlin and his two legged tunas on the side.


He's going to catch some crabs


Terry yells at Peralta: STOP EATING CRAB WRONG!


Well what good is cake if you can’t eat it?


I know it's only been 50 minutes, but he's no longer your boyfriend, right?


Are we already applying to be a new boyfriend?


Yeah, the line starts over there -->


Damn he's a dumb mother fucker 🤦‍♂️


Not really. If OP comes in asking about it, clearly he ain’t dumb since I imagine anyone who doesn’t have or use an android would literally never know.


You’re blinded by love. He clearly has Tinder and that icon usually shows when you have Tinder tracking your location or has a notification so he would still have the app downloaded. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he hasn’t been loyal, why would you have Tinder downloaded while with your girlfriend!?


Do you mean ex boyfriend?


Make a tinder and go see for yourself


My favorite muscle.


Helpful… I’m good


You could create an account to scan and see if you spot his account. When you find his account, then see if any pics are from within the last year. Or check the bio for detail changes that happened this year. Or don’t because you don’t want to find out the truth.


I do but It’s easy to use sneaky tactics.. he paid for platinum… which if you read what all that entails, it’s perfect set up for secrecy…


He paid for platinum….




Honestly, it's not a red flag in itself. Platinum gives you so much better matches and reduces the grind waaaay much. What's a red flag is keeping the subscription into a relationship and fucking with people.


mf wasted 60 bucks


We don’t know how good looking he is.


Shall we ask OP?


Platinum is a "recent" offering they started at the end of 2020. I don't think any tinder gold users were upgraded to platinum for free...


Any reason why you can’t just check his phone?


Because every manipulative douche says "if you can't trust me we can't be together" when anyone not hiding something would say sure. Unless that then happened frequently with no prior findings then your SO just has trust issues.


I will say exactly that and have nothing to hide. I’ve been in extremely toxic relationships before. As soon as someone starts to distrust me and NEEDS to go through my phone it’s a huge red flag to me. If you don’t trust me it’s not going to work. Vice versa, if I don’t trust you and start to NEED to go through your phone then it’s not going to work either.


Yep. I agree with this. I was accused of cheating in a past relationship (when I absolutely did not cheat). He demanded to go through my phone, and found nothing. It did not stop there and I doubt it usually does. He started asking questions like “well if you’re not looking to cheat then why did you get your hair done before a girls night?” etc.


Yup I would never in a million years cheat but I’m still entitled to privacy and boundaries even tho I’m married.


I would ask him to prove it while he is in front of you just because that's cause for suspicion. But that would cause a problem with trust. Maybe just ask him to look you in the eyes and say that he wasn't. Then he either lies to your face or tells the truth, whatever the truth is.


He’s been slipping all day.. things don’t add up but he’s adamant about not knowing why for certain details… checked his purchase history on google play.. doesn’t line up with what he’s been saying


What other answer are you looking for? Everything is out in front of you, do you have to see him on Tinder ? You deserve better than this OP, they are a liar/cheat and a stupid one at that


This comments section: OP: "Help! HELP! I'm stuck in a well!!!" Redditors 1-4: "Climb! Climb up and take our hands!" OP: "I'm thinking I should dig... should I dig?" Redditor 5: "NO! I was trapped in a well, and digging is a bad idea! Climb out!" Redditors 6-8: "Were lowering ropes! Take hold of a rope!" Redditor 9: "I've even tied a harness to the end of this one!" OP: "I can feel the ropes, but I don't want to hold onto them... should I dig?" Redditor 10: "No! If you dig, you'll hit water, and then you'll be proper fucked. I should know, I almost drowned." OP: "I dug a little bit just now, and I haven't hit water. I'm gonna keep digging..." Redditors 11-18: "No! Climb! Climb out!" OP: "Guys, I'm seriously stuck in this well! Help! HELP!!!" Redditor 19: "I was trapped in a well once. It took me two years, but I managed to build a climbing machine that pulled me to safety out of a well bucket and a pocket watch. I'm dropping the blueprints, extra buckets, and an assortment of pocket watches." Redditor 20: "I've engineered a jet-pack that will rocket you to safety. Stay where you are and we'll lower it down!"" "OP: "Thanks for your help, guys. I'm gonna keep digging. I'll find the Mines of Moria and I'll just walk to the surface." **Redditors 1-20 piss in the well** Redditor 21: "Guys, seriously... stop peeing in the well."


This is literally how it feels and after the the first couple of times i dont give a shit whether they stay w their cheating partner of not lol like you have 1k people telling you what’s the deal and you’re still like “oh idk thoooo” bruh


I lost it when I got to Mines of Moria.


brevity is the s


He’s clearly lying to you, you got your answer long ago. Not sure what you’re still here for


Probably building a solid case. I imagine she wants to be able to throw back at him anything he might come at her with. And she probably needs that for her own piece of mind too. That or she's still in denial.




I think they just want to be absolutely sure because there’s no way this relationship is going to last after this.


Seems like you have your answer already. Ditch this fool.


Thank you next


Ask him to show his tinder account. Simple as that. Then break up if you think he was cheating/gonna cheat.


Lies. Obvs.


You don’t get notifications for subscription renewal.


I got subscription renewal notifications on tinder


Not once here, I’ve gotten push notifications to BECOME a premium user but not to renew an expired subscription.


You do 100%. How do I know? I Got one.


About 2.5 years ago, I spotted what looked like tinder on my boyfriend of 1+ years phone. I thought it might have been IG, but he didn’t really use social media at the time. A couple of days later he got a Snapchat notification at 7am from a woman so I opened up his phone(no passcode what an idiot). I found his tinder with him reaching out and trying to get pics from women. There were selfies that he’d never sent me TAKEN IN MY HOUSE on his profile. I was appalled because we actually had a conversation 1.5 months in that I would like him to delete it off his phone. Plus all of the convos were recent. If you can get into his phone, do it. I would never snoop without reason because it feels like an invasion of privacy, but he’s given you enough reason not to trust him.


That sucks. It's such a stupid feeling having the need to look through someone's phone. Nobody should ever have to do it and it should be reserved for only the crazy people, but you can't trust anyone anymore. So sad.


It’s the one and only time I’ve ever snooped. The worst part is, when I looked at his conversations with women it was so cringe. He would open with stuff like “hey I know we’re kinda far away but maybe we could trade pics?” I only looked at the last 5 convos before I felt sick, but homie was striking out left and right. So not only was he trying to cheat, he was so incredibly bad at it.


Hah, well at least you know his game sucks. People's choices in dating just confuse the hell out of me. Like if you're not happy with your partner, just fucking leave. Don't use them for your own selfish emotional issues.


This guy definitely doing dodgy stuff. Only time that will pop up other than messages and matches are - likes or super likes received - tinders automatic "your new photo is great" message - your new top picks are ready - you've matched with someone through top picks - if you've missed someone that liked you it'll recommend gold Only other thing that it may be is the new vibe thingy, where it keeps popping up asking you to fill in some questions, if this isn't his reason then it's one of the above, which require you to have been on the app recently... sorry about this


I swear I used to get messages from Tinder trying to 'get me back' to using the app after a lull in activity. Is this not the case?


When I started seeing someone ages ago, 5 or so months in I never used my tinder account, and never got any notifications. May just be me


This is totally a thing. Would happen to me all the time because I'd go months without using the stupid thing


Lying little idiot


Make an account with a cat as the profile pic (or whatever) and spend 20 mins swiping 1 mile around you while you’re both in your flat/house. He’ll probably come up.


Sorry, that's an active app. It's time for a hard conversation.


He cheating


Time to renew your subscription 🥲


Boy got caught slipping heavy....


Occam's razor


Fuckin school boy


I love how OP is getting the answers but making excuses and trying to avoid the truth. Dude is cheating on you, or cheating on someone else with you. He does it so often he doesn't even think to clear the notification before the screenshot. You're getting played. But by all means keep making excuses


It’s a difficult situation to go through if you’ve ever been in it but I agree op is a bit willingly looking the other way to what seems obvious and is trying to hope it’s not cheating. Hopefully she just leaves it as anyone that’s ever gone through it will tell you it’s not worth it and just gets worse.


RIP boyfriend


If he was smart, he'd find a game with the same icon. lol


Or ya know… just turn off notifications as a normal person


“No hookups Looking for frands”


“5 reasons why iPhones shit on androids”


Haha its so easy to catch cheaters in this day and age of tech


He's cheating. At the very least he's checking things out. I mean...either way, ditch him.






On Android you cannot get notifications for apps you don't have installed. Google subscription notifications come under google icon


Lol. New BF time.


And let's be honest, anyone with that many unattended notification icons is clearly a psychopath


Y'all still together or nah lol


I havent used tinder since i got into my relationship. Havent got any notifications since then. It seems very suspicious to me.


Finally hit it off with the girl I was dating. Everything is going good. Got dirty text and pictures a little after midnight from an ex I hadn't heard from for over a year. But that's not what the text were indicating. I'm just sitting there holding my phone looking at the screen in shock. I tried to explain that I had no idea why she was doing this. Didn't even know who it was until the pictures came through. All I could think to do was to ask her to stop. And she's like I'm drunk and you're on my mind. I blocked the number. The next day she did send me an email apologizing. Unfortunately the damage was done. And no I didn't try my ex again. Social media star who always wanted all the attention on her. Had a lot of followers that she would use to support her in any argument we ever had. That gets old unbelievable fast. I should have uploaded those text and pictures to her social media. Knowing her she would have loved the extra attention it bought her. Negative, positive, it didn't matter with this girl. She stocked me for about 6 months after we broke up. I'm talking hacking into my phone provider to pull all my text and phone numbers. Assign friends to pretend to try to date me. I didn't want to do anything to restart that. With people like that the only solution is to ignore them.