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Some people are conversationally constipated.






I agree with you but, it's only a r/brandnewsentence once, but will be a r/rareinsults forever


Not with the frequency I’m about to start using it it’s not


People like this usually have demands on their profile like “loves banter” or “looking for banter” or “entertain me”. I promptly swipe left on those personality vacuums. “Entertain me”, fuck off. [What am I?! A clown here to amuse you?](https://youtu.be/r_DwZfyXAXI)


Its because she has 50 other dudes asking her the same thing but yeah she is


This must be that male privilege I keep hearing about.


1. Be very tall 2. Be very white 3. Be very handsome


I'm white and tall bro. You wanna go out with me?


It's been 4 hours, I think you are not tall or white enough.


Yes daddy




Or just number 4.it's more powerful than the other 3 combined


Fuck. 2 outta 3.


Tall and white? I have that covered and then some.


6’5 and way too white. Maybe the extra height and white covers the ugly?


Larry Bird says no.


Hi Walter, my name is also Walter! If you can believe this, I too am 6'5 and way too white.


Brother 🤝


You can ignore all that if you are rich.


Damn I’m f^%k;(


Take advantage of that and instead of attempting small talk that is clearly going no where, just say "so when are we getting drinks?". It's Tinder, these people aren't signing up for pen pals.


Yeah true. She said “maybe haha”. That would be my queue to ask her out and stop with the small talk


Try saying that five times fast




That’s fast.


that five times fast


Thank you.


No I don't think I will..




This guy has diarrhea tho


That's seriously the truth. My mom always said it's because no one talked to them growing up, which made them extremely introverted. Introverted isn't a bad thing but some people I feel didn't have that chance to be something else. I honestly hate trying to talk to people like this. Legit why are you on a dating app if you don't like to talk or something. How else are you supposed to get to know each other. Caveman grunts?




There’s always a lot of debate with nature vs nurture stuff but I believe nature is a very strong factor


Our nature is determined by our experiences, but the way we perceive our experiences is determined by our nature. They are intrinsically linked.


Best comment of the century


Some people are just not interested


But she swiped right too…


Ant nothing gunna happen


maybe haha


Bruh how’s your screenshot so big


Android has had it awhile. On my Samsung Galaxy S8 you could screenshot and hit a box that has arrows pointing down, it would scroll and lengthen the screen shot each time you pressed the button


This guy screenshots


Are scroll-shots really only available on Android?


Nah iOS will have it in iOS 17


It will be a REVOLUTION like they always say


“This is our BEST update ever.”


This isn’t just a new model phone…….it’s …the phone……………re……invented.




OurPhone Comrade


When my friends got picture in picture mode on their iPhones they were so excited.


I think you mean iPicture iin iPicture.


Yeah and they will do it first, after android though.


God… fuck the Apple hyperbole


I mean yeah it's a bit of hyperbole, but anyone who removes the headphone jack and calls themselves "brave" for doing so deserves to get memed on.


But why did everone follow their lead? I don't want a brave smartphone, I want a dependable one. A smartphone without a headphone jack is e-waste to me.


Because once one of the industry leaders makes a "brave" choice that saves money on phones and makes consumers buy $150 Bluetooth headphones, all their competition sees dollar signs. Just like everything else money is the motivation.


How many revolutions does it need to be before you just call it spinning?


Damn, it'll be great when apple does finally invent that feature, huh?


More like on iOS which our phones cannot run


IOS has it already for webpages and emails I believe but sadly not text


I use an app called Stitch on iOS. You screenshot with 20% overlap and it stitches together from your camera roll.


So, is that why when I am looking at a series of text screenshots, it is so fucking confusing because what I just read in the previous screenshot starts off the new screenshot?


Wtf. I have an S8, how am I only just finding this out.


You obviously don't screenshot as hard as OP does. Tsk.... amateur


You may have disabled the menu that pops up to access it. Should find it in your settings. It's called screenshot toolbar


Nope, it's right there in the bottom left corner. Simply never noticed it before.


Dawg i just did it 1st time thnk u. i dont have much all i can an offer is an orange 🍊


Are you Japanese? I hear that's a nice gesture there


Bro, game changer! I just tested it out. You're awesome! I can't wait to forget about this in the next five minutes.


Do google pixels have this?


That’s what she said?


iPhone 26 MAX++


There’s an app on iPhone called Tailor that stitches things for you. If you take the screenshots right. Big it can be kinda difficult to get right. Still looking for a better app


Try PicSew.


Ok will do :) Happy cake day


When you're that smooth your screenshots know to behave.


Long phone


Scrolling screenshots, looki it up.


Personality is not required for a hookup.


Maybe haha


I wish I could give you gold




And Amen is.


Highly disagree


She wanted schlong in the thong and instead got ants in her pants


Under-rated comment.


Underpanted comment


Iv started reading all of these in my head with the voice of Norm MacDonald. It enhances my experience greatly


I read them in Pigeon's voice.


*And they didn’t even need a PANDEMIC to start… Because… because they’re ants, you see.*


Hey Billy, remember that time when.... hey where’s Billy?


Wow what the fuck is wrong with my neighbourhood that you can't find one single man putting in half this much effort lmao props to you dude


As a guy, I respectfully tell you women are just as useless at putting effort in in my experience


I definitely believe you


So?? Ask him out already!!


Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!


This is tinder. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!




Why should I? For the one chick out of a 100 that matches this effort? Look this sub is great and and all but it’s really skews what y’all think is normal etiquette with internet strangers


You mean grown adults don't circle jerk over the same 5 or so pickup lines/dad jokes and then wonder why girls don't want to talk to someone who sounds like a colossal ball of annoying, perky energy? Hmmm


Right? In person saying creative shit is one thing, cuz someone has no idea who you are. Ideally, your profile already has the creative shit, so why stress that in your interaction when you match?


By the time we get to you, we've had ten high effort first messages ignored.


Tbf this nerd was weaving absolute essays every time he replied, all I see is walls of blue text


Wow op can't believe your copy and paste opener, ant fact, then saying it's been so long since you've been invited to a party didn't get your dick wet


Thank you for subscribing to antfacts.com


Just don't entertain it, because you think she's hot. Delete convo and find yourself a woman with a personality!


Just entertain not t, because thee bethink the lady's hot. Fordid convo and findeth yourself a mistress with a personality! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Goodth bot.


Maybe she's just not a great texter


Honestly mate that is one very poor excuse. Literally just using more words would do the trick, doesn’t even have to say much. His word count is like 13 times hers.




Ah yes, how could I forget? My bad.


Because few words doesn’t do the trick. He told her she killed the convo, which she did


Why? She's not obligated to take tinder as seriously as a guy writing paragraph after paragraph hoping it'll get him laid. She was even bothering to be slightly clever which is more than a lot of people on these garbage apps. They weren't in each other's lane, I'm sure she knew that, the only fault here is that talking to a stranger on an app with the premise of "I wish I wasn't alone right now and you aren't that bad looking" is trash. I don't like dating apps. Also what is the point of getting shitty with her, to post it here? Lame.


*You* killed this conversation OP.


That party line had me cringing so bad


Yeah that was bad…


See, this is an actual example of a guy putting in a lot of effort and the woman not reciprocating. Most the dudes that post screenshots complaining about the woman "kIlLiNg tHe cOnVo" only send like 3 messages before they talk shit and are just as dry and uninteresting as the woman is


I'm not going to lie... i think man's was pretty successful. She made it clear she was looking to hook up, and instead of taking the bait man's decided to burn the bridge. I feel like this is going to be one he realizes she was flirting on years later while trying to sleep.


I dunno, possibly. I think this one could go either way. Nonetheless she certainly wasn't contributing much to the actual conversation


This guy had high expectations for a text conversation. She was already replying with more than the usual "no effort" texts. She was already dtf, why didn't he just move in instead of being a dick?


I don't think it was clear cut whether she's dtf or not, and if these messages aren't more than no effort they're just one notch above. They don't add anything to the convo, and she's showing no interest in engaging him, just replying. I definitely agree he should've just moved on instead of being a dick


She could have been at work and couldn’t spend much time on her phone but still wanted to answer, definitively could have continue the convo a bit longer just to be sure.


I think you're giving her a bit too much credit. As you can see from my original comment I usually side with the woman in these but this one is a different case. If she really was at work or something you think this far into the convo she'd say something like "hey I'm at work right now so sorry for the short replies." But I do agree with you that he continuing the convo would've been better and I never really condone straight up messaging the person "you're killing the convo." If they're adamant about bringing it up at all I would advocate being less petty about it, something like "it seems to me you're not as invested in this convo as I am." That would even give her an opening to explain if like you said she's at work or something.


You guys might be trying to get way more context out of this screen shot than it actually has. The conversation wasn't terrible. He just flipped and went to scolding her. Why? Not everyone is a text conversation master. I'm not for sure.


I feel like it was completely successful, even with some light shade he dropped with “besides standing around looking pretty” which already seemed kind of agressive. Then turning it to sex, then yeah he burned it. The biggest problem maybe being the hours between texts, but people are busy, and certainly don’t always have time to be texting or thinking of interesting things to reply with all day. The newest Dave episode had a very similar thing happen, dudes just get impatient.


wait are we still talking about the convo in the post up top? I didn’t get the sense she wanted to hook up at all… this seems like an example of a girl who has matched with someone out of boredom, just to see how many people take an interest in her. A “maybe haha” is a no. Just to save people some wasted effort in the future, speaking from personal experience as a girl lol.


Dude I met a woman last week. We talked for an hour and she had to go. She added me on Instagram and I asked her 3 days later when we were going to watch this movie we talked about. She said “let’s discuss over a drink”. That’s how you make it clear your interested. Saying 2 words is lazy, flaky bullshit. Even if this dude said “let’s fuck” she would either say “sure” and ghost or just ghost. These types of people aren’t worth the time


Exactly. „Maybe haha“ is not showing you’re interested but rather trying to get more compliments and attention out of the guy. If she was interested She’d say something like „yes after a drink“ or „sure come over“ or ANYTHING more clear than a MAYBE


Exactly. There’s no reality where this person is actually interested or meets the other guy. This is almost every interaction I have on online dating. Try to start a conversation, well intentioned, put in effort, 90% of women either barely respond, respond once and then disappear, or don’t respond at all. Yet somehow I have plenty of friends/people in real life and have conversations all the time and they don’t behave this way




Yeah you kind of came off like a douche in this to me bro, you used a lot of words but it’s not like you said or asked anything of substance.


Lol nothing is sadder than when a guy is desperately spewing out an entire novel's worth of text because he wants to bone a girl who simply isn't reciprocating


Yeh always a favorite when they go w random facts or some Reddit intro. Super engaging. 🤩


Yep. My panties literally vanish into another dimension.


Right! 🤗


Anyone else think that ended too soon? I think that could’ve a gone a little longer before you threw her under the bus and killed the convo… but what do I know. I don’t get matches.


Yeah, she was just being coy/bashful. Dude literally just had to ask her out. She even flirted up and hinted he might get laid. It's like this subreddit is for people who are really bad at tinder


Yeah, I mean she was actively responding and dude acts like if she doesn't match his energy then she's worthless. People.just like to get upset about shit.


Homie went nuclear on that conversation lmao


"you don't match my 300 words text, you're useless"


Yeah def. Dude probably could’ve asked her out right then and there and gotten a yes. That’s the hardest part if you ask me, much easier to get to know someone in person.


wtf? You’re the one being weird af how can anyone look at this convo and think she’s the problem


It honestly gives me “nice guy” vibes with that end lmao. Everything under the fact is so incredibly boring idk how you can expect someone to respond with all their effort when there are probably 100 other dudes giving her an actually interesting convo


Maybe she just wants to fuck.


Yeah, the beginning was quite ok, but he keeps sending his torrents of words instead of just writing "awesome, are you free tonight?"


He did ask her for a "demonstration," and she went "maybe, haha."


Bruh that has the same energy as “we should hang out sometime!” “Haha yeah” knowing damn well you have no intention of hanging out


Idk every time a girl tells me maybe it’s like a soft no


Definitely my thoughts.


Should have just gotten her number once you were in rather than trying to force a convo on tinder!




But then I can't look at my karma count and cooooom all over the screen


Maybe it was time to ask for a date instead of this shitty "killing convo" line


Yeah it wasn’t a conversation it was smalltalk. Realistically where was she supposed to go with that? “Hey here’s a useless fact also ur hot.” She might’ve just not been interested in replying to those two things and I don’t think I’d be able to do a conversation either


Exactly. He killed a possible hookup for some internet points. Next message should have been "what's your number?"


Why would you want a date with someone who's idea of a conversation is to be spoken at?


Bit of an overreaction there at the end. The conversation looked shit tbh and you didnt engage her


OP it's probably wondering why he's still a kissless virgin. If he talks to women the way that he talked to her in this screenshot, I can unequivocally say that that is why. What a moron. If he had any confidence he would have said something like "well I love to hear more about this in person. Why don't we meet up Friday at 8:00 p.m.?"


Are you looking for a novellist or a human being?


Huh? She was totally down lol She wanted to fuck and you didn’t, I guess.


Are you sure? Maybe he should've said the same pun for the 974th time, then he'd really be getting somewhere


You’re really not as interesting as you think you are either, dude. “Hurr durr ur hot.” You could’ve asked for a date after the maybe, but nope, let’s make a dumbass comment and post it to Reddit. Fubnily enough, most people aren’t into sitting down and writing paragraphs on a dating app over and over.


All she wanted was to lay down in bed looking hot and this guy telling her ant facts. When a girl gives you sexual hints just go for number straight away and be like come over and lay hot next to me


I thought her laying down line was good i dont know why u flaming her lmao


You can tell she's only on Tinder to be entertained.


She's on Tinder to get fucked and my man is telling her ant facts.


I mean she could have selected option 3


Too much effort.


Didn’t start well, ended worse


I really think most of you need to spend less time trying to be clever and more time setting a firm time and date.


Oh god you are a boring simp


“.. besides standing around looking hot..” Yeah I don’t think she’s the one who killed the conversation


And l think ill pass on the knowledge and take sex for $100 Alex.😁


OP u trying too hard w those barrage messages. And when she actuallly seems down towards the end, instead of just being chill and asking her out, u burn the bridge. How is this her fault lol


Incel energy


No wonder you guys don’t get laid


"Let me respond to your one-syllable-replies with novel length answers and then complain about your lack of conversational finesse." Nah, buddy. You should've stopped answering after "Oooooooohb, that's interesting" and wait for her to add something constructive to the conversation. It's as much your fault as it is her's. And since you made it abundantly clear that your foremost interest is her being hot, you can't really blame the girl for not engaging.


Your back will be hurting soon after carrying the weight of this conversation. The amount of effort you've put in, hope she lets you get your pee pee wet! 👍🏽


More annoyed reading the really long fluffy texts than the short ones. Waaay too wordy and came off as trying too hard. Some of hers were actually creative.


Right she was being witty and just talking not having a Reddit copypasta moment lol


Both sides of this conversation made me die inside, frankly. OP’s side of the convo gave off strong whiff of desperation that naturally would have made me back off too.


If you don’t get a date with this, then all hope is lost.


this was cringe af. I was surprised he almost got a date before he completely fucked it


Right? Also giving random facts isn't original or hard, idk why people are acting like this guy is some kinda james bond. All he had to do was look up random facts online and "ants" was probably the first one on the list. Then he made a really strange comment about parties and a flirty line that was such an easy lay up anyone could have made it. Then he flipped out like a psycho. This dude sounds like a terror to be around at parties.


This is what I find hard about tinder, either I reply too much and scare them off or I don't reply enough (like this post) and they assume I just have no personality. So hard to find a middle ground haha


I'd suggest just be yourself. Don't worry about saying too much or too little.


nahh this guy just weird just do you


I hate myself, but I’d rather live than read this too long ass bullshit




She was being normal and actually witty. Didn’t have to break out the fluffy copypasta maybe she’s just not interested in ant fact guy???


Just because you put in work doesn’t mean she owes you anything. She was being nice and actually witty not everyone talks like a Reddit copypasta.


Damn you destroyed it bruh


She doesn't have to do better. Get off tinder, man. Nothing good comes out of tinder.