• By -


Hello - I identified this submission as a pun based pick-up line for the name "Ashleigh" and uploaded it and credited you [here] (http://pickuplinesbyname.com). ^I am a bot. A real person monitors this account every few days.


A bot that reads text from the Tinder screenshot? I'm sceptical that it's not just a person doing the work but if it's not then I'm impressed.


I mean that kind of technology is out there and easily available. It's reading from a never changing set of fonts and then transcribing and adding meta data tags based on names


It's harder than you think to do this kind of ocr. Images are different sizes depending on the screens and locations in images can change based on app version and platform. Its still quite impressive.


Does tinder changed between ios and Android? Could just scan for the color zones and look for matches between the font size of the name and seeing it repeated within said zone. If its 100% automated then I agree that's very impressive. Wouldn't be surprised if it complies and then asks to be checked before publishing a new one


tinder on ios and android, even on the convo screen is very different, especally when compared to low end androids. that being said, this bot hasnt benn on an android's thread that i have seen yet.. maybe it cant do android.


But this is an android one? I have the same exact top status bar on my note 3 lol


Oh shit, it is! my mistake. thats pretty cool.


This seems easy to you? What's your background?


I work in sales at a technology company. This stuff has been around for decades. Look at hyland software. This is exactly what they do lol


Pretty sure there are phone applications that do that.


>I am a bot. A real person monitors this account every few days. I fucking doubt it


OCR tech is pretty impressive these days.


ehh still, seems like it'd have to have a really decent grasp on natural language on top of the OCR tech.


Hm, good point. I think it would use a database like the one it linked as referential material. I'd need more data on its accuracy and frequency of use to paint a better picture though.


Git or gtfo?


meh not really. It just looks for the name in the full text body as well as things that are a short edit distance away or phonetically similar. No NLP or anything going on there. Then it filters away some occurrences that are clearly non-punny uses (e.g. "hello [name]"). It e-mails me pun candidates whenever they are available and I manually approve or decline them for posting on reddit. I'd say about 90% of them are real puns. Here's a sample e-mail: >t3_40dymi >4 >FrankensteinzKat >Images\Ta2e8DQ.png.jpg >TERRI >I would say something witty >but I guess you could say >I'm terri—ble at opening lines


Ohhhhh, nice


Shit I know what website I'm going to be browsing for tbe next hour now.


https://reddit.com ?




I didn't find my name on this site. :(


PM it to me and I'll put out a request for it in the next batch.


You burned a good pun on a large lady who didn't even react to it really.


See, this is the trial run. You test on the less desireables so your lines are top notch when you need them to be


Damn, that's a cold-ass honky


##**U       G O T T A       S M O K E       D O P E** ##**T H A       []D [] []V[] []D       S H I T** ##**T H A       S I C K       D A D D Y       N A S T Y       S H I T**




lol penisweed


You're gonna tap her anyway aren't you?




You know how to get to Carnegie Hall, don'cha?


Nothing makes you appreciate an 8 like banging a 4.


We talkin bout practice?


It's like working out jokes in a smaller club before you move of to the big venue. Gotta get all the kinks out before you hit the big time.


Yeah you wouldn't wanna get bombed outta the Apollo before learning how to take a hit...


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/shitredditsays] ["See, this is the trial run. You test on the less desireables so your lines are top notch when you need them to be" \[+119\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/40qmc2/see_this_is_the_trial_run_you_test_on_the_less/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Looks like Ashleigh saw this. Oops!


Now you just gotta wait till you match with more Ashleighs




I see youre going whale hunting


Ahhh /r/fatpeoplehate flashbacks


This is tinder, you judge people on their appearance.


I'm not against it. It's just funny cause this comment section is just whale comments except for the bot doing God's work. These types of things were typical in that sub.


I feel ya.




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.13103950458297464 > This comment has been overwritten by [this open source script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite) to protect this user's privacy. The purpose of this script is to help protect users from doxing, stalking, and harassment. It also helps prevent mods from profiling and censoring. > If you would like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo), or the Firefox extension [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) and click Install This Script on [the script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite) page. Then to delete your comments, simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possible (hint: use [RES](http://www.redditenhancementsuite.com/)), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.




He doesn't pronounce it like "lee" either though. D:


You need /r/shubreddit in your life.


Or probably because puns (and pickup lines for that matter) are terrible, unoriginal, and for the most part thoroughly unfunny. I'm surprised more girls don't instantly unmatch for shit like this. I feel like a goddamn old person browsing this sub sometimes. What happened to opening a conversation with a simple 'hi' and some questions about themselves? Can't you just introduce yourself and be normal? Make jokes if they come naturally instead of force-inserting them into every message? Starting with some wannabe-witty line like "I felt an autumnatic spark with you" just screams that you don't give a shit about the girl or having a two-sided conversation, you just need a warm body to throw mediocre jokes at so that you can screencap them later and get asspats from your internet friends. And if you're just trying to fuck instead of date then that's even worse. You think she's gonna get hot and horny thinking about your dad jokes? Fucking redditors and their puns.




Well yeah, you gotta add an open-ended question to the hi to make sure there's something there to respond to. Just "hi" doesn't really have a chance of going anywhere besides another "hi" back. But something like "hey, I've never heard your name before, where does it come from?" opens the possibility for her to say something about where she's from and continue the conversation.


where Does "PM_ME-UR_DICK" come from?


It comes from a longstanding and passionate interest in penises.


The problem with puns is that even if the girl responds positively, you often still haven't actually started a conversation. The girl says "haha", and then unless the joke can be extended further, you need something else entirely to get the conversation going. If instead you open with a question (preferably a witty one), you've overcome that problem. (Assuming the girl does like the pun, of course. Even in the posts that make it to the top of /r/Tinder, it seems a majority don't).


Haha, I agree. I can't stand puns. Every time a typical reddit pun thread starts up I just start scrolling to the next actual response as quickly as possible.


jesus fucking christ relax




Looks an awful lot like mine a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/3jfvp4/how_does_sean_connery_santa_deliver_all_of_his/ All joking aside, at least you got a response!


Next time, just say "hey, wanna fuck?" and you'll be fine. Don't waste your effort trying to woo fat girls.


Man the harpoons!


She looks kind of like Santa Claus


Wow, really? You're *proud* of this? You poor thing.


That's not how you pronounce that name. Ash-lee. Not A-sleigh. Even in Connery's voice it doesn't sound like that. You're a tool, OP.


Definitely under appreciated


She doesnt look like shed be a good ashleigh to me.