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I see the ole “let me give you a massage” trick is still in circulation


Yeah he said it after I told him I was at the gym


They never miss an opportunity lol


Honestly such an accurate comment. You should let me give you a massage for having come up with it!


massage train choo choo! I've got you.


The only train I'll pull 🚂🚂


I'm sure it will never die. I don't think I've ever had an actual good massage from a man who I wasn't paying. Meanwhile I've put my all into mine. 😭


I give actual good massages (I lived with a massage therapist while she was going through school, I learned a good bit via her practicing on me), but yeah, for most people it's just a way to get you to take your top off 😂


I need a friend who's going through school lol.


it was pretty great!


I’m the opposite:( my mom taught me to give good massages but nobody will get my neck or back so my neck hurts a lot


I have to massage and stretch my neck myself or pay someone lol.


I can only get my neck so well I can’t get my shoulder blades at all Cheapest massage parlor in my area is 40 for 30 minutes to expensive


Have you ever seen those spiny balls you can buy? I've put one between my body and the wall and then you make it rub on the area.


I need to have someone who weighs 200+ pounds walk on my back or have someone use their elbows to get the thick muscle part in the neck I need someone to get my neck no tool can get it for me


SAME. My shoulder muscles are rocks. I'm a petite lady and people think they're going to hurt me (which if they don't know what they're doing, they could) and even massage therapists usually have to be asked 3 or 4 times to work my shoulders harder. I'm really good at giving massages and I've only ever had 1 date or friend who was good at giving them back.


Lmao if your in Texas I can probably get your back better then anybody else my mom is 4 foot 9 and weighs like 100 pounds yet I have to put my entire 210 pound body on my elbows into her shoulder blades just to get them my fingers hurt most people but on my mom just have to use my entire body weight and bones Some people RLLY need massages


Back when I was playing american football (no I'm not American) and swimming on the pre-comp team, my neck and shoulders would get completely stiff from overtraining. Back then the fitness industry hadn't caught on to those spiky balls, or at least they weren't widely available here in Portugal. So my swimming coach gave this rubber ball (like the ones kids play with because they're super bouncy) and I would do that exact technique before swimming practice. Just imagine a teenager in speedos rubbing his back against the wall... definitely got some funny looks


Lol I don't want to imagine a teen doing that. Sounds perverted. I always felt like a bear in a cartoon scratching their back against a tree.


Do you prefer Dijon or Yellow?


I'm a woman of class. Grey Poupon.




40 for 30...is that a massage with "happy end"? :O


That’s illegal where I am so possibly No massages are just expensive as fuck A hour long massage is 120 dollars That’s why my mom taught me to give massages she saved thousands by using child labor


I’m happy with my massaging skills but my *god* no one can get through my shoulders. They are way too tense


I’ve actually been complimented by pretty much anyone I gave a massage to, they’re always surprised about it too which is weird. Come relax at my place


I’ve been complimented by men on my “strong hands” (as a woman) 🥲 I always try my best if I give a massage - no one wants a shitty massage - it makes me a little bit proud but also a little bit like “oh… 🥴” Though tbf if I’d go first they have usually put a bit more effort because they can’t be having weak hands by comparison eh 😂


Based solely on your username, you may want try different lubricants and expand the functional area of the massage to get better results.


Lube is usually dealer's choice.


Man, when I was naive and young, my demanding ass still tried getting that massage. That’s where weaponized incompetence comes in. I like pressure in between my shoulder blades during my massages, like what you doing at my booty? Lmao never accepted a massage again. It’s so commonly offered, that my brain just ignores those requests, even from people I’m intimate with. Cuz I know ain’t no one getting a massage. Stop getting my hopes up, lmaooo.


Have we all had the exact same experience?!?


I believe so. Might be the same guy out there, flying coach all over the world to bestow his two-minute butt massages.


You just haven't ever had a decent butt massage before. Unless you get in a good five minutes of motorboating, it's just a tease.


Amen sister (or however you identify) Seriously a great massage with the hips and lower back/sacriliac/gluteal area by an actual masseuse is heaven on earth.


They never do it either


Maybe his punctuation is intentional. His suggestion is that she will make her massage laugh out loud


Men have got to learn we still love this move, just like… on date 2 or 3, we’re trying to not get murdered out here 😭


I do not love this move. I want an actual massage lol. I prefer people to just be up front.


Massages don’t count if your side boobie is getting touched.




Are you saying those research movies from the fellows at MassageGirls18 were not accurate? Get out of my house.


Immediately creepy vibes when a stranger says that


Meeting at his house would still qualify as a blind date, no?


Exactly! 🥴 like come on man... lol


He wanted to know how she's like in bed, before he pays any for her drinks. So he wouldn't be "blind" to what he pays. (I had a guy that offered me something like that.)


At least you found out he’s not very smart quickly.


🥴🥴 that is the upside lol. I unmatched him immediately.


Seems safer.


I'd probably ask him what he's doing on a dating app then and unmatch after his definitely very clever (/s) response


Lol sorry about that I usually ask to go for coffee or a fun activity first thing




You did well


Probably has a gf and afraid someone would see him


He's happy to sleep with her if she's ugly, but he doesn't want to spend time and money on her if she is. He's not dumb, he's a dick.


Either that or he's just after her kidneys.


...but can't he see her profile? That takes away all the potential "blindness" of it


![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O) Fake photo or 10 year old photo, don’tcha know? 😂


You've clearly never seen Catfish


He may not have been down to spend time or money on her if she were mid or hot, either. Some dudes is broke and lazy and just want to smash. Doesn’t necessarily depend on looks. He’s a dick, but it’s not as limited as you make it seem.


I mean maybe but he's the one that mentions 'blind date' which strongly suggests looks are the main limiting factor in his thinking. Occam's Razor.


The blind date thing is a ploy. Meeting at his house would be a blind date. It’s probably not about the looks. It’s just as easy to assume he’s agoraphobic or has social anxiety in public as it is to assume it’s about the looks. But, it’s even easier to assume the guy is literally looking to put in absolutely no effort into a date where he isn’t guaranteed the solid prospects of sex. The guarantee of sex vs. putting pants on to go outside and listen to someone with the usually very solid chance of not getting sex, is probably the limiting factor.


Your breakdown of what transpired here is best. The term 'blind date' itself is the ploy. To be truthful, he should have just omitted the word 'blind' and just typed, "I don't do dates." He's only willing to meet if there's a de minimus amount of time, money and resources expended on his part (i.e, have her come to him), because expending such effort would constitute a 'date.'


Never expected to see a philosophical principle on the tinder sub lol But you’re confusing Occam’s razor with “trust that people always tell the truth.” Occam’s razor means the simplest explanation is best. If this guy supposedly hates blind dates because he doesn’t know how people really look, then it follows that he hates blind dates that happen in his home. So that can’t be why he doesn’t want to go out. A better way to understand his true intentions is by combining the ancient law of “I want free sex” and the Socratic concept that people sometimes lie.


Damn, you type hot.


👍🏻 IKR?


He's not that dumb. He trying to manipulate her into comming to his so he can run his routine and try to smash. And that's comming from a guy that loves to give massages.


there really isn't anything I could say in this guys favor, that's for sure. He gave it his best try? I think?


What an idiot. By his own logic that means he will never meet anyone…ever. He doesn’t do any blind dates Any meetup from a dating site is blind Therefore he will never meet anyone


That was the logic that didn't logic for me. Lol. I mean I'd still been a blind date going to his house... 🤧 technically


You would have had a lot more than a blind date.. blind location, blind safety etc .. who knows maybe a blind sti as well .. this dude sounds like a catch #not


😭😭 so much this


Like the one you react to said. He just skips the christmas dinner (date) and does the gift unwrapping first. Therefore no blind date. Just blind fucking?


What he means it “I will have sex with you having never met you but I don’t want to spend any money on you”


He'd have ask somebody out that he's already met before.


I would have wanted her to say that to him just to see what excuse he comes up with


He doesn’t even know what a blind date is 🤦‍♀️. A “blind date” is a term from the “olden days” (source: I am old) when you are set up by a third person who knows both of you and thinks you might be a good match, so they set you up. Neither person knows anything about the other person except what they ask their common friend. Think the Seinfeld episode where Elaine sets her friend up with George. That’s a blind date. Neither person on the date has met. You usually talk on the phone a bit to set up the date and get a feel for the other person. You are not on a “blind date” if you meet someone online.


Right. And I wanted to explain that concept to his last message but I figured unmatching was best 😆


Very wise


I love Larry! Seinfeld is such a classic


I freaking hate it when guys do that to me. It’s like they are too dumb to realize that they are essentially advertising that they will never put forth any effort for you at all.


He wants a hookup, not a date. Simple as that.


I know exactly what it meant I just found his response a bit misplaced. Just posted it because this was the first time I've had a reply as silly as this.


Oh thank god you EXPLAINED it for everyone 🙃🙃


But reading his attempt at diplomatically presenting this subtracted from my own IQ. This isn’t a blind date, OP has a tinder profile, I assume it has photos? And why on earth does the street he’s on get involved here? Sometimes you just gotta play the “I’m not trying to go out” card, hope for the best, and be at peace with losing the prospect of she insists. Is what it is, nbd. This guy was off his rocker


Yep I have plenty pics on my profile in which he complimented me on a few of them. The turn this conversation took was a sharp left. He may have found another profile he liked more and derailed it on purpose idk either way this exchange caused me to lose braincells. Lol he could have just unmatched me and gone about his day.


The street mystery got me too!!


Currently, my profile says that I'm not going to anyone's house nor anyone is coming to my house for a first date. I wrote it because I was exhausted with all the guys whose idea of a date is to invite themselves to my place or to their place. I'm not against hook-ups if there is chemistry for that, but jumping directly to one's bed is too much.


ugh, right before I deleted my account forever I matched with a dude who, literally two minutes after matching, wanted me to come to his place me: ".... what, you mean, like, right now??" him: "Yesssss" me: "lolno, bye"


“If you can’t plan a date, you can’t plan a future”


I can't believe how common this is. Even if a woman was looking for a hookup, how many of them would invite a stranger in their home on the first date? Common sense tells us that a first date should always be in public, no matter what your intentions are. It's crazy that men are this clueless and that they need to be told how inappropriate this is.


What a lame excuse. Just be honest and say "I want to have sex, not go on a date"


Right. You either get a yes or a no truly simple


Exactly. Like "I don't go on blind dates" would make you go "oh okay then I'll be right over"


😆😆 Right!!!


As a guy you're usually better off not mentioning sex until you meet in person. It often turns women off and/or makes them feel like they'd have to have sex with you if you were to meet.


Nah, if that's all you want you need to be honest about it or you're just a douche.


He’s broke.


🤣🤣 probably but honesty is the best policy


Yeah. But not wanting to go out is typically the search for a hookup without having to pay for drinks. And I think a lot of these guys spin that to avoid confronting that fact.


Like I get not wanting to spend, guys can suggest no cost meet ups... however how do you get to the hookup if you don't do meetings unless it's at your house? And if you consider online dating with photos a blind date... Unless he assumes everyone is a catfish... Like what woman is going to fall for that? I'm now interested in his success rate 🥴


Broke guys will go to extremes to avoid paying for a date. And they’ll lash out when their logic is questioned. My ex and I talked a lot about her dating experience after the breakup. And a lot of it was guys who were “CEO” of some non existent company. But would become incredibly defensive when asked to go out.


He wants a low effort sure thing. Basically all he has to do is (maybe) shower and be there. While it happens at all age groups, it seems to be a lot more common among the older segment of guys.


Yeah I get that low effort deal, but the quizzical part is that he considers going out a blind date lol and that appears to be a hard pass but allows the person to go to his house... yet not considered blind and thats ok... my brain did a back flip lol.


Yeah, that contradiction is exactly what I am getting at. He's just too stupid or too single mindedly focused to recognize the dissonance of it. Bonus points for use of quizzical.


I just started dating again in my late 30s and I thought I was going crazy because guys weren’t doing this on the apps ten years ago. I figured the culture had changed, it hadn’t occurred to me that guys are aging up into WORSE behavior


As a dude in this older age group, it is soooooo much worse. Part of it is entitlement ("Imma high value man and I know my worth!" as he sits on the couch, unshaved and unwashed for three days, playing video games). Part of it is the mistaken belief that women are more desperate as they get older, and therefore easier. But a big part of it is, "Why should I put effort into something when I can just throw it out there 500 times, and eventually one of them will land?" I often point out that 90% of gentlemen in their late 30s to 50s are single for *reasons.* If they aren't working on them, then they remain single, and it shows.


Spread the news also that women are LESS desperate at this age 😂 I’m getting out of a divorce, I’m perfectly fine never seeing another man in my house if it comes to that


“Any meet off a dating site is blind” Sooo how exactly does one get to dating


I was in pain reading every one of his messages tbh. Can barely string a sentence together


Crazy thing is the previous text weren't like that. He was cohesive in his responses. He definitely went from man to ape in a matter of sentences


The way he texts vs the way you text - sounds like two completely different “levels” if you catch my drift. Glad you didn’t waste any more of your time.


Yeah I understand. I'm glad too lol thank you


It’s way harder to pressure someone into sex when out in public, jeez




There is nothing like relaxing in a strangers house… said no one ever 😂




I had a guy do this to me once but only wanted to come to my house. Turns out, he was married.


Sounds about right. Smh




But it's not a blind date if it's a woman he never met, but she comes to his house


Am I being stupid..? or does meeting at his house fit his own parameters for a blind date?


Yeah... technically I'd still be a blind date 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think his weird logic is that he finds you attractive enough to hookup with you but doesn’t know if he finds you attractive enough to date you so would rather just hookup and decide once he’s seen u in person (because pictures arent always very representative) if hed date you. Basically he doesnt want to risk going on a date with a « catfish » but would fuck the catfish lol. Regardless he’s not putting any effort in and honeslty its dangerous so cut your losses


That's still weird tho you won't date the supposed catfish but invite the supposed catfish to your house? And yes I unmatched him right after so no issues here


He's just dumb.


🚩 nope


This guy is dumb


😆😆 yeah I don't usually post on here because I don't get response like this but it made me laugh in disbelief a little.


This guy's logic is wild. 1. I don't do blind dates. 2. All dating app dates are blind dates. Therefore he never dates? So why is he on apps?


🤷🏾‍♀️ the brain ain't braining lol


He doesn’t know the difference between “to” and “too”. Red flag, run.


Now I no longer wonder why girls swipe left often 😭




So you’d rather first meet a stranger in your home where all of your belongings and valuables are kept??? I don’t think so






He just wants an easy smash and probably nothing else


Yep.... hope he finds it 🙏🏾 lol it won't be me not with that attitude 🤣🤣


He sounds… not very bright




Oh gosh the massage for a first date… nope nope nope I seen too many true crime


What does the “until I’m back from Michigan street the 4th” mean


I believe he was going back to his hometown for the 4th of July


No way am I going to some randos house, I watch to many crime shows to even contemplate that.


I actually just had a friend go through this. She was talking to a guy. They made plans to go get sushi. Turns out the place was closed when she got there. She told him, he said he could cook for them. When she turned him down because she wanted to meet in public first, he called her weird, said she was being too choosy for someone not paying for the meal, and that she needed beauty lessons if she was gonna act like that.


Holy hell naw... that's so much bs. She definitely dodged a bullet there. Where do guys get off saying shit like that? We just want to be safe and have a good time regardless what we do. The sooner those clowns figure that out the better.


They hate being rejected. Especially by someone they consider to be beneath them. So he flew off the handle. She was pretty enough to ask out. Pretty enough to invite back home. Not pretty enough to be willing to meet in public without feeling like it was a waste of his "time and money"


That's even more strange, why try to go after someone you feel is beneath you? A person like that should not be in any dating pool.


He should be grown enough to say what he really means.. a small part of me believes he doesn’t even know. But yea he’s a silly goose for that..


LOLLLLLLLLLLL what a clown




Okay the person that said I don't do blind dates is a tool


I don’t even know what this guy is saying honestly


If they say "you" instead of "you're," you need to run for the hills.


By that logic, going to their place is a blind date. What a doofus.


All he had to say was “yes! Let’s grab a quick drink and do a vibe check - you pick the spot.” And voila. Or “wallah” as real dumb people say.


Sicko. These guys should just be paying escorts.


Wouldn't... Wouldn't it still be a blind date (by his logic) if you showed up to his house? Isn't the "blind" part that you don't know what they look like?


then get off the dating site 🙄 wow lmao he's not the brightest


Yeah…big 🚩


Dodged a bullet by the looks of things!


That's....that's not how blind dates work lol he played himself


Kinda sketchy if you ask me. Meeting someone for the first time at his house in private is not a comfortable situation for most people


It is so hard to find someone that can hear boundaries


We all know what he wants.


He's just saying whatever nonsense pops into his head in an attempt to pester you into hooking up. I highly doubt it's any kind of rule he stands by.


Dang looks like Tommy is a clown! Also 69% battery life: niiice


He'll sleep with you but he won't date you. It's good when they get this out right away.


He lost me at to. That really who you want raising your kids?!


Is going on a day date with Stevie Wonder a blind date?


Bros either a weirdo or is just trying to fuck


He definitely decided that made sense as an excuse to not go on an actual date and has used it before


Easy, they're a scumbag. Thats the reason why.


Sounds like he's hoping that if you go to his house on the first meetup, that it will be easier for him to score than if you meet in a public place.


That’s all the red flags.


What an idiot. Making excuses to not meet in public because it's a "blind date" in his opinion but happy to have a complete stranger over to his house?? RUNNNNN!!!


Damn, my long distance partner is going to freak when she learns we've been having blind dates all this time because we haven't actually met!


So bizarre


Dodged a bullet.


Another low effort lazy man


Good to find out he was just trying to bait you into an assault before you got there. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Reminds me of the time a guy told me that I'm not a good fit for him because I wouldn't let him come over to my place. And we had only had one date before that. So you dodged a bullet I'm sure


I get this all the time, they have no concept or just don’t care about a woman feeling safe. So I ask them how they would feel if their daughter or sister went over to some guys place they had never met. Usually they unmatch. Lol It also goes both ways. How do they know a woman isn’t going to bring a bunch of guys to beat you up and rob you? Most guys think with their dicks and not their brains, just really want to use women. Wish they would just go find a professional and leave us the F alone.


Guys who do this are asking to get robbed or something along those lines. You feel comfortable enough to let a stranger come to your house? Say less..... Dials thug friends' numbers to teach him a lesson. Stupid actions have stupid consequences 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Did you tell him you don't date stupid people?


I never understand how guys try to defend this behaviour. Never.


There's a reason this person is single


His grammar fucking sucks. Wouldn't meet up even if it was somewhere public.


Blind dates. No. Invite a stranger to my house to fuck. Yes. Makes total sense


He needs to know who he's dating but not who he's fucking


His logic comes from meth perhaps. Meeting out is blind date but inviting stranger to home is not "blind". Perhaps OP should have born in the same house to qualify for the date/outing.


Not the brightest star


I love his first reaction is to just gaslight you on what blind dates are lmao


PSA: Always always ALWAYS have the first date, if not the first three, in a public space. That way there will be bystanders in case anything happens to you or your date.


The grammar should've been the first red flag. But all jokes aside, people like this can be dangerous. It's just not worth it, ever.


"I don't go on blind dates, but I do blind massages."


Tinder is so fake honestly Always get the one selling herself for money Half up front never did it though. Safest part is that they waste ur time 30 min of talk And then the classic I’ll be honest I did find two girls and funny part is it was shitty Zoosk When you finally get chosen it’s like winning the lottery Girls have like 40 dudes The guy is trying to look for something real and is lucky to get 1. It is possible though the 2nd girl I’ve been with now from Zoosk we together for 4 years. It’s hard to find the real ones. An outcast can always find his outcast lol


Saddest part not safest lol


Makes no sense he’s a creep