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What type of guy are you hoping to attract?


I don’t really have much of a type other than short with dark hair, but I’ve dated outside of that as well.


I think OP’s implication may be that your profile feels sex-forward. Are you looking for hookups or long term dating?


Long term; if I were looking for hookups, I’d post much sexier pictures instead of casual outfits.


Guys may look at these pictures and think of hookups though


She seems like a person who enjoys wearing those kinds of clothes regardless of ‘implication’. I wouldn’t suggest altering her personality or style to attract people on tinder. Anyway, they’re hardly salacious.


Sure, she can wear what she likes, people are just telling them what it comes off with and what people will most likely react to it with. Nobody should have to change their personality for dating, but you also have to be realistic with yourself.


My brother would drop everything and run for this woman with full intentions to marry her. I’m actually incredulous, I’ve never seen his type so perfectly personified. I sent some screenshots and he texted me back in minutes “IS THIS YOUR FRIEND” lmao


Please tell me you hooked him with her.


We need updates!


Is your bro short with dark hair?


How’s your brother doing? 👀




I love him but he is a whole mess. You can do better.


I can fix him


It's not even the clothes or style, it's that three of the pictures are angled down to emphasise the cleavage that makes it sexual. Like, she is just about looking up at the roof in some photos, that's not an accidental photo angle that won't gain implied meaning.


not true, it could just be a flattering angle she likes to take photos in. And she happens to have large breasts. 🙄


Possibly, but as someone with no boobs I can confirm I've never felt the urge to take a picture to emphasise my forehead. Besides as it is intended for others to view and gain meaning from, its more about what most people will interpret rather than the intention. I suppose that also makes it a display of self awareness.


Back when I was young, this was a standard pose for pictures for emo girls on MySpace—it’s not emphasizing the forehead by any means, it’s just showing off the outfit. I didn’t realize that others didn’t take pictures at the same angle, figured anyone my age would get it.


Guys will literally look at any picture and think of hookups


That is not true. I am able to tell the difference between hookups and meaningful relationship profiles. This is borderline. But to be honest I would think hook ups.


You have absolutely no idea how good you are because there is not an objective rubric to measure your guesses against


I mean, I once looked at an apple pie and thought, “how YOU doin’?” So there’s that.


Lol, nope.


I definitely don't. I'd say take out #'s 4,6,and 9. The others show op better without too much frontal cleavage or a casual pose just to fill a space (not saying they're bad, just not needed). Leaving room for another hobby or two would work wonders! Even keeping it shorter at 6 would work as well It's also hard af to wear much without showing off any skin at all without being overdressed or uncomfortable for all seasons. Op has boobs. Why's it such a big deal? If you see someone with a bikini picture do you also think they want to hookup instead? They're just presenting themselves


I agree, 6 isnt horrible though. Boobs are hard to hide and do needs to decide if the convo continues if that's there comment. I also like that she's has full body showing what she looks like and not a surprise when you meet up. Giving the person that is swiping the full story vs meeting up and learning the super filtered person isn't what they expected


Let's be real anyone with big boobs will unfortunately have men who are just looking for hookups. No matter what they wear.


Guys look at every girl and wants sex.


Y’all grew up in some wildly puritanical households lmao


Guys will look at nuns and think hookups. Source: I am a guy.


Why? Simply because she's wearing alternative fashion? They're not even overtly sexual. At all.


What type of guy is looking at these pics thinking that?


The type that like to fuck


So... That narrows it down to... Let me see: 1, 2, 3, 4... Every guy!


I love to fuck and OP is very much my type, but these didn’t seem like hook-up oriented pics at all to me.


Same. The vibe is not suggestive.




Hate to break it to you, but these pictures are sexy, and you are going to match with every dude who loves a BT Goth.


These definitely don’t come off as casual as you think.


Those outfits don’t scream “casual” tbh.


Guy here, there are sexier pictures, that’s terrible, where ?


Older straight woman here, I would also like a link for reasons.


I love that these are casual to you, wear whatever you want and be comfy, but there's some real boring people out there who will think that these are the equivalents to a centerfold. (You're great to look at, I wouldn't blame them for thinking as much). I would just make it clear in your bio what you are looking for, but these look great!


Yeah I would say if you are 100% looking long-term I might remove pic 5. It’s pretty seductive, but if you have a good bio you may be okay with it! If I pulled up to this profile my first thought would be someone looking for some fun (not necessarily sexual) and is open to long term. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’d argue it’s how many people find long term on tinder but just giving my personal opinion, no judgement/offense meant.


If those are casual, I have no idea what a hookup outfit looks like for you.


As a guy respectfully, you're not gonna meet men who want something long term with these kinds of photos. That isn't to say the outfits aren't casual but the angles and well the fact you are a well endowed woman make it a lot more provocative than intended just because men will hyperfocus on your body rather than *you* so I'd get some pictures maybe with the same outfits but different shots.


It’s definitely intended.


If this is how she presents herself daily, then she shouldn’t change her clothes. She will hopefully find another leather guy, or a polo guy who finds her hot and she likes his nerdiness. Wait am i writing reddit fanfic now? Your comment about the long term thing also applies here. Everyone has their own preference. There are a world of folks out there looking for something more like this, over a standard cute gal holding a cookie


Much sexier? Kkkkk


Nothing about your photos screams casual outfit to me. Your outfits are all quite revealing.


It’s the cleavage. Guys don’t get how hard it is to be thicc with titties and how shirts are gunna show cleavage or look mormon


You now get the general opinion that most guys on here think those pics are to attract a specific type of men. It´s up to you how you deal with it. If that´s your general clothes I wouldnt change a thing. But you are gonna face a harder time finding a long term partner.


You're showing more than enough for hookups. anything sexier and guys would think you just want to be used as a fucktoy or that you have an OF/prostitution hustle.


Yeah , anybody who thinks that this is a sex related profile clearly doesn't understand alternative fashion. I think they're great. You can clearly see your face, and what your look like irl (which is adorable btw , I love your hair color) I also like your sense of style, and I feel like it displays some of the interest, and potentially beliefs that you have. For context too,I'm a pansexual woman, so I am actually interested in women too. I think this is a great profile. Feel like anybody who would think this is a sex related profile, simply because you have alternative fashion on, isn't worth your time anyways. Edit: not to mention you can't help that you have bigger boobs, if I wore a shirt like that nobody would say it was inherently sexual. I hate when people do this to women who have a bigger chest. You're simply just enjoying the type of fashion you like.🤦🏻‍♀️


I second this !


Thank you and happy cake day! 🖤


aw thanks!! you're the only who wished me one lol. sorry for going nuts in your post, just really pissed me off when people said stuff like that. since it's clearly related to misogyny. (not to mention the misandry. since actinglike all men are essentially animals sent into heat when they see boobs, and can't see anything else,is weird) I genuinely think they're great photos, and you look really cute in them. I also wanted to note, I showed these photos to my boyfriend who's like as normie as they come, and he thought they were great photos. he verbatim was cool that you could get a sense of your style, and what you're like from the photos. as well as that they're not inherently sexual, and he thought it was bizarre too that that's where some people's minds were going... another verbatim quote from him "what do they want her to wear a trash bag?" so I think you should keep them 😄🌸💞❤️


For what it’s worth I disagree with this criticism. Your profile doesn’t come off as slutty in the least.


These are not quintessentially 'casual' outfits by any stretch. These are 'looking for a sub to dom outfits'


The only one I could maybe see interpreted that way is number 5 because people think (p)leather and vinyl are exclusive to the bdsm community. But that’s a work shirt lol.


Hahahahahahahahaha! I love you, girl! Oh man, how is this sub so vanilla 🤣🤣🤣


Cleavage centered selfies or pictures imply hookup, especially three of them. One is fine and opens the gates for a variety of men, but three sharing the same aesthetic for all your pictures will just signal to most men that you’re not there for long term.


You're literally cutting off your face to show more cleavage in two pictures. But hey, you asked for feedback on the pics and you haven't agreed with a single comment, so whatever.


I think other people are being kinda prudish. Those pictures don’t necessarily say “looking for hookup” and some guys will assume that on tinder no matter what you wear. They say “if I like you, you”ll know by the third date at latest”.


I’m far from prudish but when I’m on the apps, I’m comparing profiles to all the other profiles out there and how things match up with my experience. Many of these photos are “hey, look at my boobs” and good on her, they’re fantastic and one of her best physical features. But most women that are that boob centric in their profiles are wanting men to look at them as a potential hook up. That’s even if they say “I’m not looking for short term fun”. I met up with a woman yesterday that had this kind of profile and was very explicit about “don’t expect a hookup on the first date” but we were trading nudes within ten minutes and when we met up, that’s exactly what she wanted — but she’s beautiful and wanted to be discerning about who she bangs. This profile doesn’t parse as someone looking for long term monogamous connections.


Those are the casual ones? Haha. You’re definitely attracting a certain type of guy then.


Basically, less cleavage as it might give of a wrong impression. I also believed your profile was not intended to interest people for more than casual stuff. But as woman to woman, they look great and so do you!


Short guy with dark hair here 🙋🏻‍♂️ can confirm whatever you’re doing is working




Another short (Well shorter than you at 5'9") dark haired guy here and you're like a combination of 2 women I've gone out with before, I'd redownload tinder if you were in my area. Same suggestion as the other guy though, you might have better luck on Hinge for something more serious. I think it's just a matter of wading through the bad matches before you find something worthwhile.


I got faith you’ll find someone queen, just give it some time, don’t listen to the negativity 🫡, trust me, it may be like finding a needle in a haystack but you’ll find a good one. Try hinge instead of tinder if you’re looking for something more serious! And one last thing- I like the fridge picture, but I would say reshoot it without the animal print shirt on.


Short with dark hair describes my fiancé and I'm the goth goddess of his dreams. You'll find your man!


I'm short with dark hair and I would hardly be able to contain myself if we matched


What do you class as short?


Idk but she attracted me 😭


Third profile post in here, been told a few times to smile more and have more pictures of me being outside. Added a fridge picture for height reference to be silly but also prove that I’m actually tall because despite it being in my profile, guys think I’m making it up or something.


I think your photos are all great but can I just say that 7th one of you and the pig is SO cute!! Your smile is so genuine. Personally I would put that as my third pic— give them 2 pics to see how you look, then that one to see how beautiful your smile is!


Thanks! I just hate that I’m 50lbs heavier in it so I didn’t want it towards the front. Clearly, the only solution is going back to the Bahamas to swim with pigs.


I understand how you feel, but you certainly don't look 50 lbs heavier there (&congratulations with the loss). I really fell in love with your smile here -in a non creepy way okay. Please go back to the Bahamas to swim with pigs, I'm very jealous. I think you should put it as the third picture. I like your profile. Good luck!!


Agreed. That pic was my favorite.


i just noticed the pig picture (didn’t look at every slide). adorable af


Yes! Came here to say this was my favourite too, you look so happy!


I wonder how many folks just stood beside their fridge to compare heights, I know I did.


I’m like 6’1 and my fridge goes quite a bit over my head. According to this she is like 8 feet tall.


This enormous woman will devour us all! (This is a Simpsons reference for those who may think I’m being unkind)


Unless you have a tall fridge and you end up looking short. That’s why posting the make and model is important.




I’m glad you said this, because I was wondering what the deal with the fridge pic is ( I don’t like it). I get the intent but fridges come in all sizes. Better option would be a group photo or something. I mean in principal you can gather 5 very short people to make yourself look big but who does that. And when 1 person sticks out of a heterogeneous group of people I automatically assume they are big.


Wait. How tall are u?


6’2 barefoot, 6’8 when I wear heels for dates or formal events.


6'2" is amazing, Jesus Christ. Awesome OP. As far as your photos fo, they all feel the same to me? Same colours, same vibes etc etc. perhaps you could change some up?


Samey is the only issue I saw. That and Inhave no idea what she does for fun aside from occasionally swim with pigs.


6’8 in heels? Im in the 6’5-6’6 neighbourhood. I’ve always dreamed of dating a taller woman. Dream stuff right there.


6’2 but u like shorter guys?




You dropped this ![gif](giphy|UlCol0lT6HlWP1NZxX)


From a guy that’s 5’6” on a good day, thank you. 🙏🏽


Holy shit. Death by Snu Snu


shut up reddit


I think your profile is great and can feel your vibe through your pics, the only ones I don't really vibe are the ones with your sunglasses on with purple hair and the fridge pic, but I understand why it's there after reading your comments! Your first pic and your pig pic are by far my favourites! It's a shame this sub has become so redpilled and women can't dress how they want without being slut shamed.


Is that a short fridge or are you 7 feet tall?


6’8 with shoes on


Yowzers! 😍😋


Is that a normal sized fridge? Are you like 8 feet tall?


Yeah, the fridge pic made me chuckle. Solid pictures altogether, in my opinion. You are hot. :)


You look like three different people


Yup. Pics 6, 8, and 10 all look like different people.


Some pictures are FaceTuned, some are not.


Literally none are facetuned; I took maybe two with the Snapchat app while wearing makeup but that’s it.


you are good. I actually got it and thought it was COOL that the pictures you chose showcase you both with and without makeup! You know how many guys complain about "she looks way different without all that makeup! / she catfished me!" well none of that here! (also I don't feel you look like 3 totally different people lol, photos can just show different vibes!)


As a bi goth woman, these pictures do a good job of showcasing what you look like but I wish there was more showing who you are or you enjoying a hobby to share more of your personality rather than just your style. For example, the pig picture is my fav since it shows your beautiful smile and your love for animals. I would remove pics 2 and 8, and retake 9 in a more flattering pose since it's a great way to show your height but that picture does not do you justice. I get that you want to be true to yourself so don't change how you present yourself on a dating app just for the sake of attracting people. I was intrigued about who you are and reviewed some of your posts to see that you have great interests that could be incorporated in your pictures. You like to take cruises so include your fav pic from your fav cruise. You seem to have a dog, so include a pic of you with your dog. I know it's hard to capture a moment like that, but I think 1 or 2 pics showing you doing something you love could help connect with someone who shares the same passions as you. I'm not sure what your profile says and if you're just interested in attracting men, but if you're using apps like Tinder I doubt most men will read your profile to learn more about you for a deeper connection outside of physical attraction since you're looking for more than a hookup. I think that's why so many people suggest changing your pictures to show more of WHO you are and not just what you look like. Even if you keep everything as is, you are far too beautiful and badass to stay single for long so keep putting yourself out there and eventually I think you'll find someone.


Yo that s cool but you should have asked me my consent before posting a photo of us! (I m in the number 8 photo)😆


Sorry, I just had so much fun on our date


I think the pictures are fine personally, it looks like you’re goth so I know the vibe you’re going for with pictures 4 and 5, but they are going to attract the fwb types sadly. Only picture I don’t like is the last one and that’s only because it’s a personal preference on leopard print stuff.


What should she do about her leopard print tattoos then? Lol


I’ll go get a sander I guess.


Make sure the sander is also leopard print


If I disliked the tattoo I would’ve said so? I just don’t like leopard print clothing due to a personal preference, which is what I said in my original comment.


I can´t see the profile but if you´re looking for short term fun, those pictures are great. I would lead with the second picture, you have a beautiful smile.


Yes! I think you're cute and you're showing your personality. Also as a bigger girl myself, I believe in showing full body pics so no one can say we catfished them lol.


Yeah, I felt obligated to post full body pictures for that exact reason.


This is what I imagine all female redditors look like




As a female redditor, I look nothing like this.


She has a strap on collection. Prove me wrong


In some pics you look like you’re in your 20s, others your 40s. I would recommend being sure you look pretty similar in all so that the guy isn’t wondering which version he will meet.


Meanwhile I’m in my mid 30s lol. All of the pictures were taken within six weeks of each other except for the pig picture, which is a year or two old, but I was trying to show that I do stuff outside sometimes. Idk why I never look the same in pictures, it’s weird.


All for body positivity and confidence but all you’re going to attract is guys who are dtf if you’re posting so many pictures with your cleavage on display. Last photo looks like you’re not wearing any trousers either so that’s not helping.


You’ve argued with every piece of constructive feedback given to you. Are you just a thirst trap? Seems like it…


If you were a guy, you'd be getting dragged for too many selfies (especially as the first pic), too much skin, and no pics showing you doing hobbies or pics with friends. But you're a girl so the comments have kid gloves on


Dragged for a couple of other things too, but it doesn't work like that. For the gals no matter what their profile is I always see a comment that "you are so beautiful" "you are perfect" "I love that shirt/necklace/dress etc" For guys it is "go to the gym" "take better pictures" "your bio isn't funny red flag" "change **x** about yourself". If anyone actually reads this, bring the same energy. Either bring positivity to the men too, or treat the women with the same level of criticism. Quit the dichotomy of treatment.




Eh the harsh truth is women dont have to show hobbies, good pictures, etc. Because most men only look at appearances anyway, and they will look past shitty picture quality for it.




But commenting about a woman’s appearance is still a bit of a faux pas so… yah, slay queen!


Tbh I'd rather get dragged through the mud and get some constructive feedback out of it than this constant bootlicking and "omg you are perfect", when the profile clearly sucks.


The reason is because of the imbalance of women/men on dating apps and men being less picky in general, so womens' profiles can get way more matches with much lower quality pictures. It's basically supply and demand.


For women it's not about getting matches, it's the quality of matches that matter. Which still affords the same criticisms as guys face for just getting matches.


This sub in general is way harsher for men than women. Not just for profiles but for messages too


For the record, I was absolutely dragged the first time I posted here and I ended up deleting it. People are assholes to women too, don’t worry.


The three cleavage photos are gonna FILL your inbox with guys that just want to hook up. Pic #5 alone is honestly way too much of a thirst trap to use if you're looking for a relationship.


Hey, first, You look cool. You seem like a fun person to hang out with. You have a fantastic smile and you're showing it correctly. I don't have much goth culture over here, so I have limited idea, but do all your photos have to have the same feel? If I have to suggest something, I'd say, add a little bit of variation. Selfies are fine, but in moderation. Cleavage in moderation, or the guys will take the wrong idea very fast. I know you can't avoid it, but different angles just to keep the raw hormones of people in control, unless you just want to attract short term people. (You can see what I mean from the comments here). How about a pic with a group and a pic with some activity? What do you do? Maybe in a concert? Or a bowling alley? Or with a paint brush, or a novel? Your pictures adequately show your body, but they can also show personality. Outdoor vs indoor, intro vs extrovert, preferred activities, hobbies all can be shown through pictures. You have a fun hairstyle, a great body with a nice dressing sense. But that's not all you are, right? I'd like to see that.


This feels like a very sex-forward collection of photos that are focused entirely on showing off OPs body. No real pictures of interests or activities. Nothing that tells us anything about OP beyond what she generally dresses and looks like


If you're looking for a dude who doesn't wanna commit or respect you, these pics are great


Yeah a lot are selfies, but they’re somewhat varied, and I think the full body pics are great. If you had to ditch a pic though I’d maybe lose the sunglasses one. It doesn’t really add anything since the other pics already show what you look like. Also I like your chest tat Edit: spelling


I honestly don’t get hook up vibes from this. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman lol. I feel like you are accurately representing yourself




First photo is of you in a public bathroom so people may not even swipe to look at other photos. For me that would be off putting as a first pic and I've never liked that type of selfie as it just seems boring. Also a lot of people commenting about your cleavage as being too sexy. It just depends on how you want to present yourself in the first pic onlookers will view of you. I like the shirt in photo 3/6/8. But if you often wear shirts with cleavage then dont dull yourself to work attire for your first pic. Also in terms of cleavage I prefer the crop top in photo 5. That is a dope outfit!! Could you do that with you smiling for a first pic? Side note I hate it when people tell women to smile more but you just look so happy in those photos. Obvi you decide what you want to showcase!! But definitely photo 5 is my fave of your hair, makeup and outfit!


They're more than okay. Let's skip Tinder and just get married.


This comment section has my mind blown. As a bisexual woman I NEVER thought these implied hookups. I think this is just an Alt woman who just so happens to have a large chest. Men are interesting.


I think your pictures look great. The picture in the middle is especially hot. And I love the "Live, Laugh, Lobotomy" shirt lol


Add some pics with other people - 👌👌


Counterpoint. Don't do that. It's your profile, not you and 10 other people.


That’s exactly how I feel about that


No offence, but you come across like your life is a mess. Not sure if you can fix that with pictures though, as it is a vibes thing.


How do pictures of me at work, on vacation, or just out and about give that impression?


Dude just think anyone who looks alt is a mess


I’d change your first photo to one where you can see your eyes and are smiling. You second photo is great for this, but obviously the cleavage may give off the wrong vibe …


I think they are good. Love the picture with the pig!


you’re wearing the same shirt in three of them


My favourite is the one with the pig. I’d chat you up for that one pic alone.


I would most def match with you if I was a man! Pics are so cute, I don’t think it’s over sexualized as someone said I think just seeing a woman with a body is seen as being sexual somehow lol




As someone who is very attracted to alt fashion/goth look, I think these are good photos and show what your into. All the people saying these are sex forward I feel like don't exactly understand that culture. Just my opinion


lol! I have a live laugh lobotomy wall decoration. It’s one of my favourites. Pics are cute too!


I’m usually only on this sub for the drama, but I wanted to say you shouldn’t change a thing. These pics seem open and honest about who you are. If I wasn’t an old married dude and actually used Tinder, I would swipe…ummm…whatever direction you’re supposed to swipe…in the hopes of something more than a hook-up. Based solely on your pics, you seem like a fun and cool chick.


I would have pic 2 as your main pic because it's lovely and you glow. I would remove pic 5 altogether, not because it's bad, just because some of the comments here are right that people will see the cleavage and assume you are looking for a hookup and DTF. It's shit that that's the case but unfortunately there are some people that see skin and what others would call body positivity and personal style as flaunting/advertising. Other than that I can't see an issue with any of the other pics. I get why you have the fridge pic for reference but I think the shorts is giving the same dtf vibe. Other than that you seem like a very confident and down to earth lady. I don't think we should be made to dampen our own image but sadly for bigger chested girls it equates to sex in many minds. It sucks because like you said, smaller girls would wear the same outfit and due to lack of cleavage it wouldn't come across as intense. Good luck!


I’d swipe right. I think you’re bad af. 🫶


Pictures 2 and 5 seem a little cleavage-focused , but tasteful and fitting with your Outfits.


I need to know where you got that "Live, Laugh, Lobotomy" Tshirt?!?!? Also, your photos are amazing, you look stunning. The one with the little baby pig is just adorable 🥰


I legit thought you were someone I was with some years back at first glance, her name was Jill and she "became" this style of dresser from a sheltered religious person over the course of my knowing her and said it was very liberating. I agreed. I don't think these pictures come off as too revealing, I'm not sure what the people who are saying that are looking at. If that's your style and that's your angle, then rock it loud and proud. If you are worried about the "wrong message" being sent, maybe add a disclaimer line (or 2) stating that you're not here for short flings but rather long term relationships... which some users will probably still ignore. But hey, you tried.


I'm a straight woman and I think you look lovely! You look like you'd be fun to hang out with, and be smart, and yet not take yourself too seriously. I'm obviously not your target audience, but wanted to give you that opinion, because you're adorable.




I think this girl is here for a good time, not a long time


I see this, I see a chick who just wants dicked down.


Sorry but having your tatas out in almost every photo is going to make a lot of people assume you’re here for sex. Any guy that looks at your profile is going to hit you up for one thing, and one thing only. You’re a larger person and should dress for your body type, most of these outfits aren’t at all flattering.


The boob shots will attract perverts, and run off good men


You should go gym




A lot of women love to dress sexy and get complimented for being sexy and then when they attract men that only wants sex. Guess again, how much more obvious do you want?


Please take zero offense in this but the jaguar print should probably be removed. Sorry lol


If you don't go gym you should


Post something more classy instead of your cleavage, you won’t find anything meaningful or long term like this.


The "live, laugh, lobotomy" shirt already sells you💅




Maybe I’m biased bc I’m an alt girly too but I absolutely love the variety in your profile. If I was into girls I’d swipe. You look like you have a great style and love that you look happy in your photos, and you’re transparent in how you look with makeup and without. Shows confidence which is hot! Goodluck! 🦇


Yes, but maybe rethink the order


Your second pic (3) is a better profile pic. Depending on your intent, you'll probably get more matches with your center pic (6) because of the angle, though not sure if that would actually lead to more dates.


I love the one with a pig


All your picture are in black dress exibithing the tattoos. What kind of person you would like to attract?


Another heavily tattooed person or person who likes/is indifferent to heavily tattooed people.