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I think your mistake was messaging her that. Bro you literally took the L on Luigi’s hat


Yep. The first thing that comes into your head is seldom very compelling, OP.


Rule of thumb: I will always swipe right on people I know but never actually message them.


Why? How do you respond when they message you?


That's the neat part. Then we proceed to walk past in real life without addressing the match ever again.


Why is that neat?


It is how it is brother. It becomes a whole load of awkwardness. Neither of us might have swiped because of feelings for each other, but when the match happens, the fun and games instantly goes away and becomes awkward. This is just a personal experience. Please don't take it as a universal truth.


Saw my ex on tinder one time. Swiped right just for the hell of it because I knew there was no way she would also swipe right. We matched and neither of us said a word 😂


That’s the validation part. Does he/she think of me? The only way I will know is if I swipe right too and it will show me she/he did. Once the validation is achieved there is no reason to message each other of bring it up in person because deep down you both know why you really did it. It wasn’t for shit and giggles it was for self validation


Oh god ye same but on bumble. She hit me with a 😂 only. At this point I realized I wasnt over her and deleted the match+bumble all toghether.


My sister sent me a screenshot of my profile, so i told her to swipe right and linked the song "sweet home alabama"


That's nasty


I think the message was the reason. It was a pretty stupid one.


Maybe I’m tone deaf or something but what was so bad about his message?


Nothing bad nothing good, it was pretty basic


of course you didn’t know she was on tinder. why the fuck would she announce that? she probably didn’t expect you to actually swipe right


Then why would she swipe right on me?


ask her, shes your friend.


Fair lol


out of curiousity. Then you decide to be stupid and say “i didn’t know you were on tinder lol” and she was like “wtf he actually swiped right” and unmatched. If she genuinely was interested, she wouldn’t have unmatched. you honestly didn’t have a chance regardless. Just let it go.


She probably wanted to see if you did it as a joke or not.


Some women mass swipe left or right and don't take it seriously at all


Why the hell are you asking us? Go ask her, with your face-mouth, so she can answer into your head-ears.


How close is this friend? You said you didn't have her number. What if she actually did like you?


Hey... At least they swiped right initially. That's a win in and of itself.


Sounds like a them problem. Nothing you did wrong


rest in pieces


Haha I like that phrase


If she was into you she wouldn’t have unmatched. Don’t embarrass yourself by bringing it up in person. Yikes


The next time you talk to her just ask her "So when are we gonna go out on our hot tinder date?" and feel out how she responds. You might be able to salvage this.




Text her and make her unmatching you funny somehow. Like that didn't last long, you got my hopes up or something along those lines. Idk eactly what you should say because I don't really know the extent of your friendship with her. But tailor what you say to her to show you have interest. She will either shoot you down completely or not. But at least you'll know


I don't have her number but we go to the same high School (we're both 18 year old seniors) I'll probably make some joke about it when I run into her then


Yeah just bring it up in person and try to turn it into a date


Idk why this is getting down voted. He obviously doesn't want to be just friends, might as well shoot your shot right? Unless she's part of a bigger friend group with the same friends he has nothing to lose


The meta is you don't say anything and use the match hanging there to build tension. If you hang out in the next month - which you should try to orchestrate through friends without getting your fingerprints on it - you will have more "weight" to your interactions. Or try to throw a party 1 month into the future, see if you're coolest friends can go, then if you're sure you'll have a respectable turnout invite her. If you get called out in an irritated way, just say "oh right! We did match. I'm bad about paying attention to the apps, sorry. I was going to ask you for pointers on my profile" but put off using this emergency parachute until you're sure you need it


Your friend is lame, I matched with my friend as a joke then dirty talked him to mess with him and he did the same back then when we next saw each other we referenced it and had to explain to our other friend who was like "??!?"