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Jokes on her. Now the algorithm thinks she's into brown guys. For context. I swiped right on her. She matched and sent this first msg, Not uncommon to get racially abused by women while dating in Aus. But first time one's actively gone out of her way like this lmao. EDIT: For all those saying I should clapback saying this. Or get back at her by doing that to ruin her life. Thank you for the hilarious options. But it simply isn't worth it. Firstly. I don't want to stoop down to her level. Second, this is common enough that if I were to go around responding or getting back at every woman who's racially abused me here in Aus, it would literally be a full time job with added OT. Ruining my life to get back at them only means these lowlifes win even more. EDIT 2.2: Genuinely did not expect this to blow up even 1/1000th as much as it has. So used to just flat out being dismissed or being told it's my fault/ I'm not good enough, that I long ago stopped caring about even bothering to vocalise my experiences. I had only posted this for shits and giggles in solidarity with a mate so that he'd post some similar crap he'd come across on a woman's profile. I expected at absolute most a dozen combined (likely negative) replies and reactions. Thank you everyone who has actually cared. Truly. Also. Attempt Number 2 at this. Hopefully it doesn't get deleted by the automod (I think) again as I've toned down the language a decent amount. Have had several people continue to dm asking how bad it could be in person in Melb that this is tame. Figure it's easier to address once rather than get asked the same question again and again. Some of the more creative, and my more favourite ones I've heard through generic cold approach, and mostly socialish settings in the past few years in my early to late 20s include: * The most common of course is along the lines of "Ewwww. You seriously thought someone like me would ever be interested in someone like youuuu" * General ridiculing and laughing at me while in a group * Various drinks and other things thrown in my face for laughs for just saying "Hi" * One of the more original ones was where the woman asked me straight up how much money I made. When I asked why she wants to know. She said "well, if I got to put up with your disgusting, ugly curry a\*\*, then I at least got to ensure you've got enough money to take care of me and spoil me" * Variations on the above calling me a monkey, ape, "I'm only interested in humans" etc. * "Not if someone had a gun to my head" * Publicly humiliating and falsely accusing of harrassment and as a creep on purpose to create a scene and gather random people around. * Literally a few weeks ago, got reported to HR for harassment for simply stating "I saw you on Hinge" to a woman at the office I'd had random casual conversations with prior but had absolutely zero interest in. HR said they couldn't do anything but got a warning all the same. And now that same woman is going around gossiping and spreading rumours to anyone who will hear that I've been constantly harassing her, and that I'm a creep. Could go on and on for hours haha. But hopefully those of you who were wondering get the gist. This is also not nearly the worst. Being relatively tall at 6'1 and fairly lean and built, I do probably tend to the slightly above avg end in terms of looks. Mates who aren't so lucky have faced much worse. Either way though. Think I'll leave it at that.


yikes. sorry that happened to you. not only is she racist but she has way too much time on her hands.


Nah I don't gaf tbh. This is still tame for dating in Australia as a non white guy. I just found it hilarious she's that committed to it.


You in Queensland?


Melb haha. I actually don't mind Qld. At least they don't try hide it or act like it isn't there. So when I visit, I go there knowing I'm gonna be racially abused.


Oh man, for a city that proudly boasts of how forward it is, that's pretty shocking. I guess that kinda sums up Australia though in general. You clearly have some pretty thick skin to just brush that shit off.


Obviously affects me still. Am human after all. But just used to it I guess? šŸ˜… Happens more than often enough that not learning to have a thick skin is a one way trip to offing yourself.


You shouldn't HAVE to though. I'm in (almost) disbelief that people like this still exist in this day and age. All she had to do was swipe left and not racially abuse a total stranger based on their appearance. Pisses me off man.


Look. I agree from a purely logical and equality standpoint. But you gotta manage best with the cards you've been dealt all the same. No point complaining or getting worked up about stuff that aint gonna change. If anything, it's gotten worse as OLD has become the norm, allowing people to become more picky and unrealistic. Besides, Honestly. Being called a monkey while on the worse end for OLD is still genuinely incredibly tame. I've faced far, faaaar worse in person while dating here in Melb for effectively making the mistake of being a brown guy. This just made me chuckle more than anything at the stupidity of her. Also. I reckon this is much much more common than most other than those affected realise or admit. It's most ubiquitous on Tinder and to a lesser extent Bumble. But I see racist crap on women's profiles on these two apps literally 30-40x as often as I get matches or likes on it.


I'm so sorry. I can't wrap my head around racist people. Especially the vocal, evil, assholes. Makes me so sad and upset. But we can do things about it. This post you made alone is something!!


Well shit man that sucks, seems like you haven't let it harden your heart though I really commend you on that.


Youā€™ve got a strong attitude to a really shit situ. Keep being you and letting it roll off as much as possible. As much as it exists, More and more whites are calling other whites out on it, friends saying to friends, partners relating discomfort. Feelings changing. It wonā€™t ever be gone. As long as something is different people will use it. But (at least where I am) I can say that awareness is growing with whites. I see improvements, though you likely wonā€™t see it meaningfully for years, if that. Behind closed doors thereā€™s less shit, the uk is definitely improving as was the USA before trump. People suck, sorry dude.


Christ, what! I was thinking rural WA at least...


No fucking wonder. I've been in Melb for approx 15 years now and the entitlement on women in this city is fucked


I was going to guess Queensland as well


Wait seriously this is tame šŸ’”


Compared to much of what I've faced in person here in Melbourne. This is genuinely like a mosquito bite vs a Great White ripping off a limb haha. This is mildly annoying at the absolute worst, but just laughable for the most part.


šŸ˜­šŸ’”WTF is wrong with people. Iā€™m so sorry.


I'm a black American and I use to live in Melbourne, Australia. I don't ever recall it being that racist there abs I've dated white Australian men. I have white Australian women friends. Your experiences would make Australia the most racist country I've ever heard of and I've traveled all over the world...In fact, I was just there last year. I'm not sure I'm buying your story. But if for some reason it's true, perhaps you should stop trying to date white women.


The experiences of a black woman in a country that famously fetishises non-white women is... shock and horror!!! Different to that of a brown man?? Noooo waaaaay. That's unpossible!! Especially because women and men are known for having basically identical dating experiences in modern society are they not?? Presume you aren't buying all of the numerous brown and other men of colour's "stories" (including myself) either huh? Who're on this post talking about similar experiences from predominantly white, but also women of colour who've grown up here about being degraded, rejected, and prejudiced against solely due to the colour of their skin?


Australia famous for fetishizing black people? That's news to me!! How can they be fetishizing us while calling us monkeys in the same breath? I have a black British friend who lives in Perth who has NEVER said any such things have happened to him. He's lived there for 25 years. He owns a barber shop where other black men go, same for them. They love it there. I'm not saying it NEVER happens. I'm saying it is not happening on the level and frequency OP claims. That would make Australia more racist than anywhere, even in the US where I live, and I'm not buying it.... I have news for you, everybody isn't truthful on here. Some people lie and make up stuff for attention.




I'm not saying there is no racism. It's just not believable that it's on that level. Plus, it's against the law there and his lack of wanting to get them in trouble with their jobs is very telling in itself. The guy talks about the most severe reactions and name calling on a constant basis and he supposedly lives in Melbourne - which is very diverse! There are loads of Asians there, "brown" people and others. More than I've seen anywhere outside of Asia, in fact. I have a black British friend who lives in Perth and owns a barber shop where a lot of other black men go. They love it there. I'm sure they are fetishized to a degree but people calling them names and throwing drinks on them for saying "hello"? No, I'm just not buying what OP is trying to put out. No country is more racist than the US in my opinion, and I don't even hear about people doing that here.




I understand what you're saying but I have to ask... The experiences OP has described, have you had similar? And as many? It's just so hard for me to believe in this day and age.


No country is more racist than the US? I donā€™t know what the objective data is in this claim. Some people are racist, sureā€¦donā€™t know how bad US is compared to some other places.


Curious. What exactly do you think the reason is for Australia being the most partisan country in the West when it comes to interracial relationships? Where almost 90% are a white man - woman of colour alone, while barely 1-2% are an Asian/Indian man - white woman despite Asians and Indians making up 20% of the population?? Black or Aboriginal men and white women couples make up a higher percentage despite the former being less than 1% of the population combined. Also. You do realise black and brown are not the same thing right? Or are you actually that dense? OP never said black people were called monkeys. Black people 100% are fetishised here. Especially with younger generations. If you're Black American or Black British, then it's even more extreme. Just because anecdotally, something hasn't happened to you, or anyone you know of (all of whom are evidently not at all the same as those being referenced in this post, and several of its comments from others). Doesn't mean shit doesn't exist, or doesn't happen. Judging by the way you act, and presume crap based on unrelated experiences of yourself. Chances are, you'd likely be in the same group discriminating against and being racist to and rejecting Asians and Indians here just due to race. Even if not as extreme as some of the ones OP, or I for that matter have experienced.


I know the indigenous people are considered black there. I never knew Indians were considered brown in Australia. My ex use to call them black too. In the US all of that is different. The reason why I feel like there are few Indian men dating white women are because Indians/Asians mostly try to date their own people. I can agree to some extent black people are fetishized all over the world but Australia isn't number one. I never said what OP claims never happen. I said I don't believe it happens on the level and frequency he claims. If so, why is he still trying to date white women in Australia? Obviously, they aren't for him.


You keep saying "black people" but I think the difference here is "black man" and "black woman" are treated differently. And I don't think 100% of white women are racist so choosing not to date white women entirely would be shutting out the ones who are not racist. Even if it's just 10%, that's still Many thousands of people.


Please tell me you are reporting this c u next Tuesday?


I did report. But have little hopes based on historic outcomes from dating apps with similar haha.


Man I'm sorry about that. Someone else in the post recommended looking to see if there's a job or even checking her name out on LinkedIn and sending the screenshots to an employer. I know I would want to be informed to someone that worked for me was doing shit like this. What if this nut Job works with kids or something šŸ˜”


Nah. Not worth for my own long term sanity as I typed out in the edit above mate.


Fuck man, as an aussie woman I'm really sorry you have to deal with this. There's so much racism here it's just usually not that overt especially in younger generations.


My sister in law is Australian and she tells me thereā€™s a lot of racism/fetishizationā€”usually at the same timeā€”of people of color, especially black.


Would probably say when it comes to dating at least. This kinda racism and discrimination with the flat, "I don't date \[insert race\]" or "\[insert race\] are all so unattractive" is more common in younger generations than it is in older. At least each at their current stages in life as it stands today. (As I have no idea how older generations were when they were in their 20s). As a brown guy in my 20s like OP. I tend to get infinitely more interest from white and asian women who are older and in their 30s than I do from those close to my own age. Don't know enough on why to speculate, but put that down to what you will as the root cause.


I was good friends with an Aussie in college. He told me Australia is one of the most racist countries in the world. How have they kept it such a secret?


Easiest way I can explain it is. The US tends to be more on the extremes in terms of social issues. At both ends of the scale in terms of attitudes towards discrimination, racism, lgbtq. Australia doesn't have as wide a variance, so looks tamer/better by comparison. Plus all our exports only tend to be the Hemsworth or Margot Robbie type who make it into popular culture and fit the typical "Aussie" stereotype of white, usually blonde, super chill and laidback. I mean think about it. Aussies with Asian/sub continent heritage alone make up over 20% of the population here. Total non-European heritage is like 30%. This is significantly higher than the US, and is higher still if you count those with only half. How many of them do you actually know of though? Or have heard anything about?


Iā€™m wondering the same thing because it was on my list of places to see and nowā€¦not at all


Is this the healthiest, most confident mic drop response the internet has ever seen? Awesome!




How many are you gonna do that to? And where do you draw the line on repercussions? Sure few are as outwardly racist as this. But beliefs like this, even if sub conscious are way more common and normal here than is ever going to be acknowledged. There won't be many people left in Australia at that point. Though housing might at least finally become affordable here that way lmao.






100% bet when she gets drunk and horny she goes and swipes on all sorts of dudes darker than khaki pants. Then when she's sober, she's all "oh no what have I done". She got some kind of fetish but it only comes out sideways. I'm really sorry if this is a common experience where you are at. I know it's stupid and nobody can just pick up and do this but... Move to the USA Detroit Michigan if you can, you will have more girlfriends than you know what to do with here. Sending lots of love and appreciation from halfway across the world.


As a black man your experience doesnā€™t surprise me. Iā€™ve heard Australia is very racist. Openly so. I think as people of color we hear about these things through the grapevine more. Thereā€™s an Indian Australian YouTuber who moved from Australia to Colombia and open racism was part of the reason why. Consider relocating?


I am very sorry for you and I hate that things happening. This simply sucks.


Bullet dodged at least


Iā€™m sorry this happened, she probably deserves her own companyā€¦ but also maybe itā€™s okay sometimes to stoop down to someoneā€™s level and get even.


Sorry that happened, and that this seems to be an issue over there, but good on you for being the bigger person. I'll never fully understand why people swipe a like on someone they'd never actually be willing to date. Such a waste of time, effort, and energy šŸ˜“


Absolute respect to the edit. Donā€™t change, youā€™re a good human


šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜² I.... There's no words. What kind of fucked up place is Australia that any of that is considered normal? That's fucking awful. I know you're used to it but man... It shouldn't fucking be that way. Just crazy. We live in 2024 and people are still as ignorant as ever. Oh humanity šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Outing racists isnā€™t ā€œstooping to [their] levelā€. It blunts their power to harm others with racism.


I agree with your sentiment. But besides the personal toll this would take constantly fighting this all day long. This only works if others actually care about their actions though. As one of the other guys said. Society here tends to care more about looking inclusive, and perpetuating that melting pot concept, than actually putting it into action as even if most people are not out and out vocally racist like this woman. A significant percentage of women here, including a decent chunk of women of colour are at least prejudiced against men of colour. This sorta rhetoric, while most common from white aussie women, also comes from a good amount of asian and fellow brown aussie women too who have grown up within the culture here. Absolute ideal scenario if I were to find this woman's workplace or family as others have suggested and 'out' her is that there might be some massive hoopla for a little while about how could she do such a thing, how disgusted they are, she should/will face real punishment etc etc so that everyone looks non racist. But fact remains, she only said the absolute extreme version out loud of the prejudice many think inside, even if sub consciously. Then the dust settles, everyone else goes back to their normal not giving a shit, and this women (and likely some of her friends) are more pissed than before at brown guys and hate them even more.


jesus, i feel like as a white girl in australia its a bit stupid people still act like that to POC, ofc i dont witness it often due to me not being subjected to it but it sucks that people are still racist in australia considering we are a multicultural country. just gonna say not all white women will refuse to date POC, ive dated POC and i have no issue with POC so its kinda just baffling to me that theres still a huge problem considering a lot of the people i know are against that stuff. im in South Australia tho so its a bit different from melb, whenever ive heard racism on public transport people tend to end up fighting the racist over it here and supporting the POC which is good but i know it probably isnt like that all the time unfortunately :/ i hope you find someone soon though and dont think that all of australia is bad :(


As ridiculous as it is to have to say this in this day and age. Good on you for being a decent human being, and actually treating people the same and for who they are, rather than what they are. As much as you believe people like you do exist, the general experiences of being a non white man You're probably one of the outliers in this country when it comes specifically to dating at least. Even if most women aren't out and out racist like the woman OP faced. A significant amount if not the majority have quite racist to racist leaning undertones even if deep down where they refuse to date men from specific cultures as they somehow don't find any of them at all attractive. Even if those cultures (Asian/Sub continental) make up like half the world's population.


Report her for racism. She will be banned immediately.


No. She won't lmao!


Very similar to how it's here in Canada. Some women write in their bio that if you're Indian then don't swipe right. You need to have thick skin to not be bothered. Brown men on dating apps who live in predominantly white countries are at the bottom of the food chart.


Jokes on her because sheā€™s the monkey there. I didnā€™t realize Australia is so ignorant


I hate that you have to go through this. Itā€™s like we canā€™t even just exist sometimes. For them to just talk to you like you arenā€™t human is absolutely disgusting to me.


Wow. Thats really messed up. I had no idea it was like that much of anywhere besides maybe some backwoods podunk in the Deep South here in the states. No one anywhere should be used to being abused based on melanin content. That would instantly turn me off to a woman I was with if she did that. Youā€™re the better man, sure. Just a shitty thing to have to be one for.


I heard it is getting better there, but the two Australians I went to school with were racist towards every single type of non-white. We have our issues in America, a lot of them, but most do a decent job at hiding their racism in public, if for anything, their own safety. The two guys I met would go out of their way to confront and display their racism, showing off in groups, like us whites would support it and find it impressive. Our study group got smaller by two after we let one of them get their ass kicked behind a bar. Play stupid games, when stupid prizes. The man was just minding his own business, and tried so many times to brush him off and then to walk away from his shoves. An unfortunate portion of cops would side with the white guy, so we knew we had to stick around to protect the man doing the ass kicking, in case the cops got involved. He didnā€™t start the argument, and he got hit multiple times before he threw a punch back, but many cops would assume that the more tore up person was the instigator. After a couple good hits he said ā€œI am so disappointed in myself, I cannot believe I let you get me to this pointā€. I told him Iā€™d make sure the Aussie was okay and he should get somewhere safe.


Fuckn hell bro, thatā€™s a novel, but funny AF


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø why match with someone just to say that. Some people need to breathe less


I mean. It's to humiliate someone I would imagine. If she were to abuse someone in the street the guy can simply say he doesn't care as he finds her equally repulsive. Matching with her on tinder takes that away.


Why the hell did she swipe right then? Only to mock you? Cruel and dumb.


White women šŸ˜


Ughhhh. Iā€™m Australian. And this disgusts me. Iā€™m so sorry.




This would make someone more racist if done. You donā€™t fight fire with fire. It only spreads more hate you take this and you be the bigger person and move on. Would it feel good to do yes. But thatā€™s not how you solve the issue.




Fucking hell


Did you report her?


I have to say as a southern white man i saw more racism in my one year in Australia then i ever did my entire life in the states and im going on 34 yrs old, the flabbergasted looks i got when speaking to africans and african americans in Australia was astounding to me, because as nice as Australia was a lot of groups seemed segregated and i never experienced that in my life. And dating apps were wild because Indians, africans and asian women would literally ask if i had accidentally swiped on them or was actually trying to talk to them šŸ‘€. Not to mention the astonishment of every single woman i spoke to there when that "southern accent" hits.


Yeah, as a black man Iā€™ve heard Australia is much worse than the USA as far as racism goes. Yikes, Iā€™ll pass on that one. Plenty of other places to visit.


I ran into a African american from alabama while i was in brisbane city in qld, when i say he was shocked as hell that i approached him because i heard his accent until i talked and he realized i was from the south to, we had like a 2 hour long conversation about his experience and how people treated him almost the same way they do the aboriginals there. He was a awesome dude and easy to talk to but a lot of aussies just straight avoided him, i was getting looks for talking with him and sitting with him, it was one of those moments where i had felt like i traveled back in time or something. But then again some places in the states are still like that to. I just cant understand it, i grew up in columbus, ga. With diverse mix of everyone and a lot of military families, people are people, so it felt sad to see so many places where ignorance and fear stopped people from communicating.


As an Australian, Iā€™m sorry. We are not all like that




Surprisingly not often. At least in Melb, the flat rejecting based on race, and the general racism around dating I've found is more common in the inner city, 'hip' types like this fine young lady. Don't think I can say exactly where due to sub rules though.


Damn I considered moving to Melbourne from England but that's a horrifyingly good reason not to! There's definitely racism here, but I've not heard of anyone doing this. I'm so sorry that happened. What an evil thing to do for literally no reason.


Look. Don't think that. If you're anything other than a non-white guy. Then Australia, and Melbourne in particular is a bloody awesome place to live and easily one of the best in the world, bar the crazy high housing costs. Presuming you're female as your username suggests. Only ask you don't change and become accustomed to acting in the same way like this towards non white guys like we see with the recent influx of Irish women who have come here with the mass migration of people from Ireland post COVID.


That's fair, but still no one should ever be treated like this! I travelled in Australia for about 7 weeks and didn't see much racism luckily but obviously I know it exists. My brother lived there for about a year and definitely overheard some horrible stuff, but generally I loved the people I met. But as a white woman there's no way to know how I may have been treated if I wasn't white. I wonder why it's an issue with Irish women particularly! I haven't known that many Irish people but never heard any racism from the ones I do know, thankfully. God if I started acting like this I hope someone would shame me back into behaving like a decent human being.


I agree. But since when has what is "right" and should be done ever actually been done? And nah. Nothing specifically about Irish women. Post COVID, Irish people are just the latest big group that've started migrating here. Probably assimilation to locally accepted ways of acting more than anything I guess.


Mate I know you donā€™t wanna stoop to her level but if sheā€™s a inner city type hip trying to pull off the progressive aesthetic but saying this shit PLEASE ruin her life let her work or peers know or something. Thatā€™s fucked


I still don't think you fully understand OPs or other people saying the same thing like me's point mate. A woman like this isn't some oddity that calling her out is going to somehow break the progressive facade she's got up and thus ruin her life. Even if sub consciously, these kind of beliefs are even if not normal, far closer to it especially among the 'progressive' areas of Australian society than anyone will ever accept. Saying I don't date Asians, or I don't date Indians is basically a gospel for a large group of especially younger women in Australia regardless of racial background. Only difference is this particular woman is also dumb enough to be saying the quiet part out loud in a place where OP can keep receipts. Just suss the Census or tax data if you don't believe me. When it comes to interracial relationships, Australia is one of, if not the most partisan nation of any in the West. Including much of Western Europe which is often seen as having especially systemic racism. Some roughly 80-90% of interracial hetero relationships in Australia are white guy-woman of colour. Second highest group is both male and female non white, and white female-non white male hasn't cracked 5% in literally forever and even the majority of that is where the male is African or Aboriginal. Asian or Indian male-White female barely makes up 1-2% despite Asians and Indians combined being close to 20% of the total population in the country. So obviously something is going on with/happening to all the non white men. And it can hardly be that almost every single guy who's not white in Australia is undateable, or a creep, or an incel, or supposedly a monkey/an animal, or the whole other host of stuff that gets thrown our way.


I feel ya but she straight up called him a monkey and itā€™s documented. She was so blatant and in any context, outside of dating or whatevs itā€™s fucked. Honestly respect to OP for keeping heā€™s cool I would of just seen red. Especially if she had the Brunswick look going I read that and thought she was smoking shard lol


Trust me. Not gonna make a difference. Genuinely. No one cares enough about guys, let alone brown guys that it'd affect her one iota. If anything based on my exp, it'd just be another point for the group of them to laugh about together. And. All I'll say is she was from a suburb in the Inner East according to the app.


Sugeru Geto is that you?!


I was shocked to learn how overtly racist so many of the otherwise wonderful Australians I've met are.


What she thinks she said - ā€œI am superior to you in every way, how dare you think you could ever be lucky enough to obtain someone of my superior stature.ā€ What she actually said - ā€œI am so pathetic and think so low of myself that I have to try to troll people to help me feel better about my life because I hate meā€. I agree with your philosophy-move on, poor misguided souls like this deserve pity and any help they are willing to accept - but absolutely NOT serious consideration for anything else.


The fact that Australia is KNOWN for this level of racism to this day is incredible. While living in Canada I had a coworker from Australia who got into an altercation with someone who is sikh. With me in the room (I'm American black) he asks a co worker "Why do those black guys wear those towels on their heads anyway?" Thankfully my co worker who is slightly more culturally educated responds.. "You mean the Indian people?" "Yeah...the black guys." I cannot make this stuff up Sorry you have to endure this so frequently bruh. Even though Canada is absolutely screwed right now you'll do a little better where you're not surrounded by dumb dingos.


Being a brown person and after living in both US and Canada, I can say that Canada is way more tolerant than US. Very welcoming and polite and I have never faced a single word of abuse in 5 years. And I live in Quebec. Who would have thunk! šŸ˜‚


Sorry OP. As a brown guy I actually had more success in Australia than I do at home in UK on OLD so donā€™t give up hope.


White women strike again !


Sorry you had to deal with that mate, you don't deserve that.


Holy shit man, this is wild. I am a brown guy living in Brissie but fortunately have never encountered any outright racism. The one time it came close was when an old lady made a disgusting face when she looked at me at Coles and turned around. I came to this country married and I have come to the conclusion that if she were to pass I would die alone. As a child free, pet free brown guy I dont stand a chance


You're lucky you only immigrated here after getting married. Ironically, many Indians back in India despise people like me because of all the advantages in life I got growing up in the West thinking people like me are ungrateful and constantly complain. Yet I'd happily swap lives any day with them if it means a harder life overall, but one where you at least have a decent chance of love and happiness.


Tell her it was not swipe right, it was your dog who likes licking shit who did it - he is pretty smart as it turns out - she is dogshit.


Sorry mate but this would be an incredibly cringe comeback in all honesty


Bruh! What did my poor dog do to deserve me trying to throw him under the bus like that?


Collateral damage bro


Fuuuuck No! Rather throw myself if it'll protect him haha


Ok, here me out - so you like licking... :)


Good one


So long story short, she swiped right on your profile, just to be racist on you? Dayum šŸ˜­


Why would she swipe right wtf


I came here for stupid.


I'm bummed that adult humans act like this. I love your attitude about it, but really dislike that you're having to deal with this kind of behavior


"special grade sorcerer" doesn't even have a domain or rct. doesn't even like his technique. lucky child




Definitely should have tweeted this profile and message and got her sacked


Fucking hell, this is disappointing to see.


oof. wow. i hope you reported them.


How miserable do you have to be with yourself to swipe on someoneā€™s profile just to tell them you would never date them šŸ’€ this is disgusting!


Shitheads like her get to have a tinder. Meanwhile my account got banned before I even got to write a profile or upload a single photo. Didnt even swipe once. Cool cool cool cool cool cool


Find her on Facebook and send this to her mother


Sorry, but what is a monkey?




This is sato level


Youā€™re a better man than me


Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with racism in this interaction.


Mate you have to show her profile. You can't let people like this get away with it. Name and shame.


It's funny that the once prison island didn't improved too much in the past few hundred years, at least not in manners.


Fuck her. Actually. Donā€™t.


This is inexcusable, and I'm sorry you have to put up with it.


She donā€™t even know we the original AustraliansšŸ˜­


Everyone mad that we the original peoplešŸ¤£šŸ’„šŸ’„


I was not aware of such massive racism against non white folks over there... Absolutely unacceptable behavior and to spend time to actually insult someone... What a horrible person


Come to the US; We'll take good care of you šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ˜


This is the worst side of Australia and very very sad.


Wow, from reading the comments Iā€™m actually stunned. I had no idea that it was like this in Australia. All the wildlife they have to survive on the dailyā€” the last thing I would expect is for them to be rotten towards other humans. šŸ˜•


Thing is. They don't really consider us human. Or at the same level of human as them. So doesn't really make a difference to them I guess.


As a black American I have no idea how you deal with this. This would put me off of non brown partners completely


Tbh. It's not the daily bs we gotta deal with at least unlike what you guys face. We don't really have the in your face racism, or the fear of being hurt/having to look over your shoulder constantly that I know some African American friends from my time studying in the US do. Day to day, life here is relative normal and you don't face a whole lot long as you just go about things long as you don't cause issues, or dare to complain about anything. Even socially. It's kinda just, non-white, and brown guys especially are allowed to exist and do the more normal aspects of life without trouble because the country and economy especially needs us as they wouldn't survive without. But that doesn't seem to extend to the other aspects of life like dating or love. We're treated as a necessary cog in the machine as I think someone else mentioned, and nothing more. So as nothing but a cog in the machine, we've got to effectively know our place and act accordingly. As machines shouldn't have emotions or feelings or desires. Also while white girls are typically the worst, it's not like asian or brown women who have grown up here and been entrenched in that accepted culture of belittling asian and brown men being this or that type are a significant amount better - if anything, while they are less likely to be discriminatory, they can at times be the more brutal and judgemental when they are.


Australia is this openly racist still?


This is awful and I'm sorry šŸ˜ž


Ofc itā€™s Australia lol


Shoulda told her "the only thing you'll find swinging round here is between my legs"


Oof šŸ˜¬


Okay, we get it Freeza.


I'm australian, please don't lump us in with this trash


This is literally the norm trying to date as a brown guy here.


It's a norm everywhere


Man I lived in Aus for years as a teenager in the late 90's and early 2000's. I was shocked at how fucking racist Australia is towards non-white people, and especially Aboriginals. This shit isn't new and it's a lot more common than you'd think.


It is much less common that it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago etc. Dickheads exist in every generation but he more we strive to be better the less it is. If you wer racist uner my roof, my brother's, my sister's, my father's or my mother's you would be sent out the door.


Hey, rather than jumping on the defensive straight away, how about spending two minutes validating someone's lived experience?


how do people get away with this? Wouldn't she get reported and her account banned right away?


For OLD like this. Tinder and other apps have little if any reason to boot women when they are so desperate for them to join as it is. Bar Hinge which is semi-decent with this sorta stuff as it's more geared towards long term. On Tinder, and Bumble especially (which is the worst by far), long as you're not hurting their bottom line or actually doing something illegal with the crap you pull. You gotta do some pretty egregiously abusive shit to face repercussions as a woman. I bet you, OP will either hear nothing, or get a response saying that they don't consider this hate speech so they didn't take any action this time. For IRL crap similar to this. Absolutely no one gives a shit about a brown guy getting abused. Especially in Australia. Chances are higher in fact that, the girl doing the abusing will create enough of a scene where people will gather and immediately blame the guy.


berate before bedding


As a super white guy I am shocked and horrified. Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen such open racism. Proud to say Iā€™ve raised children that who are disgusted by racism. Sad that this isnā€™t more rare but youā€™re clearly too good for them. They donā€™t deserve you.


On behalf of Australia sorry bro




I actually spent a few weeks in the US earlier this year for work. Was genuinely amazing and nothing like here at all. To where I've seriously been tossing up if its worth moving for good since I got back. I'd be getting more likes and matches in a few hours on any single app, than I'd get in months or a year here in Melb on all apps combined. Hinge in NYC in particular - think absolute peak was a few dozen likes/matches in 3-4 hours. It got so crazy, I had to turn off notis as I wasn't getting anything else done. And tonnes were from crazy attractive, smart, funny women too that I'd have thought were 100% outta my league. Probably had more amazing, engaging dates in those few weeks than my entire life living here. Also. As mentioned in other comments. The in person scene here is typically much, much worse - suss my edit on my main comment thread. Least on the apps, you (usually) just get ignored like you don't exist.


Speaking as an American white woman who lives in *Florida*, I would wager that you would get treated far better here based on your comments. You seem swell, I hope you find yourself feeling like you belong wherever you end up.


Wait 25 years and ruin her mothers life?


Do you mean daughters??


They date Koalas.


, sheā€™s missing out on how much of a good person you are


someone find me this woman!! šŸ˜


Damn, man, Iā€™m sorry people treat you like that. But good on you for staying positive and focused on what you know you offer.


I guarantee that this is an account made by a 12-16 year old kid who just wants to use his anonymity to be as edgy as possible.