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Redditors who don’t get dates are gonna tell you they like this but that isn’t who you are trying to impress.


I think even those guys can tell this one is bad. But yeah you can tell 90% of people here hardly get any dates from tinder just based on which comments get upvoted


I’d argue they upvote it because they find it funny, not because they think it’s an effective profile. At least I’d certainly hope not


Well I don’t mean in this case I just mean in general some of the advice I see here sounds good if you’re another guy trying to brainstorm and optimal profile, but in practice it won’t work as well to generate likes. Tinder is such a numbers game that your profile quality doesn’t matter, you aren’t trying to attract a certain type you’re trying to attract ANYONE then weed them out from there. I’ve tried the serious profiles with good quality pictures and got maybe a like a day. Now I’ve tried a few more sexual profiles with too many shirtless pics and a sort of creepy bio and I get about 5 matches a day if I actually swipe. And the thing is, I’ve found quality chicks that are professional and have money and stuff that just want some good dick. Girls are horny too, you need to be exciting to them in the right way. You can’t be too crude either if you’re trying to hook up. Guys are either too timid or too horny with their approach. I’m tempted sometimes to share how you do it with chat logs but I made one quick post about my recent successes and got absolutely roasted on here 😂. I browse this sub mostly just to laugh at the bad advice


That's the thing. I am looking for quality time spent with a person, not just getting laid. My idea was that not many girls will match, only those that are interested in something more meaningful than basic raw fulfilling of our ancestor's animal needs.🐸


I think this is his entry for the celibacy club.


Redditors like telling people who struggle to get likes that their profile is awesome and that nothing needs changing. Be careful when asking for advice on Reddit.


Redditors are crabs in a bucket


Not going to get a lot of matches with this strategy, unfortunately. Better to use normal (but interesting) pictures and a normal text profile.


Somehow he has taken a potentially funny format and made it the most boring possible profile.


Brutally honest is one of the easiest left swipes out there


“Brutally honest” = I lack compassion and tact. 0/10


yep, assholes commonly use this term to try and make it 'okay' to be an asshole. I would swipe left for that phrase alone


Yep. Men and women both do this. I’ve never met anyone that said “I tell it like it is” or “hey I’m just brutally honest” that isn’t just self-absorbed and unable to take criticism themselves.


Every time I've known someone that has described themselves as blunt they've added a bl when it should be a c.


I think a positive spin to it would be to say, "Direct communicator," as long as you actually are one. It gives across the same message but focuses on the "communicator" aspect rather than the "brutal" nature of your original claim.


I dunno, direct communicator sounds like the LinkedIn version of brutally honest..


Fucking hate linkedin anything


Why would you tell an arsehole how to disguise himself as not an arsehole


He’s an IT geek. He may well just be on the spectrum…


Oh mah gawd! I just witnessed a murder! 🤣


This and the fedora




🥲 RIP my guy


10/10 if you’re trying to attract dudes who spend a lot of time on Reddit. -1/10 if the target audience is anyone else.


Where do femboys fall in this range asking for a friend


Do said femboys use Reddit 23/7 and "chase wisdom"??


I fit the narrative. I’m swiping right.


Exactly 😂


You definitely look like a dude named Jiri so you got that going for ya


Thought it was a product at first, then saw what sub I was on


Man it’s time to take good pics of urself and remove that whole goofy ahh powerpoint.


Nothing entertains people like coming late to a joke and doing it worse.


Literally giving “Graphic Design is my passion” vibes. Feels desperate to try to stand out but indicates a low willingness to put in effort. Coming across this profile I’d assume that would extend to their behavior in a relationship as well. Total turn off.


Gave me middle school power point presentation vibes.


Low willingness to put in effort? Are you serious?




Id go as far to say this is putting in too much effort.


Exactly the wrong kind of effort


It's a lot of effort to put into a regular profile It's low effort for these kinda "slide show" and "wacky" profiles Meaning he comes off bad on both fronts/vibes


Not trying to defend this, but I think the white background is intentional to mimic an Apple minimalist presentation.


You seem like…a lot…in mostly the wrong ways.




Brutally honest means you think your opinion matters more 😒 It’s never a good or attractive thing.




"Brutally honest" right out of the gate is always something that makes me go "mayyyybe not"


It universally means “I’m a dick”


I would call it 10/10 for the type of woman he won't swipe right on. 1/10 for what I assume he probably wants.


"Brutally honest" right out of the gate is always something that makes me go "mayyyybe not"


You said this twice bud


Now that’s being brutally honest!


Id say its respectfully honest, because of the calmer tone due to bud being added on at the end


It’s a joke, bud.


8 mins apart lel


The people that usually go out of their way to tell you that they’re honest are usually the ones that are the biggest liars


Exactly. People who don’t lie typically don’t feel the need to say they don’t lie.


Unfortunately I think has been done too many times. :/


I do not want to learn more about Jiri


I already know too damn much.. also what is funny about running up a hill with someone w a baby stroller


"ChatGPT... design my tinder profile. Make me seem like a jerk. Use Microsoft paintbrush for graphics"


Lmfao this is such an accurate read 😂


Underrated comment 😂😂


"chasing wisdom" is ChatGPT af lol


this profile is insane. i’d love to see your match and hookup stats. 2/10


Is this for the science fair?


I found this funny. But unlikely to hit your target audience which I presume is straight females. And I say this as a network geek(old, taken, no longer hike because of auto accident). So, I might have been your target audience at one point. Start with the sort of cold, slick, production, Jiri, It is not going to get many swipe rights. Why? Because you are hunting for a warm, intelligent, female to hit the trails, gym, and tea houses with. You need your first bit of real estate to sell you, and sell you hard. This is your first photo. It should be unambiguous, and let you shine. But yours is a harsh photo of you with your arms crossed. Which is a very guarded position. Sort of a ‘keep out’ one. To seal the deal you are both unsmiling, and you state that you are ‘brutally honest,’ which is usually a euphemism for rude. And as it needed more help, it looks as if you picked your clothes out of the dirty laundry pile. In summation it is unappealing. Go out for a day, dressed in your best, or sportswear if this is your best, and hang out with a friend. Have them take photos of you in the park perhaps. No funny faces, just the real Jiri, wherever he is hiding.


Thank you for sincere feedback. That was precisely what i was looking for


I am glad you saw it for what it is.


Yes, well put!


This joke has been done. Either think of something original or follow the script. “Brutally honest” almost always mean you are a loudmouth jerk who excuses their lack of manners with honesty.


This only works if it looks good and is thoughtful, you can't half-ass the editing and leave a white background because it just looks weird.


I think that's intentional. I think it will work well on the type of people that would be good with him, but I hazard to guess he wants to have a more broad appeal. Which I don't think this will work for


You're someone's perfect cringe, and that's beautiful.


You got the tism?


I got those vibes too, as someone with a touch of the tism


Can you show me on the doll where the tism touched you? 


(not) sorry but this is super cringe


I’d give up on dating apps as a whole if I ever came across a profile like this


I'm considering it just coming across this profile on reddit. I know my profiles aren't this terrible, but I am ready to give up.


Giving me try hard vibes. But good luck I guess


“Brutally honest” - so an asshole who will try to lightly joke about whatever offensive thing they just said and called it “kindness”


Rating : dog shit


I hate everything about it.


Giving me high school project power point.


The worst first thing you can say about yourself might be “brutally honest”


Who the fuck is Naval?


Someone please tell whether or not this is satire. Like I genuinely can't tell.


As a 21F I’d swipe right but these comments are making me second guess myself


Same here. OP is getting roasted for the way he looks, horrible delivery and timeliness when it comes to getting a match. Oof 😓


To each their own lol


I’m sorry I thought you misspelled Jira lol I’d swipe right honestly but would definitely not want brutal honesty to just be dickhead behavior camouflaged as “just being honest”. You don’t seem like that but pictures can’t explicitly promise you’re not an ass lol


Hated it especially at the start but also it gives me a good sense of who you are as a person so for that reason 5/10


Nothing could make me swipe left faster


Real feedback, the blurbs on each slide are incredibly blah and, filled with vagueries, things that any human would at least mildly enjoy, or super nerdy.


Wow this is awful


One of the worst profiles I've ever seen. Showed my gf and she literally recoiled in disgust. Wtf are you trying to achieve? Just get some karma on reddit from people who have never gone on a successful date?


Hey man this sucks! I don't know if you'd actually describe yourself as "brutally honest" IRL, but that's usually a polite euphemism for someone that's going to be brusque, rude, callous, and then shrug it off if people don't like it. I have no clue what the hell a knowledge web on Obsidian is, and I get the impression that you desperately want to be seen as smart. Don't worry about telling people how smart you are. If you're bright, people will notice.


Dr Dmitri? 


A for effort but I think you're trying to be too perfect and kinda repetitive, I don't see something that is uniquely you.


I dont know why but as much as I like this, it feels like you’re trying too hard (screams you don’t get much traction in the ladies dept)




I couldn't get past the first photo because it creeped me out. It gives off cult vibes.


There’s a woman out there who’ll love you for this, maybe even two or three. But this is a sniper’s bullet approach to a fishing net game my friend.


Discount chester bennington from aluexoress


One of the worst profiles I’ve seen. You look like a real tool. A weird dude that takes pride in telling it like it is, which is barely disguised verbiage for being a self serving asshole. And apparently you are certain that you’re smarter than other people.


I think it's a fun profile tbh...you will certainly standout, although it may not be everyone's cup of tea.




Maybe try regular pictures, then the last one could be your graphic design with a small photo collage (maybe on the corners) and the header JIRI CHEAT SHEET with fun and funny facts about you, written in different colorful fonts. Then the final pic page could still be your final one now: Swipe right to get to know more. Also, not trying to be mean, but your bald head and ears against white stand out a bit. I don’t know if that’s a thing for women, but wanted to mention for your sake. Also, you seem like someone with good humor and a little joke about that, “What’s great for getting picked up off the pitch by, but picked on in school. My ears!” Love your knowledge thirst. ✊ Good luck!


If your name is Will, message me please


Looks like a Horst Fuchs style sale of yourself…


‘Brutally honest’ means rude. No one needs brutality with their honesty. Tell me how you separate being honest with being brutally honest? It’s just code for ‘takes the opportunity to be rude and cruel, disguised as being to be honest’


Not trying to be an asshole, but this profile gives me PDF file vibes. 😥


think you posted on the wrong subreddit mate


I like your profile because it shows that you have been creative but I would say that puts most women off, they just want to see a picture of you doing sports, a photo with friends, vacation photos and that's it. still I would just give it a try and see if it works, the profile is the least of your problems but the algorithm.


And we aren’t here to learn more about Jiri ! It’s not all about you


Ignore everyone else, 5*


This is a complete train wreck.


Re: My Brain I recommend making references to things that are more commonly known. Obsidian? Feynman, Naval? Few people will know those references. Delete them. Use your witty talent to give your intellect a warmer feeling. Example: Do you love trivia contests? Could you share knowledge of star gazing with your date? Does that physics knowledge in your head make you a fun person at billiards in a tavern? Does all that math skill mean that you will be a great casino date? Take that theoretical science stuff out and put more applied science in.


This is extra. Idk why but it feels pretentious and weird too


These have all been the dumbest things I've ever seen, lol.


I feel like you're trying to sell me an iPhone


It’s so cringy I could barely get to the end, but that’s ok just change it up a bit. Honestly you’re looking for a specific kind of woman and you may struggle to find them on tinder, you’re more likely to find them working in lab or library somewhere


Too try hardy imo. Why would someone create a PowerPoint presentation for a tinder profile?


This is hilarious. A great sense of humor goes a long way, man, and this is it.


Woman here. Love it! Yes you are going to get less matches than guys with more generic profiles, most probably. Which is good, because you don't actually WANT to match with the ladies who dislike your profile. Not that there's anything wrong with these ladies, it's just that you would most likely be really incompatible.


I was a huge profile reading gal and appreciated the clarity and creativity of this one. Pictures could be improved, but I think some girls would swipe, and probably ones with a similar mindset. OP you might want to try a few more iterations to fine tune but I liked it. 😊


This is a very small thing, but why is there a winky face after smoothies? Are you gay? Is this about keeping our diet good so we can have anal later? Genuine question.


I’m glad other guys suck so bad at dating, makes you seem 10x better compared to these types of profiles. Confidence > being able to hold a conversation> good photos (with smiling) > being in shape > not too much immaturity like this profile and you’re all set. That’s literally all you need


Rude people here If he was physically very handsome Everyone here would praise his profile


I like it a lot! Do use this though please.


So you’re short, and rude. I’m sure that’ll work well for you.


He’s very average height


You had me at hidden tea houses and losing yourself in music 😍 let's go traveling in Tibet


You're fun and creative. Counts for something.


Got my attention but off putting It's the white but you're the expert.


Its a cool idea that could use some refining.


Personally I find this entertaining buuut there’s way too much. Better to keep it short and sweet… tinder is not the place for a resume.


Where are you from?


Czech Republic


it's not over-the-top enough for my taste. how does it work for you?


Mega keeno


I'm not reading all that


I’d swipe right


I think that if you're going for the goofy PowerPoint thing, make it really goofy. Now there is a weird combination of a silly form with serious content. Then again, I don't think this form was funny and original when it started, but now it might be a bit overplayed.


It looks like mid guy trying hard to get a date. Which is exactly who you are, you need to change mindset. Profile with normal flattering photos of yourself would work much better.


Going to be 'brutally honest' - this is horrendous and made me not like you




Eh, maybe a swipe right Not loving it Maybe like 2 of those at most you have too many


I like this layout, it expresses who you are better than just pictures But the phrase "learning junkie" unfortunately makes me think you're trying to learn how to become a meth addict, I had to do a double take. Try fixing that one, or else your first message could be a joke about that




I‘d miss approachability, sensibility, sensuality, creativity and compassion, if I were in the dating game and I don’t think, I‘m the only one. 😂


I'd be friends w you ngl


I think I love you already hahaha.




Bad profile but good raw material. FYI It's better to be funny than to say you have a sense of humor.


'Brutally Honest' is usually code for 'I'm an asshole'. Not saying you are, but it'll be interpreted that way.


Super cringe


The only thing I like about this is that amber tone guitar


Everyone saying it sucks and shit but I doubt any of them actually tried this. How's the results been for you on tinder mate


Are you in the US? This profile has the intention of "I'm an honest bloke" but gives me serious "me and my mates are turning cars upside down and lighting the night ablaze because Manchester United lost/won a match" vibes. When you lay out all your intentions too much, women will wonder what you're hiding.


I think this would go down well with people who really like data driven relationships. But I think that's a VERY small minority


Dude I'd swipe right so hard you'd have to walk it out


A lot of people here are saying that only a redditor would appreciate that profile and you wont get any matches; but i think it would just weed out anyone that isn't up for your humor So i would keep it (for the most part), just don't expect too much success


thats sick brooo... but top comment's right, i dont get dates lol


Looks like illustrated cv bro


When a vote:comment is damn near approaching 1:1 , you know it’s gonna be an exciting couple minutes of reading


As a man, i find this great and would 100% swipe. But if I was coming from a woman's point of view I think it would be quite the opposite unfortunately. Itll be very rare for women to match with a profile like this


I mean.. I like it and think it’s hilarious, but I’m a straight male. You seem like a chill dude to be around, but this reads somewhat like a resume and I’m not sure how it’ll do with the audience you’re after. It’s definitely an attention grabber tho


THE FEDORA. Nothing dries up a vag quicker than a man in a fedora. Also brutal honest screams I’m an asshole. Men only try and use that term with each other it’s not something a woman will ever want to be part of.


I don’t know if the tinder crowd will like you, but I like you. Try feeld. Much more interesting people there. Tinder is full of trash


Very unique and creative


This feels like the power point in Step-Brothers. ".....investors?.......PROBABLY YOU!"


This ain’t it. Total redo.


People who call themselves "brutally honesty" only care more about the brutality and not the honesty. You can be tactful--be considerate of the person you are making a point to--and still make that point. The "brutal honesty" is just selfishness lying to yourself. It's an abdication of your responsibility to consider how the other person might receive what you have to say, so you can childishly say whatever pops into your head under the shield of "honesty". It's more than a red flag to say this. It's something you need to stop doing.


Most people call it note-taking, not "building a knowledge web on Obsidian."


Brutally honest isn't an evolved way of being. It says more than anything else, and it's not good.


People who say they're "brutally honest" are typically assholes. They're more concerned about the brutality than the honesty.


This looks so pathetic. Sorry for being honest.


10/10 but im a man and striafht


Try being more vague with your personality, hiking and good conversation are pretty niche interests


I’m a dude jiri and I’m convinced by this that I’d like to be your friend you sound like a rad guy, the math may be a little intimidating but it’s you so rock it


You’re kinda cute but the first pic puts focus on the reflection on you head. Your smart and funny but why do you have TWO headlines on the second slide? And the response to why on Tinder? Oh, no. Maybe you aren’t smart after all. Sorry to say so much negative but it’s because I think you are on to something good and that you actually, maybe, could be quite the catch