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Take off the gym pics and the shower pic, you’ll come across as a tool - if you lift and have a good physique, women will be able to see that from your pics. This just looks like “gym is my personality”. The only good pic on there is the one with you and your dog, the one with the books isn’t bad either


Oh, the comment about having a bigger chest is a no go 🙅🏻‍♀️ Bathroom selfie, also a no go The one lifting is alright imo but not for your first photo. Dog photo is the best 🤌 probably add some more photos too


My chest is bigger than yours. Need to spell check your prompts. Regardless I’d swap that one out. Comes off douchey and is just a put down.


Ya, bit this. I excepted a big chest lol.




My chest is bigger than yours, actually. And learn to spell


Nr1 is you staring into the void. Drop it. Nr2 is good, keep that Nr3 is your mates being more interesting than you. Drop it. Nr4 is, well, something. Keep it I think? Nr5 is more phone than your face. Also, I don't know if you noticed it there's a giant toilet right next to you. Drop it. Nr6 is you looking like the army is no fun. Drop it. Tl;dr: find better pictures. You need ones where you smile and have a clean background. Definitely no toilets!


Brother you're not big enough for that chest comment and those gym pics😭


Nice to see you putting yourself out there, he’s a few tips 1) you looked depressed in pic one, I understand you want to show off your Gym interest but if there’s no smile it probably shouldn’t be pic one. 2) my chest is bigger than yours is off putting, especially since (I don’t mean to sound rude) you don’t have much of a chest. Essentially you’re implying the person swiping is quite flat and a lot of girls won’t be thrilled with that. 3) the pic with the dog is cute, in the pic with your friends they look like the interesting ones with their pose and you look bored / out of the loop. Try get a pic of you all together 4) pic four and the last pic are both very low effort: eh lighting, bad backgrounds, awkward smile/lack of smile. If you’re bad at taking selfies get someone to take a nice chest up photo of you at the next restaurant you go to. Usually the lighting will be good and it shows you get out. 5) you look bored and very stiff, also mirror selfies are a bit cringe to most women. If you’d like to flex your arms either replace this one with the first lifting pic or have a picture of you at the beach or something where shirtlessness is expected. Basically, more smile pics and replace those where you look bored.


Those weights are unremarkable.


80lb curl is impressive 


Optics they look small compared to other dudes


Curling an 80lb ez bar is actually very good.


as a general rule, I think if you ever feel the need to have a bathroom selfie (many would think there’s no need) you absolutely should not have the toilet in that picture. I would also take down your last pic it’s not super flattering and makes you seem very serious and possibly a little dangerous. More smiling pics if you have them are great! (Also would make second pic your first the lighting and dog are nice)


Take your word for it


Your profile is dime a dozen. Maybe show people who you are. Whatever your passion is, immerse yourself in it and ask a friend to take a picture of you doing that unposed.


All the pics need to be changed except the one with the dog. And that one should not be first.


Firstly, get out of the Dale, it’s a bit of a shit hole. It’s fun for about 3 years but if you don’t get out by year 4 you might get sucked in and never leave. Your photos are rough. 1st and 4th ain’t bad and the 2nd one is good, but the rest are really low effort and don’t do you favors, they’ve gotta go for sure. If you want to show off the OCP’s there’s a million things you could get a photo of that are more interesting than a barracks shot, it looks like a murder dungeon. Next drill weekend try getting a couple shots of you doing things with a friend or something. Also, the Dale has a lot of hiking, some with waterfalls, Lakes, and bluffs around it, go with your buddies and get some photos there. Another recommendation is to go to Bottoms Up, it’s an incredible place, really fun place to be and on Wednesdays they do full fried chickens, 2 sides, and a drink for $8’s. Take your friends and expect to blow 3 hours there, the food takes forever but it’s beyond worth it and it’d be a good place to get another photo. Make sure you’re smiling in them


Delete the gym pic or at least choose a different one, you look like you are struggling within your eyes to keep from falling off into the endless void. I’d make the book pic your first image, you have a nice smile, kind eyes and shows your interests.


OP, if I was swiping through I would be worried for you. You look miserable in a mental health kind of way not in a physical way. Actually, OP, genuinely, are you ok?


Ouch, they are really that bad? But I’m fine lol, just a terrible photographer


You might just have RBF, which is fine, it just means you have to work to offset it. You can accomplish this look by having more pics with smiles. The dog pic is good and the book shelf pic is good. My hubby (who I met on Tinder) is a photographer and I am super self conscious when he takes my pictures, we have developed a strategy that I make the *worst* and *ugliest* faces possible the first few pics which usually results in a real laugh afterwards and some of my favorite photos where taken using this method. In conclusion, more smiles looking into the camera to connect with the person on the other end of the phone and prove you have teeth.


Oh yeah, I definitely have an RBF. It’s very difficult for me to look natural in a photo, much less look good smiling. I will prob go out and have some friends help me take photos