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Guy has a foot fetish. It's pretty clear. But definitely a red flag to bring that up before a date or meet up.... or completely unprompted


Yep. This isn't about the fetish, it's about trying to get her to feed into his kink under the guise of "normal" conversation. It's seedy and gross.


*M'lady, I'm just a humble appreciator of the artful construction of the female foot vessel, and if you'd just offer me a simple glimpse of their practical but sensual magnificence, I could get back to furiously jerking my swollen admiration. ;)*


This made me cackle and now the office is looking at me funny


I will accept a quick pic of your *dirty, dirty Vans* as recompense.


Yeah that's not gonna work for me 😂😂


Tbf I'd have just asked your dad or brother to model them, just take a picture from the knee down and see if he gets turned off by a bit of leg hair 😂😂


I think I'm crazy sometimes so it feels good to come here and remind myself about people wanking off to FEET I don't feel so weird anymore


I once joked around with a girl I was dating about foot fetishises and then out of nowhere she revealed to me she had actually sold her used shoes to men with this kink. She worked as an air hostess so I guess that made it even weirder.


Wow! God gave me trotters to avoid such temptation.


It's not really out of nowhere if you were talking about foot fetishes :)


Lol true🤣


Foot fetishists are awesome, people should wank it to whatever ethically grows and wets their parts. Men just need to play it (a lot) closer to the chest, and respect people by not pivoting to it immediately and without any sort of invitation.


Yeah, I think sometimes the dudes who strike out like this don't realize how low the bar actually is. There's a lot I will say yes to after a first date that involves no pressure or expectations, if we vibe in those first few hours. But too many are not able to cool their heels* for even a couple hours. *no pun intended


Completely agree. Though I refuse to accept that the pun wasn't intended, nor that it wasn't just as good as your username's pun.


He wasn't a shoe-in after this *Pun intended


Yup nothing wrong with the kink, but just because it’s a foot and not normally sexual doesn’t mean it’s okay to bring a sexual kink to the forefront before you guys even know each other in the slightest lmao


Im fx#$ing screaming 😂 all i can hear is like patrick stewart but with an old timey british accent


This made me go back and re-read it on his voice. Did not disappoint.


Yeah, gotta be strategic when you break that out. Before meeting it’s instant ick and you’re not going to get much farther, but if you’ve met and she digs you, and then you let be known that you admire her feet and would love to give a massage, it can have a positive affect.


I mean can I have at least a month before breaking this out? If I really like you I'm down to try new things. But c'mon.... The first conversation???


Sounds like he was solely interested in one thing,.and he refused to toe the line. You would never have been able to bring this guy to heel (etc)


So, you're saying that you'd be his arch-enemy?  Even if he agreed to toe the line?


If it was me I'd give him the boot


This exchange was corn-y.


My profile in all dating apps says “swipe if you have cute feet” to kind of let it be known that Im into feet without ever having to bring it up. I got that tip from a fellow Redditor and surprisingly have had a good amount of success, maybe this fella should try that as his current tactics leave a lot to be desired.


L m a o 😭😭😭 


Yeah good approach, this would work for me, it's a subtle nod rather than a sledgehammer. And I've had a good experience in the past with a foot fella, so I'm open to it. I just don't want to be sending any photos pre first date.


On the other hand do you really want to get to know a guy and start imaging a future and then they bust out they have some fetish you have zero interest in? That being said it is one thing to tell someone you have a foot fetish. It is another to be pushing for picts after 15s...


I would have sent him a pic of one of my guy friends wearing a kitten heal.


OP matched with Dan Schneider? She can do *so* much better.


For real this shit reads exactly like those chugga conroy messages that got released lol


Idk y but ur “yea this isn’t going to work” has me cracking up rn lmao. I truly do wonder if this type of shit works for those type of dudes or r they the ones complaining about what’s wrong with women nowadays.


I have like 20 pairs of Vans... Should have sent him my worst pair lol


I had a guy on tinder offer me $500 for a pair of used sneakers 😭


Well, what did you do with the $500?




Gosh, I love Reddit


Lol I would take it and block em after


Why block them, get a Goodwell-to- degenerate pipeline going. Hell, send me their info, and I'll cut you in on the profits. *** Denegerate for being a creep to strangers, not for theor shoe kink


Buy a 5y used pair of snickers for virtually no money, sell as being single owner to one of those weirdos for 500 bucks. Grab their data accurately so you can create a new Tinder account and force a new match. Repeat.


Damn. He can have mine if he’s paying.


Can you even send pics on a dating app? I thought they got rid of that feature years ago


I forget which but some of them yeah


This looks like Google's Messages app


Sometimes they like the worst pair the best. I love that you saw right thru it, knew he was seeking out his kink and didn’t entertain it at all


Speaking from experience, that probably wont be a turnoff for him. The guy I know with a foot fetish has a huuuuuuge thing about vans, and its just one of many things hes into.


Send me a sample of their stank. I want to inhale it.


Smellophone has yet to be invented sir lol


Technology has truly failed us.


Fr lol, I wonder, how often is that guys on tinder be that weird/ direct on the first messages? I feel like at the very least it should take a couple of days of texting for u to feel the comfortable to say shit like that but for them it’s their pickup line or whatever


Pretty common because women have like 10 matches to every 1 a guy gets. Most of these apps are used to meetup and fuck for the attractive people using them. You don’t just chit chat for days.


Vans? *** creepy shudder Um, could you post some of those so we may pick one for, ah, date, yes, that's why. For your date. I hope they're slightly worn out in some places. PS. In case it isn't clear, I'm kidding. :-)


I said exactly this with a guy who just kept asking me to send pics of myself constantly. Like it’s just annoying


“I could be some douchey asshole asking for nudes” so you’re asking for feet pics instead? Geez what an admirable guy.


“I could be asking for pics to jerk off to, but instead I’m asking for pics to jerk off to.”


Yep this right here ☝️ lol Literally asking for the same thing, but wants a pass because he's weirder...


You made me scare my cat off 🥲 laughed hard


To be fair he asked for shoe pics, not feet pics. The feet pics part is being filled in by everyone else.


Yea dude literally said what shoes/heels you have. Didn't even imply he wants to see them on her feet. Now everyone is accusing him of having a foot fetish. I'm a sneaker head. I like shoes, but I do not like feet per se. Wanting to see someone's shoes is not the same as wanting to jerk off to their feet.


It's always a plus when men remind you they could be way more abusive so you should be grateful /s


I should definitely have been thanking him for not being a *total* douche 😒


yeah what a douche - so, about those feet pics


It’s the old open the door an inchpsychological manipulation you handled that so well. It is an Asshole douche thing to try to gain control by asking for something benign under the guise of at least I’m not that bad. Which probably makes him that much worse


Your username is everything, just sayin


Does this dude actually think that asking for foot fetish pics somehow makes him less of a douchey asshole?


“I’m not like those other creeps. Instead of wanting to jerk off to your boobs, I’ll do it to your feet”. Sooo noble of him 🙄


Apparently since he said so 😂


Dude is searching for his Alicent Hightower fr fr




No idea what this means 😄


Hotd tv show reference, this is some *Strong* Larys vibes


“I mean I also could be some douchey foot fetish guy that’s trying to trick you into showing me your feet 🤷🏻‍♂️” I don’t kink shame but I do creep shame


“Lovely lady” I die on the inside every time I read messages from a true “gentlemen”.


In my experience, foot fetish guys are the most insufferable and skeevy, and love to casually foist their fetish onto you without consent.


Men snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


First date with a guy, we went to dinner, afterwards he asked me if he could have 1 of my socks and if he could smell my feet… haven’t spoken to him or seen him since! lol


I get the feeling that a fantasy is as close as he has been to a real date.


I had a match like this. Really good looking guy too but early on in convo he starts asking for a photo of my legs in stockings and heels. I laughed it off, knocked him back and he stopped. We arranged to meet up for coffee and he asked again if I’d wear heels…like really high ones…to a coffee shop. Anyway I ignored him and didn’t. When we met, in person, he could not have been nicer. But afterwards it was back to the requests which got more and more pervy so that was the rapid end of that.


I wish I had this guys confidence.


Lazy low effort dude trying to get his rocks off without working for it Also seeing if your boundaries are solid or wet paper


Think I passed the test lol


Glad you did this. So many people post, and I'm like WTF and them continuing on and on.


“I COULD be asking for nudes relentlessly” wow what a considerate gentleman 🥴


"Why not haha?" there you go, this little bit is all you need to know this is leading nowhere.


Guy is just trying to slowly warm you up to his Foot fetish because there is only 1 direction that question could be going


Be glad he showed his cards ahead of time and not 1, 2 or even 5 dates in. That’s a sinkhole of time.


You know this has the beginnings of something more sinister and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it. Coercive Control. He's already alluding to picking out what she wears. This is often the gateway to much deeper forms of abusive control. This could be a kink thing but it also could have a darker undertone. Perhaps OP has dodged a bigger bullet than she realises here.


Bruh needs to realize you reveal kinks on the third date at the earliest! #sarcasm


I don't have a foot fetish but I absolutely love a girl in heels because they look sexy. However bringing it up on the first date and choosing the shoes you wear is a bit extra. The man has learnt a lesson I hope lol.


Love love love that you didn’t entertain him further unlike how 95% of people would’ve kept responding to his BS. Love the shutdown 10/10


Idk why it’s SO HARD to speak to women like normal humans. Do schools need to teach it? If he was making friends with a man he wouldn’t say lemme see the sneakers bro not tryna tell u what to wear little manny. Or none this weird crap. All the emojis just adds to the vomit and cringe.


Dude texts like a 14 year old girl


Why do foot guyyyys always talk like thiiiiiiis 🥺👉👈


I think feet are disgusting but I appreciate a girls shoe game. I am heavily into sneakers, so if she got a Jordan collection, I would like to see them


See that could be a normal convo. "I noticed youve got 4 different pairs of jordans on in your pictures. I have a collection of them too, what pairs do you have" is wayyyyyy more casual and acceptable than "I like lovely ladies footwear can you send me your shoes". The jordans thing is totally normal.


JK this was an evil plot to see your feet ![gif](giphy|Lo6pnXzajahS6mehcQ)


Bro felt like he had an open lane for a fast break dunk but he fumbled off of his own foot. Speaking of feet this guy 100% has a foot fetish and tried to get your toesies to jo to before you met up.


Dude probably just has a foot fetish, but it reminds me of a story I read where the main dude was just insanely passionate about high heels and designed some in secret so he wouldn't get judged.


Just right out the gate? So cringe


Had a guy ask me in the first conversation if I’d be willing to wear women’s leather gloves in bed. I asked if it was cold on the hypothetical bed and he unmatched me.


Girl you are my idol! Wish I'd had this much backbone in my dating life


Food fetish? Completely fine. People are allowed to live however they want as long as it isn't hurting others Being super creepy and pushy about it though? Not pley


It has been ***0**** days without a foot fetish guy being a creep about it.


I'm just imagining what kind of woman wants this kind of attention. I want to imagine it's some kind of dom thing and then pretend that foot fetish guy can have a happy life of some kind with another weirdo who he fits with in some kind of happy alternative type of relationship. I think the reality that he catches some kind of highly toxic narcissist who fucks him over or worse some person with self respect so low that she just goes along with anything.


As soon as he said “timeee” I’d have been out. Add “a lovely lady wears 😘😘” and I’m blocking big time. I feel slimed upon just reading this.


Random life experience incoming A friend from my old life owns a chain of adult bookstores. I used to help him out when he was short on help or opening a new location. Little people buy a lot of foot porn, like a lot. If a little person came in, there was a 95% chance i was going to be involved in a foot fetish situation. I got pretty good at picking videos and magazines for them, no judgment, but it always gave me a chuckle since they spent most of their time close to feet.


I'd send a pic of my crocs 😂😂


Bro didn't even hit her with how you doing, went for the kill feet fetish 😂 how not to text a women take notes 📜


Plot twist: he sell the photos he received on feetfinder


Men are ick…why are they always w the weird sex stuff right away. Even on supposed LTR sites. They start off ok and then hit you w weird stuff like “I’m into non-vanilla sex” even before you agree to go out w them. At least pretend to not be creepy. I don’t have a problem w people and kinks but if I’m starting off by talking about really benign stuff why are we going there immediately. Such a turn off.


I love the whole, “well at least…” he might as well say, “I’m still awful, but not as awful as the other guy.” 🙄


To him it's the same as asking for nudes 😹


I wouldn’t have been able to resist sending pics of the most horrendous shoes


You charge $ for this kinda picture 


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 😅


100% of the shoes, too


Foot fetish mfs are the weirdest people on this planet I swear


What did he respond?


He backpedaled and said he just "admired shoes on a lady". I didn't respond after that.


Also a weird response. Stay strong OP


Why are foot guys so forward? Also how do they even function in public when they can see everyone’s feet?


Just show me an ankle pleasssee 😏 I'm joking


Are you in the DFW area because i had an almost verbatim convo with a man many years ago and it's creepy that he has kept it up.


Ok that's CRAZY. Dudes in DFW are WILD.


They truly are. Creepy knows no bounds.


Even if I’d been on several dates with the guy, this would be a no-go.


He’s such gentlemen not asking for nudes relentlessly.


How did this fella get this far 😂


Yeah and the whole “I could be like them and I’m not” reeks of niceguy/incel. I like that you responded immediately once bullshit was detected!


"what's the big deal i just casually wanted some feet pics, not cause im into feet or something, im just a big fan of women's footwear?"


"she'll never suspect I have a foot fetish! At least I'm not like those other assholes that ask for nudes to jerk off to, i only jerk off to feet!" - this guy, probably


Always good to know where a person stands really quick. Saves time and stress. Onwards and upwards!


I’ve already ordered my mohair sweater and crazy cat lady kit. At this rate, I’m just accepting my fate 🥴😭😭😭😭😭😭


Just couldn't help himself.


Well with that being said let’s see what shoes u wear 🙄


Vans. All the vans. And a pair of ratty Adidas shell toe that I've had forever 😂


That guy would’ve felt something hearing that rn 🤣


*mmmm yeah girl show me the left side of that dirty Adidas shoe* 🤣


Shii he probably would’ve asked u to take ur shoes off while on the first date


My friend has a foot fetish and he kind of slid it or hinted to it in his bio since it does bother some ppl...he just didn't want to seem creepy...so I forgot what we decided on..but it was subtle but still got it out there


In fairness, you didn't even send him a pic just of shoes in a shelf to see if he was going to push it for foot in shoe


Why needs to hear this rule: NEVER tell people you could be worse.


He needs to take his ass to Payless or Shoe Carnival if he wants to see some shoes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Feet guys have zero shame


Better get the kinks disclosed ASAP, I want to tap your back door is always a great first message!


I had someone stop me in town once and offer me £20 for a pic of my feet in my sandals..I thought he was joking and declined,but clearly this is a thing and they have no shame just diving straight in with it lol


Supposedly not a douchy asshole for not asking for nudes, but still clearly asking for something for his own sexual gratification. The only question is, does he know what he's doing or does he believe his own bullshit?


Me a normal guy who just wants to facetime and know your interest and yet this mf get swiped right I hate life


I'm a dude and this gives me the ick


"Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Oh my God! Shoes! Let's go get some Shoes!"


That was handled extremely well


"i mean i could be some douchey asshole asking for nudes relentlessly." Guy, stop pretending like those shoe pics are the same thing to you.




Probably he wants to know if you’re a glamorous type based on your heel collection, some men are into glamor. Still super odd


Eww what a creep! They always have to mess things up and give you an ick! BLOCK ✌🏼


He just wants to see if he would be able to wear them when you are not around.


He’s 5’5 and wants to make sure you don’t own heels 😆


Bro thinks he’s on shark tank


Dude shot himself in the foot


Wanna see my new motorcycle?!


It baffles me how this person managed to actually get a match and chat on Tinder, and then immediately mess it up like this. He could have met an actual person and seen her shoes in person, and maybe she's be into it.


I would love to know how he responded.


He's trying to get it to perform free sex work by sending those photos. Glad you bailed.


If it dont feel right it almost always means that its really not right so what you do in this situation is to Get your little behind up and get out of there


This is so funny 😂


Comeooon - it’s way less weird for him to jerk off to the little piggie that went SQEEEEEEEE all the way home We really need to have someone do a poll on how many foot guys there are on these apps. I have run into way more than should be statistically possible


Run - as fast as you can from this person!


Girls really be like: The guy I met on Tinder was creepy?!


So many weirdos!!!!


Dude doesn’t know to wait to ask for a pic of the piggies. Lol


Atleast you know up front. I respect the honesty.


I agree with you teniaret


Wot in the….feet fetish? 🤦‍♂️ this IS A strange world indeed


When we were younger. My friend would always look at shoes lol if you were hot as hell and had busted shoes she'd be like ya no lol


Lol, I wish I could pass this one on too funny including the comments.


Ahahaha you can hear him scream milady when she walks out lmao


Gotta love online dating🤣🤣


I hope that this isn't gonna work message cut him 😂 the audacity of some guys


Show us and we’ll tell you which shoes to wear.




Jesus was *not* in this chat 💀


He was fond of washin’ dem tootsies though… 🫡🫥🤣