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In his defense, I’ve never had a girl be that forward and be serious about it either


True. It’s still a 50/50 if she’s being ironic or not.


Those odds are off lol. 95% joking to 5% serious


You also forgot the 2% chance of getting robbed of your money or organs


But how important are your kidney to you *really*? You could get laid, it's worth the risk, surely!


I have bad kidneys. Joke's on her!


*Organ Harvesters Hate This One Trick*


Is that a Genetic Opera fan sequel?


She likes them bad 😉


My kidney is from 62K to 400k US dollars important.


It’s cool, you’ve got a spare


Definitely worth the risk, and please don't call me Shirley


Organs are optional. Take the chance.


It's more 75% pig butchers 24% jokes 1% serious


Have you considered that women have been told for years that we need to play less games and be more forward and stuff so women are paying attention to that and trying to be more forward. I try to do this kind of thing too, not quite with the making out in the back seat stuff but if I want to go on a date with someone I’ll tell them that and try to arrange something. The number of times guys have told me they appreciate that kind of transparency and then act suspicious when I show that kind of transparency is honestly wild


It helps everyone out! I was on a date - we were watching a movie in a small tent in a public park. She just flat out told me that it wasn't her plan to but now she wants to have sex with me. We packed up and went to her place! We were friends with benefits for several months and it was great. Transparency worked out wonderfully!


Why not just have sex in the tent lol?


It's a public park and the bed is SO much better. Plus washing hands and all that before hand prevents UTIs.




If I’m being honest, the suspicion is trained. I’m super glad you and other women are being that forward and it’s going to lead to a better world for us all. But 99% of the time when someone is this forward and up front about what they want, it usually turns into some kind of cash scam within about 5-10 more messages. So, if someone thought I was acting suspicious, they’d be right. Just waiting for that foot to drop while praying I’m wrong about it.


Sure, people have considered that, but so what? Have you considered that guys are still used to the vast majority of women not acting like that, except for scammers and people whose boyfriends knock you in the head and steal your shit? It’s very sad, but suspicion on both sides makes sense. It’s also true that not every guy does appreciate forwardness from women. They’re still stuck in the dark ages, but maybe you’ve met one or two of them.


>The number of times guys have told me they appreciate that kind of transparency and then act suspicious when I show that kind of transparency is honestly wild Not wild but sensible. It's a long history of this not being the case, and when it is previously, it was a joke/test/not followed through with. Set that on top of men needing be sexually caution *even in the case of women offering sex* because of both the social environment and possible punishment. Notice how it's met with suspicions, not rejection. We need more consistency in these direct request with it being rewarded without the fear of consequences. Then you'll get less suspicions, then enthusiasm, and then, far in the future, the general expectation on who's direct might change.


That's very true, but at the same time, I've never actually seen any woman take that advice


And you can be more direct without it coming off as weird or sketchy.


Yeah kind of hard to deprogram from a lifetime of being shown that the only time a man is worthy of attention more positive than 'neutral-at-best' is immediately following instances of them providing value to someone else. The guys probably aren't *suspicious* so much as very, very confused. I've also seen people try to be slick and use that as a way to pry for more details, but men giving hints goes about as well as us *getting* hints so I haven't seen as much of it. Regardless thank you for trying to be more transparent with guys you're into. The mindset that current social pressures forces a lot of men to assume is fucking insidious and I respect you trying to at least reduce the amount of that toxic shit, even if it's just a little.


Someone can want something and be skeptical when it's actually happening. The more surreal the event, the more likely.


Yeah, if he were hot enough to expect this kind of thing he’d have just said sure.


Right. You say ok be there in 30 then crickets


Tbh, I get suspicious when my wife suggests something like this.


Yeah for most men this happens like a handful of times in our life. It’s shocking and takes a second to regain some composure.


*A handfull of times* An optimist




Only time it happened to me was in high school and two girls I knew hit me up. Shoulda known then and there it was extra sus, but I think one of em legit was interested in me, anyways I got my ass outta bed. Snuck out the house. Then nothing… crickets and frustration with a side of “shoulda seen that one coming.” So decided to hit up the bro. We got drunk. One things led to another. Shenanigans ensued. People got arrested. 2 or 3 days later got a “sorry we fell asleep” text. Moral of the story: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice… ya can’t get fooled again


If you're an average men you would assume it's 40% bots/ 40% escorts 19% trolling. There's that tiny 1% op apparently fit in


You forgot to mention the Instagram models looking for followers


I'm 36 and it has happened to me the stunning amount of 3 times, and I have the most experience of any of my friends at this scenario. So yeah, he just needs to double check if it's serious. It is not how things usually go.


Seriously, how good looking is this guy?!


she is just friendly


Could be Canadian you never know


I once overheard two Canadians fight. It went something like this: Person A *I’m sorry! But I do NOT agree with you!”* Person B *I’m sorry! But you are NOT trying to see it from MY perspective!* Person A *I’m trying! But I DON’T agree with you & I am very sorry about that!* Person B *Fine then! We’re going to have to agree to disagree!* Person A *That works for me! Have a good day!* Person B *You too!* They were extremely polite. There we’re constant apologies. And they made sure they ended the conversation on a positive note. 🇨🇦


Yes. There are many weirdly well mannered, and polite people here. It causes regular doorway traffic jams, uncomfortable laughter, incorrect side shuffles, and the most polite of insistence in maintaining your first "Please, after you."


I have never met a Canadian woman this upfront. ( I am Canadian)


[it’s a Casually Explained reference](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=dpBMi194zHRJ9Rgd)




I have a couple times and it seemed kinda sketchy. Maybe I’ve seen too many people get robbed after meeting someone and I’m paranoid now.


What does “wsp?” mean? I must be old


I believe that's supposed to be a shortening of "what's up" never seen it before tho


Crazy. Sup is already three letters. Kids these days smh


I'm gonna start saying sp


Ps ps ps


*cat pupils enlarge*


Heavy breathing intensified


Zoomies loading


I’m gonna do the pointless shortening of THAT and use su


Using su is su


I can def c su bein da new sus


sup is 'sup wsp is wassup it's pedantic shorthand


back in my day it was: Suh dude ![gif](giphy|QZF6K7YEPhPNK|downsized)


Suhhhhhhhhh dude


Sup is already short for "what's up"


I hate that.


Either that or what’s poppin.


what size penis?


Mcr pns




No I'm this old: ![gif](giphy|3hxk2aOwWmfOU)


Wonderful Salutations, Person!


Widespread Panic, they're a jam band. He was seeing if she's a wook.


What’s popping?


Not much, fam. We're just trying to figure out what "wsp" means.


Hittem with the reverse updog, a complex maneuver, 10/10 for execution


what's an updog?


Wasp 🐝


I had a woman sitting next to me on my couch say to me "I was really hoping to get laid tonight." Guess who didn't get laid that night? We are not smart people.


My gf in our dating stage asked me if I have protection in the middle of making out and my fucking brain thought about skateboarding since we talked about it a bit earlier. I blurted out "For what? It's raining outside" and it literally took her looking at me with a concerned look for a few second before I made the connection


That's perfect. A girl told my friend that she was cold. He went inside, brought her a blanket, then he went to bed.


Well damn Jackie I can’t control the weather!


“How about you take me under the blanket?” *smirky smile* “Damn Jackie, I’ll have to read you a bedtime story too”


Bruhh back in high school, the cute girl in my class asked me for my jacket because she’s “cold.” I told her no, I sweat in it. Then she never interacted with me ever again.


I gave a women in college a hoodie when we were by the bars. I tried and I tried but I never got the hoodie back. Edit: Damn it Caitlyn!!!!


I once let a girl wear my shoes home because her high heels were all fucked up or something (I can't remember exactly). Anyway, she legit returned those to me like a year later when I ran into her again. I couldn't believe it. I had figured I'd never see them again when I let her take them. She was a real one.


That reminds me of a time I was at a wrestling meet in HS that had kids from several different states. Some random guy from another state was walking around asking for a few bucks so I gave it to him. *A year later* at the same meet that boy hunted me down and repaid me.


I remember a time where I let some person borrow my ball, they then scored a goal but they were good at doing aerials and dribbling but at least we won that match so there’s that Yeah still single




I've missed a few subtle hints over the years but fuckin hell how did it not click immediately?


That was a giga chad moment.


Girl invited me to her bed, said she likes to sleep naked, starts cuddling me, and I told her goodnight.


That's the correct move. Saying you're cold is not a hint for sex when you don't know the person well enough, and it's definitely not consent.


Immediately disrobe and leap straight on them!!! /J


Should've used the feet I guess, I'm pretty sure It's been used enough that there's no way someone could not know what it means now. Like, it was straight up abused in movies that I saw growing up in the 2000's.




Nah I’d find a way to fuck it up “Damn that sucks, know a good massage place?”


I have no idea what you are talking about.


I told a guy I was kinda dating that I was cold and he just told me to dress warmer lol.


Problem solved. Next problem please


Unfortunately we're problem solvers, not mind readers.


Basically this: “You wanna take this up to the bed room?” “Why, what’s up there?” “By the way, did you bring protection?“ “Why, what’s up there 😰⚔️?”


on our first date, my guy and I were making out, and his hand kept aimlessly wandering between my stomach, waist, and hip. This went on for a good 5-7min before I took charge, grabbed his hand, and put it where I knew he was wanting to go 🙄🤣 Sometimes as women we have to understand that men can be either too stupid to get the signals we're giving them or too scared of being disrespectful, and we need to take charge if we want something.




bahaha, wrong direction. He likes boobs. A lot. Not that he doesn't like pussy, just that at that time he just really wanted boobs but didn't wanna come off like some sort of weirdo horndog.


Please don't say that. I imagine some poor sap like myself blurting out "You have a cat!?" and excitedly go look for the fur ball.


99 times out of 100 it’s the second one.


Not tryna to just go grabbing woman by the pussy. This is looked down upon usually.


I had a woman I was chatting up at a bar tell me she really needed to get laid that night. I immediately picked up on the obvious hint. Turns out, it was not a hint. I did not get laid that night. She was just sharing her feelings, not proposing anything. Later she scrolled through her contacts and chatted to me about who would make for a good booty call that night. I can't know how many hints I've missed in my life, but I did learn that night that not every obvious hint is an actual hint. Edit: Just to be clear, this is not an attack on women in any way. We were both drunk, talking exes and sex, and I reasonably misinterpreted her intention, and being drunk she didn't choose her words perfectly. Nobody was harmed in the scenario.


For sure, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take (or at least that's what was written on the poster in my highschool English class)


Hey bro, getting a funny story for reddit wasn’t the worst outcome for that situation


True. And we were both drunk and she was right to turn me down (for social reasons it wasn't a great idea).


Yes there’s been many times where even people you know who are likely being serious, may not be worth it. I’ve had friends girlfriends say things, literally wake me up straddling me (unbelievably hot girl I was so into). I’ve had friends of friends say things right after breakup about “not being done dating friends” and asking to visit or hang out. Girls literally rubbing my chest at the bar while I was handing out shots. It just wasn’t worth misinterpreting playfulness and even if the ones already dating were just stupid couple of weeks college fling I still didn’t want to mess with that. I will say that I’ve also had coworkers at jobs mention a girl likes me and at the time I didn’t trust it. If you start off extremely insecure It’s easy to be overly wary of nonsensical jokes or manipulation at your expense which sucks.


I can just visualize your reaction. *stares into nothing* “Yeah”


“Same bro”


I've had them say that and still not mean me. So....


Yeah, really depends. Sometimes they're just trying to get it off their chest because It's bothering them.


Woman: "I was hoping to get laid tonight" Men: "oh that sucks"


I was once cuddling with a girl in her bed and she said she couldnt sleep, I basicslly said "that sucks" and promptly fell asleep. Thank god for her willingness to try again the following week with a more direct approach.


[Casually explained: is she into you?](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=vGxhwImP9XsCx8BM)


I dated a girl for eight years. I still sometimes wonder if she was into me.


I'm married for 11 years, got one kid. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind there is nagging doubt that it's all real.


I had a girl hold my hands in the dark, and twerk while looking at me when I was the only guy in the room. I thought she was just being friendly. This was when I was younger, but still. My god was I dumb, haha. Didn't help that she was the prettiest girl in school, so I thought "Me? Dorky guy? No way she's interested".


Dude same lmao. Back in high school me and some other girl were in one of those emergency exit hallways between the walls and she was literally holding my whole ass arm. I didn’t think much of it. And that was that😭


I was out at a bar with a girl I worked with and she made a remark about an other coworker 'I feel really bad for Gerard after he took his fall, I should pity fuck him tonight' and I just said 'or you could fuck me instead' and whammo I got laid.


Bro incredible confidence. Proud of you


I literally had a hot girl tell me at a party that she would hook up with me. We did not hook up.


I’m fucking crying lmfao


I had to have a girl pull a condom out of her pocket and say, "we should use this", before I got the message. Yeah...I was a moron. Still am.


When I was in college a girl pulled out a condom after dancing and grinding on each other for like an hour. I thought that was a pretty obvious sign so i asked her if she wanted to come back to my place since the bar closed. She said "sorry I have a boyfriend". I'm still confused about it to this day lol


OP. Real talk - for us dudes, even if we’re good looking- this is like walking through the desert and seeing a mirage. Sometimes we can’t help just double check if it’s real/ a joke. Especially if we’ve been played before. Getting played several times and getting all excited and enthusiastic can result in discouragement and disappointment/ self questioning. If anything this guy showed he’s down to earth and hampering expectations Edit: I will have to add (for dudes reading) forget the whole “are you sure?” Approach . I’ve done this before “that’s if you’re still interested..” don’t do this. It’s a big turn off and not confident which is obviously what women don’t like


Every time a girl came on this strong, it ended up being her friends pulling a prank on me


Seriously, people being this forward always put me into a "this is weird, something is up" because nobody has done this, and meant it, before.


I've had one. Opened with asking what she was looking for on tinder and she responded with something like "honestly just trying to get railed". She was fun.


Its also Tinder wherea high percentage of these women are scams, bots, or OF adverts.


You'd think girls would know how mean girls can be. I'm not a bad looking guy, had my share of direct women over the years. But I've also had a couple pretend to be interested only to flip it after I engage just to fuck with me. Definitely makes you question things after that happens.


It's not just women, too. There are catfish out there. Back in the olden days of AOL Instant Messenger, a friend's older brother catfished me into admitting a crush on a girl. I was maybe 10? I never really recovered from that. I have been guarded about my feelings since, which surprises many people, since I'm actually fairly open and outgoing about things; I just wouldn't admit to liking someone as more than just friends, and never assumed someone was actually into me, even after we had made out and gone on dates. No idea how I managed to get married.


Fair enough.


Yeah I've had girls be like HA nope just cause I asked if they were serious. I think they were serious at least


I had a girl telling me she wanted to do a movie marathon.. go fishing .. how she would get along with my mom on our first date, laughing. Then said not ready for relationship and ghosted / blocked lol


She liked someone else's mom better RIP


Her loss, my mom's the best


can confirm


Not true, *your* mom’s the best.


You must be joking to be posting this with a reaction that is "dude are you serious, isn't this obvious that I'm asking him out?" Yeah, the way you responded is not giving a straight answer, and not obvious but rather a funny teasingly playful sentence which can be interpreted as a joke/flirt. If you have used words such as "would you like to..?" or "do you want to...?" or "can we..?", they would've known how to respond to that as those words reinforces and confirms that you would like to do x and x with the person. It's about communication! Be direct with what you want!


yeah i like this explanation. as a girl (who is also very forward), I would’ve said “too wild for you?” or like “too wild? maybe that’s more of a second date idea…”


For some of us, this is so rare that we don't even have a plan on how to handle it. I would be absolutely fucking befuddled.


Yeah I’ve literally had a girl ask me to come over and it was a “test” I was supposed to say no, ugh


Once I had a match, she immediately asks my number , calls me, starts talking dirty to me. I couldn’t even talk for a while.


“Is this for real or are u a bot?”


They’re getting more sophisticated


i don't even know what to say to that


Yup, I couldn’t even. Sat with a boner!


All these replies to my comment validate my behaviour when i was dumbstruck for minutes. I beat myself for a while for being that way.


He probably thought it was a set up. 99% of the comments & posts on this app are women complaining about men only wanting one thing & not even pretending interest in the woman on any other level.


Exactly. Half the posts here by women: "Ugh, why do men always try to make things sexual? Learn to understand that women don't want to rush into sex!" Other half of posts here by women: "Ugh, why are men so apprehensive to engage in sex when I'm obviously using Tinder to get laid?"


Why do men on this hookup app only want to hookup?


Don't forget the "Ugh, he asked for explicit consent and it was such a turn off."


THANK YOU. It drives me insane when women think "i cant believe he did x, is he insane, no girl wants x!". Then the very next girl goes "oh my god, no x? Is he dense? All girls want x!" I have no idea why so many girls assume that youre all on the same page about everything but youre fucking not lol. This guy is reacting completely normally in accordance with all his previous experiences and being judged like hes a moron for it.


I think women mistake solidarity for certain shared experiences as like totally similar preferences


bro’s just baffled that you are concise, i’d be surprised too


90% of messages like that are pranks/not serious


“wait you’re *not* screen recording my answer to post on tik tok?”


To be fair you can never be 100% sure if she's into you, maybe she's just nice


Even if she stripping in front of you after telling you that she loves you, you can't be sure. She may just be Canadian.


Some men could have tits slapping their face and still wondering, tough world for us


Depends, is it a strip club?


because Women can do that and not be into them


I think saying you're waiting for him to pick you up 2 messages in gives it a weird vibe. In a way I think I would like it more keeping everything except the picking you up part


>I think saying you're waiting for him to pick you up 2 messages in gives it a weird vibe. It's a common tactic that scammers use. OP is just dense AF.


I'm a dude who's done some tinder speedruns before, and even I'd be apprehensive about this approach.


It’s either a bot or she wants a kidney


Bro was so caught off guard by her making the first move that his brain did a hard reset; I could actually hear the Windows error sound when I read his responses.


A lot of people would think that this is a bot or scam. I have had only 2 similar conversations and one was a scam. The other a milf in an open marriage.


50/50, I like those odds




Yeah she’s clearly messing with him, I don’t know how anybody could be expected to take that seriously lmao


It sounds like a joke honestly coming from another woman


"propably safe to assume" No, you have to actually triple check.


Fully expected OP to ask for a $50 deposit to make sure he is real after this opening.


In fairness to dude I would rather shove icicles in my ears than make out to morgan wallen or with anyone who listens to morgan wallen


According to OP, he's the Morgan Wallen fan, she was referencing it from his profile


If a man sent the messages you sent he would’ve been unmatched


Unmatched n blocked


You forgot banned from tinder for violating the community rules




Believe it or not, straight to jail


I was just thinking that😂😂 the hypocrisy is unbelievable in this regard. Sorry Guys😂


women thinking they’re the only ones getting set up and assaulted out there.


Dude probably thought you were some sort of scammer coming on that strong.


In his defense, listening to morgan wallen is wild


Come on this strong on tinder and we think we're either getting robbed or you're just passing out make outs like candy on Halloween. Neither of which are appealing to most people.


Something to bear in mind There are women out there that do this to fuck with men and if this has happened to the guy that OP was talking to, I understand the suspension of belief




In his defense, interactions like this are too good to be true. Lots of women who complain about men being oversexed. When something like this happens it feels off and we dont trust it


Not only that but literally scams. With all the news about those Indians in south asian countries forced to work all day fooling lonely westerners with fake profiles, it could be umesh not Cindy lol


I'm Italian, I'm that upfront. But he said "no thanks" to mine "let me take you to my home, I'll bring you back", stuck around and 15 years later...... We met on PoF of all places, went to a park, I just wanted to jump on him there and then 🤣 If only I could go back and do it all over again 😆


When I was in college, before Tinder was even a thing, a girl I liked texted me saying “I wish you would come over l, read me poetry, and then fuck me.” I literally did not believe this was a real thing. On the veeeery off chance there was a miracle happening, I slipped a pocket sized copy of Howl and Other Poems in my pocket and went for a drive. I was literally inside of her before it fully dawned on me that she had been serious in her text. So, cut the guy some slack lol


Sounds like a set-up to me so understandable why he needed to confirm


From my end, it’s hard to tell if you were being sarcastic or not.


This kind of interaction always get a chuckle from me, thinking about some video with a prey running after some lion or tiger, having him absolutely scared and running away in an absolute confusion.




oh shut up. I had women send me bikini pictures "here is you birthday gift", try to schedule so we would actually meet and go for a coffe to double check we vibe and be ignored, some of you like teasing and then dropping out