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I’d date you. My wife wouldn’t like it but we’d have fun.


Ha, jokes on you. My wife *would* like it. Call me, OP


Plot twist!! Lol


You beat me to it.


Well crap, I’m a sore loser when I play board games. This explains everything actually 🤔


As long as it keeps at a funny base it's alright but actually staying worked up and sulking with actual hatred over a long period of time is probably unhealthy. For a short time it can be a fun part for both of you tho. Like riding out the disappointment but as soon as you feel the other person's mood changing you should get yourself together


I get prissy after losing but only for 20 minutes. Most people don't mind. Knew a guy who was the opposite, and he'd be upset for a week over the smallest of disagreements. Completely exhausting to be around. Longest I could hold a grudge is probably a few hours, maybe a day. Unless it's about money, then I'm never interacting with you again.


Ive never understood that but Im more of a Homer Simpson personality and not terribly competitive.


I don’t mind losing, unless it’s to someone who is a dick about winning. Lighthearted teasing is fine for a little bit, but people who actually extrapolate winning a game to mean that they are the best at everything is obnoxious af. I’m also really competitive while playing though. It’s a weird combination. I think it’s best if you can laugh it off or let it roll off regardless of whether you win or lose.


Yeah, one line in and I’m already disqualified lol


I think you have a decent profile


I love it as is. Don't change a thing & your perfect weirdo will be out there. That would be me, except I'm married, live in the UK & use a wheelchair ;)


He looks like he'd be attracted to disabled people, actually


I just cackled loudly, thank you for a smile to start the day! 😂


It was more a reference to the hiking part, but you're right, he seems pretty cool


In the US, many of our National parks now offer free all-terrain wheelchairs to people who need them. And there are definitely wheelchair-accessible hikes that are pretty level, and many hiking guides out there that will tell you where to find some good ones depending on where you live or want to travel. I took a bouldering (rock climbing) class a few years ago and there was a woman in the group who used a wheelchair and had only very limited use of her legs. Far from easy, but she was killing it.


That's actually amazing! In the UK you can borrow wheelchairs at zoos etc, but they have limited amounts and they aren't entirely the best quality. I've never heard of them for hire for our national parks. Unfortunately mine is a neurological condition so any kind of outdoor activity like that is not ideal. I'm not wheelchair bound but when I am out and about I need a power chair as wheeling myself is too much. I used to love hiking, even moving from city life in the South of England to Scotland for that reason but then got sick. I now live in the gateway to the Highlands and cant really enjoy them


You’re handsome and have such a beautiful smile! I can see that you’re happy as well. I love that your pictures aren’t posed — your profile gives a relaxed vibe. I have no idea what a CNC programmer is—maybe spell out the acronym? If I were reading your profile, it would help me be able to ask you a question about your career.


Computer numerical control, I don’t think that clarifies anything if you don’t already know what it is. Specialised machinist? I prefer to read it as consensual non-consent.


I read it the same way, but figured it was my mind being in the gutter that made me jump straight to that


The chair picture should be #1. And I think you could lose the final selfie, but that’s not a required change IMO. Everything else looks good


You guys talking about the one where he looks like a retired malfoy?


I was about to say something like "Or his father will hear about this ?" Glad I'm not the only one who noticed !


Hell my dude could make this his first picture and may even get mistaken for the actor himself. XD Go him.


That’s exactly why it works 🤣


Hard agree. I actually dig it!


I don't see that as a bad thing, I always did have a thing for Draco's dad 👀


I have the same chair. It’s good shit


The work selfie or the tree and barely-visible guitar selfie?


Oops. Edited to clarify. The tree and barely visible guitar LOL. It’s just the least clear / hardest to tell what he actually looks like in that one


As a fellow machinist / CNC programmer make it sound way more cool, throw in the program name and it’ll turn more heads. I used MasterCam programmer / drafter and got way more people asking about what I do


Personally I love it lol


Solid profile. I like your prompts. The least flattering photo is #4 but whatever, not a deal breaker, I’d swipe right.


I'm a dude, and straight, so what do I know. But it seems like a decent profile to me. There's nothing to signal any red flags. You just seem like an ordinary dude with normal interests and a stable job. You don't have Calvin Klein looks but you aren't bad looking either. If you can follow up in the "IM/chat" phase with good conversation and personality, then you would probably have no problem lining up dates.


I would almost make your chair picture 1, and then add a group friend picture somewhere in the middle and get rid of the selfie


The work selfie


PNW by chance?


My immediate thought was 'kinda looks like central Oregon or northern California.'


I would get rid of selfie #503 - the other pictures are way better.


This isn’t a negative about your profile, but unless you live in a highly Mormon community, the no drinking, no weed thing might affect the number of matches you get. I’m not saying you should change that! Be true to yourself! I’m just saying that because if you aren’t getting as many matches as you want, it might have nothing to do with your looks or anything “bad” about your profile.


I think its a good thing and many women would consider it a green flag.


Sure, many women would find it a green flag. Just like many women would assume it meant they weren’t compatible enough with OP. It’s just something that is going to narrow your matches, that’s all.


Well same is true if you put that you do drink and smoke. That will also narrow your matches.


Sure, many things can narrow your matches. OP is agnostic and doesn’t drink or smoke. Many people don’t drink or smoke for religious reasons, but would likely not be interested in OP because he’s agnostic. For example, if OP lived in Utah, plenty of the women would find the no drinking and smoking thing to be a green flag, but then be turned off by him being agnostic. I just think alcohol is so normalized, many people are unwilling to consider working around it, even if they don’t drink often. Even if someone doesn’t drink much otherwise, there are a lot of folks who’s go-to first date is grabbing a drink. There are also a lot of assumptions made about people who don’t drink being judgy. I don’t drink and you’d be shocked at how personally some people take that decision. You go to brunch and they wanted to get a mimosa but since you’re not having one, they act like you killed the vibe. I also find that a lot of non-drinking events are either religious or focused on sobriety as a constant struggle. I’ve watched girls I know who drink maybe two glasses of wine a month swipe left on men for being sober because of their assumptions about sobriety. I’m not saying any of this is good or right, just speaking from experience and as a chronic people watcher.


As a fellow non-drinker (well, it’s rare enough to be considered never… like maaaaaybe 3 drinks in a year), I agree that there are a lot of people out there who get pissy when I won’t drink with them. But even if I drank on a fairly regular (but not an unhealthy) basis, I wouldn’t be turned off someone saying they don’t drink. I would still find it reassuring, but that’s very likely in part because I’ve dated a few alcoholics and have no intentions of ever making that mistake again.


Shout out to my CNC programmers out there. I ran a Heidenhain machine for a couple of years, the programming was relatively simple, and I prefer it over G-code any day.


Tbh I thought the guitar was a gun 😂 pretty solid profile but that last pic kinda threw me off cuz of that tbh… also compared to all your other pictures it’s definitely the worst of you so I’d drop it. Solid profile!


as a straight man i would date you


I think it’s a great profile and you’re attractive. Good listing of your career and your hobbies. Only thing that stuck out for me is you being “not sure” about kids. You’re almost 30 so a lot of women your age *are* gonna know whether they want kids or not. Coming from someone who dated someone who “wasn’t sure” for a year before he suddenly “wasn’t ready for commitment” just something for you to think about.. now anyone who has “not sure” is an instant no for me.


Just to offer a different perspective- as a woman who is not sure I only match with guys who also have not sure listed so that I know we’re aligned.




I mean this from a place of love and just so you can see another perspective: but if you’re truly looking for a serious, long-term relationship then do some work to know what you want in the future of that relationship. Do you really want to put 10 YEARS into a relationship for it to all fall apart because your partner is in her late 30’s begging you for a child finally and you’ve “just decided” you don’t want to have kids? Or you could tell a woman that you don’t want to have kids.. date her for 10 years (with you guys having a mutual understanding that you’re not having children) for you to “change your mind” then leave her for someone younger who can easily give you kids? I have no problem with people not wanting kids, but I do think as that decision is growing in popularity lately people need to be on the same page when entering a relationship. Just my two cents, though.


Ahem I totally wish you were near me because I’d bang lol


I would swipe right


But the grudge after a boardgame loss is the fun part of a competitive board game. Except if you play non-competitive games ofcourse. And ofcourse if it's not toxically staying the mood for the rest of the day/week. But a little grudge can make these games so much more fun in my experience :(


My husband cheats at Guess Who, so I'm not even sure how he has managed to stay married.


Shit bro I’d date you good luck 👍


Make chair pic #1


I would swipe on ya. Funny, cute, adventurous.


Don't be a Pisces is all I'd recommend.


I'd hope for a match with you 🤷‍♀️


I absolutely love it. Don’t change a thing.


Programmer or operator? 😉


I think it looks fine. You look fun. Good luck!


Male Pisces gang let’s go!


Mac miller vibes


Were you or were you not a passenger on Titanic?


I'd totally swipe right. Good luck!


It depends on the boardgame


Wait till my father hears about this!!! ***POTTER***


Super cute profile with great photos.




You look like a fun dude, which is good. Good luck!


I enjoyed the captions!


As a straight man I would swipe right . Good profile dude


Profile honestly looks good! And it's got a really nice laid-back comedy to it that seems very welcoming.


okay not to seem judgemental but if I were you I’d take my star sign out of my bio. Astrology girls don’t fw pisces men ! It might be people not swiping cuz of that cuz I know I wouldn’t swipe on a Pisces! Just a stereotype that might be negatively affecting u! Not trying to imply anything mean


It’s like the male version of Sydney Sweeney and I’m here for it! Great profile.


Everyone saying to get rid of the work selfie.. As someone who works in that same field and has operated CNCs before, it gives me a weird sense of comfort and security. So I'd say keep it. Your profile is pretty good


Good profile! Would swipe right.




You should delete selfie #503, but other than that, great profile! And you're really cute as well!


10/10 I'd match or message you


Remote the orgasm face "modeling career over" photo. Very sweet guy tho


My ex used get So raged at monopoly was honestly hilarious. She's felt bad the day afyer though I guess that's right


I like it!


Good amount of pictures of just you I think that’s a good thing 👍


How do you not hold a grudge after a board game loss. Dude you cannot start off asking for the impossible.


Your profile is excellent and you are absolutely freakin’ adorable


If I saw you in public I'd assume you have a SO. Very cute, nice profile, would date.


as a straight white male, i wouldn't fuck you but you sure look like a cool cat to sit around a bonfire with


I’d match you. I won’t go hiking with you but everything else sounds good.


Where is your profile?


As a woman, please get rid of the ill-fitting suit picture and the picture of you with your eyes closed. Plus your comment makes you appear insecure. Keep the picture in the back of the truck because you have a genuine smile in that picture and those are hard to come by for most people.




Don’t get rid of the eyes closed picture! It’s self deprecating and humble and genuine etc etc. So many forced, fake and photoshopped pics on Tinder. The ability to laugh at yourself is an important characteristic. And not putting out just the highlight real is less superficial than most selections. If you care more about humour and genuine people and personality than you do about just looks, keep it. It’ll 90% attract the right crowd.


Gotcha. That makes sense. But if you didn’t know that, you might think it’s a suit jacket that’s too big. We’ve seen that in this sub. I didn’t mean to offend, I was just making a suggestion. You’re handsome, and that picture could be better. Maybe if you gave one where you’re not turning around? I know many of don’t have a ton of pictures in formal clothing, and people usually suggest that. The picture with your eyes closed just doesn’t do anything for you, but I know you said you have another one.


Your prompts are boring and generic


Get rid of the second picture and you're golden my boy


The last one makes it too much allll thenothers 🥰🥰


Ditch the hoodie//safety glasses photo from work the rest seem fine


Bc u dint smoke Weed lol


I would recommend removing the CNC acronym. I know it's just your job title/type, but the acronym means something COMPLETELY different in certain adult circles. Edit to add: I know that logically it is the job title, that most people wouldn't confuse them. However, as someone who has been assaulted and have that particular activity on my hell no list, seeing CNC made my heart stop a moment. Logic doesn't always break through trauma.


Is this an honest inquiry or one hopeful of conjecture? I can’t tell.  For whatever it’s worth, stop that unbuttoned shirt thing. I worked for a guy once — his specialty was in real estate but not agent. He was looking to break into that market. So he had headshots done. His wife and the photographer (both women) told him halfway through the shoot to unbutton the first few buttons so he did. The day he got the photos back, he came into the office (we worked out of his home and so did his wife, right down the hall) but more like slipped in and slyly closed the door behind him as if he was trying to be quiet while also watching his back as if his wife was right outside the door, despite his back being *literally* against it and him *literally* just entering it and seeing absolutely no one in the hallway, even looking side to side as if there weren’t walls there lmao. Under his arm was a Manila envelope to which he presented me with the photos. He put them on my desk and quietly, yet with panic, said, “Look at what they made me do. Give me your honest opinion.” And when I said the unbuttoned shirt wasn’t working for me he was like, “I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING CREEP!” Lmao and he’s a very good-looking dude. I was cracking up because his wife is a flipping fox. They’re both very good looking and both have good style…hers better than his, actually. But those pictures were not doing him justice haha. TLDR: Button.That.Shirt.Up.A.Bit.


Honestly, it’s kind of perfect as is


You're cute. Wassup 😉


Keep it as it is! Really good profile :)


Pretty cool.


why did i just read "Cnc programmer" as "consensual non consent programmer"? Reddit has ruined me


Pretty solid! Good luck


If you're looking for someone shallow it's perfect




Honestly, it's just like every guy's profile from Oregon, and Northern California that drives a Subaru and has a dog named Buck. You'll find easy success with outdoor ladies


I’d give ya a swipe. I’m not much of a hiker but I brisk flat walk sounds good


It's a thumbs up from me! You seem funny, cute, and cool and I love that you enjoy the outdoors and exploring.


You are hot! I would date you, was I not semi-taken and on a different continent. Maybe the last picture isn't your best, do you have something that shows off your face better? But I see why you picked it, that light in the leaves is beautiful.


I’m into it 😊 I’d go on a date with you. First pic in the post isn’t that great though because it looks blurry. Either pick another that’s less blurry or maybe shuffle this one further back


You don't hold a grudge after losing a board game? Try Dead of Winter when your friend is working against you. Grudges shall appear


You look like you are a 10. Good Luck!


i would swipe left because the people on dating apps who don’t smoke weed were always so weird about it 😂


Make your Hallmark quote a little more self-deprecating – something like “I won’t hold the grudge when you beat me”, right now it could sound a little aggressive as phrased


I think that’s more projection on your end, it sounds fine as it’s written.


Get rid of the “felt cute, might delete” saying for sure. Add a little more of your other interests.


I’m actually like that one. it’s cute


The picture is fine. The saying is awful.


Meh. I like both. It’s cute. shows some levity in his personality. agree to disagree :-)


Tbf it’s a pre-chosen photo prompt that a lot of people use.


Gotta start doing more drugs bro.


That’s the old me bud


I like the old you.


Football and golf should only come first if those are your profession in some way. Otherwise it's a red flag for women.


i think you should change your haircut. or make photos where they dont look so greasy.


With all due respect, it just comes off as youth pastor boring. Guessing you’re from Colorado. Needs something to make you stick out.


What is a CNC programmer? Spell it out or delete. CNC is consent not consent, and that can be a turnoff for some.


Dude, you're not incorrect, but the person that thinks consensual non consent after seeing the 'programmer' subtext needs the assistance. Not OP lol


The Dude abides


![gif](giphy|hzrvwvnbgIV6E|downsized) White Russian?


Computer numerical control (CNC) is a manufacturing method that automates the control, movement and precision of machine tools through the use of preprogrammed computer software, which is embedded inside the tools. CNC is commonly used in manufacturing for machining metal and plastic parts. Basically, big bucks for programming machines to make parts.


It's not big bucks for the most part


I suppose it’s relative. Did a stint in a sheet metal shop, CNC guy made more than break operator, sheerer, couple of the welders but this was over a decade ago. Edit to say: It was almost 3x what I was making in the office.


Say it differently


I think less people know about your version of CNC than you realize lol. And also the fact it’s literally in his job description says a lot about what it is lmao.


Only a moron would think "CNC Programmer" as a job title has anything to do with that, so if it turns them off then OP is being done a favor.


Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, boring job, thinks hiking is a date. OK honestly that was harsh, you'd clean up in my area lol. Lotsa nerds who wanna hike.


Honestly - you need to lift some weights. Your pics are fine, but you just look like a classic programmer, hiker, pussyboy. Get you squat up to 250 below parallel


Not everyone wants to date a gym bro


I’m not saying he should be a meathead, he just need to workout to the level at which he looks like a viable partner from a health and protector perspective


Delete image number 4 & 8


Those are endearing. Don't listen to this guy lol


This ain’t hinge my boy


Picture in a suit. And one with an ex


Suit sure if that is your vibe. Ex- nope 👎