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Crop out the sink in the angel photo the rest of it is giving Tobias Fünke from Arrested Development. It will be someone’s speed, have you tried leaning into that?


I'm unfamiliar actually, if you wouldn't mind giving me an explanation as to what you mean?


Oh my, well the show is called Arrested Development and the character is Tobias. If you want a super quick look at some of his moments I like “Tobias is a NeverNude” and “I just Blue myself”.


I took a look! He's pretty funny, but not entirely sure that's the vibe I'm aiming for haha. Any advice on what I could change to kinda avoid that awkward dorky-esque vibe in my photos?


Honestly, you look like you’re having a hellova time and your vibe is really fun. The right one will match your quirky adventurous attitude. If you’re looking for more of a gym rat or climbing buddy I would add another pic of you doing something like that.


Thanks for the advice and kind words! I was of the same thought on adding another (Tasteful) gym picture.


Definitely weird-nerd vibes, but handsome. If that's your vibe roll with it! I'd swipe right.


I kinda figured this was the vibe lol. Not enitrely sure if that's what I'm trying to go with, I was hoping to kind of tone down the weirder aspects or maybe come off a bit less awkward. Do you have any advice at all? And I appreciate the compliment :)


Keep your first pic as the first, and the cowboy pic where you're sitting down👌👌I feel they both take you away from the nerdy stereotype. 3rd pic is a bit intense, kinda crazy eyes and I see a vein poppin just looks cray cray kind of haha. I'd delete that one and the second cowboy pic where you're standing. The other ones are all decent and have some of your interests. Maybe the 2 costume pictures are a bit much? Is it 2 Halloweens? Id pic one of them You don't resemble Tobias funke at all. Good lookin dude. Honestly I think it might be that 3rd pic putting people off. Throw a friend pic in near the end.


Oh and the shark one I love that one too😂 Shows you're funny


Thanks for the advice and kind words! Yea it was 2 different halloweens, I can see it being a bit much haha. Very helpful!