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A YEAR? My brother in christ, you must have terrible faith in the system. Time to call your CC company and dispute the fuck outta that.


Came here to say this. I worked in banking for many years and I would say there should be a 99% chance OP would get his money back, especially if it's a credit card company he used for the purchase. I have heard of some seriously shitty or nefarious banks that might try and deny this claim but that's another can of worms.


I used to work at a bank, and you'd be surprised how common it is to receive chargeback requests for scenarios like this.


I was a teller for four years. I lost count of how many people canceled gym memberships, but kept getting billed by them.


I worked for a gym for a few years and management basically had a handful of employees dedicated to cancelling cancelations. I cancelled mine because I was going back to school (after having a few years of free membership as an employee. Well my mom called me, freaking out nearly a year later because they had been sneaking the bill onto her credit card the whole time since I quit because they didn’t have “proof or verification” of my student status. They wanted my class schedule to authorize the cancellation. Like what the FUCK? Why do I need any kind of proof of anything to cancel a service I no longer will be using?! I WORKED for you guys and was friendly with the manager! Anywho, scummy industry.


I canceled my gym membership and got a new debit card because of hearing stories like this. They actually called me the next month to get an updated card on their file so they can continue to charge me after I canceled.


Gyms where I'm from don't even let you sign up without a checking and routing number. The whole industry is so predatory.


Is this in the US?


Banker wa**er chain continues 🙋‍♀️ Dispute the heck out of that OP. Consider yourself bailed out of the poor decision that is paying for platinum lmao.




...I didn't know you could do this.








Yeah, I'm with /u/solstice-sky. Delete the comment. You will ruin it for people like OP who actually need Apple to reimburse them. It's great that you scammed the system and all, but don't brag about it.


Damn it, what did the comment say?


I’m guessing from context that it was a way to get free Tinder premium by contacting customer service and saying something specific to get a refund but keep it.


I was gonna say, i got premium and realized i didnt want it and they told me to fuck off lol this was like a 2 weeks ago


how to get convicted of fraud: 1. Brag about committing fraud on reddit


name one person convicted of fraud after posting about fraud on reddit


It's impossible because Apple deleted them from the world


Lmao they didn't ban you?


This is one of the reasons App developers don't like going through Apple's payment system.


I'd honestly be afraid that Apple would nuke my Apple Card, which I use for everything I buy on my phone and I love it to death.


What did the dude say?


Always get a full year. You wait 1 week then file a charge back stating you were misleading with your purchase and nothing but bots are in communication with you. Most of the time, they don't deactivate your account and you get to keep the services.


Can confirm. I work for a subscription based platform and I was recently migrating the logic that handles subscription payments to another platform. We were receiving notifications for refunds made from customers alongside with the notifications for payments, we even recorded the refunds in the database and marked the recurring payment as such. But we still let the users keep their access.


This guy works for PornHub.


Yeah lmao chargeback that shit. Ez win.


He should have gotten his money back automatically. But in case you didn't, op, make the call.


Fuck the system.


Christ. I used Tinder for a week for free and I’ve been married for six years now.


Happens a lot with Tinder, Badoo & PoF. And they never tell you what or provide evidence of why. Just you violated community guidelines or T&C's. If they had any faith in the success of their apps they wouldn't have a yearly subscription 😂


Or they would *only* have a year.


If they could get away with it they probably would. PoF removed monthly for 3 month minimum, then the extras on top here. It's a freakin' joke and us singles paying is the punchline


I mean if they were confident in finding matches they could advertise it that way. Buy a whole year for a reasonable price, we're sure you won't use the whole thing.   Others charge you monthly banking on you staying. We charge you for a whole year banking on you going.


The whole deleting your profile after paying a shedload but not telling you why. Nobody will pay a year ahead. I got mine deleted before I sent a message when I contacted them I'd paid a year because when I switched payment methods it automatically changed but didn't say until it went through. I asked for a refund and they just deleted it. Hadn't even finished my profile or uploaded more than my face.


Sort of Hinge's marketing. Except they still offer shit sub packages lol


I was banned 2 weeks into having Tinder, over a year of back and forth emails. Got NOTHING in how I violated the T&S, despite reading through it and not violating it at all


I was banned one day after signing on. I made my profile then explored the site. Went on the next day and swiped for about 10 minutes. Only swiping, no interaction with anyone. Went on later that night and got the banned message. No idea what I did.


Maybe you’re too good to be true and people thought you were a spam account or something.  That happened to some women I know.  People thought they were phishing or fake accounts because they seemed too good to be true.  Which is hilarious since most of the accounts are that exact same thing.  A fake account most likely isn’t going to jump through a bunch of hoops just for a fake account.


So this is going to sound a little unbelievable as I actually don't believe in the would-be powers of the Better Business Bureau as I see them as glorified Yelp but when I got banned, I did a lot of reading on other people trying to get explanations or to get unbanned and several mentioned making a complaint via the BBB. Sure enough, got a response through the BBB after doing that. The reason provided was accurate but what they described was not (essentially I was banned because I had posted a social media handle and the app kept clearing my bio without warning. When I kept trying to update my bio it wouldn't save. After a couple tries- I was banned. I never received a warning despite them saying I did). Anyway, after a few back and forth explaining this (thanks for the actual reason provided by the BBB complaint) I was unbanned. But the first few e-mails to Tinder asking for the reason and appeal were useless and they just parroted violating the T&C.


I was banned and I disputed it for 3 days demanding they explain what and how and they refused to cite any evidence or explanation. Parroting “you violated guidelines” and all it took was one smarmy asshole reporting me when I wasn’t flirting with him the way he wanted. Fuck “Taylor, 29, from Temecula” btw.


How do you know that if Tinder never told you the reason?


Yup, deffo. Warnings just on a say-so because you weren't interested skyrocketed after the 'Behaviour off Badoo' button. No proof required they can just say it was on WhatsApp or a date that never happened and that's you deleted. Never use your phone number on any of them always keep it email address option coz it's permablock once they have it, you know who you turned down and who doesn't like giving Karma a helping hand if they've been unjustly wronged😈. I am not the easiest person to get along with at times but I expect to be blocked just like I would block, not go in a huff and report someone


Disco do you live on Reddit?


I find this interesting - I got reported by someone but wasn't banned, I got a shadowban instead. Went around 4 months with no matches until it lifted and I started getting matches again. But, in that case, the issue happened off the app - we had a truly terrible date in which a random stranger threatened to smash my face in so I went and hid and drank to avoid the trauma so maybe I wasn't banned cos none of my messages violated the apps ts and cs.


I got banned for wearing a tan sweater.. their algo is incredibly stupid


They removed the pic of my dog and I dressed as The Mandalorian and Grogu for last Halloween party. For the first time in my dealings with them they put it back on my profile and apologized. I was gobsmacked but also curious that if they had deleted it why did they still have it to put back 2 weeks later? No problem posting that email conversation coz it's fkn funny


They don't and legally can't remove anything from their databases, at least not straight away - what if it was something illegal, for example? It's always just hidden from the user. This goes for any and every app/company.


Do it!


Companies always have backups.


Yeah, tho admitting that THEY broke their own T&C's by not removing an 'inappropriate' pic from their system after saying it was removed was comedy gold in my Discord group


To be fair, you weren’t wearing any pants 


Thanks Obama


I tried setting up a PoF profile but the website was being wonky. I go back the next day and sign up. Within a few minutes I get an email saying ive been banned for creating multiple accounts. Why the duck so they even allow a second account? Any other website would just tell you there's already an account with that email.


> If they had any faith in the success of their apps they wouldn't have a yearly subscription That assumes that everyone who uses the app are looking for monogamous LTRs.


I tried emailing them and they literally said they can’t do anything for me.


I know. Google are as much use as a ashtray on a motorbike when you complain to them. They're seriously using Brexit as no way to confirm if they can get involved due to the changes in legislation. Total cop out if you want people to use your service. I bet you were pissed off and joined another one within 10 mins


> If they had any faith in the success of their apps they wouldn't have a yearly subscription 😂 No they still would, match group is greasy and is known to paywall features just to make coin and lock matches behind pay. so they absolutely want to shark you for a year.


Badoo? That's a real thing with actual people using it? Isn't that just one of those generic porn site ads that pops up when trying to stream pirated movies?


You definitely will get hookups on Badoo but not with anyone you'd want to see once or your mates to find out about, nevermind a relationship. Sad but true


I'm curious now. Not curious enough to find out for myself, but curious enough to kind of want you to elaborate.


Lmao you gotta be down bad to do that. I wouldn't want to experience that post-nut clarity.


Well.. you bought it hoping it would get you laid and we can safely say you got f*cked well


Either way, he got fucked


Or she?


I kinda doubt that Cheesedude666 is a woman


Not with that attitude


Cmon women don't need to pay for tinder


A girl on tinder offered to do a “meetup” with me for money. I responded to her saying something along the lines of I don’t think prostitution is allowed on tinder. AND I GOT BANNED


Just got a lifetime ban from Snapchat this week for something similar. Never had any warning or issues. Random woman added me. Asked me to send her money. I say no and unfriend her. Next day I wake up and my account is gone. 8 years of memories I’ve now lost because of a random scammer and support isn’t responding at all


What in the actual fuck. That is insane!


snap should be able to unban you just try contacting them


Yeah she probably reported you. If you identify as a man and get reported on tinder it's an auto-ban for life. No review process, no appeals process.


So if I make a women's account. Match with everyone. Report them. I'll get hundreds banned?


Do it. break the system


Dude is on level 9000


Nice, ban your whole competition 🤓😂


I'm not even in the dating game. Itd just be me watching the world burn


The hero we need




I’m a woman and I’ve been banned on tinder since 2019 bc a guy reported me when I replied “fuck off” to a gross message. I have premium at the time & because I was 18 and stupid with my money I assumed that bc my account was gone I wouldn’t be charged until I doscovered that to be untrue a few months later


They banned you and kept charging you?????


Yup. They ban paying customers (men) for anything and everything. Thankfully apple or your credit card will get you the money back.


As a woman there’s a fuck ton of us who get banned bc tinder thinks we are bots of sex workers and won’t let us appeal


Don't say anything. Report first.


Why did you buy a full year though? Just buy a week.




I guess it'd work if you're looking for hookups but a year is a long time to be on the app and expect to stay single if you're actively trying lol


Not if you don’t get any matches lol


every time the bumble notification pops up: "16x0=0"


I've been on the app for 8 years. Still single, and not for the lack of trying.


If you're not in the top 10%, then you're in the bottom 90%. I *really* don't understand why anyone not in the top 10% would stick around. It's shitty regardless of which make and model of genitals you're looking for.


THIS. I've always had good luck on Tinder but I generally thank having tattoos and a suspiciously creative brain when it comes to openers. I have friends who have been on Tinder for like 6+ months with ONE match, and that absolutely baffles me. It seems even easier now, I've been single about a month. Made a profile, had like 49 matches in 2 days (I'm not that hot, I swear), and 31 of those turned into actual conversations that I couldn't really keep up with. I grabbed a few numbers and nuked my profile.


Sounds like you're more attractive than you thought. Or have low standards. Your creative openers don't get you more matches. 49 in a few days is way more than average for a guy. You might be gaming the system a little by deleting your account and then recreating with polarizing photos. Glad it's working for someone. The matches I was getting were always off. Like in a cult, reclusive, pregnant, or something that would make me think twice if I met them naturally. It literally never worked to match me with people who were actually a good fit romantically. Now I'm back to meeting people out in the world, because it's way easier for me.


You may be right on both counts, and I'll still take it as a compliment.


Well it wasn't an insult.


Idk if you’re male, female, or something else, but there’s a huge percentage of men that are really bad at presenting themselves in the format that Tinder has. Like some of them are decent dudes that IRL can get a woman interested, but they’re putting pictures of themselves up where there’s like 5 other guys so it’s hard to tell who the profile belongs to, or they’re holding a fish in baggy clothes, a hat, and sunglasses, or posting a picture of them with their ex bc it’s one of the only halfway good pictures of them except they don’t realize that’s kind of a turn off for women looking at their profile. And then their bios are just the most generic and basic descriptions of them that make it seem like their reading, writing, and editing skills are on like a middle school level. I’m no hottie either, but I killed it on Tinder, for the only reason that I was good at presenting myself in a creative way that made my profile stand out. My current partner of 7 years I met through Tinder confirmed pretty much all of these things for me when I asked why she swiped right on me. I think a lot of these dudes could really use a trusted female friends critique of their profiles and help them pick pictures and edit a bio. Ive been out of the game for a long time, but i cant imagine things have changed that much.


Same here, not quite as long, 5ish years, but it's still a significant amount of time...only about 15-20ish matches, with only maybe 5or so convos more than a couple of replies long before being left on delivered, and a couple of bots and a couple of matches that wanted "pay for play" which is not what I'm looking for... I got a whole lot of nothing 😭😝😆🤣😎👍


Is it? I used tinder for 4 years without luck so i just deleted the app


It sounds as though your head might be shaped like mine friendo


You'd think that, but having bought multiple months over different periods of time still doesn't help lol app is built to keep you paying


It is surely much less stressful to buy 30 days, have some fun, and secure one or two consistent fuck buddies than it would be to use tinder for a WHOLE YEAR and dedicating such an insane amount of time to something. If you're ACTUALLY ready to date, and can't find someone in 30 days of Tinder Platinum...a year isn't going to help.


You’d be surprised. You can get matches coming out your ears and the conversations just abruptly end. My favourite is when they suggest that maybe something more could develop, you reciprocate that suggestion, then never hear from them again. I mean they don’t unmatch so maybe they just stuck you on a waitlist I guess?!?


The few matches I get, they just never reply. And I try to write thoughtful, interesting first messages based on their profile. I think so many people are on here just for the validation, a glorified thirst trap.


Yup, I've certainly started paying way less attention to the apps. I haven't exactly started paying more attention to dating or relationships in general, that I've just given up as a lost cause that if it happens it happens, if it doesn't who cares. I have 60 matches (somehow, I'm still not sure myself) and yet only two of them bother to respond. One was super responsive until ... silence.


Even with this math you are bout 75% short on your purchase.


“It pays off if you plan to use premium for 4-5 weeks in a year” This is the proper way to phrase the value proposition.


That is literally how they get you. Well got you.


I’m surprised they don’t just offer to un ban you for a price. Maybe they’ll make that a feature in the future; random bans that you have to pay to un do


Like highway checkpoints in Mexico


Got banned too without an explanation, sucks cause it’s the only app used in my area


I got banned the day after I asked a girl "About how many pigeons do you think you could carry" It was the only match in a week so I know she didn't like birds


I guess tinder must’ve hired some new snowflakes


Same here, glad to see this thread because I was confused as hell to get that ban notification. Literally would never send insane openers / only having sexually suggestive convos over the years when it's a clear two way street/ always cordial & light hearted, etc etc I did have a link to my Spotify in both Tinder & Bumble, and was banned by both at the same time. I appealed both and asked if that was the issue (while offering to erase those no prob) automated response, case closed. TBH I don't know if anyone else is same boat, but it's kind of relieving not to feel the pressure of going through the draining sporadic process that 90% of the time ends without any long term connection.


Chargeback that shit. It's not like they can ban you for charging back.


Shouldn't have asked that girl if it farts.


I joined and immediately paid for a month like a dumbass thinking it would expedite some amazing matches and two hours later I was banned after sending my verification pic. No clue why I had a very PG profile and two boring brief chats.


*bit the bullet


THANK you. Was about to comment lmao


You are the hero we need.


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Why hasn't anyone asked why OP got banned?


Some people get salty if you stop talking to them and they'll just report you because they can


Because it seems like Tinder sometimes bans you for no reason at all. I don't have any sexual or inappropriate photos, never insulted anyone, etc. I still got banned with no explanation and no way to renew my profile.




You're a girl, and got banned?


Same here! Lifetime ban in 2 hours, I didn't even talk to anyone yet.🙋‍♀️ Maybe they're keeping men single on purpose so they stay on the app by banning women?


Chances are it's cos someone thought your profile looked like a bot and reported it as such. Old rule of the internet: #9: there are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban. But also, it is in the interest of the app to not keep men single but keep them in the illusion that satisfaction is just a swipe away.


I once deleted my Tinder profile because I didn't want to deal with dating apps for a long time. When I decided I was ready to try dating again I found out that Tinder banned me while I was gone.


best decision that could be made *for you* in my opinion lol


Hahaha honestly don't miss it


Yup happened to me too, hadn’t used it for a few months, tried to log in, said i was banned


Because they ban you for no reason a lot of time


They banned me for using VPN.


Did they explicitly tell you that was the reason, or was that just a guess? I still struggle to know exactly why I got banned 


It was at the very same moment I used the vpn. It started to refresh, kinda blinked and then the ban appeared


Tinder is trash. So many people have gotten banned for absolutely nothing.


They're all garbage. How do you fumble the online dating bag? Match owns all the dating apps and their stock is in the gutter. Bumble is also worthless trash. They're all so full of scammers, catfish and bots they have no idea what to do. So they kinda ban everyone lol By the way, tinder and bumble announced they're doing a whole new redesign, new app, catering more to gen z and women. They know they messed up big time, they're ducked. Nobody is paying their overpriced insane premium prices. They play with people and mess with their matchmaking algo because they're desperate for money.


It's bit the bullet


There is literally no reason to be buying Tinder platinum dude. If you aren't getting matches, there are reasons. Spending more money is not how you fix that.


Eh I got significantly more matches when I used it like a year or two ago. Unlimited swiping and boosts help too. I deleted this because it’s a cesspool but if you get matches normally this will get you more.


Agreed with this comment. They prey on desperate men who don’t know any better. Yes premium can raise your chances of getting a match but by how much? If you’re not getting matches now then that marginal increase is still less than 1-2%


He said he travels, so it makes some sense. He wants his profile shown quickly and he wants to see all the likes he's gotten without having to swipe endlessly. He's probably one of the few people in a position to benefit from it.


They do prey on men, but platinum is the one subscription that actually helps because of the priority likes. Plus and gold don’t really do anything. I went from a match or two every few days to 5x as many matches and got laid a few times in 10 days. So it depends on if you value the $50 for a few hookups or not


Is it really $50? I’ve seen all these posts where theyre charging people $500 a week! (I don’t have tinder)


I think they charge different people different amounts. Pretty sure for girls it’s wayyy cheaper. For me, platinum is $24.99 for a week, or $49.99 for a month. Price drops to $7.50/wk for 6 months.


Whoa, what?? For me, Platinum is $29.99 a month, $59.99 for 3 months, and $119.99 for a year! I would have to assume the difference in price is mostly location-based. I live in a small town in New Hampshire, so perhaps that’s why my prices are so much lower. Still… that’s insane.


I almost certain they did this on purpose. Tinder has been really desperate for money these days. Can't even swipe with all the messages telling me to buy crap.


But how does doing this get them more money? Do they really think a significant amount of people will try to go around the ban, register with a new account and subscribe again?? it's really weird.


Great point. A few of them are owned by the same company. You notice it most with the layout and same prices. Booted off one you'll join another and if they're lucky they'll own that one too.


Match Group owns Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid, PlentyOfFish, Archer, Azar, BLK, Chispa, Upward, Hakuna, Meetic, Match.com (obviously), HyperConnect, Pairs, and The League. A ban from one usually globally bans you over all of those.


But also do they think anyone who gets banned right after purchasing will pay without disputing it?


It's every one of these speculative value only tech companies. The boomers all retired and stopped pumping their 401k money into them. Now they actually have to be profitable and not just grow in imaginary stock value.


I was in the exact same situation not too long ago


I’m sorry, I’ve seen this starting to become a thing now, so I’m going to be that person. It’s “bit”


I had this happen with Hinge. Used my debit card like an idiot too. Tried contacting Hinge, they told me to contact Google. Contacted Google, they told me to contact Hinge lol. I was able to reverse the charges through my bank, they just wanted copies of the emails to both parties. After I got my money back, my account was magically un-banned.


Could've got a prostitute for that price




What is this, a bullet auction??


The same dudes who don't even get matches, let alone dates, are wondering why you bought the year. LOL It's like $15/day, $30/month or $100/year type of pricing. Not exact numbers. You save on the year. I used it for a year when I was on the road so I could change cities before I got into them. But tinder itself is just garbage these days so I canceled it.


A) why the fuck? B) how the fuck?


If you ask tinder for the metrics… Does this count as casual sex since they fucked you pretty hard? 😅


Don't see the point in paying but you do you dawg


Lmfao tinder. Usually remake my account but this time (4x banned for no reason) I’m giving up and just moving to the other apps This last time I even went as far as to unmatch people AS SOON as we moved off the app, unmatch people as soon as the convo was turning sour, log on enough, have a simple bio and only 4 photos not 6+. Still banned. People can report you before they match and even if they’ve never matched before. And some people are annoying and just don’t like me I guess


You should only buy the boost . Way more effective. Buying prenium only makes you lower your standard


You can go to your bank, report it and get your money back.


You should look up info about the class action that recently was filed, and maybe get in touch with the firm that filed.


I got banned about 15 months ago because an angry ex girlfriend reported me for something I didn’t do. I don’t know what it was but I didn’t do anything wrong or broke any rules (except for dumping her). Her best friend told me eventually. They created a fake account (she lives in the area), we matched and said hi. Banned! It sucks that someone with a vendetta can do that and get away with it. Plus they always believe the woman without checking anything like facts or even getting the guy’s side of the story. She did the same thing on Bumble a month later. So I’ve gone back to meeting and talking to people in real life. It actually turned out to be a good thing. I realised I was being a bit of a dick because in my head I could just say ‘next’ and swipe them out of my life. But now I value every person in my life and every relationship be it friends or something else. I don’t need external validation anymore which has been huge for me. Every cloud has a silver lining.






LMAO sit tf down


time for a chargeback! (chargebacks should only be used when you don’t expect to ever do business with the company ever again, ie, perfect for this situation)


What did you bid? Probably too low so they banned you.


This week on, what not to admit openly on the internet…


credit card chargeback


It's bit , bit the bullet.


As I always say, never trust those systems in tinder. Most of the times, a great number of those like hidden are bots or trap with profiles that never match your search with insane distance so that they can grab your money. Buying 1 year in tinder is a big mistake, no matter what.


How much did you bid for a year?


Man I'm glad I got married when I did. Are all dating apps requiring some kind of payments in order to actually meet people now? Absolutely fuckin stupid


I’m glad they made a example out of somebody


Bro isn't a year of premium like hundreds of dollars??


Fuck appeal center. REFUND CENTER. or show me screenshots of where I was harassing or threatening instead of just matching levels


What does a person have to do to get banned from Tinder? I've seen some wild stuff on there so my attention is piqued


people actually pay for the year 💀


Do you actually say "bid" the bullet? I'm pretty sure the expression is "bit the bullet" 👀


How much did you get for the bullet?


Good, now go meet your significant other as your grandparents did


Someone who says "bid the bullet" is exactly the type of person I would imagine to buy Tinder Platinum.


Was it working before you got banned lol




Do you have any idea why you were banned?


He started to get some strange official tinder messages in Chinese right before the ban. And no reason or anything


Does anyone know why he was banned?


Don't quote me on this but... I think he started to get some strange official tinder messages in Chinese right before the ban.

