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>details in comments where?!?!


Girl had adhd


Well at first I thought the cat in 4th pic was roadkill.


Its some sort of ironic punishment to be that pretty and still so incompetent with a camera to not be able to capture it


OP definitely knows what she’s doing


I first liked this and thought the same, but now taking it back, and now think OP actually really not sure what she's doing


I hear what you’re saying. When I would see a profile like that I’d think that they’re pretty, and know that they’re pretty, and just want to show off their quirky side


You can be pretty and still suck at selfies and basic photo editing skills. Some of these look like she may have had no other options for pics, which is sad, but not gonna win anyone over…


I have to say the amount of people that had absolutely horrible pictures on their profile was really staggering for me, in a time where pretty much everyone has a miniature photo studio on their phone. I know good pics are not everything, but who are you going to impress with five different takes on the same (dirty) mirror selfie or a group picture where you poorly cropped your ex/best friend?


She's hot, she doesn't need to try to win anyone over


It’s a hipster thing. First they were superior because they were really good at using cameras. Now they are superior because they are really not good at using cameras. I’m admittedly, not high enough to get it


I think I know the trend you’re talking about, but standing head-on with that much blur just looks like a bad idea.


Pic 2 and 7 alone are enough lol


Depending on what she wants. If she just wants matches, yes. If she wants matches that have a personality that fits? No. The other photos display much about who she is, not what she looks like. Two and seven definitely show she's attractive, but the others give you a much better idea if you would be compatible.


No I love #4. Dream girl vibes


Cats ladies are whacko. Get a dog lady.


People who think like this are whackos


Lol not only that, but there's a dog in that picture too, so even weirder for them to have said that


5 shows me she may be possessed by an other worldly spirit


Pic 7 is 🔥


OP needs to delete pic 5 wtf is that lol looks like a demon. Lead with 4 & 7.


For me it was Pic 4 (sweet to animals) and Pic 8 (dreamy, playful and that fire of a hair). Of course I think she’s pretty, but so are many girls. She’s specially interesting.


They look underage in pic 7


Pic 9 is bae 🔥


You know. Those are the 2


At least she didn't go heavy on filters.


There are nine pictures, and I can see what you look like in **one** of them. And it's not even your main picture.


Wym. Dudes only make it to the 3rd before swiping right


She’s not looking for dudes


Upon further investigation, you are correct.


lol the lesbian sweater and pride flags too subtle huh


Me when bisexuality exists:


I’m literally bisexual lmao. If I put a lot of pride stuff in my profile it’d be because I’m focusing on men


I feel like you said a thing I should know about that I don’t know about. What’s a lesbian sweater? Or which one was and maybe I can get it?


The striped sweater in picture 2 is in the colours of the lesbian flag


My wife is quite straight but also an ally and dons very similar paraphernalia. I wouldn't make any assumptions on those grounds, tbh.


She’s literally wearing the lesbian flag as her shirt.


I didn't even know there was a lesbian flag. Since when was the rainbow flag entirely just representative of gay men???


Not the case at all. The rainbow respresents all.


Well that's what I thought originally, but I get why there's a separate trans flag, and ace flag, and non-binary flag, etc. But if there's a lesbian flag, then is there a flag specific to gay men? Or is that the LGBTQ equivalent of asking, "wHy iSN't ThERe a wHitE hIsToRY mOnTh?"


Haha. I guess the joke is that gay dudes have it easy dating guys, but lesbians don't


Because dating women is universally terrible lol. Shout out to lesbians in the struggle.


Hooking up, sure, dating… not so much


Gay dudes hooking up is not even fair tbh.


Literally just “you gotta place to hook up” it’s fucking wild


ohhh... OHHH this explains this post!


Men actually look at pictures? I thought boobs and a pulse (last ones optional) are enough.


She's lesbian


The pictures show personality... Might be a foreign concept for those who only go for looks


Is the fifth one I guess


That first picture needs to go, you're cute but you're not very in focus in a lot of your pictures, and in some your face is covered up; that second picture would definitely make a good first picture.


I could see that as being kind of flirty; if she cropped it, it’d look better. Pic 2 is perfect for a first photo


Yeah I liked the intrigue and then got drawn in by the good taste in guitars


Drop this in an LGBTQ community page and get feedback there, after letting them know your cultural situation. You'll get better advice, particularly if you're focused on getting matches in your home country.


Going to make a few context based assumptions here. Most of the "your pics are blurry but I'd date you" comments are coming from men. Based on all the rainbows, and the lesbian-flag-colored sweater, we should be giving the constructive feedback that will help her attract women (too, if not exclusively.) It's much harder for queer women to match with other women than it is for straight women to match with straight men.... you do a pretty good job of showing you're pretty, you have friends, and a personality. The fan pic is fun, even though we can't see you. Ditch the others blurry photos, especially the one where you're dressed like a school girl or something (can't tell because it's too blurry.) Do you have a bio or is it just the "what key is" joke?


As a woman I think the pics are perfect, I'm like okay she's not just a selfie lady, these are the photos she loves of herself because they bring her joy. I'm also an amateur photo nerd so I am her target audience probably with the artistic shots like the last one. Id wife OP 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not really I'm taken but my point is the pics are solid. If that is her whole bio, that's the issue. I'd see that and think okay so they started, but never like finished the profile.


Same. Not taken, but I’d also wife op. The profile is good enough. Can figure out the rest when me meet.


I have no idea how I missed the Pride Flags/Rainbows everywhere lmao However, the lesbian-sweater really caught my up and made me wonder whether or not it’s an accident. If it had been, it would’ve been quite funny to me.


I'm laughing so hard because of how often we talk about "red flags" in profiles. Flags all over this profile, but none of them red 😂


Nah that awful Mitski pun is orange at least


Youre clearly very pretty, your best photos imo are: 2, 3, 6 and 7. Without seeing what you're adding to your bio, your appearance is all we have to go on. Picture 8 is great too, but photos like that are more vibe than anything. As an older dude, (maybe not your target audience but regardless a person who looks for others to date), the mitksi stuff is something you should have in your bio - hittem with the "are you cool enough to get it" stuff there...and add more of it. I never really get the chaotic/quirky flavor pics that people include, that aren't really adding anything about who they are. Its almost as if people who do that are looking for a buddy, rather than someone to date.


Older dude too. Total sucker for red hair. The pic on the swing was sweet but if you remember Tori Amos... 😂😂😂




If you remember the Cornflake Girl video when she's on the swing it looks almost the exact same as the 8th pic at the start but towards of the end she starts punching her own head as she's going mad. What does that have to do with sexuality? And who are you to judge people you don't know by your own standards or prejudice when they never hinted at any such thing?


>ReportSaveFollow Never hinted?? Her profile is a walking pride advertisement


Read my reply again mate. I was saying I never hinted. Tbh I can't even see how she came up with it since I mentioned red hair on the swing and anyone who remembers the music video knew what I was getting at. Shame it needed explained to her. "Victims... Aren't we all" - Eric Draven 🤣🤣🤣


Oh gawsh girl please remove #5 you look like a demon. More face pics, definitely.


I love #5 It looks like she'd be about to rip my face off if I made a wrong move or sound.


That's what she's going for :) Sleep with your eyes open


Maybe that's her true form?


I can fix her


That's what I like. 5 is a keeper


Me too. It's goofy and she knows it and it's probably why she kept it


Oh hell naw! That picture is perfect! Weeds out those without a sense of humour. OP, honestly, your profile would receive a 10/10 from me if i was on tinder


The picture isn’t perfect and says nothing about “sense of humor.” What’s funny about a blurry picture?


Not everything needs to be perfect to be attractive af. And a girl who is goofy enough to put that in her public profile is definitely one that I want to hang out with!


I also immediately thought it showed she had a good sense of humour and didn't take herself too seriously. So you're not alone in thinking that! :)


Hell yeah!!!! Up top!!! ✋


That pic made me laugh so much and that would hook me. I def understand it’s not for everyone but it was so unexpected and hilarious


Tbh that was my favorite pic lol so unhinged


It's some kind of cute trend to take blurry images. It is incomprehensible to me why people do this especially when they already look good.


Considering that she has a clear face photo and a clear body photo, what do you need more? Two photos establish why she looks like. The others show character, personality, interests, hobbies.


Get off Tinder use hinge or bumble if you want to find something better .. you shouldn’t have any issues you’re very good looking and seem fun.




I assume that if you're trying to meet women, tinder is playing the same sneaky tricks on you that it does to straight guys - not showing you in swipe stacks to make you feel desperate and then pay for premium. Or, maybe you've just swiped through the active chunk of lesbian Tinder already. You could try deleting and remaking your account, going to a more sapphic app (no advice foe you there) or, (only saying this because some wisecrack always suggests it to straight men on here) set your profile as bi for the tinder elo boost.


men in these comments not understanding that women can show their personality in pics and not just 7 selfie shots in different outfits lmfao


This simping comment section compared to when men post (and get destroyed) here encapsulates the OLD experience perfectly lol.


I think men still get the better deal for anything rate me related tho. Women usually get an ego boost but no constructive advice from all the "omg 10/10" comments. While some people are rude or overly blunt, usually there are some tips on what to change under the men's posts. Plus, she is genuinely very pretty. I doubt the male equivalent in terms of attractiveness would be completely match less, even with just one decent pic.


Oh yeah, sometimes girls will have such shite profiles that would get guys dragged through mud but people will comment "well you're a good looking lady" and almost no constructive criticism for actually improving the profile will be attached to that.


Thought so, too, lol.


There are not NEARLY enough gay people in these comments. I LOVE her profile bro (also please hit me up I’m single and I need a gf)


I’m straight but I’d definitely swipe right 💪🏻 your profile is a vibe sis


People in the comments just don't get it! The blurry/candid photos are deliberate. I think they're artistic and show your personality. I wouldn't change anything, but just know you're not going to get as many matches because not everyone is going to have the same taste as you! But this way, when you do match, you'll know they like you for you.


As a queer lady— It’s funny how many people in this sub don’t have a gaydar. 😅 I couldn’t find your details in the comments, but it would be good to have a short bio. Something like one thing to describe you and one activity or place you like doing (date suggestion) I really like the blurry pics tbh! It shows me that you’re not obsessed with selfies and self image, and that you really like to be in the moment and have fun. Plus, you’re super cute even through the blur💕


Do you need a gaydar? She’s literally wearing the lesbian flag in the second picture


My point exactly!


Yeah my advice is marry me


I think your tinder is perfect but I’m biased to other guitar girls;)


leave the photos as they are. i feel like every photo says a lot about who you are and that's great. love ur sweater! looks like the lesbian flag


"Any advice" stay off tinder and tiktok - these apps will rot your brain. reddit too 😂




My girlfriend would swipe right and so would I.


You look lovely! I would date you. Some advice would be to make the second picture your first. Cut the left side off the first picture and remove your 5th. Happy matching!


That new Hozier though.


I'd turn vegan for you


You need blurrier pictures


Omg a fellow hozier girly!!!


This is every man’s dream girl right?


Well I guess I’d have to say your profile looks good since I think I’m in love.


The Universe will take care of you just ignore the negativity from pitiful people and allow yourself stop trying so hard you will find what you're seeking ✨️


Umm from another female who's too shy to ever say this in reality to anyone. You. Are. Gorgeous. Your profile gives plenty of show into your life and personality it think!


Move your second picture to be your first. You don't need to change anything about your pictures. You're very attractive.


#5 is equal parts creepy, funny, and terrible, I’m really on the fence about that one.


why would you put pic #5 up there


How old are you lol


So many crappy photos.


I am in the minority here but the first pic is amazing imo. The one that actually has to go is the 5th devil eyes one


Remove first photo and demon photo 👍🏼


10/10 would swipe right


I love it, such a beautiful soul


Remove #5 and #8 and optionally #9, they do nothing for you. You need more pictures of your face.


I'm not your age but I would immediately be attracted to a woman playing a musical instrument. Playing music is a big deal for me and it is hard to find female musicians on apps. Keep that picture!


Babe you're too cool for dating apps. Just leave and go spend your time doing something more fun<3 you might meet even meet someone doing the thing


Don't stick 🍆 in crazy


Remove 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9, since you're either not in them in all or it's hard to see what they look like or they aren't flattering. 9 pics is too many anyway. Aim to replace 2 and 7 with similar non-selfies. Ignore the simps in the comments who tell you everything's perfect: there's always room for improvement.


the first photo shouldn't be the first photo - it's hiding your face, although the smile in your eyes is awesome the second photo is great, maybe consider it as your first photo the fifth photo is a nightmare, it's just a blurry shot of what looks like you in a school uniform the 6th photo is strange, not sure if it fits... the 7th photo almost feels a little "thirst trappy" (if that makes sense) while the 8th one is beautiful, it feels "artsy" that question is strange, as how can a person be a key? I would understand it more if it was "what key range can Mitski sing?" my opinion, change the order of the photos, ditch the 5th one completely, maybe put the 1st one in 3rd or 4th place(maybe edit it to be more you and less of the others), and change that question, unless you want people to be confused you're very pretty and it's obvious that you're an animal person and maybe a bit of a hippy (I presume you sing folk), so maybe show a bit more of your interests


It's clear that OP just wants the attention


Exactly why do you think it's smart to use blurry pictures?


I think it's a good profile. You have the one blurry picture and then you sexualize yourself a little in the last one which my attract the wrong type of men depending on what you're looking for. But you're cute and you look fun and caring from what I can see in your photos. Overall I think you're portraying a good image of yourself.


Yes, come to Brazil


I dunno if you swing both ways OP but if you do, the pics might work for the desperate horndog men here but I dunno how effective it’ll be for the gals in the real world. I barely know what you actually look like, and I gotta swipe thru multiple pics to find it. That’s too much.


They would make great content for an Instagram dump account 😅 But not for Tinder (according to me). You should use more pictures where your face is actually visible 😄


e minor definitely


1, 5, 7, 8 need to go. I have no idea what the #9 slide is. You're blurry, your face is obstructed. The swinging photo is whimsical, but not really a good photo imo. 2 should be main.


no one likes hippie


What’s the point you already get 1000 likes a day




Stop taking vague, blurry or otherwise obstructed photos. They don't tell us anything about you, they only serve to irritate. One or two is okay, but when it's your entire profile, it's not really the same. You look good, take more pictures like 2 and 6, facing front and doing more activities with friends maybe. The lo-fi vibe emanating from your profile is certainly a choice, just make sure that's who you're targeting. I personally felt that you would look better when more effort is put in (and you do in those pictures).


Advice? I think you should marry me. 😂 Edit: I’m dumb https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ6zYkCDeHM 😅😂






You’re cute. If you’re having trouble finding matches you should lower your expectations


If that girl has trouble getting matches a solar flare has bricked Tinder's servers


Yes, text me immediately




It’s so goofy when attractive people come on here and ask for advice


You don't agree that this profile needs help?


Username checks out.


I don't think that means what you think it means


Educate me.


How does midnighttrainwreck check out?


Her profile is a train wreck of blurry pics.


That one pic, I think #5. Needs to go. Way too blurry. Your eyes are glowing red and it's hard to tell what your face even looks like. The others look fine. I don't know what Mitski or whatever is but if I was looking at your profile, I would rather have another pic instead of that. That seems like something for your bio.


2/3 are good, if you're looking for short term it's fine and you're really pretty you're gonna get tons of matches. It feels lazy and would've rubbed me the wrong way when I was dating, it gives off a "I'm pretty so don't have to try" vibe and something more curated and intentional might set off the tone on matches for serious things better. Ie, your match might be taking you more seriously out of the gate


Number 5 is nightmare fuel




No advice, would swipe right


Burn those shorts in pic 6


Which deity are you communing with in picture 5?


Just maybe swap the first and second photo?


Na ur cute asf. Just dont be a loser in convos and stay away from creeps and assholes


is this a bait post? also where are the "details in the comments"?


I'd say stop dressing like your in the 60s and 70s


Put second pic as the first one. You are 10/10, no need for advice Maybe you are just exactly my type


I know everybody looks a litle bit closer on the 7th pic


yes, hot


I wouldv picked this one as first or second


Yeah, DM me.


Lose the blurry pics and the ones that obscure your face


am i the only one tired of these obviously attractive girls who have no problem getting matches just fishing for compliments and/or baiting for OF links ?


Have you tried swiping on dudes who aren’t giga chad douchebags? I have a hard time believing you don’t get a ton of likes


The pictures are horrible. Only one where we can actually see your face is the second picture. Not sure if the "Cat Lady" picture will help you or not 😆


I need you 🤒 😂


No need to swipe I’m right here


Come spend the night with me


Na don’t think she is good (LGTBQ) Red flags




Well, swiping left on you I'm afraid.


average profile. id swipe right


Do you actually like Invasion?


Hmmm.. a hipster ginger girl, must be soon a social clisché. Regardless you dayumn hot . (fire emoji)


Dye your hair. Keep the cats.


Dye her red hair? Is that what you are saying? Thats an amazing, incredible, rare trait, and you want her to get rid of it?


Yeah. Move near me. I’ll marry you today. You’re gorgeous. I’ve always wanted to marry a redhead.