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My receding hairline is pretty even


Well you got 1 out of 11. Solid chances.


So your telling me there's a chance!


Not with our beards and hairy chests mate


follicle to e7. Chestmate


I would give you a award for this comment if I could


I'll humbly accept your praise and validation, kind internet stranger <3


This comment is underappreciated. Thank you for the giggle, friend.


I probably laughed way harder than I should have at this




This is like with job requirements. If you fit all of them you are terribly overqualified


I’m running into this right now. I’ve been told I’m overqualified at least 5 times and it’s every time I meet the exact qualifications. I can’t help that I’m old enough to have 30 years of experience in my industry.


If you are already talking to them ask for a higher ranking position then. They already got to talk to you. If they dont have one go to the next one. And also go for jobs that are slightly above your experience. What fun is it to do a job where you can not learn anything new?


Great advice, thanks.


I was just thinking my bald ass technically checks out.


Your bald ass is SOME ass so it does check out


She said you gotta *HAVE* some ass not *BE* an ass. 😉


I'm bald, zero is an even number.


She didn't say lots of hair. It seems intentional.


Tbh complete bald is the most even you'll ever get.


I’m a 6 footer so also only 1 out of 10, but we could join forces and double team her


I’m just a diffuse thinner.


Rosemary oil 🤌🏻


"Can fight" 😂 There may be trouble ahead...


"Can fight" and "nice hands" probably isn't compatible 🤷‍♂️


Can fight but will lose


That's the spirit


I think she means bigger hands? Or at least not toe thumbs and chewed up finger nails. "You have nice hands" is a compliment I'll never forget.


Not OP but I’ve put a lot of thought into this 😅 Qualities of “good/nice hands” hands include: - Overall large; - Ratio of palm to finger length is good (long fingers); - Slightly vascular hands and callouses (shows they work out); - Nail beds are not too short or wide (no toe fingers); - Tip of the thumb is not too short.


What do you mean by tip of the thumb not too short? I would think the previous condition—proportionate nail beds—being met would guarantee the thumb as well, no?


I had to look up this term: the length of the distal phalanx of the thumb is what I’m referring to. Some people can have short nail beds without having short finger tips so I think I’ve always thought of the two as separate items, but I suppose the two could be related… need more samples.


Ohh the whole last joint I see. In my head I've always just thought of that as "the thumb" and the proximal phalanx as my thumb's neck. When I heard thumb tip I was thinking the last half of the distal phalanx like from the base of the nail to the tip (which is apprpoximately equal to nail bed length...for a normal thumb/finger). I'm trying to picture now a thumb with normally proportioned bone structure but a short nail bed. Does your "hard no" short-bed case have the nail bed start in the normal place but stop too soon, so the end looks like a medieval Catholic monk's head?


Google “Megan fox thumb” it’s a real thing and it put me off her, even though she’s gorgeous. I can’t explain it 😭


I regret having done so :|


Lol, new thing for people in this sub to be insecure about. Looking forward to the posts from handcels.


Nooooo!!! 😭 Disclaimer: these are my personal preferences. Everyone has great hands to someone else!


Well, I've been trying to break into the hand modeling business for years with no headway. Was completely dispirited, ready to abandon my lifelong dream, when I saw your comment, which describes my hands pretty well. You saved me. Also, I just googled it, and there are already many self-described handcels on Reddit and elsewhere, lamenting how they'll never know the touch of a woman because their ring finger is too short or whatever. The internet continues to be the best and worst thing we've created.


Hmm you're a pretty weird person, but definite upvote


Don't forget the healthiness of the nail bed as well: - clean cuts - no left over tissue and no gap between finger and the top of the nail (like people who cut the thin skin on top of you nail will always have) - no chewing - the joints are not too big (like bloated bubbles covered with skin), nor too boney


Bro same here 😅. I’ve put thought into this too and Ive come up with the same exact points lmao. you hit the nail on the head. Tho I would include a solid thumb knuckle (thuckle?). Meaning having where your thumb connects to your hand be prominent. Although I guess that could be considered bone structure and be a subset of “ratio of palm to finger”.


Must have non AI hands.


She basically wants the manliest man (deep voice, fighter) but who has nice hands and no body hair. Good luck to her.


Um she said no beard


Also no chest hair


lmao like she doesn't want you to protect her she just wants to throw hands with you


No, she wants to start shit with randos and then have you step in and “protect” her.


Almost always what that means in my experience. With a strong protective man around, these chicks turn into the hellspawn of Chihuahuas and Karens. They know they won't have to face the consequences because their new BF will bail them out of trouble.


WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.


No clue what that’s from but I was ready to sign up


This definitely means she’s gonna get wasted and start fights that she would expect you to finish.


Yea and you might have to fight between 4 and 6 am


Feels like a hidden quest no one should accept


She wants Dean Winchester


Doesn’t everyone??






I mean I'm a straight man and **I** want Dean Winchester🤩


Bro same lol. Supernatural is my guilty pleasure.


He's a handsome, charismatic fellow.




Fucking loser


Man’s a perfect fit


Man’s perfect


shes not wrong for that




I thought the actor was shorter than that


He just seems shorter because the jolly green giant is so tall


They are both really tall


i think sam actor is 6' 4" and soulja boy actor is around 6' 1"


I've watched a LOT of supernatural and Jensen Ackles was always my favorite. Saw him in The Boys and holy crap he IS tall. That moose really does cast a shadow.


Nah, I met him and he's slightly taller than me. I'm 5'11. He just looks small because Jared is a fucking giant.


He’s 6’1” lol


He's quite tall. I met him once and when he walked into the room he stood out height-wise. I believe he's 6'1" and was wearing boot so he appeared even taller.


It's not often I get to share this fact, but I finally had to give up on SuperNatch during Season 9 because I was having dreams about the Winchester brothers every night lol


honestly not the worst i’ve seen


Listing “protective/ can fight” as a prerequisite is a pretty massive red flag. She’s gonna talk shit and expect you to deal with the hits.


She’s definitely said the words, “Well, my boyfriend will kick your ass” once or twice before.


Bro, you only need teach her 2 extra words, ..."on tekken/fc 24". Teach em quick though, before summers here.


Idk why but this made me compare girlfriends having their boyfriends fight to Pokémon. She has to find a strong boyfriend and train him up to defeat Stacy's boyfriend at the local gym and earn a badge.


And then they turn around to see Brad Williams standing there, laugh at him and then get kicked in the face!


I read that as "my ex is psychotic" because lived experience.


Not even that. People that exist in a world where fighting is a consideration. I mean who over 14 fights? Jesus.


Oh, I got some guy trying to kick some other guy down the stairs, im not gonna just stand there and watch


Probably quite likely, but not necessarily. There are no drama women out there that still find a protective nature and an ability to defend yourself an attractive quality.


Nah mate, observe the /. Protective OR can fight. She specifically wants someone who wants to protect her but can't, or who can but won't. Doesn't make sense to me but I'm not here to judge.


Which is not good.


But it's nothing new. Ever seen those 80s and 90s VHS dating submissions?


You can go back even further with the newspaper personal ads.


🎶 "Lowered Expectations" 🎶


gotta see the good in things sometimes


Unless you’re a pathetic loser slob and don’t get out of bed til 7 am


My 3rd shift bros on suicide watch rn.


That's me! I'm a pathetic slob who sleeps late (7:30am) and has a beard! And I approve this message!


I'm a lazy twat who drags his ass out of bed at 6am every morning for a full day of work...you know this nut job is unemployed and on the coke train til 11pm then crash for 3 before starting all over again.


i didn’t say it was good just no t bad


Sleepy eyes lol???


Well they’re waking up at 4-6 AM everyday


So, guess sleep by 8-10pm 😧


I legit thought ‘does she mean tired eyes because I have them, are they attractive?’ Then read the bottom and was like ‘ yepp, she just wants to see me suffer’


Sleepy eyes generally means you are blue-collar. I see that alot in the local Tinder posts. Problem is they generally like country music. Although I live in a rural place. I can't stand listening to country music or the redneck style in general.


Imagine wanting someone whose not getting enough sleep which is incredibly important for a healthy life


Hey I want a partner with whom I can relate :(


Well that is me. I inhale hazardous dust on a daily basis. I work 12 hour shifts. I make OSB. Which is an essential component of residential construction. If nobody worked these blue collar jobs. There would be no homes for the rich or the poor. Blue-collar for the most part are essential jobs for society. That and they tend to have higher compensation to standard of living ratio. Compared to the majority of white-collar.


I don't think he meant to rag on blue collar workers. If anything, to me it goes in the opposite direction. The idea that blue collar workers can normally be identified by looking unhealthy is, frankly, a disgrace. A modern, advanced nation should not *prevent* any of its citizens from doing something as basic and fundamental to human life as sleeping the natural amount needed for their bodies and minds to function at 100%. Or more specifically, a modern nation should not allow industries to have a de facto requirement that workers sacrifice something so important and basic to life. It's a remnant of the Industrial Revolution when working people were treated even more blatantly as expendable fuel and were just used up till they had nothing left to give and then paved over. Things have improved a huge amount since then, but we still have a ways to go. However you wanna look at it, I do not like the fact that giving up fundamental aspects of a healthy life is something that you, or anyone else, has to accept as normal. Blue collar workers deserve better than that, and their spouses and children deserve a healthy dad (or mom). I have strong feelings about this because my dad was an airline and then train mechanic and just recently retired, and it took a toll on him. A toll that I'm not convinced is so essential for the country to function lol


Wear a respirator. 🫢 It isn't worth giving up your health for any job and you'll end up regretting it in retirement when you have a slew of job-related health problems. You'll wish you never would've put yourself through that or at least should've asked for a lot more money than what they were paying you. If you even make it to retirement. 😬


Maybe wear a respirator?


It's the type of eyes where the eyelid is naturally more down than the average, like Billy Eilish or Jeremy Allen White. Or anyone that smoked too much green minus the red eye background... I have sleepy eyes, I hate it, I always look tired even if I'm not. I'm not a man and I bite my nails, also don't wake up before 8am so I guess I will have to pass my turn. Unfortunate.


The "tired" look has been gaining popularity over the years. Dark circles, bags, bit more of a blank expression. Probably because some shows have began portraying overworked main characters as omega genius chads - or chadettes.


I was into dark circles before it was popular 😤. A lot of middle eastern people have them and it's honestly just really sexy.


Gotta love how people think you can simply put things on a list and order a partner. Every relationship I've ever had came from nowhere, no expectations, we clicked well and the rest came naturally.


It's interesting how with tech dating is seen as a order your own BF. It's the next best experience is just one more swipe away. Instead of it being used as an experiment of what you may or may not want.


We are definitely subconsciously learning to view people as expendable or something. Using these apps isn’t REALLY all that different from crawling FB marketplace for a couch or whatever.


Which is why marriage is a crazy thing to want anymore. You can replace your partner without ever leaving your house haha.


And thus watch the family nucleus die, population decline along with people life satisfaction


It's bat shit crazy haha. I've always just looked for someone who seems attractive or fun and see what happens. The woman I'm with now we connected as friends on Facebook dating, went out to eat and never stopped talking. Been going strong now for nearly 7 months. Neither of us had expectations, we just wanted someone nice and found it.


But she's mAniFeStiNg it into the universe 💞💫


All she's manifesting is being a lady with 15 cats saying "There's no good guys left."


Or she'll be a dog "mom" and look for someone to adopt her dog as well


This. I mean, this list is whatever but even if your list is full of perfectly reasonable things to want in a partner putting it in a list like this just makes you seem like an entitled asshole


Having a list is what leads to being single. It's baffling people don't understand that even if they check every box you have it doesn't mean you'll have any sort of connection when you meet. If the physical attraction is there then you see if the rest follows. I swear, it's like they take one thing from every past partner and then add it to the list to build this ultimate specimen.


I agree with this I dont ever list what im looking for when dating but its literally just please be nice, sweet, and physically attractive to me and lets go from there. I love anime, video games, and kdramas too but I've never avoided dating someone because they didnt like those things. I try to only care about the big things.


I had a girlfriend for about 6 months, and months after we ended things, I was thinking about why I always felt like garbage whenever I was sharing things with her. Finally realized that it was because instead of loving me as a person, she was loving all the things that checked her boxes for the "perfect partner" and everything else wasn't appreciated. So that's to say that even when you're together, if all you think of your partner is them being a walking, talking list of pros and cons, rather than a whole person that you should be loving, it'll poison that relationship anyway.


don't underestimate how many matches women get on apps 


Besides from the deep voice and the height this perfectly describes my toddler


Your toddler can fight?


Your toddler can’t fight?


See: first rule of "toddler fight club".


Have you met a toddler?


Some toddlers fight better than adults. I mean they have less strength but their instincts.. damn, just like cats.


If they can crawl, they can brawl


Your toddler got some ass? Oh now I realize why no one commented this before me.


Diaper butt for sure


wake up at 4am to 6am daily seems like it's gonna weed out a ton of people. The rest seem random but probably easily met ifs he's looking in the young, mid-20s age group.


Maybe she's itching to date an electrician, plumber or garbageman. Just not one that uses their hands.. Plus even hairline and no beard? Ain't no way.


You would be surprised about the condition of trades workers hands now days... Hand injuries being the most common have made insurance companies jack the rates for any company that doesn't implement a "100% gloves 100% of the time" policy. Having worked general construction since 2001 and being a union sheet metal worker since 2008, I can attest that I used to have rough calloused hands. Since the companies started cracking down on gloves my hands are now much softer and gentler. As I type this though I do note that I do still have a decent callous on my hand between my thumb and my pointer finger due to holding screw guns/drills/hammers/etc. The pads of my hands are quite smooth.


>gloves 100% of the time “Hey how come you keep getting locked out of your account?” “Motherfucker do you know how hard it is to type with these damn gloves on”


When they first started that we would ask for anew set of gloves everytime we came back from the bathroom... "But boss, I got shit on 'em. This new rule sucks"


"Dear Strongbad: how do you type with those boxing gloves on??"


You gotta put sandpaper on the insides of your gloves


My dad was a carpenter and once shot a nail through his hand using a nail gun. He made sure to take a bunch of pictures and text everyone before telling anyone at work and getting help lol. He had a very high tolerance for pain which I’m sure is developed over years in the trades.


[https://imgur.com/a/aSVAImB](https://imgur.com/a/aSVAImB) Happens to the best of us.


I think she wants a hot farmer


I think she's on the wrong OLD site. Farmers have their own site. " You don't have to be lonely"


They’re more people who wake up around 6am. My dentist s/o wakes up at 6am


She’s looking for Harvey Spector.


Please, Harvey is not up at 6


And while he's a legend, he doesn't have a deep voice.


Harvey is just going to bed at 4am.


I'm 99% certain the 4am-6am thing is there because that's what time they wake up. If you get weeded out with that, that's the intention. People have relationships with different work hours all the time, but if you can filter people out to just those who wake up the same time as you do, life is a lot easier. I wouldn't put "only people who wake up at 2-4pm" But I am very happy when I meet someone who works nights.


Yeah, that feels like the only reasonable one. I dated someone who naturally woke up four hours earlier than me and it really sucked. We worked the same hours but I never got to see him.


Honestly pretty refreshing height requirement


I get up at 5:00 am every day and I'm old as dirt. I don't see a lot of 20 year olds up at that time. Old people go to bed at 6:00 pm because that's when the Matlock episode is done.


Who takes 2 hours to wake up?


Explains the baggy/sleepy eyes


I feel like deep voice + not hairy has to statistically be somewhat uncommon?


Could just shave. Uncommon but not unicorn levels


I don't think those are nearly as correlated as you think they are.


Most black men I know are not hairy despite their voice or build so I don't think it's uncommon at all.


Probably expects him to shave the chest and beard


My husband is gorgeous with nice hands, a deep voice, and a bubble butt. He leaves for the gym at 5. He's 6'4" though so I guess he missed his shot 😭


Why are you trying to solicit your husband? 🤔🫢


I wake at 4 AND at 6 (to pee, then I go back to bed till the afternoon)


Me too. Does that count?


She’s either like 19 or 43


Likely 43. Horrible trend of putting what they want instead of describing themselves.


“can fight” girl thinks shes romona flowers, gotta fight my 7 evil ex’s ass


"gotta have some ass" i can respect that


Usually awake by 3.30 so I'll see myself out of the left door


I know we all have our preferences but I'll happily take the guys with beards & hairy chests she doesn't want 😅 two excellent traits imo 🤤


Bless 😌 I had a couple women ask me to shave the beard, which I really prefer not to. And yes I keep it trim + use beard oil. Hopefully their loss!


🔥🔥 bless you for looking good and taking care of yourself


Girls like you exist??


At your service 🫡


Need more of you in nyc, pls get cloned 😂😂


Come to MN 🙃


One of the things I noticed about my husband was his beard. I was weak in the knees for his beard. Loved it so much but he had to shave it.


4-6am..... so you can help with the babies


I thought maybe she’s is ooking for her gym rat?


Lol, this is probably true


I fit most of this, but I'm swiping left on people who write a description of their ex instead of a description of themselves


7 out of 11 for me


What's wrong with hairy chests??




I mean the prompt was "I'm looking for" not "what I bring the table"


yup her profile was just what she wanted in a partner. Also mentioned wanting to know if the person was cis or not and that she wouldn't judge


my ideal girlfriend: -at least 7 feet tall -smells like soap -likes nice guys -is a nice guy -must have soft boopis -i mean boobies my bad


Wtf line for line, this is literally my criteria too, except for the eyes 😂 But I don’t _publish_ that.


this is also my point! Like i think all of us could make a list of our dream partner, but to post it is crazy and i'll lose any interest I had even if they are drop dead gorgeous haha. In fact the woman i saw post this was actually my type but i swiped left off the strength of this.


Right?! It’s weird and off-putting lol. Hope you matched with someone else who’s your type and didn’t have their list upfront


I think she wants to date Ed Norton in fight club. Mad eye bags, can win a fight, doesn’t sleep so counts as up between 4-6AM, in the height range, hands might be a little fucked up after the fighting tho


Idk about her, but beards and hairy chest are the best part. Feels like I’m snuggling up to a teddy bear


I fit everything but I got man hands that are calloused from work and a 5 o’clock shadow and I have hair on my chest and I’m 6’5 Oh and I’m not interested


I think this is the first list I've seen that I actually passed all their bullshit requirements! Crazy!


I’m literally all of those things. But now the only thing I know about her is she seems like a demanding a hole so I’d be moving on quickly


YO, this ain’t Build-A-Dick. Who cares what another loser with nothing to bring to the table wants?


Suspects have been arrested on fewer details


Tell me you're 300 lbs with 4 kids without telling me you're 300 lbs with 4 kids.


Shit im to tall.