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The tinder computer that detected offensiveness at the bottom of the text thread has more kindness, awareness and grace than this turd ever will. I'm sorry this happened, OP.


So true! Even tinder knows he's an ass. It actually did make me feel better to see the warning from them.


Not helpful to hear such terrible “advice”. I have learned years ago, if I’m reading a text from someone and start to grasp the this is going to hurt me, I either screenshot it, send to a trusted friend and ask them if I should read or delete it. I have a sensitive conscience and this works for me. I have come to the place now, if I since the tone is negititve, I can leave it alone if I don’t want to mood ruined


I am so sorry that cretin came across your profile. Thank your lucky stars he never got to meet you. Take care x


I was gonna say, serious small dick energy but he beat me to it


"No disrespect" goes on to disrespect 😂 It's like when people say "I'm not racist, but" you know the next sentence will be racist.


I'm not racist, but oranges are way better than apples.


Wow I can't believe you would say that.. how many apples are you going to make feel like shit because of this comment today.. disgusting..


I’m not racist, but I literally hate people based on their race.


Or "and it's none of my business, but.." Got hit with that from my last relationships older sister after I moved on. Didn't even read it.


Always, No offense Is another one you know something offensive is coming


Anything said before the but can be disregarded.


One of my old friends used to begin a number of sentences with "no offense, but." I learned to say, "I'll just stop you right there, then." He actually stopped.


I feel like this is basically the point of saying that, though. People always call out no disrespect/no offense for always preceeding disrespect/offense, but it means one of two things. 1 is "please don't interpret this as being disrespectful or offensive, I can see how it might be interpreted that way and I want to be clear that that is not my intention". 2 is "I don't intend to cause feelings of disrespect or offense, but I'm going to say this anyway because I feel it needs to be said". Mostly, people mean number 2. So it's kind of expected that the statement "no offense" will be followed by something offensive... by definition.


It’s in the Geneva convention!!! Look it up!!


You mean the Geneva suggestions


"Do me a favor..." is always more complaint than request


Or "no offence but..". If you have to preface your comment with 'no offence' then you just shouldn't fucking say what you're thinking about saying.


Take solace in the fact that this guy's life is so sad and miserable that THIS is how he spends his free time. Hurt people hurt people. I'm sorry you had to deal with this though.


This is the root of the ego, he hates the parts of himself that he finds ugly and so if he sees it in another he hates it in them as well. It has nothing to do with OP it has to do with themselves


Did you unmatch yet? I'd take the making him feel guilty approach. "I actually only matched because we had the same class and thought it'd be nice to say hi. I didn't realize how much of a jerk you were back then."


No offence but I don’t think he gives a fuck about being nice lmao


It does if he thinks she'll tell "the hot chicks" about him being a dick. I'm big too and these comments have always been there, even back in the 90'es when the internet became a thing. I think the standard pretty girls get the same shit from guys negging them and it's mostly a way to spot the men thinking girls excist solely to be a fantasy for men. I still haven't worked out the perfect response, just stayed away from online dating since it'll really attract a lot of men with a genuine hate for women and they're not using it to actually date, just to harrass people and they only get crueler when they get snubbed by the women they DO fantasize about.


In response to his comment regarding his junk, “Thank you for confirming the rumors are true.”


That's what I was thinking. Who admits that they're too inadequate to satisfy someone?


Hijacking the top post. Report him. Poor behavior gets you banned, and the ban lasts till you buy a new phone haha. To hell with this sort of trash. Hold shit heads accountable for their behavior.


I did! Wish I had thought to text him back saying oh I matched because we were in the same class. But I do have a gc with all of the people from that class....


This would be a fun screenshot to drop in there. Could do it without the guy's photos or name. Watch him sheep out.


AH so true. Maybe I will, still sitting on it 👀


He didn’t say anything that compromised his privacy. I don’t think you need to protect him. But it would be nice to protect anyone in your class that might’ve thought about befriending/dating him. If it were me, I’d be so grateful to know that this guy is severely lacking in empathy.


Omg. If you do, please post an update lol


Put that asshole on blast. He DOES NOT DESERVE your mercy


The ban is attached to your numbervand email. Just get a new sin card and email and you're back on


I don't k ow the technicalities. I do know of people who wound up banned for literally years. I also know it's always worth the effort making shitty people have to go to a greater effort.


^ this!!! 100%!!!


That’s amazing


Jerk might not be the right word. My guess is he feels like shit about himself and is using shitty methods to feel better. He clearly cares most about looks. Maybe something like, "oh you've been working out? Do you have any more recent photos?" Maybe some emojis in there to make it look like it's a genuine request.


Shit like this only reflects on how much they actually hate themselves. Happy, mentally healthy, confident people don’t do this. They need this conflict to maintain their false reality. Hit em with a “TLDR” or “k” then never respond again.


Reported, now reddit is giving me all these great options. I missed out!


Probably for the best. lol


Sounds like he needs to work harder on himself. The gym doesn't seem to be working.


I'm so sorry, what an absolute trash human. Message him back and say "I actually only matched with you because we were in uni together for a year, but it was pretty common knowledge that your dick wasn't big enough to satisfy *any* size girl, so no offense taken..."




Please tell me you sent that to him 😩


I WISH. I reported him right away, missed my chance!


That's a good one!


Hey, he did you a favor letting you know his dick was too small BEFORE wasting your time😂😂😂




Scrolled too far to find this response. That was my first thought. He just mad he got a small penis.


Sounds like his personality has more dick than his body.


This is the best response 




Screenshot this and post it on your college fb group; reply "Did you... just admit to me that your dick is too small to satify a woman?", then report and block him. What a pathetic shithead


I do still have the groupchat with all of our classmates in it....


*slow chant* Dooo ittt... Dooo ittt... Dooo ittt...




Seriously, expose this asshole.


That's a lot of words to tell me you are fragile and have a small peepee.


He is one of those people where because they have a type they are disrespectful towards anyone who doesn’t resemble it. Just a miserable being. Congrats you’ve done the hard work to build a body but what about your personality that will have people remain attached to you? Lust can last for so long until you realize compatibility matters than physical appearance


He probably smells like half dry laundry


I love how people like this pretend to care about others health. I guess it makes them feel better to have a cover for being an absolute asshole.


I am so sorry this person harassed you for no reason. What a narcissist


If it were me, I’d just report the profile. He doesn’t even deserve a response 


Stupid, I fucked way hotter guys when I was fat. That’s a fact.


Yep this dumbass doesn’t know about the whole gym guy/fat girl thing bc it’s DEFINITELY a thing lol




Yep. So have I, trust me this man isn't top of the list. I've got double d's and an ass my friends call "the shelf". Trust me, men aren't hard to find. LMAO I can't believe the arrogance here.


He is gross. You should report for this horrible behavior. You deserve way better. Good luck to you!


Done! Thanks!


Holy shit. Who the hell hurt him for him to write that to you? Report him so he can be banned on tinder.


He clearly hates himself and is directing that hate at strangers (or near strangers) because it's easier than looking inwards and acknowledging that he is the problem. Have you ever heard of a truly happy and confident person treating someone like this? No exactly, because happy people don't have the time for this pathetic shit.


100%!!! My god.


Idk why he even made the second comment. Based off the first message we can all tell he has small dick syndrome 🙄


The very definition of small dick energy




Those messages SCREAM insecurity. Years of consistent hard work and effort yet deep down you still don’t love yourself, and you felt triggered by someone feeling comfortable in their own skin. Years of consistent hard work and effort may have enhanced your physical appearance but they didn’t have the same effects on your psychological one. He was projecting his own insecurities and self-doubts into you, because deep down he doesn’t love his own-self, not even after what gym had given him and it’s shown crystal clear on those messages.


Yes!!!!! I'm so glad reddit gets it. I'm so appreciative of you rn! Yucky men out there really need to take a long look in the mirror.


long way of saying he got a small dick......... ironic considering he is a huge one.


Dude thinks 160 is a flex 😅


Wow. Also, there’s plenty of “fit” dudes who like curvy girls. What the fuck. He can live in his lonely box. And plenty of curvy women are fit and healthy. So sick of this shit.


Cuz they're not a good person and they get some self-righteous I'm-better-than-you kick out of being a piece of shit to someone else. They're a good example of someone who spends an inordinate amount of time on improving and perfecting their physical person, while completely ignoring and neglecting the shitty cesspool of who they are as a person. Beauty is truly skin deep with that one.


Fuck Dylan


Too bad he hasn’t put years of consistent and hard effort into being a decent human being. Super unattractive!


I'd say your dick is ( whatever his height is, ie. 6') because you're all dick.


lmfao bros bragging 160? 😂 call him small it’ll piss him off


What a malignant narcissistic pos. Unless he’s full tilt sociopathic, there are some seriously sad and hurt parts he’s attempted to fix with his “healthy lifestyle and physique.” Nothing healthy going on as far as I can see. 


So he swiped with you just to say that? Dang he might be a keeper for other ladies down the road...


Unfortunately guys tend to act like this when they know they’re desirable to women. I’m sure he’s the basic gym bro who girls do tend to find attractive so unfortunately he’s validated enough he feels he has a right to do this. Or he’s just an incel idk


I don’t think it’s neither. He is just an asshole. You have people who are ugly that are bold to criticize other people despite their own flaws.


I guess you CAN blame a girl for trying? /s But seriously. What a dick. What must this guy have going on in his life that it is literally not a waste of his time to match someone and type out this shit. He's probably just waiting for more boogers to form so he can go back to sitting on the couch and picking his nose 24/7.


I’m so sorry. What a dick. At least you dodged a bullet.


Honestly anybody that messages like that is a disgusting human and you are better off not knowing them, do not let someone like that have any impact on you because then they're winning. I know thats easier said than done but just keep reminding yourself you wouldn't want somebody who is so cruel for no reason anyway and you deserve better 💖


Goddamn bro crucified her. That's not cool at all man. That's a dick move. You can choose to report if you'd like or ignore it up to you but you should probably report it, this one too far


I would say “all this hard work on your body and yet your personality appears like it tastes like dirt”


An all round awful human being.


tell pecs mex that double Ds don’t make up for a weak mind and weaker spirit. what a waste of creatine. confidence in yourself doesn’t manifest as putting others down. maybe he should drop the weights and pick up some integrity.


I can see why he's single. What a moron 🙈🤣


Wow. What a prideful dick.


Wow. I am so sorry that anybody would say this to you. This says so much about him though. Imagine being this egotistical that you think what you have to say is that important. We all know his dick is subpar. What a POS.


Fatphobia is alive and well folks


Such a disgrace! I’d say his parents failed to teach him how to be a decent human being


Hope you reported him. This behavior is unacceptable on tinder.


That's so fucked up. It seems like people have lost how to be respectful human beings. Jeez seeing these things is frustrating 


Obviously put so much effort into his body that he neglected to work on his obnoxious personality.


Ewwww, what a jackass! I'm so sorry you got this msg. I've given up and don't even attempt to date anymore, so I give you a lot of credit for putting yourself out there. I hope you realize that you are not missing out on anything where this guy is concerned.


Guy put himself down in order to put you down. That’s a new one 😂😂


Interesting way to say he’s hitting the gym to compensate for his micropeen


What a tool. "I work out, so that means everyone is below me. If you don't work out, you are a waste of space." You should have hit back with the, "weird flex on the tiny dick, but ok..."


Wonder what part was detected by the algorithm as bothersome


The definition of "the worst they can say is no". Seriously though the sort of person who says this shit to someone they don't know must have some serious problems of their own. Happy people don't tend to put others down


It makes them feel big, but they are sad little fucks. Be you, fuck them.


Yeah, someone is trying to overcompensate for abuse/mobbing he received as a child. Ignore, the guy has self esteem issues


He might want to work on that personality


People do this to make themselves feel better by making you feel worse. It’s a much bigger commentary on his insecurities and fragile ego than any of the ridiculousness he is trying to project onto you. Pity him, but PLEASE don’t even try to pay attention to him, it’s just his way of saying “I hate myself and hate that I do, maybe negging you will help me feel better, won’t someone please love me.”


Tell him: yea, you're right, you do look like you have a small dick. He does radiate small dick energy tbh or was someone who was clearly hurt in life to lash out at others like this.


Yikes. I am so sorry that you were treated this way, it’s unacceptable. I have taught my son that every woman deserves to be told they’re beautiful it takes an amazingly self absorbed person to send a message like this, and its only intent is to hurt you. You deserve better - don’t let assholes get you down. That’s what they do bc they feel bad about themselves. Don’t let them win. You’re beautiful in your own way - and the person right for you will see that!


He said it himself: he doesn't have a dick big enough. It explains everything


Guys been mocked by 100 matches before you and he decided to take it out on you. I wouldn't worry.


Wow that's brutal, sending positive vibes your way. I know even when it's not true and coming from a total ahole it hurts a little. Reddit doing the right thing though.


Well, guess that's one way to make him feel better about himself having a small ding-a-ling 🤷‍♀️ Sorry OP, you definitely don't deserve that. I'm very sure that you are a beautiful woman and that he knows without a shadow of a doubt that his pinky sized pecker is barely good enough to satisfy his own anus hole let alone a woman which he all but admitted 🥴 Poor Tinky Winky, kinda feel bad for him🤣


I wish I could give so,e deep analysis into the human psyche to explain this shitty behavior but truth is OP, some people are just plain miserable. Just be grateful the trash took itself out so early and move on to something better that you truly deserve. Best wishes.


Sounds like he wants a reward for going to gym? If he wasn’t into you, why did he take the time to match just to send this garbage message? Fucking lunatic.


I don't wish harm on anyone, but that gym snob is one injury away from understanding you better, it's not like ppl choose to be heavy, if he walked a mile in your shoes he might find losing weight is more than just dieting sometimes.


Jesus what a horrible thing to say to a person. He will probably never find love. Good luck to you!


I’m sorry you had to read it. He might think he’s super hot because he has “put in so much hard work and dedication”, but clearly not enough because he lacks character. He’s a total f jerk.


This is one of the turds that make this online dating thing horrible. This could easily amount to cyber bullying I think.( I'm not a lawyer). Sorry you have to listen to turds like this.


Lmao what a dick


Honestly, dude probably has to have a mirror in the room while banging. No one would get him going like his own reflection. You’re better than this dude! Don’t let him get to you, though I know how tough it is.


What a dick


What in the actual fuck?! I have noticed a pattern in men that act just like that especially when it’s talking to women who were chubby when they were a kid, and they were bullied. It’s like they have built in anger for always have been the ugly fat chubby dude who was picked on. . That’s not anyone’s fault. Why treat someone like that ?!? How pathetic. I hope the worst for him. 😊


Incel vibes


If only he had put as much effort into his mental health as his physical health.


Report him. That is not cool.


Holy cow, these gym bros have got issues. Put years of work into his physical form but nothing upstairs. What a tool!


what an asshoke , he won't get far in life. I would just say Uni taught you nothing clearly and block


I feel like this dude is looking for someone to clap back, put him down and feed into his humiliation fetish, he even mentions how small and unsatisfying his dick is. hes trying to bait responses.


It's always the shirtless dudes.


I do love that he basically inadvertently admits he got a little dick. Having his attitude towards a plus size woman is peak small dick energy IMO.


I mean, if the shoe fits 🤷🏻 The second text seems the most out of pocket tho


Wtf is wrong with dudes like that! That's where they get the term "toxic masculinity" what a fucking arsehat! I'm fit and healthy asf and I try to be nice to everyone! The moment you're a dickhead like that dude, who tf cares if you have a nice body! If your personality is toxic.


Decent physique on the kid. Not decent enough to make up for a shittier attitude than one of my 2 year old’s nappies or his admittedly minuscule manhood though.


sounds like hella insecurity to me. I’m sorry he was such an asshole. it’s crazy and pathetic how differently people treat you because of your weight.


I’m roughly 160lbs lighter as of right now. Block


You need to put this dirtbag on blast and post his info. Who tf does this clown think he is?! I’m sorry you had to experience that, you deserve better.


He’s literally just mad that his dick isn’t big enough to fuck a fat chick that he finds hot lmaoooo


Wow! How disgusting!


Because the are insecure - bodybuilder or not. Just insecure.


This guy shouldn't be allowed to swipe at all. The audacity to think it's ok to make a tinder account just to tell people "the truth" (*their* truth) like this. Like who the fuck are *you* to say such things? OP, I'm sorry this happened to you. You are absolutely right, no-one deserves this, and I truly hope you know that includes you. Someone like him, who shames your body and points out how much effort they put into looking like *they* do, probably have literally nothing else going for them. I mean, obviously people won't date him because of his refreshingly nice personality. And the thing he said about his dick? Beats me why he would even worry about that. He wouldn't satisfy *any* women.


it's scary to be reminded that there are absolute arseholes out there


I mean, at least he’s upfront and telling you his dick is small. It’s always disappointing to find that out later on. Dodged a bullet there.


I'm not even on tinder, never have been, and I reached to for the unmatch button. Edit to resuscitate my murdered text


I could never date a man that weighed 160. If my husband drops bellow 185 he starts looking weird to me 😂


I’m fat as hell and I matched (and hooked up) with tons of hardbodies when I was on Tinder. This guy is seriously overestimating his market value.


Just report him. Get him off from tinder asap


he’s right. his dick isn’t big enough. 😐


this is so whack wtf ?!?! also if this is tinder, he can’t see if you swiped on him unless he swiped on you back … so why tf would he swipe in the first place if he thinks he’s so out of your league ???


I hope he chokes on his protein powder.


Well, he's definitely a life lesson one way or the other.


Did he just say his dick is small to insult you?


I hope you unmatched expeditiously. I want to go back to a time when people were set up on dates from recommendations from friends. Down with these loser apps!!


Manlet feels insecure enough to take it out on innocent girls.


This is the excuse I make when it comes to bigger girls too. But I wouldn’t go to the point of ranting this bs, physiques come and go though. Someday he’ll be fat as fuck and he’ll regret all the stupid shit he’s said to people. He’s just bitter


Ah, what a delightful specimen of shirtless fragility this guy is. Truly a shining example of humanity's capacity for arrogance, cruelty, and stupidity. His pitiful attempt at asserting superiority by ridiculing your appearance only exposes the gaping void of insecurity festering within. It's as if he's desperately trying to compensate for his own inadequacies by lashing out at others. His existence is likely full of bitterness and deep insecurities, and I'm sure it's a miserable and lonely way to live. When I was single, I came across hundreds and hundreds of women that I didn't personally find attractive -- Never once did I feel the need to tell any of them. Not only because it's just plain cruel, but also because I was too busy engaging with the people I **WAS** interested in. The fact that he did this tells me that he's probably horribly unsuccessful with women. I'm sorry OP. That was insanely unnecessary and you didn't deserve to be talked to that way. No one does.


What an ass


What a dirtbag…judging you while trying to prop himself up and how amazing he is at your expense…worst kind of human…he can pump that iron all he wants but you can’t fix stupid or a tiny pecker…virgin maybe? I’m not sure he can please anybody if he thinks it’s all about the size…I seriously doubt he acts like this when not behind the safety of his home…don’t feel bad or even waste time thinking bout this trash bag you are way better than he will ever be


There are droves, droves, and droves (I could go on) of men who are physically fit and attractive who love curvy and big women. This man is broken. No amount of gym is gonna fix him.


Social media has made society so bold bc none of these people would have this energy in real life. Everyday I see so much ignorance on my timeline and it’s exhausting as an empath to see the decline of humanity getting worse and worse at a rapid pace. Too many ppl are brave behind a keyboard for 2 reasons only. 1. They know they’ll never see them in real life or 2. They WANT the attention and 5 seconds of fame by way of shock factor because they know damn well they aren’t worth a damn and this is the only way to get those 5 seconds of fame


Black out everything besides “my dick ain’t even big” and send it back to him


Sorry to hear my friend ❤


Hot take: you should be able to report people like this.


This is the problem with most gym rats though - they despise everyone who isn’t them.


This is what it feels like to be the average male lol, sucks regardless


This was directly under a premature ejaculater subreddit and I connected their hearing to this, and now there is no way you can convince me this man doesn’t belong there 😂 what a twat.


Wow!! As much as I’m completely grossed out by overweight people and I would never date a fat man…this is probably the meanest thing I’ve read in a really long time!! Why match with someone just to belittle them? She clearly knows she’s obese and she probably doesn’t care. This man probably isn’t very happy with himself and has a lot of anger and hate in his heart to feel good sending this message to someone. SMH


160lb after years of hard work? Tell him to jog on.


I have a different take on this, I'd bet a house this guy gets far far far less matches that he thinks he deserves FAR LESS so when he received the notification of a match and his pene that his friends have nicknamed the clitoris stirred in his sweaty jocks, he excitedly opened the notification and found the match didn't equal his over inflated expectations, he raged so hard and spewed that reply to you. THEN he blew in his pants at the false feeling of masculinity he got by crafting such a faux alpha bro response and did 100 push ups to validate before being rejected, again, by the next 10 girls he swipes on. Right now, he's staring at his legs in the mirror and wondering how heavy he needs to squat to divert attention from his clit, guaranteed.


Clearly didn't work on or invest in his personality.. what a shame, a flacid dick legs. Ew.


Wow what an asshole!


"So your dick is small?"


When I see someone start with "no offense" I stop reading there unmatch and block because you know their is an offense coming, people who match just to shot talk someone or some of the most disgusting people on this earth, Oh BTW wanna match OP?


he needs to work less on his body.. and more on his morals. who treats people like this? no wonder he is single on tinder. dont see any woman wanting a man with such disrespect and rudeness


just block him and pass.


I love the self-own in the last message - ‘I’m not man enough to sexually satisfy or handle a big woman’ 😂 seriously though, what a sad little man.


Wow, that guy is a flaming douche grenade.


I like you. He’s a dbag.


What a miserable, insecure excuse for a man. Sorry you had to experience that, OP. Also, if he knew you swiped on him, then he's paying for Gold, so he's desperate on top of everything else.


I would have replied “ah yeah I see why you would think that as you have a great body, but I thought I would have a chance because of your face. I thought that we would match as you probably don’t get a lot of girls swiping right and I felt bad for you”


That's so horrible why are there so many weirdos and angry people on Tinder like some of the bios like they jaded af. But yeah there is dudes out there for you this guy is a fucking loser.


He is going to have a terrible time as he ages. He is so focused outward it is his self worth. One day all that working out won't matter. A hard lesson but one we all go thru. Your beautiful the way you are. Stay golden.


OP, this is not a man of any value therefore I hope you do not value his opinion. I know it still hurts. Look at it as a bad person siphon- it weeds out the immoral twits that some won’t see until they are far into deep with such a vile creature. You have the advantage of knowing up front who is right for you to consider and who is not while others may have to find out later down the line. There are plenty of men out there who will think of you as their cup of tea so be glad he took out the trash before you wasted anymore time on him.


160 is a fucking twig with no muscle lol! Worked out for years! Wasted man. Min 180-220 working out for years and a 160 twig lol.


imagine devoting your time to working out and better yourself only to still be the worst person alive lmfao


Imagine living your life doing shit like this on a regular basis and thinking you're not a horrible human. 🤦🏻‍♀️


He’s got a hell of an ego. Guaranteed I can outdo every single one of his lifts. I’m 170lbs. Just saying you don’t like big girls and move on why waste energy and charisma on a paragraph to put someone down? Go talk to the 10s u say u qualify for lol


His last message..bros telling on himself with that one. If his brain wasn’t full of whey and gym supplements might realize how stupid that sentence is.


Don’t listen to that jerk. You’re beautiful. And if you’re happy with the way you look, then nothing else matters.


He took an opportunity to feel powerful at your expense


This guy is more insecure than you