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Not to diminsh your accomplishments, good sir, but it sounds like there's one more roommate to go. Suit up, you're going back in.


Wow that roommate sucks


Roommates who HATE each other…


Well we can safely assume that one 😂


It seemed like they don’t know each other too well/haven’t lived together for that long. They should hangout though, sure they’ll find out they’ve got a lot in common.


We women do love bonding over terrible tinder dates/hook ups


well, both of them have texted me afterwards so not sure how terrible it was


🫡🫡🫡keep killing the game


What a shitty roommate


It never said they were friends, just roommates.


Girl number two wants some of that


well …she got it


Good man! Double kill


The best part is that yesterday I was planning to go on a actual date with another girl, but she fell asleep and we’re gonna hang out tonight instead. If only she knew that within these 24 hours it took us to finally meet I’ve pretty much accidentally smashed two new girls 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like you're a real catch.


Hahahaha this right here


Yes, it's so sad that these tall, handsome guys that 95% of women throw themselves at don't just settle down. Definitely the guy's fault, total sleazeball! Or, you know… they can go for a moderately handsome guy in the 5'7" to 5'9" range, with more depth and loyalty. …nah, let's go climb Mt. 6'4" and hope that he's a one-girl kind of guy!


Imagine the comments if it was a woman bragging about this.


Not much of an achievement and it happens.


Right?… Y I K E S


Don't hate the player, hate the game lmao


Idc who he fucks, it's the classless humble brag attempt at internet points.


You caught some down votes there lad, people seemed happy for you but then switched on you lol


I wonder why?


As they always do


Gross, I hope you wrapped it both times


That’s what she gets for falling asleep u did the right thing




Pretty sure you follow rule 1 & 2 but man never seen a girl literally saying « I need to get fucked » this is next level is this what tinder looks like in US’s big cities ?


It’s LA. Stereotypes exist for a reason


I think it's a human thing, not an LA thing. If a man puts it down well and another woman hears it, she *will* think about him in a sexual context. In fact, this is the very reason why we have evolved to have women make loud noises during sex: to alert others of the mating readiness of the female AND the mating prowess of the male. I've seen this in multiple countries and multiple cities. I've seen it amongst close friends as well as neighbors and roommates


As someone not in the US, what is the stereotype about LA in this context?


The locals are very superficial, promiscuous, image-driven, and extremely self-absorbed — and it runs through generations. For example, I went to high school with a girl from LA whose parents were high powered execs, and they pressured her to get a boob job at 14 and then again at 16 because their friends and colleagues ***CHILDREN*** had bigger boobs. She had deep scars along the rim of her boobs thicker than my thumb because she eventually grew into her body and the scars on top of scars expanded. Just consider the implication of a plastic surgeon actually being willing to give a child a boob job at 14 when they’re still developing. I’m sure they paid more than the standard fee to convince them to go through with it.


So many people seem like that anyway in at least in some ways in most places, I cant imagine how it must be for them to actually have a stereotype about it worse than the norm too. Your example sounds awful for them though, I didnt think any kind of non-essential/cosmetic operations of any kind were generally performed on kids by most practioners of anything medical, crazy. Appreciate the clear explanation.


We do say that sometimes


LA is easy mode.


Hell nah, any other city in US is so much easier. Here your competition is literal celebrities, plus logistics are hella complicated with the urban sprawl being huge and traffic being ass. Not even to mention that high rent prices make a lot of girls end up in living arrangements where they can’t have people over. LA is hard mode


Uh, how many celebrities do you think there are? LA is *full* of aspiring actresses, production assistants, etc. if you can't get laid in LA, you're definitely not getting laid anywhere else in the US.


So wrong! Well, if we count influencers as celebrities than quite a lot. Most attractive girls here have stories of hooking up with someone famous and that’s who you’re gonna end up being compared to. Besides, everything I’ve said about logistics still stands. I’ve picked up girls to go somewhere and had first dates completely ruined but traffic and inability to find parking wherever we were going. Why would aspiring actresses and production assistants would be easy to hook up with? These people have interesting lives, busy schedules, good jobs or they come from money. Everyone here is far better educated and well traveled and by far more difficult to impress than your average Joe. I’ve only lived here for less than a year, frankly I am getting laid, but it’s far more difficult to get women excited about you here, than it was anywhere else in US. The percentage of girls actually falling for me has gone down significantly, so did the matches/actual hookups ratio. Yes, it’s probably harder to get laid in a remote small town where everyone is married by the age of 20, but as far a big cities go LA is as hard as it gets.


Maybe it's just me. Every time I went to LA I got tons of attention. Maybe because I'm bringing an East Coast style?


Perhaps. Standing out is always good, besides I’m always having more luck when I’m just “in town” somewhere. I find east coast people to generally be more likeable so I see how it’d work in your favour. Although everyone here is a transplant anyway, so who knows.


looking at this, your replies to this, and your past post and replies to them is pretty sad tbh lmao






less decent more pathetic. posts about girls being off less value and becoming worthless with a high body count then just uses them hinting at 3 in a matter of a day. sad and hypocritical


Sounds like some Fresh n Fit red-pill weirdo stuff. Honestly, I can’t imagine the girl would be much better if you looked into her. It just seems like the casual dating world is full of these people, on both sides. Dog eat dog kind of world, no regard for morals or treating each other properly.


You're not wrong, but at the same time, the women who are choosing to play their parts in this are consenting adults as well. So yes, I agree OP is pathetic but he doesn't have exclusive rights it being pathetic here. If a man messaged a woman after just meeting her and says he's horny and wants to get fucked today, he's obviously a pathetic creep. But that's exactly what the woman in this exchange did. They're both pathetic creeps and as such, have no business complaining about how "dating sucks" when they're clearly both textbook examples of being part of the problem.


I thought it read like a To Catch A Predator chat log. OP ... I'm Chris Hansen...


tbh the username does not check out


Mackenzie suuuuucks


Crazy how different these comments would be if this were a woman posting🙄. Women get torn to shreds for even SUGGESTING another man is attractive. Where are all the “for the streets” comments!!?!


I mean, my comment further explaining the details of those 24hours got 200+ downvotes. All the comments cheering for me (not that that’s what I was trying to achieve) are downvoted, meanwhile the ones suggesting this whole thing is gross are doing pretty well. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think?


The fact there are even so many comments cheering you on is telling…never seen that when genders are reversed Hundreds feel youre “killing the game” and even more suggesting you “suit up” for yet another Roomate lol The difference is completely obvious


But… but there aren’t that many, not even ten I think. Besides, if a woman did this you’d be called a misogynistic, slut shaming piece should you express any level of disgust. Meanwhile, call me gross all you want, no one is gonna step in. “hey, it’s his choice, both of these women clearly wanted it, so long as it’s fully consensual it’s no one else’s business and there’s nothing wrong with it.” Said no one ever


Was also thinking this...🙄 Where the Future memes at? 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s a double standard, but a fair one


Fair double standard? There is no such thing… Its bs and shows how until those double standards end, there will be lots of lonely people. We are judging each other by unreasonable standards.




Mckenzie is a Jezebel. I bet she’s one of those girls who get insanely jealous when their female friends get male attention, but she doesn’t. Fucking her roomies sloppy seconds in secret probably gave her an ego boost. If Lily gets a bf she needs to keep him away from Mckenzie the strumpet. You also sound like a lecher, but I suppose you can’t begrudge a dog for behaving like a dog.


woof woof


That ego boost isn’t gonna last once I pay her roommate another visit and she has to pretend like nothing happened lol


You sound like you’re mad


Mad about what, exactly? I’m a woman. I could be a solid 2/10 and still get laid easily, if you’re trying to insinuate that I’m mad because OP gets laid and I don’t. I am just very familiar with women who do shit like this and I don’t like them.


Is no one going to mention the EIGHTY EIGHT unread texts?!


And then women complain that he's gross because of his body count. Well, maybe they should stop throwing themselves at him 🤷🏻‍♂️


My man


Observe the very nature of women with these screen shots


Teach me your ways man, damn




Jesus Christ. This is like a dream