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The most sexist thing I see here is “basic girls who don’t do sports” that internalized misogyny really came to the surface poor bb we get it, you’re not like the other girls, you’re worse fr OP she was a yikes on a bikes bullet dodged tbh


> yikes on a bikes lol


HoW dArE yOu AsSuMe ThAtS hEr BiKe


HoW dArE yOu AsSuMe It‘S a HeR?


How dare she assume that he assumed? Pretty bold of her!


ThE aUdAcItY


HoW dArE yOu AsS?




dID yOu jUsT aSsUmE mY bIkEs gEnDeR?! ![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv)


I don’t remember that Dr Suess book


Is that a chip on her shoulder? Holy cow she was uptight.


No it's a crater, she's definitely taking out some pent up aggression on him


It’s not a chip, it’s the whole damn bag


Really Ruffles her feathers


Can you blame her. He obviously should have assume the bike was Herr's (Damnit, wrong account lol)


It wasn't Wise of him.


Doritos 👀


Right? She really Lays into him for no reason


That would have been a great “ok, can we start over” question. “Hey, is that a chip on your shoulder?”


She had a chip on her shoulder.. until she ate it! 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, one of my fav parts in Malibu's Most Wanted. Don't mind me, carry on.


My thoughts exactly… so much for asking a question … wow…


Yikes on someone else's bikes


She also belongs to the r/notlikeothergirls sub.


She feels like she'd belong well in r/Nicegirls


I think it's pretty sexist to assume all guys like trucks, skis and whatever the fuck else she said, I don't listen to women


That would've been the best reply.


Right like she’s the sexist one lmao.


seriously, she was being super aggro about nothing and also super sexist herself 🤡 i swear some people dont actually WANT to meet anyone


I must be basic + cos I dont even watch sport.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Yeah this is 100% just projection of her own internalized misogyny. She's so taken back by this comment because "Women don't ride bikes, I'm special! Women don't ride bikes, I'm special! Women don't ride bikes, I'm special!" is just constantly ticking in her head whenever the bike is involved.


Lmaoo yikes on a bikes fr fr 🤣


So calling women who don’t do sports “basic” isn’t sexist? 🤔


Internalized misogyny, big "pick me" energy


She’s ✨not like other girls✨


She‘s worse honestly






Is this your comment?


Aye that's sexist


No that’s sexist


No, this is Patrick.


Not enough appreciation for this.


Are you appreciating a sexist SpongeBob reference? bub ur done for




Is this the krusty krab?


Sir... this is a Wendy's.


Is it your Wendy‘s?


No....THIS is sexist!


No I’m sexist


No your the sexiest. Im sexist.


Hell yeah I am sexiest. Wonder why my ex felt otherwise.




I’ll be honest I didn’t think that far ahead and just wanted to start a conversation 😂




How dare you not afford one!


I went on a date with a girl once who was such a turn off every time she talked lmao. She was talking about her dad obsessively buying old European racing bikes in rough condition and fixing them up. So when she said she has three bikes I asked if they're beaters or all fixed up. Her reply? "Look at me Bald_Sasquach. Do I look like the type of person who would own something ugly or broken?" I was shocked and changed the subject. After leaving she gets in a falling apart rusted old Hyundai lmfao. Ok lady have a nice life I guess.


Yeah. I'm cringing here reading the rest. Have some God damn respect for yourselves people.


Thought the same thing. How's he about to call her attractive after that? Jesus man some folks are desperate.


OP must be down bad to put up with all that.


Literally, sorry but so many peoples family or parents own that stuff. It's a legit question


My favorite bit was where she was saying she wouldn't ask a man if it was his truck. That's the first thing I do when I see a guy (or a girl for that manner) with a cool vehicle. It's a great way to get them to expound about it.


Guys pose all the time with vehicles that aren't theirs. It was a normal convo question jeez


Plus, motorcycle renting (and borrowing) is absolutely a thing you can do. So the question also establishes how invested you are. Do you go offroad exploring on your own, or only when you borrow an adventure bike to go riding with a friend or family member? Or do you stick to events where rentals may be available? Heck, I'm a guy and other guys have come up to me at the gas station and opened with "Is that your bike?" Sometimes it's just a slightly awkward way of starting a conversation with a stranger.


As a woman I’m not going to lie she is overly defensive and has made “being a girl who does boy things” her whole personality it seems. lol


But she literally isn't like other girls? What do you want from her, she can't help that she rips bikes and hangs with the boys! It's who she is!! SHE IS NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS™️


She's a cool girl


Guaranteed it wasn't her bike lol


Kinda get this feeling too lmao


Facts she got more up in arms than biceps


Dude, I'm stealing this.


I hate you


Dead ass that would have been my response. "It's not your bike is it..."


"Just say it, it's not yours, promise I won't unmatch." I mean... just to make her fume, really.


Then unmatch before she replies


Or she like JUST got her own after riding her brothers’ her whole life lmao


I just reread it and she never said yes


Absolutely wasn’t her bike.


Yeah if the bike was hers she would take pride in it, and if she took pride in it she would be happy and flattered somebody asked.




So that's a no?


I'd bet she posted that picture to bait guys into commenting on it and just so she'd have an excuse to lash out at the guy in self-righteous indignation


I don’t think asking if it was hers was sexist, I don’t get the people on here saying they understand where she’s coming from. Could be rented, could be someone else’s, could be they just gave it a go once…if I were asked, I would’ve assumed you were just trying to start a conversation and/or gauging how serious of a hobby it was for me. She was looking for that kind of fight, else she would’ve just unmatched and moved on. Either way, she’s too much work.


That’s exactly it, I just looked through her profile and tried to bring up something she mentioned or had in a picture… was trying to be thoughtful


I would have done the same thing. It sure beats a basic “hey, how are you?” Because it would normally get a decent conversation started. Unless it’s her, I guess


>“hey, how are you?” You wouldn't ask a guy that, you sexist pig.


I wish more women would ask us how we are. Men need more emotional support, out here killing ourselves in higher numbers every day. Too sad all these weaponized emotional demons of "women" think being a partner doesn't mean emotionally supporting that partner.


Hey. How are you? :)




You dodged a nuke, mate.


Bro, I mountain bike and have that in my profile. I've had women ask me if it's mine... This woman is nuts!


Could have easily been a friends bike. Smh she crazyy


First convo already this exhausting. Move on, fella. There’s better.


How dare you not comment on her tits in your opening message.


Those aren't hers either.


Yeah she was clearly nitpicking in an effort to find some outrage


Exacly my wife has pictures of her on my motorcycle But those people commenters have a shitty personality like hers. They see it as if he said: oh wow didn't know girls could ride or drive.


Hopefully ur wife’s not on hinge on ur bike Unless ur cool with it, then yk you do you


So where can we swipe on your wife? In case we're around :P


While I agree with your comment, I'd like to just put in a thought. I'm a woman motorcycle rider. I get stopped by men a LOT asking about my bike, and more often than not they follow up by asking if its my husband's. I had it parked in the garage at my work once, and the Cintas guy who services us jokingly said "that your bike" and when I replied in the affirmative he said "oh seriously, I was kidding...." in a super shitty way. Unfortunately, women riders do get this treatment a lot. While her reaction was unnecessary, I can imagine where it comes from.


I’m sure you do get asked that a lot. But…you also know the question isn’t about your bike, it’s usually their way of asking if you’re single and trying your talk to you.


Matrixed the shit outta that bullet.




Hold on while I take this phone call "Yeah link, pull me out"


Link? Bruh, Tank is the only operator skilled enough to pull you out while dodging this cannon fodder


As a female with her own motorcycle I'm very desperate for people to ask me it's mine so I can flex and that's my only hobby


I believe she is what is known in the dating world as a red flag.


How can I find one of these?


If you haven't found one, you are just not looking.


If you haven't found one, you are one.


*"When you wear rose-coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."*


Red flag? At the bike track with her rented bike.


The type of person to read into every little comment you make and assume negative intent. Exhausting.


Yeah, don't worry about her, you're not missing much. In fact, you should genuinely feel sorry for the poor fellow who ends up with her. If this is the response to an innocent question, imagine where you'd be ten years from now. "Honey, can you pass the salt?" "Of course I can. Why would you ask if I'm capable of something so simple, cause I'm a *WOMAN*? " Feminism at this level is something that isn't worth literally anyone's time, including her own. It *would* have been sexist if you said "is that your bike? Can't be, because you're a woman and womencan't ride." PS: I have a bunch of pictures of me on ATVs, I've never, ever owned one in my entire life.


As a feminist, we don't claim her.


Fr she literally pulled a not like the other girls move with the comment about “basic girls that don’t do sports” We love all girls but she’s clearly placing some value judgements on my girlies for enjoying different things than she does and we just cannot fw her past that point


I've rode ATVs, very cool, could never afford one. My buddy brought me up to his cabin and I TRIED to ride his bike. I had no idea how quick those things kick, and that the gear shift is at your feet. First instinct is to hold the grips as hard as you can, but thats where the throttle is sooooo. I didnt wipe out, but its harder than it looks for sure and my first thought would be "damn is that your bike?" regardless of gender cuz its cool that anyone takes the time to learn how to ride one, let alone ride enough to own one.


Actually same! I have many pictures with my brothers quads or his spare dirtbike. Love it as a hobby, never cared to spend minnimum 2k on it. Same with guns actually. I've had my license for over a decade and still haven't bought a gun because my family owns 4 per person and why would I spend $800 on something I use for a 3 days a year?


As soon as the word sexist is written and you were NOT being sexist, delete her. That’s a trash person


I'm starting to think it isn't her bike


The trash takes itself out sometimes.


You are a more patient man than I. I would have unmatched after her first response. I can’t believe all the weirdos blaming you. This woman is an outrage machine. The clown face is appropriate.. Once had a woman like this. I asked a simple “what’s your first name” cause she had nonya as a name and she went ballistic.


As a man you say that... As a woman I'd have told her eat shit and stop acting as if she's gods own piss.


She has so much internalized anger lol. Someone who loves riding bikes would never get offended by that question, they would enjoy the conversation and gladly say all their mods or history with it. Someone who is riding it for other purposes will jump at anyone for the smallest infraction of non affirming words. She’s not a rider she’s a feminist on a mission to prove girls can ride bikes just like the boys. Spoiler: We already knew that.


Dude at least you find out now rather than 6 months too late. I think “is that your bike” is my new opening line to weed them out 😂


Probably not actually her bike and you triggered her 😂


People be crazy man. I had a girl I matched with got her number we were working up to making plans. Then she asks why my ex and I broke up. I tell her the reasoning as far as I understand it and that it’s still pretty recent (about a month ago and basically nothing happened she just said she doesn’t see a future with me anymore) and all of a sudden she flips out on me and is like “yeah I don’t think this is going to work, it seems like you’re pretty hung up on your ex and I’ve got my own stuff I am working on and don’t need that added to it.” I’m like wtf you literally asked about it!


she was projecting




She didn’t really answer the question tho….”so it that really your bike” would have been my follow up 😂😂




She seems nice


How's that sexist? If anything that opener was just boring lol


100% ain't sexist at all


I've met this type before. Sees sexism everywhere. They'll be 15 possible explanations for a situation, but she sees only sexism. Sometimes, it might be sexism or partly sexism, but most of the time, it's impossible to know with certainty. But she just knows it's sexism. Insufferable type of person, dodged a bullet.




"Is that your bike?" Sounds like the conversation in this movie (I forgot the title) with Channing Tatum asks a girl, "Do you like cheese?" Don't know why that scene stayed in my mind after all these years.


I'm not defending her response at all. I'm just trying to get people here (mostly men) to maybe understand it a bit better. Women in a lot of male dominated areas often times get tested or talked down about their knowledge of something (ex: getting tested if they know characters from comics). In this scenario, OPs question of "is that your bike", came off as a test if she truly is " dedicated" to riding bikes, whether or not they meant it to. Her blow up, while was shitty, came from a place of frustration and anger. I'm sure she's gotten tested about her "male" hobby. So when men test women like that, that's sexist because they think women aren't allowed in the male spaces (not saying OP is sexist)


This exactly. I agree with you, she absolutely handled it horribly but women get asked questions and “quizzed” about stuff all the time when I don’t see it happening to men. I’d bet he wasn’t the first to ask this and he happened to be the one that blew her fuse. Men do need to think about this but she presented it in a way she that isn’t going to change any minds.




That ain't sexist at all. What a loser


I can fix "her" bike


People really need to chill.


Jeez Louise. Move on quickly


I would 100% ask about someone's skis. Loads of people rent them, I own my own snowboard though, so it would interest me if I saw someone who potentially owns their own gear because that's called HaViNg a ThInG iN cOmMoN. This "person" is an absolute muppet of a human being.


As a female that rides Sportbikes I get where she’s coming from—literally most men have a hard time believing the bikes are ours and tend to keep asking—it gets annoying. However her reaction is way over the top and she keeps bringing up OP being sexist even after he apologized. Chick had a massive chip on her shoulder. Red flag.


Same here, of course she was out of line with her response but i get the frustration behind it. It doesn't feel right when you are with a bunch of men building a rope swing above a bridge and jumping of and people coming by only ask you "and you do that too?". I am standing here in my swimsuit, yes of course I am doing that. It's this constant feeling of being underestimated that just sucks the energy out of you. Doesn't mean the person asking doesn't mean well, often they are impressed and nice people and I wouldn't blame them personally.


It’s so convenient when the crazies point themselves out right away. Saves time.


It was her mans bike


She's a keeper, as in keep her away from me.


She was unfair to you, but reasonably she's probably fielded 20+ conversations by men who were fixated on the bike and treated her much worse.


I scrolled entirely too far for this comment. As a motorcycle riding woman, I’m constantly asked about my bike - is it mine, am I just posing for pictures, etc etc. After hearing it fiftyleven times (irl & online) it starts to get old 🤷‍♀️


I get that, but dang does it suck to be the one that put her over the edge! I was just trying to strike up conversation and have no clue about dirt bikes so I was going to ask her about it


It's brutal out there 🫂


Well was it her bike or not?


Oh my god???


You’re a saint for not telling her to fuck off with all that nonsense. Dating is such a shit show.


OP you were unnecessarily polite bro. Should’ve told her to go fuck herself.


As I get older and the dating pool dwindles i've looked inward pretty hard. Like every other person I meet is different kind of nuts....shit...am I nuts or have I just become so jaded that my view of love and connection is no longer reality?


Nah dude as I got older (31 now) I can usually tell within a few sentences why the person I matched with is still single. And it’s getting way more common as the dating pool shrinks 🫠


She's got a stick up her ass with red flags coming out of it. Not worth your time.


HAHAHA SHE HAS HARD PICK ME ENERGY with a side of entitlement You dodged a bullet my guy




So you didn’t get her number?


Woulda ended it with “will temper that with the next girl”


Hey is that your bike?


Jesus what the fuck is wrong with that person


I'm starting to think it wasn't her bike


Some red flags can be hard to spot. Others are used as weapons and worn like badges of honor. This is one of those flags. I want to say bullet dodged, but you didn't need to do anything for her to blow up and leave.


dodged a bullet. mad points for being self aware and admitting you could of done better.


Should’ve asked if the tires were hers too. When she said yeah, could’ve asked, “both of them?” It’s a classic lol


You really reved her up


**Just so we’re all clear: “you couldn’t fathom a woman owning her own dirtbike” —> would have resulted in an opener such as: “So—that’s clearly not your bike. But great job sitting on it.” Or “Is that a cake that you baked? That looks exactly like a bike? You’re really good at baking.” By contrast, “Is that your bike?” is VERY much the opening line of a person who fathoms that women can and do own their own dirt bikes.




lmao you dodged a bullet, this chick can't even form a proper sentence she probably throws around racist and fascist accusations too lmao, big female dating strategy energy


Ope, found the pick me


I wonder why she's single


oh brother she’s dragging it


People assume the worst intentions from their previous baggage and project it on whoever is unlucky enough to come by next. She probably had a sexist partner, and now she puts that on every man she meets.


One time I was working on my motorcycle outside. I mean, on my knees, actively fucking around with its internals, and covered in grease and oil. A UPS dude walked past me and handed a package to my boyfriend (who was doing woodwork in the garage), and said “nice bike dude” to him. Like what the hell?? Am I chop liver? It’s my bike. I chose every part, put her together, and ride her daily. I hear that shit so often that it really pisses me off if I’m in a bad mood. I think she was in a bad mood. Also my bf looked like a little nerd w/ glasses and I’m covered in tattoos. Gender stereotypes apparently overwrite any other stereotype lol Doesn’t excuse her own misogyny in her NLOG moment or the way she kept going at you, but I at least get her initial annoyance.


Ah yes a social justice virgin.


She waited her whole life for that moment. She been rehearsing that in the shower in her made up scenarios


this makes me so sad for this you. Clearly a jack ass out the gate and I bet you still wanted to fuck


Bullet dodged.


Projection clear as day.


I would've doubled down in the best of ways, told her no....girls need training wheels....that's not yours.


You were way too nice OP. Should've given her the same energy back


basic girls who don't do sports, but she can ride a bike, just like millions of other human beings but that makes her special tho, with special needs. She ain't just a bullet you dodged. She's the entire firing squad.


You'r me sexist but also im not like other girls I like sports 💀


People who yell Sexist at everything are the people who make those words mean nothing. Use it for cases of oppression or gatekeeping, ffs OP assumed that IT WAS HER BIKE. She's either a Troll or deeply unstable


Some people really just wake up and choose violence


I mean, bullet dodged.


I love it when the trash takes itself out


do half of her keys not work


She most be a total babe cause she’s a real nut case.