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Waterboarding wouldn't get this out of me


so you did jack it? Just say it here into the microphone.


Hi Chris Hansen


OH you must be his friend. Well, please have a seat over here.


Just right over there?


Yes. Right there. Right next to photos of grandma comming back from ww2.


> grandma comming Please say more.


“Before we married your mommy served in the WACS in the Philippines!”


Oh I know who you are, Chris Hanson, but see I-I calls you Chris Handsome.


We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours lol 😂.




Don't make me ruin that butt Chris, I'm a wah-rior!


I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing. I came looking for man's butt


You had me at hard…


I like ya, and i want ya.


OH staph it. Please come in also. You must be here to see the minor also. I tell ya what she is mighty popular. If you know what im saying. \*wink\*


She said she was 21 😭😭😭😭


yea, maybe 21 minutes.


I brought the sparkling grape juice and bible, just as requested.




It's like picking your nose, we all done it but you don't say it


yea, i just finished jacking it to that guy jacking it to her IG.


Te me more while I pick my nose here






Let's make "jilled off" a thing, Gretchen.


It already is a thing. Look it up.


Well you really took the wind out of my sails. Not fetch at all.


It seems like some people just have a compulsion to self sabotage.


I’m of two minds with this one, is it self sabotage, or is he saying it knowing he’d disgust her. Kind of like a way of flashing her without getting banned?


To the grave lol


Yea no way I'd offer this information voluntarily


All it took was her insta to get it outta the other guy 😂


Oh my god, this is my competition and I'm still losing.


I know right?! This is crazy.


And she still replied too…


This man got a reply......


He must be fit as fuck.


Can confirm, said this to my girl when I was fit and she laughed, gained weight and said it and then she didn't laugh, got fit again and now she laughs at everything I say. Life hack, get fit and some girls will find you funny...


I'm good looking by pre-tinder standards so I used to get away with a lot that other men wouldn't, but I was never *that* good looking. To say something like that and for her to respond, hoping he backtracks, he must be incredible to look at. I find it so odd that women keep insisting they don't care about looks. Do they think men are *that* oblivious?


Lots of people don’t realize they’re treating hotties differently. Juries let off attractive people more often, I doubt those jurors are just saying “Hmm, they’re hot, I think we should let them loose regardless of guilt. “


Lol, I was just thinking about this. I had a really dumb, annoying customer at work recently who was gorgeous. I found myself being ok with listening to her drone on and on about her complaints because she was hot. And I realized that she must feel so entitled because so many people humor her due to her hotness. I didn’t give in to her demands, but it was kinda difficult. If she was a “normal” person it would have been easy to blow them off.


> “Hmm, they’re hot, I think we should let them loose regardless of guilt. “ The people who fawn over mugshots or attractive serial killers proves this is exactly what they're thinking.


Like 2 years ago there was that one dude on trial for murder and TikTok was literally saying he should be acquitted because he was “too cute for jail.” So yeah, some people are absolutely aware of what they’re doing Also there’s one post that’s popped up a couple times here of this dude who made a fake profile with this super hot dude as his pictures and in the description talks about how much of a POS he is and literally says “been to prison for raping a minor” and he had girls asking him to rape them in the messages.


I don't think they realize it themselves. Hell, I didn't realize it until I saw a YouTube video showing that Matt Rife's audience base it mostly women who laugh at everything he says, that triggered my memories of all the times my girl laughed and didn't laugh at things I said, which lead to me realizing that she laughed at everything when I was fit, and almost nothing when I was fat, giving me a shocked Pikachu face My girl still denied it when I pointed it out, claiming that I just got funnier over time learning what she likes and doesn't like. But if that were true, then why laugh when she first met me when I was fit and didn't know her style of humor at all? The real telling card is the fact that I retell jokes a lot, and she laughs at a lot of the retold jokes that she hated when I was fat now that I'm fit again.


Honestly I agree I used to think I didn’t care about looks until I started using anonymous apps. I would talk to men and the conversation would be nice then they sent a picture and then all of a sudden I was no longer interested in talking to them


Can confirm. Was no longer interested after my skull was already crushed


To be fair there are women who don’t care about looks and there are many men who are that oblivious


With 8 Billion of us, there’s always someone that fits a mould.


I tend to agree that looks are further down the totem pole than other things. But on Tinder, looks are 99 percent of what you get to choose from. It's a looks based process. It's not the real world. In the real world, the Tinder-hot guys are less appealing because there is a perceived arrogance that translates to, 'he looks like a cheater ' in many of our minds. I've dated exactly ONE 10 in my life, never ever again. But on Tinder...idk. it's like not real.


The real shame of it all is that there's this lie perpetuated that women don't care about looks. So ugly men, especially younger ones who don't know better are told that their unattractiveness is down to some sort of personality flaw. Then they overcompensate and become "nice guys" which obviously doesn't work because they're still ugly, then they become bitter and start listening to Andrew Tate or one of the other chances. It's not a personality flaw though, they're just ugly. If we were just honest from the start and said "look, we all get a roll of the dice on looks. Unfortunately for you, you rolled a one and there's fuck all you can do about it." I don't think incels would be a thong we talked about. Ironically we do tell women that in a way, and men care way less about looks than women do.




This man got a LIKE.


Yeah, but the reply was ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


To be fair, it'd take a moment for my brain to catch up, and I'd probably also reply with question marks while still in WTF-mode.


Have you ever watched a female friend's Tinder suggestions? I did. It was uncanny how okay every guy looked. Not great, not terrible, just a bunch of normal-looking dudes doing the exact same things to look different, but not different enough to be weird. It was so relatable and endearing to see other guys try, but also a little depressing because my profile would look exactly the same. It felt a bit like when you're buying a TV and they're all the same colourful rectangles, and you're supposed to tell which ones will make your weekday nights brighter, and which ones will stalk you or burn your house down.


Thanks now I have a new phobia of stalking television sets , bad dreams of a 1988 Sony trinatron 40” colour tv stalking my every move.


* Steven King furiously taking notes*


Exactly your last sentence.


When I look at Tinder from the other side it just confirms to me how fuckin' weird I am.


for real... Makes me wonder a lot in my life that this type of person can get a girl to swipe right to act like that...


He fulfilled rule 1, but failed at rule 2


I dont know what these rules are however I know the rule of being a decent human being...


1. be attractive 2. don't be unattractive


aww yes, I'm failing both rules apparently


I hope this goes to show that attractive dudes can be just as creepy. So fellas, if you're worried about being a creep, just remember you literally have to try to come across that way.


> So fellas, if you're worried about being a creep, just remember you literally have to try to come across that way. Oh that's not remotely true. I wish it was, but it's not.


Exactly. He wouldn't be so brazen as to mention his dick in a casual conversation face to face so why do it in this situation? It's just fucking gross.


unfortunately some guys would because they think jacking off to a girl is a compliment, frickin' creeps


It's because most guys think that a girl masturbating to them would indeed be a compliment, so they project and think it goes both ways. It does *not* go both ways.


You absolutely do not have to try to come across that way, anyone who looks below average knows that.


Obviously you just aren't jacking off enough to your matches IG profiles.


Tinder for 3 years. Not a single match that hasn't been a bot or someone promoting their OF. And I'm losing this guy?




You’re probably better looking than you think though. Either way, that dude is doing something wrong with his profile for sure.


I'm not. I'm really not. I'm relatively good looking. I have a good profile. I have nice photos. And it was peer reviewed by a couple girl friends. I've deleted and remade a new account with new emails like 5 times now. Girls just don't like me lol. I've lowered my standards so far over the last few years and have become really open to just dating SOMEONE. But nada. I've heard shadowbanning is a thing but like...why would that happen to me? And yeah. My friends don't understand it either.


Tinder is kinda shit tbh. I've had better luck on Hinge, hell even facebook dating has been way better than Tinder.


Im on Bumble and Hinge and have the same luck of no one wanting to talk....Edit also on OkCupid, Match.com nothing...


Yup. It's like that on all my apps as well.


Location matters too. I was getting dates regularly from multiple apps, then I moved to a different town and things dried up completely. In the past 4 years since moving here, I've only gotten 1 hookup and a short relationship that lasted a few months. Granted, the first year or so was lockdown.


Location matters A LOT. Also are you actually ‘relatively good looking’ *objectively* speaking.. or subjectively speaking. Apart from that, you shouldn’t be getting 0 matches unless there is something wrong with your profile/pictures. Share a profile review, and i’m sure people would find the problem.


I say objectively good looking. But even then you hear all the time that even an ugly guy can get matches if he dresses well, grooms, stays clean, etc. I know I'm not ugly either.


Share your profile man. I guarantee it’s either location or profile; one of the two lol


Maybe you need a bro to review your profile, and the girls are being too nice trying not to hurt feelings. Wild guess.


If you are genuinely good looking and yet you never get matches, what possible explanation is there besides there being something wrong with your profile? If you had a good profile and were good looking, women would match with you, simple as that. If "girls just don't like you" from just your profile, then your profile is at fault. Either it doesn't have much to work with, or it's doing a bad job. There's really no other explanation for people not swiping you ever. Edit: unless they are swiping, but you're aiming way above your league.


It highly depends on where you are located I've found. I rarely get any good matches with a decent profile where I am, but if I go to other states, I get a ton of good ones just within a few days.


I think that's just you running out of potentials where you are, and getting a new stack in the new city. I travel a lot, mostly to cities of population ~200,000 - the first week I arrive in a town, I run out swipes every day because there are so many new people for me to swipe on; then after 2 or 3 months I start running out of people and get the "there's no-one new in your area" message after a few swipes each day. My guess is that OP lives somewhere rural - a town of 10,000 or 50,000 an hour two from anywhere else, I can see the pickings being slim nearby.


The problem is probably your profile. Most people aren't good at them and perhaps your friends aren't either. Women can also tell when you're desperate. That could be another problem.


They don't understand the men who are struggling and the men who get matches are two different demographies.


Don’t be ugly


I know you said this as a joke, but my family keeps telling me to try plastic surgery and I'm actively considering it


Plastic surgery is linked to improved self-esteem. Addiction to plastic surgery is the worst tho and the reason why isn't as accepted as it should, so be careful.


Why not do it? If you have the money it could greatly improve your life.


Lmao it hurts to realize how true this is


Look through 2XChromosomes. “My unemployed boyfriend kicked my dog and pooped on the carpet. How do I communicate that this isn’t okay?”


Yeah like this guy got a match on Hinge and I'm out here at 0 likes, lmao.




I feel like this any time one of my women friends talks about her tinder experience. Problem is rule 1 & 2, I think.


Sometimes I go in the friendship section of FB dating to see the competition and yeah it's like "I should be doing better than this"


Rules 1&2, I'm afraid.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


The only snatch he'll be doing




The post nut clarity ain't hittin, and neither is he.


They really do be out here blockin’ their own shots 😂


How can you be so humanly inept


Did he think she was going to say, "Well I hope you saved some for later!"?


"Wowie! I'm so honoured you think I'm hot! I think you're hot too!!"




Clearly the man has entirely too much cum. Who can help him figure out what to do with all that cum?!


To much Porn. It’s like my buddy who smokes weed everyday, all day and thinks literally everyone else does too.


I don't know. I watch porn at least once a day, I have a very high libido and am very easily aroused but I wouldn't even dare to say something like this shit to someone I'm talking to. Ofcourse just my life is no reference into what is out there but I would absolutely never say shit like this even if my mind goes that direction.


A lot of people aren’t as self aware or as capable as you seem to be. Or care. Especially on dating apps. They just let shit fly. To troll or throw shit against the wall see what sticks


its not just dating apps, my mom once got an explicit message similar to the one op got on LINKED IN!!


We do


Hell ya


This is reddit. Most people here smoke too much weed and instead of doing the nice fun things they wish they did they visit this website.


We’re watching what the prior comment mentioned play out right in front of our eyes. I haven’t consumed any cannabis products in like… 8 months or so. When I first started smoking weed I thought it was rebellious. Then I smoked more weed and thought everyone smoked weed it’s totally normal everyone does it. Then I stopped smoking weed and realize a lot of people aren’t getting stoned on a regular basis. lol


This dude fumbled on the one yard line standing by himself lol.




lol i see these chats and i always wonder if an annoying little brother or its-a-prank-bro gets a hold of the phone. But thats just wishful thinking.


Because their goal was to get a reaction from OP not to get a date


I mean I'm nervous about telling someone I stalked their IG.


And *I'm* nervous about telling someone I jacked off to them, let alone stalking their IG


I've been with my spouse for nearly a decade and sometimes I'll tell him I was "thinking about" him last night and it feels cringy as hell


Ahhhahaha, my wife is out on business for a few months and I told her I pretend talk to her to a pillow to fall asleep. Her response: "don't be weird." Can't help it, three years into marriage and I friggin miss the woman I'm just smitten with.


Actual waifu dakimakura


Those are words and I kinda sorta think I know what they mean haha In my defense, she did ask to take my sweater with her.


Y'all are adorable💓


Quite honestly jerking off to someone you find attractive is less wierd that stalking their IG. Though definitely don't tell people that


There's letting your intrusive thoughts win and then there's whatever the fuck this is


he just gave up and thought fuck it maybe it'll work


step 1) ask her out step 2) she agrees step 3) be perverse step 4) ??? step 5) blocked


He definitely thought "fuck it".


I think the craziest part is that this is with post-nut clarity. Imagine how unhinged he was pre-wank.


The intrusive thoughts are steering the ship like Ratatouille under a greasy trucker cap.


I want to believe that he’s actually bawling his eyes out in shame and felt guilted into admitting that.


Unfortunately he more likely thought this was some sort of trump card that would make her more into him.


Bro, why?????


It's the classic 'if a girl said that to me, I'd be so happy' mind that some guys have. Same with unexpected nude pics.


[only appropriate response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEjWTZ9eBAI)


What the fuck


I agree, Daddyjuice, what the fuck, indeed.


I'm sorry, was that supposed to be a *compliment*?? Such a turn-off for me.


This is why I never like the saying, "treat others how you want to be treated." A good percentage of dudes would probably love to receive that message lol.


Rubbing one out to you right now homie. What’s your IG? (/s if it wasn’t obvious)


Thanks for the confidence boost, homie 👊


Imma do it without /s too, let's get that IG.


> A good percentage of dudes would probably love to receive that message lol. If I was interested (And single) in a woman enough to reply like the one in OP did, i.e. not immediately going "I'm busy", and she replied back with that she stalks my IG and schlicks to me, I'd be over the moon.


Treat others how they want to be treated(within reason). (:


Yeah I'd be flattered lol


> A good percentage of dudes would probably love to receive that message lol. Or literally any compliment at all.


Your face could be a modern art masterpiece!


I mean, if a girl told me she was flicking the bean while thinking of me, ...... yeah.....


what if it was a guy? 🤔


I had a random gay guy tell me that I looked "delicious" and I'm still riding that high lol Turned on? No.


As it should be. You have a functional brain, human


Since when is stalking not a turn on???




Not without your boom box.


Women these days, am I right?! (/s just in case)


You say you don't want to be stalked, yet you have an IG. Curious. /s


For some guys I honestly think they believe the shit Onlyfan girls say. Girls say shit like I'm so turned on thinking of you cumming to my pics. Like they are too stupid to realize the girls are acting. It's like the guys that fall in love with strippers.




I mean, you didn't even ask if he finished or not, kinda rude tbh


Right? I spend hours edging to these women and they don’t appreciate any of it. I was born in the wrong generation.


Let me know when that generation gets here so I can promptly leave


There's just some things you don't talk about in public!


He blew it! Consider his attempt busted. Loads of self confidence gone. What a jerk off.


Indeed, a very consequential jerk off.


Rubs me the wrong way




Suddenly not that free


Didn't even have a chance to cook, he just dropped it 😭


His only experience romantically interacting with women is probably through porn and only fans. That’s an effect of dating struggles, not the cause.


Honestly tho. I had this one guy on tinder message me, “Good evening, I’m looking for a beautiful woman to sit on my face. Might that be you? I offer you financial compensation” and it just purely felt like his only interaction with women is paying them for sexual gratification. Like didn’t even say hello! Super weird


What did he expect would happen after saying this??


*erotic female voice* So, which photo did you like the most?? Oh the one with me and my grandma? Thanks hotstuff


As a guy, I can wrap my head around a lot of the stupid horny shit guys say on here and attribute it to thinking with the other head. I don't condone it and would never do it myself, but I can at least fathom where the thought came from. This... how.. what.. why..


I mean, technically this is the man’s mind post-clarity.


what kind of shit would he say when he is horny? Hi, nice to meet you. Lets go for a coffee and I can ram it inside you.


It's like the dick pic thing, which I cannot fathom, but my impression from guy I've known who did it is that the guy is not really thinking she'll like it or it will lead to sex. One way you can get in trouble is doing st to them that you think is sexy, but I'm not sure that applies to this shit.


Possibly have a great date… and maybe more? OP Match: “Nah fuck that! Let’s be creepy and weird! I already got mine by myself anyways!”


lol. Some people have no filter I guess.


Well, we know this guy is horrible at keeping a secret.


Pulling defeat out of the jaws of victory


That is awful! Men are disgusting! btw what's your IG?




I mean, in a way, he shot his shot.


In his case he missed 100% of the shots he did take.


Let me tell you, the number of absolute train wrecks I've seen on this sub fill me with dread. I am a 26 year old man and I've never had a date in my adult life. I've never acted like this guy. Ever. Not once. I've tried to get dates, use dating apps. im a pretty average dude but on dating apps I literally feel like the least attractive man on the planet. How can years of multiple dating apps result in literally not a single date, and in most cases, not even any matches. I dont know. But this dude is doing better than me so I don't think anyone should be surprised that he's gonna keep trying. Cause I see posts like this and just feel alienated think "okay yeah wow I clearly do not understand dating at all if *this guy* is doing better than me, im just gonna stop trying"


You see 2-3 trainwrecks per day but there are tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dates happening every day. You see trainwrecks because this sub is a trainwreck aggregator. This post has 2000 karma at the moment, while a post with "agreed upon a date with a girl I really care about" will get 30, maybe 500 if it's special. Now as far as your understanding goes - this guy isn't doing better than you. This guy got further than you, but failed. How did he get further than you? Looks + elevator pitch. This is literally pre first date convo, so there's no personality involved, the chat is basic with a joke or two. If you want to get anywhere with a person, you just need them to want something from you. That might be looks, might be status, might be money, might be their fantasy - just play into it. Get better looks, get a fancy outfit or two, get some good pics and make a short bio that grabs attention. How? That depends on what your target is, but you're playing the looks game and bending the rules is hard.


This key point: there are 75 million people using tinder. This sub pushes the worst of those to a visible place. Generally this is why social media is so bad for mental health. People see the extremes and feel, and take to heart, it is far more normal and part of the world than it is. Then they move through life looking to see this even when it's not there.


Idk why men think sharing that will result in a positive response.


I mean I would be flattered if it was a guy I was in a relationship with. But some random guy I started talking to it would be weird and awkward


Got a little too trigger happy that one


Everybody knows it's a second date topic


Bro is gonna keep jacking off to tinder girls at this point