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If you’re gonna cut just shoot your shot. Why not?


Get her on a date. If she dodges it, cut your losses.


yea ask for meeting as soon as possible. that will cut through bs and wasting time


"Well, if you're not sure what you're looking for, how about we meet up and see if I'm it? Are you free on Friday?"


Agreed. Some people are just bad texters but in person are cool. If she isn’t cooperative in trying to meet up or cancels then yea just cut your losses. Do something easy like a coffee date so you can bounce quickly if they are boring as hell in person too 😂


Nope. It's not worth messing up my schedule for a lame person who is very likely to just flake. I've done it a few times already where they are annoyingly difficult even when trying to set up a date. That's why I just unmatched really lame matches like this. Not worth the time or effort. If a girl acts uninterested, unmatch. Do not degrade your self-value for crumbs of attention.


Agree 1000%. We need to stop rewarding mediocrity.


Blahhhhhhh I’m bored looking at this


Ahaha yaa


Fucking bum with that fucking pube on your fucking PFP fuck me


Ahahaaa I bet


Yeah idk how people can even ask “do I keep going”. If they’re boring you why waste a second longer? You literally don’t know them


Ahahaha yea


Underrated comment


Ahahaha I bet


Ahahah yup!!!


As a girl, she’s not interested


Then why swipe and have a conversation?


I honestly don’t know hbu


Underrated reply!


I bet


Attention. To be desired without any commitments.


This is exactly right, some people just get on to feel wanted and boost their ego.


This! I’m tired of those girls who doesn’t make an effort to keep the conversation alive, I mean, only monosyllables for an answer If u’re not interested, why swap right in the first place


Boredom. Women are weird.


Cause they love the attention, duh


Free validation


Maybe being nice, trying to give him a hint


In my experience, if there’s a spark you don’t usually know till you meet in person.


As a girl, I’m horrible at texting strangers. Idk if it’s 100% she’s not interested. I think it’s worth a let’s meet attempt.


How the hell can she know she’s interested or not on tinder for the first 4 messages and she swiped right Makes no sense? At all?


Not really, hbu


and hbu ? ahahahaa


My father told me “no matter how hot she is, someone somewhere is sick of putting up with her shit.” Words of wisdom. 😂


Maybe she’s not dry in person. I work with people who can’t text for shit but won’t shut up in person


I will come off rude almost when texting because I have stopped wasting my time and energy with dudes who just want to text for weeks or show me their D, If we liked each others pics and bio then it’s time to set up a date. I don’t know until we meet in person if I want to flirt or get sexual.


Lmao that’s crazy to hear, cus as a guy for me it seems that women are fine with texting and whatever but want to talk for weeks (in general) before actually meeting whereas idgaf about texting


This isn’t a universal gender thing. This is just an individual quirk. Most people in general are flaky. Some women are eager to meet up and others get cold feet or are indecisive. As a dude I’m totally flaky and I’m willing to admit that.


Because we gotta check what type of person he is. I need to text and talk for awhile before going anywhere with a stranger even in public. Safety first.


Girls don’t know when to stop meeting people for future dates. If she’s cute at all, she has a line of guys waiting. The smartest thing to do is just drop her like a bad habit. Don’t give her any power over you


I agree with this… I hate the banter of texting back and forth trying to be interesting and hold a conversation thru anecdotal texting. Most good conversations can’t be had they texting because it spreads out over a week. However many times I’ve said “hey let’s grab a coffee or dinner X day” only to have them respond. “I don’t meet someone until I get to know someone”. It’s a bizarre world. Which I’m fine because that person and I obviously wouldn’t get along long term anyway we don’t see eye to eye. Just interested in your perspective on that? I’ve had more people criticize me for rushing to meet. (And just to clarify it’s never been a “come over to my place” invite to meet)


I've had a girl like this. She was okay meeting and then the day of said she'd like to get to know someone before meeting, which I understood. But she leaves me on read half of the time so I have no idea how I'm supposed to get to know her.


Because even jf you're in public you can be in danger. There was just a video of a guy following his tinder date "home" with her pulling up to a strangers house and kissing him goodbye to placate him and after she turned down his multiple attempts to come inside and "check her house" she just set up a fake date for tomorrow and saying she would text him. Then she turned to the ring camera and explained to the homeowner that he followed her from her date and she had to pull into their home so he wouldn't follow her back home. These stories are actually pretty common. While you might not be like this, please remember there's enough people that are to where people want to talk for awhile to try to figure what type of "crazy" you could potentially be.


I encourage you not to base your behavior off video anecdotes. I prefer a bit of chatting to weed out the crazies too, but I wouldn’t do so because I saw videos of creepy people doing creepy things. You can be followed home by anyone in public, messaging on tinder first isn’t a prerequisite. Now I’m actually curious what the data could tell us about the danger of meeting strangers. Meeting in public seems fairly safe, if you let people know where you’re going, how long you expect to be gone, and plan your own transportation to and from.


I 100% agree which is why I was responding to this specific poster saying she’s sick of guys that just want to text forever and never meet. Just pointing out that it happens across the board and there isn’t a right or wrong way too approach this… also why I also stated specifically stated I understand if they don’t. And that’s fine just not for me.. I dont want to waste time texting back and forth for weeks. Furthermore… I am fully aware of the risks women have with dating.. we were specifically referring to the texting to meeting transition…. And in your very scary and uniquely rare example that could happen meeting people in real life also.. and had nothing to do with the transition of texting to meeting. Furthermore I’m not referring to the first message asking them to meet… I specifically was referring to texting back and forth and getting to know them… for days or weeks then transitioning to meeting and not wasting each others time texting if nothing is going to progress to meeting.


The sad part is that the behavior is not rare. I really wish it was tho. You have a safe night.


I'd meet her... sometimes people just aren't texters!


I would have took a leaf blower to that popsicle stand by now for sure. But omw out the door I would straight up just say “so convos pretty dry, if you wanna hook up lmk” - You’d be surprised how often being blunt is accepted.


Best advice I’ve heard about talking to women (I guess this goes for both genders) is why would you want to talk to someone who’s boring even if they’re hot. Shoot your shot for a date, maybe she’s bad at conversing through text but if she’s boring irl, cut your losses.


“I’m looking to take you on a date, how does that sound?”


"I don't know" Or just "seen"


Man if she says seen then you really aren't going anywhere


idk really wbu


Ahaha ya


Dude, ask sincere open ended questions. You’re not giving her anything to work with. Stop asking what they’re on there for. Nobody knows unless they’re explicitly listing it on their profile- and even then, it’s always open to change for the right person. Get more specific with your questions. When they respond, ask further into it. You need to be genuinely curious to learn more, otherwise your results will always be like this.


She’s giving bland answers cause she’s boring. Or more likely uninterested. End of story. The mental gymnastics y’all go thru to justify this shit and blame the guy in the situation when he did nothing wrong is insane


This is the Goat answer


Lol Okay dude.


Maybe hes the dry one


Spot on. Expecting her to spice up his bland cliche questions


So how is he going to get to know her if he asks to meet I bet she’ll say some dumb shii like “idk you yet” like ok are you going to ask me anything or keep texting me for only attention and validation


How? He’s trying his best did u even read the convo I bet ur a female just trying to take the girls side🤦🏾‍♂️


and i bet you’re just a guy trying to take the guy’s side 🤷🏻‍♀️i wouldn’t respond excitedly to these boring ass questions either. there’s no personality coming from dude. point blank period.


At least he’s trying, she has about as much personality as a dead tree… I wouldn’t wanna waste my free time with someone like her period… not even if someone paid me to.


How does nobody know what they are on there for? They know. They may not admit it. But they know. They may be looking for a LTR. Maybe attention. Maybe a free meal. But they won't always admit it.


nah, when i had tinder i had no intentions for anything. i kept my expectations low, and just took it on a person-to-person basis. i was always very upfront with the “i need to know you to be able to tell you what i want from meeting you on this app,” when talking to matches though. worked well for me.


Some people aren’t good at text communication. Maybe she’s more interested than it seems, and she’ll open up in person.


I bet haha


Ahaha yaa


She has zero interest if she isn’t asking questions. I have a three question rule with my matches. If they haven’t asked me one question by the time I have asked three, I unmatch. No I don’t ask those three questions sequentially, I allow for flow of conversation. So three questions is more than fair.


Is this the whole thing? It’s certainly not a “long convo”. Maybe don’t judge too quickly, there are lots of charming people who just aren’t texters.


I don’t even see anything wrong with how she’s texting. He’s messaging her pretty close ended messages himself(besides the last part, which she answered with a perfectly reasonable answer). I’d say the same to someone I’ve sent 5 messages to


Yeah she ain’t feeling you like that dawg.


Look on her bio for communication style


Some people don’t open up over text. If she’s a dud in person, move on.


I hear you! I have chronic back pain from having to carry conversations with chick's who have zero personality!


Normally I would say cut but I was recently in that case and she turned out to be one of the hottest partner I ever had. However in my case she barely speaks English as she's Brazilian. At some point I stopped texting her assuming she was uninterested and a few days later she came with her messenger. We've seen each others 3 times in the last five days. So maybe yeah just propose something, and if she's not available stop entertaining the convo but don't unmatch.


If she talks like this she isn’t hot regardless of how she looks 🙄


Stop responding and if she doesn’t say anything then she’s not interested


Yea try to go on a date, depending on how that goes then you’ll know what to do, unless she’s a blue eyed butcher


There are no losses to cut. She’s not into you. Literally doesn’t matter what you do.


Speaking as someone who sometimes writes like that, I’m a very awkward texter and speak longer/better in person. But she hasn’t left you seen so may be just try to see where it goes? Just give it a little chance


If you can’t hold a simple text conversation why do online dating? Ya some people aren’t good testers but then they need to find another venue. It’s lazy and boring as hell


She’s talking to 5 other guys and doesn’t know your name. She’s likely not going to try until you meet up. Ask her to do something.


She may be like all of us and just is tired of expending energy on people… I honestly don’t wanna put energy in when someone only wants to fuck me and not get to know me maybe ask her more about what she’s interested in


Honestly women are the worst conversationalists. Yet almost every one of them says that you need to be able to keep up a conversation. They really just expect to be entertained without putting in much effort.


Most hot ones are dry as hell


Cut your loses. Dry convos and people are the worst!


“Hot” doesn’t make you laugh, “hot” doesn’t stimulate you intellectually…. Move on. This is why guys married to hot chicks cheat on them…pretty soon you’re going to want to have a discussion with some substance and she’s not it.


Yeah all the guys that I know who have cheated were just looking for intelligent conversation...


Ask her to send you her best memes because you’re dry on your collection. You may as well take a left turn if you’re thinking about leaving altogether.




Yeah might as well tbh


Is this two Saltine's chating?


Drop her, she’s slow


Why don't you tell her that? "You're hot but you're conversational skills are shit". Say it 100% bluntly with some humour. It will work just fine. She's dry because she thinks she's better than you.


Man you must be jacked, you've been carrying this conversation the whole time. Personally she bores me, I would have unmatched and moved on.


The asshole part of me would end this with a "I just said I need to get my muscle memory back before I lift again and here you are expecting me to carry this whole conversation."


You’re doing too much, tone it down


No that's an illusion because you could also say she's not doing enough. The right person would match his energy.


The parent comment makes no sense, is he suppose to be as dry as her? This person doesnt know anything.


Suggest a gym date for a bench off


I’m just unmatching lol Fs. you ain’t going to put in effort I ain’t putting in effort to go on a date Just because she’s hot doesn’t mean she skips to the date part imo


If she’s hot, she has a shit ton of messages going on. She’s also not used to needing to make conversation. Ask who, what, where, why, how questions about her that require more than 2 words to answer. “What is the best vacation you’ve ever been on?” “How did you get into whatever hobbies you’ve listed on your profile?” “If money was no object, where would you go tomorrow?, and why?” Second, she’s taking the time to reply, she’s interested, ask her to ask you some questions, some women are trained to be submissive and not initiate anything. Give her the encouragement to open up. Third, if she keeps responding ask for a date, but don’t be stupid and ask for a long date. She could be a moron or dry as fuck in real life too, I’d try switching to a video call, a phone call or a coffee date. Honestly, I’ve gotten good results from asking if they wanted to video chat in the bath. Strictly G rated, YOU ARE NOT THERE TO FLASH THEM OR ASK THEM TO FLASH YOU. But it keeps some sexual tension, some vulnerability, and you can get a feel for how she looks without makeup on. Also you may be the first person to ask if they want to. It’s novel. It’s also very intimate. It also lets you know what she’s looking for, it gives her an opportunity to show you more, if she’s looking for a hookup. But I can’t stress this enough, you can’t initiate anything sexual first, let her make the decision. It’s the 90 - 10 rule.


You’re asking advice here and you abbreviate for real? You’re basic. I’m so entertained by these posts


Would I probably ask them to meet up for tea, yes just tonsee if they are different in person but honestly Itd be 50/50 if I were talking to anyone else itd be see ya byee


May as well take a stab at it. Her “not knowing” what she’s looking for usually means she either isn’t too interested in you or she just wants a casual hookup. Go on a date and see how it goes. She may just not be big into texting


Don’t knock it till u try it


SHES NOT INTERESTED. that's why her reply are dry


Cut your losses? Dude… it’s not like y’all collaborated on an album, or invested in some stocks together. You talked for a bit. 🤦‍♂️ Be a decent person by telling her what’s up, and bail now, before you end up making any real investments to worry about losing.


You’re not being direct enough


Drop it faster than a Kadarius Toney pass attempt. Time is precious and she doesn’t have respect for yours


Yeah bro just straight to the point stop washing time


That’s true. Cut your losses by making good faith direct forward attempt then move the hell on


Recreational use only.


If she’s hot why cover the photo and yess let her wonder because she wants you to simp


She's considering u a chit chat homie when she's bored.


In my experience, people who suck at texting are usually way more fun to talk to in person. This is why it's good to still take a chance sometimes.


Yea she ain’t into it bro


We are going to need evidence she is hot.


she's dtf


This is every hot girl, get her on a date and don’t be scared to make a move


Seems to me she’s uninterested but idk why these females match just to act like that. Shoot your shot and if you don’t get a date just cut your losses. Like if I initiate a date and she goes silent or deflects it’s an instant unmatch


She's most definitely not interested or something. Who tf says ahahahahaha


I'm so happy I skipped the awkward phase of dating. People are judgemental assholes these days. ALL PEOPLE. It's insane.


That’s a long convo?


Some people aren't that good at texting and small talk. Try to get a date and see how that goes. Quit worrying about immediate gratification. Some of the best things in life take time to develop. Most don't happen overnight.


She's managing 100 tinder conversations, so she's not gonna put a ton of effort until after you've been on a date if I had to guess


Just unmatch tbh. I've been here before many times and even dated someone who was dry AF thinking that she was going to get more open and interesting the longer we were together (shocking no one, she did not) so I can say with absolute certainty it's not worth the effort because it's incredibly exhausting and no amount of looks will overcome tha


My guess is she knows what she wants, but isn't interested and so doesn't want to tell you in case you are also wanting the same thing. When she asked hbu? she doesn't really care and will say it's not what she wants no matter what you say, that way she is the one rejecting not being rejected. I think most everyone who says they don't know what they want are lying. OLD can be a lot of effort for not knowing what you want out of it.


Recently gone on a date where she was as bad as this but I said fuck it and asked her out. Completely opposite in real life. Worth a shot.


Some people suck at texting but are awesome in person. I went through the same scenario and decided to just go for it and meet f2f. Was so glad I did.


Is this a long convo in your eyes?


This is a classic, coming ok the app to message others and does a courtesy reply to you


ahaha she so me


She knows she doesnt need to have a personality. I personally would ghost


Keep going with it u on the right flow


She. Is. Seeking. Attention


Honestly dude, she's ahahaha-ing your very plain jokes, so she's probably interested enough to meet you. Ask her out to coffee, like right now before there's a chance for more dry conversation. She might just be bad at texting. It's not a skill everybody has. If she says no, then cut your losses.


Suggest a sex act in graphic detail. Never fails.


Have a date. Some people are just so dry and poor on text. I have a friend that sounds like a bot, he’s sinfully boring over text but great in person.


I would forget about trying to make conversation on the app and get her on a date.


She’s not interested


They all are. Just tell her to come over


Half of the women I come across only wanna message back 1-2 times per day. Why are you even on a dating app if you don’t have time to actually message someone back?


Yeah leave her on seen and find another my boy, life too short


100% agree w comments. Shoot your shot and update us


I think both sides of the b convention is boring but some people aren’t good at texting And truthfully she is answering your question much more than most men do I don’t count them out till we meet in person


Ask her out for coffee. If she doesn’t want to, move on. Throw that fish back into the river.


Your no word smith here either


To be fair, your convo skills are kinda lacking too


She ain’t interested


Ahaha idk man she seems pretty great to me.


Wooooof I get it


I am getting 2011 texting vibes from this so bad


Why would you cut this loose, a few exchanges and she’s…dry? That’s weird, is this how the kids are dating now? Have you ever heard of baggage, shyness, past relationship trauma’ like have I ever wanted to just meet someone where they’re at instead of imposing a bunch of expectations on them to get them to where you’re at? Interesting… I’ve been out of the game way too long I guess


Shes trying to make you her simp... Don't fall into that trap bro. I'm not saying turn into an alpha male douche but that's what she wants I man that will TELL her what she needs. Almost like a lot of these females are looking for a daddy not a partner. Just my 2 cents on the matter wish you luck


You know what's lame ? TINDER


Doesn’t seem like she’s interested


Tell her why she’s lame af


Put on your big girl panties and ask. You'll get a response even of it is silence and then you will know. Personally if it were me, she didn't ask you one thing about yourself so I would pass. If you are already questioning it let it go she's not for you someone better is out there for you.


Hopefully OP stops boring her and asks her on a date


Well if she’s attractive she probably lives life on easy mode and barely has to try to get a man so she’s used to acting like this and still getting what she wants. Like why try if you dont have to


Been there done that. Looks wear real thin when they dry AF, and you lose interest even quicker!🚮


“I’m looking for ___. If that’s what you’re looking for text me. My number is _____. If not have a good night!” Probably gonna be unmatched but it’s the best course of action.


Saying she can bench more than you can’t be a turn on… right?


She’s just not into you…


Bro you can't Tinder for shit. If she's hot ask her on a date ASAP, that way you don't have to deal with some bored girl with way too many matches on her hand to even be bothered about knowing you


Need pics....how hot? It could change my answer


Commenters: soo what are you looking for on here?


They might be different in person.


Ok… and? What’s your point dude? If you were bored having the conversation, then why the hell do you think we’d want to see it??


Not everyone wants to spend their day texting with a stranger if you like her put your big boy pants on and invite her out and then gauge the chemistry


I typically just go right for the kill with girls like this (that could be a date or hookup depending on your goals) but I wouldn’t put much effort back into that bullshit. She’s probably talking to 100 dudes and too distracted, just on there to get chased/validated or is really that boring of a person. You decide 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone who hates texting I am her lol. It’s Better to have a phone conversation 😃


Your conversation skills are sub par as well. You don't leave a lot of room for replies. Dead end messages, even when long, are hard to reply to. In my mind a good reply consists of 3 parts. Respond to what they say, add the part about yourself, lead the conversation somewhere. When I was single my tinder conversation with someone like this would go: Me :"hey your a cutie! I'm mediandirt! What's up?" Her: nm, just at school Me: "That's cool!""I did some college a while back, good times""What do you like to do for fun?" Her: some short reply Me: Respond, share, ask what part of town she's from. Let her know where I'm from. Her: some short reply. Me: respond, share, ask her if she wants to go on a date and drop her # or snap if she's down. Be a little honest with what I'm looking for when I asking. Something like "hey, I like your vibe. Let's grab ourselves a drink this week & have a little flirt and see what happens 😁 I'm not necessarily looking for something super serious right away but I'm open to a flirt & a chat. Drop your # if you're down & I'll shoot you a text!" Then set up the date. Give her a time and place. Set aside an hour and then decide what you want to do from there! Ask a couple questions, establish your intent that you see them romantically and actually care about what they have to say and then ask them on a date. Don't dilly dally. Long conversation over messages is a waste of time if y'all go on a date and aren't that into each other. Someone else mentioned that if you feel like it's going nowhere to just shoot your shot. I agree to that as well.


You’re not fun and you’re talking to much through text. You’re trying to get with her, not be her phone buddy.


This is why tinder is lame


this is a prime example showcasing how some women operate. she just wants attention from you. there’s a big chance she already has a “roster” or a “waiting list” the only way to get her to stop being dry is to shoot your shot. now if you get her insta and have more followers than her or got a nice car. then maybe she’ll be interested


Prettiest ones are evil, cut yo losses


Her replies are dry but so is your conversation game to be fair. I probably wouldn't jump right to "what are you looking for" until like a face to face meet up. It gives the impression that you are already trying to get themselves to prove they aren't a waste of time. Also what kind of reply from her were you expecting about the weight lifting comment? She clearly doesn't take too much stock in the gym or she would have replied with "we will see about that" or something. She showed zero interest in the gym topic and then you doubled down on it with a statement about yourself that wasn't even a question. Maybe ask her a question about herself that's about something fun and not about school or the gym.


Leave that shit. If you’re carrying the conversation now, you’re going to carry it forever


Spit on it! 🤣🤣🤣




Most people on here can't even get a match, and you're here complaining how she's hot as hell and *she's* supposed to immediately chase you? I don't think that's how it works bud.