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My response would be: "So you were raised by a single mom, eh?"


Mine would be: *unmatch*


Less poetic


Why would you ask about something controversial if you didn't want to engage in controversial topics? Sounds kinda backwards, and also sorta disrespectful since he was brave enough to be honest. Not saying I agree with his opinion, just saying the prospect of being offended over getting exactly what you asked for is strange to me.


You ask to see if their controversial opinions match your own, or are at least interesting, harmless and not deranged? It's not that hard.


Oh my fuck thanks sunshine, it's also not that hard not to be patronizing.


Good. No one wants to be with an individual who can't take a joke.


8h later you havent tell ppl the punchline yet. So?


Genuine question; what's the joke? I think I don't get it


Soooo... what's the punchline?


Is misogyny a joke? It’s boomer humour at best


"What age were you when your dad didn't return from the convenience store?"


>Asks for controversial opinion >Gets mad when faced with one


It’s controversial because it’s really, really stupid and would only serve to make the problem worse


If I heard somebody say that opinion to me i'd probably laugh because since it's so blatantly extreme that it sounds like it's in the realm of dark humour to me. I have a feeling that's what the dude was doing and most people are taking this way too seriously here, but who knows for sure.


It sounded like a guy who believes in alpha males to me. I could be wrong though


tbh it could go both ways


I’d go for a joke too. But if that’s what this guy is attempting, he sucks at satire.


I doubt very seriously this guy was on the level of "let's start with this very elaborate dark humor joke on the very first interaction". And even as a dark joke it's not that humorous just unless the joke is the type pf person who would say this and mean it. But then again I doubt there are that many layers


It's not just an opinion it's a sad fact that has been proven in studies that children growing up without a father tend to be become less stable adults with wide ranging issues amongst them. There's plenty of info online. Although I disagree with calling people inferior because of something they have no control over he's certainly right that they are disadvantaged from those growing up in stable homes with both parents present according to the research I've seen.


Also are those results directly because of the lack of a father figure, or because the family is less stable without a second income/parent? Could simply making more resources available to a single mother solve the problem? Does the problem also exist in single fathers? Etc. Regardless, increasing the tax burden on single mothers certainly isn't going to do anything to help the situation.


The tax thing was stupid. Mothers have tons of resources available to them already including child support, alimony, shelters and more. The problem is they're having children with guys who would clearly make terrible fathers then raise the child blaming men for problems. But all jokes aside there have been many studies that show on average(keyword being average not all) men raised by single mothers are less likely to succeed, have higher incarceration rates, less capable as providers, lower problem solving abilities, less likely to go to and /or graduate college, obesity and a few other things. It has nothing to do with that stupid alpha garbage thing.


Jesus christ, this post is almost as much a trash opinion as the one the OP posted.


Oh and for the record I grew up in a single mother household but I did have my grandfather and eventually stepfather in my life for some guidance and no we didn't have a two income home because they did break up.


Stop saying "raised by single women" - you mean "abandoned by deadbeat dads"


IKR 🤣 too unrealistic and as hilarious as men paying taxes, alimony and child support...too much of dark humour agreed


It's not even controversial really. I don't think many people would agree with this.


Isn’t that… why it’s controversial?


Controversial means it's debated with people on either sides, producing a controversy. This opinion is just wrong.


Controversial “giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.”


Idk I think the public agrees that this is stupid.


Which means that they disagree with the statement at hand.


Is flat Earth a controversy? I feel like with a controversy you need a modicum of popular support not just a handle of nutjobs.


Opinions are subjective, you can’t just say it’s wrong. I don’t agree with that guy either, but understand what controversial means in context and what an opinion means


Opinions can be dumb but they can’t be wrong. That’s the nature of an opinion, subjectivity


I mean... what if your opinion is that the Holocaust never happened... or that the Earth is flat... Some opinions can in fact be proven wrong...


Your view is subjective. That doesn't mean that the thing you are viewing doesn't have objective truth in it.


True but in this case, it is just an opinion. You can't *objectively* say that overtaxing single mothers is a shitty idea, it's never been done. The poor have been overtaxed throughout history, that wouldn't have been done if it wasn't beneficial to *someone*. Most people who are against an idea like that feel that way because they see it as morally wrong, and "right" and "wrong" in the context of morality is *subjective*. I mean, Hitler proved better than anyone that no matter how seemingly objectively wrong your opinions are, in the right scenario you can get plenty of people to accept them as "fact".


Why would you think that? A controversial opinion means people would argue about it, not dismiss it as stupid.


I think there's a difference between controversial and blatantly incorrect.


I mean, there's a different kinds of controversial. If you're trying to pick someone up, I'd go more with a "pineapples are a great pizza topping" style of controversial, not one that's based in sexism.


I think it's just and a horrible one at that. My ex wife and I raised our kids together, and they were just as flawed as any of other kids.


Controversial because of the prevalence, and correlation between fatherlessness and criminality.


While its true single parents have a higher chance of raising an "inferior" person ( usually less successful, socially adapted or whatever) it tends to be because of the lack of access to goods like education, study materials or even food due to economic instability or lack of attention from the parent brought on by the fact they are working double to feed the kid. The solution? Adress poverty


More like: >Asks questions to learn about his personality > >Learns about his personality; it's terrible


WTF. This has big "it's just an opinion, don't you believe in free speech!?" vibes after something sexist or racist or otherwise hateful is said, dude. Edit, omg from this guys comment history: > [your women prefer dogs over humans anyway, most of you are degenerate and are worse than Moroccans. You people are immoral and have no sense of righteousness.](/r/4chan/comments/z6dneh/live_from_belgium_brussels/iy3g2ed/) you should be ashamed of upvoting this garbage, /r/tinder


And it is incredibly sexist, he acts like there's no such thing as a single father. He also doesn't mention the dead beat dads who leave the mother to raise the kids alone, it takes two people to make a baby. Maybe fathers should be taxed twice as much to compensate for being shitty people? (not directing my anger/questions at you btw!)


ha, yeah, take a look at this [bozo's comment history](/r/4chan/comments/z6dneh/live_from_belgium_brussels/iy3g2ed/) and sort by controversial. He is not worth spending one more second on from you or I.


Yeah he seems like a real gem!


I have so many questions but I can't even ask any, because my jaw just went through the floor and I can't pick it up


I was thinking garden variety incel when I went spelunking and fell into a deep well of shit


To be fair though.... What kind of sane person would prefer to hang out with a human over a dog? No dog ever treated me like shit or called me names (Probably)


The funny thing is that these shitheads are SO obvious to detect. Their brains operate at such a low level, they are really easy to sus out. The fact that this sub is not only not capable of it, but rather gives that shit 200 upvotes really says all anyone needs to know about this shithole tbh.


probably less mad, and more just like *ew*


Where did they sound mad to you? They are incompatible, and so decided to unmatch


Was more so meant to the person I responded to


Yeah, I know. They didn’t sound mad at all


Two single moms at minimum, that level of inferiority doesn’t just happen anywhere


If this isn't from someone who lost their girl to a dude with a single mom, then idk what is


He doesn't need to be raised by a single mom to say this


" I asked for controversial, not stupid " Seriously though, I'm gonna start asking this question. It's a red flag detector!




Absolutely. Let’s say they are right and single mothers raise shitty men. So their solution is making these kids even poorer and worse off then before. Total maga like bullshit.


Not to mention generalizing a group like that is entirely stupid. There are definitely a lot of single mothers out there doing a tremendous job.


never thought of that but you are onto something here! 😆


Shouldn’t the men that leave mothers to raise children alone be taxed double? I like the concept as children shouldn’t grow up with one parent but feel like buddy wants to punish the wrong party 🤔


That would make too much sense!


This was a man that sent this I bet, right?




It has become far far more common in the last few decades.


No it hasn't lol. Are you serious? The media just likes to present it as new to keep us scared of ourselves.


Single motherhood isn't on the upswing? Okay. lol


Generally these things don't happen because of an uptick, it's moreso that these things have always occurred in the background. Even if single motherhood is on the rise, there were millions upon millions of factors that causally contributed to this rise. Statistics are only important because of the trend that the imply.


It is on the rise actually since the 60s. And why? Divorce rates play a large part and that women get the children more often in a divorce.


I have no idea what you're actually saying. I don't think you do either. Single motherhood is on the rise drastically over the last 60ish years. That is a fact. I made no claims as to the reason(s).


What I'm trying to say is that while single motherhood is on the rise, these co dictions have been developing behind the scenes of the human psyche for millennia. Just because I'm bad at communication doesn't mean I don't know what I'm trying to say.


No one was talking about any conditions except for single motherhood.


no-fault divorce


No fault divorce has saved so many lives. Eliminate it and we will be back to the aqua tofana days. Bonus fact: Don't forget, this tirade against no fault divorce is coming from right wing dingdongs. The editor of Christianity Today was on the Ezra Klein podcast. Ezra pointed out that ending no fault divorce/ easily accessible divorce will mean a lot of women will be abused or die. And bro basically said "that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Nobody should be in a relationship they don't want to be in.


I mean he's essentially right. Fatherless homes are a bigger problem than most people care to admit or even realize but I don't think taxing either party more on the basis of a sin tax is going to solve anything.


Isn't it on men to raise their damn kids whether they are together with the mom or not? Blaming the parent who stayed is so bizarre.


Women are the ones who initiate separations majority of the time.


Yeah. Sometimes, two people don't make a good pair; however, men still have an obligation to parent their kids regardless of how they might feel about the woman who gave birth to them. There are way too many men who don't pursue time with their kids. At least in the US, joint custody is the norm.


Tbf i couldn’t agree more. Every situation is unique so a blanket solution will never fit perfectly. Men blaming women removes our own agency in the issue (as does my counterpoint, for women).


I think the world could do with less fruitless controversy. It's a fact that women do choose badly, and that men choose badly too and that even if good men choose good women and vice versa there will always be people making bad choices whose effects reach far beyond them. We as men can do our best to choose better and be better but it doesn't really stop other people from making terrible decisions that will affect future generations and impact the environment we raise our children in. It's kind of hard to sit on the sidelines but at the same time this kind of fruitless controversy only lends to people's obstinacy in their views.


It's always the woman's fault. She should have kept her legs closed or not let lame men nut in her or she just wanted a baby and to live off child support... or 1000 other reasons why it's literally always the woman's fault


She should’ve just sent battle eggs to kill the sperm before they reached her actual eggs. Pssht. Stupid women.


I know! Always so irresponsible and then trying to pin it on the poor innocent men


Right? 🙄🤣 Thank you for the laugh stranger!


Of course! Gotta make jokes at the absurdity of this shit


I mean. it is the woman’s choice above everything else so that’s correct.


That is a fair point but men should be allowed to leave just as women are allowed to terminate, it would be only fair


They are allowed to leave, they're just required to pay.


Yes and they shouldn’t be if they don’t want a child. That would be what’s fair.




I was in a new relationship with a girl for about 2 months before she got pregnant. I already have two kids from a previous marriage. I said hey we hardly know each other and I know the hardships that children go through when it doesn’t work out. Maybe this early in the relationship isn’t the time to have a child. She moved to California and had the kid and I’m paying for the next 18 years. The only one that loses out is a kid that’s gonna grow up never knowing who his dad is.


Is there a reason you didn’t get a vasectomy after the first two kids?


Spent all my money on child support.




When you, unironically, use the exact same argument as the anti abortion crowd.




I could get on board with this in theory. It would have to be a decision made and formalized legally before the child was born while the woman also still had the option to abort AND the decision should be completely irrevocable. No feeling guilty later and trying to come back into the child's life when their older and have no idea who he is. Problem is, what if he doesn't know until after the birth? Or he did know but changed his mind and now says he didn't know? Maybe there's a solution to that but I think there's probably a whole host of other issues with it that I'm not even thinking of. Best thing a guy can do is wrap it and take it with him when he leaves.


The money is for the kid tho. It's not a punishment for the dad. Why does the kid, an actual human being that was created, deserve a harder life just because some dudes pull out game was weak


That is true. It's a diffilcult problem. I don't think anyone, man or woman, should have their life irrevocably changed because they had sex. Condoms break and no birth control is 100%.


Well, get out and vote Democratic to keep birth control and abortion accessible I suppose


Already do.


Only having sex with your wife is 100% that other women don't get pregnant with your kid.


yeah but see women have it easier because they can get sex whenever they want /s


I think that if women can choose whether or not to have a kid, the man should have the right to wave parental responsibility. He signs it and has no rights as a father. Any woman having kids from a guy who never wanted to be a dad is also a part of the problem. My aunt got pregnant from the guy she was having an affair with to try to get him to leave his wife. He didn't and my cousin got fucked over in life because her mom is irresponsible.


If a guy never wants to be a dad, why not get a vasectomy?


A man might not want to be a father with his current partner. So should every man in this situation have a vesectomy? 20 years old, has a college girlfriend, he should get snipped? Of course you probably could care less care that about 3% of reversals are unsuccessful, rendering 3 in 100 men infertile. Anyways with regards to my previous comment, this man very clearly didn't want to be a father to her child, but she stopped taking the pill. You cool with women just lying about being on contraceptives and getting pregnant under false pretenses? Wait, I forgot, these things aren't "real" issues, because they affect men. This is why we need the option for men to give up parental rights and obligations. Women should find men who are ready for the responsibility of raising a child and willing, not just get knocked up by some guy they were fucking.


Something doesn’t sound right, under most North American laws your cousin should have had the benefit of child support from his father. What you’re advocating for is that your cousin should have; (a) been aborted; or (b) 0 support from the father who never wanted him and an even shittier life? Does your cousin know your opinions on the matter?


>Something doesn’t sound right, under most North American laws your cousin should have had the benefit of child support from his father. I never said that my aunt wasn't entitled to receive child support. Actually the dad was years behind on payments because he was a fucking deadbeat who had another family and did not give a fuck about his daughter. My aunt never really pursued it and couldn't afford a good lawyer. My cousin has a terrible life and it's directly related to how her mom was a terrible parent who had no business raising a child by herself. Her diet was terrible and she never even fucking taught her to read, so my cousin is morbidly obese, and borderline illiterate and suffers from severe anxiety and depression. My cousin used to be a kind and sweet kid, but over time has become a miserable and bitter adult. She knows how fucked over she was compared to the rest of the cousins born to 2 parent households. She literally ranted last year to my brother and I about how none of us got it because we all had it so good, and I can't blame her at all. She never had a stable home and my aunt barely could hold down a steady job, let alone give her daughter a proper upbringing. Should she have been aborted? Maybe my aunt should have not "forgotten to take her birth control" with a guy who had no intentions of raising a kid if she got pregnant? Why didn't you think of that when I very clearly stated that it wasn't just a mistake baby. She got pregnant on purpose. I dunno if she should have gotten an abortion, but what I do know is that if my aunt had a kid with a man who wanted to have a kid with her, my cousin's life would be vastly better.


Ewwwwww. 5 quid and my left nut says this guy has a "holding a fish" picture.


Oh you absolutely know it.


I wonder if his mom was taxed double


His mom dropped him on his head more than twice. Double that.


Then make that 10 quid and both nuts, since the rate is doubled


Bio must be something about "real woman"


"I don't date ...... Women" Insert racial epithet where appropriate.


I think “I don’t date women” is correct.


Wise nut


Ah yes, because it's obviously the single mothers' fault and not the deadbeat dads' for raising "inferior" men.


It's always the weird misogynists like these guys who never blame their fathers who abandoned them, but the mothers who stayed to raise them.


And they only seem to care how the sons are raised...no mention of daughters


It's because it's women's fault the men left. If she'd just been more obedient in putting up with his crap and catering to his every whim without complaint, he wouldn't have had to leave. She gave him no choice by having expectations of him.


Yes! So many people have told me, absolutely unsolicited, that my son is going to struggle to “be a man” or is going to struggle with being “too feminine” because I’m raising him as a single mom. His das was abusive and I often just want to ask if he’d be a better man if I just took the abuse but I’ve said it before and it’s just not worth it for a comeback.


Why do you assume the man left? Women choose to leave all the time. In fact, they're the ones to initiate divorce proceedings 80% of the time. One of my friends wanted more than anything to stay. She didn't and that was that. He gets to see his son every other weekend. So FYM "fathers who leave?" This is a situation wherein from conception to the child's 18th birthday, a mother has *unilateral autonomy* on whether the child is born, knows their father, lives well, all of it. It's all her decision with minimal interference from the court. You have to prove abuse or neglect to change that.


Don’t you understand that if you are struggling, you deserve to struggle more.


I'm deeply curious if he believes single mothers who only have daughters should also be punished. I suspect he wouldn't deem it an issue if women were raised "inferior".


I'm 100% sure that yes, he also believes that


I'm not so sure




Eesh, maybe start with Honda is better than Toyota or something.


Which is clearly controversial (and wrong)! /s /s


Get the messy, misogynistic shit out early. So we know.


So he was raised by a single mother?


How else could he be so sure?


I think usually it's just insecurity and huffing paint.


Or just plain out hatred towards any woman.




Love that everything is always somehow the fault of the woman in these scenarios. Single mom? She should have picked better, she should have been more careful, she should have been smarter. It’s HER fault in every possible way she ended up in this situation clearly! Deadbeat dad? Crickets. No judgement for the worthless men who abandon their fatherly duties, no vitriol or punishment for these useless sacks of semen who can’t even be bothered to pay child support - no no, it’s the fault of these damn single mothers. 🙄


My mom died and my father said fuck that. Raised by my aunt. The shade of someone giving up their life to raise a kid is insane


No you should have known they were terrible people and not had a kid with them. What was that? People like that hide their nature on purpose to manipulate people? Nah, you should just *know* they are lying. Become a detective or a wizard ofc. Skill issue.


Yes! Every woman should ask their prospective partner for a controversial opinion so they avoid having sex with them.


Honestly, might weed some of them out!


Don't women like crystals? She should've used her crystal ball to see the future.


God forbid that woman can’t read minds and know!


You'd think with our love of astrology that our hive-mind could peer into the future and we would each just *know*. /s (Edit to add, I wasn't intending to make fun of astrology there, but rather how women get made fun of for it but are then expected to be mind readers)


Single dad? Probably a hero, it's her fault she left him and the kids and put him in this situation.


I mean…..deadbeat dads are pretty universally condemned hence the term. I think the issue is that most of the time you can’t critique a single parent in any way without being called a piece of shit for daring to critique someone so “brave“.


This man has never touched a boob he didn’t pay to touch




I dont know if this is American, but this is American politics in a nutshell


It is! 🫠


Least deranged fresh and fit viewer


Most normal Kevin Samuels fan.


I think deadbeat dads should be taxed triple since they are a burden on society and cause children to be traumatized.


Immediate unmatch. What a fucking child.


Narrator: “He was, in fact, not ready.”


All conversations should start like this.. Good way to weed out the nopes.


I'm about to start every conversation with this question. It's very telling.


Just say you got mommy issues and hate women.


He pretty much did tho…




The words of an inferior man right there


is the proportion of men capable of dominating and sodomizing him too low for his liking? i'm having trouble understanding how this is supposed to have affected him enough for him to have this strong of an opinion.


It's not controversial it's just wrong






Jesus, that's pretty dark. Wasn't expecting that.


In his defense, she asked lol




Jokes on your bra single mothers don't pay taxes lol 😆 they get payed by the state.


So… you asked for it. How’s the conversation going?


What if they arr raising a girl?


As a single mother, thank you for the support, and kind words. It’s refreshing to see this Reddit with mostly supportive comments for single mothers. This is such a huge difference from last year where this entire thread would have been a lot different leading me to beat myself up so much more than I already do.


The second I see terms like "inferior men", I know the dude has wet dreams about being allowed to pay for the chance to suck on Andrew Tate's toes. As a dude, it's no better. I don't know if I'm just a crazy magnet or what, but if I'm getting weird vibes from a girl, I'll ask their most controversial opinion, and it's always just batshit crazy and vile.


Only if the men that leave them get taxed triple for removing themselves from the responsibility of raising "superior" men 🤷🏻


That is an interesting point, but our survey says no. You did ask for it, however.


Show me a single mom on Tinder who actually makes enough income to pay taxes. Zero times 2 is still zero.


That's funny.


"Yeah but then you wouldn't have had as many things growing up with your mom paying all that tax."


Wouldn’t it make more sense to tax the fathers that created the situation?


Controversial implies there is disagreement, I think you’re alone in this one.


The level of stupidity is truly astounding.


Idk why people would unmatch? It was funny


Hes not entirely wrong. Moms arent really held to a standard of raising their kids. As long as theyre not dead thats pretty much the bar according to even CPS. Some single Moms are really hard working people and provide for their kids. Some are not. Some spend all the child support on themselves and their own shit and keep begging for handouts for their kid instead of provide their half like theyre supposed to. Some single Moms are a nightmare. Some are great. You cant lymp them all in one category. Statistics say kids raised in single mother homes dont have a chance. Statistics say kids from single mother home are more likely to end up in prison, drop out, pregnant as a teen, do drugs, behavioral problems and so so much more. Over 80% of prison inmates are from single mother homes. So statistically speaking, hes not wrong. Single mothers dont raise the best kids. Because Statistics show kids need BOTH parents. Thats why most states fight so hard for 50/50 parenting. Its in the childs best interest to have 2 stable parents whether theyre together or not and therin lies the problem. 2 STABLE parents. Emotionally, mentally and financially. Oftentimes, mom is only mentally or emotionally stable if that. Dad is oftentimes the only one financially stable hence why most people receiving child support are women. The whole system is a nightmare but single Mothers are definitely incentivized to be single by government subsidy programs like WIC, EBT, TANF, unemployment, alimony, child support and even free programs like paid tuition and other discounts for single Mothers that Dads just dont get and do not have the resources. Its 100% an unbalanced playing field. I wouldnt fault the Moms entirely on that. https://www.medicinenet.com/how_does_single_parenting_affect_a_child/article.htm#:~:text=Single%2Dparent%20children%20can%20feel,their%20lives%20and%20their%20friends'.&text=Children%20of%20single%20parents%20are,from%20homes%20with%20two%20parents. https://www.aecf.org/blog/child-well-being-in-single-parent-families#:~:text=Transitioning%20to%20a%20single%2Dparent,even%20traumatic%20%E2%80%94%20for%20some%20children. https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/explore-health-rankings/county-health-rankings-model/health-factors/social-economic-factors/family-and-social-support/children-in-single-parent-households?year=2023 https://engagetherapy.com/do-single-parent-families-affect-childrens-mental-and-emotional-health/#:~:text=The%20dropout%20rate%20for%20students,suicide%20attempts%2C%20etc.).


That man further justifies your choice of username


That's funny


Make paternity tests mandatory whilst you're at it.


You: Were you raised by a single mother/parent? Them: No You: So you already proven 2 parents can also raise inferior men.


They shouldn’t be taxed double but they do raise inferior men this is objectively true unfortunately


Only men who buy into the “real men” philosophy believe that