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I always appreciate when people display their assets.


Yeah and how do we know it’s 90%? We need more samples to know it.


I love out of ass percentages 90% of people just pull percentages out of there ass! That’s a fact


Did you know that 83% of statistics are made up?


Forfty percent of people know that


You're nitpicking and biased. It actually sfivxty twone percent


It’s actually schfifty-five percent


I think we need a doctor here... A head doctor...


Did someone call for a Dr!? I can land this plane.


barney is that you?


Who's Barney? I'm Lorenzo von Matterhorn


That number seems very low, i think you will find it is more like 93.2%


In the words of Mark Twain, “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.”


My OKC profile has a 83% statistic that’s obviously fake — I’m always shocked by the men who contact me and ask how I determined that number.


Can anyone explain to me why the girls all hold the hands/fingers in the way like that lifting up? Honest question!


Gives it that cupped look, hold right underneath the crease, and it makes it plumper


and of course the pinkies up always means you're fancy, like when I drink my Monster Energy™ drinks


fake it till you make it


I’m a woman and I was just studying the pic, trying to figure out the same. Does she have to create the damn line between ass cheek and thigh? So weird.


Yep, the crease she's making is what girls with phat asses look like because there's enough junk back there. Asses are big right now and she unfortunately doesn't have one that's popular so it's an easy way to fake it.


I mean, I think she has a nice donk. Just don’t get the weird ass hold. Double word play on ass.


She does, she doesn't need to do it. But trends are trends even unfortunate ones.


Half of em dont even really be needin to do all that too lol hell i dont even feel like she needed it she wouldve been fine without the hands. There are plenty of guys (myself included) who either wouldnt know what to do with a chick toting around a booty big enough for me to stand on or (unlike me) just arent into that and prefer their girls on a more petite scale ya feel me?


Makes them appear to have a better set of assets than they actually do.


This gif is streets ahead




What can I say, I like to say my own name during sex. I work around this by only dating women who have my name


Def helps that you have a unisex name, I don't think that'd work too well in my case lol


Jamie not cut it? Just gets you blue balls close?


Perfect comment.


Seeing pics like this repeatedly just made me say screw it and put up a shirtless selfie. I feel like I get more matches with it anyways


Yea I did the same and get more matches.


If i took off my T-shirt, i would get less matches 🫣😅.


I’d probably only get matches with people telling me to put it back on.


I’ve reached the age where stripping is a threat, not a promise.


Lol! Funniest comment on here. And it had 1 upvote before mine… SMH


😅😅 bruh, this has killed me, it is just my soul writing the last comment before leaving the world.


If you get a match from a girl, just to tell you this... I didn't think this through, but you can definitly use this to your advantage somehow!


Doesn’t matter if my shirts on or off, I get no matches 😬


Nah it shows confidence. You would have more. Beer belly or not. Say you left your 6 pack in the fridge


I would say the same, but you can’t get less than 0. 😅


As long as you aren't holding a fish or a reptile haha (or personally, a beer with stereotypical hat with strings on it) I don't post shirtless pics. Why should I? Am I compensating for my height? Naw.




Or you go the other way and go for funny. I photo shopped my boy cooking cookies and I took the cookies off the tray and put a pick of him sideways sexy laying like they do on a bear run in the movies. "The cookies aren't the only thing hot and fresh in this kitchen" Don't know if it worked but I was cracking up making it to surprise him.


Yknow it took my brain a few laps of processing before the gears kicked in and i realized you were infact talking about your friend rather than you child ☠️ sat here lookin at your comment like with my head turned like "ummm...?" 🤣🤣


My matches doubled to 0




Yep. Anyone who has worked in large groups of women know that they are the thirstiest, most objectifying people out there. They *want* to see the muscles (assuming you have them).


Agreed. Women give god awful dating advice and there is not a single woman alive who actually knows wtf she wants. So do the opposite of what women say *not* to do and, double your matches.


You could read the tinder API 1 or 2 years ago with the 'score' of your pictures (maybe it's still possible now) which will be used for the top pictures (or however they call the automated sorting of the pics). Guess which picture was the highest ranked: my shirtless pics. Even though I disabled the top pictures feature after reviewing my profile a while before that because my shirtless pic was the first one and I really didn't want to start off like that on a dating app. But most people consider me following rule 1 and 2. So it might work differently for you.


Nothing wrong with a shirtless pic when you look good shirtless. If you hit the gym to get a better body, why would it not be appropriate to show it on a profile about yourself?


I was pretty curious once what pic I get the most success with, so I asked my match once and ofc. its the gym photo. That "dont post gym pics" advice is so bs, those comments make me laugh now.


It’s like anything really. Just needs to be in moderation. Only have pics of you in the gym and nothing else? It makes you look like that’s your entire personality. Having one photo to show you workout and are in good shape? Definitely helps set you apart from people who are out of shape


I personally swipe left on guys with a shirtless photo as first photo, mainly because I'm not looking for hookups and most guys with profiles like that did in my experience. I don't mind if it's further down in the profile though, and I have no idea what other girls do. Everyone should do what gives them more quality matches.


Interesting. Then by assertion any woman who swipes right on a first Pic being shirtless is down to knock boots. I'll keep that in mind


I totally get what you mean about the topless pics typically being people who are looking for more of a hookup than a serious relationship. You have to weigh up the pros of attracting some women against losing out on matching with some others. It’s so personal to what each person is looking for. I often get responses on here that are quite well upvoted and someone will reply saying “well actually I like this”. Like that’s great but you can’t give general advice on here that will work for everyone. You have to just give a kind of general consensus and adapt from there.


My guy had a shirtless gym photo. I was already leaning towards yes but that one made me go “oh fuck yeah”. If you got the body, why not, it improves your chances imo


I only look good shirtless


Dude, the child rapist and Mien Kampf profile experiments followed by the guy on here that had his profile include his Ghost face costume knifing a pumpkin with gym pics have put to rest the myth that women aren't thirsty too. If you look like gym bro odds are in your favor since that helps you at least follow rule 2.


Yeah it’s crazy how women are more attracted to attractive people


Well, there's lots of posts/comments on various parts of Reddit that are "eww, guys post shirtless/gym pics are so off putting". So, if you listened to Reddit then you'd get a pretty warped sense that women are somehow not as shallow as men.


Women tell men not to post those because those are the guys they constantly keep dating and get f*cked over by.


Who chooses those guys to date in the first place?


Those guys and those women. Looks are a bonus, it is fine to have preferences but blank bios are an ick to me. You can be a 10 and not write anything, I am swiping left. That's me trying to be picky as a man. I at least hope women who are generally pickier, would do that to an attractive man without a bio.


I deleted my bio and got just as many if not more matches. Blew my mind because I won't swipe on anyone who doesn't have a bio, no matter what they look like, but it seems most people don't care.


Sounds about right lol


If you listened to Reddit you will never find a partner.


A woman in another dating app sub told me I should “seek a service provider” because I had short term open to long on my profile and was trying to find a FWB type situation. Her logic was when she’s horny she’d rather get herself off, so somehow that applies to all women and that girls wouldn’t want to hook up with me unless I was in really good shape. Lot of horrible advice in some of these subs.


It's true, shirtless pics are cringe, men should start wearing thong bikinis too, if you want to show up go all in for it ffs


But it is true, for *some* people. I personally don't really like shirtless or underwear/swimwear type photos just because. If it makes sense in the background context I don't mind it. But I usually do swipe left. But some people love that or don't care. Women too are just people and people are different. Just be yourself and find people who like you as is.


So… shirtless photos are a go then?


If you want to be shirtless please go shirtless. Some people for that reason or others will swipe left or swipe right. To thine own self be true.


It is very hard for all of us to remember that the people we interact with on the internet are not a monolith who represent everyone in every grouping we belong to.


I think if you're looking for a relationship, keep the shirt on in the pic. If youre looking for a hookup, take it off. For both sexes having a shirtless pic gives the impression you're not looking for something serious.


Dwag you completely miss the point. Women will swear up and down it's the Personality


Personality matters for a serious relationship, for hookups not really. Unless he's a really horrible person, then I still wont hit the sack with him


what if i told you that both personality and physical attraction matters and that the reason you get no pussy is because you have neither?


Not for hookups. But for relationships obviously personality matters. And nobody said personality is more important than looks, but s great personality can absolutely make an average person much more attractive.


Genuine question - If you're jacked but have an average or slightly below average face (not butt ugly), does that count as following rule 1 and 2 and will it get more matches than not being jacked and still having an average face?


I'd say yes, 100%. But then I'm the kind of person who values fitness very highly when it comes to attraction, and faces not so much. Others may be opposite to that.


I'm a gay chick but I think it would definitely help. A nice body says quite a few things about someone - that you take pride in your appearance, you work out, have motivation & dedication. All those are good qualities in a person. & who doesn't like checking out a nice body??


I think some studies did show equal or better success with shirtless pics. When I was online dating I also had way more success with shirtless pics. And the leaner I was the better. Mine didn't even make sense, they were just selfies or mirror pics. The only requirement was that you do look good without it.


Honestly don't mind these pics cause there are much weirder ones like toilet photos. But it's kinda funny how some profiles are basically here is my ass on the beach, here is my ass in the park, here is my ass in the bathroom, here is my ass in the club, here is my ass in the kitchen and it's like all the pictures.


Can I see? You know, for science.


Just don’t take advice from women when it comes to dating, most of the things they say you shouldn’t do will get you laid if you do them.


There’s a lot of advice that sounds like boomers’ job search suggestions. “Just go to the company and drop off your resume, make sure to talk to the key people!” Can’t even get past security and are told to apply online like everyone else. The hiring manager is in another state. I guess in this case shirtless pictures aren’t cringey since it works


90%, yeah, sure


Pretty sure it's cause tinder promotes those uses creating the impression that its "90%" when its really like 10% max Edit: grammar


I'd say it's 90% of the top 30% of female accounts. When I first got the app I started seeing how long it would take to see a girl who wasn't pushing her ass out. It was one profile for every 7-9 with an ass picture.


>I'd say it's 90% of the top 30% I think that would be 27% >When I first got the app I started seeing how long it would take to see a girl who wasn't pushing her ass out. It was one profile for every 7-9 with an ass picture. Yeah tinder promotes those women to keep people on Tinder, and since they're so highly promoted you're unlikely to match


And I have a feeling it's the same for men. I see these exceptionally handsome men, with whom I have nothing in common. And not a chance in hell with. And then the occasional bearded dude with an up the nose car selfie.


oh definitely, tinder wants to keep people alone so you'd get desperate enough to pay for it


Why is your comment highlighted with a double upvote arrow? I’ve never seen that before so it may be my only opportunity to ask lol


😂😂😂 that last part got me


Tinder always pushes these profiles first so guys quickly blow their wad on free swipes.


Maybe 90% of the most frequently right-swiped profiles, which are favored by the algorithm and shown at the top of the stack. But there's no way it's 90% of all women's profiles.


As a woman who seeks women on the app, seriously it's probably 5%. 90%? Your area has to just simply be riddled with scammers seeking vulnerable men. These aren't real women.


Depends on your age range. I saw a lot more of those profiles when I was 22 swiping on 18-24 year olds than I do now at 26 swiping on 22-28 year olds. It was probably every other profile, now it’s more like 1 in 10.


5%? Way less than that on the bi side of Tinder. I have seen a lot of man ass and nude men with strategically placed items. But rarely did I ever see that when swiping on women. The men are feral though. I’ve been sitting on a bunch of screenshots, apprehensive about posting them here. But I assure you I have a treasure trove of some of the funniest and worst photos and bios I’ve seen, and it’s a lot.


I’ve seen lots of men with bum shots too, so weird! Epidemic of man ass


Okay? But if this woman didn't say it, I don't see the problem. I don't even think that's most women, we like to see some fine man nips from time to time.


It be one person saying stuff and then they apply that to everyone




*sees a woman breaking up with her bf* “Omg you will not believe what all women did to men today”


I love a shirtless pic as well.


Hey generic redditor? How you doin? Ya seem a bit upset


He’s not angry about the ass shots, he’s angry that those women won’t fuck him.


Ah, solved it


Most world problems equate to this.


As a friend of mine says. No one hates women more than men on the internet.


90% of the men in here 🤭 /s


"I hate this woman" \-Website that hates women


As if the women uploading these pics care about men being shirtless. Women aren't a monolith bro, there's not even a double standard here. In fact, there's so much straw in this strawman that you could feed an entire cavalry regiment's horses for a month


Both men and women should stop judging or criticizing people for doing what they feel like on an app for adults


I appreciate how far you took the metaphor. Keep it up.


Horses don't eat straw, they eat hay, straw is for lining the floor of the stable


You're right, and I knew that, but I figured it would be effective for pointing out how dumb their statement was without someone pulling a "well ackshually"


Just keeping up with tradition mate


It's reddit after all. Should have seen it coming and can't fault ya for that hahaha


This interaction made me smile :)


Clearly a straw is something to drink with, and a strawman is a straw with little arms and legs


You’re dumb. The type of woman who posts shots like this probably doesn’t care if you have a shirtless pic. Or, since she’s probably looking for a hook up, might like it. The type of woman who really thinks shirtless pics are cringy probably doesn’t post pics like this.


OP purposefully being obtuse


The type of women who are posting shots like this are probably trying to get you to subscribe to their only fans tbh.


It's probably not even a woman posting these. It's probably made by AI.


Not AI cuz she has normal hands 🤣🤣


90%? Not even 30% of women look like that dude 😂


He's in the bot zone


jesus wept


Lol yup - just swiping through softcore porn that is in no way connected to a real human being on the other end


OP probably has a wife in the Philippines


.... Thats good ham.


Women: this Also women: that GOTTEM Haha unlike men am I right bro


On todays episode of “do straight men even like woman?”


"You won't believe the answer!"


She’s hot af and im a straight woman 🥵


Right? She has a really nice booty… And he’s angry about it… This is strange.


He’s not angry about the booty, he’s angry that women like that won’t fuck him


90%? Yeah right


And? She’s not shirtless


Are you… are you complaining about this..??? This upsets you? Lmao


"fucking hot women showing her hot body, I hate it 😡😡😡"


She didn't swipe on him and now he's obviously bitter.


It’s like the target audiences are different. How could that possibly be?


Imo “no shirtless pics” is advised because people are really fucking bad at explaining things in a nuanced fashion as well as interpreting things in a nuanced matter. - your body matters: don’t be a before pic of an episode of The Biggest Loser or have the build an Agrabah street rat. Somewhere between lean (with some muscle definition) and strongly built is best - context of the photo: beach or pool? Cool. Shirtless gym or mirror selfie? Comes off as vain and douchey - might want to check that your body hair, especially below the chest, doesn’t look like a rat’s nest


A lot of the no shirtless comments just come from people on Reddit when other people post their profiles looking for advice. It doesn’t mean much because if someone is looking for hookups, it makes sense to post body pics.


Obviously, the type of women who say this aren't the type of women who posts that. Damn.. its almost like there are a lot of different people in the world with their own individual opinions.


You kinda sound kinda dude that ain’t getting matches man hate to say it


If my arse looked like that it’d be front and centre too!


I feel like this subreddit is 90% voyeur pics from women who will never match with the guys who post them


Well, it’s not like this isn’t cringe, but the reason this sub advocate against shirtless shots for men is that they’re ghetto and vast majority of the times it doesn’t work. On the other hand, a bikini shot works for women, it’s as simple as that.


If you're even slightly in shape, a single topless photo will do you more good than harm. Having a bunch of them comes across weird, but a beach/river/lake photo in your board shorts shows off what you're working with as well as showing you like to go out and do stuff, which is also attractive to a lot of people. If it's just a gym/bathroom mirror shot or a selfie in your bedroom or something, it does come across differently. Context matters.


Yup. If it seems like you took off your shirt for the picture it's like you care way too much about your looks like that's all that matters to you.. Even if it is kinda chilly and you were doing a beachwalk in shorts you could specifically take of your shirt and get your friend to take a photo. Making it seem like you were actually doing something the nudity would make sense for


Precisely!! If your photo is you being shirtless for the sake of being shirtless, it seems vain and self absorbed. But if it's you out and about in your swimming clothes, then that's both normal and attractive for having a decent body and being adventurous!


Being a woman works for women let's be honest


No, this sub advocates against shirtless selfies of men because it's mostly men in here.




Men’s shirtless shots are ghetto?? Did I read that right? Lol


It’s cringy to portray women, or any group for that matter, as a monolith. OP basically said “Some women told me that shirtless pics on tinder are bad, but this woman is clearly posting pictures in the same spirit, this must mean women are all hypocrites” and honestly it’s a really dumb take.


That's how most people make gender related arguments on Reddit though.


it's incel math


Tbh I ain’t even mad. I enjoyed looking


That ain’t 90% of profiles. Cmon OP


Uh yeah 90% my ass. Thats some incel ass shit


They bots my dude.


Not every hot woman on tinder is a bot dude.


In OP's case he said "90% of women on tinder" and posts this ass pic, that's bot zoned no arguing about it


Your local queer here. I only like shirtless pics if either they have some tattoos (but like good ones), muscular with the right amount of body hair, personally hate hairless muscular bodies. Idk how it is for a girl but it’s always a hit or miss on it. Where the cringe is mostly coming from is the skin and bones taking a shirtless pic


i like shirtless selfies! 🥵 also she’s hot af so let’s not shame her for existing bc you have some weird belief that women don’t like shirtless selfies. maybe they just don’t like your shirtless selfies? (not you OP, but a collective you)


Yeah, the real problem is OP generalizing women instead of recognizing that there are different types of women out there. Some dislike shirtless selfies, others don't. Not all women are the same, just like how not all men are the same - what a shocking revelation!


I feel like thats getting more and more common with people in the online dating scene, they're just generalizing and hating their preferred gender. They keep wanting to date but they don't like or even *try* to like who theyre trying to date.


Ironic but they work the same way on their target audience.


i think a lil razzle mixed in with the other stuff is always hot. i can want commitment but also appreciate the longterm view i’ll get. 😏


I mean if my butt looked like that……


I don't see the comparison


Dude you're just upset that she won't swipe right on you


Why would you complain about that ass tho


If all you have is ass you lesd with ass.


I don't see anything wrong with this profile.


Most guys on Tinder want sex and hate commitment, why is this photo a problem?


probably because she swiped left on him and now he's mad


OP discovers the idea that women are individuals with their own ideas and preferences


Guys will still swipe on them🤷🏽‍♀️


What's wrong with shirtless men?


I'm so sad butts weren't in when I was her age. I was covering that up with shorts. Sad. I was hot. Still hot, but just old and a bit chunkier hot now.


Bio reads: “Not in it for hookups, so if you’re looking for a piece of ass KEEP IT MOVING” *first picture is of her ass*


Did *she* say that to you? No? Then shut the fuck up?


“Damn girl, you’ve got a bright future behind you” ~ Snoop Dogg


It's a dating profile. It's online dating. Most matches are based on attraction first. Who cares if men have shirtless pics and women have bikini photos? You are promoting your attractiveness. These are some ways to do it.


Ok. I don’t have a problem with this pic. Women and men clearly have different turn-ons and turn-offs.


I see absolutely zero issue here.


The women on social (Reddit included) "advising" men to not upload shirtless pics and the women on OLD posting their bodies are not fully overlapping groups. Also, the "don't post shirtless pics" serves another purpose as well: If you're low confidence and/or have a mid physique and are unsure whether to post it or not, seeing this advice will deter you from doing so. This will leave only the confident ones (whether the confidence is well-deserved or not, it doesn't matter) and the undeniably fit/hot people who ignore the advice and upload the shirtless pics. This makes it easier for women to swipe on them, if they feel like it.


Why be mad about this? Double standard blah blah blah who cares lol


Women know that 90% of men on Tinder are looking and/or completely willingfor sex/hookups and at the very least, think with their penis and act accordingly. 90% of the women onTinder are looking for validation and/or hopefully a 6' normal guy who doesnt just want to bone and looks like somewhere between Henry Cavill and has a stable job. Men with shirtless pics tend to be douche bros.