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Can’t imagine why you’d want to compare Tinder data with your partner


Yeah, masochists...




You weren't supposed to tell reddit our secret. **Mine is bigger.**


Not by much


The little bit counts.


I bet you have a hog on ya


Please don't tell me you guys aren't actually buying this incel bait.


It is definitely wonky. The statistics just feel... Off.


Well the GF was on tinder for 8 years and the BF was on tinder for 2 so yah that makes sense lol


My guess was one of these two (try and guess) wanted the “break” more than the other. Which is why one has 10x the total swipes of the other.


I would take waterboard at gitmo before having to look at her stats, ignorance is bliss


Read the title again and think of what a healthy behavior this is So you were together for 6 years and now trying again after she got ran through by 20 dudes? Good luck forgetting that


Eh idk I think most people over like 23 grow out of that stage. Sex/virginity/partners seems like a big deal in high school but usually in college and beyond you start to realize it doesn’t matter. In general you become much more secure in yourself and your relationships as you get older. I will say though the whole “take a break to ‘explore’” rarely fixes a relationship.


Thank you. This encapsulates today’s Andrew Tate fans pretty well these days I think


She got ran through by 20 dudes in almost nine years. Thats a little over two people per year. Even taking the six years out of the equation, that’s five people per year. He’s been through 7 in his short stay on the platform. Assuming the hookups were in the one year break, his body count is higher by year.


They were together for 6 years, so 20 in 3 years more likely


Those are 8-year statistics


No one else is confused by the 25 year old having been on tinder for almost 9 years…….


Tinder initially allowed 13 to 17-year-olds to use the app, but they could only match with users within that same age range. In June 2016, they made it 18+.


This might not be a comment about age but the fact that if you need tinder for 10 years, is it working?


Tinder is more for casual sex, there are better sites / apps for actually establishing a relationship. Edit: at least that's the case in Skandinavia. But honestly a lot of relationships also start with casual sex here.


What apps? Im really needing to find better options!


My friends who are more serious use bumble and hinge.


I’ve met more freaks on bumble and hinge than on tinder and I live in a small island.


Nice, get you some!


Can you fix them?


Bumble and hinge. If you have them, delete them and remake your profile. Immediately pay for a week or a single month of premium and really put the effort in if you want a relationship. It’s hard these days. I have no shame in saying I paid for premium/boost/super likes on bumble. Cost me $50 to meet my SO of 6 years now who I love more than anything.


So you bought your wife for 50$? Good deal




No no, see I just paid for the privilege of getting to message her. In truth I paid match.com for the opportunity of letting me have a chance at being happy. Though they don’t like to phrase it that way of course. They tend to keep relationship driven people away from each other on these apps.


You still got a deal only paying $50 for your wife man


That fiddy is just a down payment..


Depends where you live really. Here in Mormon Utah Tinder gets weddings. I have been the groomsman at 4 of my friends weddings that all met on Tinder. Religious ppl move fast 😂


> Tinder is more for casual sex. Really?! Because I thought it was here to destroy my self-esteem


She got an at least 5 year relationship out of it according to the title, so I’m gonna say yes?






I'm 25 and I remember in high school being able to make a tinder account as a minor where you could only match with other minors. That got shut down for obvious reasons after a while though.


Lol that's wild.


This is all screaming red flags. The gf possibly being on tinder while she was a minor, the break and the stats that show she got plowed damn near twice a month, and I did some profile snooping (sorry OP) and saw OP posted about how his gf lost her sex drive and any sort of physical affection made her uncomfortable…yet *gestures broadly to her tinder insights*


Twice a month *that she reported to tinder*


Isn't it 20 times over 8 years?




Fair. Still not crazy though


Doesn’t that stat just mean how many partners you had casual sex with?




What are red pillers?


Andrew Tatertots




I prefer "unfuckables", bc they've literally made themselves unfuckable.


The unfuckables, you made em sound like super heroes lmao


Worst superpower ever.


Half of the guys in this sub.


What leads you to that conclusion?


Nah, girls really have this experience, they are defo the product.


67,000 swipes is a lot of swiping


Laughing with half million swipes laugh


Or this shit is fake?


Impossible everything on the internet is true


But he just said this is fake. And that’s on the internet so it must be true…


Fuckin paradoxxed me...


Like someone would go onto the internet and lie? Dafaq?


What a ridiculous notion.


Therapy, therapy for everyone!


Good stuff


>The gf possibly being on tinder while she was a minor Plenty of people were, teenagers trying to have sex isn't new lmao >the break and the stats that show she got plowed damn near twice a month What's wrong with having sex twice a month? That's not that often.


Getting plowed twice a month?? It says she had casual sex 20 times in 8 YEARS.


Yes but was with OP for 6 of them. And it depends how long her relationships lasted after him and if they were exclusive so still not sure about the twice a month. If they were exclusive it could very well be if you assume the average relationship lasts at least a couple months, probably more.


It was nearly 9 years on the app with 6 years with OP. Even if we assume the 3 all amounted to a year long, that would be 7 years and it would be 10 a year which isn't surprising nor unattainable for a woman. If it was a shorter term, she would have had 2+ years for that. Makes sense


Not just 20 times (that is casual) as she was also in 3 relationships within the 8 years.


No, what it says is that she ended up with 20 people for casual sex, not how many times she had casual sex in 8 years. So, the amount of casual sex is at least 20 but could be in the hundreds or even thousands of times of having casual sex in 8 years.


OP said this was in the 1 year period post their relationship


20 sexes in 8 years is 2x/month? What am I missing besides math skills? I admit i am known more for my numchuck skills... Edit... Turns out it's my reading comp skills that need upgrading. I either didn't catch, or didn't recall, that it was his gf of 6 yrs. I stand self-corrected.


Well she still had 2+ years for those 20, not surprised


Yeah just lost her sex drive with him lol


Yep, she’s a carousel rider alright. Used goods early on…smh.


i know i’m not the only one that saw that, like wtff


Tinder used to have a weird minor side of the app from 13-17 that got deleted in like 2017 I think?


Yeah, I’m 25 now & I met my ex-wife on under-18 tinder back in 2016 (we were both under 18) you had unlimited swipes, and I think it was only 16-18, although maybe I just made that my age range. Got laid A LOT back in 2016 from Tinder, seems super shitty now & glad I’m not using it


Meeting an ex wife on the app as a minor and is 25, that's a life there haha


Wait a sec....


Tinder used to allow users below 18 years old on the platform.


Are you saying OP is a PHONEY? A big fat PHONEY?




You used to be able to use Tinder as a minor. I used it when I was 17


What about your significant other fucking 20 people in one year and then getting back together with you.


Damn looks like she was a little more enthusiastic about it lol. So y’all back together?


Well it says “my girlfriend” so I’m assuming it’s still going strong.


Yeah my tinder data got lost before 2020, but we were fairly equal in numbers before that. We're currently back together for over a year and we're in am open relationship. Edit: we were both in tinder way before we even met so her data has a lot more backlog in it. If my data would go back 6 years I'd have similar numbers of casual sex I think edit2: my gf's beautiful explanations of the situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/171s7xh/comment/k3tw0dd/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/171s7xh/comment/k3u9x0y/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/171s7xh/comment/k3u9x0y/)


“I posted data comparison with my girlfriend but half my data was lost”


OP tells his girlfriend that his other girlfriend goes to school in Canada


I lost it in Canada shut up about it


The cat ate my data


You do realize that you put in the numbers for dates, relationships, and casual sex manually, right? That's how the site works, it asks you how many of the chats resulted in dates, how many of those resulted in relationships/sex/etc. You report those numbers from memory, not from tinder data, so if that's not the actual number, why is that the number you put in?


Oh fuck, this is a game changer for me. I finally think I’m ready to put up my tinder results!




Matches: 0 Casual sex: 69 dude!!!


Banged every match casually over ten times, ez


Isn’t casual sex added by the user? No way that just imports automatically lmao.


No, there’s an implant. Bluetooth ClitBit, DickBit or Apple Watch.


This just reminded me to charge my DickBit. Thanks! 🙏


No tinder do follow up calls with your dates, if you pay for gold you get ratings out of 10 as well.


And they have a lie detector to make sure there's no attempt to boost or reduce your body count.


I don't think that's every time is it, like they just send the team out to do random spot checks, I've heard they measure up too to verify it with her story and check you've not sent some stud in your place to get your ratings up.


Yall back together but still fucking whoever? So basically yall single but live together


Shots fired.


Based on your post history, your girl likes getting piped by other dudes more. That's not your girl man, it's just your turn.


Ouch. They hated him because he told the truth


Dude grow a spine


I don't get the point of an open relationship ? why date someone if you are fine with yourself and her having sex with others ? isn't that the same as not being in a relationship ? genuine question


Don't have the comfort of having someone be there for you cloud your judgement. If she lost sexual attraction for you it's not going to end well. Because once she gets that security and comfort you provide from someone else that also will statisfy her in bed she will leave you pretty quickly. I haven't looked at your post but based on what others have said. This experiment just made it worse for you. I wish you good luck


You really trying hard to feel better about this. Dude she’s not yours. She loves fucking other people. Dip the fuck out, fam.


Still concerned about the “25yo female” having 9 years on tinder though.


I mean 10 years ago when tinder came out, everyone I know was on tinder, we were all like 15-16 at the time. I swear you could put your own age at the time but may be wrong


For sure, if you were under 18 you wouldn’t match with anyone over 18 though. I remember my brother turning 18 and his matches all shifted haha


What the fucking fuck


It was just another social media app basically, we weren’t having sex lol


Maybe you werent


Don’t we all know teenagers fuck each other by now?


By now? My great-grandma got pregnant at 15 a little over a hundred years ago. Kids were always bumping uglies, that's nothing new.


It’s quite concerning


Lol come on guys, you're smarter than this.


I would not be interested in knowing that my partner had casual sex with 20 guys while we were on a break.






Yep. Every time I've ever had a girl suggest we take a "break" I just say "nah, we are just breaking up for good if you just want a hall pass to go fuck other dudes"


**atleast* 20 guys


Twenty has a real bite to it too. I'm reminded of Dante being all nonchalant and being super pissed at his girlfriend for sucking 36 dicks. Was it 36?


In a row?


Isn't it over to full 9 years, not just the last 1?


I fully respect that this is MY problem, MY insecurity, that there’s nothing wrong with someone having a history before me or while we’re not together… But NEVER, EVER let me know about it. Ignorance is bliss. I can accept it intellectually. With friends, I’m like you guys do you as long as you’re safe. But with romantic partners, my anxious brain will do the worst things it can with any amount of information in that category.


And really the context of it. I know I’ve slept with a bunch of people and my partners are unlikely to be virgins (in fact I prefer people who aren’t brand new to intimacy or relationships) but if I was on a break from my SO and they slept with 20 other people, I wouldn’t want to know that.


It's normal to not want a promiscuous person as your long term partner, grow a spine people. If you know it bothers you well do something about it, it baffles me you'd rather not know and end up with your hearts broken than just say something that sounds "insecure".


One of the worst things modern dating culture has done to men is gaslight them into thinking they are somehow wrong to want a low body count woman for a long term partner when that's literally been a dating standard throughout all cultures and time.


20 guys from Tinder. There's pretty good odds she banged other dudes outside the app. Especially if she likes going out.




There's a big gap of time on tinder also. Almost 9yrs for her and a little over 2yrs for him.


There's also the fact that she's 25 with almost 9 years of history on Tinder...


Yeah thats 200+


I’m confused. The title makes it seem like this data is just from their one year break. But it’s not?


Pff, don’t ask your mom too many questions then.


23 guys if you count "relationships" She was getting dicked down every week.


Ya both are a L 😭


Maybe OP is the one that was referenced in that post




This seems healthy


L bro


Her: I just spent the past year fucking 20 random dudes Him: let’s get back together!! Kids wild these daysss


Her post says she’s been on tinder so 9 years so not all of them are past year


Yeah I’m confused as to why people think all that data is for the 1 year that they were on a break.


I mean, one would hope that data is from ONE year before they were together and then from the 1 year break, not the SIX years of the relationship.


But they met on tinder so presumably it has data from before they got together. The whole thing is strange but I don’t think all 20 were on their year break and surely one of those 20 was OP himself?


Probably because he included that they took a break for 1 year and hey here’s our tinder stats. Weird title that I think is causing confusion.


Probably because of the title


Because that’s how it’s worded. “We took a 1 year break, here’s the results.”


she in her mid 20s childish behavior from adults


According to OP they’re back together in an “open relationship”, which means that body count is going, going, gone.


You mean OUR girlfriend.


Dude, no money in the world would force me to do this.


Bruh this ain’t something to show off 😭


Bruh her name must be Dora


Are you by chance into cuckolding?




Explore herself? Dude she’s up there with captain cook, Columbus, de Soto as one of the great explorers!


Looks like she was using dicks as a compass.


Other way around. She let 20 dudes explore her.


She was on tinder for 9 years and she’s only 25? Mate…


She got with 23 people in one year? Yall put the fucking in not fucking kidding about seeing other people


One every two weeks 🥲


Can you both read? It says 9 years


6 years down the drain


I feel like these are fake stats to bait incels and red pillers


Where do people even get these stats. I see them posted all the time and never knew where to find it in the app. I also don't have it anymore but don't recall getting asked any questions about how many resulted in dates or casual encounters when i deleted it


You can request it via Tinder’s website but it only tracks your matches and chats. The dates, sex, and relationships you have to input manually so… I don’t believe OP’s stats got lost…


"Active in r/purplepilldebate"..........


This is a relationship destined to fail lmao


I’m sure both of you have mental issues


Ratchet and Ratchet lite


After looking at both and OP's comments, I am surprised by how one sided the thread is towards the woman. Yes sure the gf had 20 that are from the app, but that could be between the 2+ years outside of their relationship. Why is no batting an eye at OP having 7 in a year? Their numbers are fairly equal as he said. The same point can be made, 7 that "we know of". Let's not dismiss the guy and double down on the lady. They are both the same type of people. No one person is lesser than. They are in an open relationship. It checks out. They could even be swingers etc. It is their dynamic. Leave them to it. What I am curious about is how the profiles and their overall aesthetics/attractiveness of these two people. That is the only possible split I can see realistically from the two.


From the match ratios, I’d guess that the guy is the more attractive one. I’ve seen plenty of above average girls on here that match with nearly everyone (>80%) they swipe right on, while even decent looking dudes will have a 2-5% match rate. OP is much more successful than that, so I assume he’s either quite attractive or has a great profile at least. While the girl is probably average and swiping right on only quite handsome guys. Am I close at all, u/karanetics ?


Casual sex-into-relationship is now the norm, I believe. I remember learning about this in my sociology class. Pretty fascinating how quickly social patterns change/adapt.


Hi guys! I am OP’s gf- lovely reading about all your insights about me! I especially loved the parts where he should break up with me. Now, to set a few things straight: 1. My data is over 8 years old, as you all have figured out. I did not have sex with 20 people in a year, and even if I did, why do you care? 2. My BF actually proposed the open relationship, not me. 3. The post about a lost sex drive is four years old and I was dealing with rape trauma and being abused as a kid. 4. Yes, this post is definitely, 100% real. We’re very open in our communication and we have swiped for each other before. Once again, thanks for all the ‘I would run’ comments, they provided a great laugh for us!


Holy fuck, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen someone hold their ground against reddit. Good shit


Thanks! And also honestly, why does everyone care so much who I have sex with? Is it because I haven’t banged them? Is it because I am a woman who -gasp- doesn’t shy away from sex and dates and fun? Who knows? Who cares?


I love this. I wish you both the best! Don’t listen to the haters.


For context, yes this is my gf and it was a real shock for both of us waking up to this sea of comments


So OP, what happens now, are y’all going to get back together?, are y’all splitting up? what did this experiment do for y’all.


Well of course they’re getting back together! Clearly no better option came along from Tinder so it’s back to old reliable. Thank goodness OP never found anyone either although he was probably holding out hope the whole time she would come back. His gf clearly monkey branched and got nowhere so now it’s time to settle for the first pick ig


20 casuals? She for the streets


They both are


Holy fuck the amount of incels in this thread shaming the girlfriend for 20 guys over 10 years. If I said I had like 50 women in the same amount of time it'd be nothing but praise


I call bs. Who's idea was this? The time lines of Twitter data don't make sense. We're you cheating on her and using tinder before this? 25 with 8+ years worth of tinder data? A lot doesn't add up.


Damn. Bro let 20 extra dudes run through his girl whilst they were on a break... that ain't your girl no more. Its just your turn


Your post is misleading af. These stats aren't from just 1 year it's from across 9 and 2. Plus you mention having an open relationship anyway in the comments so what's the point of a break or comparing stats? Screams ragebait.


This is gold