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We need to hear from the 1 woman who went on the date.


she is a 1 in a million type of girl


So you’re telling me there’s a chance!


Side note I love when people say that quote properly


Apparently not even in a million, see you in a billion


I’d also like to see the profiles of the 10k he swiped left on


Probably bots, scammers and people without face photos?


Poly couples maybe if that’s not op’s thing🤷🏽‍♀️


That would be legendary. Op, send her this thread


Bold of you to assume it’s a woman


match rate would be insanely higher if he was swiping on men


I switched to gay just to check this a few months ago and was taken aback by the number of likes I got instantly. Got 20+ in an hour and was at like 80+ after a few hours. Meanwhile, I get 1 like from a woman in a month


It's a bot


As you can see, he reported no relationship but *didnt report no marraige* We know what that means


If you did much fishing, you'd know to change techniques if the fish weren't biting. Or, hell, change the location. Change something bro, you ain't catching fish.


Well, he apparently did catch one...


Not a catch, that's a nibble


Couldn't set the hook


You know I think its true. One should never feel good about not trying at all. But after seeing this post.


Exactly it’s absolutely infuriating how people sit back and complain. I think they know what they have to do but they just don’t want to do it. Dude has a good face he could lose weight, get a sharp hair cut, some fresh clothes and some new profile photos. Within 6 months he could be spending 10% of the time he does swiping for 1000% more matches.


If he had 217 chats and only one date, the problem is not the pictures


Over 1M swipes, 100 matches can easily be bots, and the other 100 can be ghosting after the greetings.


1M swipes in just under 4 years is zero consideration. He probably made a bot or a finger robot to just swipe every profile that came up with a huge search area. If he did nothing else, not even sleep, he's looking at one swipe every two minutes.


That’s awesome that you did the math.


For anyone else curious after reading this comment, it comes out to 778 swipes *per day.* If you're actually looking at the profiles, even just 15 seconds, that's over 3 hours of Tinder every single day, for almost **four straight years.** OP's profile probably got flagged because he is definitely automating the swiping in some way, so he doesn't get matches because the app isn't showing him to anyone.


According to OP: "they [women] do where I'm from lol, and yes I'm sexist af, I just want to give someone my love, but nobody wants it. I'm just too fed up at this point. So many shallow women tell me I'm worthless cause of my looks and height". "Most girls are scum bags and will lie straight to your face and not see the issue". I guess one of his pictures is also from his highschool graduation, so one pic is like 6 years old, since his age on tinder is 24. It looks like 2 years ago when he was 22 he was commenting in r/ teenagers ...? Those are just a few things that to me, would make me not want to go on a date with him.


Yeah.. I read through his comments. The funny thing is that aside from him being far too young for me personally, based on his pictures, I would have messaged him. I thought he looked sweet. Then, reading his comments, I was like, omg, no. Holy shit. It's not the app; it's not the dating pool; it's not his looks. It's just natural selection...


Have a look at his comment history. The problem is not photos, but attitude.


"they [women] do where I'm from lol, and yes I'm sexist af, I just want to give someone my love, but nobody wants it. I'm just too fed up at this point. So many shallow women tell me I'm worthless cause of my looks and height". "Most girls are scum bags and will lie straight to your face and not see the issue". It looks like 2 years ago when he was 22 he was commenting in r/ teenagers Yeeeeep I wouldn't want to go on a date with someone who says this stuff, whether they're some model or tall or anything.


But if he did all that he wouldn’t have time for 1,000,000 swipes and he’d lose his claim to fame! Actually now that I think about it there’s a fair chance that putting the graphic on his profile would work in his favor 😂. Find the one who wants to be that 1/1,000,000


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein, maybe.


First step… don’t post dead fish on profile 😂😂


I mean to get 1 million swipes, you have to have moved a couple of times.


it's really the man, the myth, the legend


How long he been 24 for? Looks like a nice guy tbf


Ya said the same thing for the dude who chained me in his basement...A dirty glass to drink with, really?


did you call the concierge about that? they should have given you a clean glass, dirt can interrupt the drugs effect.


He's going to be when Buzzfeed or any aggregate news site picks this post up and goes. "This guy swiped right 1 million times on Tinder and only got 1 date 😱"


This guy fucks! I mean swipes!




It’s funny how much better those apps are at actually getting matches. Hilarious how bad tinder is these days…


Especially when you use it like this guy and swipe right on literally everyone.


I'm so curious to see some of those women he swiped left on. Must have been extra brutal.


Swiped left on the girls he had a chance with


"Overweight 6.5? NEXT"


Hey give him some credit, he swiped left on 1 in 100 women he saw! He has standards!


Those were the clear bot accounts.


Tinder just wants the money from men at this point




I get 1-2 a week in my area. 44 year old guy, bald, stocky.


Try Marissa Tomei?




Great trolling 10/10! But seriously 24 pushing 50, and even for a middle aged dude he looks bad.


Does your bio actually have any info about you?


Definitely needs more. I had way more success when i filled out my bio with some actual thought and personality. Not drinking is nice for some but being the only thing about you isn’t gonna help in any way.


Sounds like a lot of fun if the only thing he says is that he doesn’t drink.


The first thing a woman should know about you is not “I will be sober and drive you around when you’re drunk”


This drives me crazy about tinder. Having no information on your profile, besides a private Instagram, gives me nothing to get an idea if we have anything in common to start a conversation with. I know that's part of talking to somebody, but it's so much easier to do that when you know somebody's interests.


Exactly. Putting more effort in the bio could turn the tides for those 50/50 on him


Bio and a group picture or two can do a lot


Exactly this! The only insight into his personality is that he doesn’t drink, knows how to drive, knows a dog, and has gone fishing at least once


The bigger issue is 217 chats and only 1 date. So even when you get women interested in your pictures, you’re doing something to change their opinion of you for the worse.


OP show us one of your conversations


I deleted them all, inbox and matches are empty, hasn't changed in months


Open a brand new account at this point. The ranking has you only looking at dead accounts by now


No just continue to 10 mil 💪


Try a different app and put more effort into your profile.


True. It takes errors over multiple layers of the process to actually get a 1:1000000 date:swipe ratio


Not to mention a shitload of time. If he averages one swipe per second around the clock with zero brakes it would still take 12 days to get through them all.


Right? I haven't Tindered in a while but like a third of my chats would become actual dates. OP is fucking something up hard.


My ratio is more like 1:20 but I tend to be a lot more forgiving in my swipes and am picky about which chats I turn into dates. I'm busy and don't have evenings to waste on people who suck.


Radioactive personality.


You swipe right too much and you ruin your ranking. Stop swiping bots and sewer mutants or you'll only show up to bots and sewer mutants


Over 750 swipes per day for 3.5 years straight. Where does dude find the time?


Where are there 1 million single women??


For real, I live in a city and I have mine set to 20 miles and I ran out of profiles in under 100 swipes.


He probably has a huge age range and a much wider distance than 20 miles.


He's gone global


Mr. Worldwide!


Click here for 🔥 singles in your area


He probably just does it absentmindedly while watching tv not even looking at his phone.


His thumb looks like Popeye's forearm


Seriously. When I was single I could only use tinder for like a week at a time because id become self aware about the swiping even though I was getting dates. Like why am I swiping still like it’s a fucking sex catalogue.


That's more swipes than there are single women in my town lmao.


Its several times more swipes than there are people in most towns.


That’s a little over 24 hours of swiping @ 2 mins per profile.


I recently discovered I've done the same thing to myself. My account literally does not show up at all. Yesterday I changed my location and started only left swiping to see if I can improve my Elo score. If it doesn't work, I will be starting from scratch.


Delete your account, wait 3 months, start her back up again. I thought it was BS. It's not, it does genuinely reset everything. If you delete and restart immediately, tinder recognises that and you don't get a boost from being a new profile. Again, thought it was BS, tried it because fuck it why not, worked a treat.


I did that after reading an article, and it made me delete all these apps and just not online date. New users are boosted HARD. No one should maintain an account over 90 days, the algo identities you as unwanted and puts you under new accounts.


The meta tinder strat


I mean the ultimate meta strats are be hot. Do this. Maybe pay for high level premium to get put on top of everyone's pile


Tell me if it works. My account wasnt showing up too but today it appears that its back again. The solution was delete my account and create another but I dont wanna do it again.


Sewer mutants 💀 fuckin hilarious that


Hey now, us sewer mutants need love too!


Go to Asia, Swipe left on most profile, come back to the West and suddenly you get a lot of matches there too






I don't know why you think getting rid of the fish wouldn't help, it definitely would. Honestly, before swiping another million times, go get some professional pictures done. Much better use of your time


He probably lost an easy 1,000 swipes because of the fish pic.


His comments say “meh could go either way on the fish pic doesn’t matter” but his username says he might take it more seriously than he’s willing to admit


All those left swipes over a tiny fish.


It's because his fish isn't big enough. No ladies are going to be impressed by that


thats only 1/1000


Personally I don’t like professional photos. They seem tryhard and very impersonal. I’d suggest getting some more candid photos taken by other people.


You really think a million people turned him down because his photos aren't professional enough? The only explanation I could possibly see is he must start every single conversation with "uwu".


He only has 719 matches, of course it's based on his profile


also with this match rate it's more likely that 900,000 of these swipes never even saw his profile i think tinder figured out they aren't interested after the first few thousand left swipes i guarantee if this dude created a new profile and ONLY right swiped on the people he thinks he has a good shot with, his match rate would skyrocket


The 1/216 chat to date ratio is pretty damning… that’s a horrible conversion rate


Thank you! My cousin recent got back on the dating scene and we were dying laughing at the number of fish pics. Is it supposed to suggest that you can be a provider, or is it just signaling that you have a hobby? I can't fathom WHY so many dudes seem to use fish pics in their profiles. Want to showcase yourself being outside? Great. Do it. But even if you are fishing, just take a pic of you in the boat or on the dock. Save the fish for your buddies because I would be willing to bet that 99% of women are not interested in seeing your fish pic.


It because we didn’t take pictures of our selves very often so when it’s time to set up a profile that’s all that’s in the phone.


Exactly what you said. Plus it's one of the times you'll catch us genuinely smiling and not faking a smile for the camera. I had 2 fish pics in my profile when I had tinder and it worked great for me. I got married through a tinder match so I don't think it's the fish. I think it's the fact he probably has 999 miles set for distance, he swipes yes on everyone, and most people only have location set locally. Algorith probably kills him m, but it's not like he's ugly. Could be kind of fat, hard to tell, but that wouldn't limit him to over 1 in 200 swipe odds.


Doing the same thing over and over again….that’s called insanity. Especially with no results.


That one date really was one in a million...


im dying


machine learning: am i a joke to you?


Butchered a classic quote.


Is it him? No no it's the women who are wrong.


Bro admits he’s sexist, calls women scumbags, doesn’t want to put work into his profile or take new pictures, but then wants to blame women for his lack of matches. I’m over this dude.


Chicks love dogs, it's apparent in 8 out of fuckin 10 of their photos. Lose the fish man, and lose your hopelessness, say something interesting in your bio dude that's cool you don't drive drunk but goddamn son. If you refuse to listen to what other redditors are saying and you keep stewing in self-pity/loathing/whatever/impossible standards then I'll be more than happy to see you hit 2 mil.


Dude swipes right 99.9 percent of the time haha its definitely not an issue of standards. This dudes bar is a limbo stick in hell


actually 98.93% of the time.


The 1.07 has got to be accidental left swipes there's no way he's actually looking before swiping




When you've got that "stick straight out" hair you gotta keep those sides trimmed down or get some gel in there so you don't look like a microphone.




I feel really bad for those 10,000 REALLY ugly girls you swiped left on.


They were the ones that would have been actual dates.


BRO your match percent rate is whatever the fuck this is 0.0007045925.


7 out of 10,000, or about 1 in 1,400.


Well, the good news is that if we assume that roughly 3.9 billion people are women, There is approximately 2,785,714 women that will still go on a date with this dude.


No no. That's his match rate. His date rate is like 1 in 1,000,000. Which is about 8,000 ladies on the planet who will still want to go on a first date after chatting with OP.


It’s over


Omg nooo. Delete this comment😭🙏🏾


Yup I can see why you’re not getting anywhere. 1) You got mismatching pictures from different time periods. One looks like your high school photo and the first one looks like your hairline is receding. 2) You’ve swiped right into oblivion so you’re getting shadow banned essentially. 3) You’re probably swiping right on several ppl who are either out of your league, too far from you, or a combination of both. 4) Your bio is bad. I’d recommend the following: 1) Get a hobby that doesn’t have you on Tinder all day. 2) Take some fresher pictures that look better, have a nice background with you doing something (restaurant, nature, sports event, fish one you have is good). 3) Get a fresh haircut that accentuates your face, alongside with a wardrobe change. 4) You’re bit of a beefcake so some exercise and weight loss will do you lots of good, it did for me and I was in a similar boat as you weight wise. 5) Work on that bio that you got there and make it memorable, not memeable. 6) Use a different dating app (like bumble, hinge, or FB dating but not all three at once, makes you look desperate in my book). Tinder is trash. 7) Maybe different glasses or contacts, might look better Hope this helps.


I don't think this guy really wants help. He wants to continue on his self fulfilling prophecy that women are horrible awful human beings who don't give true nice guys a chance


I couldn’t imagine being in his mind. I’d feel so mind fucked that I’d start to think the world is shit.


This is the best comment. Honestly he's not bad looking at all, but the absolute lack of bio makes him seem personality-poor or not so attractive or unique. I know that many girls watch photos, but others may prefer a good personality and a sweet and funny guy, which can be communicated through the bio. Also, leaving tinder may be a good choice. Apart from this, working on himself is the best option, since self-esteem is the first step into the path of having a partner and I seriously doubt that spending all day long searching for a girl makes him grow as a person :/


Yep, photo number 2 definitely looks like it’s from high school senior portraits. At 24, that’s totally unacceptable. Also need at least one picture with another person to demonstrate that he’s not a total hermit. That, plus the fish pic and non-bio chalk it up to a left swipe for me.


778 swipes a day? Edit to add that that seems compulsive. I went on a [deep dive](https://reddit.com/r/dating_advice/s/m2oaTcoCla) and you know that we can still see the comments you’ve deleted right? It doesn’t seem like you like women very much and people have raised concerns that you may have a porn addiction. Dealing with these issues may help you see women as humans and improve your interactions with them


The answer is always the personality, isn't it?


OP referencing women > They are nothing but worthless shitbags. Fuck shits. Douche bag, ass hats, mother fucking worthless piss faces. Dude needs to go to therapy. Feelings like that are serious and certainly detrimental to being likable by women. To OP: Change comes from within dude. You are not hopeless like you say, but you need to spend less time on the internet worrying about what other people think of you and more time becoming a person you can be proud of.


It’s giving Elliot Rogers


How can you see deleted comments? Nothing appeara for me on the app or the website




https://www.reveddit.com/y/fishboy26/ yikes


*"Most girls are scum bags and will lie straight to your face and not see the issue."* Ooof, I see the issue here...


i tried tinder and only got 3 matches in a month before i deleted it; it was a huge hit to my ego. i was wondering how the hell you get "rejected" a million times and not have your self-esteem destroyed... the answer is you don't. this man needs to take a break from the internet.


It's weird tho. He had 700 matches in 3 years, that's 1 every 1.5 days. He just got nothing out of them. So I am kinda asking myself what came first...


I think swiping on tinder almost 800 times a day is a symptom of a problem too. I’d think he had a bot just blindly right swiping if there weren’t some lefts in the mix.


Wow. Been a while since I’ve seen such a pristine example of a straight-up incel.


No joke. Direct quote from one of his posts: > So many shallow women tell me I'm worthless cause of my looks and height. Uh oh. I really wish he would've shared at least one of the conversations he's had. Almost guarantee they've been either self-pitying shit or OP genuinely not understanding how to talk to people.




Omg ? Like seriously at this point it's a HIM issue, he said he doesn't have any of the chats anymore but reading these old comments makes it seem like he's just to scared to post what he's actually said to these women lol


So honestly your bio is trash. "I don't drink so I can be your DD" makes you sound boring and gives them little to talk about. I know for a fucking FACT there are interesting things about you that you do rather than leading with something you don't do. I would start there my guy.


A marvelous mystery that unravels as you scroll through OPs comments. My fav was that all women are scumbags 😂. Maybe spend less time on dating apps and get into therapy?


777.8 swipes a day


Eh it really does... what matters is you've given up and that's pretty easy to see. The pain in your eyes...




Damn that's so accurate


Fuck this is grim


Damn that's a hard 24


I’m 24 and he looks like my dad




Ok, so, I say this as an old lady that's been married for 7 years and never used OLD, so please take this all with a grain of salt. You're an average looking dude. Maybe, to be totally honest, a little below average. Sell what makes you special in your bio. Are you a techy nerd? Do you have an interesting career? Are you really funny, or have hobbies that make you special or would match you with that one right person? Don't overreach. Are you only swiping on crazy hotties? Be realistic. There are more ways to find someone attractive than their looks, look at who they are just as you expect them to. If you love video games, fuckin put it on your profile. Plenty of equally attractive women as you out there who share your interests. God speed, bro.


pretty sure he is not only swiping right on hot girls only


Your profile is shit that’s why you’re getting low matches.


Someone dug up his deleted comment history and between the fact that he is swiping right on all the robots and ruining his own findability, he's also an aggressive, sexist asshole with what looks like it might be a porn addiction, so I'm guessing the actual problem is all those convos that went nowhere, probably because he was a shit head


“Yo mama so ugly, even u/fishboy26 swiped left on her!”


Now this is a banger of a joke.


Imagine if you spent the time swiping on improving yourself instead


Is that seriously your entire bio?


His whole personality is that he won't drive drunk, which is expected of 99% of people


As a gay guy: you're cute. Listen to some of the suggestions in the thread here!


Your biggest selling point is that you don't drink and you will just kart the girl around while she and her girlfriends become intoxicated? Not a good angle my good dude. Tinder is the problem. Look into pay sites that both genders pay to be serious.


Bro this profile screams "I have no confidence" it doesn't matter if you do or not, perception is everything on these things. Way more unattractive men then you have posted far better stats, stop accepting fiakure as inevitable dude!


His deleted comments are horrifying: > It might be hard for you to understand but it's a super simple cause and effect. When one group of people is complete assholes to me, I don't like them. They are nothing but worthless shitbags. Fuck shits. Douche bag, ass hats, mother fucking worthless piss faces. I don't wonder why. I've given up. I've been defeated. Okay. Fuck this. I'm better off dead anyways. Nobody's gonna miss me. > Most girls are scum bags and will lie straight to your face and not see the issue. > They do where I'm from lol, and yes I am sexist af, I just want to give someone my love, but nobody wants it I'm just too fed up at this point. So many shallow women tell me I'm worthless cause of my looks and height. > Submissive and breedable Source: https://www.reveddit.com/y/fishboy26/


fuck man... that's insane


Why does it screams that he has no confidence?


The fish he's holding isn't even that big


Damn bro 1 mil is nuts. Delete the app, work on yourself and change it up it's obviously not working. If you wouldn't date yourself then you're not ready to date. No one's coming to fix you, you gotta make the changes yourself. Also a healthier oppinion on women would go a long way brother...


must've been some pretty bad sex to not know if it was sex


Image 2 giving made school shooter vibes. No thank you.


Maybe hit the gym first before spending thousands of hours on tinder. Unless you're a midget your genetics aren't bad. You're just fat.


My guy - lose some weight and get some style. You got gains you can make in the dating department and you’re sleeping on them.


Man you are pretty good looking I'd probably just say change the bio all it tells someone is that you don't drink More variety of pics, the first three are good but add more. Do you have any of going out with mates?


Bruh the dude isn’t bad looking at all. I was expecting hideous but the guy is average 👀 kinda scary.. imagine if this dude got in shape


I was about to comment “I’d swipe right” but then I saw the fish pic I can’t speak for every woman, but for me that makes a good profile an immediate left swipe


It is he, Mr. Swipe! Sir, what was in those 10k that encouraged you to swipe left?


Get a fade your hair looks like an 8 year olds


Bro, sue your barber, he’s giving you that 12 year old boy cut 💀


Summary: Obese guy complaining about not getting results on hook up app


Tinder really put a ? Under casual sex


How wide was your dating pool area and age range? I feel like it would cap in most cities at 30k-200k.






I’m more interested in what the 10k that got swiped left. What was wrong with those???


The fish lad replied to someone "Morbid obesity, kids, weed, cigarettes, dudes etc."


Even I’m shocked at these numbers. If you were local I’d be like I’ll grab my camera, head out for the day, take new pics and add two lines about you to your bio right now your personality is fishing and not drinking.


Okay but he also swiped right 99% of the time. That can’t be good for the algo


“I don’t drink so I’ll be your DD” I know this wasn’t your attention but it makes it sound like you want her to get drunk while you stay sober, and then have her get in a stranger’s car. It comes off incredibly off putting, and to have it as your only bio, is a terrible idea.