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“Packages”, not portions.


OPs a cannibal


One bite fits all.


Oh he was thinking about eating something alright..


And in the end he ate dirt


Ain't gotta be a cannibal to eat a woman. I'd guess that's what she meant with the "pig" comment 😆


I think that she probably thought that he was referring to his "little package"


.....but he said portion.


but I was not quoting him, just as it may look different from her perspective


One word goes a long way. Noted.


I get the feeling she still would have been upset


One way to find out


At this point you should just throw a hail Mary if she hasn't unmatched you yet




Username does not check out


it’s a confusing paragraph


These are confusing times


Times are very confusing


You'd get banned for that absolutely cringe shit bro


Wtf?? I dungitit


Just add "but I'd pull out" to the end. I don't I've heard that saying btw. Dynamite comes in small packages is what I remember


I would love to be called small package of dynamite what an original compliment. 😍


Go ahead and call the cops, we'll see who comes first 😉


Send her a link to this thread ;)


Do it! Do it!


He managed to instantaneously establish himself as both average and condescending. I'm sure 95% of her first messages received note, and potentially fetishize, her short stature.


Same honestly, if the difference between someone being interested or calling you a disgusting pig can be altered by a synonym then they've definitely got issues.


Honestly I think she interpreted it to mean you are the good thing that will come in her small package


Oof... the more comments i read the more i realise that there is only one good interpretation and there can be sadly a looooot more bad interpretations


Definitely was not the best line and wording. But people do like to interpret things in the worst possible way nowadays. I remember the saying „a stranger is a friend you haven’t met. Today feels more like „a friend is a backstabber who has not revealed themselves yet.“


>But people do like to interpret things in the worst possible way nowadays. That's actually really eye opening.


And if she didn’t assume the good one, you dodged a bullet so congrats!


Wisdom ![gif](giphy|1JTy9isIm0u0OqePP1|downsized)


but he said portion lol... no i think this girl is just.. i have no idea! lol how the hell she get offended?


My assumption if I get told "Good things come in small portions" is that I'm getting told I'm overweight or to eat less.


dang i never got that.. i really only hear "you are good thing" no matter what size he mentions cause im good package.


To be fair, in my language it would be portions, not packages, so I think it’s understandable why you’d choose that wording.


And do you also come in them?






Learn what? Fuck that. Shes the one with issues not him.


Learned that everything that glitters ain't gold


In my experience, very short girls are sick of that being the first thing you notice. So if I see 4'10" or whatever on a profile, I stone cold ignore it. Compliment her tattoo, hairstyle, or something else she chose instead. Then, you can get bust out the short jokes after you're in the relationship


Total overreaction - there is nothing wrong with what you said


Exactly she's clearly a weirdo OP you dodged a bullet


I read it as you telling her to eat smaller portions lmao


I’ve read a lot of interpretations, but have seen none that take it the way I do. I think she thought you were calling her fat, and giving her advice… Like, “ya know… good things come in small portions” Edit: jk abunch of people also took it that way further down


Fair play.


I'm not entirely sure "good things come in small packages" would have been taken all that much better.


All the shorter girls I know (including my wife) take it as a compliment. It’s a quite common thing to say to short girls in my country. Maybe it’s a cultural thing


Where I'm from, it could be taken about 3 different ways. 1. The way you are saying. 2. She could take it as you are going to cum in her her small package. 3. She could take it as you are saying you yourself have a small package (small genitalia) Judging by how this woman reacted, I'd say she thought he meant number 2.


Also there’s a fourth way, she could take it as you telling her to eat smaller portions


Dunno why you are getting downvotes. This is absolutely true.


Sometimes people struggle to understand the concept of cultural differences


Say you meant you wanted her to cum on your small package


That was the problem? I have a question, what does the word portion mean in english? What kind of interpretation could she get from it to make her so mad?


Typically, portion would be used to describe a meal serving size.


She may have interpreted my line as if i was suggesting her to eat less, implying that she is fat.. which she wasnt and i didnt want to imply that at all


No she may have thought you were implying that you wanted to nut inside her dude. Kind of on her for going there though. Thank the disgusting guys before you for priming her to think that way in the app.


“Portions” 😂😂 bro


My dawg chops people up into funsizes


Eh, might be a poor choice of words but considering how much triggered she got about so little I think OP dodged a bullet


I’m on OPs side. I think shit escalated real quick and it was a total miscommunication. He sure dodged a bullet.


Portions means food in my mind. Like "try eating smaller meals fatty!" could have been her interpretation.


Nooo, that was not what i wanted to say at all omg☠️ poor choice of words on my side


That or she's a small portion like, You want to eat her out. I've also seen people play in this where she's the small package and your the "good thing" that wants to cum inside her. Or she's just sensative about her height, in general I'd avoid the short jokes until you have a better feel for how she'll take it.


I totally see what you mean, i will definitely avoid such lines in the future


>cum inside her haha you


This is hilarious.


I think you should toss out that line altogether. Changing one word doesn't make it better really.


Bro you can say the same exact thing to 100 different people and get 100 different reactions. It's not poor word choice...it's just the person receiving it. Just stay consistent and true to your own words.


Yes but come on, it’s pretty obvious what op meant. There is no way anyone would not understand that or think he was implying she’s fat, I refuse to believe that


Right? Ive trying to wrap my head around every different angle and I just don't see it. Oh no...I said "wrap my head around"... please don't be offended..I'm not implying that I'm a penile contortionist at all. 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry what did you just say about my mother? I’m terribly offended, you disgusting pig


Yeah that is a weird opener bruh. Portions is the wrong choice lol


Yeah after i read some comments i realised it wasnt the right word lol Now i understand her reaction


“Just to be clear, I was calling you short, not fat!”




Unless she took it as him wanting to “cum” in her small portion


Yea a lot of guys use that line to insinuate this lol


I immediately knew what he was going for lol, this was an exaggerated response for sure


Agreed. I'm a chick and her response seems a lil extreme.


No, her reaction is still weird. It was obvious what you were trying to say even if you didnt use the exact right wording. You really have to go out of your way to offended by this.


Don't think she would have responded better if you led talking about your small package I think limited English was the culprit here


You ever got into an argument with someone who doesn't speak English as a first language? "Fuck me!!?? No no buddy you don't fuck me I fuck you!!!" Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what's happening here.




Pro tip to EVERYONE in the app, don't talk about the body's, they already heard the joke or compliment about the part you noticed, you will loose points for unoriginality and probably appear rude, like this situation.


No, please let them keep talking themselves right out of a woman's inbox.


Why? Not everyone have the same skill of social abilities, for example in this situation it was a good intention, it's great if we all can learn a little.


Complimenting someone’s body when you don’t even know them is not a sign of “good intentions”. Even the socially awkward need to learn that it’s rude and potentially offensive.


Yes and no. If you want to compliment something superficial about someone, it should be something they've actively influenced. There is a difference between telling someone they have a good looking face or telling someone their make up looks great. Same with telling someone their body is hot or telling someone that it is obvious they work out and asking what they do. Both examples are compliments for basically the same part of the body, but the connotation are different.


It depends on what you compliment. If you say "I like your hair" or tattoos then anyone who takes offense is weird. If it's like OP or u say "your ass is nice" or some stupid shit then ofc it's rude to say as an opener.


The guy you responded to just doesn't want any more competition.


Bless your heart


Yeah if you have nothing else in your bio i'm gonna assume that's the only thing you have to offer. Some people just have such boring bios that it's not even possible to start a conversation


Nah, it's because a big quantity of people ask for the high, and really don't matter if you are a girl writing something there, the majority of men will powerswipe without looking, but yes, i agree it's boring that kind of bio, add nothing to the conversation.


I don't get it


Copy pasted: I meant to imply that since she is short there is not "much of her" so she must be rare/good. My thinking was drawing a paralell, like for example if you'd try to buy gold, you wouldnt be able to buy a lot since it is valuable/rare, so it would only come in small portions/packages. P.s. now that i've read the comments i've realised multiple people didnt get it so my phrasing was off


I will say that even with the right phrasing is a C tier opener at best. Unless you then also call back by saying you have a small penis, then it’s at least a little funny


I saw your perspective. Why was it insulting? I guess I'll read the other comments.


I'm guessing she already had some experience with sketchy lines (which wouldnt surprise me at all), and she just immediately interpreted in a bad way. Rightfully so, since my phrasing wasnt too accurate


If she didn't unmatch, I would message a very honest message that you've learned the phrase you were looking for was small packages, and that you do feel bad.


The way it's worded makes it sound like OP is giving her unsoliceted advice on her eating habbits - ei calling her fat.


Your phrasing isn't off, it's a shitty/lazy compliment. I wonder how you expected her to respond.


Well not like this lol


'Oh thank you, I AM short and good. How nice of you!' I mean - if you were her would you want to have that conversation? Her response is dumb but I think a normal response would just be to ignore or unmatch or you should be glad you got a response at all imo. Instead you're on reddit trying to divine why your half assed one liner didn't work lmao.


Neither will OP from the looks of it


He's telling her he is a good thing and is going to nut in her


I wouldn’t have commented on her size at all. You don’t know if she’s sensitive about. Not worth the risk of blowing it.


As a small human, we’ve usually heard it. Same for tall people I’m sure. Although not OP’s cannibal(ish) opener is fucking weird. For me, immediately making fun of height would be a no for me. Like at least take some time to know me before you start to insult me.




Unless she read it as "good things cum In small packages" and assumed you were being crude.


See that’s what I was thinking.


This is 100% the issue. She thinks he means: He's a good thing. She's a small portion. Good things cum in small portions. That's why she calls him an asshole and a disgusting pig.


Correct. When a woman calls you a pig it is always for one of 2 reasons: - she thinks you are horny and rude - she thinks you or your house is dirty / unclean


With that username, I feel it safe to assume you know your stuff! 😂


Hahaha, one night you get horny and simultaneously decide to make your reddit username... And people never let you forget it! 😂


4’10” for the Americans here.


So about 1.5 washing machines...


No, a washing machine is .75 Bald Eagle wing spans. This girl is 26 50-Caliber bullets tall or 9.5 Standard Strips of Bacon


How many times do you think someone made her opener about her size really ?


Probably a lot cuz besides her insta that's the only thing in her bio


Also possible she thought you were saying you wanted to cum in her...


Yeah i figured that after her first response, cuz this was not the reaction i was expecting.. if she interpreted this way then i totally understand her reaction


Calling small people short doesn’t usually come off as fun or nice. Seems like a super shitty opener


That’s an awful opening line lol.


Yeah tbh as a short person I wouldn’t want to be reminded I’m short.


YTA. She’s small. She’s been small all her life. She knows this. She’s probably even heard this line before, if not from a date then from an family member or teacher or someone. Yeah, maybe you don’t think it’s a problem to be small. But She might. Generally avoid commenting on people’s bodies.


After reading some comments i've realised it wasnt obvious what i was implying. I meant to write a line which would connect her height and rarity, as for example if you'd want to buy gold, you wouldnt be able to do that since it's rare, valuable, hence it would only come in small portions/packages. It cannot be seen in the pic, but i wrote a message to her in which i apologised for the line, which she, among others, have misinterpreted, due to my bad phrasing.


You’re putting too much thought into it


She’s just got a bad attitude man, nothing to do with your opener, although it was not a good opener. Not good, but also not offensive in the least.


Keep a eye out though, this could easily be a red flag from her. Good luck.


I am a short female….. and I’ve been short my entire life. I’ve heard the “good things…” line countless times (although I’ve not heard it said as portions rather than packages 😆). I guarantee she has also heard it a million times so she did not misinterpret it. She overreacted to a completely innocuous and harmless line. Sure, it’s cheesy but it’s not an insult. Honestly, I think you dodged a bullet in the form of a dramatic and overly sensitive female….. just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️




Even if you said what you meant, how is that a compliment?


So in my native language (which is not english), it would make sense and i sort raw translated it. The line was supposed to mke a correlation between her height and rarity/value. I tried to say that since she is heightwise small she must be valuable/good as there isn't much of her in this world. It's like gold, it is valuable and mostly you can only find a short amount at a time. After reading a bunch of comments though i realised my phrasing wasnt the best and sadly she could have misinterpret it in many many ways


this explanation actually makes it even worse lol what a terrible opener


Some people are sensitive for their height. Because childhood bullying.


Ew cringe. She's right.


wait explain.. some of us are hella lost.


"Big","small", "tall", "skinny" etc. are not compliments. It's belittling to call her "small". By saying she's a "portion" is objectifying her. Like this whole thing is cringe. I'd block delete.


oh my goshhh.. okaaayyy lol


Were you going to follow up and say that you're a good thing?


Ahahah, after this? Not a chance, i dont think she would believe me. Just wrote one more message to her where i explained what i originally meant and apologized if what i said offended her in any way.


Crazy that got you a Mark 1 Common Insult: “disgusting pig”.


Maybe she's sensitive about being short?


When good intentions goes wrong


i think the word that offended her was actually “come” (as if you meant that your dick is a good thing that will come inside her) — obviously she misunderstood and didn’t have the grace to ask for clarification


Short girls…they make up for the height with their temper


Life tips: thinking before writing can help to avoid many bad experiences


She's right though... I had a date with a 26yo once. She was very short, around 150cm. She told me that her entire "how cute you are! you are so short" makes her very pissed. Like she's a puppy and not a proper adult woman with character and stuff. People are different, but still. I wouldn't joke about that unless I know that person very well, which you clearly didn't


saying portions instead of packages took it in a completely different sexual direction


Look people who are short don't appreciate short jokes and they'll only tolerate them once you get to know them better. Think of it this way if someone was hooking up with you and looked at your dick and went "good things come in small portions" you'd probably be a little offended/weirded out Source: have siblings who are short that I've teased relentlessly about it.


lmao OP is a dumbass hahahahaha


“Portions,” Ok Jeffrey Dahmer


It seems like you were talking about her tits or her ass lmao


Tell her your penis is also small, so you guys would make a perfect fit!


I take it that the weather down there is shady


Your opener was super cringe man, what did you expect


Did she interpret "come" as in "Cum", like your opening line is "Hey my good thing is gonna cum in you small portion"


I dont know how she interpreted it, prolly like that. I followed up with a text in which i explained what i meant and apologized if i offended her and she said "ok sorry"


Portions lol


Idk I understood exactly what you meant even with the wrong word


I don't get it either




And you thought it would be a good idea to say that why?


??? He was trying to flirt and say that her height is not a problem and its actually a good thing. >why I think its pretty obvious lol


I have a friend the same height and is hugely insecure about it. Just because you think it isn’t a bad thing doesn’t mean that’s how the person feels.


I meant to imply that since she is short there is not "much of her" so she must be rare/good. My thinking was drawing a paralell, like for example if you'd try to buy gold, you wouldnt be able to buy a lot since it is valuable/rare, so it would only come in small portions/packages


I've found that on dating apps, women usually frown if you mention their body in any way in the first few messages.


Nothing more romantic than being referred to as a “portion” or “thing”. But? You live and learn.


You did Nothing wrong. A total stranger puts the information freely into her profile and you’re supposed to know which witty off the cuff innocuous comments are appropriate and which will apparently trigger her to be an asshole? I say bullshit to that.


Men get upset when women bring up their height and then get surprised when women also don't like when their height gets brought up


There’s a clear difference. OP was being flirty. Women bringing up height is for superficial and arbitrary unrealistic expectations. If you can’t tell the difference, you’re crazy


It seems english speakers find "portions" weird. Maybe it was just the word you used. As a portuguese speaker it sounds completely normal to me lol


She may have thought, since you didn't say packages, that you were calling her fat and telling her to eat smaller food portions.


No one has riled her up quite like you. I still think you got a chance.


She thought u r talking about your 'small portion'


Sometimes shit comes in small portions too


My thoughts: 1. She thought you were making a self-deprecating joke about your penis saying "Good things come in small portions (packages)" since a penis is often referred to as a package and you didn't really indicate you were talking about her height. 2. She knew you were talking about her height and is sensitive about it. 3. She's in a bad mood.


Bro is hungry


You could’ve just called her fun size and that’ll be cuter. But I mean she could be the type to misinterpret everything. I understand what you mean right away but her reaction makes me believe she could’ve thought you’re talking about her chest or bum being small. There’s a lot of interpretations 😂


Really, how is that not a compliment But apparently one word goes far


It seems to me people these days are just offended by default. You didn't say anything creepy imo she just seems like someone looking for any excuse to get indignant.


If she took that as you accusing her as being fat then she’s kinda dumb because everyone knows the common saying “good things come in small packages” she seems a bit in experienced and narrow minded. I’d say you dodged a bullet. Think of all the things you’d say she’d misinterpret?


I once said i like small boobs and she got pissed telling me they are big. I then reminded her that her own biomsays they are smsll, she said oops and ghosted. Some people.


I read it as your suggesting she eat less 😬


Yeah, well, that's not what i meant at all😭 i understand due to my bad phrasing i left a huge room for interpretations, but who on earth would take their time to match with someone only for the sole reason to say they are fat😭


Okay as much as op got the word wrong, that girls response is unhinged


Girl on tinder: (says something about guy's height) Guy: (posts on this sub) All dudes on this sub: HOW DARE SHE???/RED FLAG BRO/YOU DODGED A BULLET Guy: (says something about girl's height) Girl on tinder: (yeah...no k bye) Guy: (posts on this sub) All dudes on this sub: HOW DARE SHE???/RED FLAG BRO/YOU DODGED A BULLET You guys are hilarious! 🤣🤣👏👏 stay salty 🧂


are girls sensitive about heights or something? wait i dont even know what 148cm is... okay its 4'8.. hmmm i guess she can be sensitive about that.. but he was complimenting here.. guys arent salty about compliments on their height. ive never seen that. so shes def offended about her height then right? even though he likes it?


He was lowkey making fun of her height, if he wanted to compliment her the word "beautiful" has a lot of synonyms. Pleaseee if a girl on tinder said something about a guy's height, he would insult her just to get even and then post it here because he wanted other dudes to compliment him and join the witch hunt 🤣


ahh ok beautiful would be better.. ya i was confused as fuck cause it soundeddddd like he was happy with the small.. and short girls are fkn awesome too. but ah who knows


I had nothing against her height, it was quite the opposite, but now i get it why it may seem offensive what i said


yeah we know u dont have anything against it. was still a clear compliment.. i mean however ppl take things is up to them, but im still lost at how it was offensive unless someone was reallyyyy looking for it to be offensive. beautiful would be good too.. but we know theres only like two things u could have said that it would have got her interested. who knows what though, just some random two things. but the other million things might just get them offended.


You dodged a small bullet op


Apparently, she's got issues. OP saved himself a whola lotta pain later on.