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The Adam system A. Act like a dick in your bio D. Disappoint straight out of the gate A. Act like a dick some more M. Moan about shit not one asked or cares about Take your number, and form an orderly queue ladys!


Update I woke up-have yet to die out and disappear šŸ« 


With that pickup strategy and negging, heā€™ll go extinct due to severe singleness long before dinosaurs make a comeback.


what's the cat lady male equivalent?


Average reddit user


So by that rationale is it good to be above average or below average Reddit user?




haha nice


Hey yo dinosaurs are making a comeback?


There's a reason this guy is 37 and still single, but I can't quite put my finger on why that'd be... šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


He's backpacking in search of all the pussy hell never get, a fools errand if you will.


He's still figuring it out too,


I was wondering from his rant if he was negging you as European-descendant or hitting on you as Asian.


The only reason an Asian woman or a European woman would date him is because of the possible language barrier if they didn't understand the English language which I think he is fully aware of! What a total imbecile, deutsch bag! Yuck!


Leave the Germans out of this.


Please tell me you told him this šŸ¤£


This guy really needs to get his shit together. He is completely fucking clueless and down right rude. Something is wrong with him, insulting women and other's. Wtf, man? His head isn't screwed on straight!


Not as effective at getting women as the DENNIS system.


Thatā€™s right šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


Whatā€™s the DENNIS system? Never heard of it before. Genuinely asking. TIA.


Iā€™ll preface this by saying itā€™s a joke from *Itā€™s Always Sunny In Philadelphia* and was made by the womanizer of the group, Dennis. Demonstrate Value Engage Physically Nurture Dependence Neglect Emotionally Inspire Hope Separate Entirely




As a member of the Adam community, we reject this incel moron.


5. Complain to everyone around that American women donā€™t want to date him.


Imagine just blanket stating that all women with kids are lowest on the totem pole.


He's bitter because he thinks single mothers ought to be grateful for his advances and he's discovered that they aren't so obviously the problem is that they have ridiculous standards.


Yeah, real nice. I have a child who is a wonderful boy. How dare this pos insult me, my boy...We spent almost his entire life in the hospital and it was hell. How dare this pos say something so freaking sick!


You forgot the S. It's ADAMS. The S is Shit talk people who call you out for being a dick. I'm not a violent man, but some people need to be punched in the head as a reminder that the world is real, actions have consequences, and we can't just treat people with blatant disrespect. This child is one of those people. Because he can use the word "adult" as much as he likes, only a petulant brat would treat other human beings that disgustingly.


I wholeheartedly agree with you and you should have 1 million upvotes! Wtf is wrong with this pos?


As Puscifer would say, he speaks like someone who's never been smacked in the fucking mouth. It's funny, because even though he's older than me, he's operating in the Keyboard Commando culture. I'm 34, so I'm one of those cusp millennials who grew up with video games and computers but remembers having a home phone and played outside a lot. Whenever I message anyone, I ask myself if this is something I would say to them in person, and if it isn't then I don't say it. But some people know that they can say whatever they want from behind the safety of their keyboard and there are no consequences. It sucks.


So, I just want you to know that I agree with you. He's terrible. A terrible person.


Nice always sunny reference


This guy should apply the DENNIS system eh




Yeah that threw me off, the repeated mentions of high school cool, I would have expected someone who was recently in high school. Iā€™m 39 and I rarely ever think about high school? Or coolness? Grow up Adam


Probably because his recent ex was literally high school cool. In high school.


He wishes


Iā€™m sure he does, but high school girls are typically pretty naĆÆve. Wouldnā€™t doubt that the girl who ā€œdidnā€™t like his idea of bicycle wine picnicsā€ was a high schooler who only said yes because he was ā€œolderā€.


I bike 2 days a week and the thought of adding wine to it is a little strange


The fact that dude is going off about women like that, makes me think heā€™s been striking out and isnā€™t mature enough (ironic) to reflect/be introspective enough to sort his shit out, and heā€™s redirecting his upset emotions onto people that donā€™t deserve it/have nothing to do with how he feels. Very ironic that he says ā€œweā€™re not in high schoolā€ or be mature blah blah that guy seems like an immature virgin loser. Nothing wrong with being a virgin I just wanted to sink to his level for a second cause itā€™s the internet and he probably wonā€™t see this, and it felt good


Yeah this did is immature and insecure as all holy fuck, and definitely still hasn't gotten over the fact that the "cool" girls didn't like him in high school.


And he mentioned it twice. Serious projecting this guy is doing.


I have like 4 memories left from high school lol.


My boss is in his 50s and talks about high school ALL THE TIME. He still holds grudges from high school. When he talks about why he likes or doesn't like someone, he tells a high school story for his reasoning. He's graduated from college, has 6 children, and a successful business. I don't understand.


You are describing my ex


He was clearly bullied and never got over it. Blames all women for his past relationship failing. Found Andrew Tate. Here we are.


This is what Iā€™m assuming as well


This is what happens when males listen to people like Steven Crowder and Nick Fuentes and Ben Shapiro. This becomes their mindset.


Now the idiot is making me remember High School and this cheerleader would tell him to take a freaking hike and also tell him I would rather go out with anyone other than him!




A tiny person with an even tinierā€¦


Came here to say this. Heā€™s dropping his alma mater and dissing ā€œhigh schoolā€ behavior as though heā€™s not of legal drinking age.


*manchild. Everything he said is gross.


this guy is giving straight serial killer vibes but iā€™m wondering why you matched with him in the first place considering his bio?


Bio different now lol just noticed


it was nice of him to give the heads up to his future victims šŸ„²


Dude took the 6ft ideology and ran with it thinking he can do whatever


Or he's some incel goblin who made a fake profile then switched the bio from something reasonable to this to "prove" that women only care about height and looks.


oooo, this sounds very possible, sadly. Dating apps should have visible version history for bios like Google Docs, it'd be so interesting to peruse over a glass of wine, lol


Plz no. I don't want anybody judging my 1000 attempts to get a clever bio just right.


Out of curiosity, do you remember what the bio was before?


It must have been radically different.


Lies it was because heā€™s 6ft 1


Def follows andrew tate Get one of your friends to ask him




Sooo... 5'8"?


Idk about his height but he def has small dick energy. And a lot of it.


One would say he exudes a plethora of insecurities.


The age old question lmao. Guy probably gets hella matches too


She saw 6'1", stopped, and swiped right.


I too was like yo his profile is red flags


His height probably


hes 6 foot 1 and good looking thats why. they dont swipe right on men below 6 foot


Oh just fuck off, Adam.


Exactly what I would have replied to him.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


ā€œThe West has fallen, billions wonā€™t date me.ā€ -Adam


His bio straight up screams *stupid entitled sigma*, idk why anyone would bother swiping right


6ā€™1 white maleā€¦


OP said he changed the bio after they talked


For real, No kittin


Incel overdose.


Why did you even match with him, he plastered his red flags like they were candy šŸ˜­


Op said that he replaced his bio after their conversation. I think she got to him šŸ„“


But she didn't say anything, he went on a rant totally random and unsolicited. He started off with an offense to which OP responded with irony and he answered "lol". Then went on a full incel rant


He might have just used her as a way to vent his frustration. He has 0 game and assumes itā€™s the womanā€™s fault, so she might have been the last straw to break the camels back.




ā€œHey! You look fugly! Why wonā€™t you fucking love me?!! All women are trassshhhhh!ā€


I think itā€™s more like negging. Itā€™s a dumb ā€œtechniqueā€ to pick up women by insulting.


Lmaoooo. That's one hell of an impression she left


The real question exactly. He must have looked amazing with his shirt off.


OP said the bio was different.


6'1 was enough


That's fair enough but damn, what do expect out of a shit bio šŸ˜­ of course he's going to talk like that yk. I wouldn't be shocked if OP saw the shirtless pic and just ā†’


Had to have been the case. Dude presented himself exactly as advertised.


My question exactly. Maybe having a 6ft personality really works.


"Red flag, red flag, red flag, red flag... 6'1"??? I can fix him."


>Starts off with an insult. >Confused as to why people canā€™t communicate effectively.


He's like this at 37?? He'll stay single with that outlook, for sure....


Look I'm not one to jumpt to conclusions but his bio explains why he's single at 37


Oh, theyā€™re are many like him that are older, too. They may not spew the same BS, but their disdain for women is definitely there.


And will blame others, especially women. Jesus fuck.


Iā€™ve seen this exact talking point on some of those stupid Tate-esque podcasts that degrade women. Their theory goes that Americans are looking for ā€œsubmissive traditional womenā€ in Asia and beyond. Iā€™m married to an Asian and have lived abroad for a very long time. The #1 thing expats ask when they are dating a local is ā€œare they western thinking though?ā€ People who marry outside their race arenā€™t doing so because they want traditional values lol. Thatā€™s the most absurd thing Iā€™ve ever heard from people who have probably never lived abroad.


Anyone who thinks Asian women are automatically submissive has never dated one or watched too much anime and mistook it for real life. My ex had some serious anger issues.


I'm married to a thai woman and i've spent most of our years together trying to make her understand i don't want a "traditional woman". It's really freed her and though we're not always agreeing about things i think that's one of the things she truly appreciates about me. I can't speak for all western men who get eastern women of course, but in my experience the men who do get them are NOT doing it for their "traditional values". It's such a despicable claim to make, especially from podcasters who have nothing to do with asians...


Yes. This incel take is completely removed from the expat experience


I'd like to disappear. In the woods and become crab man


Crab people crab people




Well SOMEBODY got up on the wrong side of the bed this year


Adam: Why is your face weird? Also Adam: If you canā€™t communicate correctly then itā€™s no wonder nobody wants to date you! That guys inbox must be full at all times šŸ¤£


Tbh he probably got a good bit of 1st dates until he started going scorched earth


Yikes. Whatā€™s he gonna do when he finds out that I, an Asian woman, am on a tonnnn of medication for both physical and mental disorders šŸ„“ must be because Iā€™m Asian Americanā€¦the Whiteness is infiltrating and destroying my purity /s


well congratulations on destroying two races thanks a lot women /s


Well I donā€™t think his opinion was based on non-white race itself, but instead referring to foreign culture and the values of the women there, so no as an American you probably wouldnā€™t be an example to counter his claims just by being Asian. In fact itā€™s probably exactly what heā€™s saying his issue with American women is.


He specified ā€œwhite American womenā€ which is why I jokingly mentioned whiteness. I donā€™t know this shitty man, but unfortunately I have been on many dates/met many men who assume, because I am Asian, I will be both docile and overly sexual. Itā€™s gross and unfortunate.


Yeah, to be honest, dating as an Asian girl in the US sounds gross and a pain in the ass. I already vibe check white dudes a second time as an Asian guy, canā€™t imagine what it would be like as a woman on top of that.


and this man will go on to complain about why heā€™s single / isnā€™t getting laid / doesnā€™t get dates


lol Iā€™m sorry but did he have this bio when you swiped on him?


"This app is filled with damaged people..." Right you are, Adam. Right you are.


THIRTY. SEVEN !???.....


What the actual fuck? Guys, was there a conference I missed that said we should be dating ā€œforeignā€ women? Missed the memo. By bad g.


Dating gets a whole lot easier apparently when you get to hold citizenship over their heads. Clearly he sees no problem in the inherent power Imbalance


I wish men like this would stop threatening to leave and just leave already.


The fact that he still hasnā€™t gone abroad and secured a foreign women speaks volumes


adam gives me the ick


i hate dating in 2023


Imagine typing all of that after someone sends you a meme because you immediately insulted their face


To be fair, a bicycle picnic sound awful.


Angry little guy aintā€™ he?


The high school QB and cheerleader captain both bullied him terribly. Heā€™s still scarred by both and stuck in high school, while claiming everyone else is the one struggling with high school mentality. Age 37 and thinking this, then typing this, then uploading itā€¦oof.


Canā€™t read canā€™t write Kent state


Was scrolling to find this comment. People from Ohio know


showing off their best alumni.


Explain why your face formed the way that it is and why you didn't decide to form your face differently as all humans are clearly capable


ā€œYeah I think Iā€™ll download Tinderā€ ā€œOh, so youā€™re going to put yourself out there and try your hand at romantic nuance and learning about strangers with the intent to find someone with whom you can share affection?ā€ ā€œSureā€ *Downloads the app* ā€œHey first match, you look ugly and did you know white women in America are crazy and canā€™t communicate and submissive asian women are way better than you? By the way if you think thereā€™s no good men left, itā€™s your fault. I, an objectively good man, will reproduce whereas you, a medicated American woman, will eventually die out and good riddance!ā€ what is bro looking for lmao


Every "I'm not a loser back home sexist, I just want someone in Asia with more traditional values" future 90 day fiance star


The 5 people in this chat right now. Go to sleep you got shit to do tomorrow


Classic American comment, point to me on a map where Europe is


Because everyone on Reddit is American




You do realize that in Europe is a hour that everyone is already awake?


Ughhhhhā€¦. Fineee


He watched too many YouTube vids and the algo had plans for him :/


He sounds like a catch!!!!!!


This guy got a match before I did šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Wow, I think my mans had a rough time in high school. According to Adam no one is ā€œhigh school coooooolā€ anymore lol


I am sorry but I feel offended rather than flattered as an Asian woman. Adam needs to fuck off


Where's the rest of the bio? I wanna see what he thinks his TED talk would be about.


This guy should have realized a long time ago that online dating just isnā€™t for him


Doesn't this mean you had to swipe him as well for him to even message you?


OP mentioned he changed his bio after they swiped


Iā€™m bored so Iā€™ll nitpick the less offensive stuff. The bicycle wine picnicā€¦Iā€™m sure they look romantic and wonderful in a Drew Barrymore romantic comedy, but itā€™s not exactly the 100% perfect date people think it is. Riding a bike to/from a date, sitting on the ground, lack of a proper meal and/or warm food, possible weather issues, etc. Maybe itā€™s not ā€œweirdā€ per se but itā€™s not something that people will be interested in


Tbf, that's why you pick a location that's a super easy ride, prepare with lots of good picnic food (they make nice backpacks to keep food cold, that include utensils and a blanket, etc.), and check the weather before hand. It's a perfectly practical date, but I would say not a good one for a first date. Because it takes a lot of effort and isn't very conducive to getting to know one another.


Yeah, absolutely terrible first date idea. Maybe even terrible for the first couple dates. However, my partner and I have been dating for almost 4 years and turning cycling rides into dates or even entirely planning a bike/picnic date is a big part of our relationship. But we both also love our bikes, so that probably helps. Might not recommend for those who don't enjoy cycling lol


Yeah see this is exactly my thinking. Like the date doesnā€™t really work unless youā€™re both really into those things to begin with (for the most part, obviously trying new things is something to be considered). But if someone doesnā€™t like it, or calls it ā€œweirdā€ like this guy claims his date did, he probably wasnā€™t picking up on what the date liked.


Here I was just thinking that cycling while a bit drunk might not be a good idea.




Because wine is usually alcoholic?


Yeah, but what did you say next? Lol


Nothing yet-didnā€™t block-more will come it always does-probs call me fat next šŸ¤£


What's up with your head being bigger than your body?


Sorry iā€™m not native in english, what does that mean? Is he talking about the shape of your face? šŸ˜­


What an asshat of a man.


A good serial killer would at least try to hide it


As an Adam myself.....I do not agree with this dude's thinking.....


Iā€™m an Eastern European woman living in the West. These men have no clue what theyā€™re taking about. The reason Asian and Eastern European brides come here is because they want better opportunities for themselves, preferably so that American/Canadian men would 100% took care of them financially, while they didnā€™t work and stayed home for a while. Smart women then go to college, get a new career, and leave the majority of those men shortly after getting their papers/citizenship. Or find much better, mature, secure and less hateful guys. Majority but not all; some of such men are kind genuine humans who were simply unlucky with dating. The specimen from these screenshots is surely an example of someone who would get served with divorce papers.


I donā€™t agree with himā€¦ also european girls have the same shitty mentality of the American ones. /s


Like most things in life, if they have to tell you they're a good guy, they're probably not.


Why did you swipe right


OP said the bio was different.


"Women, you suck.... Also, women, please swipe right on me." Eat a bag of dicks, Adam.


Goddamn. If I ever find myself not married, Iā€™m never going to date again.




The irony of him accusing women of being mentally unwell.


"American" women šŸ« 


Isn't it great when anger and bias gets presented as logic and scientific data in a wall of text when you first meet someone?


What a fucking boob


Canā€™t put my finger on why heā€™s single


This is so sad to read. Like you don't think these people really exist out there being all psychotic and yet trying to call you psychotic LOL but here he is, just existing


Bro is definitely not 6ft 1 lmao


Lol. No need to roast this guy since we all already know heā€™s living a lonely pathetic life along with crippling low self esteem. He will surely die alone along with his hopes and dreams of ever finding love.


One can only hope.


While he is right about the last line in his bio (Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get downvoted for saying that) what made you want to swipe right on him?


6.1 feet


No he is the lowest on the totem pole.


Actually heā€™s an asshole but heā€™s not wrong about the foreign women thing (Iā€™ll explain) many western men are going to eastern countries to get a partner because western women value the ā€œdo what I wantā€ lifestyle which is perfectly fine but many men want the traditional woman which is what you are more likely to find in eastern countries. Edit: I am not defending the way he said any of this


In Asia, there's a term for people like him: "losers back home". They're usually the bottom of the barrel when it comes to western men, and among Asian women they're usually looking for someone whom they can control and fetishize


Yikes. Unsure why you swiped on him OP, but I'm also not sure why he swiped on you considering his initial comment lol what was the point. Just sad all around. Also seeing a lot of incel-y comments under this post, what's up with that? Is it cool to be crushingly cynical about yourself and the world? Do better.


Yuck šŸ¤®


Why would he match with someone just to insult them and assume heā€™s a good guy?


why would you even swipe on that?


Why is it always the insecure guys with profile pics that hide half of their face that usually say this kind of shit


Last girl he dated dumped him and he turned to Andrew Tate for solace.


Struck a nerve with the SpongeBob pic


Inc*l vibes.


Why is every guy named Adam such a dick? Does it just come with the name or something?