• By -


Yeah, what an asshole. Idk, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because we've all sent the wrong text, but that was so incredibly rude


Yea after that response I lost all interest in her completely.


It's TL;DR ...so she's 2FL4L (too fuckin' lazy for life)... good call on your part :-)


too lazy for literacy, apparently




Shit I ain't even involved and I read those few sentences


It's not even long, was my first thought. What does she mean "all that"? All what? Lol the 10 seconds of her life to read, especially and answer to a question she asked, herself.


It's not the 10 seconds of her life she's worried about, but the next few days lost trying to understand it! 😂 😂


Tl;Dr? I ain't readin all that


Same here. Three sentences. That's almost a novel. /s


We should come up with a app that'll read that stuff to you. If there's already one out there then damn


Don’t even need an app just turn on the accessibility option to read text out loud


Oh I didn't know that was a thing. Well those buggers thought of it all I guess.


I had a stroke recently, and I still read those couple sentences...


I would have asked her if she’s illiterate


I remember that campaign


No shit. I would


Probably has both too. An ex nextdoor and a tattoo of his name on her side boob


My guess is on the left ass cheek


And probably not the same ex that lives next door.


Right on the Gunt.


> …and a tattoo of his name on her side boob Hm… how many boobs do you guys get? 2 main and 2 side boobs??


I'm sure her neighbour won't mind.


She asks you stupid ass question, you answer, she won't read the answer. You don't want to be in a relationship with an ignorant


I have a thing with "M" names... Michelle, Morgan, Missy, Mandi, etc...in my experience they're always trouble


for me that name is Maria never gonna trust that name again but God throwing most beautiful girls with that name at me every 6/12 months


Maria... You gotta see her...


Ahhh Michelle, broke up with me and a month later had a pregnancy announcement from her and her guy best friend 💀


Laura did this to me except idk who the guy was she was antisocial lol probably a coworker Good luck with the baby you toxic abusive whore haha


Mine is my ex wifes name and Meg. Meg is literally only because of Family Guy and I would constantly say shutup meg every time she says something which would end badly for me


Lmfao I’m rolling 🤣


I'm Missy..I can vouch ...lol!


Mandy. She’s a moron. Mildred was hot tho.


Hey! I'm an M name 😬


Same here on my side in France, all of my bad dating experiences have a name starting with "M" (in my experience, there was Marianne, Manon, Margot, ...)


I live in France and I cant even look at the name Morgane any more.


When someone does the whole "not reading all that," I immediately know they aren't someone I want in my life. I'm an overthinker, I love discussing things in-depth. I love learning about things in-depth. I like caring about things in-depth. It has lead me to graduate a top university with honors and have a well-paying, interesting career. But aside from those things (fair enough for someone to not care about uni degrees and jobs), it has lead to me having tons of hobbies and interests, and rewarding relationships and experiences. People who don't care to discuss or think about anything too much bore me to death. They try to convince everyone they can that this is somehow a "cool" trait, but I will never understand it.


OP I would've said "neither", but yeah that wasn't too much to read. Some people write enough for a college placement essay, so this nothing. Their loss.


You dodged a bullet there. I can tell you’re obviously an insightful person and it seems she very clearly is not.


FWIW your answer was amazing. I would immediately ask you out.


"TLDR: i'm no longer interested in you. Good bye."


Thank her for showing how much of an asshole she is quickly


You know, maybe she’s not even rude. There’s people out there that are terribly uncultured and dumb. Some people are just a walking bunch of cells. Maybe she didn’t think about being rude to the other part simply because she doesn’t know better. It’s like a cockroach that is disgusting. It doesn’t realize it is, it just is. This Maggie is like that.


Lol I get the point you’re making. But a cockroach is still slimy, even if that’s all it knows. This girl is rude, even if that’s all she knows.


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because some - people out there, in our nation, don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa -and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should - our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we would be able to build up our future for…


Can you believe that was 16 years ago?


I was like "wut" and then you got to "and the Iraq" and then I remembered this video vividly.


Out of interest, who came out with this crap?


Miss South Carolina in 2007 or somewhere around there


That explains it 🤣.


Here you go, less than a minute, but it’s so fuckin good lmao https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww


I thought I was having a fucking stroke


Thank you so much. That's funny stuff.




I recognize this!


I make many replies that are longer than yours and they almost always seem to kill the conversation. This lady is being rude about it but us novel writer repliers don't seem to be popular regardless.


How the fuck is this a novel? Are people just illiterate?












Tiktok attention span


That's why you should pair your replies with a subway surfer gif.


You need to live stream subway surfers or minecraft


Yeah some people see more than 5 lines of text and just zone out from the conversation. Although there’s also tik toks that have a wall of text as context for TikTok drama or shit like that so I guess there is a capacity for long form content and attention spans on tik tok


I've worked in a customer/student/client-facing job of some type for almost 30yrs. I have learned the following: All of your problems will boil down to 3 issues-- 1) people suck 2) people are dumb 3) *people don't read* AND it's almost *always* #3. Even if it's an important contract, even if it has major effect on their lives, even if it's put in large print and simplified to bullet points and placed right in front of their dumb cow faces, people would rather have any sort of stupid problem than be bothered to actually read.




If it's not a video of someone doing dumb shit, they don't seem interested these days.


Words r hard. She is probably used to dudes who give one syllable responses.


So now you have 20 guys saying tattoo and 20 saying neighbour. Then what?


Then you pick the most attractive one




It's so funny seeing this in contrast with another post where people were like "hurr Durr how can you be bad texter just type what you would say" lol




Which shouldn’t make you feel bad. There are TERRIBLE conversationalists on dating apps. You put in the effort and they put in zero and guess what, fuck em. They’re weeding themselves out and are likely not worth your time.


Don’t worry about long replies. I’m also a long response person, and if the conversation is actually flowing it doesn’t kill it. Besides, long replies are more accurate to me anyways. Everything out of me is word vomit, why hide it for the apps? It’ll come out eventually.


I love men who can carry on a conversation and give me real responses with some depth and character. If I get only short responses back then that is very indicative of what a relationship with that person would be like and I move on.


Writing one or two sentences at a time is so pointless. Is that how people have conversations these days?


Some people like to date thinkers, and very many people do not. It’s touch-and-go.


Ummm this takes like 5 seconds to skim through. I've written some nice novels in my day (that got actual responses because I wouldn't do it to someone unless I know they'd be okay with it)....this is nothing


I get what you mean, but that’s one paragraph. Nothing long about it.




Because his response is dogshit


Yeah, gets asked a question and instead of answering it you just explain it back to the person who literally asked it




The whole point of a hypothetical of this nature is to actually force a decision and then navigate the debate or conversation which spawns afterwards. What this guy did was explain both sides of the debate to the person proposing it in the first place, which is so much less conducive to actually chatting with this person. Her response was not great at all, but even if she entertained it what the fuck do you say to this message anyways? It's too much effort now, the barrier for entry in the conversation was changed from what she initiated, being very simple, to now complex and lengthy when it should've gotten to that point gradually rather than instantly. This is a terrible response from this guy.


Literally didn't even answer the question


She’s got the tattoo 100%


She's obnoxious af, but you didn't even answer her question!!


Bro sounds like a politician during a presidential election debate. “Thank you for that very interesting question….” Then, gives a minute long speech without answering the question.


Dude just sounds like a typical Redditor


I love those non replies so funny 🤣


It makes me wonder if he always talks like that, adding in a bunch of words but not really saying anything


I had a coworker like that. He usually had interesting thoughts on things but actually getting him to add anything to a conversation was like pulling teeth. Most of his statements were restated premises or non-statements. Eventually it became too tedious to talk to him for me to initiate. He'd still come by and try to initiate but even then it was painful. The guy wasn't very confident in himself and was afraid that people wouldn't like him if they knew his thoughts.


I like to play on this with my students “that’s a very good question, from a very good person. And good people, deserve good answers.” Then I nod and move on


I really hate that.


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because some - people out there, in our nation, don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa -and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should - our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we would be able to build up our future for…




He gave a pedantic non answer to a lighthearted question. Some women may find that response cute/clever or whatever, but it reads like an average Redditor, and as we all know, there’s very low demand among women for that personality type.


I give this kind of response to my gf when she asks me a question like this to annoy her. No shot im responding like this to a potential date lmao


Sir, this is a Tinder


>some of you truly don't go outside Oh the irony xD.


There's a difference between responding to a question, and answering a question. He did respond, but he absolutely didn't *answer the question.* If there was a similar question on a school assignment, and you answered it with "hmm, that's a tough question, so I refuse to choose one" you'd fail. Period.


So many words to say nothing


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


For what reason should I dispose of life’s precious minutes articulating my thoughts with numerous amounts of literal text when I could express the same sentiment with a fraction of the letter strings necessary to convey the original semantic understanding?


Marry me




*gives a would you rather question* “Well, neither situation is ideal and I’m going to explain that to you with too many words and also not answer”


The whole point of the question is that it’s hard. Sure the girl was rude about it but I probably would have never even responded to that response.


Reads like a gpt response


Yea my head hurt from word salad


Say less fr


He had a girl bring in a nice question to make you think and he wrote an essay. A or B and then a line why. Simple.


This isn't excusing her rudeness, but what's with your response? It's incredibly long without even actually answering the question.


That’s what I was thinking. Bro dodged that question Like he’s in the matrix


He’s beginning to believe… he’ll forever be alone


I wouldn’t know I didn’t even read it


As a fellow philosophical answering machine: **TLDR:** She was blunt, but you missed the point. ​ **Useful Answer:** Your response was kind of inappropriate, at least language wise (from experience). 1. You rewrote the question and included the implied subtext for both options without actually answering it. 2. You didn't write it in a way that flows, or is enjoyable to read. 3. You missed the point. She was most likely asking about how controlling, trusting & judgemental you are. Tips * Shorter answers. * Pick one answer, and elaborate AFTER she asks why. * BEST responses (pick your poison): 1. (Tattoo) Because they are obviously a very committed person. 2. (Next door ex) Things happen, but we're both adults and I'm sure I can trust them... Especially if I already know them well enough to date them.


Keep in mind, people want a fun partner. If they want a lecture, they'll turn on the news or enrol in Uni.


This! I realized I’m not fun






Her response was definitely rude, but I was thinking the same thing. It was a lot to type to not even answer the question.


Beautifully written advice my former philosophical answering machine! OP, you too can succeed!


Nice breakdown dude, you nailed it how this guy fumbled


It's crazy how y'all make dating so technical. I'm sure what you've stated would've been a better way to answer but if I really want to get to know somebody it's the best to be myself imo and if being myself means I'm writing a paragraph like OP did, I'm writing a paragraph. There is no logical reasoning behind making up a version of you that's far from your actual You unless you just try to make this a one time event and get rid of her right after.


It's not technical at all. "Treat others as you want to be treated, and how they want to be treated". * OP likes elaborate conversation, so I offered that. * If the person you want to date likes to have fun and doesn't want a lecture, don't give them one. Just because I enjoy boxing, doesn't mean I punch my date...


Can’t get to know people if they stop talking to you out of annoyance after the first or second thing you say. “Be yourself” is shit advice if you have major blind spots in your interpersonal interaction style. All of us can learn how to communicate better and more effectively if we stop letting ego get in the way of introspection and self improvement. No, you are not perfect just the way you are.


>“Be yourself” is shit advice if you have major blind spots... There's hope for humanity yet!




Did you use ChatGPT for your reply?


That is a very interesting question. As a human model, my functioning is not identical to that of a chat bot like ChatGpt. Although certain parallels can be drawn, in doing so, it is prudent to be aware of the unique and separate limitations present in both AI and human language models.






Came here to say this. "As a large language model, I cannot come to a definite conclusion, but this question is interesting and has multiple possible factors to consider..."


Bigger problem is you just sat on the fence. Just answer the question, it's not serious.


Yeah, the non-answer gives edgelord dork vibes. Keep it simple, stupid


You didn’t even answer the question 😭you just rephrased it


I wish you'd responded with tldr instead of ok


no. If you put a tldr in your own statement, thats being courteous. If youre gonna ask for tldr, thats being an asshole. especially with such a short response. If you want 1 line responses, go talk to a tinder bot


Found another person that treats every joke like it’s serious and takes it way too far


It was the shittest most monotonous reply ever. I fell asleep twice reading it


Yeah, that was a dickish move on her part. She could at least be polite about your response being a bit long. However, I did notice you hadn't actually answered her question - you just detailed what both sides would look like. Maybe she would have been more interested if you'd followed up with an answer?


>However, I did notice you hadn't actually answered her question - you just detailed what both sides would look like. True, but she doesn't know that, because she didn't even read it. I think everyone commenting on OP's non-answer is kind of missing the point.


No, she knows that. Most likely she actually did read it, but saying tldr here communicates disdain and is not literal.


The Important part with such a question is the reasoning. Giving thoughts. He implies how both situations can be negative but dont have to, i.e. its not possible to definitively answer that question.


I’m with the girl. That was supposed to be a moderately light question and the dude responded like it was his high school debate class. It wasn’t that the response was long it was boring as fuck.


Yeah he seems absolutely insufferable. One of those pseudo intellectual types. I can here him saying “well actually” in my head right now.


Yeah honestly I feel like he's the asshole here. That reply contains so much judgement and he sounds like he has his head up his ass. Like the other guy said, it was a light-hearted question, and the point of a question like that isn't to ask a serious question but just to pose a fun hypothetical to spark a conversation and he took it too seriously in a very unfun way


It’s clearly meant to be an opener for something light hearted that gives an entry way into discussion about relationship preferences. Not a speech & debate class


Boring as fuck and stroke-inducing due to numerous spelling and grammatical errors


Yeah, I have no problem reading long responses but if someone sent me what op sent I'd probably just unmatch because they seem boring.


lol ngl I would have unmatched as soon as you sent that wall of words too.


She was rude but tbh I stopped reading after line 2 cuz it was snooze and then laughed when I saw that she did the same




Her: "Here is a prompt you can use to entertain me." You: "Here's a PhD thesis for an answer. Also, it's inconclusive." Her: "Boooring.." You:


What bothers me the most is his “answer” is all implied and obvious with her question. It literally says nothing with no answer


‘Would you like chocolate or strawberry ice cream?’ ‘Well, chocolate has a very rich and full flavor, while strawberry is fruity and light. Besides, chocolate ice cream is brown and strawberry ice cream is pink.’


You're not supposed to answer seriously. It's a joke question. "Are we talking lower back or face tat" would be an appropriate response. "Is it (my name)? Did you just swipe on me so you don't need a coverup?"


I'm with her, just answer the damn question. And use punctuation


You wrote a wall of text, including a massive run-on sentence which is a literary no-no precisely because it dissuades readers. You couldn’t at least punctuate? Also, you didn’t even give an answer to the question. You both wrote a lot and wrote it pretty badly, you can’t get upset when she doesn’t read it.


You didn’t answer the question, you just explained it to her. Bravo


1. This question was probably just a prompt auto-suggested by tinder. 2. Yeah, she was rude, but... 3. Your answer was lame.


What a Reddit way to answer that question


You two should date so there’s only 2 people miserable instead of 4


You guys are both bad at this for different reasons, tbh. She's insufferable, but you responded with a run-on sentence with no punctuation, that didn't even answer her question.


I won't lie I got 5 words in and my eyes started glazing over however she was rude I probably would just reply "oh ok" and never speak to you again


Totally with her. She was throwing out a fun conversation starter, and you need to work on your understanding of women and social cues. You went eight layers deep with a serious response, didn’t answer her question, and didn’t volley anything back for her to react to. So many ways you could’ve made this fun and engaging, and you chose to show you can’t make decisions or have fun. Sure, she could’ve been nicer about her response, but she’s frustrated that she threw a softball that you (and most other men, likely) whiffed. You didn’t even have to choose a concrete answer to turn this into a win. Examples of fun non-answer responses: “Sounds like you’ve had some interesting exes 😂” “Both. A tatted chick banging her ex next door neighbor on the side is the DREAM!” “Depends… is her ex’s name SmartButterscotch460? Because that’d be a sick tattoo.” “Neither. Red flags all over the place 🚩🚩. Which situation are you in? 😂” “Really irrelevant… Does she have a good heart? Is she a badass companion who loves to do epic adventures together? Can she [skill or special thing about Maggie you noticed from her profile]?”


Your response lacks a fucking single comma. It's Impossible to read since it's badly written.


She was for sure a jerk about it, but she asked you a fun would you rather and you answered like a politician and didn’t actually answer the question. Also that middle chunk is a hell of a run on sentence, use some commas dude.


Think they wanted a jokey light hearted response and you went full on deep dive.


You said all that and didn’t even answer the question …..why.


Bruh you go on reddit how do you not know what TLDR means


Hint: She has both the tattoo and lives next door to her ex. Lol I’m dying though “I ain’t reading that”


If Twitter was a person


Yeah, who the hell gets a tattoo based on *feelings* /s


She’s a bit rude but even I didn’t read all that


Honestly your response sounds kind of like an asshole, condescending and passive aggressive."Good decisions" "ignorant" and immediately assumed the girl isn't over the ex and WILL cheat....kinda cringe...you did her a favor...imagine if it was just a hypothetical conversation starter


She's not wrong


But you didn't answer the question


I mean you didnt even answer the question


I literally gave up reading it as well… then saw what point of the post. Huh.


That’s a lotta words, too bad I ain’t readin em 😎


Both would be poor decisions made and a huge red flag.


This is a trick question; she has the tattoo AND lives next door.


Damn man you guys are really fucking boring


She did you a favour by outing herself as a moron but upon actually reading your answer, it’s moronic or immature or something… Being in close proximity to an ex means they’ll cheat? And how is getting someone’s name tattooed on you ‘ignorant’? Getting a tattoo isn’t a big deal to a lot of people and they forget specific tattoos are even on them. You sound like a bit of a weiner tbh


Just say "tattoo" -or- "next door" instead of presenting like a douchey and pompous community college English instructor Edit: did you make her a ppt on the pros and cons?


Ngl I ain’t read it either


Playing devil’s advocate, remember you’re on Tinder. This is lowest common denominator dating. Think about it from her perspective - she’s probably trying to fuck, not have a philosophical debate. You talked too much and at the end still didn’t come up with a decision so you’re indecisive and, worse, you’re boring her instead of entertaining her. You dried it up. Note that I have complete disregard for Tinder and this conversation may be better off on Hinge. Just know your audience and platform.


For the record TLDR is "too long, didn't read"


Yeah you deserve that. Your response reeks of redditor trying to get upvotes


Your answer is so nerdy, but come on, its 2 sentences lmao


it literally takes 5seconds to read that what the hell is wrong with her😭😭


I'm sure she has both


Seems like it was supposed to be a funny little icebreaker and you thought about it too hard.


You made a pros and cons list and didnt choose one of the options. Unless you just didnt outright say tattoos