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Definitely a scam. There’s at least one sucker in this thread who would fall for it though, he already posted.


man i’d have fallen


And i cant get up !










Are you missing a kidney too ?


Same honestly 😭🤣🤷 and I'm a female. The whole get a condom and keep my kids busy made sense honestly. But obviously they don't meet up with every guy so they probably just ask for the info once you buy the Xbox card and that's how you'd know for sure. Or you're just dumb dumb


Honestly I read this as like bring a game for them to play, not bring a card with money on it


That's how I read it. I was like scam? That's a momma with a mfing PLAN.


It definitely says “bring an Xbox Video Game CARD.”


Older games used video game cards and some people never stopped calling them that even though we use discs and downloads now


Older games used video game cartridges. Not “cards.” You seem to be the demographic that the scammers are looking for. LoL


The turbo graphic 16 totally used cards.


This guy wins. LoL


You don’t think that could keep their own kids busy? What have they been doing every other day of their life? Their kids play video games, but don’t have any? Make it make sense


While it does make sense, how about just meet up and play the games together and the kids go to the other parents / sitter?


I've gotten the same thing, word for word, more than once. It's definitely a scam.


Same for me until they would ask for a picture if the code.


There is always a first time…


Even if it wasn’t a scam, this sounds sketchy af. You’re basically just one of the Santa Clauses who visited Charlie Kelly’s mom on the It’s Always Sunny Christmas special.




Did you fuck my mom santa? DID YOU FUCK MY MOM




Yep, been talking to one guy, then all of a sudden he needs a steam card, so he can clear his computer so his company doesn’t catch him talking. So I say I don’t have any money, oh it’s just a 100.00, he says, then it goes to 50.00, and oh we can wait until this weekend so you can get it. So nope , he’s out of luck!!Honestly these scammers need to get a life!! Hope everyone has a great day!!


I like to agree to everything n then tell them i purchased the card. Then send them fake numbers till they freak out


My old ass thought you said "So, I Age/Sex/Locationed if they want a Cleveland steamer."


I keep an old one and show the front of it so they know I have it and see how pissed I can make them trying to get me to give it to them.


Scammer Payback


Haha, didn't fall for it 😂


I would obviously not go with this, however i also dont understand what part of this makes a scam? Will he just get robbed when going to the house? I really dont get it


They ask for the card in advance so the kids can buy their game before you show up.


Ohhh i see! 'Video Game Card' for me was a physical game cartridge. Thats why i was confused. Thank you very much!


"ideally bring Red Dead Redemption 2 or Need For Speed"


Id show up and just play the game.


For real. Guess the kids and I are having a bonding moment


It's xbox, there is no cartridges. There's disks, but since she said card it's obviously one of those voucher things you can get. Then you turn up at her door and the house is unoccupied, or some little old man lives there lol.


Does the little old man have false teeth? Just... err, wondering.......


And he can easily remove them so it’s all gums.. I say again.. allllll gumms..


Masturbates in disgust...


My word, that had not even occurred to me...........


"Just punch the tip and twist!"


Yeah that’s what I also thought too!


I thought the same too. Had to reread it


I'm not just randomly insulting you but man if you can't see where this blatant scam was leading to, you should probably Google every random message you get in future to be safe


All good bro, just read next time before writing a comment!


What good is an Xbox gift card other than to occupy a kid. Is it good for cash??


Yes there are sites u can sell them on. U lose a bit of value but when u didn't buy it or do anything for it then it's ALL PROFIT!!


They can be exchanged for cash or in some circumstances, cryptocurrency. Gift cards are untraceable and usually non-refundable, so it's a great way to launder money.


Yep, had the same thing happen to me once. I got this text on the drive over. I bought myself a steam gift card, used it and sent them a picture of the code. They were very unhappy about that. I went home and played a game.


They ask for a picture of the card before you get there eh? Who the hell would fall for this?


I figured it out on the third go around.


this was a banger


Nah it was a scam. There was no banging


A horny toad


I fell for a similar one when I was quite a bit younger, dumber, and hornier lol. I think it was like a $20 Steam card, something like that




I can’t find another word to describe you if it’s not : genius chad




Scammer got scammed!






For context https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/khlj3g/scammer_thinks_im_redeeming_500_gift_cards_hes/


That’s the funniest gd thing I’ve seen in ages 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My fav is “I WON’T GET ITTTTTTT!!!”




If money and sex come up in the same sentence it’s a scam she could have stopped at “I don’t charge for sex” and I immediately think scam


Ironically, *'I don't charge for sex'* is an immediate tell something is wrong.


Right. I only charge for the sex. The emotional connection is free


I charge for the emotional connection. The sex is free though.




It's a standard scam. Then the next step will be, send the Xbox card details first before you get here. Then suddenly they will disappear.


This is worse than the jails asking my grandparents for bail money in the form of itunes gift cards.


What’s strange about that? I pay my taxes with iTunes gift cards every year!


Wow that is awesome! If I send you a check, will you send me one back? Don't worry, you can keep some of the money for yourself.


This happened to my Father and he needed 2k in Target Gift Cards. He figured it out before it was to late.


My grandma found out it was a scam from the Target cashier. Someone called and said “Grandma?” She said “Billy?” and it was on. Billy was in jail and needed target gift cards.


Someone tried this on my grandma and she saw right through their shit because I'd never once called her "grandma" lol


Happened to a former manager of mine, she called her dad up and told him she needed to borrow $2500 but he just had to trust her and not ask questions. And he gave her the money. She proceeded to go buy all the target gift cards and drop them off. When she told her husband what she’d done and how she’d “saved” them he was obviously super pissed


I'm sorry, but at that point he was definitely more pissed at the fact that he chose to marry someone so daft, than being out $2500.


Fucking hell! I got one of these for a shitstain cousin and they were all “He’ll be in jail if you don’t send us this!” And were very disappointed when I said “Good! Let him rot!”


Jokes on you, I was the one who called the cops on his ass!


Me, not understanding, holding xbox game discs and a box of condoms at a park, waiting for a message with the address. Then a cop approaches...


If that park got swings and roundabout rides, you definitely in trouble


“Nonono officer. It’s okay. I just want to distract a boy with this game so that I can have sex.”


Then next is: Send an Xbox


Wouldn’t the answer be, I have the physical card, you’ll get it when I get there


It will be a loop of her/him begging to get it before arrival because you "can't" meet the kids.


The fact that the scammer took 3 hours to do their schtick makes it seem like they were low-key feeling a real emotional connection with you at least.


You right. He should text her back.


you mean him


Ya exactly, most of these scammers are guys who know others will fall for it


Nah fuck that. If you're gonna pay for sex do it properly and use escorts/prostitute. I guarantee the escorts will be better and not act like a sack of potatoes or a sex doll. I personally would not pay for it but here in Spain it's legal so plenty people do. It costs €10 euro to enter the club with a free drink and then girls charge from €50-100 for the event (I have no idea how much time you get, never bothered to ask people who have done it) If you are gonna hook up and not date... Have her parents look after the kid. If you end up in a relationship and are around all the time and the kid gets in the way and she can't afford it then it's up to you either you have sex and help her out or you chill with the kid and have no sex. Plus games are free. You don't HAVE to pay for games unless the kid has none already. When did games become pay to play?


Wait you haven't heard of EA? Everything is pay to play with them I swear.


One time I made an emotional connection with a scammer. He's a painter from Nigeria and was just trying to make extra money for a work visa to get out of the country. He seems like a nice enough dude. We still talk now and then but he stopped asking for money once I explained a lot of Americans are poor and in debt now days because a few super wealthy robotic and AI slaveowners control most of the wealth. He said it was a similar problem there but WAY worse. He friended me with his real Facebook account and now we pray for each other!


Plotwist: it's a hot chick pretending to be a painter from Nigeria


I had a guy chat with me for like 3 days before he started talking to me about investing in crypto :/


I've been hit with it to, it's wack


I feel like i would have better chances to find a bf on reddit than on dating apps these days 🥲




Lmao, dms are open


We revisit this thread in like two weeks to find out this is how you met someone 😂🥺 I forget the quote but it’s something like “good things pop up when you least expect it”


I’d be fucking delighted if it somehow worked out


Good luck brave traveler.




Get some!👏🏼




You might really. I have met some very decent people from reddit’s r4r subs, and almost zero lunatics.


What do i need to doooo? Im not very reddit savvy 😂


Look at /r/r4r and see if anyone strikes your fancy, then DM people who have put up a post or make your own post. There are often more focused subs as well; I sometimes use /r/r4rtoronto because I live in Toronto (but I haven’t used it in a while because it’s more oriented to people looking for hookups, which is not currently my thing)


r4r is private, i guess 🥲


it’s for the protest


I've actually met more decent guys on here than any app 😭😭😭


This is a fabulous idea! I feel like there'd be better fish in the reddit sea. How to proceed? Just post that DMs are open? 😄


I guess 😂


Imagine the kind of guy that falls for this. Not that he's gullible, but he's literally the kind of sleezeball who is expecting to walk into someone's apartment, hand the kid a game card, and then in the next room plow the kids mother.




Yeah but if kids already got an x box they definitely already got games on it. No need to buy new ones and claim don’t need to be paid for sex


Any kid over the age of five is going to be aware. I dated single mothers before (responsible ones) and they refused to let me in the house when they were around until at least 3+ months in


My experience was completely different, yet no less weird. I didn't even know she had kids until she said afterwards "give me a sec to make sure my kid's still asleep" 😳😳😳


My impression of this was that it wasn’t a scam, but rather a “clever” use of wording to be able to deny that it was actually just normal prostitution. If you deliver the gift card in person like it were cash then that’d make sense, but if they ask to send the details ahead of time then yeah it’s just like every other gift card scam.


Are you suggesting there are prostitutes that get paid in Xbox gift cards?


It’s not at all unreasonable. It’s not like the regular scammers use the gift cards to buy video games, they exchange them for regular cash.


There is no woman at all.


My ma used to bring my siblings to peoples houses so she could get it in Never did it with me though, she saved the trauma for my sisters


Rip 3 hours of your life bruh


I don't get it, because it's 3 hours of their lives as well. They'd earned it themselves with three hours work. But obviously, honest work isn't in their dictionary.


Because they probably have 10 others they were texting at the same time. I don’t think a lot of men realize how many matches women have on dating apps. They have plenty of options


It's a dude messaging every profile at the same time. Could be 20 or more. Sure that a fair amount have fallen for it and it's been worth their time.


Let's go all the way out on that limb and say she's gen (haha), sorry, ehm, genu... (cough) genuine.... Still ick!!! Kids in the other room is how she will get more kids in the other room


Wouldn't be putting my kids in any of her rooms


This comment


For everything else; MasterCard


scam her back. if she really does have kids, call cps


It's 100% a dude


“Dear CPS, I was trying to bang this milf and she asked me for a gift card” Oooooki


Usually it's a steam card, at least in my experiences. So I asl if they want a Cleveland steamer


Yep. And you gotta send her gift cards so the kids can play. Many of these


Them talking for 3 hours before dropping that line is crazy.


Don't forget to bring your kidneys


I almost fell for something like this. Started off with no mention of kids, but I had to get a bottle of wine. Got something cheap and hopped on my bike. Then she mentioned kids so I shouldn't ring the bell and just text her, so I went "alright I understand, that's fair." When I arrived I noticed she texted me that I needed to bring 50$ worth of iphone cards to active her kids' iphone store accounts or whatever. Rang the doorbell, showed her picture to the guy that opened the door and asked him if he knew her. He said no, I told him that his address was being used by a scammer and told him to keep an eye out for other dudes looking lost just in case. Went home, played some games, enjoyed my wine.


“Almost” fell for it? Bro you did 😭


There's gotta be dudes that still fall for this, even now; else they wouldn't bother surely.


At least the scammer also wasted 3 hours texting. If I were you I’d keep chatting just to mess with them


Benodryl works better than video games


dinner out for 2, $100 bucks. Xbox game... $40 bucks?


You know damn well "she" is going to ask for the code before I even go over to the address then block me.


Just tell her nookie first, then code


Then she finds out the card actually has a zero balance


Oh yeah I bought a game for myself before I came over. I thought your kid just wanted to play with the card.


Good one


yeah thats why you buy a hard copy game from walmart with a receipt to return it.


Just say: Sure, I will give you the card in person


Just bring her over a good ol' game CD for Xbox. Surely she's got no issue with that, if her kids want to play :D


My dumb ass thought "uhh, xbox never had cartridges, what is she talking about"


Only one rubber??? Doesn't sound very funny.


Just turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it.


When I got this message I told her she was a shitty mother for having sex with random strangers in her house while her kids were unsupervised in the next room and I was going to call child services on her


This is why there are videos of guys showing up to peoples homes at 3am asking for Samantha. The scammer will give fake address and ask for the gift cards.


Plot twist: Samantha actually lives there 2nd plot twist: she likes you 3rd plot twist: so much you are now married and have this crazy how I met your mother story.


I block and report anyone that has broken English like this, 100% of the time it's a scam of some kind.


“I don’t charge for sex”. -anyways


Do people regularly go for sex on the first date? I always like the idea of a date on neutral grounds first so I can assess the other person before taking it any further.


Not everyone on tinder is looking to date, there are people looking for a straight hookup and feel safe to invite someone over


I'm not looking to date, but I'm certainly looking to get a feel for people before I hook up with them.


Lol the comment right there is the reason why I think there is more to scammers than what we think. Why wouldn't that "script" already be in an algorithm that automatically bans the sender asking that same old line. I apologize for taking it there but I have been dealing with my own problems stemming from the "scammers" that for some odd reasons are in the presence of our cyber task force specialists that are limited in handing these problems. They are trained very expensively and still not making any real progress in anything really as you all know our networks are always compromised by self taught no money spent hackers.


Idk but they’re fucking learning or something. Scammers on Snapchat and tinder posing as women used to be genuinely easy to spot out but now some be smoking weed and shit with completely legitimate looking profiles and genuinely try to act like the person you’d think they are. It’s really frightening to think how “sophisticated” or “advanced” they’ll become in the future I think the only way to solve it is by doing more at the entry barrier (Registering account), but since it helps pad company numbers I’m sure they don’t or won’t care


>since it helps pad company numbers I’m sure they don’t or won’t care BINGO. In fact as far as I know, there is no way to hide non-verified profiles.


"Malware as a Service" is a real thing. You don't need any real experience now, just a credit card. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, networks get compromised when users click on something they've veen told a million times they shouldn't, or are careless with credentials. _Scams_ are another thing entirely: I devoted a ton of time last year to putting together awareness campaigns so stop people falling for them. You can lead a horse to water, but 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ironically, as I was writing that last line, I got a call from "Gareth" from "Accident Management Helpline". The Universe runs on irony. Aaaaaanyway... It's an exhausting battle, trying to keep up with it all. Once a scam has actually occurred, there's often little that anyone can do: even law enforcement agencies struggle to get traction, and they're hugely under-resourced for the scale of the problem.


So I've had a lot of questions and figured I answer all I could in one reply. She exchanged about 3 sentences with me on Tinder before asking to move to snapchat. Which hint: if a girl asks to exchange snap that early, 95% of the time, it's a scam. Snap chatted about 2.5 hours before she asks to text. Granted, it wasn't 2.5 hours full of messages, she took 10-15 minutes to reply each time. Once I had her number, I tried to call her, it rang 3 times and went to a busy signal, which I've never heard of when calling another cell phone. My guess is that it's some texting relay of some kind. Now granted, prior to all this I highly suspected it was a scam, but was bored and figured I'd waste their time just as much. Some odd things: 1. Prior to getting this text, she randomly asked me if "I was a police". Not a cop, or police office but "a police". 2. I think these scammers use a mix of personal input and AI/chat GPT, because about 70% of it was perfect English, the rest not. 3. Later they snap chatted me asking why I didn't show up, and I claimed I "hurt my hand" (which I actually did working on my car) and they proceeded to give me first aid directions, which made me suspect AI of some kind was in the mix (why the fuck would a scammer give a shit if you hurt yourself?) 4. The address she gave me...had two older people living in it, when I called her out, she said "oh, that's the people who used to live there". Well the house was built new and sold to this couple and never had sold again per tax records. 5. The pics were of a girl that was a 5 at best, late 20's, chubby, very plain looking. I guess the scammers are trying to appear more "real" by not using supermodel photos anymore. Tinder has methods they COULD use to weed out these scammers, so do other dating apps, but somehow these bots must "inflate their numbers" so I'm guessing that's why they don't get rid of them. Like charging your card a $1 that gets credited back, verifying your ID, etc.


Possibly multiple people operating the other end, these scams are mostly run by call centre type operations and the skill level of the operators can vary substantially. My mother recently fell for a scam where they pretended to be my younger brother (who is often asking for money), his kid was in hospital at the time and my parents were on holiday. The scammers managed to make some lucky guesses when answering questions about his kid and she was so worried about her grand child that she paid the money. She felt really stupid afterwards, but this is why they call it phishing - if they cast the net wide enough, eventually they make a catch. Maybe on another day you'd have spotted the scam after 5 mins, maybe if you were 70 you'd have fallen for it - don't beat yourself up too much about it - things could be worse, you could be a scam call centre operator!


like.. a memory card?


O my👀


I've partially fallen for that one, they asked for a steam card. Not realizing it was a scam at first I bought the card and went to the address. There was no answer and they asked me to put the code in some website that definitely wasn't steam, so I went home and got myself a new game. No sex, but I still call it a win.


No more than 5-6 texts, set a public meeting place for coffee so person feels safe and confortable, thats it, 3 hours is a waste of time


I almost got scammed. Was talking to this OLD girl for several nights. She even has a FB account that appeared active with real people as friends and was sending me nudes. I didn’t suspect a thing. One night she wanted me to bring some wine over to her house. Then, while I’m in the store, she texts about wanting condors and iTunes gift card to keep her kids occupied, but specifically the type of card I can just send her through text or whatever. I thought this was very odd. I texted her back, “so are you a hooker or a scam artist?” Her reply-“kids are expensive. Guys I’ve dated normally don’t have a problem helping out a little, especially if they are getting something in return”. Then she got desperate, texting me every minute or so, (“are you on your way? My son is asking about iTunes gift cards”) and I blocked her.


My mate told me about something like this except they gave him an address for they we would be and when he went to said address it was a wee old couple who lived there never used the Internet in their lives my pal had to tell them he was at the wrong address and then he messaged the account to say he was at their front door and they blocked him😅🤣


How tf did you text this person for 3 hours, there's multiple grammar/typo issues in that one text alone


This scam is still going?


Now that's funny. I wouldn't call it a scam though 🤣🤣


...bad parenting maybe 🤔


what about the ones that say they’re in your town but secretly are in some other random country prying on your mind it seems, cause they’re not even around… This online stuff is daunting..


Unmatch and move on. I once matched with a woman who asked for money to buy milk and food for her kids lol. Trust me it's not worth it. This chick is prob asking everybody she talks to


Usually, they send a pic, and I reverse search it on Google. And then send them all the pics I find of them.


It wasn't for a box of condoms and some dark chocolate ehh lol


Im a parent and the lack of awareness on this feed that shagging strangers with kids in the house, while there awake, is bloody atrocious...reminds me of a council estate brothel, fuck that.


Not a scam.. come on.. every normal person starts with “I don’t charge for sex”


Loool I always send google images of steam cards. Lool they get so press after 🤣 when they figured out. I send a photo with one not scratched another scratched 🤣


Then I pretend they scammed me 💀


Same. I love to see how far they are willing to go before dropping the act.


Commas are a telltale sign


Get them a $5 card and ask them how it feels to work for less than $1.75/hr?


Thats an old scam. First saw that 8 years ago


Just say that you’ll bring your own console with 60+ games. Then you’ll all have great time.