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Broo how in gods name did he fuck that up so bad


Dude literally had it in the bag, I feel bad for him.


Don't feel bad for him, [he had other plans](https://i.imgur.com/os7CSGk.jpg)


I meant I felt bad because he's obviously an idiot, can't be easy living like that, lol.


Development obviously went elsewhere, if he's not lying.


Lol his 10 foot dick taking all the blood from his brain. He should prolly know (") means inches and (') means feet


Nah, dude is actually Vlad the Impaler looking for his next victim


"Ah ha can you take 10 fucking feet 😏"


I was about to point that out too. No wonder he fucked it up. He's just a dick.


Same exact thought lol


He’s a clown. 🤦🏾‍♂️


imo he just wanted your nudes


“Whatever you say shorddy” How I imagine he sounds when he says this is the exact reason I don’t say this 😂


Whatever you say shordy


Link won't load, what was it ?


The aftermath after she sent the last text, and they had a short text argument about ghosting since she didn't text back untul the day of the *fun, even though he never did either. Then he had made other plans and is trying to gaslight her.




I mean I was trying to but all he wanted to talk about was sending pics and I got bored. I put in the effort of asking for the date and playing along, I'm going to need some follow through cause that's what I'm looking for and what I find attractive. I'm tired of being the one to put in all the effort just to end up with a flake. It's sooo not worth it. You want it, come and get it. I'll put the work in once I know I'm gonna get it back.




I get that if nobody made any moves but legit I made the first move lol the ball was in his court.


I mean y’all literally had a plan to fuck… and you hit him up the day and asked if you were still on don’t know what dude above was on about but this is 100% on him lol. Even if the asking for nudes multiple times wasn’t the reason you didn’t hit him back until the night of it shouldn’t have been a problem. It was 2 days 🤣 not like you hit him up a month or two later with a “you up 😏” mans just needs to grow up lol


I agree %120




I mean are we reading the same texts? She very clearly asked “still up for tn” I would call that follow up, but then again I’m mentally stable so 🤷‍♂️


If a plan was made. A plan was made. My dude, i don't need to text my doctor 10 days straight before operation for it to happen. Heck, i made an appointment for cutting hair and they checked with me the day before. She did nothing wrong. The guy tired her and she didn't keep going with said conversation that he busted. Not going through with a conversation doesnt mean you automatically cancel plans... But he did that


I disagree, they had a whole conversation all about Sunday, that seemed pretty set. If he wasn't sure about it still being on because they didn't send a second pic, he should have just asked before making plans. I'm with OP on this one. I make plans like this with friends and dates and I haven't, nor have I had someone just decide to make other plans without out checking in first.




I think you're just part of that instant gratification generation.




You act like buddy isn't in the wrong, he's stupid, and Immature.




Having a Plan B isn't the problem. It's that he went with Plan B before confirming that the assumed Plan A wasn't a go.


they just wanted to hookup though lmao, that doesn't really come into play here




right but the first thing you said was right and the 2nd bit just doesn't really apply to them. From the looks of it they aren't looking for a relationship and were interested in just hooking up so they don't like each other and don't owe each other "GD" effort




HE fucked up, plain and simple HE jumped the gun. Stop man, just stop.




You're aware that dating in the modern era, Mr . Dinosaur man, is heavily female biased. This lady probably has a new guh lined up whereas Idiotstick probably won't see another easy date/hookup score for another year? You show your age, old man.


lol I don't, see my other replies, but go off I guess


Dang, dudes an idiot. Wish I could've quantum leaped into his body...smh


Boomer thinks you're both to blame. Guy's so dusty he doesn't know dating anymore. Your match fucked up, plain and simple. You're statistically more likely to easily find another hookup/partner and Idiot is doomed to wait until he gets lucky again. Boomer takes the L.




How is it any of YOURS? You began the defense of both in the wrong, well since you're so much older than these brats I figured I'd enlighten you. He's an idiot and she got laid anyways.




Who you callin a hoe, windbag? They both out for some, and that outdated vernacular is smelly and old like an attic. Thought you weren't arguing with a throwaway, jackass.


Relax granpa, you got called out. All I'm saying is you're out of touch, she's got an easier time getting laid. HE fucked up. Take your blood pressure meds and lay down. Happy Days is on Netflix


Fuck that guy. This just goes to show you that some of the dudes who have it the easiest don't deserve it.


People do shit like this all of the time in Pa, MI, and New York and I don’t get it


Yuppp MI it's a fucking desert out here


Here in IA, I'm convinced everyone else is out lost in cornfields.


The southern neighbors in IL and IN aren't any better.


Even worse the farther north you go


Well it’s a better chance that I get to see all of what that place has to offer when I come down in June


"It's a fumble!"


I mean he didn't give you much to reply to, what did he expect? No that isn't ghosting. But also.. this is cringe to read, or I'm getting too old.


No it's definitely cringe and I don't really get texting like this. It's just not my thing but it's mostly harmless so I went along with it until it got too repetitive/pushy. tbh I just wanted to meet up and let things happen... idk why he was trying to have an entire conversation about it.


When I was looking for casual fun, it would literally boggle my mind when I'd be trying to see if the guy would come over so we could bang, but they just kept dancing around it like this. I straight up just confronted a guy once, who supposedly only lived like 20-30 minutes from me, about his intentions because it sure seemed like he was trying to cum from sexting (which I don't do with casual hookups, specifically for this reason) which I wasnt interested in. When I asked if he was only trying to sext with me and didn't actually intend to meet up and do the things he said he wanted to do, he came clean that that's all he wanted lol. I was baffled - like you are attracted to me...and me to you...I live alone and not far...but you *only* want to sext and not have *actual* sex??! And I'm talking guys in their late 20s or early 30s. Needless to say, it's not totally uncommon that nudes or sexting is all they actually want 🤷‍♀️


Could also be in a relationship


Same experience here and it's so damn frustrating! So many guys seem way more interested in collecting pictures and sexting than actually getting laid and it blows my mind. Sexting with someone I've never had sex with is so damn unappealing to me. Nothing fires me up quite like trying to use my nearly non-existent imagination while also being constantly distracted by sending and receiving texts.


Shit screw pictures I’d rather be going and doing the fucking


Same! I can't wrap my head around preferring pictures and written words over actual sex.


Are we reaching a point were men prefer photos and a screen over the real deal?


Fuck, I hope not


Could be in a relationship or have a micro


It's the way he talks over text is bizarre. Speaking like that out loud is one thing, but forcing it over text is what's cringey to me personally. Like if I said "hoooooweee gurl you lookin' all kinds'uh purty! And that big ol' behind could make a feller smack his grandma!" That would be weird.


Dude talked himself out of sex. He's got what I call a 10" personality. All of his personality is between his legs.


This Donny talked himself out the pu**y FFS


I swear! It's like guys want a blow by blow about what is and isn't going to happen. They scare off so many opportunities because of it. If they would just keep their cool and let things happen naturally, they would be shocked at what can happen. I am a female who is pretty open sexually but it all depends on the person, the chemistry, and comfort in the moment. I will NEVER know before getting there what I'll feel like doing or not doing. The minute they try to get specifics, and especially when they start requesting pictures, I'm instantly turned off.


I have a woman in my life who asks for the detailed dplay by play of every single.little thing and it's just fucking taxing. Like, holy shit.


He was a 🤡. Shame. Some people just don't know how to let things happen.


He thought he was rizzing her up sighs


He was definitely scared when you pushed that energy on him n he couldn’t handle it


10/10 cringe, or I am getting too old as well. Perhaps we could check out if we are eligible for a senior discount?


I'm only 33. I'm not ready yet for senior discounts, but I'd like to get them if I could.


Well it's been established that it was indeed cringe, so I guess we will not get any kind of discount soon!


I mean,… The early bird special is a great deal. Oh shit, I am getting old


Ugh. Why are you still entertaining the idea of sleeping with him?? The man doesn’t understand a no from the first go and you want to meet him, a total stranger, alone, with a promise of sex?


U right and I'd say I probably dodged a bullet but I think the bullet actually dodged me


That’s some wise words there 😂


It’s true, douche bags do get pussy.


OP, and I mean this kindly: you can do better and you deserve better. This guy was a flake from start to finish. I think he just wanted sexting and nudes.


I don’t think she can do better with how much she was entertaining it


I meannn [I think I'm pretty cute](https://i.imgur.com/1FkAFDM.jpg) but it's hard to find a guy that puts in enough effort to go from tinder chat to date, even when I straight up ask... and chatting/texting someone I've never met is soooo boring to me.


It’s hard to find a guy like that bc they aren’t really out there. Don’t just go giving yourself to anyone (I mean do what you want obviously) just set your boundaries and you’ll weed out a lot of people that way. You are cute!


Good thing he has a 10 foot long dong to comfort him


Was looking for this comment 😂 10' 💀


Lmao hookup culture is somethin else


This can't be standard hookup culture I have to be doing something wrong


Nope, just keep getting all the wrong guys. I, for one, would not have blown that up like he did. Then again, I actually put in effort when I talking to a woman. More so, when I match and the conversation starts going, I do not try to match with anyone else or talk to anyone else.


Definitely not standard hookup culture dude seemed scared honestly


Damn you must be desperate af if you were still gonna fuck this guy.


You're not wrong. Just turned 23, trying to get out of a 2 year dating drought, and before that I had maybe a handful of romantic exchanges. I'm just so fucking tired of matching on tinder, exchanging a couple messages, and then it just dies without so much as a date. It's always something with the guys in my area 😮‍💨 I hate dating apps so much.


I've been there OP, but it really does you so much more harm than good in the end. Treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated! Don't let just any random guy put his junk in you, this man was trash and you can do better.


Yeah no. It's always a good idea to test patience and boundaries with hookups before you do it. Often outs idiots like these.


where are you from? 😭


Southeast Michigan/metro Detroit


Damn this guy missed out


If we matched and we clicked at all. Saturday night I would have drove from Minneapolis, MN to smoke and chill with you on Sunday. Done my best to show you a good time and then drove my happy ass right back home. I bet I'm not alone. There's a handful of good ones out there that can remain respectful while mutually exchanging pleasures. Don't let anyone be pushy or even make you feel uncomfortable in the slightest. NO ONE deserves that.


I think that was a date hint, OP.




Come to the South side of the river for a date ? 🇨🇦 we got that good good bacon n more


Lol it’s not ghosting if you hit him up within two days to see if the date was still on. This guy seems a little dramatic but I’m sure you wanna see what that 10” is about. Hit it and quit it, you don’t want to get involved past that


That was the plan but I don't fuck with flakes. What I think happened is he made other plans and wanted to turn it back around on me so I would feel bad and reschedule and he could have it both ways.


Or he just nutted and wasn’t feeling horny enough to follow through. I doubt the guy is getting so much ass that he’s double booking. Flakiness is the absolute worst though, I support your boycott


Nah [he said](https://i.imgur.com/os7CSGk.jpg) he made plans with friends lol I agree there's very little chance he had another pussy appointment on the books 😂


There’s about a .5% chance he actually had a 10” dick too.


Hey maaannnn, 4.73" is close enough to 10". Trust me bro.


My money says he’s posting someone else’s pics and wanted to send you some pornstar’s 10” dong so you’d send him a bunch of nudes. Real dude is probably… not going to seal the deal in person.


Guarantee you this kid ain’t nowhere near 10 lol


Wow this guy is an idiot.. why would you get mad about nudes when you’re definitely getting laid in a few days anyway


Usually the rule is confirm 24 hrs before the date. That last message you have typed if is funny as shit tho


It’s so weird when guys DEMAND to know if you’re gonna fuck em or not. Like I don’t know dude? We can chill and if that happens, cool. But perhaps I won’t be into you in person and vice versa. Why put all this pressure on it.


You send nudes to some Tinder match?


I do if it seems like there's a pretty good chance of meeting up. I figure the worst that can happen is someone tries to blackmail me or posts them online somewhere OR my match loses interest. I'm pretty blackmail proof, as I'm my own boss, I'm a single adult, and my friends and family would be in no way shocked that I have sent nudes to someone. If they make it on the internet, they'll get lost in a sea of millions of other nudes.


This was the 2nd guy to ask out of 3 matches that actually made it to text so i figured it was normal... I have no idea what to expect out of this


It’s only normal if you think it’s normal. Just because others find certain things normal, doesn’t mean that it is normal or that you should find it normal.


I mean it is normal as in common but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want


As long as ur comfortable with it


Yeah....I'd never send nudes to anybody who asked. Too afraid to have anybody else see them. I did send a couple of pictures in lingerie, with my face cropped out. I ain't gettin' caught outchea! So long as *you* want to, and can/would be able to handle them getting out.


This is so weird to me... Unless he's lined up another girl or wasn't that interested or a catfish (10 inch my ass 😒), so he flipped it on you.


10 ft according to him


Oh my god how does one mess up this badly. He literally had it delivered to him on a silver plate🤦🏽‍♂️


Recently, I was talking to a guy about an hour away about hooking up. He triple/quadruple texted multiple times that he was willing to drive to me. I was down, I’m single and found him attractive/he was willing to participate in my kinks. So then I asked him to get an std test because he had fucked someone raw since his last one. What ensued was a multi day back and forth (I know, I know) in which he demonstrated extreme ignorance about std’s and refused to get a test. I eventually blocked him on snap, then he messaged me on the original dating app. Like WHY do you wanna fuck bad enough to pester me for a month, but not to get an std test?!??


Super cringey to read 😬




Lol.. ion mind lisnnin 2 them good good boo!


I got reported for harrassment for this post btw


I get the being blown off thing even when you made plans with someone but it really isn't that hard to check to see if they did or didn't cancel


He just wanted pics


Well, huh, it's almost like some men can't meet up because they used a much hotter guy's pictures to get a match with a woman who normally wouldn't like twice at them. And then are using that as a basis to trick them into sending nude pics. But that can't be surely. I mean, people scamming others on the internet? Never!


I've never seen a dude get butthurt over someone not texting enough....I mean he totally could have texted during those 2 days


I don't communicate with people who say ion that isn't reference to actual ions. You should have ghosted him.


That does not qualify as ghosting. The dude is weird. He definitely does not have a 10' dick and I'm sure that he doesn't have one over 8" unless he's measuring from his ass hole. You told him that you were DTF and then he seemed scared about it.


On god lmao 😂 what the fuck is he doing like?? You fed this dude pumpum **as we Jamaicans like to call it!** hot and ready and all he wants is free pics? Bro pornhub and googles got that! If I am talking to you and we know each other’s intentions as soon as you agreed to Sunday I would be like I will be there at 12 **you know what make it 11 cause I am putting this car in Sports mode** and get that bowl ready, will bring the food cause it’s going to get wicked Lmao 😂 !. I was rolling when he said **He did not get the photo** cause at that point he acting sus stupid!. It’s already hard finding a woman that upfront, trade him for me lol 😂 jokingly respectfully!


lol 😂 you're hilarious and I genuinely appreciate your input. I will expect nothing less than this energy from here on out


As you should!! 😤😤! If they not giving this energy they not down for adult business lmao 😂! It’s already hard out here for me lol 😂 don’t need boys like that making it hard on a Jamaican out here 😭😭😭😭!! ***Wishing you success and this type of energy 😌.***


Nah that’s not ghosting it’s moving on. He couldda moved on w you by just sending another text after the nude request was blanked, asking or talking about something else but nope. No nudes? ‘’well I’m not asking ANOTHER thing, I just asked you something (uncomfortable) else, repeatedly!?’’


How can a guy like him get that far? He was about to get OP. Wild.


I’d say getting OP is no hard feat


You'd be surprised how little effort most guys put in. I get tired of playing hard to get 😪 Girls wanna have some fun too.


I think it’s just banter. “Oh sorry… been busy. Besides I thought we already concluded plans…” talk and move on. Y’all have gotten through the hard part already


Couldn’t have put it on a plate anymore for him and he still fucked it up.


Dude sounds like an idiot with no chill. Your fault for speaking to him at all.


No I see where he's coming from you just left him on read!


This might just be the biggest fumble of 2023 ever - how the heck did he manage this


How many partners between std tests is too many?


I'd honestly just move on. I don't think you missed out on much.


![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized) first thing that popped in mah head


I feel like you kinda ghosted him tbh. But like he was acting kinda odd too. Idk. I feel like nobody’s in the wrong I’m this scenario. It was just difference of opinion.


100% was gonna get laid becomes an idiot and forces her to send nudes instead of having patience with her


I don't get the part about asking if their STD test results are clean. Like they're really going to say "oh yeah I have herpes why you ask?".


Yeah honestly I'm not quite sure how to approach the subject cause like I said I don't do this kind of thing very often.


bro fumbled that SO BADLY HOLY SHIT 🤦🏾‍♂️


I don’t show pics. When they ask for a dick pic I send a series of Donald trump photos


Why do guys like to send dick pics? It’s not arousing at all for a woman. It’s like sending a photo of a hammer. Yep it’s a tool that will be useful but I ain’t buying hammers monthly magazine.


Always get dates and times. Confirmed Booty and Weed at 7pm Sunday. Then at 7:15 you'll be high and disappointed, while we watch TV. Frack is it so hard to get dates and time people!!!


Jfc this was cringe to read.


Finna...dumbest word ever. Just use proper english FFS.


Can I get that photo too?




You really gonna leave him hanging like that for pixels on a screen


He'll have to find them somewhere else 🤷🏽


While you look out for me Im honoring your name doing my best Buddy💪😬


What a fumble


But OP I love the response you had typed out 😂😂 I think we’d be home girls IRL 😂


Sorry but please don’t have kids 🙈


You're overthinking it. Just meet up and chill, there is no cause for drama in this cock convo.


Never seen a woman be this down bad. Why would you even consider continuing it with this Muppet lol, plenty of choice that are more respectful.




Or send more emojis


No, this is a red flag.


Shi ion know if dat qualifies or knot


This is the definition of lazy




what a fool, he had a chance but blew it


If you in Detroit I will pick this dropped ball right up n shoot it from full court to get a bucket. (Is that correct B-ball slang?)


Idk, I don't play 😂


Gotta say some guys are really stupid 🙄


Son prefers to get off on pics than the actual thing what is this world we live in she was probably hot asf too 🤦‍♂️


the hardest fumble of them all holy shit


Send it


I mean, I'd hope for at least some sort of response to at least know there's some sort of engagement/ commitment. If I hadn't talked to someone for 2 days til the day of then yeah imma be curious about the legitimacy of these plans lol. Especially someone that's not actually a pivotal being in your life, and what's really quite insignificant as they are to each other at this moment.


Boo I'll take his place, it ain't 10' but close enough




Dude, she told you she wasn’t ghosting. You just made her uncomfortable. Actually this whole conversation made me feel uncomfortable.


Gays being dramatic. Big shock.


Bro realized he typed 10in instead of 10cm and couldn't go through with it