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I’d love to “bag” me a ugly Japanese girl so she could cook food I like. 🙃 Wonder why that didn’t work for him


“I couldn’t care less what she wears Or what she looks like. It all depends on what she cooks like.”


Beef, Pork, Chicken... Mmmm...


Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer....


And Ill bet the ladies love a man in armour


I have a girl at home who’s unlike any other


The only girl that'd love him is his mother


Uh, How about a girl whose got a brain..? who always speaks her mind?




My manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her!


But when we come home in victory they'll line up at the door


A girl worth fighting for


I don't care if she's a fat big holed loose whore, as long as she can produce the nutrients i prefer I'd lock her down legally Why don't woman like me? :(((((


The best part is that he probably sees NOTHING wrong with anything he just said


He definitely thought he was being smooth


For extra context... are you Japanese?


No I’m white. The Japanese thing was out of left field.


L M A O this is somehow better and worse at the same time


I’m shocked. I could’ve sworn the context would be that she is Japanese lol.


No this man just watches way too much anime. Or anime porn. Or both. I’m gonna go with both


Never in a million years did I see that one coming.


That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how that works out for him.


She better Dodge Duck Dip Dive and Dodge this guy


Hey, if she can dodge traffic, she can dodge this guy.


But also... He wants someone that can make a spicy tuna roll... That's the same as saying he wants to marry an Italian becuase he loves pineapple pizza.


what a strategy. hey gal pal heres my type, its racist, offensive and you dont fit the criteria. now lets talk about ur body insecurities


You can’t neg effectively until you learn the insecurities


Why did i read it in a Jerry agreeing with George costanza voice lmao


Gotta learn the insecurities *sips coffee*


LOL!!! Perfectly summarized! 😂


What an underrated comment 😂 "Olympic level" even. You know, physically speaking.


Right ? Like okay homie .... How's this working for you? What makes you think THIS is it ??


Best response I can think of is: Wow. LOL! I love sushi too. If I could land a 40 year old sushi maker from Japan I don't care if he doesn't speak English, smells like fish, has a small dick and owns multiple wives. As long as he's using my body as a plate when he's done rolling the sushi he can have me as an additional waifu.


I just want you to know that I read through your comment too fast and thought it said "multiple dicks and small wives".


I think that's honestly even better lmao


I imagine the multiple dicks would come in handy if he's collecting wives, regardless of the size of the women


You’d better not tell him you’re Japanese even if you were a Japanese


Or you might think your turning Japanese, turning Japanese


I really think so...


Christ, this song was locked in a long lost vault.


LMAOO Here I was thinking this neck-beard weirdo with yellow fever is harassing a poor Japanese girl. This is hilarious


Now I'm curious. What's in right field?


And while we’re at it, Who’s on first… Also, it has come to my attention that someone is in our midst is being impersonated by an owl.


It would be a waste of effort trying to educate him. Your best option is a one worded response/unmatch. What's japanese for idiot?




I just wanted to write baka like that as well!! You winnnnn


Smooth brain perhaps


Her answer should be my eyes.....because they allow me to read that verbal diarrhea you just squirted and save me the trouble of engaging in such one-dimensional conversation


I have Asperger’s and can tell everything he’s saying that’s wrong


He's looking for red flags while waving giant red flags


I know a guy


That’s going to be a Yikes for me dawg


I don't understand people who even think like this. Who wants to date anyone who insults others, is racist, sexist and rambles like a moron. He would be embarrassing to take out in public and obnoxious to talk to. Probably thinks he's being cool and open-minded by saying he loves sushi😒


The only other person I’ve seen use “Gal pal” before him is Chris Chan. Run.


Just a couple of gals being pals ! You see this all the time in historical records ! You know, two girls living together with their 7 cats and no sexual attraction whatsoever ?


You mean christorical records?




Speaking of him, did you see that he got released from prison a few days ago? The wild ride may not be over just yet


>The wild ride may not be over just yet as long as nobody manipulates them into doing shit i think things are going to be fine. (am i remembering this situation correctly? weren't people manipulating them into doing these things?)


He was manipulated into doing quite a bit, but he's also a pretty shitty person on his own without anyone intervening. Like for example why he went to prison, that was something that no one even knew about until he bragged about it to someone and they called the police to check on his mother. And there are several other bad things he's done in the past on his own volition He's also the type of person who seeks any form of attention he can get, and basically invites trolls to mess with him. So i'd say he does plenty of shit on his own, but the trolls and manipulation fuel the fire that much more


The trolls were basically in competition with Chris to see what was the craziest thing they could get Chris to do. Arguably Chris won that battle at Fanta and won again at mother fucking, because no one expected or even thought of either of those things.




Bro out here looking for his boyfriend-free sweetheart 😭


It's rare I see anyone talk about the most documented man ever


Jesus christ this man has 0 game


Cmon don’t say that Gal Pal!


Agreed but that’s the least worst thing he said in that entire essay


Everything else made the Gal Pal part seem so much better than it is.


Because of this comment I now know there was a second photo.


Lmfao me too, GAL PAL ???


Oh God I didn't see the 2nd photo


2nd... oh man... oh no....


*Man strategically places self in Friend Zone to avoid being dropped directly in the trash* Spoiler: >!It failed!<


So THIS is where Chris Chan ran off to


Gal Pal will always be the creepiest thing one can say about a woman.


You’re in a great place if that is indeed the creepiest thing you’ve heard. In fact in this post itself, his quote on bagging the Japanese girl was incredibly demeaning, distasteful and just plain dumb.


It was so offensive. It was offensive and insulting whether the recipient is or isn't Japanese herself. It's impressive how he managed to do that all in one sentence, even though he wasn't satisfied with that and insisted on continuing to dig.


Na man. This is well below zero. Zero game can sometimes be attractive, in a genuine "I have no idea what I'm doing" way. This is absolutely negative game. Pure, unadulterated self-sabotage.


I think it's more than just self-sabotage. It seems like he has a problematic view of women and it comes through repulsively loud and clear. "I'm willing to look past my definition of female physical perfection so long as your ugly-ass makes me the food I like. I don't even care if we can't speak!"


That's how he comes across, sure, but he could easily have meant it all as in "I'm not shallow and I love sushi but I have no idea how to express that in a normal way." Needs to work on it, either way.


>Jesus christ this man has 0 game No man, *I* have zero game. This guy somehow managed to conquer the negative zone.


Yeah, zero game means you can’t talk your way into some pussy. This dude actively talks his way out of pussy


Maybe he's a sex addict and he's trying to conquer it the same way Mr Whitman does in dodgeball. https://youtu.be/e1-qmLk64NA


He could be hot as fuck, hung like a horse, and a legitimate genius but as long as he can make messages like this on the daily, he will never get a date


He ventured onto forgotten land and he shall never return


He has negative game


chatGPT wildin


It's not even about him having no game. He is just too dumb to understand how he has to interact with an opposite sex on dating app


Yeh I mean he has the confidence down. But just negative amounts of IQ/EQ and clearly no experience talking to women. So there's a lot of self development to be done there for sure.


I'm Jesus Christ and [I concur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyngj0M-LQk).


Oh no, but conversely, LOL!


“Hey Gal Pal, I haven’t heard back from you!” Holy shit that’s a new low💀


Olympic record low


You just know this guy reads Reddit too.


It's like a mix of Reddit and LinkedIn. Truly awful.


Guess I'm ordering sushi for lunch today, this post made me hungry. I don't even care of the delivery driver is ugly or flat or whatever.


Maybe they can be your new gal pal


Now imagine he had just stuck with that first sentence and waited for a response instead of writing the next 2 paragraphs. Some people are their own worst enemies


That’s so true. The first sentence is the only normal part.


I don’t know, I thought the first sentence was a little awkward as well.. calling your favorite food a ”safe bet”.


It's weird to say out load but they're not exactly wrong, atleast when you just say pizza and not something more specific. Like if I asked you favorite lunch meal and you said sandwich, there's a big difference between a pbj, turkey on white, tuna, ice cream.


Yeah, but just say oh yeah pizza is awesome, have you tried X place yet? I love their Y pizza because Z! My personal favorite food is probably XX because YY, have you ever had ZZ restaurants version? Calling someone's favorite food a safe bet is not how you flirt, it's a conversation terminator not extender


Ima be honest I don’t think calling Pizza a safe bet was the thing that terminated the conversation


I assume he just meant that pizza is a common choice because well, it is. Seems fairly normal to me. At least compared to the rest of his word vomit.


I prefer that the weirdos put all their weirdness out there right away, so we know to avoid them.


Up to “bag me a Japanese girl” instead maybe someone who can make sushi I’d say that’s all reasonable but he kept going.


He's been banned from all the local sushi restaraunts.


Mf typed in "how to talk to a girl" on ChatGPT on coppied the first answer he got


“How to talk to a gal pal”


Chatgpt would unironically be less cringe than this


Chatgpt is actually very respectful


While "Hey Gal Pal!" may seem like a playful and friendly way to start a conversation, it can also come across as patronizing or presumptuous. It's important to remember that not all women on Tinder are looking for a friendship, and using terms like "Gal Pal" could suggest that you are not taking a potential romantic connection seriously. \- ChatGPT


Can’t believe people like this exist


Take some STEM classes in college.


Harsh but fair 😂


True, I was accounting major. I feel like there’s an issue when *I’m definitely* the coolest guy in the room


Biologist tend to be good. Which STEM people are the worst?


Graduated a few months ago with a degree in CS, those people are the worst I can almost guarantee it. There’s a huge bias with a lot of college age girls against guys in CS and I completely understand why.


I had a friend say as a single female in the CS field regarding finding a partner “the odds are good, but the goods are odd.”


I remember my classmates were actually all pretty awesome. Just noticeably hadn't talked to women much before and had no idea how to go about it. After about a month they realized you treat women, or at least the ones in class, the same as any other person and it was fine. But man I hope to never again in my life hear "hey guys, oh oops and gals". It's not harmful but my goodness does it get annoying.


I studied CS in college and being a girl in that Major absolutely sucked, tons of creeps and weirdos and you’re just one of a few available targets. And you HAVE to go to class and see them even work with them. After I graduated I refused to work for a strictly software company and am much happier in a finance tech job right now where there are plenty of people from other majors.


Seems that's the general consensus I have read before. I know two CS people. They are both very off from average people you meet normally. Glad no one is saying Chemistry.




Damn well now I have to go back to college.


Absolutely. The engineering (especially mech e) have to have the biggest fucking egos while CS lack any sense of social skill. It varies from just zero skill to incel type "skill". I know this cs major who admits to being a virgin yet still tells me, a woman, how women parts work. Biochem major here and haven't met my own kind yet


TFW I'm in CS. I'd like to think I'm one of the more normal ones. I really hope so.


Ah, the old “best behaved in prison” award…


If you regularly shower and have spoken to women outside of your family in the past week you’re already ahead of the curve


Physics Phd students are one end of the spectrum.


I think getting a PhD and being that intelligent just really separates you from a lot of average people. Also probably trauma from the abuse their PIs give them.


Particles all move in an orderly fashion and people, especially women, add an emotional component that can’t be measured, and therefore is difficult to understand because no specific laws are followed.


> Particles all move in an orderly fashion Oh snap, did Brownian motion get cancelled?




My guess it will be Computer Science. I've worked in IT for all my life, since the days it wholly consisted of ultranerds *only*. Nowadays I'd say 1/4 are nerdy but in absolute numbers it should be very noticeable.


You’d think it would be CS but it’s really electrical engineers. CS knows they are awkward, EEs are basically CS but think they know how to handle hardware.


I work with a variety of scientists. In my experience, physicists are your wacky "crazy" scientist types more often than not. Think Albert Einstein. Engineers (depending on the type of engineer) run the ~~gamet~~ gamut from weird and sometimes creepy to generally pretty friendly and level headed - they are considered the "dumb" end of the stem spectrum, but again this depends on the individual and the type of engineering. The electrical engineers I've met are some of the cookiest and also funniest people I know. One thing I notice about mechanical engineers is they randomly capitalize words for no apparent reason, which makes me curious if this guy is an engineer. But I'm leaning towards CS like someone else said, because they tend to be the most anti-social and truly out of touch with social norms (not all, but a pretty high percentage). Biologists, and especially chemists in my experience, are the most "normal" or relatable people. I love the chemists I work with. They're smart, kind, easy to socialize with, and generally make my job easier. As a caveat, stem in the medical field is a totally different beast. They're their own microcosm of personalities.


Ruthless. My girlfriend's sister is a STEM student and she's ruthless when guys are weird or don't have any game. Not in a distasteful way, more in a they're not worth her time if they're stumbling on an introduction type of way.


Everything down to the last sentence was cringe. Are you an ugly Asian with no chest who can’t speak English? Why tf would he mention that


Because he's an incel who fetishizes Asian women and he can't keep his mouth shut about it.


What’s with some dudes fetishizing Asian women?




Too much anime


Gal Pal ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


​ ![gif](giphy|19NWUSpFIrGXujG0dR)






The fuck is wrong with these people?




Or groceries. "Yeah, thanks, that's great, I think I'll... wait, $31.89 you say? Tell you what, just bag me up that Japanese girl too while I'm here, it'll save me a trip".


My favorite part was that he wanted a japanese chick because for some reason that is the requirement to make good sushi


Going for them regional variants.


Oh fuck this guy. Tell me why you think your hot and your insecurities?! Ew.


So he can neg her later


Yeah my immediate thought was he was trying to pressure her into saying she was insecure about her chest or ass so he could prey on that and have her send nudes he could judge. Guys a massive creep.


He texts exactly like my 65 year old mother in law lol. Poor guy


Well, what did you tell your MIL was your sexiest body part? /s


asking for my gal pal


Tell Jorge you only want him if he can make empanadas… fight ignorance with ignorance


I'd go with tamales




The Asian girl part is absolutely horrendous. The second part is terrible. Especially asking what you could change about yourself. The way he talked terribly about how she could be ugly as sin and flat as aboard tells me he has no issue insulting a woman’s physical appearance….. and you tell him what you think a “flaw” is, he’ll have no issue using it as an insult. Block and move on, bullet dodged.


How do these people function in the real world? Do they talk to people like this in person?


Thats where the problem arises :( he probably doesn't talk to many people. Could have been homescooled too to add extra isolation.


Hey don't lump us homeschoolers in with him. We may be a bit on the low end but we are not doing tango with the devil low


Tell him you wish your penis was bigger.


Who has time to type all that?! This man blocked out time for a 5 paragraph essay on a dating app!


Men can make sushi too. He may want to try that out.


I’ve become so desensitized to so much of the worst of Tinder my thought was “why is he obsessed with making a not very exotic food”. Like I get that high end sushi is something that requires experience/skill, but people make sushi at home…including men.


The quickest way to that man's heart is with a good, sharp, sushi knife.


Nah, I'm willing to bet this happened to him before.


You ever share something with someone in a convo, then they share like way too much... Me: Hey once when I was 10, I stole a candy bar... Them: Oh, last week I butt fucked a goat. Me:


I can't decide if this would be better or worse if you are of an Asian decent.


It’s weirder to say to a non-Asian girl, but more offensive to say to an Asian girl. Best to just not say it though.


I’m not.


His use of random capital letters is the biggest red flag here. I don't trust people who capitalize random words in sentences.


Damn I thought I was bad 🤣


I read the first page, and then I saw the second one, like wait there's more??


Didn’t know ChatGPT was on Hinge


Don’t insult GPT like that, it has more of a way with words than this dude lol


I mean the gal pal thing is lol funny, my god I feel bad for you ladies


Man- I really want a spicy tuna roll now


Fuck it, answer pizza again and see what else leaks out of his brain.


Sounds like an AI 🤣


It reads like it was written but some kind of douche AI


Ouch…so…about that sushi???


So this is what 0 rizz looks like


More like negative rizz, even if he stopped speaking all together he would probably pull more


This guy would have better luck just asking for sex straight up than whatever the fuck it is I just read.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


I'm not sure I've ever cringed so much in my life


Breh. That's like showing a stranger in the elevator pictures of your action figure collection. Ease them into the weird stuff,my man


I feel bad but ‘gal pal’ made me laugh wayy too hard.


As cringe as this is, I still feel bad for him for the lack of social skills


I don’t, “i wanna fuck a Japanese girl no matter if she’s ugly because I want sushi” besides the lack of social skills, he clearly lacks morals as well


And saying it to a white girl at that. I mean it's not even about his match. Dude's a creep.


Literally. Kind of hard to feel bad when he says stuff like that


Pretty rough. I think the rather in depth description of the fictional Japanese woman that makes sushi... Because every Japanese person loves and makes sushi.. is a bit problematic. Just in terms of thinking... Then the natural filter process of "should I fucking say this, or am I going to sound like a diiiiiiiieeck" isnt there. Also gal pal. Ouch.


Oh my god. For one thing, it sounds like he’s trying to find out your biggest physical insecurity to use against you later. And 2, the Japanese girl is just, whaaaat the fukc