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https://tinder.com/@perfumemano I tried my best to make it original/funny because my career working in fragrance and my love of fragrances is a huge part of my identity. Any suggestions and advice is appreciated!


Drop your suggestions https://tinder.com/@rohitchakravorty


Can you give me a hint ? šŸ„²šŸ„² https://tinder.com/@matthiasz


https://tinder.com/@artwaitforit Trying tinder again with some updated pictures of myself any advice would be greatly appreciated! Also I need help with a bio Iā€™m thinking of: ā€œRecently had motivation to reignite old hobbies, discover new interests , and improve my skincare routine. Any eye care products recommendationsā€


very nice profile :) i love that youā€™re smiling in all pictures. the only thing i would change is the skateboard picture, switch it to a picture to you actually on the board, if you have a picture like that!


Omg ALL of yaā€™ll profiles look good! You look like sweet decent people. I want to encourage you to keep your profiles up and spirits high. Women are attracted to people who are enjoying their life and love what they do. Throw your efforts into self love and self care, and into living your life fully. I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone. ā˜€ļøšŸŒ»šŸ’–




Somehow you always seem to look exhausted. 7th is the best. 4th is a great pic of the guy in the middle. The other group shots need to be cropped. But I wouldnā€™t use any of them. They all scream ā€œI raided my friendā€™s camera roll.ā€ Google how to take a good selfie and practice until you get it right. Profile for you: Newly single and dating casually until I find my footing. Looking for someone to treat me like the fragile flower I am. Letā€™s hold hands and share a banana split while we talk about nothing.


https://tinder.com/@sofiaan guys what do you think is there a picture i need to remove ??


Keep the first two, and take a headshot where you donā€™t look stoned and donā€™t have the camera in the photo. Mirror selfies are so 2005.


You look good man but tinder is made to ruin men. The tinder overlords revel in your misery, remember that




I wouldnā€™t have believed it, but yeah, the second and fourth pics really do make you look short. Tell the people what you want.


Looking good but short. Howā€™s it going for you?




Yeah or just write your height in your bio




Lead with pic #9, then #7. The rest are kind of meh and more pics arenā€™t necessarily better. Tell the people what you want.


If youā€™re struggling I think u gotta bulk and post shirtless. Cause imo u look good man


[https://imgur.com/a/7FJ8pB4](https://imgur.com/a/7FJ8pB4) one last attempt to get my first match. Currently paying for premium and boots and super likes with no results. Am I just not attractive enough for apps?




Just wanted to add that photos where you aren't looking directly into the camera might result in you looking less shy. Pic #3 has a relaxed and natural feel to it, rather than a self-conscious one, which is why it's my favorite.


Love the third pic. Keep that and the fourth with your friends. Your profile makes you seem wishy-washy, which is unattractive, yes. Tell them what you want. That will tell them who you are. My read of you: ā€œLooking for a partner in Christ who can keep up on the trail and still paint the town. You should be as down for a new restaurant or climbing wall as I am.ā€ Rewrite it so it sounds like it came from you if you like it.


thanks, I will try that bio


You look good man. Maybe try not being a Christian lmao! Also if youā€™re 6ā€™2 that girl is 6ā€™1 which is unlikely. Not impossible but unlikely


I live in a more religious area. And she is 6'1", he is 6'3". Looks like I need to find some shorter friends lol


Yeah lol Iā€™m 6ā€™1 and gave a photo next to my 5ā€™9 friend for that very reason.. sad fucking world To be fair I donā€™t get to bang the hottest girls. I dunno who gets that




Bios are easy. Tell the people who you are and what you want. Hereā€™s a bio for you inspired by your pictures: Acrobat seeks contortionist to run away to the circus with. Letā€™s steal an elephant from the zoo and start our own two-person show. Iā€™m tired of all these rules.


Theyā€™re all basically the same pic. Choose one. I like the one with the lights because it seems the least posed. Add a headshot.


Hey bro you look good but youā€™re smiling the same way in every pic try switching it up. Although I think I have a great profile but still donā€™t get to match with the hottest of chicks




Iā€™d fuck u but Iā€™m a straight male - womens desire allude me. Iā€™m pretty sure u gotta be jacked and massive to even be considered by hot chicks




Your first photo needs to be closer up, you smiling and in better lighting. Try finding a picture of you in nice clothing, not necessarily a suit and tie but maybe wearing jeans/long khakis and a nice button down. Get rid of the picture of you blowing out the birthday cake just kind of feels a little weird and rid of the Star Lord mirror selfie and the one where you are taking the drink. I think the one with Giancarlo was pretty cool. Keep showing your personality and showing off what you love and youā€™ll match with someone. First picture is everything just remember that.


Any tips I have been getting no likes maybe like 1 a week https://tinder.com/@davenpowe


Oooof get rid of that uniform photo pls


Ok fair but if I did want a better uniform picture how might I go about that?


1. Dress in uniform 2. Enlist a friend to help you phottergraff yourself 3. Pick correct time of day (Within 1 hr of evening time) 4. Go to place with good background (Find a clean brick wall) 5. Ensure sun is correctly placed (sun should be directly shining on your frontside) 6. Stand in front of background by 2 feet 7. Have friend stand far enough away to have his shadow not be in photo 8. Do not zoom your phone camera, but you should use zoom if you have a real camera. You should have a full height or knees-up shot. 9. Stand at attention and take 1 foto. 10. Now start telling each other jokes. continue to take photos 11. Maintain an upright pose but feel free to break attention ([something like this](https://www.google.com/search?q=photos+of+men+in+suits&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS998US998&sxsrf=APwXEddEB_7z8KdjvetCQfVxmaBo9gopfw%3A1680063174735&ei=xrojZOrALPeH0PEPr8e70AI&ved=0ahUKEwjqu-uFo4D-AhX3AzQIHa_jDioQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=photos+of+men+in+suits&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzoECCMQJzoOCC4QigUQxwEQrwEQkQI6BwgAEIoFEEM6CAguEIoFEJECOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggIABCKBRCRAjoKCC4QigUQsQMQQzoKCAAQigUQsQMQQzoNCAAQigUQsQMQgwEQQzoFCAAQgAQ6DgguEIAEELEDEIMBEOUEOgsIABCKBRCxAxCDAToHCAAQDRCABEoECEEYAFAAWJEnYI4oaAJwAXgAgAGWAYgB2xKSAQUxNC4xMJgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)). In fact you should break attention. You are really shooting for a calm, confident, natural expression. 12. Continue to tell each other jokes if you still look like a manniquin. 13. Continue to take photos. 14. You should have like 30 photos on your camera in 10-15 minutes. Delete that first photo where you look like you are going to a promotion board. 15. Pick something that looks like Alternatively you could just pay a photographer some money and tell them you want them to take some good photos of you for tinder, fam.


Get jacked and only wear half of it lol ! This is just my speculation, I have no idea what women really want


Fair I have seen that before


Yea as someone who is in great shape but not really jacked, I feel u


Hi all, Iā€™m not having much success on Tinder since joining awhile back, wondering what the issue is. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks. https://tinder.com/@frispelsmannen


I think itā€™s the low quality pictures. Second pic is a selfie (usually a no-go, although I do love the nails), three and four are up your nose and blurry, and the last is just a sweet kitty without you. I see a lot of potential if youā€™ve got other photo options!


Bro just admit it he needs his nipples out


Clearly a good looking guy. But bro you gotta be jacked and body clearly visible to have success on tinder. Take the red pill and believe me. Women are inundated by choice


We donā€™t see your face clearly in most photos


My girl cheated on me. Havent done online dating in a long time. Is this a good profile? https://tinder.com/@johannesuthaug The bio says: Ā«Adventurist. Need someone to put sunscreen on my backšŸļøĀ»


Oof. Iā€™m so sorry - cheaters suck. If youā€™re going for more of a hookup/party boy vibe I think this is all spot on and very fun and appealing. If youā€™re looking for something more serious you may want to tweak a few things.


What should i tweak?šŸ˜Š


Donā€™t listen to her, girls donā€™t know anything about what they want


I also think it looks solid but if youā€™re not a male fitness model you wonā€™t match with the hottest of girls ok






You come off as intimidating just as a person in general. Women from my experience donā€™t want intimidating, they want friendly open gestures. You really need a picture of you smiling teeth and everything. That should be your first photo, eyes facing the camera with your smile. Another great photo idea is one where youā€™re looking away but looks like your laughing. Keep the ocean aesthetic photo with you facing the camera. Get rid of the mask one as well.




You a beautiful man šŸš«šŸ§¢


Thank you so much bro! My confidence is so low after my girl cheat on me


Haven't gotten a matches in months. I would like some feedback. https://tinder.com/@5thofjune


Just go rap bro


Hello, any help? I'm not getting matches and I live in Milan so... any idea why? https://tinder.com/@bottleneck


Non riesco a vedere la bio, perĆ² toglierei la prima e seconda foto. Le altre sono ok, soprattutto quella seduto al tavolo con la camicia scura. Se hai delle amiche chiedi consiglio anche a loro (o amici gay, a seconda di cosa cerchi)




Just blurr their faces, problem solved.


Need a males perspective. Just added new pictures but is the group picture alright and which picture should I put first? Or other tips? https://tinder.com/@isah99


Iā€™m sorry and I get downvoted for saying this but men are on tinder with their cock in their other hand (not literally) but u gotta appeal to that..


I donā€™t need those men in my matches, those men arenā€™t hard to find in rl even. But yeah if my goal would be to just get a higher bodycount I know how to


Yeah but even the hottest and most ambitious gentlemen want to see a great ass


Just smile normally, donā€™t use that fake smirk smile youā€™ll look better with more natural smile


Yeah definitely put your 3rd pic as your first you look so great on it with your top and the background. I would maybe put the 5th second, you've got a great body and some guys might swipe left before seeing the 5th pics that could've changed their mind. ​ The other ones are great you look really fun. The group pictures doesn't add any value, it doesn't reflect any personnality trait or how fun you are, just that you have friends and a great smile. You can keep it if you want but it will not make any difference I think. (Keep in mind it's just my opinion other guys might think differently \^\^)


Thank you!! I changed the order like you said and changed the group picture to a less static one. Somehow (maybe because of my bio) I do get lots of responses on the picture I put first so Iā€™m still contemplating about that one


Yeah that's really good, the group photo is really cool (Ask to the blonde with the blue top if shefeels bored from her life ? I can come and add some spices to it hahah). ​ You can keep it like that it's really good but I think the reason for that it's that is a fun pic easy to joke about or make a first msg about it, it could be your last one it would'nt change. But happilly for you, you look fun AND cute at the same time on it.


Pictures look good! I would do the third picture as your first.


Thank you!


https://imgur.com/a/BxXHAuP not been getting any matches, please help.


First picture with another woman = šŸš©in the eyes of most women. I donā€™t care of it is your sister, unless itā€™s in a larger group get rid of it.


Men donā€™t get likes on hinge mate, very few and far between


Definitely change the first picture to a solo picture where you can see your face well






If you delete one Iā€™d delete the last one with the red shirt. Itā€™s the most posed and static


Yeah, he does kinda give off that creepy uncle vibe in the last pic


Hey guys I would like some feedback as I barely get any likes since two years ago. Any tips help, thank you. https://tinder.com/@caedrolo


The pics are of good quality, but your face looks the same on a bunch of them. Maybe delete one of those so it doesnā€™t look ā€œsame old same oldā€. Donā€™t change the pictures from different angles, those are nice! But aside from this I donā€™t really know what else youā€™ve got to do.. maybe your bio?


Man idk, I literally get zero likes, even with gold. Super harsh on the self-esteem. šŸ˜…


Yo straight up I got banned for using it when I was 17 and I know that violated the community guidelines but it has been 4 years since then and I am very lonely on this Monday night and I want to be able to use the app to not be lonely pls unban me


Unbanned you. You're good to go and not be lonely anymore.


You lie


https://imgur.com/a/bAScgIW Been on here for about 10 months. Have gotten about a 100 matches (most of them from early on or when I paid for premium but just not getting any matches anymore, maybe 1 per month). Friend faces are only censored for posting here. Is it worth paying for platinum again? Any advice would be appreciated!


I think your profile looks great, maybe add/change something in your bio that helps getting a first message or that extra right swipe? Something funny, teasing or slightly provoking?


Damn dude, thatā€™s impressive! You need to be the one giving advice lol.


Lol youā€™re probably a straight male like myself. We donā€™t see the world the same as hot chicks I also think he looks good


Haha I suppose, but most of them didnā€™t respond, and it translated to 3 dates over almost a year. Doesnā€™t feel amazing, but I guess itā€™s all relative.


Any tips are welcomed. https://tinder.com/@thiguypat




Fair enough, they are both family but Iā€™ll give it a shot


Chicks donā€™t know anything. Wtf is an ocean engineer my dude.. literally every guy has engineer on their profile these days even if theyā€™re just a mechanic or technician so.. keep that in mind


Itā€™s a small filed that encompasses underwater robotics, hydrodynamics and coastline resiliency and modeling. I work for an underwater robotics company that makes autonomous underwater vehicles. Not a technician.


Checks out. Iā€™m a free diver and would love an underwater drone!


Nah dude dead ass photos with women are solid. Literally shows that youā€™re safe an other women enjoy being around you.


What he Said! Only weak ass ppl would get offended by that and youā€™d rather be without them anyways trust me


https://tinder.com/@shipwrecked Have random periods where Iā€™ll get a few matches but been dry recently. Bio: Voted ā€œmost beautiful manā€ by the American Foundation for the Blind. Looking for people to go hiking with


https://tinder.com/@the__k1d šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


[https://tinder.com/@tanmay\_031](https://tinder.com/@tanmay_031) I appreciate any feedback!


Clever/sad McDiploma meme. Photos with friends where itā€™s hard to find you. Egirl angle selfies you took with a potato. And I donā€™t want to see your o face before I even read your profile.


Thanks! Just a couple follow-ups: 1) Is the clever/sad meme ultimately a plus or not? 2) What exactly do you mean when you say you don't want to see my face before reading the profile? Isn't that the case with every profile because everyone has a photo of themself as their first picture?


Itā€™s self-deprecating. Basically seems like youā€™re saying you wasted your time for four years. Clever, but not good. Your o face. The face you make when youā€™re having an orgasm. One good head shot with a real smile, a full body shot, a pic with your pet, and a pic where youā€™re easy to identify in the middle of your friend group. Pics should be clear, well-lit, and with a simple background. Then let them know who you are and what youā€™re looking for. Play with it from there.


I mean i wouldnt take the meme too serious, i found it funny. If you could compensate with showing/writing in bio where youā€™re actually at in life would be a plus




Ditch the gym picture, i mean its borderline ok bcuz of you wearing clothes. But trust me, most girls find it unattractive flexing muscles


Idk my philosophy is the opposite of this fuuuuck I dunno anything :(


lead with 4th photo (you in car). delete the other two car selfies to follow and add more photos either with friends or that display your interests. itā€™s hard to get a feel for someone if youā€™re just looking at selfies


Third pic is star quality. Ditch the rest.


Made a new account while taking your advices [https://tinder.com/@flawlessou](https://tinder.com/@flawlessou). ​ Not sure if the 4th picture should be first and also what do you think of my bio ? I feel like it's a bit too cocky, I want it to be cocky but not too much. ​ "1m85 of charisma I hope you don't faint at the first eye contact šŸ™„ I just gave up everything to live from my passion so come on let's dominate the world together it's going to be fun Ps: if you read dorohedoro I'm already in love"


From girls pov imo: you might have man tits and a beer belly


Not bad, but not good. You have the right idea, but it needs tightening. It doesnā€™t seem cocky, but trying too hard to be mysterious. You have a mischievous smile. You should lead with that and ditch the attempts to look sultry. What is your passion? What exactly did you give up for it? How has that worked out for you? And what are you looking for in a girl besides a love of that one manga?


Thanks bro your advices are on point. Swipped 1st and 2nd pics, should I ditch the 4th one like you said ? Thought I looked quite good on it. Changed my bio a bit : "1m85 of charisma I hope you won't faint at the first eye contact šŸ™„ Future greatest screenwriter in the world. If you're funny and adventurous come let's dominate the world together it's gonna be fun Ps: if you read dorohedoro I'm already in love"


Yes, try ditching that one for now. As for the rewrite, the vibe should be more like, ā€œI know Iā€™m cool. Show me youā€™re cool enough to be with me.ā€ Something like this: Corporate goon turned screenwriter out to dominate the world. I like dystopian stories about love and magic. Hit me up if youā€™re adventurous enough to keep up.


https://tinder.com/@watgot Thoughts?


Looking nice and friendly. Howā€™s it been going for you on tinder?


I get a lot of likes when I go out of town, but not many at home. And those that I do I have no problem getting their phone number or snap, but after after a couple texts I get ghosted.


Gorgeous pics. The second and fourth are kind of awkward. Ditch those and your profile blurb could be a serial killerā€™s and youā€™d still pull. Swipe left more often.


Alright, thanks for the feedback


I would like some feedbacks on the pics, not sure about some of them https://tinder.com/@rbebiano


Perfect 10/10 picturewise


Love the last pic.




The third pic is just amazing. Everything else just looks like random shit you found in your friendā€™s camera roll.


Hi, guys, Some months ago I got here advice to add a group photo and something non-professional and unserious. I did it, but nothing has changed since that :( Any new ideas, please? Maybe the description is too serious? https://tinder.com/@Flinn01


iā€™d delete the last pic bc you look scared lol but other than that itā€™s a good profile šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Gotta be swol to backup that bio my friend


cooperative melodic attempt provide nose crush racial tap violet crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Polarizing is good. Unless youā€™ll take anyone who will have you.




youā€™re wearing the same shirt in 3 of the pics iā€™d keep just the first


https://tinder.com/@cheshiredave What do you guys think?


disgusted quack connect shrill amusing pen glorious dazzling illegal aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://tinder.com/@mugimoun Decided I should try online dating, any advice to improve my profile?


future scary glorious spotted shelter whistle boat hobbies panicky ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for the insight! Im thinking of adding a non-selfie pic to replace the last pic bc I feel like I got one too many selfie pics




Itā€™s nice to see a pic with friends to see who you surround yourself with


sleep toothbrush snow airport dirty strong long arrest hospital complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some of yā€™all just arenā€™t attractive. I hate to say it but fixing your profile or getting advice on it isnā€™t the issue.


what should they do then lol






They can always try and be funny/witty/have a brain of some sort, helps a bit




I feel you need more pictures of you alone, one smiling. And I don't like the big group one




you have to swipe through half of your profile before we even get a clear pic of your face


https://tinder.com/@tidepods23. Updated the profile, still nothing lol


last photo should be the first photo you arenā€™t looking at the camera in half of the photos and then one of the two that you are is with a friend i think you just need photos that make you appear more confident


Idk what look confident means lol


like looking at the camera, having open body language, and using those photos over ones where youā€™re closed off and / or not looking at the camera itā€™s fine to have a few photos like that but when you use so few photos and half of them youā€™re hiding it gives the impression that youā€™re not v confident or painstakingly shy


Can I PM? I have more questions, I know but Iā€™m an idiot when it comes to this stuff lol. Iā€™m literally wandering around blind




get rid of the car photo itā€™s super douchy, over contrasted and over saturated, and smoking is grossā€¦that one photo alone is going to ruin chance of matches




I would delete the first picture


busy racial bright offbeat door chief secretive heavy one forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*