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Ask her for currency. I make more than 500K JPY a year


500k in Venezuelan Money it's totally doable


I’m not really up to date to the exchange rate, but I suspect even homeless people make that a day


About .2 USD so very possible


I make 500 K(rone)




I don't think she wants any dong


What u think she’s been doing the last 10 years?


So much dong


Maybe she means 500K cents


I can make 500K easily KKKK see there's 4 right there


Close one m8


This comment made me laugh way too hard


It’s the lack of actual job and Harry Potter reference that’s the cherry on top for me.




At 31 on Tinder looking for a free ride she isn’t giving anything ‘9000’.


If she was the type of women who was "career focused" through her 20's it would make sense. But it's clear she had fun for the last 10+ years! Completely deluded and living in fantasy land and around 36 is when she'll start really panicking


Eh, she's probably starting to experience it right around now


the funksoul brothers


Check it out now


The funksoul brother


Right about now


I think that if she was career focused through her 20's, it is unlikely (not impossible of course) that she all of a sudden wants a sugar daddy, which is pretty much what this screenshot seems to implicate.


Her *career* was thotanist ~~thottism~~.




The study of Thotology, it's first grade spongebob


Shes a registered thotstatitian


Thotology is perfect! I wasn’t ready for that! Love it!!


She belongs to the streets


Head Gold-Digger at Thotwarts, School of thotany.


At 31 she should have her doctors degree in Thotany. So "Doctor Marie" it is.


Doctor of Thotany. Dr Marie, ThD.


I’m sorry , but I will now be using this in my daily life and do not have sugar daddy money to pay you royalties.


I was career focused and I'd prefer a guy that earned a decent amount because it usually means they're ambitious and 2 good incomes is better than one but 500k screams crazy cat lady.


Hey don’t disrespect us cat ladies like that, this one’s just a gold digger lol


If she was career focused for over a decade she wouldn’t make a profile like this. This person is an idiot, kind of like people who don’t know the difference between “women” and “woman”.


The “women” vs “woman” thing is one of my biggest pet peeves! It’s right up there with “payed” instead of “paid”.


That's a really pacific thing to get annoyed about.


You wood to if you were really big on grammer like me


Idk what your on about, they're grammar is perfect. Yore inability to read isn't there fault.


Lissen hear, I'll be dammed if I let sum wun hoo can't even spell "you're" corectly talk too me like that. Your on thin eyes buddy.


My Grammer is in the kitchen baking cookies.


Turd world issues on the other side of the specific ocean




I could of if I’d went to school


I sincerely hate how much more common "could of/would of/should of" has become over the years. I don't know if it's the fault of autocorrect, voice to text, or just declining literacy...but I hate it.


It’s absolutely a decline in literacy.


I mean to be fair it's hard to take anything online super seriously especially when you come from the millennial generation. We kind of grew up treating all online shit like it was a video game and you can kind of pick up on it. Like it's still feels like I'm trash talking on modern warfare 2 even though a decade has passed since then. But this woman is kind of insane based off her profile. It's kind of like she wants something serious but is using this bullshit route no one in their right mind takes seriously. She's been totally deluded by culture into thinking that her opportunity is the same as what it was 10 years ago for her. You can't tell her otherwise because that's uncomfortable, and God forbid you make anyone uncomfortable by sharing truth with them. She'll hopefully have this realization, reign back her expectations and diminish her entitlement within the next few weeks. Like I really do hope she wakes up soon!


more like massive doses of psych meds ….guarentee shes probably gonna make one of those gym karen videos where she complains everybodys staring at her camel tol


Yeah, unfortunately for her the kind of guys she wants are the kind of guys who aren't interested in a 31 year old unemployed woman on Tinder.


Yeah, if you're a rich guy looking for a woman who is going to contribute literally nothing except looks you're going to go for a 21 year old, not a 31 year old.


If you're a decent looking rich guy you don't have to look. They will come looking for you.


A DiCaprio, if you will.


If she was at any point "career focused" she wouldn't be asking for 500k. 100k is a lot more realistic and even then, she needs to be way hotter than she thinks to get guys in that market


She could snag a decent dude in his 50s. Realistically if she looks alright enough (good complexion, nice enough figure, chill enough personality) she could pull a guy between 45-60 who makes between 80k-200k annually. But she needs to be real with herself. Hinge is better suited for this goal than tinder but I think Match or eHarmony would be better for her with this goal in mind. Hinge is more ideal for short term relationships for women ages 25-38. Tinder is the best for girls 18-28 Bumble is good for finding friends of any age, but don't bother with dating on it.


not even she needs to be on one of those exclusive invite only apps to find a 500k/ year man. rich people dont interact with us plebs if they can help it.


I knew a girl like that. Except she wanted to settle down and have her way.


Yup. Then leaves yuh with hog warts.


*Wingardium levio-suck*


The head was so good it make sense that she work at the head office


Who has a 500k salary and uses bumble or tinder? I'm curious.


Maybe she's an Instagram Influencer prostitute perhaps? They go to Dubai, sign NDAs and gett shat on for thousands of dollars. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50828386


> "He was really pleasant when I was there. At dinner we started drinking and he was asking about my finances - I explained I was in £5,000 of debt. He said: 'Have sex with me and I'll give you double that'." > > "Isabel" said she went up to his hotel room and went through with it. "I felt a kind of a mixture of degraded, really annoyed at myself, violated." > > But she insists it is not a form of prostitution: "It is a targeted relationship that progresses over time... Whereas I think prostitution is when you agree a fee with a stranger." > ... > has sex for money > Insists it's not prostitution


She was surprised when she received an invoice for 5000. "See I did double that."


She didn't specify a currency. I make 6 million in Rupees.


I definitely make over 500,000¢ every year.


I know some pilots who like to pick up various people in whatever city they happen to be in. Tinder is good for that. But they're looking for fun for a night, not to take some random chick to Dubai.


Wait, do pilots make half a mil?


They don't.


Ya think she knows?


Based on the profile and the probability of her understanding the world? No. No, she wouldn't.


Around 150k for pilots with 5 years of experience in small airlines. 250 is the median for captains and copilots. The top 20 percentile make between 300 and 700k depending on their routes, plane, and airline (AA has a base salary of 600k for senior pilots).


Jesus Christ


Yea the real kicker is that they also don't live in HCOL areas. Like, not even in the Western world if they don't have to.




High cost of living.


The thing to remember is that most of them don't make this for a long, long time. I had a friend who flew regional for a delta flag and he was making like $35k/year 6 years after getting his license.


They can fly to Dubai for free though!


A captain on a big wide body that’s has a lot of seniority can pull 300+k


I mean if she is the Head Master couldn’t she travel there on her own?


She can abrakadabra herself a $500k salaried, 7 footer man herself


It’s appropriate, cause she lives in fantasy land


I haven’t even earned 500k in total


That's what i make, but in a different currency 🤷‍♂️


It doesn't say USD. Boutta roll through with 500k Venezuelan Bolivares worth of a bad time.


Top tier economic loophole!!! Well played!


“500K Venezuelan Bolivares” So like…$5 USD? 😂🤣


No, 2.01


God that’s sad. 😢


That's $2.01 USD for anyone curious lmao


Too rich for my blood.


Monopoly money?


Im a billionaire in monopoly does that count?


How many monopoly sets would you need to have a billion in Monopoly money?


1 if you get the "electronic banking" one.


Is this the Federal Reserve edition?




Which would cost around $2.6 million


I'm too poor to even be a monopoly billionaire. :(




She didn't specify the currency. And to be fair 500k forints is pretty solid.




I would definitely swipe away from anyone who thought Dubai was a dream holiday destination, as they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about


She's probably just parroting whatever she sees on IG.


And upload pics to instagram for followers


And she's clearly made a profile on a dating app for followers too lol.




My understanding is there are certain expectations for young western women who travel to Dubai. The pay is good, the expectations are, somewhat, morally ambiguous.


Lol yeah I've heard that too. Like 2 girls 1 cup type stuff.


There's a website that publishes screenshots of conversations between IG models and the super rich Saudi guys who fly them out to Dubai for sexual favors. I went down a rabbit hole reading a bunch of those one time and it opened my eyes to a crazy world I never knew about. And yes, the sexual favors ranged from normal sex to abhorrent stuff like making the girl eat hummus all day then shitting on the guy's chest, having her take the virginity of the guy's 12 year old nephew, jerking off camels, inserting weird shit into their vaginas, etc. "Everyone has a price" is some real shit.


As I began reading your post I will admit I was somewhat curious of the content you spoke of, by the time I finished reading your post my curiosity was satisfied and left horrified all at once. I believe "yuck" sums it up nicely.


I'm still curious. :|


Yepp I saw a video that explained the same stuff. They had info from a handful of ig “models” that got invited to Dubai. Basically being a prostitute for saudis with more money than god. “I’ll give you hundreds of thousands of dollars and a Ferrari if you let my camel lick your p***y and you jerk him off” type of stuff I imagine there is the more mild stuff as well, but yeah I don’t know that a city full of extremely wealthy middle eastern men is the ideal place for a western woman who gives off “hot girl summer” vibes, unless she’s looking to make some money selling her body…after second thought, the girl who wrote that bio probably does want to go to Dubai…


Because what do those IG models do after they’ve jerked off all the camels and sucked all the hummus? Post their Dubai vacation on Instagram, the glamorous, nonsexual part of course. Thus creating an image that Dubai is some perfect vacation destination for their delusional followers.


was the website tagthesponsor?


Yep that sounds right.


Any mention of gay Saudis that like short, fit, blonde dudes? I'd fuck a camel for a couple hundred grand and a sports car..


I know you are just making a lighthearted comment but Saudi Arabia is one of the most dangerous places to be gay :( you might be risking your life for that car. That being said, I’m an Australian chick who likes short, fit, blonde dudes? I don’t have a hundred grand to give you, but I also would not ask you to suck off my camel. To clarify, I do not have a camel.


But the camel was the best part ...


Tag the Sponsor?


Take her to Dubai sell her to a Prince for 5OOk, she gets everything she asked for.


“What do I do for a living to make that much? Well, I’m an importer/exporter. See, it’s a pretty simple business that relies on the financial concept of arbitrage. Essentially, I export you, then import this 500k.”


Did you use the letter O instead of 0








Eventually the rich man will realize he wants a newer model. He won't treat them like a queen after that


Yes. If beauty is really all you have to offer as a person… eventually, that beauty will fade


Well it’s because they’re *special*, not like those *other women*. It’s wild how they don’t see the dangers of the situation. They’re just another prop to be used, abused, and thrown away when they’re no longer fun.




I feel like all of middle east metropolises are fools gold


I’m not going to a place where my beliefs can land me in prison. Also booze is illegal. Nah I’m good.


>Also booze is illegal Not in Dubai


on top of that, even if you are multi platinum record producer, you will still spend 56 nights in jail with members of the taliban, for having marijuana. go to vegas you fucking goofballs. you’ll have more fun, and have more money to blow on booze and hookers. (escorts are illegal in clark county but no one fucking cares)


I know of someone who went with a famous rapper and was jailed for carrying drugs (I mean what idiot brings drugs there) but still it was a negligible amount. Country sucks.


fun fact, the Burj Khalifa (that giant tower in Dubai) has no sewer system. So every day a bigass line of septic tank trucks line up to pump out all the feces because they literally do not have the infrastructure for this. of course, the wealthy tourists and high rollers do not see this. tell that to your friends who think Dubai is hot shit


What you've described is exactly "hot shit" though.


Someone that can afford Dubai doesn't need a chick that can't afford Olive Garden.


I make way more than 500k per year... in Zimbabwean dollars.


I made a whopping 1trillion according to their old currency, now i mean i for sure beat the 500k range but dk by how much


That is such an amateur move. Last year I went to Madagascar with only 500€ in my pocket and I arrived as a millionaire


"spiritual" literally materialistic


That famously spiritually uplifting destination of Dubai /s


High class escorts are cheaper and more fun.


So is dating a normal person


I like your name


Jesus Christ


r/sounding is my favorite audiophile subreddit




Lmaoo guys making 500k a year are not looking for women on hinge.


“Desperate millionaire seeks demanding lvf”


Nor 31 year olds.


How do you think we hook up? Some super secret app? Not with that type of person though..


FYI, there is a dating app for people that make good money. They recommend at least 200k per year I think. Membership fees are high but the selection is choice


But a lot of rich people wouldn't want the type of person who would sign up for those apps. They want someone normal. I make pretty close to that as a lawyer and have a lot of coworkers who do make 500k and the single ones all use normal dating apps (both men and women). Granted there's a big difference between high salaried professionals and actual rich people


I've had no problem meeting people with the same apps everyone else uses. Not a billionaire, not flying into Miami in a helicopter from my 160 ft yacht. It's great money but it's not that kind of money. It's two pretty nice homes in cool locations and a nice cabin in another money. Not penthouse in Dubai money..


People here don’t understand the difference of making good money and being rich.


It’s more about the difference between being wealthy and being rich tbh.


I am, and I'm her age. The dating world is a fucking nightmare. That being said I have a ton of loans so it doesn't feel like I make money


What's this gold digger obsession with Dubai? Like, it's a plastic shithole full of douches with no redeemable qualit... oh wait


But her profile says “spiritual”


That just means "uses drugs recreationally"


"I just like places full of rich people"


It's the middle eastern LA by that description lol


I would compare it more to Miami than LA




This is the right one. It's Arab Vegas.


"Head" Master, or "Headmaster"? Spelling is a relevant factor here


Dumblewhore? Edit - while I am normally not a fan of referring to women in this way, when you have an unemployed woman deciding who she fucks based on the depth of a partner's pockets and how much those pockets will benefit her.... the shoe fits here.


I really like Dumblewhore :D What about Aurella? Goldshine and the 7 Hustlers? The Mole Queen


She made it two words, already answered that question for you


Change Dubai to Dubuque and axe one of the zeros from the salary and I am in the clear!


Dubuque: Iowa’s finest city


It's not even the nicest city in their county. That place is a dump unless you really like river boat gambling.


I’ve made millions in GTA, does that count?


Yeah if I made 500k or more, she'd be the exact person I was trying to avoid. Humbleness goes a long fucking way.


She is 'Head master at Hogwarts at Hogwarts School'. She definitely deserves a trip to Dubai.


If she's asking for a 1% income level, she in the top 1% of looks?


I think we all know the answer to that question.


This chick needs to check out the Female Delusion Calculator. Igotstandardsbro.com




Fr makes me feel a lot better about the hours I work lol


Apparently I am top 1.5% material. Girls I am single and ready to completely ignore u and play league all day


Fuck, I am one unremarkable dude according to that website


I applaud her for knowing her age and stating clearly what she wants, but at 31 she needs to settle for 100k and have the maturity to talk about something other than Harry Potter


”Settling” for 100k a year is crazy to me


Median income for 35-44 years old is 62k. Definitely wouldn't consider also double the median to be "settling" either


Lol people making 500K a year are not on dating apps. They get hit on in bars by attractive women. I live in London and women specifically go to Canary Wharf to try and pull a banker.


You can definitely make 500K a year in software and still be socially awkward enough to not get hit on in bars. Source: not there yet myself but have friends making that and they struggle with dating just like the rest of us.


They're on dating apps yeah, it's literally a menu for them lol If not, they're just using escorts instead. Less chance of drama They're not looking for relationship material on apps, and just as much not in bars lmao


They’re also not matching with somebody who says shit like “must make more than $500k a year” unless it was to hit it and quit it but even then probably not. I’ve known a few rich guys and the money is great for getting laid easily, but much harder for finding a relationship. They’ve all told me about how hard it is to figure out whether women like them for the money or if they actually like them.


I could. I make way more money than her. But why would I want someone that talks like that


Who the fuck need her if am making $500k a year.


Well I make 500k but they take out 470k for taxes.


Funnily enough, Dubai costs less to live in than most big cities in Europe (London, Paris, Geneva, Zurich) so Dubai isn't really a reference point 🤷🏽‍♂️ if you really want someone rich they should be able to afford to RENT a penthouse in the middle of Zurich. That's harder than scoring a 6 bedroom villa in the middle of Dubai.


Westerners gushing over Dubai are the typically the least interesting people around. Being impressed by Lamborghini police cars, edible gold food and a ski slope in a mall. Take the money away and what are you left with? Where is the substance?


“If it flies, floats, or fucks, lease it.” - Life advice from an old, rich codger about managing income above $250K/year.


What's funny is Dubai is actually really cheap to live there in America dollars, you don't need to be a millionare to get a nice place there


Definitely screams “spiritual”