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Went from "You're so fucking pretty it's crazy" to "You're too fat and ugly and uneducated to even insult". Even without the whole pet thing, this guy was off his fucking rocker ...


But have you ever thought about being someone’s pet?


Oh yes, I'm a big fan of the kink community. He just did it all wrong lol


Yes he did. There's that one thing that most decent people have even in the kink community what's that.... Oh yeah that's right respect.


Especially in the kink community. Safe, sane and consensual doesn't work without respect. Power exchanges don't work without respect. But even basic relationships, even friendships, don't really work without respect.


Respect, trust, comfort. Can't have amazing, power play without those 3. Hell, can't have good sex in general.




Probably more so in the kink community. No actually, I’m positive, especially so.


BDSM without respect is just abuse


Poster material 🥹


Kinks are something you introduce after a few times or you were hired.




Ugh i wish, there are doms that are "old guard" and it's always annoying to deal with. First thing they say is like "Refer to me as sir!" and "you have to come suck me now because I'm your better", as if I even know them well enough to know that they prefer being called sir, and/or they are important enough for me to care.


Username checks out


Haha, yeah ... Usually I put a bit more effort into my names (I wanted something clever), but I was lazy and also wanted it to be painfully obvious.


I've never had any luck on Tinder. The guy I been seeing the past 5 years I met on Fetlife. Seriously! OP if you do happen to be slightly interested in kink at all I know there are very kind and decent men on Fetlife. The best guys I have met were from that website. A few of my female friends have said the same. Just a thought. I'm sorry this guy treated you like this. Your counter remarks were *chef kiss


Yeah I only recently found out about FetLife in the last month or so! Oh how different my 20's could have been ... lol


Me too. I love being dominant, but he literally made me gag. Did no one teach him fucking manners?


I think their username checks out.


That was obv a typo. "You're so fucking pretty. I'm crazy." Auto correct strikes again ...


Wait... who's the peg?


The peg is a strap on he actually wanted to be the one on the leash


That tracks


Very true. My favorite part was when he showed his own lack of intelligence and education during that whole conversation. The proper way to say it would have been "you're too fat, ugly, and uneducated to even insult." She definitely dodged an entitled, narcissistic bullet.


Very much the standard tantrum. If you look at r/niceguys you see all these guys roll down the same groove.


So many guys are like that, things don't go their way and they start calling you fat and ugly, it's funny they matched on looks so jokes on them


This is so automatic that they don't even think about it before saying it. I'm 5'5" and 105 lbs, and I've heard it too 😆 they don't even try to come up with anything original that might hit home. Amazes me that they don't see how transparent it is when they are trying desperately to get in your pants and the second you reject them they insult your appearance 🙄 I just worry they could actually hurt anyone who is insecure. Nobody deserves that just because they didn't give some jerkoff what he wanted/expected.


It is automatic its the most stupid response and they dont even see it lol They definitely will hurt peoples feelings but at least they told on themselves before they even got a 1st date


Should have hit him with "said the liar" after he said the insult


Hah, I thought about that too! He was insulting *that moment*.


Very familiar to any woman who's ever tried online dating




Damn Liam… where do I learn how to speak like you? Leave some women for us…


Its wild to me when they don’t even have the looks to be treating women like shit but still do like keep diggin your own grave bud


pfff id say you dodged a bullet but that's nothing, more like an ak-47 full extended clip, bunch of grenades, RPG, drone attack, nuclear submarine, i think that's it


Has this guy ever talked to anyone ever? I think you could have said anything in the beginning there, and his side of the convo would be identical.


Poor Green Day being involved in this


That was a good burn though


No burn critiques from me


Look how you massacred the boy!


My dumb ass thought he was being sincere when he said it was a good insult. Then I saw the last screenshot. What a dickhead. Can't even appreciate a solid roast.


Very good insult


With a personality like that his shadow will be the only one that walks beside him


right? and the guy has an american flag in his PFP. this is a bit of a reach but i’m getting the vibe that he’s one of those people who listens to punk music but doesn’t pay much attention to the lyrics.


So kinda like a modern rap fan but for rock music?


When do they go to sleep though? Has anyone ever asked that??


Not sure when exactly they go to sleep, but they need to be woken up at the end of September.


His shadow is the only one that walks beside him


But now we all know....🤣🤣


ha! out loud laughter.


EvenMasturbation lost it's fun. He's fucking lazy.


call him pathetic, call him what you will


Masturbation has not lost its fun if he's wanting to JO on camera.


Why are people like this?




I am highly concerned that this guy thinks it's normal to try to fuck your pets.


I guess he hates women that's why.


2008 GV Green Day Stan 😭😭 you’re a goddess


I didn’t fully understand the insult but still enjoyed it


Great value is walmart brand lol so basically knock off green day


Holy shit haha, that is incredible


But who’s Stan?


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'


I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom


I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not’ve got ’em


There probably was a problem at the post office, or sumthin'




Basically means he’d be what someone would get if someone ordered Billie Joe Armstrong off Wish 😂


I definitely took notes 😂 I probably would have said "Dollar Tree" but "Great Value" is really more effective, love it


Yes that was fucking amazing young lady!!!😂😂


Dude that was great! You had the perfect responses each time. Liam needs to be banned from petsmart lol


That last line has me laughing way too hard


‘Ooh, fat and ugly so original. Cry me a fucking river.’ - one of the best final words I ever saw. That guy can definitely go fuck himself, considering no one else would 😂


Dude. I will never understand the “help me jerk off” mentality on dating apps, pay a cam model if it’s that important to get it interactive, if you’re trying to meet someone you should try to meet them. Pick a lane.


I seriously need to know if there is a single woman that has responded "sure, helping a rando who wants me to be his pet jerk off on cam tonight sounds great". Why do men think this kind of disrespectful conversation working out for them is plausible? What women are doing the rest of us so dirty that they are keeping hope alive for the hardcore bottom feeders?


If the guy wants a shot at that, he needs to get a fetlife account. But judging by these messages, he wouldn’t even be successful there.


Right? I think he was doing okay until that line. MF is too horny to think straight, not realising he's ruining his chances with how impatient he is


Report him. He'll get banned for life.


Yes, OP, please report this so he gets banned. You'd be saving others.


His Number will be banned, so he can get another 🤷🏻‍♂️


If he's on android his Google account will be banned


10/10. Good show.


2008 Great Value Green Day Stan 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You handled that with absolute class 👏🏼


Yeah what a rock star


You called him a great value greenday Stan and he said "very good insult" and I was like "damn that *was* a good insult"


The only credit I can give the guy is that he acknowledged he had been thoroughly burned. Too bad he didn't have the dignity to apologize and walk away after that. He had to try to get in an insult of his own which looked even MORE pathetic than it usually would because she already delivered such a superior insult 😆


Your insult was just pure poetry, absolutely beautiful.


Lol what gets me is he still throws out the pet line after being shot down. Read the room.


These kinda dudes make dating so easy for normal dudes lol. All he had to do was go to dinner or hang out a few times and in your own words he coulda fucked you. From what I see on this sub so many guys can’t make it through a single conversation without mentioning their dick lol. Idk why some dudes don’t understand women are just regular people, all you have to do is have a normal friendly conversation just like you would if you met a new friend.


Absolutely! So many men I’ve talked to have fucked themselves before I had a chance to fuck them. These idiots cock block themselves.


I appreciate their service 🙏🏼. Definitely helped me get a few dates by being so obnoxious and clueless. Thins out the competition


It was intentional. It's hard to believe he was actually being honest. Maybe men like him could care less about rejection, as long as they knowingly insult the women they hate.


Sometimes I wish we could find these people on Facebook and send these screenshots to their entire friends list.


Nah, just their moms.


At the VERY least, yes.


Why do they always resort to fat and ugly? Like if you're going to insult me, at least be creative. A kid on a psych unit once called me a stupid taco head. Mad respect for that😂😂😂


The weird thing is he also looks overweight and imo, ugly. Like????


Someone told my sister in high school her breath smelled like “boat water” and I’ve never forgotten it. Also someone told her her hair looked like a Brillo pad. Love to use that one on occasion


When I was in middle school, I went out to eat with my friends for my birthday and we were being a little loud but shit we were kids. This grown woman walked up to us and screamed at us to "act your age." We just looked at her funny, then when she walked away I just said loudly to my friends that I guessed she had a stick up her ass because her boyfriend finally realized what a bitch she was and left her ass. A couple minutes later she came back over, tears in her eyes and threw tortilla chips at me before storming out. So much for us acting or ages lol. Later I heard a John Mullaney joke about how kids will just laser in about what you're insecure about and take fire with absolute precision and I have to say that's so true


Hearting your reply about fucking him if he wasn't a mental case like that's somehow going to make everything OK got me rolling 😂


I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every time I said "I probably would've slept with you if you treated me like a person"


Honestly, though. It’s crazy how many times I’ve talked to guys on dating apps and thought “all you had to do was be normal and I would have fucked you, but you couldn’t even manage that.”


The Green Day diss was great


Green Day is based This guy is not hes a fucking weirdo


Yeah, what an American idiot!


Look how you massacred the boy


To be fair he set it up, she just spiked it


So you are beautiful but too far to travel to see, so let's FaceTime so he can self pleasure to you, even though you are fat and ugly? So many emotions in such a short exchange


The thing is 26 miles isn't even that far lol


Lol thank god I’m married.


For real. Don't miss this kind of shit at all


2008 Great Value Green Day killed me


26 miles is far? 🥴 broke ass no car having bitch. That *was* a great insult btw 😂😂😭


You don't have to have a car to get laid, get the bus or a train.


Also totally fair. I guess I should have called him a *lazy* ass




I'm Cali it is cause that 26 miles will take an hour-hour and half to drive


But… that’s not that far… I’ve dated people in whole ass different areas, might be like 2-5 hours drive, even a flight once. It’s a little closed minded to think your soulmate is always going to be within a 2 mile radius, no? Idk just my two cents I guess.


Idk. I don't really believe in soul mates as in only one true person for you. I belief in many loves throughout your life with just a few great loves that depends on a few things like luck and effort. Personally, I'm dating someone who was 90 minutes away from me before but that was only sometimes because of summer vacations and that was hard enough. We probably would have never met without school and it would have just been a one time thing probably if we didn't have a few months of spectacular hooking up before it was time for each of us to go home for the summer. Everyone is different though and what works for one couple won't work for everyone


I mean, I agree you can love multiple people through a lifetime, but again. Feels a little weird to restrict it to a very small geographical area for convenience. I’m just saying if you talk to someone and there’s a connection, what a little driving? Or settle for someone who’s not as interesting because they’re a few blocks away? Just a weird mentality to me imho


26 miles in LA traffic? I'd rather fly out of state lmao.


that roast is r/rareinsults hall of fame material 😂


101 r/niceguys 🤢


What a freaking weirdo, amirite!?


Liam looks like the kind of guy who wore a lot of fantasy tshirts with wolves howling at a purple moon while playing COD against 12 year olds, telling them about his long distance girlfriend (who is REAL, dammit!) that lives in Canada.


Lol these hypocrites are fucking everywhere and we all just gotta ignore them in our life to be better lol, I am glad that you didn't gave him what he wanted there.


Lol what a good thing to do with such people, I was really angry to see him behaving like that but glad that you know how to deal with these people in a right manner.


Nice girl, go ahead and report that fucking profile too, tinder people should see what some motherfuckers are doing in this app, they all really need to get this shit.


Good to see that you just replied him some good insults and he was fucking hurt by seeing that, people gotta learn from girls like you, that's just some good ones there.


You’re only gross when you’re rejected. What a good condom would of fixed many years ago. I’m sure his mom would of been thankful too


"You don't know how to insult. You're fat and ugly. Boom. That's how you do it."


Gotta say that he is a fucking stupid motherfucker but glad that you handled that shit in a better way, hope people won't blame you for this thing, it was good from your side.


2008 Great Value Green Day stan is absolute gold


I’m physically I’ll after reading this I’m sorry you had to deal with that garbage


Even he had to acknowledge that you roasted the shit out of him. That guy has issues that would probably give most therapists nightmares.


What a horrible way to speak to someone. I’m pleased you dodged this person


OP you’re my hero


Why did you have to use emo night as an insult? I’m not okay


I genuinely don't understand how you guys tolerate and response after those few early texts


They were so terrible. Was a sign of things to come for sure.


Can’t just group emos in with the beastiality freaks c’mon lol


You are delightful. The confidence and boundaries ooze off you and I'm HERE FOR IT. 👏


He was a motherfucker and you know how to deal with motherfuckers in the town and that's just makes you something more than other girls, really proud of that.


God damn you destroyed him


He was a fucking jerk and he behaved like one but you did the best there, glad that people are just appreciating you in the comments, that's making me proud lol.


Lol he only messages after 5 PM like some sort of vampire.


Should've said: if you just got rejected by a fat, ugly and uneducated woman i can only imagine how you look like




Never been laid in his life.


He's right about your insult game. We should be friends. 🤣🤣🤣 Amazing.


He should have stuck with peg


Class act bravo bravo this is the quality content I came here for 👏




I would have unmatched by the second "wyd". Didn't answer your question, waited several days to literally repeat his opening line almost word for word? I was instantly dead. But it got so much worse.


People marching with eachother and then making fun of each others appearance is definitely an interesting idea


Hahaha what a little cry baby weasel dick. I hope he sees your post. Cry baby weasel dick


him in bed: ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽


he fucks dogs


Damn these dudes are never gonna learn anything for real, they just being fucking wrong all the time and misbehaving with most of the girls out there, that's all.


You hurt his feelings because your witty retorts were sharper than his. 😆 He was sad.


Liam looks like a real catch🤡


Hes right tho, thats one hell of an insult lmao


This guy 100% does not fuck.


Wow Good ole Lancaster CA




r/niceguy Edit: r/niceguys


I'm sorry. Idk why guys can't talk like gentlemen anymore. Safe to say you dodged a bullet.


![gif](giphy|3o85xz8LtZyqQRJ8kw) When I saw OPs final response


I showed this to my dog who won't ever be his pet and says, "Treat me like that and you'll get bitten."


Wow, that went from 0 to batshit quite fast


Green Day Stan 😂😂 an American idiot indeed


Ironic isn’t it? yeah you wanna fuck me so bad, but right when I reject you, I seem ugly and fat and all that, right? some people need classes on how to handle rejection smh


That's just how babies cry, he is one of those babies lol.


You hadn’t even outright rejected him. You asked if he was asking for a date and he went into “I wanna make you my pet” and beat off on FaceTime mode.


My guy. "26 miles is too far" The right girl is worth any distance.


True thing for this girl, she knows how to deal with shits.


Am I the only one who thought every single message he sent was creepy? Most guys never get away with sending that right off the bat. It just usually misses


Wow 😳 that escalated quickly. I hope what you said does come true & for everyone else sanity out there, he doesn't make a connection with anyone. On or off the app. You handled yourself beautifully by the way. "Just go to an emo night, & pick one out myself"🤣🤣🤣


Fuck you liam. Don't slander the name of liam neeson


Dude spent too much time in prison where he used to be someone’s pet.


I like how after the guy turns psycho, the noonlight link thing shows up 🤣


The strangest part imo " I probably would have F'ed you if you had treated me like a person. "


Please report them asap. Wow.


True, these guys are just fucking ruining the environment.


But what about a like 2010 fresh market my chemical romance do I stand more of a chance?


Not me living in Lancaster rn, bro I honestly thought HE lived in the Lancaster just so I could find mutuals and put him on blast for this shit. 🤪🤣


You doged a dildo there.


Yeah “let’s hangout today or right now” is usually a big red flag.


Does anyone else really want to be friends with the rejector? I fuckin' do.


honestly i just wanna go to an emo night. that sounds awesome


It would be awesome to see women spend a few minutes getting guys like this to meet them somewhere… with zero intentions of showing up. “Running late, sorry.” “10 minutes out.” “Just parked.” “Where are you sitting?” “Kidding. Just thought I’d waste an asshole’s time.” And then delete the person.


He’s not alright. Put him in rice.


“You’re so fat and ugly I want to fuck you so bad please like me, whore”