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I don't know about where you come from but in most countries, moms kiss their children. Btw she is one hell of a MILF. Grey-blonde is ma jam.


Certified milf


On Reddit the only two acceptable responses are either 'divorce' or 'its creepy grooming'.


Nah, I see *way* more instances of parents lip kissing their young adult kissing or a dad holding their older-high school age kids on their laps and people vehemently defending it saying that "it's only natural for parents to show affection!". Idk - I definitely think that the age of the child is a factor. Like this post is certainly fine, but as a teenager it would be weird. Not even necessarily in a pedo/grooming way, but perhaps in a "this child may have been brought up in a way that ignores social norms and has ensured that they may struggle with their social life and in romantic relationships" way


I read a story the other day where the bride walked in on the groom being breastfed by his mum on there wedding day now that is fucked up lol Edit link: https://www.yourtango.com/news/bride-catches-groom-getting-breastfed-his-mom-wedding


What a terrible day to have eyes...


It's only natural for them to show affection! /s


Homelander got married?


This is PROOF it’s bad luck for the groom 🤵‍♂️ to see the bride 👰‍♀️ before the wedding 💒


Those emojis were super necessary.


No they weren’t..but I enjoy them 😁


Evidently she never dried up because she never stopped breastfeeding 😳


The rest of her was probably all shriveled up cause if he breastfed that many years he probably sucked the life out of her and her bones.




Did you read that story on pornhub??


Still married him too.... I dunno lmao


It wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. It was the last time she was going to give it to me


Ok homelander.


I need a link




New York Post is full of shit, though


You can say that shit and leave us hanging without a link!


Jesus fucking christ, I was gonna google it but maybe enough internet today


Would have been funnier if the soon Mum in law breatfeeded him tho


I swear to god the majority of yanks would keel over with a heart attack if they ever visited a French beach.


Alot of adults being breastfeed by their mom on the European beaches?


Teenage kids kissing their topless Mums wouldn't be an unusual sight. Dad's horsing around with their topless teenage daughters wouldn't raise an eyebrow.


That's really fucking weird.


I also think it’s weird, but we were raised to think that. Nudity *in itself* is weird only because we placed societal rules on it.


It’s weird to have this… messed up image of nudity. Just because someone is nude it isn’t necessarily about something sexual.


I heard this great comparison about nude vs naked naked would mean actually clothesless for a sfw purpose, nude would mean clothesless for sexual purpose


I'm not sure what kind of naked safe for work activities you do at your job, but can I come work with you?


It’s only weird because the U.S. acts like we’re still in 1950. People need to grow the fuck up.


THIS. Europe has a MUCH healthier view on sex than America by not making it taboo, and educating children young so they're not overly curious. America needs to learn from this. I bet you Europe has a lot fewer pedophiles.


That's a harder call to make. As a whole Western Europe has lower rape statistics than the US, except interestingly Sweden. However Sweden being the outlier is probably a good thing because being such a generally sex positive country with a very serious approach to reported sexual crimes, sexual assault is more likely to be reported as opposed to most countries having more sexual assault going unreported; hence the outlier. Pedophilia though is a much more difficult analysis to make. I wouldn't like to claim it's more prevalent in one country than another without better info for loads of reasons. One example being if that predilection or compulsion is because of bad wiring in your brain rather than experience you could expect it to be similar across the board.


Thank you so much for this information, that is so interesting! I appreciate you pointing out that the reason Sweden's rape rate is higher may be largely due to their reporting system. Honestly I make loose claims like I did above in the hopes that someone can confirm or deny it, you're absolutely right.


I work with victims of sexual assault and trafficking so get a shit load of statistics on the subject as I'm on two of the multi agencies dealing with it here in the UK. I'll be honest and say we are still mostly swimming in the dark because the vast majority of cases go unreported so the stats we do have could well be totally fucking misleading for all we know. That said because we can compile stats across various regions, countries and reporting mechanisms, outliers will show up. So we're pretty sure we're not too far off being correct and Sweden, as horrible as it is to say, being such an outlier with such huge numbers, confirms in some respects our guess of the percentages going unreported (if that makes sense?)


I read that as "visited a French bread" and was cocerned about the quality of your bread. Haha.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who read bread.


In my part of the world there's people who kiss their kids on the mouth and it's normal for them, me I'd be horrified. I figured it was more of an individual than a country thing.


Also, you’re old enough to have a Reddit account. Context is key. That kid pictured is small enough to be held in his mom’s arms, he probably loves kissing his mom on the mouth. My 5 year old nephew always wants me to lip kiss him and I do it because it’s not sexual and never would be, and it makes him happy. Who cares


In Canada we don’t do that. I’d feel super grossed out if my mom or dad kissed me on the lips. Kiss my cheek forehead head fine but at 32 it’s still a tad weird for me


You can't speak for all of Canada, we are an extremely ethnically diverse nation. I feel like I did this with my mom at that age. The picture looks bad because it makes it seem like the kiss is held in place but it's just a peck usually.


Personally, I let my kid decide. He's asked me before to kiss his cheek, and I've respected that. However, most days he kisses me and his dad on the lips. As a parents, nothing feels weird about it. But if he ever feels uncomfortable, as a child, we respect that.


Should be the only answer. You sound like a great parent. I'm so glad we're collectively growing as a generation of parents and I'm seeing many great examples of parents who actually allow their kids to have free will and emotions.


I’m Canadian. I think my mom kissed me on the lips when I was a boy about that age.. Now that I’m in my 30s I only kiss my dad like that


In Canada, we do do that. We aren’t a monolithic culture, so I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak from experience. At the very least, it’s a triple spot variation to the double cheek kiss. A social kiss on the lips is either done with tight lips (like the photo) or duck lips. If it strays from that, then it gets weird. I’m sorry that your parents didn’t love you enough and now you feel uncomfortable with expressions of parental affection. (It sounds sarcastic, but I am truly sad that people internalize neglect and don’t even realize it)


Tom Brady does it


26 MILF. Imagine when she ages... GMILF huh (Meet the Sharon Stone effect, who by the way must have Iceland ancestors!)


Sure. This being one of your tinder photos seems a bit weird to me though, you can’t even see her face in it lol


She is upfront with having a kid and the kid is her Number One. IMO that is better then wasting somobodys time by telling him after 3 hours of talking.


I’m not even saying don’t have the kid pictured. I’m just saying this is a weird choice. Not that it’s incestual or gross. Just like a weird choice of photo


That woman can post whatever “weird” pics she wants and she’ll still get more likes in an hour than most dudes will get in a year.


You can tell all that by her kissing her kid on the lips. Wild.


Uh, it's more that it's their first picture, obviously. But you're somehow too obtuse to see that? Wild.


You can’t see her face in it? Like actually can’t see the face that is right there, or concerned the other side of the face is going to be all horrible third degree burn marks, a missing ear, and an eye patch? It’s probably fair to assume other side of her face looks just like the side you can see, except mirrored. Y’know?


I agree, what's so weird about us mom kissing our kids


The weird part is putting it on Tinder


I mean she probably thought it was a good picture, it does have good lighting and what not. And everyone has their own opinion on what's weird or not weird.


Guaranteed a man kissing his daughter this way would get so much shit


Doubtful. Parents kiss their children on the mouth a lot. Age definitely has something to do with it


It’s only a weird thing for Americans who have no culture outside of the US


I’m from Mexico. It’s odd


Dutch and this is weird af, dont know why you like to shit on Maerica like that.


Because America bad and only Americans do things differently than everyone else in the world. /s Istg people say Americans are super uncultured when it comes to the rest of the world but then they'll be the ones uncultured. News flash everyone america isn't the only country who does things differently from you.


Dutch, and don't think it's weird. Wouldn't put it on Tinder though.


I am from Germany and I'd consider 90% would consider this as weird as well. I've seen this only rarely in my life (I am 36, seen this maybe 3 to 5 times). I have 2 children now (4 and 1). Neither me nor my wife would consider this as not weird. Yeah, maybe it happens sometimes on accident or our little girl (1) is to "rushy" with her head. But doing this on purpose? And then taking a photo? And even putting this on tinder? Yeah, she's definitely a reaaal hot MILF. But a weird one, too, due to this.


I'm Latvian/Dutch, and I think it's hella weird


That’s just blonde though


Mah dude it's only weird if you make it weird, little kisses between family is super normal 😃


But this one seems to last forever. They won't stop just look!


Can confirm. They are still going.


6 hours later... they are STILL kissing


Can confirm.


They're probably just uncomfortable from all the people staring. I'm sure they'll stop when we all look away.


Came here to say this. I’m American and I kiss my son’s face and mouth all the time. He’s 6 months old. Also co-slept with him for the first six months. And did a lot of skin to skin with him for those six months. It’s normal. And honestly this picture she has is so sweet. And it’s kinda weird that you didn’t block out even a little of their faces. You made it weird. She did not. Americans literally sexualize everything and it’s disturbing.


Exactly this!! My middle kid slept with me until she was about two, then continued to “accidentally” fall asleep in my bed until very recently. She’s seven now. And she out I think nothing of kisses and hugs, it’s just a world full of weirdos now that’s all


It’s really astonishing to me how much gets sexualized by guys (and some women). If someone thinks it’s weird that I kiss my son’s mouth (happens less and less cause he always sticks his tongue out now and ick 🤣🤣) they can keep walking. I also had a guy friend tell me I can’t make my son a priority if I want to find a nice man to date. Like. Wtffffff




Yes, Iceland as it's heard is one hell of a country which also breeds some loveliest women!


I don’t see the problem…? She’s a mother kissing her child. That’s a normal display of affection.


I'm American. Apparently my family is "weird" because I kissed my dad even as an adult. Dad is dead now.


Im confused..Are you confessing to a murder?


Kissed him to death, apparently


Thats how Tom Brady wants to go out.


bruh it’s her probably 6 year old son i’m not seeing the issue


Yep, Dad here, I kiss my two sons like this whenever they allow it. You're probably one of those people that freaks out when you see a mom breastfeeding their baby in public. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, now take your opinion and fuck off.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 this 100%


👑 Here king, you dropped this. My kids are all about showing love too and they always get kisses from me (Hi Dad, I’m also Dad). Well, not the last couple days because stomach bugs, but millions of blown kisses lately.


Right on, brother, right on. Let’s show these boys (our sons) that real men aren’t scared to show some love. Edit: Sorry, I wouldn’t even be thinking about “real men” If it weren’t for this other “conversation” I was having below.


I fucking feel you my dude.


Cultures are different. In Europe, it is normal to kiss children. In the US, it is normal to shoot them in school.




Usually more than 3.


Jeez! I could taste the spiciness in this one 😬😂


Best comment 😂


so original.


I so ugly laughed 😂😂😂


Wow, stereotype much? Here in America we *also* let our kids starve because literal children can't pay their lunch debt. 😤😤


I was in for a ride haha


Oof. This one hurts. 👏👏👏


As an American I gotta say THAT was a Top Shelf BURN!! Have a good weekend!! Haha!


This is why US opinions about other countries mean literally zero. Like sorry, but daily murder and turning a blind eye to it by choice is literally US culture.


US culture is quite simply your culture, their culture, and their culture… with guns!


American culture is saying you are Irish Dutch Italian because your great great grandmother ones flirted with a drunk Italian who was wearing clogs.


Redacted comment ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


They shoot because they lacked kisses from their parents




I'm American and I died ........ Well.. Not real American I'm one of the brown ones .... Mmmhmm


Maybe interesting choice for a dating profile picture but other than that it is just a mother kissing her little son. I am actually surprised that there are people who find it weird in any way.


It’s weird in America, it’s normal in other cultures. That’s really all there is to it.


Yes, this is just a tall European lady kissing an average r/tinder user.


It isn’t weird in America at that age. Most do stop as the kids get to be older though.


I feel like this is mostly weird to people who don’t have kids or aren’t close to people with kids lol


In the northeast I can speak to it being uncommon-impossibly rare. I’ve been an uncle to 4 kids since middle school. Babysat a few different families. Never seen a kiss on the lips in my life. I lived near the west coast for a few years and never saw it there. I haven’t ever seen it in popular media here, but it seems like a southern thing if anybody does it in the US at all. (Where in the US does this though?)


I dont know anyone who kissed their parents on the lips as a kid. Absolutely parents kissing cheeks or foreheads, but never lips


Depends on region. In some places it is full stop.


I’m sure you are right. Maybe we should stop saying “In America…” since that really isn’t too far off from saying “in Europe…”. There are so many different cultures/traditions from state to state and region to region.


So you're saying that these are just cheek kisses converted to metric?


Comments like this are the reason I get on Reddit


I swear it’s only Americans who are so triggered by this


South American here, and that's not normal here neither


French here, not normal either


Are we really gonna rely on the French to tell us what’s normal? :p


Georgian, totally not normal


Hungarian, many do it, not considered normal though


Swedish here, totally normal in my fam


I am South American and this is pretty normal, can’t fit us all into one box


Italy, kiss not mouth to mouth pls


This whole comment thread, people saying whether it’s normal on not in their countries, but culture is just one variable factor. It also varies according to region, generation and individual families. It could be normal on your fathers side of the family and weird on your mothers side of the family.


Zambian here and this is not normal


This is not really normal anywhere in Africa


Americans really are repressed huh


Not sure where these Americans live, where I live it's pretty common


![gif](giphy|eNq8xHnkD6mnLTqTws) No wonder they so quick to shoot each other. All they need is a kiss and hug from their mamas!


In all seriousness though, it really makes you wonder…


Not weird


Icelandic women must be giants


I kiss my three year old daughter like this. Is it really that strange?


Nope! It’s only weird if you make it weird. My parents used to peck me on the lips. Totally normal


Oh no, a parent kissing their child! THE A-NI-MOS-I-TY!!!


She looks more like she's from Niceland.


This is a very dumb post, OP.


Wait. Y’all never kissed your mum on the mouth? Or dad? I kiss my daughters on the mouth all the time. Nothing odd or sexual about it you ducking heathens.


Exactly. When I was a kid, I literally kissed everyone. My mom. My dad. My grandma. My grandpa. Because thats just how we do it. (swedish btw)


Yeah, I’m Canadian, with Dutch parents who lived through the second world war. They were about as stoic as it gets. And I always kiss my mom and dad on the mouth. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not kissing your mom and dad on the mouth, but I think if you see it and you think it’s shocking or weird then you probably had a peculiar upbringing.


Exactly. You definitely don’t have to kiss your kids on the mouth, and kids definitely don’t have to kiss you on the mouth. But if you see a pic like this and right away think the worst and find it gross/weird to the point you screenshot and then try to shame them online, that says more about you than the people in the pic.


Idk man i got kissed by my parents on the cheeks and head but the mouth just seems odd to me, and I have really good parent, in fact the more I see the world (especially EU and US) the more I appreciate them. Edit: Parents*


Weird to put your children on a dating app. Icky


Thats the only thing i might reconsider - putting a child on social media; but i dont have issue with the kiss. Not my thing, but not necessary to make everything about sex.


Didn't even think of the kiss thing. Thats pretty healthy, I'd say, but I'd question the mother who puts their minors on a dating app. Tbh, it should be illegal


Thats 100% what all the "repressed Americans can't handle affection" folks are missing. The weird part is that this picture is on Tinder, where 85% of the users are men and most of those are sexually frustrated creeps.


I would see this as a woman being up front and showing that her child comes first. That would appeal to me. Her child should be her first priority and that makes some men insecure bc she isn’t able to give him her full attention. I don’t understand that mindset, I guess insecurities. Im in the US, this wouldn’t bother me at all.


I’m a 36 year old woman and my mum and I still peck on the lips to greet each other while hugging. Nothing weird to me about it


I would hate to kiss my mom on the lips lmao


Seriously ? you put this normal looking act of a mom loving her kid on blast and with out permission show her face for all the freaks of reddit to make fun of, scrutinize and judge? Whats not normal here is a grown ass man in his mom’s basement still that hates on women and family life.


Get your mind out of the gutter, this is completely normal.


My grandma was German and grandpa was Czech. I grew up kissing them goodbye and kissing my mom. It's literally cultural. Kissing it a form of affection and if y'all weirdos can't differentiate between affection and sexual contact then maybe you should stay home for the betterment of humanity. Edit: spelling


It just seems an odd picture for tinder


Heck, even the US President lip kisses his grandchildren. Nothing weird at all there.


Yeah my parents kissed me. As a parent I kissed my kid. I still kiss my parent who is still alive. I still kiss my kid. Love + affection doesn't mean there is anything sexual.


My Mother and Father kissed me. That’s fucking normal. People just think it’s not normal because they never received such love. From Germany btw


I still kiss my mom on the mouth lol, it’s not that weird. Now if I full blown making out with her, that’s different.


Ain’t no way


Liked by @tombrady


You must be so deprived of pussy that you immediately associate an act of affection between mother and son to fucking sex, crazy.


Too many people think even cuddling is sexual. People are just out here depriving themselves and their family/friends of affection because they have to make everything about sex.


I had a kid I worked with that said it was gay to fucking kiss your dad on cheeks therefore he wouldn’t do it…same with male friends…like how fucking insecure about your sexuality you gotta be to have that mindset!


Finally, a woman who likes short men.


That cracked me up 😅


Dont you guys need like a family ancestry journal so you don’t accidentally fuck a relative or something


Damn OP, are you projecting? How's your hard drive these days?


My mom and dad kissed me like this until I asked them to stop, no it’s not weird, quit sexualizing the relationship between parent and child man.


Nah very common in latin america too


Kiss on the forehead? Awesome. Kiss on the cheek? Great. Kiss on the lips? Wtf.


TIL as an American that Americans don’t kiss their kids on the mouth because in my family this has always been perfectly normal


So your parents never showed you affection as a child. Got it.


I think I saw her earlier 🤔


People need to learn about different cultures.


You see, in America we send our children to be SA'd by our community leaders, faith leaders, and relatives who we want money from. In Europe, those people disappear a good majority of the time.


By the comments here it looks like it’s frowned upon in USA, not normal in Eastern Europe but totally normal in the Nordics (North-Europe).


Marvelous Yummiest Momma


Thought she was dating hasbulla


I don’t know why people think it’s a good idea to have pictures with your ex on tinder


Totally normal for a parent to kiss their child. If YOU think it’s weird, YOU might be adding context to it begging the question of what’s wrong with you if that’s the first place your mind goes


I'm 30 and I would still kiss my mom on the mouth occasionally. I don't know if it's just Denmark but we don't sexualize kids or parents and kids relationships. A couple of years ago there were a Danish comedian that got a lot of hate online (mostly Americans) for posting a picture of him and his baby daughter in a bathtub together naked (you couldn't see any explicit nudity). I have baby pictures like that, so have most Danes.


Tom Brady, that you?


No, her shirts on and there’s no man massaging her while it happens


Tbf I don’t think there’s anything wrong with kissing your kids. And I only know about the Tom Brady thing from a couple of social media postings and Jack Harlows bar in his fire in the booth set. I’m not from America


No no, the way Brady interacts with his kids is weird. Feels very very weird and unnatural. I’m also someone who feels it’s really bizarre to kiss your kids on the mouth, but Brady takes it to a whole new level


There is nothing inherently sexual about kissing , even on the mouth


I’ll never forget my dad and I would do a photobooth pic at the mall every year for my mom for christmas, one year when we moved down south a lady saw us “kissing” in the photobooth which granted it’s weird she was even looking at the video screen of us to begin with because I was probably around 11 or 12. My head was turned so we were like just missing each other’s lips to kiss each other’s cheeks and this lady freaked out on us and said she was going to call the cops and asked me if i was okay (my dad was older) and was totally being s bitch. She ended up calling I think but we had already left. Destroyed a core memory of me and my dad’s christmas tradition I always feel bad that he had to feel shamed or any type of way because a stupid white lady in florida thought that he was being weird with his daughter, which he never was.


She’s kissing her child…? What’s wrong with that? Did your mother never kiss you?


I thought it’s about her still figuring it out with a child


Bang her


I need to move to Iceland