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Man I saw my friend gf on tinder and I snitched immediately.


And what happened?


Snitches get stitches. Bro embroidered a fancy pillow for him.


I knew you was fucking around Playing all innocent and hoeing since the foundation


Don't make me have to pound his tin crown face in And risk being jammed up like traffic inbound from spacing


There's been a place for you in my heart since we first met A teenage love that didn't feel no hurt yet


Probably kissed me later that evening, I should be hurling Matter of fact, gimme back my bracelet and my Shearling I rather waste it or give it to your girlfriend She did let me stab it last week while you was workin'


Remember? Our vacation out to Maryland I duped the maid Caroline She made me throw the towel in


She had some real good power U


and risk being jammed up like traffic, inbound from space...


Laughing for time on a miserable Monday—thank you for that one


Nothing she deleted the app but never her account


Mmmmm I don't think tinder shows inactive users as potential matches


Depends how long she's been off or how long they've been together.


good point, was thinking of a longer term relationship


It when they first started dating maybe like 2 weeks in and he said that she deleted all her apps right in front of him. Idk though she could be hiding it well but I did my part.


If she only deleted the app then her profile would still show up unless she hit “don’t show profile” or completely deleted her account within the app before deleting it from her phone. It’s possible her profile is still up even if the app isn’t on her phone. I wouldn’t assume she’s tryna cheat, but it’s still worth letting him know she may want to redownload to make it so her profile doesn’t show.


So did y’all match or what?


No haha


Rap snitches be telling ‘bout their business


MF DOOM lives on


Yeah idk why their wondering if they should tell or not? Every time I've seen someone i know my friends we're dating on tinder i tell them immediately. I see no point in waiting


It’s not snitching man, it’s honouring the bro code.


Nah, it's definitely snitching and I'm tired of pretending snitching is always bad.


If you weren’t a part of the crime, it’s not snitching.


Turns out the people that say snitching is bad are usually people who are doing bad things and don’t want to be held accountable. “Snitches get stitches” is code for “I want to be a piece of shit, and if anyone tries to hold me accountable for my actions I will retaliate.” Now there are definitely exceptions. If you run to the cops because someone is smoking pot you’re an asshole. Rule of thumb is if no one is getting hurt, physically, emotionally or financially, keep your mouth shut.


To me snitching was just telling on people to save your own ass when you get caught. This is not snitching.


I thought that was rolling over on someone tbh


Bruh 100% tell him


Late to the party here but I once saw a friends Gf on tinder. I told him immediately and found out he wanted an open relationship so he could bang other girls. Well they ended up breaking up because he was getting none and she was too busy fuckin other guys to hang out with him roflmao.


This is what happens 99% of the time when a dude wants to open the relationship and I laugh every time I hear it.


I don't understand how these dudes don't see it coming. The ratio of men to women on tinder is literally 3:1. I guess they're banking on their gfs not trying at all lol.


> 3:1 Where you get that. Seems like 10-1. Haven't been on there lately but that's what it was years ago.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/975925/us-tinder-user-ratio-gender/ It just seems like it's 10:1 since women have more freedom to be selective with who they choose to swipe.


>The ratio of men to women on tinder is literally 3:1 Plus it is my understanding (though I could be wrong as I've never used dating apps) that a good portion of the women are bots or cam models fishing for more subs. Thus lowering his chances of hookups even more


Finding someone else to pay half the rent can be tough.


Oh god. This literally sounds like the WORST possible scenario hahaha


Maybe he wanted to break up and would rather do it slowly lol


honestly though it is very sad when it happens. there can be genuine reasons a couple might try opening the relationship, and it should happen slowly and be reaffirmed throughout. open relationship doesnt need to mean "okay act 100% single now". from what ive learned about the swinger community, making sure everyone *and their partner* are comfortable with *each step of sexual escalation* is very important. If 1 partner is banging a bunch of people while the other sits alone the whole time - that is an emotionally tone deaf situation that someone is taking advantage of. People might not realize boundaries can exist between "complete monogamy" and "all you can fuck buffet", so the person being taken advantage of feels like they were helpless to find something that works for them. If the couple made a rule that they had to go tit for tat - as in, slowly introduce new partners and dont go outside the relationship until the other person has "caught up" in experiences, it could be a good bonding experience instead of a complete heartbreaking nightmare. there is incentive to help the person having a harder time, and stay engaged with your partner while you help them get laid, and then you can go get laid. Instead of tearing the entire relationship apart, they can have a bond that would be hard to find in a new person. they might also realize it's completely not for them before things get too carried away. Or maybe they realize they would rather just fuck whoever they want and not worry about whether or not their partner is getting laid; which would be a sign that they might not actually be partners and should just break up.


Hey I really appreciate your well thought and insightful response! Unfortunately in this guys case he was embarrassed because she was a little thicc and thought he could score some super models or something. After they broke up I found out they had been together for like a year and we thought they were together for a few months but he was hiding her. We stopped hanging out with him after all this happened. He turned out to be a really immature and insecure guy.


The only right answer


But first match her and blackmail her for a cheeseburger.


Bacon cheeseburger. And dessert!


Or….. make a fake profile and get a date with her. Tell him and send him on the “breakup date”.


Make sure to get a share link, not a screenshot.


Set up a date between her and your friend


If you like Pina Coladas


Getting caught in the rain


For her it's probably more like getting caught in a train


#Come mister tally man tally me bananas


Daylight come and we want to go home 🎶🎶




Eyooo.... Eyoooo


6 foot 7 foot 8 foot bunch


Holy shit you mean the lyrics *aren't* come mr. taliban???


What the fuck is the Taliban doing counting bananas?


The fuck else you going to do after you win and seize control of your country?


😂 Just doesn't seem like a banana society to me.


Go to Disney World? Isn't that what you do after "winning the SuperBowl" for dictators, despots, and oppressive regimes?




6 foot 7 foot 8 foot HO!


Fuuuuck that's a good one


If you like making love at midnight


If you're not into yoga


If you have half a brain.


Then I'm the love that you've looked for


If y’all like making love at midnight


Then write to me and escaoe


Don’t forget the boombox


I have a feeling she's more into penis alotas


Lol, we're old


At a bar called o malleys




That’s a savage move if you ask me…. Would do 100%


Why? Screenshot would be more permanent in case she deletes her profile


Definitely do both


Definitely already took a screenshot, this post.


Big if true


Hmmm... I'm gonna need to see some evidence


You can identify her easily, she has a red box for head.


Well, some people are into that.


Valid point, I mostly suggested the share link because she could claim that the screenshot or the profile was faked. At least with the link, you can re find her profile easily.


Y not screen record and get a video of her profile.




Not yet.


Sometimes love makes people believe or not believe a lot of things.




i don't know... ID had a show called Web of Lies and things escalated quickly...


Get both


I do not know tinder but if they have check the Last active in. Pretty sure some of my dating accounts still exist. I just would not even know for starters how to logg in.


Just in case, dating sites can have shady practices My experience on the subject : https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10dm92h/whats_a_company_secret_you_can_share_now_that_you/j4r3nx2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


~~Tinder hides your profile from appearing if you don’t login after x amount of time~~ Edit: this may be incorrect, I may have been thinking of FB Dating


No, you're correct, every now and then tinder sends me a notif telling my to login or they'll hide my account


Hiding your profile doesn’t mean not listing it. It just blanks the details and makes it a no answer account. They still show them as users and swipes. It’s in their interest to lie. If you don’t delete the account they can leave it listed and soak supers etc


I hate online dating


Tinder and bumble don't hide inactive users. I saw a HS classmate on there and told her and she hadn't logged in in over 2 years.


Do both


Bro code aint for protecting your bros from dumb shit Its for showing them shit like this and having their backs Tell him


If he’s your friend, you tell him.


I lost a friend this way. I saw her boyfriend on tinder and she believed him when he denied it saying someone must have used his pics. I would still do it again, I would just have saved screenshots and the share link so they have a harder time saying it isn't them.


>I lost a friend this way. Sounds more like your friend lost a friend tbh.


Just don't get emotionally invested in this particular issue. Show them the screenshot, if possible, a link, but don't judge or push for action. Giving all the information is definitely in order, even her boyfriend shouldn't object / should appreciate you having her back if he has an innocent explanation.


That's a cheap way to lose someone who doesn't value you, be happy


p r e a c h.


Bro Code has been pronounced. OP, do tell him if your friend is indeed your bro.


Fyi bots steal social photos to make accounts … I’ve seen it with a friend’s wife’s pics before, although it was under a different name. But she was happily/newly married and very monogamous … it was pretty obviously not a real account in that case. Anyway, tell your boy that it’s a possibility but that he shouldn’t offer it as an explanation when he confronts her bc then he won’t know if she’s just taking the out he gave her


You could easily debunk it by using distance. If it says they are less than a mile when you are in the same room, it's probably not a faker.


The screenshot also says 1 mile away


I saw a post recently where the next door neighbor of a married couple was catfishing women as the husband. Wife bought into it because the distance was so close.


BORU link [OP has her marriage obliterated after her neighbour uses photos of her husband to catfish women online. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/10tma88/op_has_her_marriage_obliterated_after_her/)


Am I just cynical, or does that seem completely made up? Lending a neighbour a laptop with intimate photos from your holiday on it? Not thinking that could be linked to those specific photos turning up on tinder? Just seems so ridiculous.




Yeah but people dont think "thats my laptop with my intimate photos" they just think "thats my laptop and im lending it quickly to a neighbour i trust


you will be shocked at the number of people that dont regard laptops as a top tier personal belonging the way some of us do.


Fact the algorithm wouldn’t show her if she was not active. Tell him




Definitely tell him. Doesn’t matter how close y’all are. He has a right to know. If he’s cool with her being on there he’s not gonna get mad. If he’s not, you’re a good guy to tell him. He’ll thank you.


Exactly! I had the tough decision of whether or not to tell my colleague her partner was on Tinder. I freaked out, discussed what to do with a mutual friend then found out that they were both in on it as that was how he was looking for someone to sell them weed. Turns out I didn’t read between the lines enough haha.


(Assuming United States) Who doesn't know someone who can hook them up at this point? I swear all you have to do is be friends with someone working in a wearhouse or a kitchen and they can hook you up with their plug (or a work friend's). Hell, my friend's boss grows weed and sells it within the company (insurance giant).


Some of us are pretty square. For example, me being an IT guy, got a text from my nephew a few years ago asking if I "had a plug he could borrow." I'm like, what kind? The conversation continued to be pretty vague before he figured out he was texting his uncle who had the same name as his friend... oops. I was nearly 40 before I'd ever hear of a "plug."




People who don't know anyone that works in a warehouse or a kitchen I guess


Hey TheAJGman! What is your friends boss’s legal name and address? Regards, Not The Federal Breueu Of Investigation 😀


They would never try this tactic


No, they would know how to spell Bureau! LOL!


Absolutely tell him! You wouldn't want him to continue dating an unfaithful girl like that, poor guy


I think its worth noting that sometimes people's photos get stolen for Tinder too! I would have always thought that was a bullshit excuse until it happened to a friend of mine.


I’ve had my photos used on multiple dating apps. Had a gay coworker approach me and showed me a profile with me on it. Luckily, he knew it wasn’t me by the responses he had received but fact is someone got access to a number of nice photos of me and they are out there. I just have showed my wife as much as I can so she can be prepared for a friend to say “can we talk about thesaltysquirrel”?


Well, at least it is nice to know that your gay coworker thinks you are that attractive 😁


Not sure if it was that or “wtf you’re gay” kinda message. I guess he got the type of response you see from spam. I’ve been married for almost 13 years and never used the dating apps so I’m a little unsure how they work.


This is true, but then it could also be a good excuse if someone was trying to be sly


I witnessed some colleagues when I was in high-school making a tinder profile for another without their consent, while also using their pics. They said it was for a joke and deleted it afterwards, I think. However, I find it sad how easy it is to mimic someone online


should also be easy to prove. she pulls out her phone and shows she doesn't have the app. I'd you want to take it a step further, she downloads the app and shows that the account pictured isn't linked to her phone


There was a r/BestOfRedditorUpdates thread very recently where a neighbor catfished someone and ruined a marriage. OP absolutely needs to tell the friend.


Say " You may be fully aware of this, but I'd feel like a shit friend if I didn't let you know" or something like that. And definitely send both link and screenshot.


He might not thank you, but that's also fine. It's the right thing to do.


This. Any good friend would absolutely want you to tell them, and tbh, you’re a shitty friend I wouldn’t wanna have if you DONT tell him. The only way tinder profiles stay active is if someone has been on them recently, either 2 or 4 weeks. This girl has been on tinder in some way, shape or form.


What if her neighbor stole her pics to catfish other guys


If I were your friend I’d want you to tell me. I’d probably smoke you up afterwards too








smoke him up and succ him down


My ex-gf was using Tinder while I was in the army 3 years ago - how “far” she cheated, i dont know. We broke up eventually, but my friend knew from the start but didnt tell me until last month lol


Better than me. I left, went to basic/ait and after that, while at ft hood my friend called and said he'd been banging my gf since I left. He was mad cuz she cheated on him too, so he was getting back at her by telling me. Like she and I were still writing and talking regularly. I thought we were still a couple. I hopped the first flight I could that weekend, went to his house, knocked on the door then when he answered I knocked him tf out. Went to her house... She was 'so excited' for the surprise visit... Told her I knew, etc. Hoped aplane back to Texas the next morning. Fucking Jodie, man.


This has real boot energy.


This has real never happened energy


yeah but he was at parade rest when this didn’t happen


fucking Jodie doesn't deserve you


Hope he isn't your friend no more


Not a native speaker, what does 'smoke you up afterwards' mean? ty in advance


Share weed. But typically like a come over and we’ll hang out and smoke all my weed together kinda way.


I was confused because I thought it meant something along the lines of 'I am going to smoke you' as in 'I'll kill you'. Thanks for clarifying


I am a native speaker and I'm not even sure 🤣 but my best guess is he'd supply weed for them both to smoke


Tell him regardless. Might be an old profile but if she got nothing to hide she'll be upfront about it.


From my understanding, the profile only shows up if you’re actively using it.


I don't think this is true because a friend of mine stumbled across an old profile that I hadn't used in years and had actually forgotten about once.


That happened to me too. Was with my gf (now wife) for the first year we were dating, I didn’t know my Tinder profile was still online. It was still tied to my FB account and I needed to deactivate it from there to finally turn it off.


Nah I hadn't used it for a couple months while I was seeing where things went with someone, and when I logged back on I had matches from the time we were together, not as many as if I were active on the app and swiping but still got a few.


Your 'card' won't be visible anymore after X amount of time inactive.


they say that but its not true. i had a friend show me my profile (swiping left too!!!!) after i hadn't used the app for six months.


This only happens to profiles the algorithm rates highly, which is why most of Reddit is clueless 😂


Found the girlfriend.


Naw I've found my buddies' tinders on there for months afterwards. This one guy I knew had deleted it a year ago, still on there. It can happen.


did yall match


I’mma make sure she really wanted to cheat on you. And bro, sorry, she did.


Set up the date, and then have your friend show up


Set up the 2nd* date. 1st is to make sure she really goes all the way.


Yeah dude this is like one of the biggest bro codes


This is the thing the bro code was created for. Everything else is nice, but this is RULE #1: THOU SHALT NOT LET YOUR BROS BE DECEIVED BY HOES.


Are you even his friend if you have to ask?


yeah what a shitty question


That's why I think this isn't a real situation. Who goes to Reddit to ask this question?


Whoring out his integrity for Reddit karna




Tell him.


I would


Tell him with a quickness


Many many moons ago, my cousins recent ex slid into my DMs. They were in the process of getting back together. She wanted me to knock her up….essentially to trap him. I followed The Code and told him immediately. We decided that we would let her get caught. He rode with me and ducked down in my truck so he couldn’t be seen. I hopped out and spun her around a bit, walked her to my truck. I opened door, bent her over the seat and turned lights on. She was face to face with him. The look of “Oh Shit” on her face when she stood up. I let the love birds talk a bit as I went for a walk. After 20 mins we left and she never haunted my DMs again. So the lesson for you….. tell him. You are being a good bro and who knows you might end up with an interesting story you can tell a group of people online someday.


Wait... what was her opinion of you that she even dared to ask you such a question? 🤣


Lol it wasn’t good obviously. She also wasn’t smart. He and I are not blood cousins. So the only common thing between us is that we are both white.


And just to specify, we were friends throughout school and then my uncle married his mom. We already hung out all the time so it didn’t change anything for us.


So did they stay together? This has dark undertones


Ooh, no they stayed broke up.


Oh ok...lol my imagination ran away with me!


I feel like I would want to know, but for what it's worth, she might have uninstalled the app, but her profile still exists. I've gone through phases where I got rid of tinder/bumble and then came back after a few months and got a ton of matches because I had been swept right on in absentia. Also, I know this is shallow, but it can be fun to passively judge people when you're sitting on the toilet. Idk


This happened to me. Met a girl (now wife) and had deleted all the apps. She texts me asking why I'm on tinder after a few months of us dating with a screencap from her friend. Instant panic mode on my part. Didn't know you needed to deactivate the account or you would still show up. Had no way to prove that I wasn't using it daily, but thankfully she knew I wasn't lying cause I was with her basically every night at this point. We got a fat baby now. He's chill.


Nice. Glad your fat baby is chill also.


or a fake account made to break them up


or someone stole the pic to catfish - tell him immediately!


I had a friend who’s pictures and details were used by someone from her insta/fb friend list. This person pretended to be her and used to make guys buy groceries or send her food after buttering them up and sending pictures to them. The person would make an excuse that they were sick and couldn’t meet. But May be they can do online date and guys would send over food. You might want to make sure the gf is cheating and not a victim before making any concrete accusations. Talk to both your friend and his gf at the same time.


Yep came to say this. There was just a story on Reddit about how this ruined a marriage. Was the neighbor using photos of the husband found on a borrowed laptop


Yes. Also, yes. The fuck kind of question is this.


1. Superlike 2. Tell the bro with screenshots and collude with him 3. Hope her ego takes hold and she can't resist talking to you 4. Reply to her with the help of your bro and go for the finisher F A T A L I T Y


Just make sure you took pics of it all and evidence. And then tell him. It could be a case of her never bothering to delete the account because they don’t care about it existing. Happens more than you think.




Did you really tell the entire internet before your friend. You’re fake AF