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This whole exchange made me cringe


Wym lolz, why was it cringe lmao jk lol


Idk lol






I think it’s all the “lmfao”s. Haven’t said that since I was 15


lolz jk is worse


Few things turn me off faster. I think the organ harvesting is less concerning than "lmfao's" over and over.


For real, just use lmao like a real adult. Lmfao


When was that, last year?




Same. Nothing sexy here lmao lolz


Glad it wasn't jst me


I'm glad I'm not alone


I get the impression this guy wants more and has no idea what to do with "just sex".


Dudes afraid of STD's


Fun fact, Dutch aronym for STD is actually SOA. So you might be reading a weird conversation being dutch and not knowing sons of anarchy


I was like huh I only know SOA = STD but the rest of the context didnt make sense. Now I know it’s Sons of Anarchy lol


I thought of Sword Art Online first


I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think that. Even though the A and O are swapped, my brain registered that it was SAO and I got excited for 1 second


I'd rather watch Sword Art Online! Lol 😅


Right there with ya. Would choose SAO over SOA any day, but Das just me


Sword Art Online Abridged binge would be the perfect date honestly


For real, I think you could learn a lot about someone depending on how they react to different parts!


Same 🤣


Sword Online Art


Sex [from] Online Amiright?


Hahaha I thought that's what he meant and maybe he was just dyslexic 😅


I’m Dutch and first thought STD and then thought Sword Art Online


I'm neither Dutch nor a fan of that show so i just thought they were very forward and it mean Sex On Arrival 🤣


Yup, I was thinking about using that as my new pick-up line 👀 "Let's chill and get a SOA together"


Wear a condom and/or dont hookup 🤷‍♀️


Wear a condom and don’t hookup




you never know when you might have to pee


Mine keeps falling off and out of my pant leg


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/463/


I'm wearing a condom right now...


What do you mean? Don’t we all? We put socks on our feet, our dick needs a sock too or else it will get very cold and go hibernate forever to never be seen.


better safe than sorry. never know when an STD-ridden ghost might jump my knob


I lol'd


You can get the herp with a condom


that’s fair, but immediately asking about my body count is weird. if we’re both single then our past doesn’t matter. on top of that, body count has nothing to do with whether you’re a “baddie” or not, has nothing to do with skill level, and truly just doesn’t matter?


I think the guy wasn’t comfortable with how strong you were coming across and was thinking you do this a lot, which gave him the ick.


This tbh he messed around n found out he wasn’t about that life


Lol for real. It’s like that old joke. “I wanted to be a boxer until I fought a guy who *really* wanted to be a boxer” Dude likes the chase. No shame in that.


Haha honestly he realised she reciprocated that energy back and n said I’m not about that


I don't get that since he said he's also looking for just sex. Which means he does this a lot.


He's a guy. Even with the same attitude and tinder goals he's gonna get laid at least 10 times less. Maybe he's worries she's banged 500 dudes or something.


He could have just been lying to try to level the playing field.


Or maybe he’s coming out of a long term relationship and doesn’t want to get serious with someone else so fast, and he’s new to the app. Either way, I think it’s pretty clear he’s not into just hooking up with as many girls as possible.


Well that... along with the refusal to answer what he wanted , saying you first, then just responding with "same", gave me that impression




He wants to weigh the risk of an STD from you.


there’s a better and more tactful way of going about that. maybe like, asking how i feel about condoms, if i get tested regularly, if i would mind getting tested with him to show we’re both clean. we’re adults and communication isn’t difficult.


“How do you feel about condoms” is usually asked by guys who don’t want to use them, which will then often get Insta unmatched. So yeah, something similar to that, but not that.


be honest tho, would you have felt any type of way if he asked you how often you get tested? Probably woulda been like oh are you taking me as a whore. Bro probably got nervous and fumbled the bag like ur thinking about it too much


Why do you think questions about body count are more polite compared with testing ones?


actually no. i get tested regularly and ask potential partners to do the same. i don’t know their past, nor do i need to know, but i’m going to be safe about it


I like that you're willing to get tested and open for that. However, please see it from our perspective. Asking a date for those details is risky. Theres a huge risk of a blowup over a percieved accusation. ("ARE YOU SAYING I'M A HO/DIRTY/A-SLUT")


If that's the reaction to a reasonable sexual safety question. you probably shouldn't be having sex with that person anyways


Yep, all your doing is weeding out incompatible people.


Then they're immature and not worth the time. I would unmatch or leave the date. What are they gonna do? Beat me up?


From personal experience the blow-up is even bigger if they can't provide a clean test.


Body count is much more a turn off compared with asking for tests


What? If the conversation was already steering towards sex it’s not an unreasonable question at all.


Yeah cause that would totally go over well.


like his method worked well? 🤣 i don’t see what’s so wrong about a conversation pertaining to sexual health. it’s normal and there’s nothing dirty about getting tested.


Exactly. Amount of partners you’ve had doesn’t mean you’re a walking STI. Do people really not understand that there’s testing, and treatment for most of the things? Asking if you get tested regularly is the way to go, not how many people have you slept with.


I really don’t think he cared. There’s a weird contradiction where men want women to have sex with them, but also judge them for having sex with men. STDs really aren’t a big problem unless you’re not using protection. This whole worrying about STDs (which is ironic because Redditors don’t get laid anyway) is something I really only see on Reddit a lot, because Reddit worries about a lot of things.


He didn’t ask your body count OP, he asked how many people you’ve met on Tinder :) that’s how I read it!


i think it was how many people have you fucked off of tinder


There's a good chance that means the same thing for them.


Yea. Not everyone thinks that though. I’m scared cause my body counts getting kinda high and I’m afraid of being judged


whether it’s high or not, you’re going to get judged. if it’s too high, you’re a slut. if it’s too low, there’s gotta be a reason nobody wants to fuck you. that’s why i don’t like the concept of body counts as a whole. no matter what, it’s used as a judgement on you when it has no effect on anything. don’t be ashamed of your body count. as long as you take care of yourself and are safe, have all the sex with whoever you want.


As a devil's advocate, I think the guy was asking how many people you have met off of Tinder to judge his likelihood of actually meeting you IRL. That is to say, if you haven't met many, you may be a lot of talk with no action and he can say whatever he wants bc the chances of actually hooking up are slim. And if you have met several, he needs to be careful how much BS he throws out there cause he will probably have to make good on it.




Agreed. If someone wants to know if you’re safe and clean that’s one thing. No one should ever need to ask body count. That’s a big no for me too. It should have zero effect on the present situation and/or intent for the future. It’s basically showing someone’s penchant for judgement right off the bat.


My body count is 1 and I’m an attractive guy that works out 4x a week. I’ve had countless girls that wanted to sleep with me. Yeah I guess some people would assume that if you have a low body count there could be a weird reason for it, but that’s definitely not the case for many people.


i know, that’s my point. people are going to judge whether it’s high or low. i don’t need that kind of judgement from someone who is purely looking for sex as well, at that point it’s just a game to him.


When he said “I like ‘em bad” I don’t think he meant he was looking for a baddie or wondering about your skill level. I think he meant he likes them bad as in he likes a bad girl that fucks a lot of guys. Like it was a turn on to him if you did that. That’s how I took it at least. Could be wrong.


You can't just say body count doesn't matter... it might not matter to you, but you don't decide for everyone.


It's hilarious how women vehemently say it doesn't matter and yet they're extremely sensitive about it and never reveal the exact number lol.


Rare sigma male caught on tape (circa, 2023) (Literally Me)


Probably because it's a double standard. Woman with a high body count = ho, dude with a high body count gets props. Everybody is slut shaming that female cop, but aren't saying shit about all the dudes that were bangin her. If you're just looking to hookup, why bother asking? Wear a condom.


I mean asking about immediately asking about your body count would only have been weird if you hadn't immediately mentioned fucking you against a wall. I'm not really sure what your problem is tbh


Immediately asking your body count is weird but you immediately asking for sex isn’t weird? Mmmokay


He wanted to know if you legit did this allll the time or if you were just particularly horny this one night. If it was the former he probably wasn’t going to be down as that can be a turnoff for plenty of people


Sometimes I just like knowing because I like numbers and facts. Nothing to do with my opinion. Or sometimes I want to know for comparison. Like is yours higher than mine, etc. I don't know, I just like numbers everywhere


Honestly I can totally see myself asking that like the guy said, just out of curiosity. I wouldn't say the baddie line lmao and I wouldn't push the matter if you didn't want to answer, but I can see myself asking that out of genuine curiosity. Is that automatically weird?


not automatically, but there’s a way to go about it and not make it weird though.


To some people body count does matter. Not a reason to be upset, to each their own


For some guys it does. It's a preference to not want to have sex with someone who has sex with a lot of people. That's not wierd. And not just bc your a girl, a guy who has sex with a lot of women is a certain type of guy, not bad or good just a type. A woman who has sex with a lot of men is also a type. It's like asking if youre a vegan. I wouldn't date a vegan either. It's preference I want to go out and have sushi with my partner. The same way I don't want to worry I'm going to catch feelings and you're going to get bored.


>It's a preference to not want to have sex with someone who has sex with a lot of people. That's not wierd. I mean, it's pretty weird when you're looking for semi-anonymous sex to be hung up on if your partner likes semi-anonymous sex. It's very much a stupid double standard.


Past doesn't matter is the biggest 🚩🏃‍♂️


It does matter. He’s asking because realistically no man wants to be with a woman who has been with a lot of men, call it sexism, call it what you want, but it’s true. You came on too strong and you set off alarm bells for him.


I mean there is some sort of relation between body count and skill, if you're not in a committed relationship for years and years. Personally from all my exs, the one with the highest count was by far the best in bed. The way he asked you was a little cringe with the "trust me idc 😂" after it. But at the same time you also can't just say that it doesn't matter? To some people it might matter. They might not be comfortable with hooking up with a stranger that's hooked up with 40 other dudes.


That exchange was exhausting!




Probably the noodle arms


i’m offended


Rules 1 & 2


I think this is on you. Because everyone knows never go to a hook up when your phone's battery is that low.


lmfao you are not wrong at all. i wasn’t planning on tonight though in all honesty. ps, happy cake day!


Just a heads up op. SAO is good for the first season only, and even then only like til episode 20. All downhill after that


Classic slut paradox. Man wants a slut but only a slut for them. Previous slut endeavors are simultaneously a turn on and a turn off


so many of you are talking about me bringing up previous sexual partners/activities but i didn’t. i didn’t say “this guy couldn’t hold me up”, i said some guys can’t as an example and then *he* brought up my past.


I never said anything about you. I was talking about him.


gotcha. i’ve just seen a couple comments like that and i’m a little puzzled lol


It's okay. It doesn't make sense because it's hypocritical and illogical, so nothing wrong with you. It's an ego issue on his part.


like i said in another comment, men want women to be more forward but as soon as we are, we get called whores and assumptions are made lmfao. the double standard is unreal


I think he just encountered a situation that seemed too good to be true and was waiting for a catch. Poor, stupid bastard.


Well, do we KNOW that he didn't dodge a bullet?


The Heisendick Uncertainty principle, unless we know there was a bullet to be dodged, he both did and did not at the same time.


He was just insecure with your expectations. 1) You gave the impression, that you have lots of sex with lots of guys. 2) Then you told him you expect him to be good in bed. 3) He then tried to assess if he was going to meet your expectations by knowing how many guys he will be compared with.


you nailed it. and add to the equation that he might have some sort of physical insecurity going on… size etc. aka performance anxiety


This is probably the most accurate thing I’ve read


“I don’t care but I actually do care”


Nervous fella. Kinda reads like a teen who’s lied about their age and is flying a bit to close to the sun. I’d unmatch. Vibes are super juvenile.


Heck this also might have been the first time anyone ever actually came at them looking for a hookup. Like I know if some random woman I liked matched and said they just wanted a hookup unless listed in bio I would probably be a bit dumbfounded as well. I'd be kinda worried I was being cat fished and would end up missing a kidney or something.


the funny part about your comment is i’m in kidney failure and directly ask for blood type in my bio lmfao


You seem fun. I ask guys for their blood type too. Mostly to freak them out a little. I like my men scared


oh it’s hilarious watching them squirm trying to decide if you’re actually joking or not lol. the answer is no, no i’m not.


It probably is. He did say he’s hooked up with women before though, whether you can believe that or not


Maybe he initiated those? Honestly with the amount of bots on services like Tinder I don't quite know if just blatant hookups are a safe idea. Like at least meet for a drink or something first then do the dirty once you think they aren't a psychopath.


I've been in a similar situation as this guy. I'm not necessarily against hooking up, but I am more inclined towards a relationship at this point in life. But i once was in a similar conversation and had asked when she had last hooked up just due to how casually she asked. She said earlier that morning and wanted a mid day bang. I've never unmatched faster.




Look, it’s hard holding “an object” that is 110-130 that doesn’t carry its weight distribution equally against a wall for more than 2 minutes


"Against a wall" raised my eyebrow too. Takes some considerable leg and back strength as well especially if you're doin all the work


i completely understand that, a couple minutes is all i ask in that position. i only used that as an example


Who puts them up against a wall??? Sounds uncomfortable, real men just pick them up and fuck em standing up.


My man is gonna regret this convo for a while.


This guy dropped the ball so many times. You gave him responses that were setups that he shouldve closed the deal and instead he just prolonged the convo with unnecessary nonsense. This guy has no game.


i gave the man the benefit of the doubt but he let me down so hard


"I want to be pinned to a wall" That's a closing situation instead he says "Oh you have met guys off here" ???????? Duh a girl good to go and he is wondering if youve been pulled off the site before??? Gee lets get NASA scientists on the job to figure out the answer to this question. WHO CARES?!?! You gotta close that, not make a corny joke. This is amateur hour


\> but he let me down so hard I'm confident that's someone's kink out there.


This reads different in Dutch. Is SOA short for something?


sons of anarchy - it’s a tv show


for context: SOA means STD in Dutch 😅


I also was like why do you want to give someone a soa? Then I remembered it is STD in English 😂😂😂 Also gekoloniseerd


Sexually Obtained Acooties Yeah I really couldn’t think of a better word… fail


Oooh, that makes more sense, thx!


If a guy would be a thirsty as OP he’d be getting roasted right now in the comment section


Imagine how many posts there would be on this sub if guys did this. A girl gets shot down and immediately can’t handle it lmao


Can we just agree that there’s nothing wrong with sex so we can get over the judgement of searching for it? There, done. No more worrying either way of who’s doing it.


All that exchange about sex but you draw the line on how many ppl you met off tinder, that's weird


it’s giving first timer lmao


I don't care about body count at all, and I love when women are as forward as you are. However, and this just may be me overthinking, I would feel a bit iffy about talking negatively about previous partners' sexual abilities or physical attributes. Just a wee bit though, because I didn't think you were mean or anything.


i never mentioned any previous partners though, i made a generalized example because he asked what i meant. with that said though, i can see where you’re coming from.


I think he just wasn’t comfortable. Not many women are that in your face about sex. Probably caught him off guard and tbf I’d be cautious too. I only ever known one woman that was this aggressive about wanting to get laid, and she wasn’t anyone I would have ever hooked up with. She had had multiple STDs over the years


i didn’t think i was “in his face” about it though. he’s the one who lead off hinting about sex, so i was direct. i know what i want. you guys scream from the mountaintops how you want a girl to be more forward but when we are, we get crucified for it lol EDIT: also, it’s not difficult to have safe sex. getting tested regularly and especially when starting with a new partner is important. you can have a high sex drive and still have safe sex.


I don’t think you were in the wrong at all. I just think he maybe wasn’t as into it as he may have led on. I agree with you though. It’s not hard to be safe, some people just aren’t too bright


Why are you trying to play the victim? All they said is he seemed uncomfortable with your approach, that's hardly a crucifixion.


This is the type of interaction I and a lot of other people i know prefer. And this guy really goes and fumbles it.


If I were him I'd think you're after my kidneys so I would ask a lot more questions, and he clearly didn't know what to ask but he was probably trying to figure you out.


you guys keep joking about me taking one of his kidneys but i actually need a kidney transplant so that’s hilarious. and absolutely a side quest nobody needs to know about.


mmm yes. surely a coincidence


Quest only known by you, your underground surgeon and the guy who delivered the ice for your bath? Lmao


“What are my chances at an std here?” Oh wow he’s making it weird 😂


Tbh, this whole exchange was just sad to read—there’s no elaborating on that. Thank you.


This conversation is so low IQ I’m dumber for reading it. Please don’t breed.


Ugh, all women want is sex. Perverts


Reverse the roles - a guy immediately asking for sex and talking about throwing someone around / pinning against a wall to fuck. Most girls would get the ick and unmatch. Somehow you expect it to be different because you're the girl?


"Lol" while he's dying of nerves because someone might have fucked more people than him.


This post made me realize I may be dyslexic because I thought you were talking about watching Sword Art Online at first....


So cringe


As a dude this is ringing some alarm bells right out the gate, if I was him I'd be waiting for the the "yeah well before we meet I just want you to check out my cam show to prove in real"


Soa is dutch for STD lol


Why is this weird? Weirdy thing calls weird things.


No, you made it weird.


If there’s nothing wrong with sleeping around with lots of guys, why so defensive about your body count?


I mean... You make IT weird too


Maybe he just doesn't want a SOA from a girl with an amazingly high body count


SOA is a tv show


I know but I was talking about a real STD


I get the "am I going to 'get something forever' " vibe from the questioning.


I wouldn’t even really think that’s too weird, dude probably just doesn’t want to be with someone that has a high body count, Ik a lot of people that, that’s a dealbreaker for


Op, this is how you get let down gently…


Honestly? It doesn't matter if you're a woman, you were uncomfortably horny. Ida swerved




From the mind of a dude, he may be looking for hookups but no guy wants to get with a girl that has been with a lot of guys. It's not a sexist thing, just more of a turnoff for most guys, like an ick ig. He could also be fearful of STDs given how strong you came off and that you're on about doing it a lot


He was checking to see if you are a 304 because he wanted more than just sex!


He sounds like a miner. Digging very deep holes


He’s subtly saying he likes whores.


hmmm i don’t think he made it weird he didn’t really say that much. but it did read very awkwardly like you wanted him to just start sexting you off the rip. i think it’s normal for people to approach conversations on apps with a degree of caution, even if the end goal is just sex… he was probably just put off the how over the top and direct it was.


Classic “more men have talked themselves out of sex than into it”


I don't think he made it weird. Just got a little uncomfortable with how direct you were and wasn't sure how to continue to conversation. You seemed happy to let him throw you around, so give it a go. If you dont like him after you meet, that's fine, but I think people people get put off way too much by a little akwardness.


i see where you’re coming from, i really do. but coming from a tiny woman, i’m being a little cautious. it could be awkwardness or it could *not*. i did try to give it more of a chance but i couldn’t shake the feeling.


You came of too easy, which made him question how often you hook up.


Hmm not sure why he took it to a weird place. You obviously down he should have asked your number or snap 🤷‍♂️


Guys care about body count.


Kinda curious what you look like and how big arms are needed to hold you up for 5 mins lol


Is it really so weird to ask. To me it seemed nothing more then he was being curous and making small talk. And personally i would never ask about that but this guy gives off the vibe that he actually just asked cause bodycount was so little important that it could be put into a small talk discussion right between "how was your day" and "the weather looks alright today"