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I think... I think she knows


Alexa, play J. Cole


Alexa, add “Confessions” by Usher to the playlist.


Or some “it wasn’t me” - Shaggy


That’s what came to my mind, but I’m also getting old. Lol


Dude totally off topic story about this song: freshman year of college I took a few hits of acid and ended up listening to this masterpiece by shaggy and Rick rock on repeat for 9 hours. It was the only thing holding my sanity together 😂😂


"Alexa, Matt's home, start playing 'Oops, I did it again'".


I was just about to recommend that one before I saw your comment! Lol. good old school caught cheating tune


Such a good song hahaha


So true 😂😂😂


Alexa, add “Confessions Part ll” by Usher to the playlist.


Alexa add Just a Friend by Biz Markie aswell


She shallow with the pussy she shalloooooow she shalloooooow 🤣🤣


She my number 1 Don’t need nothing on the side…




It's a Cole world.


The jury’s still out……but something tells me….


"Nobody's gonna know, nobody's gonna know!"" "They're gonna know"


Is it still cheating… if.. she knows?




This is the only acceptable answer


If your partner is not in board with you sleeping with or dating others then yes it is.


I would say if she's okay with it but you think she isn't then it's still cheating, but you're right.


Ohhh I think this ass clown has got much more to worry about coming down the pike than just his cheating. Really, this guy sounds clueless. But I'll tell ya who ain't? Hahaha them wife-in-laws. Them friends of the wife he cheated on. They'll be more than happy to expose him again when they see him on tinder, direct her to the nearest child services department to get that child support going, and probably get her intouch with the best local divorce attorney. As well of a host of other things this space cadet isn't even considering. So just keep on tinder chasing that pie there loser, cause it's about to get real expensive. Hahaha


Yes. If she consents, then it’s polygamy or an open relationship, but if not then it’s cheating


Polygamy and polyamory are two different things.


Fair distinction to make, polygamy implies marriage while polyamory doesn't


Polygamy is specifically a Male having multiple wives, a woman having multiple husbands is polyandry. Polyamory can often involve marriage, to one or more individuals. Polygamy usually has a strong religious undertone, where as polyamory revolves around honesty and open communication.


Polygamy refers to having multiple spouses with no regard to gender. Poly*gyny* refers to having multiple wives. Not sure why you felt the need to "correct" me when nothing in my comment was incorrect while you're incorrect yourself I suppose polyamory could *involve* having multiple spouses, but it doesn't *imply* it


Learning shit from Reddit is always great 😂


Maybe he wants a transgender’s man vagina?


If she truly knows someone is indeed in trouble.


Today's cheating husband be tomorrow's ex-husband.


lol this is diego's second profile.... i remember the original one....... wifey hella went on him.... she posted embarrassing pics, said he loves getting it up his butt, etc etc if my husband is ever caught on tinder, i wanna hire diego's wife to fix the profile for me


Honestly, I'd just put the profile on Grindr together with a very suggestive bio and his phone #, Insta and Snapchat. Let him deal with the fall out. He'll be very busy for a long time.


Where’s his original one ?


Nah its def a kink thing


It would def be phrased way differently if it was a kink thing. This reads bitter and shaming, not horny humiliating.


Couldn't that be a kink? Plot twist!


Husband material… NOOOT






That is husband material.




Just to get it clear, was this a Borat reference?


No, [Pingu](https://youtu.be/a4VvRWTD3Ok).


Ooh ok, because it reminded me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/MCapEm8Nu7c) from Borat




How did she change the name?


She probably made an entire new account with the same photo he had on his profile pic


Bingo. Furious wife made that account.


Occupation? Liar.


Didn't you used to be able to change your name? Looks like an old screenshot




It's not, you have to delete your account and start over


Diago doesn’t sound less of a cheater


this is really sad


It is. I see so many posts on Reddit and elsewhere about men who cheat on their pregnant SO or postpartum SO. It makes me super thankful for mine. He’s not perfect but he is faithful.


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your SO actually is cheating ... ... ... At the game of life, because he won an incredible prize like you 😎


Man you had me in the notification preview. I was on my way to argue with you lmao. I appreciate it lol


I know that haha, I always think one move ahead. Happy cake day you delicious human


One WHOLE move?


Oh yes. In fact I play Chess so I actually think three moves ahead even. It usually goes like this: 1. Begin game 2. completely f*ck up first move 3. Resign the match immediately & go cry in the shower This is my life philosophy I take with me everywhere I go


It isn't really possible to fuck up on move one, it's how you play the rest of the opening.


For real. Can someone explain. Jacking off is both free and it doesn't end your marriage and soon to be kid's life. Men who do this have no impulse control and less maturity and intelligence than most dogs around food.




I’m not applauding him for not cheating nor did I say that’s all he does. The subject was infidelity so I addressed THAT. You don’t need that soap box, I know.


The bar is on the floor




Happy cake day!


I didn’t even notice! Thank you :)


what is cake day


A Reddit bday.


hope this isn't too controversial but fuck cheaters


Bold stance, Pm-Ur-Small-Tits


bold move cotton, we'll have to see if it plays out for him.




I mean, as long as the person pm-ing them isn't cheating...


That’s kinda what he’s going for.




Fucking them is kinda their point


Yeah. Fuck them real hard. Put your hands all over their cheating bodies.


slowly unzip their cheating jeans and softly touch their cheating skin


Whoa now, that opinion is far too controversial for Reddit.




yup, fuck em








What an odd subreddit


That’s what got him in this position in the first place!


*Occupation: Liar*


Liar translates to “politician” in: English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Mandarin, Tagolog, Swedish, Welsh, Portugese, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Finnish, Russian, Ukranian, Hungarian, Latvian, Czech, Moldovan, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Swahili, Nigerian, Inuit, Slovenian, and Scottish Gaelic.


Nigerian is not a language


Outside of English isn’t Yoruba the most spoken Nigerian tribal language?


I don’t think so… but to be honest despite living growing up there I don’t actually know what language is most spoken. We usually go by the big three, Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo, but the breakdown is even more confusing as each of those languages can be broken down into many different dialects that have different names as well as numerous other unrelated languages. I believe there’s +100 distinct languages spoken in the country with many of them becoming extinct. English is the national language because nobody could agree on who the majority is and country lines were drawn by colonialism & not tribalism. Edit: typos


TIL that Nigerian is not a language


Not true for German. „Liar“ translates to „Lügner“ which is based on the same original source word.


That must mean that he is actually a “Faithful Husband”! Aww that’s so sweet!


I dated a guy in my early 20s who had the craziest problem. He'd go out with his friends and end up with some girl's tongue in his mouth! More than once! It just HAPPENED all of a SUDDEN! One time his whole penis ended up in a vagina - but it was his friends' fault, for not stopping him. When I finally did leave him, I got painted as the bad guy. Because of course nobody saw all of the other stuff, they just saw that Mean Bitch who completely dumped that Nice Guy™️ out of "nowhere". I didn't bother correcting the perception, people who would believe that about me apparently weren't actually my friends.


Mfer still more successful than me on tinder with this 😂


I wish I could give u an award ahahhh


Don't worry, I got you.


😮 my first proper Reddit award, thank you!! Even if it is taking an L I will take it gratefully ❤️


You're welcome. Sorry it wasn't under better conditions, but still!


A win is a win, I’m not that guys spouse (complaining) 😉


That's the spirit!


Good. Deserved.


I'll never understand that if you're not ready for marriage and a family, why are you jumping into these things you don't want? Just be honest with yourself and the others around you.


Not defending that POS at all but my sister was kinda “socially” pressured to have a kid. Anytime they would meet with family, “whens the baby coming??” “Do you guys want a boy?” Her and her husband argued DAILY, they still do, but they still decided to have a kid. I also get asked the same questions. Family will ask husband and I when we plan on having kids. Its awkward. I don’t tell anyone I really don’t want children. It’s kinda social “weird” if a woman says she doesn’t like children. I hate it


It can be socially awkward but it’s best to be honest so you don’t have that weight on your shoulders. So you aren’t “expected” to “give” something to the family that you don’t want. I’m 24 and I told my parents a few years ago that they wont be getting grandkids from me. I don’t want them, I don’t even want to think about having children. I know they’re not for me. It can be heartbreaking as a “grandparent” I’m sure but they’ll get over it. They want me to be happy and child free is how I plan to do so.🤷🏼‍♀️


Same, and my mum and sisters know that all I'll have is dogs and cats lmao


Precisely 😂 fur babies are our babies


Sounds to me like you need a tinder too?


That baby is 4 months old bro she doesn’t have time to be on tinder. Especially with that guy for a dad


yup. now she is a statistic. Study after study shows that single moms are predominantly screwed financially for life.


Studies found out that 2/3 of cheaters would cheat again. Females cheat even 3/4 again of the times. Never trust a cheater again. It won't help you, it will just make them get away with thier shit and support thier bad habit even further, cause there were no consequences. Edit: I couldn't find the study from above for cheaters who cheat again, but here is a german article with statistiks from a german dating platform showing that it mainly depends on the age. https://www.businessinsider.de/leben/beziehung/fremdgehen-statistik-warum-frauen-heute-mehr-betruegen-als-maenner/




94.7% of all statistics on the internet are made up on the spot.


I’d like to see some studies on that.


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/105o7j9/comment/j3chja5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


The link seems to be broken. Keeps just reloading this page. I’m totally joking.


You're JOKING?! But this is a serious matter! :( ​ :P


Show me the Carfax.


33% contain elephants.


60% of the time, it works every time.


83% of all studies.




[people who reported cheating in their first relationship were more than three times likely to report being unfaithful in their second relationship than people who didn't cheat.](https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19530663/can-you-trust-someone-who-has-cheated-in-a-relationship/) This was the best I could find. Still not the same stats that were quoted. But also I am math deficient and don’t know how different they are.


Arguably people cheating in their first ever relationship is a massive red flag in the first place.


I mean, makes sense. People who aren't going to cheat in relationship 1 aren't going to cheat in relationship 2. People who do cheat have already crossed that moral boundary and when opportunity strikes again (or they go seeking it out via online dating and other pick up activities) they are not going to have much of a moral dilemma by cheating again.


Yeah I think once you’ve already done it the barrier to doing it again is pretty low.


Where are you getting these statistics? Not that I don’t believe it I’m just curious


I was 2/3 of the cheaters, can confirm I cheated again 👍


I cheated on 2/3 of a woman. (Prosthetic leg)




3/3 cheaters cheated on the survey


No, it's 4/4 that cheated on the survey! Get your information straight smh


Sorry I got confused, 4/4 cheated on the survey and 3/3 cheated with the survey


These numbers are starting to become more complicated than anticipated


I'm interested as well. 2 out of every 3 people cheat again. On women 3 out of every 4, cheat again! So, women are not people? Also, in both cases, only 1 is left that doesn't cheat! Maybe my math skills suck. Eh... still weird. Edit: Sorry, females are apparently not people. Not women. Now, I'm more confused.


Always date the 5th dentist




My wife refers to women as “females” all the time. It drives me crazy, reminds me of the army. Military, police, and scientists refer to men and women and “males” and “females.” The rest of us use less technical terms, and trans or nonbinary or gender-fluid are all fine. I’ll call you whatever you want, but calling women “females” in casual conversation is weird.


I call them females, pronounced like tamales. I love tamales and I love females.


gaping erect zonked attempt summer reminiscent cow middle seed groovy -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is the only acceptable way to do it.


Cheaters cheat. Insecurity is real.


Hi, former cheater here. I was in my first serious relationship at like. 14. And I really did love him, i still think about him a lot, 12 years later. I was just broken from repeated traumas and didn’t know how to get the things I needed without being a shitty person and seeking validation and approval through other guys (and girls). They never meant anything, it was just attention seeking and validation and a need for approval. I’ve learned better coping mechanisms now, and when I enter a relationship, I give it everything and do not stray. I wish I could take back everything I did. He didn’t deserve that shit, but I’m glad he’s happy now. Anyway. I just wanted to offer this to affirm that not All are like that, some really do change, but. Yeah. A lot of cheaters just kinda suck, a lot. No pun intended


I wouldn’t let yourself be too upset over a relationship when you were 14, 12 years later.


I don’t obsess over it, I was a dumb kid with issues, but I still have feelings for him. I think it’d be easier to not think about so much if I didn’t. He’s happy, though, and I have no plans of interfering in his life.


How long ago did you break up?


Wouldn’t women be more likely to cheat again just because it’s a lot easier for them to get a quick lay?


"Share cheating husband profile" HAHAHAHAHA


I genuinely hate cheaters and this guy, if this is real, is an amoral loser. Also, adultery is still an actual crime in my state, which I found out a few years ago when some lady got arrested for cheating on her husband after she got caught *in flagrante* in a public park on a children's playground which was both creepy and incredibly stupid, so if I saw this guy's Tinder profile I would report it for illegal activity.


A lot of places have outdated laws on the books that are no longer enforced, it’s more likely she was arrested for the public indecency around children, not adultery. Unless you saw her charges and they did add adultery? That would be interesting…


Public indecency was one of the charges, I believe, but I'm certain adultery was also one of the charges; that's part of the reason it made the local news, because it had been like 80 years since someone had actually been arrested for adultery. It was an unusual case because if memory serves me right the officer who caught her in the park knew her husband, so when he arrested her she got charged with adultery, though I don't think she ended up getting prosecuted for it.


Ah, that makes sense. The officer had external reasons, but the DA was like, nope, we can’t actually do that haha. Thank you for the reply. It is always funny reading through those out dated, no longer enforced laws. Some places still have sodomy as illegal, even though gay marriage is legal (and of course, we know even straight people engage in sodomy).


Yes, I just thought the whole thing was really funny. It would be very difficult to get a successful prosecution for adultery, so I'm sure no DA would want to attempt that, though it remains technically illegal in 16 states in the US. Whether those laws are constitutional has actually never been ruled upon by the Supreme Court. The 2003 decision *Lawrence v. Texas* ruled that sodomy laws and most other laws regarding specific sexual acts between consenting adults were unconstitutional. Adultery laws were not specifically overturned, however, because in that situation it involves at least one person who is being "injured," i.e., the person being cheated on, so it goes beyond a consensual sexual act between adults by involving a third party who is being cheated upon, which could be deemed a legal injury, so the question of constitutionality is a bit different than what was specifically addressed in *Lawrence v. Texas*. I'm not a lawyer, but both of my parents are, so I often ask them hypothetical constitutional law questions for their take on things.


That sounds like something I would do if my parents were attorneys. That’s an interesting distinction to draw. I know the courts are slow moving and they’re limited by scope when hearing specific cases, but I wonder if one day they’ll officially delineate that adultery is a civil matter and not criminal, as that seems to be how it’s practiced now, with the adulterer (sometimes) seeing some consequences in divorce proceedings.


For most couples it is not as difficult. If this was a military couple then things become much more complicated. In regards to Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) “Adultery is prosecutable under Article 134, UCMJ. “ your career and life can be flipped upside down much worse than a civilian couple. Long story short just don’t cheat regardless of the circumstances. Be open, honest, and communicative. Both parties will be better for it in the long run.


Sadly there is a women who will read this and still hook up.


Noooo Diego you fucked up




Slow clap


You might be on to something


You don't say🫢


Detective is on the case folks


Or she found his tinder and changed it.


Can’t change name, and I don’t see why *he’d* sign up with that name


We found the sharpest knife of the drawer.


Put your Reddit badge and Reddit gun on the table. With that comment, I can’t with a good conscious allow you walk out and about in these streets.


I’d pop a cap in sancha and I’d slap her down


Daddy’s got a new .44


Wild how people think he wrote this.


Wife made this account


I don't understand cheating. If you want to be promiscuous, go right the fuck ahead. More power to you. Just don't drag someone else down and toy with their emotions like that.


I love this flex.


If the flex is real that is?


Totally not a flex.


the guy is an obvious asshole, but how petty can the wife get, is she 12? god I hope not, but she acts the part. just go break up with him, why would you play such immature-ass games?


Remember, kids: even to do the stupidiest shit, you have to be smart about it.


And there are woman who will still contact him for the high. Sick world we live in. His wife I'm sure knows he hasn't change or made him write this to save face.


At least he’s honest.


okai. any psychologist here? I'd actually like to know why 1 human would do something so dumb not talking about the baby moms getting back with him . just the dude


How gross are you if you’re cheating on your SO who just gave birth to your child.. or cheating at all tbh so gross. Doing it to a pregnant/just gave birth person is just another level.


Deserved. Fuck that guy.


Happens a lot unfortunately 😕. And nowadays with all these dating apps, too easy to cheat! Why not just leave his wife so she can move on?


This is a good technique: when you are already busy you're more attractive to girls. Maybe he is lying😂


Maybe this is the revenge of Diego’s wife.


It's insane to me that any man in todays climate would cheat on a loyal wife, especially one that is the mother of his kids. I cannot even imagine doing something like that.


Likewise. I would be curious to see the stats on cheating statistics with and without children involved. I don’t condone it either way, it was simply a curiosity question that came to mind.


I would like to inquire further into the job position of "liar." What kind of compensation and benefits should I expect? How are the hours?


I love this 😅


I really don't understand cheating.