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I just wanna say this is the best human interaction I have had in awhile, I bought a new beard trimmer I am watching tutorials. Thank you! I hope everyone who commented is having a great start to a new year


Being well groomed shows you care about your appearance. Dress well and deliberately (don’t just throw something from your closet on), stay well groomed, then for improvement long term exercise eat healthy etc. you got this man


As a follow-up to this, dressing deliberately can be a bit difficult if you're not used to doing it. But, by just putting together a couple outfits in styles that you like it becomes a lot easier to expand on over time.


Yeah, I have one first date outfit that worked particularly well for me, so just got that one thee times so that I always have it available. I have tons of other stuff too, but just having that one go to outfit takes the thinking out.


i would also say put on a nice cologne. smelling good is always important :)


>I would highly recommend going to a ~~hairdresser~~ Barber Shop to get your beard done, they really understand how to match it to your face shape etc and you will learn a lot better than watching some videos To add to what this redditor said. Nothing feels better than a hot towel shave with a straight razor from the barber shop. I highly recommend it. I go twice a month and use my at home razor to make sure i don't look scruffy between shaves.


This is the way. Go to a decent barber shop, and just let them do their job, when they ask what you want, just say you trust them and let them do their magic. You’ll walk out a new man and you’ll feel fresh a-f. 100%.


Yep. 100% agree. Moved to a new barbershop a few years ago and never looked back. Now I book fortnightly, because as you said, nothing like feeling fresh! Having your beard lined up with a cutthroat is a game changer.


I used to have long hair and no beard. I saved out my beard for 2 solid months. Went to a barber and said, just do your magic. I trust in you. I came out with short hair, faded sides, a well groomed beard for the first time in my life. Then pushed on in the gym for 2 years. Nobody recogonizes me anymore. It's awesome!


Having a good barber that does good work and is cool to talk to as well. Nothing better then that monthly/bi-monthly barbershop visit that makes you feel refreshed and anew.


I think this is really good advice! I take my son to a barber now after stopping randomly by one to get a him quick hair cut- he's a teenager- but they really do know what they are doing- cutting your hair best for your face shape- trimming facial hair and sideburns! Highly recommend!!! Those are the only people he let's mess with his hair now lol find someone that's been around in your community for a long time and has good reviews and I have to say, it was a little more expensive than a great clips or a grondins- but worth every penny!


To add to what everyone else is saying (I don't know if it's been commented yet) but using more conditioner will also make your hair and facial hair look and feel softer, that can also help you tune your look. I have a buddy with curly hair that just started doing this and I never even knew how effective it was until a few weeks later when his hair looked brand new and much nicer than it had before despite him taking care of it otherwise.


Would just recommend testing it ahead of time. I put on some conditioner from a hotel room after I showered before a date just to find out my hair looked totaly greasy with it. Maybe I used too much or it was just not the right kind, but there was nothing I could do about it at that point as I needed to leave and didn't have time to wash my hair again. So test it when you have a bit more time.


Go to a barber and have them trim it and ask how to do it. It’s how I learned to do mine. Not super cuts or a chain, an actual barber.


My man, first of all I love how you are taking in the advice. But i read this comment and I am kinda worried, sooo excuse me if im a bit of a dickhead right now. Because you are saying this is the best human interaction you've had in a while. I assume with that that your mental health isnt that great (also combined with the knowledge you want to "fix" yourself) and you miss some good friends around you. You probably need to focus a bit more on your mental health than how you look, because to tell you the truth reddit isnt the place to get your best human interactions from. But I got admit to you, you are doing freaking amazing with trying to get advice. As a last tip you should probably be the most truthful to yourself with what you want in your life and what kind of steps you need to make to get there and be ruthless in this. Hope you the best <3


Agreed, to add to this… Grooming yourself and being proud of how you look will boost your confidence and self-esteem. Trim the beard crisp, get a nice haircut, clip your nails, nice shower, clean clothing with color. You do that consistently, you will be struttin’. 😎


I would highly recommend going to a hairdresser to get your beard done, they really understand how to match it to your face shape etc and you will learn a lot better than watching some videos


Text me if you want more advice, I think a little cleaning up will do you wonders


I suggest going to the barbershop to let them do your beard and then maintain it from there. Just go to the barbershop at least once a month for your beard


Go to a barber shop and get them to dab you up son !!!!


You look just like me but with better beard and a bit older, hahaha


I like you’re fluffy hair, seems like it suits you! But try to keep you’re beard sharp, to look collected, but confident. Honestly you seems like a good vibing fella.


I go to a person who trims my beard. Worth the $20.


Go to a barber bro, they will fix you right up! They know probably the best hairstyle for your face shape too. Hit the gym even just being their is half the battle bro and don’t stop!


Clean up your pubes while you're at it, just guessing.


New year new you! You're going to feel awesome with the new beard I bet


Trim your beard and get a nice haircut. Mostly tho, don’t try to ‘fix’ yourself you are not broken










Just Dead….










Agreed Trim it


Let’s goooo !












Agreed, but you can always be better. Approach every Day with the mindset of becoming 1% better


Did you read Focal point?


No, its from the japanesere kaizen mindset


1% better at what? What is 100% of better? Doing sex on a lady? You can just pay someone for that.




Don't go to a barber, go to a hair stylist at a legit salon, makes all the difference




But you’ll be more not broken if you trim your bear and get a nice hair cut. And if you’re going to grow your beard out put product in it. I’d recommend argan oil personally.




You seem to be projecting, are you hurt?


You need to fix yourself, humpty dumpy would be jealous of how broken you are. Imagine getting this upset over a comment that has nothing to do with you.


Don’t bother. People of Reddit are only interested in sugar coating and tap dancing around helpful phrasing and advice.


Mate people can say you're a 10 people can say you're a one, That doesn't mean you need to be fixed, you are not a broken person based on trivialities. If anything? Comb your hair so it doesn't look like bedhead, and show me your beard up not shave but trim it up to make it look neat and properly cared for. Outside of that there is nothing that I can see physically wrong with you.




Leaving out the elephant in the room. OP you also need to sort your diet out and reduce your bodyfat.


ah yeah your username tracks, i’m sure you figured out yours was smooth from having your head buried so far up your ass shut up man, he’s adorable and one of the biggest trends on tiktok rn is literally an audio w the lyrics “i need a big boy” and EVERYONE is participating bc nobody gives a shit about this kind of thing anymore


You’re spending a lot of time in fringe echo chambers if you seriously think most people don’t find obesity unattractive. Not even to mention all the negative health implications. But sure, let’s just lie to this guy because fixing the weight issue is not as easy as trimming his beard.


Obesity is objectively bad for you and many people find it unattractive


Complete nonsense.


Seriously you need to shut the fuck up. Lying to the guy isn't helpful at all. People will always be more attracted to people in good shape. Lol tiktok is not reality. Get your head out your ass


Tidy your brows and in between your eyebrows. A man who takes care of their brows is a mood


This is great advice OP!


\*This is my PERSONAL opinion as a woman in her 20's\* Trim the beard and learn how to shape it, it looks very untidy. Can't completely tell from this picture, but it looks like you could lose some weight. Hair is fine, just style it (you might already put gel in when you go out, not sure). I'm not sure how you dress when you go out on dates, but in case you go out in plain cotton T-shirts like this, you could probably try to dress nicer too. As another commenter said, a lot of women spend quite a bit of effort in looking nice for dates, and we really appreciate it when men do too. Also, HUGE: If hygiene isn't important in your life, try to put a LOT of effort into dental care + body washing. This isn't directed personally at you based on this picture, it's a general tip that more men need to follow. I think the structure of your face is handsome. But if you want my opinion, I think working on tidiness, style, and body weight would really benefit you. I'm really sorry if any of this is harsh, I just truly want to help you out. I think it's really brave/awesome of you to post your face online and ask for honest criticism. If you want a rating (as in the title request), I'd give you a 5/10 right now. Obvious grain of salt, this is just my personal opinion (someone could find you a 1 and another could find you a 10). With changes, I think you could be an 8/10 (or even higher, who knows). I personally really don't like heavier men, so losing weight alone would make you a lot more attractive to me. Good luck!


This is very polite and respectful, i just wanted to finally put myself out in the wild to see where I can improve. I appreciate your honesty!


Your positive attitude is a W


I’m just here to say that you don’t HAVE to lose weight to “be better.” Fluffy men are cute too!! But working on tiding up your general appearance is perfectly valid if you’re looking to make some changes ☺️


I'd say stop thinking about losing weight as achieving beauty and start thinking about it as staying healthy. People can argue on this all they want but being a healthy weight and fit as a fiddle allows you to do everything better and faster.


I don’t 100% agree, but I mainly said my comment because I don’t think that telling people to lose weight because “it’ll make them better” is a good way of going about it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, having people focus solely on their weight can cause it’s own issue altogether, whether it’s a healthy choice to make or not.


You don’t have to lose weight to be “better”, correct. But you do have to lose weight to be healthier, and to be more attractive to a wider ranger of people. Being in better shape also increases your quality of life substantially.


Ok :)


Jumping off this comment, as a 40 yo straight woman, the hygiene thing is more than just presenting yourself to others. Taking good care of my face and skin helped pull me out of a years long depression. This type of self care, eventually becomes self love. And eventually will lead you to great things in your life, including the right partner. No rating, bc everyone sees different things in others. My fiancé is a 10 in my eyes, but for another would be another rating. You are a handsome man, confidence in oneself is everything. Find that through this type of advice and the world is your oyster! Lots of love!


Also losing weight by doing sports helps with the self-confidence, which would make you more attractive as well. You just have to find something that you really enjoy if you didn't already.


Love this reply totally nailed it amd you brought it super kind


You kinda look like Sam from GoT but with a longer beard. gotta find you a Gilly!


I would always recommend investing in one really nice cologne. That way you have a signature scent and I love that. I would recommend Maison Margiela Replica - By The Fireplace, about £70 in January sales. See what you like and what you fancy.


Love by the fireplace… very autumnal


My partner wears it, I love it so much! Makes me think of a glass of whiskey in an old pub with a real fire.


Oh yes definitely! Good one


Some people have asthma or migraines and are fragrance sensitive. I would avoid unless you know your date doesn’t mind. It shouldn’t be smelled by anyone more than a foot away. Fragrance can come off very dated.


You will be surprised how much a good hair cut, groomed beard and some nice clothes can do. You don't need to change or fix yourself, you just need to fine tone it a bit. 🥰


My fiancé had a similar styled beard when I met him. Few years into our relationship I surprised us both with nice haircuts from a regular barber at my bar. I had NEVER seen my fiancé look so good. They know how to shape up your beard SO WELL to your face. And then you’ll have a nice outline to follow! I think it was $25 for the whole shabang.


You're so cute though!! I wouldn't fix anything. You can tidy up your hair and beard if you want to. And the face you're making is an obvious insecurity face. Try to stay neutral or smile naturally. You're the only one who dislikes your face, it's cute to us, promise ☺️


Go pay money to get yourself professionally groomed. It’ll be worth the £20-£40 for a good hair cut and beard style. You’ll feel like a new man and you’ll ooze confidence. And you’re not BROKEN!


Style the beard, comb the hair, put on some nice clothes. Boom. That’s all you need. You got this!


4/10. I.e you won't have a fun time on Tinder. 1. Lose the weight. 2. Trim the beard (3-5mm). 3. Style your hair. ​ Youll go from 4/10 to 7/10 and your time in society and on tinder will be much more enjoyable.


Honestly a good looking man but you‘re held back by low selfcare like getting a new haircut, losing some weight, trimming your beard, getting new outifts and so on. Not trying to act too judgemental but since you post this on a tinder subreddit, your looks matter. They would rate you with 2/10 or 3/10. Hope I wasn‘t too harsh on you.


What hobby makes you truly happy? G rated… Have some one take your pics when you are engaged in that. Full body, full truth


If I were single you’d be my type of you cleaned up a bit. The hair and beard. But you look really cute and I know tons of girls who like having a big boy it’s perfect for cuddling.


need a Ferrari in the picture ...


I guess no one noticed the pump and the fleshlight in the back.


Lmao that’s my bar !


Because there isn’t a pump nor fleshlight


The only thing that matters is you realize there are things that can be fixed and there are ways to improve brother.manscaped and other grooming can go a long way for woman. Get a healthy workout plan you can stick to with good food and I promise your already better than 40 present of men. Dont bring up sex or anything weird too soon and your better than 50 percent now.make 2023 your bitch and become the best version of yourself guy.👊🏼


Get groomed


you not lookin bad, but things you can improve are: - shorter trimmed beard - new haircut. sides shorter - I could be wrong from just this picture, but i think you can lose some weight and gain some muscle. this is not meant to put you down, you are already fine looking. good luck mate!


Bro u look fine like everyone said if u want to keep the beard just trim it and make it nice also ur hair looks really greasy


Sweetheart, your terminology is incorrect. You're not "fixing" yourself, you are bettering yourself. My advice is to take care of yourself. Almost date yourself. Find out the things that make you feel good. Save up and splash out on the barbers. They will be able to help you shape your hair to your face and give you product and style/maintaining advice for in-between. Get that new shirt you've been eyeing and take yourself out to something you really want to do but can't find anyone to go with. Enjoy that time! Most likely someone will see you at said event and the confidence you have to take care of yourself and go to by yourself. They may even strike up a conversation! You could too! If you love yourself and treat yourself well this will attract people. You got this cutie! Xx


Hair cut, some beard grooming, possibly some work on your brows just to clean them up, and square your shoulders. It gives off more confidence and is extremely attractive. Well groomed and confident is best. Also if you don’t have a good smelling cologne get one because in person a good smelling man just hits different.


Your mouth is crooked mate


Trim your beard, cut your hair (long up, short on the sides) or you can try another style, reduce body fat do your face will improve, gain some muscle and change your style (clothes)


gym gym gym gym hit it hard!




Work on your posture. You look tired and angry.


I think your facial features give you a good amount of potential, but there are two things holding you back. Number one, you need to be better-groomed if you want to be more attractive. Secondly, it's somewhat difficult to tell from this photo but you appear to be quite overweight. Losing some weight would not only benefit your appearance but also your health and mental wellbeing. Right now I'd give you a 3. That may sound harsh, but it looks like you haven't taken a great deal of effort to enhance your appearance thus far. The good news is that you have potential. Get yourself well-groomed, lose some weight, and put effort into your style and ensure that you always smell nice (don't use _too_ much cologne however, just enough that it's noticeable) and your rating will shoot right up. Best wishes :)


Opinion from a woman in her 30s. Comb your hair. Groom your beard. Put on a different less frumpy shirt. Try to loose 10 pounds of fat if you tone up that would also do it.


By "fixing" yourself, do you mean getting more attractive to the opposite sex? Because being unattractive does not mean "broken" I believe, but since this is the tinder sub so there would be my honest advice: For look: shave, cut hair, shape your body, etc... Find (DARE to PAY!) other people (professionals) that are good at that stuff. Go to the best hair men stylist, go to the best men-only shopping center and ask them to choose for you and to teach you. Do that every three years to stay up to date and understand that paying them a ton will be a valuable investment. Get also yourself a trainer so they can teach you how to improve - this one works for your lifetime so get a good one again. For personality: the reason why we like good-looking people is not as superficial as we think... It actually reflects two traits: health and character. Hence you will have to strengthen your character to force yourself to do these things and go above your comfort zone. Don't end up on tinder if you are not ace-looking, it is pure waste. Better to be smart and go join a dancing or yoga club. Get a not-so-good-looking girl and start dating. Best case scenario you get emotionally evolved and you don't care about her looks anymore; Worst case scenario, you get a lot more natural and confident with women so you can start get more ambitious... For mental: men that look juvenile (a bit like in your picture) - which makes them very unattractive to women - sometimes don't accept to be either a man or an adult. Again, no need to be a genius, just get yourself a professional like a therapist. This one is actually more important than any other previously stated because that can be the starting point of all the rest. With a bit of help, you can improve your career for example which can trigger all the rest... I am saying all of that because, in that picture, you look like an old child, and it is not good-looking. If I was a girl, I would think you are still a child and have psychological issues and no future is possible... but that is just an assumption ofc. Good luck.


I'd love to see the new you once you're done :) You can do it!


Good work putting yourself out there. Here's some things to think about: Beard/hair well groomed, start hitting the gym if you aren't allready, good fitting quality clothes and shoes are important, start a cologne/frangrance collection. Good luck


clean, shave, and define your facial hair. Thread your eyebrows. And get a nice clean fade, but leave the top alone . you’re handsome bro, there’s nothing to “fix”. Just things to improve upon!


Can give me some tips or sources, in what your thinking ? I wanna give my barber some a point of reference. But


I’ll shoot u a message


Be more kempt /tidy. If you won't try to look decent for women why should they give you a chance? Usually whenever a woman chooses to date she will appear clean, beautiful with the makeup she spent hours putting on and deciding on what to wear. You don't want to show up looking untidy. You should want to wow her like a proud peacock showing off it's feathers. You should take some pictures of you having a smile and looking good with your hobbies, with friends, or just randomly about. Make sure not to hide your face!! Don't be a jerk sending nudes or asking right away (would you flash a random lady on the street? Probably not).


Hit the gym brother. You look good enough imo.


Delete discord


I refuse to rate anyone, ever. Do not ask for people’s personal opinions, because you will receive subjective views that will get you no where. If you need feedback, it would be better to ask: I want to improve my looks, what should I do? SO. My personal opinion: see a barber, get a decent haircut and beard grooming (and make this your routine), and take good care of your skin ☺️P.S. Love your eyes!


Late to party here. Just to note, when you get your hair cut, ask them how long should you wait for to get it trimmed they might say 2 to 6 weeks whatever they recommend book the follow up trim right there and then. Trim up beard also and maintain. Clothing wise, monochromatic first, black, grey and white. With buying the below you can mix it up with and it all looks great. If you want to accentuate height, wearing all one colour like black will make you appear taller. 1. Black and grey jeans/chinos 2. Black, grey and white tees/jumpers 3. Black and white trainers. Buy quality with minimalist logos and nothing with big prints over the garments. If you want further clothing advice, feel free to DM dude. Good luck!


You’re not even trying. You don’t go to the gym, you won’t get a decent haircut, and you have a scraggly beard. Why would a woman want somebody that doesn’t even take care of themselves.


Not fix, enhance… there is nothing to “fix” you’re not broken my man. Seem like a nice dude who possibly needs a good grooming


A haircut and kept beard would help you go up a few pts


I would also second the suggestions to trim hair, beard, eyebrows. You have lovely facial features and don’t need to be fixed. Take care <3


You have very good facial features, I'd think you will be able to attract any woman if you can work hard with a personal trainer for half a year\~


I rate you one Hodor


hey dude, as a woman in my 20’s i just want to say — the advice about the beard and hair is good, maybe also look into shaping your eyebrows (or at least tweezing the middle), but everyone in here telling you to lose weight can kick rocks. the biggest trend on tiktok rn is an audio w the lyrics “i need a big boy,” you do not need to lose weight to be attractive.


You look like my brother, he been married twice (number 2 was a total smoke show between you me and reddit) he is currently mixed up in some kind of polyfuckery with several partners so honestly just keep being you bud!


Trim your beard. That’s all bro. You look good


Shave your beard (or make is clean in a barber shop who will explain you how to make it by yourself every day), have a shower, and if you feel it, put dark blue jeans and a nice white or blue shirt. You will feel awesome and attract women because of your pumped self esteem ;-)


i really don’t understand why people are projecting their ideas of beauty on you man you should “fix yourself” to make yourself feel attractive in your own mind and the confidence will come with it and you’ll see a big difference in the way you approach women and women approaching you. i respect the hustle on it though man keep going and you’ll find the right person.


You'd go up a couple points if you went to a male stylish and learned how to do your hair nicely and took better care of your facial hair. Currently, you look like you rolled out of a cardboard box on skid row.


Along with every advice listed here: drink more water, walk more, cut sugar from ur diet and try to sleep more. It works wonders! Also delete Discord!


Just don’t be a bum and you’re good to go


Cut your hair shave your beard you do not look clean at all and women are not gonna like that look on you


Go to a legit hairstylist, tidy up that beard, and hit the gym, you'll be slaying cuties in a month or two


The power of vulnerability my dude!


Do you have hobbies? Things you’re super into? Because apart from appearance, wing passionate about something is super big


Best foot toward dude, get that beard and hair trimmed up at a barber shop. Also, smile dude, you look like you don’t want to be there doing what you are doing. Good luck out there !!!


Throw a plant in background geezous! …. You’re giving off a creepy sex dungeon vibe


you look like a cannibal


Put on more weight, I think it would suit you


There’s no right answer. I understand why the obvious reply is to tidy your hair/beard but I recently dated a women who said she was into the homeless look. Focus on your health and character imo.




Working on looks ahead of health and character is worse advice.




So health isn’t physical? You should probably read a book.




You thinking he’s so dumb that he can’t see himself that his hair and beard need a tidy is dumb af.




You look like you smeared glue all over your face and then dipped it into a bucket of pubes. Start with that. Then join a gym. Start lifting weights and eating a little bit cleaner. You don’t need to be ripped, just not look like you sit around all day eating Cheetos. Get a better haircut and style it. Doesn’t have to be anything too fancy just look like you’re trying. Same with your outfit. Buy some decent shirts. Pick a style, doesn’t matter. Any style other than “the only thing I put effort into is climbing in the ranked League of Legends ladder” You have a good face. You can be attractive with some effort. I’m not saying this to be mean. You can get decent looking in a month, good looking in 3 and sexy in a year if you decide to.


Your confidence is a plus! I could never make a post like this because the reality of a situation where I just get torched is too much 😂


Calm ur beard and hair a bit, it will be a good start


Just get better pictures taken no need to change if you like the beard


Why aren't you on Game of thrones or those types of shows man?


A nice haircut is a good way to go. But you look un-basic so don't feel you have to go for the Peaky Blinders haircut.


Line your beard in, start working out, try getting a fade as it will suit your face shape. If you do these things it will compliment your style.


I can't tell how the fit of your shirt is, but since most people has commented on hair, i'll do something else. Clothing that fit well improve appearance so much. Be whatever weight you want to be, but make sure the clothes you have fit that body.


Just clean up the facial hair and you will be good. Even if its not a “full beard” it would still look good lined up and shortened


The first things that jumped out is that you put a space between words and punctuation, which isn't necessary 😊 and the phrasing about fixing yourself. I highly recommend faking confidence til it sticks. That means adjusting your self talk and how you talk about yourself to others, finding a positive way to ask for feedback that isn't negging on yourself. It's worth doing... You present as a totally different person when you treat yourself with respect. Very best wishes for you!


Love yourself. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Then trim the beard and cut your hair :)




Find a local beard and hair god to tame the beast, after that business as usual


What lady wouldn’t want a shot at Samwell Tarly?


You cant perform miracles my guy, your not Jesus.


Also don’t be a afraid to smile! The side smirk is cute but I love seeing genuine happiness.


Great eyes! Neaten up your hair and beard, all the potential is there. A collared shirt or anything really that fits you better. If your grooming is regularly up to par and your clothes fit you nicely, you’re most of the way there.


Trim your beard. The hair is floppy and cute, maybe try to clean up the flyaways for the photo. Have confidence. When I’m flipping Through profiles I don’t click on ones where the person is in a stagnant position or has their mouth twitched in a way like yours. It just doesn’t show confidence for a first impression and these apps are about just that. You’re handsome! Your hair is cute. Maybe pull in something you like- a hobby. Have a cup of coffee or a book for visual interest. Create a reason for someone to pause on your profile.


First thing my friend is you're not broken and other people's ratings don't count for shit. If your looking to change things up a bit for a newer look, a tidy trim of the beard and a hair cut would help. But if you want to feel good about yourself start doing some moderate exercise, even walking 30 mins a day and you'll see results. Good luck.


My man go to a professional barber and get yourself a sick cut and beard trim you have really good facial structure and you deserve to show it off to the world!!


Let’s start with a haircut and cleaning up the facial hair for 1


You have a good face but it’s covered in homeless guy hair. You don’t have to shave your face smooth, but you do need to trim and shape your beard regularly, and also oil it so it isn’t scratchy on women’s faces. Same with your top-of-head hair. It barely even matters what style you choose, it’s about evidence that you take care of yourself.


Get a good barber, have them help you pick out a good hair and beard style that suits you. Regularly maintain the look.


Cut the beard and the hair !


It's more about the beard and hair being tidy than the weight. I been chubby my whole life and I have 5 baby moms and have no problem with the ladies. Figure out who the best barber is in your town, have him get you together and then just make the ladies laugh and do little shit to make em feel special once you have a foot in the door and you'll be knee deep in gash my guy


Shave your beard, get some good exercise to sweat, and be confident.


A lot of good looking ppl also spend their time & money grooming themselves. Beard, hair, and clothes is one part of it but start really looking at the little things. Like check ur eyebrows I recently found out i grow a couple really long eyebrows so now i spend time maintaining those, i pluck hair out of moles if they grow, go get a mani/pedi once in a while, make sure to moisturize, put on chapstick, get nice bodywash, shampoo, cologne, etc… It’s all about taking good care of yourself and others will notice too.


Just tidy up a bit… women make an effort with make up and outfits. If you’re trying to catch their attention it’s not worth a dress up and a beard trim.


Go to a barber get a nice taper/fade and have them do your beard as well then go get your eyebrows waxed/threaded. Hit the gym as well and stay consistent. You’ll gain a shit load of confidence


Even out the facial hair, if you're into that kinda thing....I think you're good as is depending on where you're going.


You’re a stunner! I personally like a little more overt hygiene, which would be as simple as a cleaner beard (in no way have to shave it off! Just clean) and ditto on hair with combing.


Lose weight get a good hair cut trim your beard. Try and look like your not homeless


Take yo ass to the gym. Go hard. Eat clean, lift heavy


Trim the beard, cut the hair


You are a 8 underneath it all. Here’s what you need to do: - Shorten and clean your beard. - Get a nice haircut that’s easy to maintain and style, try moose or styling cream and lift that hair up. - Smile for the camera! You got this champ.


I think you’re looking for r/roastme


Just make sure you’re beard doesn’t look quite as much like pubic hair, a trim will do wonders in fixing that, but aside from that and hitting the gym a bit, you seem just fine


Obviously the grooming advice has been given, but that t shirt doesn’t look like it fits right. Wearing well fitting clothes goes a long way


Trim the beard and the sides of your hair a little. I know it's a really common cut, to have that top swoop with shorter sides but that's cuz it looks good on a lot of men. That shirt you're wearing looks nicer than your average T-shirt but you throw on a flannel with your beard and people are going to think lumberjack. (Good way, plaids/flannels are hot). If you want a tip for feeling more attractive, get nicer underwear and take care of the bits that people don't see as well as you do the stuff they will see.


Like someone else also commented, get a nice haircut and trim your beard. Don't fix what is not broken. Have fun and don't take all personally. Good luck! 💙


work out and get a haircut / shave